Since when has /r/atheism become a haven for pro-gay propaganda?

0  2012-06-15 by [deleted]

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Because human rights are exploitable.

r/atheism is basically r/antichristian - post anything against criticizing the Jewish religion and it will be buried.

  1. The gay marriage issue brings the older conservatives out to vote. It was part of the strategy in 2004 and it remains a part of the strategy.

  2. Obama coming out in support of it is interesting, just like today he announced that "some illegals can stay!". It seems like a play at regaining some of his "leftist" base. Meh.

  3. Gay rights are, if not directly related, in bed with (he he) Atheism etc. There is not a single argument against consenting adult homosexuality outside of Biblical nonsense, so consider that. The thrust of the anti-gay slant of the culture is Biblical in base.

  4. Moscow is just fucked. I mean, Russia is pretending to be anything but what it frankly, always has been: a mafia run pony show. Just replace communism and breadlines with capitalism and credit cards, the profits still roll uphill to Moscow. Banning pride parades makes sense in their situation - I mean, do a gender analysis of the porn coming out of Russia these days. Yowza.

  5. I am pretty sure that Romney is going to get the 2012 election, and this was decided just shortly ago during Bilderberg. If this is the case, all we have to do is let Obama be a "little too radical" and drive away his centrist support. Dude already alienated his radical support.

  6. I honestly think that "Joe Sixpack" flips out about homosexuality because we, as a culture, are sexually repressed and it fucks us up. Homosexuals force one to consider all sorts of stuff, from the meaning of sex acts to the relative positions of genders, not to mention basic stuff like human sexual urges. Messy stuff. Freaks people out. Also gets them out to vote.

I think most of the people who voted for Obama are severely disillusioned.
It's like finding out that Santa isn't real, only instead of getting presents anyway some dick in a santa suit steals all your stuff and invades your neighbors' chimneys to rain down upon them the gift of freedom and a heaping portion of drone strikes. This makes it hard for the people who voted for the dick in the santa suit to want to vote for him again. By appealing to things democrats feel strongly about he can still get them to vote for him without having to address the smoking rubble in his wake because... well... he's better than the dick in the corporate suit who will do all the same things down your neighbors' chimneys and your own, but who wouldn't be so tolerant of gays, right?

When I talk about not caring about if people are gay to religious people it pisses them off, so therefore I do it.

So making other people angry is the desired result?

That could be a possibility or they are just pro gay rights. I have a Muslim friend that absolutely hates gays, when he starts complaining about them, I start hammering him about it more so than I would a normal person just because he is so hateful about it.

I noticed that too. It has begun a few weeks before Obama declared its support for the LGBT community.

Reddit has become a simple tool of communication for TPTB and no one can deny it (except sheeps I suppose) !

Gotta love the timing of his epiphany.

Would you like to know more ?

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. [...] In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons [...] who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

Since when did supporting equal rights become propaganda?

Loaded question. Let's start with what I wrote. I support equal rights for all people of the world regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation. I believe that every gay person should have the right to marriage and happiness. Propaganda does not imply anything negative, it's just a coordinated effort to change opinions on a social level. It's worked many times over before and it's nearly imperceptible to the casual observer. When the issue is being pushed by the media, politicians and corporations there is almost some sort of nefarious agenda there. Not quite sure what yet, but I sense a shift in the tides of public opinion. Maybe politicians are just finally taking notice of the issue for election reasons, but as a seasoned conspiracy researcher I feel that our elections are a sham, do that isn't the best place to look for our answers as to why. I just question everything. No offense intended towards anyone.

Are you sure that it has to be nefarious? Maybe corporations and politicians look and see that it is bad for them when to take positions that make them look anti-gay. Could it be that they want to do something right and get support for doing so? There does not always have to be some secret motive when dealing with politicians and corporations it could be that they don't want to fight something that will make them look bad in the future. Also what evidence do you have to prove that their is an ulterior motive?

Oh, please go ahead and defend the morals of corporations and politicians some more. Lol.

Could it be that "they" want to do something right?

No. Absolutely not. If you haven't noticed the world is run by a group of savage, warmongering freaks who will stop at nothing to keep themselves relevant. These people are into the occult, whether you want to believe it or not it's true. They think Satan is cool. Literally. You may think I am just kidding, but I can show evidence for these claims. Once we have established this fact, then you will see why I hold my opinions.

Are you saying that there is not a single powerful force in the world that is good and that they worship Satan? I would like to see your evidence because if you are right I would also have to ask why is life worth living when the people in power are all bad and we cant stop them.

Yes, this is very sad but very true. Through years of research, I have found that the power elite, the people who really rule the world maintain an underground criminal network (i.e. secret societies) with heavy occult practices. See the real problem here is that during the course of history, these evil societies have gained a monopoly on power. I can show you the evidence if you really want to see. But I am a little concerned about the comment you made about life not being worth living if our leaders are devil worshipers. This is our struggle as good people. If we allow evil to control us, we are no better than them. All my life I have struggled to find a meaning to everything. This gives me a reason to fight. There are good forces in the world, just not too may left. Every time a good force get anywhere near powerful enough to upset the scales we charge in dropping bombs in the name of human rights. Do you want more?

Can you honestly give an examples of leaders today worshiping the devil?

Listen to this then we can talk more.

Since the beginning; anti-gay in the west is rooted firmly in conservative Judaism and Christianity, the Atheist arch-nemeses.

/r/atheism tends to be in favor of things that fundamentalist christians are against.

Binary opposites.

Atheism is the opposite of theism.

Theists are popularly derided as anti-gay and so the opposite of that would be:

Pro-gay atheist.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

what propaganda?

i don't even know what you mean by that. Maybe you don't either.

"Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position. Propaganda is usually repeated and dispersed over a wide variety of media in order to create the chosen result in audience attitudes.

As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda, in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence an audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political agenda. Propaganda can be used as a form of political warfare."

"Conspiracy theories are a form of pseudo-intellectualism that are aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position. Copy-pasting from dictionaries is usually repeated and dispersed over a wide variety of media in order to create the chosen result in audience attitudes. This is generally seen as an appropriate way to avoid answering a question with logic. As opposed to impartially providing information, conspiracy theorists present vast amounts of meaningless information information primarily to overwhelm an audience with bullshit. Conspiracy theorists often present facts selectively (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or use loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a baseless state of uncertainty and paranoia."

There's quotation marks around it so that means that I win.


Ok..Ok.. you caught me, darn. So, I'm actually with the CIA as I'm sure you know. We are threatened by all of the truth you know. It's too much truth.

The point is you are not a part of this community and your opinion is unimportant.

Yes, can't have anyone attempting to challenge anyone here.

Gotta follow the hive mind mentality or your opinion is unimportant apparently. Ignoring and writing off other viewpoints, I guess that's /R/conspiracy for you. Just ignore any dissenting thoughts .


The gay agenda is being pushed for one simple reason. To destroy any remnants of the traditional values of American. Sounds dumb...but follow the money. The same people who funded the feminist movement are behind the gay one. Zionisms goal is to undermine everything. Divide and conquer.



Can you honestly give an examples of leaders today worshiping the devil?