Safe Zones?

12  2012-06-19 by [deleted]

So conspiracy question:Where can we hide from the all seeing eye? Where is the highest chance of survival when Shtf? When the NWO comes where do we go?

Edit: Ive read all your suggestions and got to thinking maybe just being prepared is better than running to any specific place and just to keep my head down and help my community while I can.


If you believe the NWO is going to take over and shit will hit the fan with a massive case of martial law; there is no where you will be able to completely disappear off the grid.

Dig the confidence though, "when the NWO comes" - not if!

If you truthfully want a "place to hide" you should pick a country in southeast Asia, or any non-westernized European country, that's really about it. The U.S. is not a good place to hide if you think you can escape an all-seeing-eye.

The NWO will come. Sure, it's been called other things in the past, but it will come. The British empire brought a NWO. Genghis Khan brought a NWO. Hitler brought a NWO. Every government ever has crossed that totalitarian line, and the U.S. is no different.

U.S. government is the same thing as Genghis Khan and Hitler?

Let's not exaggerate..

All I said was, it is an if statement. There's no guarantees in anything in life. I said "If you believe that, there is no where you can hide." Then all I say is, that he's confident by saying when, and then reiterate that there is no where to hide.

Personally, I have no interest in being in the U.S. - but alas, some things just can't be changed.

If you are planning on going off the grid, the U.S. is not the place to do it. I have no interest in disappearing, but if people (like the OP) are attempting to do so, in the near or distant future, any westernized country is not going to be a good place to do so.

Please don't mistake what I'm saying as an agreement to either side.. I'm simply pointing out there is no guarantee it will or won't happen. To me; it's just "pointing out the obvious" and then giving some tips on what happens if it does come. I don't try to redirect by saying there's no way it will.

When SHTF strive to help people out rather than hiding in the wilderness. They will get you eventually. Running away has never solved anything.


No idea bruh.

All I can say is outside of major metropolises.

Other then that no one knows how it would play out.

Those who say they know are fools.

No one knows.


You can't even get to those places without getting an invitation.

Knowing someone who lives there is the easiest way to get one.

1.5 tanks of gas beyond edge of their suburbs; the extra half a tank is how far the unprepared will be able to walk before exposure gets them, or they get each-other.

  1. Assess your native country (or where ever you live now) and determine the areas most likely to remain sustainable in a collapse scenario.

  2. Move there. Now. Establish roots and connections with that community.

  3. Learn post-world skills: gardening, sewing, cooking, engine mechanics, guns, shelters, etc. These will be worth more than any stashes of gold or silver.

  4. There is a lot more territory on the west side of the US than the east. I think the whole eastern seaboard (assuming you are a Merkan) will be on lock down, in addition to all major cities. Chicago will be especially fucked. NY and the coastal cities have the ocean to bring in supplies - Chicago has some lakes and a totally busted rail system. Then again, Seattle is likely to be more brutally cracked down on due to the local activist/riot community - of course this also plays in our favor (assuming fascist takeover).

tl;dr: don't wait, move today and start prepping. Don't sacrifice "real life", but don't wait around for shit to crash either.

You can't go anywhere to hide from them in the US.

Anywhere you go, there they are. If you set up a shack out in the boonies some place, the tax man shows up with a ruler and calls it a house, and tells you that you must pay him for the use of the box with air in it, 4 walls you put up containing air, called a house.

If you want to work and contract your labor, you have to pay them for the privilege, so even your own life, your own work, your own labor is not your own. That's called slavery, I think.

If you want to be free of the ruling class, go live in the mountains in southeast asia. That's about it.

We are Chattel to the system; sovereign to ourselves.

You can't go anywhere to hide from them in the US.

Sure you can.

Go where the elites go, South America: Chile, Paraguay, etc.

the all seeing eye has too many things to look at for this type of paranoia.

plus the NWO has been here for a long, long time already. how have you not figured that out?

You might ask your spirit guide; it worked for me. Gotta be paying attention though.

truth. I know where I'm going. it's the perfect place for me and i think it offers a high chance of survival.

Don't listen to this person. "Spirit guides" are just demons, AKA the same guys who feed information to David Wilcock and Jordan Maxwell telling them how to "prepare" you, AKA the same guys the Luciferians worship. They're all on the same side, don't believe the bullshit. Google any of this and it will be confirmed.

My opinion - Fuck what you believe. Seriously, it is YOU who is the demon. Esoteric teaching teaches you to love your fellow man, and that is the meaning of 3rd dimensional life. How you could perceive that to be a bad thing is beyond me.

Actual love is not a bad thing at all. But believing these entities are representative of love when they are not clearly indicates a preference for one's own comfort over the truth - which leads in precisely the opposite direction as love.

By 'these entities' are you referring to any conscious individual that is not human? If so, I would like to inform you that you are very wrong. There is greatness throughout the universe, throughout time. There has also been great evil, and an immense amount (26,000 years worth) of retarded left brained thinking and living.

...these entities are representative of love when they are not

Source? Or was that your opinion?

I'm referring to spirits, the only sapient beings in the universe aside from humans. There are only two kinds: those who are of the one God and testify to the divinity of Jesus Christ, and the others, who don't. This is not opinon.

All that 26,000 years crap is meaningless. No science of any kind supports it. Rather, it is mythology from occult belief systems. It is not meant to be true, it is meant to facilitate magic usage by forming beliefs which then dictate how the mind behaves. I would not expect some low-level lackey such as yourself to know anything about this.

My source is the Bible, but you don't even know what that means when I say it. When you hear me cite the Bible, you think of some nonsensical book which means nothing. In reality, the divinity of Jesus Christ is fully substantiated by the history of the Bible. It is supported by explicit and specific prophecy from all the way back in Genesis. It is supported by the fact that the emergence of the church and the history of the Jews would make absolutely no sense if things were not exactly as they are described by the Bible - and that these histories are even more unlikely to have occurred if the descriptions are false. It's very, very clear. It is more thoroughly substantiated than most things. The only reason to believe differently is because you want to - not because the evidence justifies doing it.

When the divinity of Jesus Christ is substantiated, that is all the evidence necessary for his testimony to be true.

Agreed. The spirits are deceptive and should not be trusted.

If you're being serious, how do you even find a spirit guide?

Meditation is the key to higher dimensions of existence.

I try to meditate but my head is never quite. Always thinking of a ton of shit and I can't turn it off.

The conscious mind has layers, and we pretty much all of the time work off the outer layer, the 'ego'. We converse with it, we think (most of the time) with it. The ego can be quietened with meditation I assure you, but persistence is important.

It's weird you're being downvoted. People are assholes. Thanks for the info.

No problem! Everybody has different opinions, those who downvoted obviously have different opinions than me. I'm ok with that =P All that is will become apparent in time.

The easiest way to start to train your mind is to sit and focus on breathing. By forcing your mind to focus on such a simple, natural task, you're able to train it to push away other thoughts and become calm. As startselect said, persistence is key. Looking into true (not commercialized) yoga or neijia may be an option.

Excellent advice. While I have not walked that path, I have a friend who runs breathwork classes. Its amazing the things you can apparently achieve when you use all of your lungs.

I would also suggest a few sessions of reiki from a trained master. Blocked chakras can be the source of many problems, both physical and mental.

i just gotta say it; shit like this pisses me the fuck off.

do you really think trying to reach a "higher dimension of existance" is the most important goal we should be striving for?!

How the fuck can YOU change anything by sitting behind a keyboard getting pissed off? You can't. Look at humanity. LOOK AT IT. IT HAS BEEN ROYALLY FUCKED

There is more than this brother, I promise you. The 'global elite' know it and have done for millennia. Why they wouldn't want you to know is obvious.

What would you have everybody do?

I am all for loving my fellow man, which is why I say the things I say. If people aren't interested then thats fair enough, just the same as I am not interested in a preacher preaching shit to me.

EDIT - And wtf is that link all about? Do you need somebody to tell you how to think? Why not form your own opinions instead of having somebody force them into your sponge?

How the fuck can YOU change anything by sitting behind a keyboard getting pissed off?

pissed off was probably an exaggeration, more like disappointed. we're both "sitting behind keyboards" sharing what we believe to be solutions. you claim your solution causes "higher dimensions of existence"; what is that even supposed to mean?

Ok, you are correct on the fact that we are both sitting behind keyboards, but I do not claim to have a solution to the problems on this planet. I have a pretty good idea of how we could all live happily and not be slaves to a system, but I doubt it would work when 99% of the western world couldn't give a shit. They need spoonfeeding like little babies because their train of thought consists of nothing but consumerism and self-poisoning. This is what I refer to when I say humanity is facked. This is not saying that the whole of the planet is. Think of all the spiritually pure places on earth.. (not fucking Israel)

"higher dimensions of existence"; what is that even supposed to mean?

That's a big ol' question my friend. Here is my attempt to put it in the smallest nutshell possible.

We are all energy. Everything. We resonate at particular frequencies (7.23 base wavelength being the frequency we exist in, the '3rd dimension') You can 'teach yourself' (a phrase that has 2 meanings, some will understand) to alter your own frequency, although this takes some serious fucking knowledge, i'm talking akashic library information. I prefer astral projection. I raise my frequency using my own methods while laying in bed and leave my physical body behind. In higher dimensions, anything is possible, but the very concept is difficult to comprehend, but easier to understand when you experience it. Your conscious mind is a universal tool that is currently going unused. The whole thing about 'god' and 'heaven' these days is totally beyond me.. god is real, but not in the form of a guy with white hair and beard, but in consciousness form in all of us. I'm dead serious. We are god. The guy in white doesn't exist - he is just an image put in place to go along with the already obscured and smudged evidence of higher dimensions. The whole thing about god fearing americans ''praise the lord for he may smite me if I do not go to church''.. I say fuck that shit. That is an illusion put in place by what is commonly reffered to as 'the devil' (lol) Heaven is real too. I believe it is the 10th or 11th dimension? A very high frequency indeed. We have had this information for A VERY LONG TIME, but it has been concealed very successfully by some nasty fucking people. I say people, I dont even know who/what they are. Probably reptoids from the zeta reticuli. Lol.

As I cannot prove anything I just typed on paper or in numbers for you critical left brained folk out there, I invite you to try DMT. It is the chemical your pineal gland produces when you dream and when you are unconscious. (Interestingly it is also found in many different seeds, barks on trees, leaves etc all around the planet, the exact stuff that your brain produces) DMT gives you a direct push into a different dimension if used correctly. If you are to do this then do the proper research first.

EDIT - terrible grammar. Poor grammar remains.

get a tin hat.

interesting, tin hat looks like a pyramids so maybe you just make this worse

You can't even get to those places without getting an invitation.

Knowing someone who lives there is the easiest way to get one.

Meditation is the key to higher dimensions of existence.