
14  2012-06-18 by [deleted]

Problem: shillsshillseverywhere.jpg There are shills currently assaulting the sub.

Solution: Install RES (reddit enhancement suite). Hover over commenter username, viola: age of account.

Stop replying to new users. Completely. If the account is less than a week/month old, it is likely a shill. You can then investigate further in their post history. Obviously some people use rolling accounts because tinfoil, but these people should be obvious from their post history and content.

Mark all new account comments with Redditor for x days

What does r/conspiracy think?


RES is at best a temporary band aid. Newer, troll-resitant mediums for communication need to be invented. Reddit must become obsolete.

It's been obsolete for quite awhile.


Dissenting opinions with well reasoned arguments are always welcome.

Relentless, shameless lying is not.

...not when so many lives are at stake.

I am all for freedom of speech, but I would rather somewhere free from tards such as yourself.

personally i can spot a shill by the nature of the comment... but i agree, the shill infestation has gotten markedly worse in the last month or so.

RES for the lazy.

Awesome job, had it installed for months never realized it done that :)

Great work

Great work secret agent,that way they think our throwaway accounts mean something.

I do believe RES makes it even easier to track what redditors are doing and looking at. I don't trust it. This seems like a plug.
Really, I kind of think reddit, being involved with multinational conde nast, is another data gatherer like facebook, except it is much more specific. every up vote, downvote, comment noted to make a complete profile of an online individual, which can later be tied to any real person they want. I don't trust it, G's.

I agree.

And talking with shills is good for practice...what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

the tactic that works best against shills is to reply that they are helping to convincing you even more - thanks to their insults, ridicule and other tactics. you'll notice they leave you right alone after that. it's the opposite of what they are there to do.

While you can spot the shill, the average user of this sub cannot. That person will surf in, see the "top" post explaining the situation away with some stupid narrative, and then just forget the outrage.

My point is that shills don't convince the hardest of the core, but everyone else gets fucked.

This seems like a plug.

That makes me some kind of inception shill. I like it. :D

If you tag accounts as "redditor for x days" then it's only correct for one day.

You sir, are a fucking genius! Brilliant idea.

I don't think a new user who disagrees with you is necessarily a shill. I'd still reply to them, but if their followup responses aren't interested in facts or learning something new... then maybe it's a shill.

My account is 4 months old and I had people calling me a shill when my account was really new. It kinda pissed me off to be honest. That's not how you bring new people into the fold.

I don't think a new user who disagrees with you is necessarily a shill. I'd still reply to them, but if their followup responses aren't interested in facts or learning something new... then maybe it's a shill.

This is something experienced Redditors need to do as well. Often times there's a confirmation bias with pretty questionable sources, where people have their minds completely closed to the idea of learning something new whether they're learning something new for or against their beliefs.

You have my internetz

Hey I know half of this sub hates me, so if anyone wants me to message them so they can ignore me that's cool.

I'm a shill so, better to get it out of the way now than to get frustrated with my shill-tactics.

Hey, my apologies about the other day- saying who has the time to make antithetical comments to every post - I didn't know about your personal situation. I appreciate the clarification. Devils advocate/requiring sound sources should make arguments even truer, bringing out the verisimilitude of the subject.

Care to be more specific about what you mean here? I'm sorry - I'm pretty hazy after I just wake up, can't really recall what specific circumstance you're talking about.

why would someone genuinely waste so much of their personal time arguing with an entire subreddit, near-constantly?

I've explained this numerous times. I waste so much of my "personal time" hanging out on Reddit because I have no choice. I have three different heart conditions and I am locked to sitting in a chair, on my couch, or laying in bed. I literally get no time to do anything, so I spend an enormous amount of time on Reddit.

I sure as fuck can think of better things to do.

Name some better things I can do when I can't leave my apartment. Here's the kicker; it can't include lifting anything more than 10 pounds, or walking around for more than 20 minutes at a time without sitting down.

I'm not a shill, not even close, I just speak out when I disagree with something, and I speak out when it's fairly obvious that someone is simply being ignorant.

I've been retardedly screwed over by the government due to loopholes in the system nearly my entire life due to my medical conditions, so I've had more than enough reason to dislike everything the government does.

But that doesn't mean I let a confirmation bias rule my decision making like so many people here do. Critical thinking is the most important part of figuring out the truth, and if you can't think critically and you can't look at things objectively, you're not searching for the truth, you're just creating fantasies.

Oh so you weren't being sarcastic?

No, not being sarcastic. If I were in a similar situation as yourself I can't say that I wouldn't do the same. Perhaps I would approach what you do in a different way, but the devils advocate of any conversation can be a really valuable person to keep the concepts and those participating honest about their claims. r/cons should try to work out the contradictions in arguments so that truthfulness or truisms can be found. TLDR: Maybe you aren't a "shill".

TLDR: Maybe you aren't a "shill".

Not to my knowledge anyway.

Honestly, I can't say I'm even 100% agreed on either side when I argue sometimes, I just know if I take the devil's advocate approach, I can gain legitimate discussion back and forth.

There's no knowledge to be gained if I can't have any sort of legitimate debate about a topic.

It's been obsolete for quite awhile.