Latest Forest Fires - False Flag Terrorism?

9  2012-06-29 by [deleted]

As early as January 1st of 2008 U.S. officials have been warning of forest fire jihads. And as recent as May 31st of 2012, the Department of Homeland Security released a Homeland Security Note document stating in part

International terrorist groups and violent extremists have long shown interest in using fire as a weapon due to the low cost and limited technical expertise required, the potential for causing large-scale damage, and the low risk of apprehension. Recent encouragement of use of this tactic by terrorist groups and violent extremists in propaganda materials and extremist Web forums is directed at Western audiences and supports Homeland attacks.

And now, we have Colorado Springs on fire, South East Idaho, and parts of Indiana.


No. Here In colorado it's fucking record setting hot, dry, and we had almost no snow last winter and no rain this spring and summer. Top that off with the fact that half the trees in our forests are brown and dead from the bark beetle and well, fucking fires happen if you look at the ground wrong. I love a well crafted conspiracy but this is not one. Tl;dr shits dry yo, epic fire season ensues

My friend is a former forest ranger from Colorado. She has mentioned that this has been a long time coming. In the not too distant past, as soon as fires started, the forest service had people on the scene containing and putting the fires out. In reality they should have let them burn and they should have even started a few fires to keep the dead wood from accumulating.

Also, since fires are a natural part of the grassland/prairie ecosystem and the mountains of the west (some tree species need a fire to have their seeds released from their cones), this is not unusual for these places. Here in Montana, we have a few around my county, some natural and some by human stupidity (fire works). The real conspiracy is Smokey the Bear. He was too good at his job. Lots of small low intensity fires were stopped, allowing lodgepole pine stands to get very thick, and creating a thick middle layer. This then allows fire to spread to the top canopy, and that's where we get these super fires. But Tl;dr mateo3 is right, shits dry yo edit: so is theninetyninthstraw


Yeah, I live in Wisconsin and it is freaking stupid hot here. All the grass is dying and this past winter was so freaking weird because it was too warm. So yeah, i think it is more environmentally based rather than government plotted, unless you believe that our government is controlling the weather with those huge satellite dishes in Alaska.

This was floated a few days ago too. Fact is NORAD and many other National Security assets are in the area so it can't be discounted. Plus Russian troops were training with U.S. troops in that same general area earlier this month. May not be a false flag but an actual attack or diversion of resources. Who knows. It certainly bears watching and considering at least.

I'd be more interested in how much chemtrailing has been done in the region recently. The particles act as nucleation sites and may keep rain from falling.


I'm just saying it could be used to further propagate dry weather. Just a thought, though I do know east of the Rockies is quite dry to begin with.

It is a drought almost nation wide, and that is not getting any coverage on any news. Hell I live in Illinois, Watch the news very frequently, and have heard next to nothing on these fires.

With how dry and warm this winter was, I was expecting spring to be torrential with rain, but it was dry too. :/

...go on?


Forest fires do incredible damage every single summer.

I think it is far more likely that climate shift is continuing to change what parts of the earth are unbelievably fucking hot and cold, and thereby encouraging wild fires where there were cooler sustained climates in the past.

Also, show me the stronghold of jihadists anywhere near Colorado, Indiana, and east Idaho. I can't go through the small towns there without being stared down and I am a white punk kid.

Tinfoil hat on: It is far more likely that seeing the projected fire reports 4 years ago tptb decided to spread around the idea that "fire is terrorists!" because they want to 1. seek funds from duped taxpayers, 2. keep us in a fear state, and 3. get us to ignore obvious fucking signs that the climate is changing.

I hadn't considered the possibility, but I can see where it is possible. Although please keep in mind that, in the west in particular, wildfires are very common and it has been quite dry this year.

Yeah it's dumbasses staring fires with cigarette butts out the window or building camp fires, and not putting them out. Eco-terrorists have been doing this for decades. Oh yeah I forgot the other one. It's called lightning. Blame that on false flag bull crap.


Some people don't even have the mindfulness of thinking something be plausible, they would rather berate or mock your ideas.

Nothing against you specifically OP but;

Can people in times like this not disrespect the thousands of people whose lives were devastated by this, when it's just a record setting heat and people putting out fires that shouldn't be put out.

I feel like you're trying to find a conspiracy needle in a non-conspiracy haystack.

It could just be weather related. But I find it interesting that the DHS has been talking about forest fires, and then all of a sudden they're everywhere.

Forest fires and their amount have nothing to do with the DHS comments. They happened before the DHS, they happen now. They happen a lot.

In California, they're happening constantly.

This is a 'huge' deal because of the population of the Springs.


Yeah I apologize for the accusatory comment; I too have family who live there and now have no home to go back to.

I just feel like the 'most logical' critically thought out answer, points to just natural causes.


Yeah, again I absolutely apologize for the accusatory tone in my post, it's just something that hit hard, and as someone who lives in the desert and visits that area often - it's not even close to uncommon to hear about the fires that seem like they never end.