Is it possible that time travel to the distant past isn't just science fiction? Possible evidence of time travel scattered across the globe in the form of religion and prophecies.

29  2012-06-24 by [deleted]

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I am not going to read this, because I'm ripped out of my mind on Subox, but my father (rip) was interested in this sortof topic, and he had a quote that always sticks with me...''If there will ever be time travel, then it has already happened and we just blinked and missed it''

Your father sounds like he was a smart man and a free thinker. I hope for your sake that you can break the chains of your addiction. My best friend is dead, and it nearly destroyed a girl that I love with all my heart. I'm sure someone cares about you the way I care about her. It's worth it man, just don't give up hope.

Wow that was really compassionate and it means a lot. I have only used Suboxone once, along with every hard drug I've tried. If anything I have an addiction to trying new things, which I guess can lead down that dark parth. I'm really sorry about your friend, I have also experienced those things, which I guess makes my even one time usage kinda ridiculous...You know how sometimes you are expecting a certain type of response so your mind is prepared for it, then you read something completely different and it hits you right in the chest? This was this. Thanks for your kind words concerning my father as well... Having a stranger act this way has probably just made my day. Cheers friend.

No one is a stranger here. We take care of our fellow man. I'm glad to hear that this is not a problem for you. Just remember that sometimes experiments can go horribly wrong. My advice is to just stick with weed. It's not bad for you and you can get ripped without pharmaceuticals or questionable substances of unknown origin. Of course I'm not trying to impose by offering advice when it wasn't asked for, but I am saying these things from a place of experience and compassion. There is not much else in this world quite as painful as watching the people you love destroy themselves and feeling helpless to stop it. I only want the best for you and everyone. Keep up the faith my friend, and keep an open mind.

You are a very good person. No matter what else you do all day today, you have made a somewhat depressed, maybe slightly in denial drug addict really think about what matters, not what the media or my family says what matters but what really matters to me. I was not expecting this sortof discussion from a time travel thread, but friend you may have saved a life just now...Heroin was next up on the ''try it'' list, and that was this evening. I have been saving a lot of the big guns for last, the heroins, peyotes, Meths...Actually after Subox I only had two left to try, which are the first two. I am now really considering holding off of that (the heroin), and one rule I've typically followed is 'If you have any doubt, never do it'... I wish I had all the money or upvotes or whatever in the world to gift to you right now. I may be having an emotional ephiany due to kind words from a friend online who has taken more time to ask me to slow down than any friend or family member. Can't thank you enough.

Thanks man. I just want to help. I have seen what heroine does to people, to friendships and families. Heroine ruined my life, and I've never even touched the stuff. As a matter of fact, if it weren't due to the fact that I am bitter broken man, I wouldn't even be here. This is my only real outlet for the beautiful/painful truths I feel inside every day. I thank my lucky stars every day that she didn't die as well, but in a way a huge part of her died with the addiction. She has really bad anxiety now and she has a really hard time helping herself do things. I just don't want anyone to go through the mental anguish that I felt at the time, not knowing where she was or even if she was still alive. I felt like I could lose her at any time, and her depression at the time didn't make it easier. This is the real pain of heroine addiction.

"I just don't want anyone to go through the mental anguish that I felt at the time, not knowing where she was or even if she was still alive. I felt like I could lose her at any time, and her depression at the time didn't make it easier. This is the real pain of heroine addiction."...Fuucckkk man you really should be talking to hardcore addicts, or people making slight mess ups like me for a living. You've just made a friend for life.

Thanks dude. We all need as many good friends as we can get. I'm still waiting for her to come back to me, btw. She has gotten herself into quite a situation in the last few years. I have been single and waiting for her to come back for 4 years now. Life is hard sometimes.

God damn, isn't it always this way? I'm not religous or I would pray for her to come back for you, as of now I will just keep my fingers crossed that the same way you were so kind to me, that chance will offer you that same kindness. I really feel for you mate, not much hurts worse than a broken heart. Footie time now (come on England!!), but I hope to keep in contact, see how your doing, ask for advice, anything really. Thanks for the kind words, cheers.

I am always putting good vibes out into the universe in the hopes it will bring her back to me. I don't know if I could ever love another person the same way ever again. I have had a few serious relationships, but have never experienced anything on this level before. It makes things so perfectly clear, but hazy at the same time. Am I explaining this right? Lol.

I'm all for sending out good vibes in hopes of getting them reciprocated but don't bank on this girl, man. If she doesn't come back, you're just going to wind up crushed and asking why. That happened to me. I worked her up in my mind and shifted the blame for how she acted but in reality she just played mind games, told her not to do it again and she did. So I bailed.

Don't bank on her, man. Just be this good vibes guy and embrace whatever good things happen, it doesn't have to be her.

But I would say please give her spirit the credit it deserves by making this man such a wonderful person.

He's waited 4 years for this girl, and if that doesn't turn out the way he liked he will become a very bitter and resentful person because of it. He should send out good vibes in hopes that he'll get it back in any form, not just this one girl.

I know exactly what you're saying, friend. I'm happy to see that someone has experienced something so similar. I met someone who lives on the other side of the world, and even though I've been in a serious relationship before there's an unexplainable connection that I feel to this person. It's completely changed me and feels like something I have to pursue or I will regret it for the rest of my life...

I found this thread randomly, but it feels like I was meant to. I'm not religious either but sometimes things feel like they fall into place in some weird, predetermined way. Sending good vibes your way and wish you nothing but health, happiness and prosperity in the future. Take care.

You don't have to be religious to be spiritual. It sounds like you are seeking a sort of connection with the deeper inner realms as belied by your experimentation with altered states of mind bestowed by chemical means. I have sought nirvana, escape and solutions through a whole gamut of chemical means for a good chunk of my life but ultimately found them to be an empty mirage of an oasis. Even the most "direct" means to inner realms, the hallucinogens, while providing dramatic shifts and insights prove to be empty. One of the worst aspects of those is that they reinforce the illusory nature of our current "reality" in that one thinks they need something external to experience inner realms. You might want to check out a book called the Natiral Mind by Andrew Weil and start a meditation practice if you don't currently do so. I have found regular meditation to be much more beneficial and profound than all the pounds of substances in the world. Im not trying to tell you what to do, just sharing what my experience has revealed to me. May you find what you are looking for.

Something that is always guaranteed to get me to listen more than other suggestions is this sentence ''I'm not trying to tell you what to do, just sharing my experience.'' You and 9S have both done that and it makes me almost unwillingly more receptive to your words and suggestions. I appreciate your response honestly. It's an interesting perspective that I haven't really thought of, comparing the chasing of the drugs for really chasing something much more internal. I will check out that book, you have taken the time to suggest it, and that means a lot to me.

Don't do heroin. Throw away the rest of your subs if you have any. I'm telling you this as a recovering addict. That shit sneaks up on you. Before I knew I was addicted, I was addicted, and by then it was too late. My life is forever changed due to this. They tell you that heroin will kill you when you're young but they never warn you about the addiction. I will never feel what it's like to not be addicted to something ever again. It gets easier, but it never goes away. I've been clean for almost 3 years now and I still think about h daily. Trust me when I say you do not want to do anymore. It's not worth it. I hope that you stay away and that you try to spread the word. Good luck brother.

Salvia divinorum, if Partaken of properly and with someone you trust, can clear away those thoughts of Heroin...

I've done Savlia before. I used to trip on acid twice a week and we tried Salvia twice. Both times were okay. Some crazy shit, the 30 minutes or so it lasts feels like 5 minutes. I just don't like tripping anymore.

Wow...This was really moving to read and thank you for typing it out for me. I keep hearing the same thing from those who have actually done it, and thanks to people like you and 9S, I can't see heroin actually happening now, even got offered this morning (this morning ffs)...Good luck with your recovery friend.

Good luck man.

my best friend died a year ago from "experimenting" with heroin. He knew it ruined lives- he knew the worst of the worse...but he still tried it. died that night. don't do it. his family, his friends are torn apart by this. he was amazing.

FYI, opiods will not work (ie heroin) up to 48 hours after using suboxone.

Please friend, be careful with Heroin. /r/opiates and /r/opiatesrecovery exist for folks stuck with painkillers, suboxone, heroin, you name it. We're a very open group and anything goes (just no sourcing). One taste of Heroin is all it takes... even if you're in extreme pain and have no intention of using it recreationally.

I really appreciate you taking the time to type this out and offer your advice and whatnot.

If you take heroin the same day as Suboxone, you won't feel it anyway. That's actually part of its legitimate, medicinal, intended uses.

"I also beheld the four winds, which bear up the earth, and the firmament of heaven.   And  I beheld the four winds occupying the height of heaven. Arising in the midst of  heaven and of earth, and constituting the pillars of heaven. I saw the winds, which turn  the sky, which cause the orb of the sun and of all the stars to set; and over the earth I  saw the winds, which support the clouds. I SAW THE PATH OF THE ANGELS.”                                                                                             Enoch  8:17                                                                                       

Enoch supposedly evolved from man into an archangel, but maybe instead he was a natural born man of that time period that somehow discovered an abandoned time machine, and had sufficient knowledge of how to activate and use this machine. 

This is all conjecture, so please help this idea along with some positive input. I don't really care about explanations about why time travel is not possible, I've heard them all before. That means nothing to me. 100 years ago mainstream scientists said space travel could never be achieved. I'm just interested in collaborating as much evidence for this idea as possible. Thanks for reading

Thanks, fantastic post!

Just curious, have you read "Who Built the Moon" by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler?

One of their theories is that time-traveling humans essentially "put" the moon in place. A little out there, but while we're in the realm of wide-eyed speculation...

Wow, I haven't heard of this before. I'll have to give it a look.

I'm actually a time traveler from the year 2323 and I have to tell you the future is scary. Ice cream cones eat people! Trust me you don't even want to know what cucumbers do.

Oh I know all about you time traveling cucumbers and you fondness for anal rape.

You can look into the future/past without any machine, by using your pineal gland.

It allows you to travel into the future at a rate of 1 second per second.


I have come to believe time travel is possible, but is not what we make it out to be. Many great people have speculated and theorised on how time in itself is an illusion, and is not linear in the way we make it out to be.

As an example, we experience time linearly in our dimension, whereas many spiritualists/master/gurus feel time is like a video game, where all of the possible outcomes and variants are in the box, waiting to "happen". Of course, we are oblivious of all this because we are in one of those <games>.

Time and space are still relatively unknown facets of our existance. When I grew up, astronomy supposed the universed was composed of a few 100 million galaxies, holding each on average a few hundred million stars. Today, that number has been revised to be much larger, There are more galaxies than there are grains of sands on earth, wich is pretty mind-blowing in itself. And as if that isn't enough, quantum physics indicates there may be many other universes parallel to ours.

These are great unknowns.

The Tibetan monks often wrote on this <inter dimensional> concept, in their view everything is "now". The past, the future is an illusion, where everything is actually happening in the present tense.

Reincarnation, in this sense is just the reliving of the present by the same soul.

We are so very primitive, I very much doubt we are even close to figuring these things out. Man is very limited and not made to understand everything. It is these mysteries and the questions they bring that brought up religions and such practices.

Thanks for sharing. Though very philosophical it is always interesting to hear other people's views on such topics.


TL;DR wibbly wobbly timey wimey

So, did you just answer my comment to say you can't read or write?

This is reddit, I was on my phone. I'm sorry that I tried to be funny

Yes. I understood your humor, followed up with a sarcastic remark. A specific type of humor that can be more subtle, though arguably maybe not in this case. Cheers.

Under the many worlds theory time travel would just create another timeline. Which means the past is technically unable to be altered.

Except that there already exists another alternate reality in which time was indeed altered.

Time doesn't actually exist ;D

It's an illusion, so time travel is very possible:

Enjoy :)

very possible

Time is an illusion. It is not real. There is only this moment and this moment only.

If time travel is possible, it will have already happened and we already feel the effects. So it'll seem no different to anyone, it'll be history

If you're looking into the Bible for clues, like it seems you are, and you consider this a valid source of clues, why don't you just believe what it says about itself instead of making up all this weird and fantastical shit about it?

Here I'll just cut to the chase: whether or not time travel is technologically possible in a sufficiently advanced universe, it is completely impossible in this universe. This is because we are the most advanced species of material beings to have ever existed in the universe (the only other advanced species being spirits), and we, as a species, never reach the point where our technology is advanced enough for us to time travel. You hear that? Never.



In this case it kind of is because you're the one making claims that Humans are the most advanced species in the universe(aside from "spirits"). Can you at least explain your views?

so are you really so full of yourself to have flair that large?

Are you really that much of an asshole to pick an unprovoked fight with a moderator? I have seen you around. You have been identified. Don't think that we don't know who you are and what you are really up to. Until you can say something intelligent that pushes the conversation forward, don't speak to me. I have no interest in fighting with shills.

lol, you paranoid little man with weird delusions of power. you're the type of person who's into this shit because you secretly wish you sat on some subterranean council.

Yep that's me. Head lizard person.

All hail Head Lizard person!

Thanks, fantastic post!

Just curious, have you read "Who Built the Moon" by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler?

One of their theories is that time-traveling humans essentially "put" the moon in place. A little out there, but while we're in the realm of wide-eyed speculation...

Thanks dude. We all need as many good friends as we can get. I'm still waiting for her to come back to me, btw. She has gotten herself into quite a situation in the last few years. I have been single and waiting for her to come back for 4 years now. Life is hard sometimes.

In this case it kind of is because you're the one making claims that Humans are the most advanced species in the universe(aside from "spirits"). Can you at least explain your views?

This is reddit, I was on my phone. I'm sorry that I tried to be funny