I call bullshit on TSA

25  2012-07-13 by Scoled321

Anyone else notice that every time TSA wants to add some invasive new technology to their inventory, we get flooded with stories of TSA workers doing full body searches on little kids with cancer, or old ladies. It happened with facial recognition, full body scanners, and now laser spectrography. All they have to do is make their own workers look inept, and the public will allow them to try out any new spy gear they want.


Well if that does not work, they just try to blow something up to roll out the new gear.

Don't forget about how much policy making goes into that.

I can't believe the failed detonation of the underpants bomb ever really happened, I believe it was fabricated just to facilitate the rolling in of the body scanners.

Story: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/air_bomber_shorts_fuse_GeBaGmubs9fkAIZnzXY8oJ

The could just roll out the new tech. They don't need to win hearts and minds.

Technically, they were supposed to get public approval for the full body scanners. They told everybody to eat a dick. now the government is asking questions. All of a sudden the TSA is frisking retarded kids with cancer from make-a-wish. That's what caught my attention.

Can you provide evidence of the pat down of the retarded make a wish kid? I'd really enjoy seeing it

It's a reddit article so I wouldn't cal it evidence. But my point wasn't the article. My point was, that it made me realize how we are always bombarded by a slew of articles, about the TSA staff doing outrageous shit, right before some new invasive tech is rolled out. Google TSA cancer. It's full of articles designed to piss off the public. Now they are rolling out laser spectographs and pushing the full body scanners without going through the proper channels.

I'm not in the USA and the TSA don't exist here, but it does seem like there are a lot of truly absurd and elaborate "terrorist plots" which seem to immediately demand the use of new equipment and investigative powers that nobody could ever fathom the existence of.

Underpant bomber? Bring in the body scanners. Shoe bombers? Take your shoes off.

Seems remarkably convenient, I would have said. Another mark against the aviation industry - I absolutely abhor the idea of going off on holiday and being treated like a fucking criminal just to get my transport whereas I can get on any train in the UK with moments to spare (no having to "check-in" 10 000 years in advance) and not be molested or have my bags searched.

Who would bother flying these days?

Yeah, but that's what worries me. They introduce these super high tech surveillance systems at airports. The public gets use to the complete lack of privacy but they feel secure, then boom, train bombing or whatever. Now they have facial recognition and laser spectrometers in subways and train stations. Then maybe sporting events. Why not the mall while we are at it.

This is why I believe the TSA has some affiliation with Islams. Islams tell us to take off our shoes when we go and pray to god and the TSA wants us to take off our shoes when we go and "pray" to them! They're so stupid they can't even hide there agenda to get Americans to praise Islam!

But what would the TSA gain from new invasive technology? I could care less if they see me naked.