Awareness Alert: User for 5 days, appeals to the authority of his "dad" who "worked in the industry for 25 years" ... to debunk the Michigan reactor shutdown coinciding with the redditor's report.

62  2012-06-15 by [deleted]

Here's the comment.


Here's what you need to think about every time you read a comment by someone whose name you don't recognize in this subreddit from now until the end of all time - this subreddit was invaded last week and is being compromised and controlled.

This is your attention alert. You people who've been regular commentors here need to set aside your differences, stop trying to beat each other up over ideological trivialities, stop bickering over which group of elitist thugs is going to clobber us all next, and get down to some no holds barred participant evaluation.

There are people right here in your midst telling you (and everyone else) what to believe... using YOUR SUBREDDIT to tell everyone what to believe... using YOU to tell everyone what to believe.

You're being played like never before, r/conspiracy.

And I'm now (after this post) in full spectator mode.


p.s. to the author of that comment (user for five days): So... Your dad worked in the nuke industry? Well, my dad was a clinical psychologist. So, believe me when I say that you appeared here with an agenda.


The submission title was: "5 days ago a a redditor detected [...]"

The username in question was created: 5 days ago

[emphasis mine (but it should be yours as well)]

It can be a coincidence. I've been creating new accounts for the past few weeks (I hate when someone is sniffing into what I said).

However, I agree with the fact that his "dad" is probably just an invention and reddit has been compromised (censorship everywhere, paid shills, frontpage full of shit). But the story of OCDtrigger is probably full of shit. His last post does not make any sense. Since when do you arrest someone to stop him from telling the truth on the internet and let him his phone ? And if there really was a coverup, TPTB would have suppressed the post on /r/politics without remorse.

From what I understand, this story was aimed at discrediting conspiracy theorists and see what reaction the reddit community would have when there is a post like this.

PS : Bad english, my bad. Not native!

well my friend was arrested and in back.of squad car and used his phone when he forgot his insurance card...he called me up and told me where it was and i brought to the station and saved his i see it as totally possible.

Why was your friend arrested ? It makes all the difference. You see, if someone is arrested for an accident or something minor, they don't care about a phone.

But in the case of OCDtrigger, the police would have to find where he lives first. And if you want to silence someone, the first thing to do is to take away all means of communication... The police would certainly have received orders to stop him from doing this.

And even if they "forgot" to take his phone, why didn't OCDtrigger send a mail or facebook message with a picture of his situation (as a proof or something) instead of posting a to the same website that led him to get arrested ? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever...

Reddit has become some kind of lab where you post something sensationalist and observ the reaction of thousands of people. Cheap, fast and really efficient way of playing with people without even giving your real identity...

Ah good point . I see your point now.

I just want to throw in my opinion: Radiation from space (solar) set the detectors off, then government folks with geiger counters went looking for radiation sources. Gov scientists determine it was solar and then the gumbahs with geiger counters report a trivial leak at a reactor site. What I mean is I think the trivial reactor leak was found when they did not know of the solar origin and were looking all over the place for a source.

This could all very well be an accurate account of what happened (I've addressed it below). However, my point here is about the very pointed purpose of the account which made the comment linked above.

  • Username created within 24 hours of that reddit post going viral.

  • In less than four days, that user managed to find their way to r/conspiracy to find that specific post and made that specific comment (tl;dr: hey guys, believe me, my dad worked in nukes for a while. I've heard stories. sometimes crazy shit happens. but you need to ignore this one. trust me.)

That having been said, with reference to what the actual event circumstances were, I'm still waiting for a verdict and not ready to jump to any conclusions.

Occam's razor may be a reason to investigate in one specific direction (e.g., is your mundane, non-sensational account actually what happened? it seems plausible enough). But, it's not a valid justification to stop investigating, period, and start dismissing other avenues of inquiry. Like...

If this user (ref'd above) didn't come here with an agenda, then... why all of the rest of that (created day after event, found their way here, posted that comment to trivialize the whole thing - in under five days)?

If it's nothing to be concerned about, why the race to cover it up (five days to even find r/conspiracy for a "normal" user would be unusual by itself, without all of the rest of that).

Also, HomegrownTerran is celticagent.

First time I've laughed at a reddit comment in days.

I've never refused to openly acknowledge any/all of my alternate usernames (going back almost 3 years). That having been said, celticagent ain't mine, brah.

lol no

LoL! On r/ - he's an expert. 116 people are total pigeons.

On r/ - he's an expert shill. 116 people are total pigeons also shills.


This is pure speculation, but I doubt the 116 people are all shills. I think maybe like 20 are, they upvote him to make it seem like others agree with him. And because of that, people mindlessly upvote him without giving it a second thought. Kind of like how people who "seed" there tip jars usually get more tips, than those who just show up with an empty jar.

Also notice how that comment is formatted. Usually people will just skip over a wall of text because tl;dr. But its formatted in chunks so its easy to read, so more people would give it a chance. And notice the random use of informal language. Makes it seem like an everyday poster right? And the randomly uppercased words. They pop out at just the right moments and gives some veracity to his claims, while making it seem like a casual user.

And lastly the whole story overall. Its ridiculous, and written like a novel. Also why waste time making a wall of text to reply to a sentence? It reminded me of a very long book, or report (900 pages+) that was released by the government in order to prove that the Roswell incident was just weather balloons.

This is pure speculation, but I doubt the 116 people are all shills. I think maybe like 20 are, they upvote him to give him to make it seem others agree with him. And because of that, people mindlessly upvote him without giving it a second thought. Kind of like how "seed" there tip jars usually get more tips, than those who just show up with an empty jar.

[emphasis mine]

I was IamLordSidious. I have actually proven that less than 10% of the total votes are necessary to seed the process (technically, I proposed it to some other people who proved it - they ended up only shilling less than 2% of the total votes, once the hivemindlessness took over and sent it to the top of the front page).

So, yes, I agree fully that there is a significant likelihood that this was gamed in the fashion you describe (my earlier statement was a "reddit comment" tit-for-tat to drama_bomb's drama bomb).

I'm not saying it isn't possible that he is but why is everyone with a different opinion instantly a shill?

I don't think it necessarily has to do with the opinion, more the circumstances and timing.

circumstances and timing.

  • 10 days ago, r/conspiracy's subscription rate spiked in a noticeable amount, for a noticeable period of time.

  • 5 days ago a redditor reported something related to a nuclear reactor in Michigan.

  • also 5 days ago, the author of that comment (linked above) created their account.

  • yesterday, that account made that comment, in that post about that 5 day old event, and....

  • got twice as many votes as any other comment on the page, (despite this subreddit being somewhat anti-nuke leaning)

tl;dr: An account being created on that day, making that comment in that post yesterday, in this subreddit, and getting that many votes = every single item raises a red flag of suspicion, even if you're not extremely paranoid about this stuff (HBGary, US Military, CIA/FBI/MI5/MI6/Mossad, etc. infiltration).


A few days ago, someone posted a video of this magician who used the art of subliminal implantation to perform a magic trick (it involved Page 14 of the Daily Mail and a word on the page). Someone find it and post a link. Because, I also noticed this...

The very first sentence tells you to believe this guy. It's exactly what that video (of the magician, referenced above) is about:

look, you don't have to believe me,

It doesn't matter that he said "don't", because it was separated by more than one word - the words "believe me" are insulated by two words of separation "have to". Watch that video. You'll see that they can even do this with words otherwise deemed incomprehensible typos and/or gibberish, inserted into otherwise normal sentences. The logic of the language structure is irrelevant if you can work in the right phrases of influence. Despite the words written in the comment, the actual message is: "Believe me because my dad... " and once shilled a few dozen votes, it becomes a snowball effect of mindless agreement "with this guy's dad" because it seems wholesome or whatever.

Isn't that last part you mentioned suggestive language or NLP?

Now listen to me. This subliminal suggestion is just a silly rumor. I'm telling you, take it from me, you don't want to pay attention to foolish notions. I was captain of my high school football team for five years. I know what's good for you. Now just relax. That's good. There is no NLP, there is no conditioning of the public. No need to waste your time on useless questions. Take it from me. Now get some rest. Sleep. Sleep.

Everything is somehow better now. I feel so comforted and warm.

10 days ago, r/conspiracy's subscription rate spiked in a noticeable amount, for a noticeable period of time.

Out of curiosity, what makes you think all people newly subscribing to this subreddit are 'shills'?

With the changes they've made to the subreddit listing, it makes it easier to browse, and as I was thumbing through, I found this.. and figured I'd give it a look.

I read the post in question, and did you consider perhaps it got the upvotes for merely being well thought out? Do I buy his story of his 'Dad working at a plant'? No. Just like I didn't believe the story of that one kid down the street who said his Dad was just won a million dollars on the price is right*

I'm all for conspiracy theories, and other paranoid tangential connections. But, at the same time you need to also use logic, and common sense. Would a 'radiation leak' really be covered up after the fiasco in Japan? Does the original post (the one about the redditor noticing a radiation spike) make any logical sense? Perhaps it got the upvotes for being a logical reply to an unnecessary sensationalist post.

But, then again.. maybe /r/conspiracy just isn't for me. If I'm not welcome, I will take my leave. But, that's just my two cents. Take it, or leave it.

*Completely fictional encounter, but we all know 'that kid'.

Out of curiosity, what makes you think all people newly subscribing to this subreddit are 'shills'?

I didn't say that.

Would a 'radiation leak' really be covered up after the fiasco in Japan?

Considering the fiasco in Japan is still being covered up, ... I think: yeah, a 'radiation leak' would be covered up.

Is there any way that someone could create a "trusted users" database? Even if it's something as simple as a username, it might go a long way.

Of course this is coming from a long-time lurker, and a rare contributor... Might sound a bit too "Big Brother" ;)

Better to keep the database within our minds. If you're around enough, you know the people who are always here. When new names pop up, check their history, pay attention, and develop the trust on your own. But always be wary.

Edit: extra words.

Yeah, I suppose self-vetting is important, but most of you guys are so busy researching said conspiracies, that it kind of sucks that you need to research the people you're discussing them with. I lurk here because I was heavy into the Occupy thing, and I always find it interesting when something that is dubbed as a conspiracy is accepted by the public several months later. I enjoy seeing patterns emerge, and I like hearing about strange happenings.

It's truly unfortunate, but wholly expected, that infiltration, propaganda, and misinformation is something that this community has to deal with.

Each of us brings our own unique input to this subreddit. I rarely, if ever, post links, because I don't surf other websites (for various and sundry reasons - mostly, though, that reddit serves its purpose as an aggregator exceptionally well). I get news here. I rarely bring news here. My input is in the discussion section.

So, getting to the point... link-contributors aren't necessarily interested in who the latest batch of trolls and shills are. They just post and move on. Commentors (like myself) and lurkers (like yourself) have more time (and, presumably, spare brain cycles) to deal with the social aspects of this specific medium (i.e., keeping tabs on the shills and trolls).

I have a pretty strong "territorial defense" philosophy here, as well... Many of us in this subreddit are here because we can't find what we're looking for in mainstream reddit (or mainstream media)... we're shunned into this little niche subreddit where we can be safely ignored.

Well, when they start invading the space they've allotted us, it gets under my skin a little. Because then it's no longer our little space to do our thing... it's our little cage where they can poke, prod, tease, and torment us.

But, I agree with you 100% that this community needs to adapt to this somewhat unique set of circumstances. I'd rather this be our safe haven, than have it be our cage.

That makes a lot of sense.

You're extremely intelligent and well-spoken.

Have you ever thought about going into politics? /s

The first was sincere. The second sarcasm :P I was hoping the line break would clarify that, but you can never really tell anymore.

See I'm on such a weird side of this. I think most of what OCDTrigger said is a fallacy, but I also don't believe that guy's "my dad" story at all. Where do I stand?!?

I haven't made up my mind about the event, itself, yet. I'm still letting the info roll in. However, I do have a "big picture" objective assessment that embraces what you're saying.

I do not think that OCDTrigger fabricated a hoax.

However, I do think that OCDTrigger, once hitting the front page, kinda lost focus and control of their initial report. "Instant Internet Celebrity" isn't handled well by some people. And with a username like OCDTrigger, I can see how they might be just such a person (OCD can screw up a wet dream, so I can see how it might screw up internet recognition, too).

I think OCDTrigger may have secretly hoped it would turn out to be something like "saving the world from nuclear disaster" (we all have delusions of grandeur from time to time, and - as referenced above - someone with OCD dealing with internet fame, might get just a little too focused on that "hope").

So, I think OCDTrigger is being cast in an unfavorable light intentionally (or maybe incidentally) as a result of the event itself, despite their initial good intentions in reporting the incident.

OCDTrigger milked it a little? Sure. Fabricated it? Nope. It happened. OCDTrigger simply made decisions on which leads they were willing to follow from the massive inflow of subsequent information - choosing to follow those with the most potential for sensational impact.

Son of nuke dad, on the other hand, is a deliberate fabrication, in my opinion, which raises the question: Why? What's he covering up?

Where do you stand? Probably somewhere out here in skeptic land.

Son of nuke dad, on the other hand, is a deliberate fabrication, in my opinion, which raises the question: Why? What's he covering up?

To me I'm not sure if he's covering something up, as much as he just might not have any idea what he's talking about, which doesn't really settle any of the remaining questions (of the 50 questions OCDTrigger posed, maybe 4 of them were unanswered, which doesn't tell whether or not they actually had an answer.)

I'm just not really sure where to take it at all, I know a bit about science due to my interests in school, but a lot of what OCDTrigger described seemed to just be speculation, and he would ignore most refutation.

OCDTrigger had a huge case of confirmation bias though, and anything that disagreed with his idea of the cover-up, he would pay no attention to, which I didn't like.

I don't think there was a cover-up though, as a lot of his 'evidence' was disputable, and was disputed, and he failed toa rgue on it. And then he started losing control(as you state) and kinda just rambling to get people to keep coming back to his threads. By update 3 things really didn't relate at all anymore to his 1st thread, so it was lost at that point.


I wish there was more to his stories but I unfortunately am only still questioning a few things he said, but I'm having a hard time believing it's because of a conspiracy, and not because he's asking questions with no answers.

I don't really trust Redditors with tales though, sources or bust for me. And I know that creates a lot of posts that will inevitably not be refuted, due to how long it would take to actually come up with enough sources.. But there were plenty of arguments among that thread, and articles I found amongst my own research that didn't really agree with what he had said.

I know I'm being very vague, but I don't know how else to be. When I first read the thread I was really intrigued, and then the second and third killed that for me pretty hard.

lol i just saw this.

thanks for the promotion.

did you bother looking at my post history? oh yeah, i totally shill for /r/bicycle too.

if you dumb motherfuckers ever wonder why you get ridiculed so much, this is it.

i totally shill for /r/bicycle too.

Pals with Pedalpedalpedal, eh? ;)

Do you have an issue with

a) the conjecture in the original post where OCDTrigger 'uncovered' a massive nuclear conspiracy


b) the second thread, which 'proves' a nuclear cover up based on a water leak which the user spun into "RADIATION LEAK".


c) the one day old person who posted about having damning evidence of Monsanto killing bees?

This is hilarious. You can't counter the thorough content of his post so you have to spin up some crap about how a new account couldn't possibly be genuine.

Bit rich for someone who's sockpuppeting right?

btw, traffic spike: most likely from all the spooky shit about the nefarious bilderbergers that's posted here.

He's also a shit nuclear shill if he's trying to promote the cause:

i live within the danger zone of an aging nuclear plant. it's the one my dad worked at, and it's begun making the local paper lately for getting a relatively rare red flag on a NRC inspection. from the stories i've heard, that's the tip of the iceberg. the shit's massively unsafe and it's a matter of time before aging equipment fails. THAT is the coverup, not some release of radiation.

I'm sure the mods are aware of any shenanigans. I'm the mod of several subreddits and I know who is reporting, downvoting, "burying" what. I can unbury anything I want, and I can also ban individuals if they are troublesome.

Bs alert. Mods have no idea who is upvoting, downvoting, burying, or reporting anything. How exactly do you "unbury" a buried post?

I'm the mod of several subreddits and I know who is reporting, downvoting, "burying" what.

Something newly implemented in the last 3 days? I have a mod account too, and haven't heard about this (I haven't logged in to my mod account in a couple days, though. So, it could be legit. But still... I've never heard of such a thing on reddit.)

Me neither. I've been a redditor for many years. I didn't get the memo (if there was one)


Forget to log out of your other account, celticagent?

Edit: Just in case anyone was still apprehensive as to whether or not this subreddit has been infested with paid shills, let celticagent's little "guffaw" stand witness.

We have been compromised and anyone with two active brain cells to rub together, has known this for some time. I'm glad Homegrown has taken a stand on the issue.

I think he was making a funny

Dude shut the fuck up you liar. Why the fuck are you lying about powers that mods have? Anyone can be a mod, you loser. You are not special.

There's this thing called a "Modqueue" that allows you to see all the posts

There is this thing called "shut the fuck up, you provocateuring piece of shit", too.

You're a phony.



Because it's post like yours that make me want to reach through the computer and slap a bitch.

r/ is ABLAZE with how sites have been banned for gaming the system. If you think for one minute that doesn't apply to regular users, you are beyond help.

Please log off of r/conspiracy and google astro-turfing, shilling, disinfo, trolling. Hell, just look up discussion forums 101. Fuuuuck!

Then go, we won't cry for long, we promise. Bye.

This invasion you speak of is from normal people who were drawn here due to the mainstreaming of the Bilderberg conspiracies.

And you're now responding to the person who made this exact point (in the linked post, above) and raked in all the glorious karma for noticing that no brainer.

So, I guess that makes me both wise and observant (noticing the Bilderberg thing - you know, since ContheorySpiracist is my alt), and a paranoid nutcase for noticing a user created on the day of a reported event debunking that event in this subreddit.

So, which is it? wise and observant? or batshit crazy paranoid tinfoil hatter?

On r/ - he's an expert shill. 116 people are total pigeons also shills.