I get a lot down votes for being impartial to Israel. Why I dont have a problem with Israel.

0  2012-06-24 by [deleted]

I have to preface this I KNOW ISRAEL GOT BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS WHEN THEY TOOK IT OVER FROM BRITAIN. That was about 65 years ago. The average Israeli is almost 30. Saying that they should leave now would be like me giving my house to Seminole Indian. If you think I should be doing that we have to agree to disagree and I hope to god you never get a job in government. As for the occupied areas Israel took in the 6 day war here is a video explaining why they cant go back to the original borders This. As for the Muslims in the West Bank, & Gaza, a majority of them support Hamas, which wants to openly destroy Israel. If this were an isolated case of Muslims wanting to take over non believers Id be more sympathetic to Hamas. The Muslims are at conflict on almost every border of Islamic world. Balkans, Sudan, Somalia, Kashmir, Indonesia, Israel, Algeria. They even want Sharia law in areas of the US. Israel shouldnt be getting aid from us I understand how much money my nation gives them and it is a crime. I also think Germany should stop paying them reparations as well. The middle east is a hot bed of war & psycho fundamentalists, war is going to happen there and I hope that America doesn't get any more involved than it is.\

EDIT: What a shocker down votes! Ant suggestions where i can have a convo about this without it getting buried?


The Rothschilds cooked up this country w/ the previous super-power, Britain's, help. They knew this would cause a massive clusterfuck of conflict and line their pockets with financial proceeds, regardless of outcome.

Israel should be moved to West Virginia. The Zionists would be close to DC ... I hear it's a lovely drive to pick up their cheques and do their arm twisting of bought politicians.

Do you think US will like their communist collectives kibbutz around DC?

The US is already Zion's rabid dog of war. What's a little co-habitation between statist allies?

Once Romney wins we got real trouble. Hes a damn latter day saint.

That you think it matters if obama or romney get elected is cute. They have almost the exact same political platform on every issue that actually matters. Elect either side, nothing would change. How many elections in a row will they argue about gay marrage, or birth control. Nothing important is different between them, so they have to blame each other about hot button, yet superficial issues. Most of which the government has no jurisdiction to rule on anyway.

The only difference in policy would be who they elect to the supreme court.

Which is mostly ignored, and irrelevant now. When was the last time the supreme court didn't fall in line behind the executive power. DOMA maybe? Good to see that we have all three branches of goverment arguing over how much right the government has to regulate the free associations between people, as aposed to if they have a right to do so in the first place.

When everyone is arguing how far they should stick their hand into a meat grinder, the person who wants to keep his hand seems radical by comparison.

Yeup, im voting Gary Johnson, so i can say i didnt vote for either of them, and then theyll say well you didnt vote you cant have an opinion. I cant wait to laugh in their faces.

It was a truly unique situation in history. This is going to make good fodder for future history classes.

Unfortunately, history is written by the winner, which will be statism unless the 99% can get their message out to the ignorant masses.

What sucks is about 80% dont care or have unrealistic expectations about what the 2 party federal government is going to do for them.

I agree friend. The sad reality is I have given up on most of humanity. I have come to the conclusion that most people need to be led around by the nostrils.

Remember that about half the population has an IQ below 100 ... how do you teach morality and justice to a turnip?

you are pro israel not impartial.

this all palestine issues is really simple. Treat the others with respect. But no, Israel is just a fascist and racist state who perpetuate a holocaust against palestinians. Why respect the others when you can kill them

They can't go away, they can't live in peace with the local population. Pretty fucked up situation.

The middle east is a hot bed of war & psycho fundamentalists and Israel is one fucking big player on the scene. Maybe the craziest of them since they have fucking nuclear bombs made with the technology from their big sister cunt, the US whore.

There is a lot of racism in Israel ill give you that. They arnt fascist they are the only functioning democracy in the middle east. If they are commiting a holocaust why were their any palisitinians left after the 6 day war? Also, dont call my country a whore. Our government has been shit for my whole life but America has been and will continue to be a force of Good in the world.

I see Israel fucking US in the mouth every day, clearly a whore to me. A christian whore more precisely.

The only motive why palestinians are still around is that Israel enjoy hunting them, but if you want to hunt in the future you need to let them rise the new generations else there will be no more palesinians to hunt

Israel democracy? Really funny. With more than half of citizens with no rights whatsoever. You don't call that a democracy, you call it USA


i couldn't believe how overwhelmingly that passed. Like we got so much cash we can just give it away. Our government makes me sick.

America is too supportive of Israel. Are you serious about the hunting thing?

Palestinians have been known to fire some shots as well. War is coming.

wtf are you saying? war is already there for the past 50 years

Its gonna get way worse before it gets better. Why the hostility towards me?

nothing against you man, I just say my point of view.

I think it is bizarre for you to think that Israel allows palestinians to live in order that they are available to hunt. Stooooopid came up with a valid question and this was your reply. I do not think it makes sense.

what valid question? why there are palestinians alive if the Israel is holocausting them?

then, why there are jews around if nazi holocausted them?

his valid question is just a retarded question. So he gets the same answer.

well for one thing holocaust is not a verb, both you and stoooooopid are bad trolls. get out please

fuck you, the language is not your property I can change it how I please, whenever I want, and you can't do nothing, so gtfo

All I believe is the Israelis are just as nuts as the Muslims they fight with. 90% of the people on here cant wait to say its only Israelis fault. There are good people on both sides of that wall that could live together peacefully unfortunately fuck ups are in charge. You guys are so forgiving of all the atrocities that Muslims commit. Its not their fault youll say its the Rothschildes. But im just a shill troll stoooopid ass.

but America has been and will continue to be a force of Good in the world.

do you really believe that? can you show me some examples of the good America has done for the global community?

Not in my lifetime. Not since WW2 really. Cept for all the medicine, technology.

then you lied? i wasn't talking about internal affairs by the way, just foreign. yes people have done great things, and what america supposedly stands for is great, but truth be told a lot of their greatness has come at the expense of people in other countries.

These days your right.

Nazis failed, right?

Israelis haven't yet.


Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but how anybody can be pro-Israel is beyond my understanding.


If you are pro Hamas, you either need to be blind & deaf, or a Muslim. That would be a troll argument.

there are a lot of people who feel ashame or remorse for what nazi did to jew people. This makes them think with fucked up logic, melting together nazi, palestinians, holocaust, Auschwitz and other things like that.

So those palestinians are not angels, we know that, yet who give the right to a group of people to fuck them in the ass, with some bullshit excuse that someone else fuck them in the ass first? Go in the fucking Germany and build your state there. Get Berlin, get Munchen, shot german people with the rifles.

EDIT: What a shocker down votes! Ant suggestions where i can have a convo about this without it getting buried?

/r/conspiratard or /r/EnoughPaulSpam both the subs are modded by a bunch of Israel firsters you'll fit right in

Both those subs are to cynical. Ive had a couple interesting convos on here which was the goal. This is still my favorite sub.

Well this sub is a bit to smart for a pro Israel circle jerk those subs are exactly where your going to find it. If your looking for people who think being anti political Zionism is being anti Semitic you should check out /r/shitredditsays

That place is a mecca for trolls.



That was about 65 years ago. The average Israeli is almost 30. Saying that they should leave now would be like me giving my house to Seminole Indian.

300+ years vs. less than 70 years. Do you know how to do math comparisons?

If you think I should be doing that we have to agree to disagree and I hope to god you never get a job in government. As for the occupied areas Israel took in the 6 day war here is a video explaining why they cant go back to the original borders [1] This. As for the Muslims in the West Bank, & Gaza, a majority of them support Hamas, which wants to openly destroy Israel.

You do realize that Jews and Arabs lived side by side peacefully in Palestine for about 2 thousand years before the 1940s right? The Israel that exists now is certainly NOTHING like the one that once existed long ago. Israel isn't a democracy any more than the United States is. It's the rothschild's personal pet country....Theres a reason rothschild boulevard is one of the main streets in tel aviv. If you studied your history you would know that the NAZI party was heavily supported by the zionists at the time, and your fellow Jews (i'm assuming you are jewish) were massacred by the million's so that they could use the holocaust as an excuse to form Israel.

If this were an isolated case of Muslims wanting to take over non believers Id be more sympathetic to Hamas. The Muslims are at conflict on almost every border of Islamic world. Balkans, Sudan, Somalia, Kashmir, Indonesia, Israel, Algeria. They even want Sharia law in areas of the US.

This is only because the United States is an imperalistic entity that invades Muslim countries and props up dictators, don't delude yourself into thinking Muslims are some kind of inherently irrational people or that they're completely unstable. Sounds to me like you believe a lot of MSM bullshit, especially that bit about Sharia law in the U.S. Hamas doesn't particularly hate Jew's (or their ancestors didn't anyways) but they hate the oppresive ZIONIST SUPREMACIST state of Israel. Israel commits genocide and oppression against palestinians on a daily basis. Hamas hates Israel the state first and foremost, and Jew's secondly...only because of how supremacist many Jews in Israel are. Don't confuse hatred for the state for hatred for the people...they are not necessarily one and the same.

The middle east is a hot bed of war & psycho fundamentalists, war is going to happen there and I hope that America doesn't get any more involved than it is.

War is going to happen there PRECISELY because America is involved there, the NWO WANTS WAR THERE.


If you think Israel is there because your dear old rothschilds and rockefellers give two shits about the Jews you are really deluding yourself, or just very VERY stupid.

Yes I know Jews have lived in Jerusalem for years. The USA is still a democracy IMO. I know there were some powerful people involved in the founding of the nation. I dont think the Rothschilds single handly started WWII. I think dumb ass Woodrow Wilson pinning WWI on the Germans had a lot more to do with it. Im not a Jew racially or religiously, im not even a christian. I just dont have a problem with Israel. The Nazi's were hardcore socialist and killed anyone who didnt like the party, or had money and wouldn't play ball. It wasnt just jews killed during WW2. But yorue right that is why they have a state. Youre wrong about muslims they are nuts. Everyone cant wait to talk smack about christians but we are soooo respectful to muslims. I could do a whole post about that.

Of course it wasn't just jews killed during WWII. But they were the primary focus so that after the war the rothschilds could form a state in the heart of the middle east where (surprise) all that precious oil just happened to be. Wilson was owned by the Zionist, he was the one that gave them power over the U.S. in the first place by making the Federal reserve have total power over our money.

Youre wrong about muslims they are nuts. Everyone cant wait to talk smack about christians but we are soooo respectful to muslims.

Are you joking? What evidence do you have of that? Anyone in an airport that even LOOKS like a muslim tends to get selected for 'random' searches all the time. Practically every single FBI funded terror plots that are "caught/foiled" are all muslim plots. 9/11 (which is well documented to have been funded by zionists and pro-Israelis) just HAPPENED to have been committed by "radical muslims". We've invaded libya, Iraq, Afganistan, and are actively bombing sudan, and yemen, and are trying REAL hard to go to war in Iran.

Respectful to muslims? Is this opposite day?

You wonder why you get downvoted but you're clearly just PRO Israel, not IMPARTIAL by any means, unless you really are incredibly unintelligent.

Im wrong about us being respectful to muslims. Im taking a lot of heat right now. But they are batshit crazy. They are no shortage of muslims that want to kill Americans. Are you saying its impossible to be willing to accept the state of Isreal and have an isolationist position towards Israel?

No, most muslims are NOT batshit crazy, although more and more are becoming so because of the imperalistic aggresion of the west and Israel and their genocidal tendencies. The HUGE majority of Muslims have no problem with Americans, they hate the american government, but they have NO wish to KILL AMERICANS...oooh so scary!

Accepting the state of Israel is not impossible if perhaps they became a true democracy, and not a supremacist state, but that's never going to happen, because the core of what modern Israel IS...IS RACIST AND SUPREMACIST. There is no such thing as an isolationist view because Israel itself is merely an extension of the worldwide NWO organization.

Have you ever had a serious discussion with a muslim, their religion leaves no room to be Un-Orthadox. Ive talked to a bunch online and even seemingly friendly ones support sharia law & a respect for women that is worse than it was 100 years ago in the west.

I haven't talked to a ton, but those that I do know are always friendly, giving and modest. Perhaps muslims overseas are different, but I haven't met any that are extreme personally.

If you're taking about you're average young 2nd generation American Muslim you're right generally they are okay and are Un-Orthadox, ive had a bad experience with some of them as well. A friend(christian) of mines ex wife(muslim) wouldnt let my friends mom see her grand kids becuase she(ex wife) caught her singing Jesus loves you this I know to a 1.5 year old. Also at University of South Florida, muslim students were dancing and yelling Alla Ackbar after 9/11(we dont need to get into 9/11). Also every now and then you hear about a whack job in Deerhaven offing his wife or daughter for being Un-Orthadox. They tolerate that crap in Pakistan.


Look i found a few examples out of a religon of billions, guess all christions are fucking crazy. They even wanted to elect a man named rick santorm than wanted a radical Christian theocrasy, which is fundamentally the same as the Muslim equivalent.


"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Right on man. There are too many people that cant wait to take sides. Christians support the Jews, Atheists pity Muslims, I havnt said anywhere that I think Israel is great for the world, yet Ive had three articulate people accuse me of being a shill, a jew, or some yiddish crap ive never heard of. Im just a guy who doesnt give a shit about the middle east. Americas only goal should be to help anyone who wants to escape the nightmare that is the Islamic world a safe place to come & live.

The question you should be asking yourself is not why Israel should not have to give what it took back to the Arabs, you should be asking what in the holy hell it has to do with US security that this not happen? Israel's security requirements outstrip the country's ability to provide for itself, so it latched on to the US. We act as their benefactor when it is not in our interests, and only because Israel bribes our congress and manipulates our elections. If you have an ounce of patriotism, that should really piss you off.

It does. Im also pissed about the wholesale murder muslims openly commit. Targeting civilians and hacking people to bits in the middle east. Oh yea and that Taj hotel in India thing, genocide in kosovo, it goes on and on. What about their treatment of women. The muslim arnt anything like Aladdin.

Look, 9/11, never forget. But being pissed off about what some people you don't know do to other people you don't know in places that don't matter to you doesn't make much sense. But seeing how you are pissed, please remember that it has nothing to do with Israel and being pissed off by their manipulation of our country. It was irrational for you to bring up muslims acting badly in the first place as a response to what I said.

Yea i got caught up in the broader conversations ive been having about Islam. I totally agree with you about cutting off US aid to Israel. At the end if the day the day though Israel doesnt bother me.

Claims to be impartial. Proceeds to spout anti-Muslim hate and Zionist bigotry. Nice troll.

I opend with Israel doesnt have clean hands, i know all about Rahm Emmanuel the grimy deals & out right murder. But dont lie to yourselves and think that muslims are a shining light. You cant deny, that their religon allows room for genocide, murder, opression of women, gays and child rape. Even worse the Quran has less wiggle room for being unorthodox over other religons.

In 1948 56% of Palestinians were Christian. This isn't a Muslim issue. This is a human rights issue.

America is too supportive of Israel. Are you serious about the hunting thing?

I think it is bizarre for you to think that Israel allows palestinians to live in order that they are available to hunt. Stooooopid came up with a valid question and this was your reply. I do not think it makes sense.

It does. Im also pissed about the wholesale murder muslims openly commit. Targeting civilians and hacking people to bits in the middle east. Oh yea and that Taj hotel in India thing, genocide in kosovo, it goes on and on. What about their treatment of women. The muslim arnt anything like Aladdin.