reddit has clearly sold out.. but it's also open source. someone should clone the site and tweak it to try to prevent/reduce spam / cointelpro.... (suggestions inside)

47  2012-06-26 by [deleted]

maybe instead of usernames, just assign each IP address a unique identifier.. maybe only allow 10 or so usernames per IP, and after that you just have to use the IP-unique identifier (which is also publicly associated with all user names registered under it)...??

EDIT: maybe limit it to 10 usernames per IP... but make them be active. so if you don't vote at least once a month, you lose your account, and someone else can sign up on your IP... and then you might not be able to get an account again until someone elses abandons their account on that IP

also, you could just have a system for people who can't get usernames / are banned but didn't do anything themself. something more complicated than captcha. like "email your phone number to this email address.. and include this captcha in the email".. then have mods call those people at their leisure.. and then allow them to sign up for an account..

if mods start getting too many requests per IP, you figure out what the IP is. if it's a school, you maybe open a lot more accounts to it. if it's just some guy in atlanta trying to sign up for 500 accounts, you tell him to go back to digg


Mod censorship is more of a problem I think.

I agree. Even if a clone were to emerge, eventually they would buy out the new forum's owners.

Let's face it, they've purposely created this environment. How many of us can honestly say we'd turn down $100k buyout of some BS HTML and JavaScript that we spent 60 hours and $70 on? We know a lot and we know how to broadcast it. But, we are all also hurting. They know this and will exploit the fact.

it has to be built on the very idea that it will not sell out... form a nonprofit and put it in the charter or w/e...

reddit /b/ style.. only delete illegal shit

except threads don't expire, and have vote counts

But what about the people with dynamic IPs. You are assuming everyone has a static ip but they don't. Some people may one day try to get on and they cannot post because someone who had the IP before abused the site. And with static IPs those change every so often as well. This will not work with IPv4 (I do not know about IPv6). Simply said, this would not work with the current setup.

I think a setup in which the mods could see everyone's IP would suffice. Dynamic or static, it would be easy enough to identify duplicate's.

It's too easy to become a Mod to give them access to that. Reddit needs a way to flag posts for mods that indicates where it came from but does not reveal the actual IP.

If a Mod could look at a post and see all other posts submitted from that same users IP, that would be enough to help make moderator decisions. They don't need to actually see the IP, just whats being generated from that IP.

No it would not be easy to identity duplicates, as with many sites a person could merely use a proxy, and there arre many proxies available. The new proxy's IP could also be much different than the abuser's old proxy IP and from there they could just make a new account. This would only end badly. The invite only could work, but typically private servers and sites lose userbase quickly and can recieve hate from other communities.

They'd have to switch proxies every time they switched accounts. It would make it a huge pain in the ass for people who do such things. Also, one would have to link not just IP's, but grammar habits, ideals, agenda.

that's why you limit the registrations per IP

proxy IPs either all look like the same person.. or are banned (more likely)

either way, those IPs would be collateral damage in the system i described

i think it would be worth it in the end for the benefit of less spam, less bullshit, etc.

For this reason, I have never been able to go to 4chan. Apparently I'm permabanned for 'crapflooding'. Thanks, hughesnet.

proxy up

but with the system i described, proxies would probably all get banned eventually

friend, I do not think you realise, there are literally millions of IPs a person could use. Spammers will spam no matter what...

those people would be collateral damage in the system i described.. but maybe a better system could be figured (e.g. diselphiend)

Already have money and interest being built and put into something like will be more of a conspiratorial site though then a reddit look a like. A conspiracy site with a reddit feel. Plus less dummys :)


Plus less dummys :)

... really?


those people would be collateral damage in the system i described.. but maybe a better system could be figured (e.g. diselphiend)

Just like any other online platform reddit will be replaced by something else if you give it some time, something better which also will be corrupted in a few couple of years.

IP adress bound? That is just stupid. Then there can be more censorship as once you are banned and on a static adress, its goodbye to you for a very long time.

So someone doesn't like your posts, you just get banned.

The solution is to have no moderation and votes that work as youtube. You can see how people have voted, but have very little influence on the topic visibility.

Of course the more votes and more green votes the longer it stays visible.

if your IP is banned, and you did nothing, under the system i described, you are collateral damage. which a means to an end. could also have some kind of "appeal" system..

also, ideally, you don't get banned because people don't like your posts

but ye, youtube style could be good.. i also like treebright's idea

I agree entirely. I think we should also require some sort of intelligence and age entrance exam.

Reddit has hit the pits with the anti-intellectual, youth and just plain stupid.

How exactly would you score the intelligence exam? At what age do you think someone can participate in a valued way? Is a 16 year old genius worse than a 36 year old retard?

What kinds of questions would you ask on the exam? Because a lot of things people take for granted as true (whether it's the official story or the conspiratorial story) are blatantly false, so would the test creator have an inordinate amount of power to filter out dissent?

Nevermind that, any proof that reddit has "sold out"? And what's to stop your next place from selling out?

Hm, you have a point. Age doesn't necessarily denote anything. Well, I would think it would be scored not by traditional standards but by a person's willingness to engage in thoughtful, contributory, intelligent and polite discussion.

Well honestly I initially had no idea. But now that I'm thinking about it I think a cool test would be to just have 10 Reddit posts, ask the user to comment and judge them based on the content, thoughtfulness, understanding and cordiality of their comments. This does not exclude pun threads, but it does excise useless comments that supplement only trivial humor. Also perhaps on the comments' relevance in the given subreddit.

Ohhh, and I don't think it would be just one person judging these. I think we should out together a panel to do so.

I never said it sold out, just that it has been infested with young, anti-intellectual people who upvote only the most amusingly banal ideas and scorn long winded discussions and attempts to get at the truth.

There is no guarantee that it won't. And if does, we'll create a new place. But the idea of the entrance exam would be to filter out those likely to bring in...idiocy.

I apologize for the lack of specificity in the last word 'idiocy'. But on today's Reddit visiting the comments no longer explains the post, offers any poignant insight or questions logically.

Reddit has consumed itself with inside jokes and blatant hatred that any outsider would struggle to understand.

Every social group does exactly that, it's called in-group/out-group mentality. It's the same reason going to any of the political subs, or here in conspiracy, posting almost anything other than the status quo is downvoted and shat upon.

So...what are you saying? That relevance is irrelevant?

I think we should also require some sort of intelligence and age entrance exam.

This is a stupid idea.



What? Not at all. Is a college's judging a student based on their high school performance 'Jim Crowe'? Some people don't even have concerns. Some people come to Reddit simply to wreak havoc and disturb the peace.

And to be fair, I was not talking about this subreddit having a test. you failed to read the entire thread closely enough. I was talking about a brand new Reddit. Not a brand new subreddit...A brand new Reddit.

A new site where users could post information, links, articles etc etc with its own subsites. But the entire site would have some sort of intelligence exam to ensure that those joining it would contribute thoughtful or original content. It would ensure that the site would not be full of immature or only middle school educated children who would contribute only to trivialities and useless and perhaps even pernicious inside jokes.

What I'm talking about is a new website. Away from Reddit. One that will attract intelligent, questioning and cordial people.

I'm not saying any of us are intellectually superior to...anybody else in particular, just that those of us who do wish to search for truth could use a place where we are not disturbed by silly children and mindless memes.

I have tried replying to OP but it keeps getting deleted, so I will post here. What about dynamic IP addresses, people who own multiple devices, or use public or other devices?

collateral damage

i disagree with tests

i just think IP should be tied to username somehow, and maybe limit it to 10 active users at any given time

the digg effect

maybe it has something to do with being owned by conde nast..

Nah. I think it was just inevitable. Popular growth is. People just...started coming in droves.

I thought that was just my perception...but then again I believe in Liberty and Freedom, so how am I going to argue with an Obama Marxist Socialist?

Marxist Socialist, eh? While I'm not a obama supporter, calling him a marxist socialist is just silly and ignorant.

How much do you actually know about Marxism?

Liberty and Freedom is redundant. But I love freedom. I'm not sure if you were insinuating if that is what I am...but I can assure you I do not support Obama. something different.

But yes, the content on this website as well as the comments and ideas that get upvoted have drastically degraded.

I would like one new Reddit please.

Build a better reddit...

                              And the world will beat a path to your server. ☺

I would like a reddit like site where users could assign a quality rating to other users. It could be, for example, a rating from 0 to 10. All of the rated user's votes would be weighted by that rating. So the people you respect can have a big effect on submission and comment rankings, and people you disrespect can have little or no effect.

This system would probably require more server resources, since these calculations would have to customized for every user. But it might be technically feasible, I don't know.

Good idea and the system wouldnt take too much power.

so... does anyone know someone we can contact to get something like this made?

i asked the geeks i know and they don't seem interested

i could invest money, not sure i could fund the whole thing myself tho

10 items of substance on first 30 pages when sorting by r/all.

Only politics, no other info subs, wtf.

invite only, with serious repercussions to a user if someone they invited does something questionable. Vagueness to be sorted out later.

circle jerk much?

For any of those interested, this is the github repository for all of reddit's code. I am not a programming ninja myself, although I could potentially learn and am entirely capable of doing this with some time.

Reddit's front page is a joke

And invite only.

i think that would exclude too many people

Exactly... it grows exponentially though.

IMO it's impossible outside of a small group of friends, and maybe not even then. If your group is worth infiltrating it will be infiltrated. Look at the story of the deep cover policeman who married and had children with a women in order to infiltrate and control an environmental protest movement.

Reddit became the most popular, so everyone uses it.

People have a problem with mod censorship, but every sub has it's own rules, it's not like Reddit claims;

"Come here and post whatever the fuck you want wherever the fuck you want without any sort of consequence!"

Even Anonymous and OWS subs have restrictions.

The idea that people WANT of freedom reminds me of an old It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode, where they want to turn their bar into a "you can do anything you want" bar.

But they quickly learn that if you allow people to do ANYTHING because you offer no restrictions, things can get out of hand, because people are the problem.

people are the problem

lol, good attitude

How is it a bad attitude?

People lie, people cheat, people steal, people commit murder.. People do stupid shit.

If people had total and complete freedom to do whatever they want, things wouldn't be pretty, because human nature still exists - whether laws exist or not.

lol, that may be true in some places i guess...

Yeah, it's actually not in context, you quoted part of my comment where I'm talking about a TV show. It's an episode where they allow an "anything goes" approach inside their bar, and shit starts getting super real because they decide they don't want to try and tell anyone what they can and can't do.

I'm only saying; people have this idea of a "perfect" scenario, but there are legal implications with allowing people to say whatever they want without any form of censorship.

Not to mention, there are posts all the time about being "censored" when they go into a sub that has clear rules on the side saying what is and isn't okay.

i'm not really worried about censorship as much as i am about vote-rigging

Yeah, I wasn't replying to your post as much as I was to some other posts, and instead of cut/pasting I just replied in general. Sorry if that was confusing.


Plus less dummys :)

... really?