What are the main conspiracies which are accepted as "real" things on r/conspiracy?

11  2012-07-02 by [deleted]

And what conspiracies are complete and utter paranoia/scam/bullshit? I'm expecting from enlightened skeptics like you to give a solid answer with proof.

Regards, a blind and ignorant sheep

Edit: So far no actual answer and only flaming, well done!


You're unlikely to find any good answers as most of the "wiser" redditors on this subforum avoid posting comments as the trolls and shills tend to come out en masse when they do.

Your best bet is to read the articles that are posted, check their sources, and make your own rational decision.

I come here more often because most other subreddits related to politics are extremely biased in favor of the left/right paradigm and the establishment.

"And what conspiracies are complete and utter paranoia/scam/bullshit?" All of them and none of them. It makes complete sense when you open your mind, but accept nothing until it has been proven to YOU. be skeptical unless you believe what you are saying.

Well for me everything presented here seems true or at least plausible. As for things that are utter paranoia/scam/bullshit it's hard to know for sure...except for the reptilian stuff that just seems a little far fetched.

I think it's mostly something you determine for yourself, as, that's really the only opinion that should matter.

You haven't earned the truth yet Go study, it's the only way to prove anything anyway.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoebus_cartel Here's one that's for real. Of course, it's probably not discussed on r/conspiracy. But there you are :]

I'm exploring "The Fellowship") right now. Damn fascinating group... learning about them is what finally led me to this community, to find out about more conspiracies!

There just isn't any arguing sometimes. The few I know personally have either no, or extremely low standards for "proof", so it's a pointless question.

So wait, now I get downvoted for stating a perfectly fair fact?

Of course, there are some real life conspiracies for sure, but they're usually not a tenth as crazy as the stuff I'm sure we'll find here.

What are the main conspiracies which are accepted as "real" things on r/conspiracy?

There's no conspiracies. This subreddit harbors dissidents that have become disillusioned by a few 'documentaries' that convinced them that there's a group that seeks to rule not only the United States, but the whole world. This is virtually impossible. No one is that amoral to put lives at risk and enslave people, why? because it's unfair. That's why.

We live in a democratic state. This by itself should be proof that the conspiracy theorists are in the wrong.

Please leave this subreddit, save yourself before you become deceived by these people.

A good way to keep the nations of the world from being free is by keeping them living under the fear of nuclear weapons, the only reason these things exist is to give credence to war being justifiable.

It's a pretty logical conclusion when you ask simple questions like, what do nuclear bombs do Billy? gee I don't know , c mon have a guess, kill mass amounts of people who never done anything so wrong in their entire lives that they deserve to die for no reason, correct Billy. Nuclear bombs are bloody useless to everyone.


We live in a fascist, corporate-controlled state that PR strategies call democratic. But thanks for playing, come back to r/conspiracy any old time. :)

People really don't understand sarcasm.

I've recently subbed, and here's why: I've got a crackpot friend who believes in (more or less) EVERY SINGLE conspiracy evar, and even though I've taken time out of my daily schedule to disprove certain individual conspiracies, he persists in his beliefs. I find this stuff hilarious (sometimes), and do have a slight conspiracy angle in this book-thing I've been working on. So, I'm here for the lulz and lessons on what sort of stupidity to avoid (so I don't sound like a blabbering idiot). Good enough reasons?

Of course, I'm sure this subreddit isn't all about the space-lizard/evil jews/hollow earth stuff, right? ....Right? -scared- All that's stuff's about as much fun as the Truther movement :(

If you're after hilarious crazy I suggest you pay a visit to the David Icke forums....

Icke's just pissed he looks like a lizard. That's what I think, anyway. I'll probably take a pass on all the crazy waiting for me on the other end of that link, but thanks for your suggestion :)

Excuse me, whats wrong with looking like a lizard?

Nothing. He just can't take it the right way, so he thinks everyone must be lizards. From space. :P

Well we are all 'from space'. Well, made from material created in the stars to be exact... :]

Oh, of course we are. And we should be damn well proud of it!

I'm stardust and proud. That one sentiment overrides all other heritage-based pride in my eyes.

I was rather sarcastic in creating this thread and wanted to challenge those conspiracy theorists....what went wrong?

OP is a faggot. That's what went wrong.


Faggots aren't limited to homosexuality. In fact, most gay people are not faggots. Faggots come in every race and sexual inclination. Faggots, faggots everywhere.

Hhmmm...so faggots are not gay people any the same sense that niggers are not black people?

Listen. How about this. How about faggot is just the more abusive term for idiot, or ignorant cunt? I refuse to give up the word faggot. It's a fun word. It works. Tiny sticks for fires. I don't know how it started, but I can't have a gay time without buggering a bro, and I can't call anyone a faggot. Even though I am surrounded by them.

Well, I disagree. "Ignorant cunt" would be a much more abusive term then some sticks. Just think about it, when you say to someone that he's a faggot he'd assume you are referring to him as a homosexual and telling him to go eat a bowl of dicks. But when you tell someone that he's an ignorant cunt you are not only telling him that he's a terrible and jerky person but also an idiot. However, faggot is a fun word to call people. That was my pseudo-intellect shining.

This what went wrong: you ask people to perform some work for your own convenience, without giving anything back yourself, and being sarcastic at the same time.

However, this is Internet - it's free (as in freedom) - and you still might get something anyway. I encourage you to do some of the work you asked for yourself.

What I wanted to get with this thread is that people that are apperantly "experts" on this conspiracy business (as yourself, I assume) will actually provide evidence and back up their theories. I also wanted to get the main idea of what r/Conspiracy believes.

The sarcasm part was about the "enlightened skeptics", if it wasn't clear enough.

I also wanted to get the main idea of what r/Conspiracy believes.

r/Conspiracy is a forum, not a single person. It consists of more than 60.000 subscribers. Subscribers who have all their own opinions and believes. It has no elected speakers. No charter must be accepted to join this forum. It would be presumptuous by any poster to present a consensus for this forum.

Perhaps you should read some of the past threads. It should give you an impression about the believes of various conspiracy subscribers.

r/Conspiracy is a forum, not a single person. It consists of more than 60.000 subscribers.

Same thing could be said about reddit as a whole. But when people talk about a redditor they get the picture of a liberal atheist who likes cats and Obama and faggots gay people. So you're saying there's no stereotype to this subreddit? No common kind of post?

Using stereotypes might be a convenient way to view the world, but stereotypes are just believes. Such believes may or may not accurately reflect reality.

In my opinion a characteristic shared by many conspiracy subscribers is the believe, that it is unwise to trust authorities and corporate owned media conglomerates at face value. But that's it. Different people believe different things. Different people use different standards what kind of information and sources they find reliable.

The MSM has spend decades stereotyping people who thought their government and the MSM were misinforming them as lunatic fringe. They were labeled conspiracy theorists. Questioning the official narrative of historic and contemporary events became associated with irrational ideas and crazy people.

Although I frequent numerous conspiracy related forums like the deeppoliticsforum I have never encountered a single person who actually believes that Elvis is still alive or even feels the need to discuss such topics. It is the classical usage of the guilt by association technique.

In my opinion this association is not just an accident. It was a direct response to the citizens concern about the assassinations in the sixties. There is also some evidence which supports my opinion. For example a declassified memo which instructs CIA media assets how to deal with those who question the official story of the death of JFK. http://www.realhistoryarchives.com/collections/assassinations/jfk/cia-inst.htm

Recently Kevin Ryan wrote a good article in which he also analyzes how this memo effected major newspapers. After this memo stereotyping and ridicule was used to silence dissent in the US.

This cultural phenomenon goes back to 1967. At that time, in response to questions about the Warren Commission Report (which President Ford helped create), the CIA issued a memorandum calling for mainstream media sources to begin countering “conspiracy theorists.”[13] In the 45 years before the CIA memo came out, the phrase “conspiracy theory” appeared in the Washington Post and New York Times only 50 times, or about once per year. In the 45 years after the CIA memo, the phrase appeared 2,630 times, or about once per week.

Before the CIA memo came out, the Washington Post and New York Times had never used the phrase “conspiracy theorist.” After the CIA memo came out, these two newspapers have used that phrase 1,118 times. Of course, in these uses the phrase is always delivered in a context in which “conspiracy theorists” were made to seem less intelligent and less rationale than people who uncritically accept official explanations for major events. http://911blogger.com/news/2012-05-31/do-we-need-another-911-conspiracy-theory

So if you wish to pick up media concocted stereotypes be free to to so. But don't expect those people you want to stereotype to accept such labels.

For those who want to know more how stereotyping and ridicule is used as thoughtstopper and serves to silence dissident voices, I recommend Corbett Report episode number 50 (ca. 50 min podcast). http://www.corbettreport.com/episode-050-the-c-word/

When I said stereotype I meant the actual stereotypical and common post made in r/Conspiracy (like FB screenshots in r/Atheism), because I am still unsure what is the main notion in this subreddit (conspiracies duh, but which?).

Also, congrats on your conspiracy theory about conspiracy theorists.

Is there such a thing like an acutal stereotypical post in this subreddit?

Sure there is a lot of banking bashing, distrust of politicians, distrust of the intelligence agencies, distrust of the MSM and often also a general anti-Zionism which sometimes develops into anti-Semitism. But I am unaware of such a common post.

There are thousands of posts in this subreddit. If there is such an actual and common post which is embraced by the majority of the subscribers you should surely be able to provide multiple examples of it.

There are thousands of posts in this subreddit. If there is such an actual and common post which is embraced by the majority of the subscribers you should surely be able to provide multiple examples of it.

I never said there is, I asked if there is one, to get a clearer picture of which conspiracy theories are most accepted here. However, I see that it is irrelevant (as you described).

Sheep tend to underestimate humans? That might be a generalization however... Perhaps it is just your self-proclaimed blindness and ignorance.

Excuse me, whats wrong with looking like a lizard?

r/Conspiracy is a forum, not a single person. It consists of more than 60.000 subscribers.

Same thing could be said about reddit as a whole. But when people talk about a redditor they get the picture of a liberal atheist who likes cats and Obama and faggots gay people. So you're saying there's no stereotype to this subreddit? No common kind of post?

Well, I disagree. "Ignorant cunt" would be a much more abusive term then some sticks. Just think about it, when you say to someone that he's a faggot he'd assume you are referring to him as a homosexual and telling him to go eat a bowl of dicks. But when you tell someone that he's an ignorant cunt you are not only telling him that he's a terrible and jerky person but also an idiot. However, faggot is a fun word to call people. That was my pseudo-intellect shining.