My SO thinks I'm totally paranoid and delusional. I've been given the opportunity to try to convince by showing 1 video on Agenda 21. Which do I choose?

7  2012-06-24 by [deleted]

Suggestions are greatly appreciated!


Thank you. I look forward to checking out all of these links not only for my SO, but to learn more myself, too.

This stuff can't be proselytized. If it comes up in conversation just point out inconsistencies in the official narratives. A lot of people are in a delusional state in this country right now, and unfortunately you can only lead a horse to water, etc etc

Thank you, that's very good information.

Here are two good videos that explain Agenda 21:

"What is Agenda 21?":


""Agenda 21" The UN's diabolical plan for the world":

Here's a good article about Agenda 21:

Is the Soros-Sponsored 'Agenda 21' A Hidden Plan for World Government? (Yes, Only it is Not Hidden):

Thank you. I'm going to check out everyone's link and see what would suit SO the best.

ROSA KOIRE: Author and Activist, "Behind the Green Mask"

You tell them the only delusional one is someone who ignores a clear and present danger.

The Esoteric Agenda is the first thing that introduced it to me. It is a full length documentary, and covers a wide variety of such subjects, but it contains some really good info.

Thanks, I'll watch it tomorrow and see if it may be something SO would find palatable.

This video started it all for me!

You may want to reevaluate your relationship. Why be with someone who thinks you're foolish and paranoid?

Pearls before swine...

Agenda 21 is merely a symptom of statism.

Do not assume you are right on everything for a start. But if you want to change someones thinking you do not do in one hit. But pitch them at a level they catch. I would suggest Any of the BBC series by Adam Curtis is a great introduction to an alternative view of the world.

Agenda 21

I was thinking "superior officer"

This So it is real, but the UN drags its feet on everything, even if it is official. As far as what is going on around the world, Agenda 21 probably doesn't carry that much official weight. The corporate agenda is a lot more transparent and noteworthy, or the agenda to control oil in the middle east. Is your SO completely anti conspiracy, like what about JFK and 9/11 and Gulf of Tonkin USS Liberty etc?

Other than JFK, he's pretty much anti-conspiracy. My guess is that he chooses to see the best in people and doesn't want to believe that humans can be that evil? Just a guess.

So why Agenda 21 as a starting point, his idea or yours?

These threads need to stop coming up. If you're honestly looking for reasons to "convince your significant other" that you're not paranoid and delusional, and your first instinct is to come to Reddit - then you're not very prepared.

You should have a serious talk with her (or him I guess) about the future of your relationship and what it means to the both of you.

How much leeway have you given her(or him) to convince you otherwise? Have you allowed your SO to show you any reasoning why you may be incorrect in any of your theories?

All in all, you seriously should consider a different path in a relationship if you're seriously coming onto Reddit for argumentative tips because your SO thinks you're paranoid & delusional..

What if I met my SO before I learned about A 21 and SO is having a difficult time adjusting to my new found understanding? What if I don't want to argue with him but rather show him some sound lecture videos? I want my SO to come to their own understanding and don't want to become a 'my way or the highway' type person.

Sorry; from past threads in this nature I jumped the gun and just assumed that's what you meant.

In my opinion if you want to "truthfully" debate it with him, you should really look heavily into both videos about why Agenda 21 is and isn't a conspiracy.

I want my SO to come to their own understanding

What if after your attempts to "convince" which to me sort of implies you know you're right - he still isn't accepting?

What does the future entail then?

What if after your attempts to "convince" which to me sort of implies you know you're right Hadn't considered this- perhaps this is why he's resistant. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

I'm trusting that he's intelligent enough to realize the truth when presented with the information. I'm going to look through all the video suggestions today and pick the one that is best suited for him. After he watches it, I'm going to drop the subject until he brings it up. What do you think?

After he watches it, I'm going to drop the subject until he brings it up. What do you think?

This is the best way to address it. If he's interested, let him tell you. Poking and prodding him about it is not the best way to go.

I'm trusting that he's intelligent enough to realize the truth when presented with the information.

Unfortunately with many theories, there is no distinct "truth" more so than just theories that start to make more and more sense. You may want to watch every video about it with an open-mind and free yourself of any confirmation bias. You may notice that there are pieces in both sides that you agree with, which may help you come to a better conclusion of what's "right and wrong"

Like I said above all when doing this;

I'm going to look through all the video suggestions today and pick the one that is best suited for him.

Try to look through video suggestions, and articles, and stories that express both what and why they believe is the conspiracy behind Agenda 21, but also watch and peruse why there are those who believe there isn't.

As I said before, keep an open-mind throughout, you want to learn everything and ultimately you want to find the full truth, even if pieces of that aren't what you were expecting(or hoping) for.

I've had many circumstances where I think "That can't be a conspiracy.." and then find myself reading more into it and being completely blown away. I've also had many circumstances where I was sure in my beliefs of a conspiracy, and when I was able to take a step back and critically think and search for the undeniable truth - that even though it totally sucked because I started to realize I was wrong - I was still finding out the truth.

CT's are generally truth-seekers, and seek to find the real truth behind what are normally the "official stories" - but there isn't always something behind the official story. Often there are misguided attempts to show what is the "alternative" story which many will blindly follow either direction without actually giving it any sort of legitimate thought.

There are two insanely annoying situations;

The person who doesn't believe in any sort of conspiracies, who won't believe you no matter what you tell them.

And those who do believe in conspiracies, who are so dead-set in their opinions, that they also won't change their point of view no matter what you tell them.

Those who leave their mind open to change, whether it confirms or denies their previous beliefs, are typically the ones who are the "keepers"

Hope this all isn't too vague, and don't be surprised if I'm down-voted to hell despite our side-bar conversation. People around here aren't too fond of me because I typically stray away from the "believe everything I read" conspiracies - and am much more of a truth-seeker, who searches for the truth no matter how ugly, and no matter what the truth ends up being.


I'm going to be sleeping in the closing minutes after posting this, so if I don't reply for a while, I promise I'll reply again to whatever you say back (unless of course you don't want me to)

Cheers :)

Please tell me what a SO is?

significant other

ah! Thanks

If your copulation cohabitor is that hostile, nothing you can show she/he/it will make a difference.

just go ahead and show a glenn beck video on it.

That's what I'm not going to do.