I have discovered something about this sub. A magic trick, if you will.

15  2012-07-14 by [deleted]

The surefire way to bring out the shills, disinfo agents, and sockpuppets.

There are 2 types of posts that never fail:

  1. Anything critical of Jews or Israel

  2. Photos of or discussion of chemtrails

Try one of these and watch them crawl out of the woodwork like cockroaches when you turn out the lights. People who never comment in this sub suddenly have things to say when you post one of these two things. The same tired, lame rebuttals are regurgitated again and again, with personal insults peppered in for the hell of it.

Sorry guys, but you are pretty easy to spot. You are failing in your quest, and you always will.

Maybe get a hobby/job that doesn't include making a shittier world for the people you love.

Edit - Welcome, trolls from r/conspiratard, you come when you are called. I love the responses.

Magic trick = successful, like there was ever a doubt.


Alternative hypothesis: you've severely overestimated the proportion of human beings sharing your particular opinions.

I outlined 2 specific qualifiers, neither of them was not agreeing with me. Please read the words on your screen, instead of just putting words in my mouth.


this post has been linked to by an ableist bigoted hate group 11 hours ago:


Ableist? Well you are partly correct in that we are making fun of handicapped people.

You are a retard

see? bigots come from there

Haha if you're a troll you are damn good at it

Meh, it makes them feel like men to put others down.

so basically anyone who doesn't agree with you is a shill?

I outlined 2 specific qualifiers, neither of them was not agreeing with me. Please read the words on your screen, instead of just putting words in my mouth.

We can't put words in your mouth when it's full of cock

Being a woman with a live-in bf...problem?

dont talk with your mouth full

LOL, you're cute.

I'm even cuter in person. You may be turned off by my reptilian NWO cock though.

Eek. Do you have to use a special brand of condoms to cover the scales?

Only if I put it in the vag, but I try to stick to anal.

Oh, the tearing and shredding...

It hurts so good. You're cool, I'll tell my generals to spare you when enslavement happens. You can be my personal cock sucking wench. Prepare your mouth for the future.

Yay, I get to be a pet!

That is a ridiculous assertion.

You used the shill argument to argue against the shill argument...


Ah, blame the jews. Clever.

My comment didn't even mention Jews.

No, that's just all they know how to do.

you're one funny little paranoid piece of gutter trash

Assuming that everyone who disagrees with you is a shill is hardly a reasonable conclusion to draw. People post in threads about Israel because there tends to be extremely antisemetic posts made (Not anti-zionist, specifically antisemetic). People post in photos of chemtrails because they don't believe in chemtrails.

I outlined 2 specific qualifiers, neither of them was not agreeing with me. Please read the words on your screen, instead of just putting words in my mouth.

If this many people think that's what you said, maybe the problem is with what you said.

Nah, I think selective reading and/or obvious misdirection is a rule of r/conspiratard, a hellhole that you no doubt crawled out from.

Yes of course, ad hominen attacks. I should have expected.

You really need to work on the wording of this.

neither of them was not agreeing with me.

Did you learn about double negatives? You're saying "both of them was agreeing with me." Please make sense of this for those of us who are actually interested in whatever point you might be trying to make.

TIL I should really be getting paid for this.

someone pays me to have an opposite opinion than you have.

It's true. Same for me.

If looknottothesky says his favourite colour is red, I have to log on and post "My favourite colour is... er.... not-red."

I outlined 2 specific qualifiers, neither of them was not agreeing with me. Please read the words on your screen, instead of just putting words in my mouth.

Can you do anything original or are you going to continue copying and pasting the same sad little sentences over and over again?

If it fits!

For people here with some sense, this is the kind of person I am talking about.

Here's where the confusion is coming from:

You gave two types of posts that bring out what you call "trolls." It is implied that you are both critical of Jews/Zionists, and a supporter of chemtrails, and trolls are trolls because they disagree and argue.

This is the implication of your post, and if you can't recognize that, you have a poor grasp of how human language works.

You forgot criticism of vaccines and nuclear power.

Motherfucker vaccines do more good than harm

Fucking this

so does fluoride right?


not sure how anyone on the planet could defend fluoride. if you downvoted, explain yourself

Because it's been shown to be good for your teeth and safe in the minute levels that it exists in our water.

Link me to a current study that says you need to ingest a dangerous chemical with every glass of water you drink in order to have healthy teeth

Need to? I never said need to. But it helps you have healthy teeth. There are tons of studies on that, but if you're this deep into conspiracy theories you probably don't care about facts, science, studies, or anything else anyone will give you. You'll either dig yourself out at some point, or age into a sad and paranoid old person.

Like I said, show me a CURRENT study that shows a direct correlation.

I'll save you the time, none exist. The studies you've likely read are old/outdated and flawed. I have been drinking distilled/reverse osmosis filtered water for 10 years now and have been using natural non-fluoridated toothpaste, haven't had a single issue with my teeth (i'm almost 40).

Thanks for the anecdote, but here's a study for you. Link

2007 is hardly current

here's a 2010 article from NZ stating the opposite.

In australia those tooth decay numbers are now in dispute based on a flaw in the stats. In areas without fluoridation, kids have their adult teeth come in on average 1.5 years earlier than kids living in fluoridated areas

That article was written in 2010. That doesn't mean the research was carried out in 2010.

Where did you read the Australian study is disputed?

i read it last year but the research was done over decades iirc

And the source for the NZ study?

I downvoted because I think you're retarded.

I downvoted you because ignorant people are what ruin this planet.

and i called you ignorant because you obviously haven't read a single thing about fluoride, not because you called me retarded

I am a chemical physicist. I assure you that I know more about fluoride and fluorine than you ever will, retard.

obviously not if you still want people drinking it just for nonexistent improvements in oral health

I'm not going to engage you in argument over a settled epidemiological fact, but I am going to laugh at you.

because you can't

This is the most retarded dick-waving I've ever witnessed. I specialize in catalysis, so no, I cannot speak from first-hand research, but I can point you at people who can:

Log on to 'web of knowledge' or 'google scholar' and search for 'water fluoride epidemiology' and you'll find thousands of peer-reviewed articles on the benefits of properly fluoridated water.

Now, I know these aren't twenty minute rambling YouTube videos, so maybe they don't count as evidence in your book. But then again, it's not my problem that you're retarded.

This is the most retarded dick-waving I've ever witnessed

You're referring to yourself right? It's hard to take someone seriously when the extent of their argument is nothing but disparaging remarks

and no, none of those articles will explain why INGESTING fluoride with every glass of water will improve oral health. And this is why cities all over the country are lowering/eliminating it from the public water supply

You're so stupid that you fail to see your own stupidity; this is great. Longitudinal studies following children exposed to treated and untreated water have been continuously conducted over the last fifty years. So, yes, the exact opposite of what you said. Are you twelve years old? Do you know how to read and think critically?

Rereading your last few posts makes me think that you're the 12 year old here lol. Grow up

i called you ignorant because you obviously haven't read a single thing about fluoride,

You went full retard. You never go full retard.


Can't tell if trolling or genuinely a stupid idiot...

Can't tell if trolling or genuinely a stupid idiot...

Smallpox bitch

Oops. I read your message the wrong way round.

For some reason, I thought you'd written "Motherfucker vaccines do more harm than good".

I'm not one of them, don't worry :-)

Yay for vaccines! Yay for science!

Aight let's not develop an us vs them mentality but yeah come on, how can you even argue that vaccines are a bad thing

Thing is, I've never encountered someone who believes vaccines are bad while not believing in the other crap conspiracy theorists always believe - sept 11th conspiracy, man not walking on the moon, chemtrails - all the usual crap that people who don't know how to think critically are susceptible to.

Yeah maybe you get some other shit in that needle that you don't necessarily want, but you still don't die of measles mumps rubella smallpox TB or all the other stuff. They're pretty good if you don't get all ethical all up in this bitch

Google what goes into most flu shots and then get back to me.

I can believe poorly put together blogs too, y'know.

Oh no! Not icky sounding ingredients?! What a stunning argument that is.

I only purchase chemical-free foods and medicines, because icky.

If only the government would allow those stickers on food, labelling it as "icky" or "non-icky"!

(I might be getting a little too political with that one! ;-) )

As you should. Nutrition is a big part of my life. The general rule of thumb is: if it's hard to pronounce (full of complex chemical agents for example) or sounds like it's an unhealthy addition to your active systems, it probably is. Asking questions about the things in your diet is essential. A skeptic eye is a tool that everyone should employ when scanning grocery shelves.

4-Methylsulfinylbutyl glucosinolate, oh no!

It's a random chemical found in broccoli.


Can't say I've purchased too many heads of brocoli with nutritional information or ingredients on them. But thanks for the hyperbole.

Oh, so you'd rather not know about the chemicals in your broccoli?

Do you take herbal supplements?

Not exactly. And I always pay diligence where it's due. I think we are in agreeance on that issue.

Moringa oleifera.


So if you had the choice between a natural supplement containing vitamin X or an artificial supplement containing vitamin X, you'd avoid the supplement with all the unneeded stuff, right?

There are many factors to consider beyond filler or stabilizer ingredients when choosing a supplement of any kind.

Supplements are in a different boat all together.

Your cynicism is duly noted, oh wise one.

Have you done any research? Or are you regergitating what you've heard is the problem with flu shots?


Your confirmation bias is astounding.

Glad that was concluded so quickly. Was the jury out or did you draw that up yourself?

Given your source, it's quite apparent.

You're the guy that will go see 10 different doctors, all working with their own data sets drawing their own conclusions; 9 of them will tell you that the growth on your back is cancer, the other will tell you to wear a bracelet to ward off the heeby-jeebies. You'll go with the bracelet because the other doctor's clearly conspired against you; how else could they have come to the same conclusion?!

You do not understand the science that you so horribly attempt to debunk. But when you believe homeopathy is valid, I suppose dilution can be a confusing concept.

I never said homeopathy was valid, moron!

You're right, but it doesn't matter. It's all the same pseudo-scientific nonsense that can't stand the test of peer review.

Peer review? You mean the scientific circle-jerk of paid off government liars?

Right. Because anyone who works in scientific research is paid and controlled by the government, except for those that disagree with the consensus. Because that's logical.

The thing is, you're somewhat correct: there are dangers with vaccines. Fuck, there's dangers with literally EVERYTHING. However, the dangers you ascribe to them are simply not true or severely exaggerated. The dangers that actually exist you can find in any objective study on vaccination. But the lives they have saved far outnumber those that they danger. Here is a list of the diseases that have been wiped out globally, regionally or are currently being battled into extinction through use of vaccination. When I say far outnumber, I mean that you are likely alive today because of the use of vaccines. It's really that simple.

You are an irrational human being with irrational beliefs. They are all the same as they utilize the same fallacies: all of them. You are indistinguishable from a troll to anyone with a knowledge base located in reality. While your disinformation is a slight to the intelligence that this universe has gifted humanity, you as a thinking human are simply a failed mind; it's likely not even your fault.

But there is a reason that so many people think you're crazy: it is impossible to reason with a crazy person. You are impossible to reason with. I'm not saying that I think you're crazy, I'm simply explaining to you why most everyone you know thinks that you are.

Wow. That's a much more dedicated answer than I thought you'd provide. But, tempting the hand over the Internet does bring out the best in people.

You've clearly made it your mission to smudge my personal character. And that's ok, it really is. You're entitled to defend your position, perhaps even to take it a little further. But to extrapolate and evaluate my mental health based on this trite, one-sided argument is both malicious and based purely fictional, anecdotal data you've constructed yourself.

I merely wanted to convey that, we do not have all the answers when it comes to science. Speaking in a long term, generational POV, many ingredients in vaccines (or food for that matter), can have possible detrimental effects on the gene pool in a long term sense. Look at hormones in dairy and meat and their connection to earlier, more rapid development in prepubescence.

I'm not really sure how you were able to paint such an extensive, detailed picture from such limited information. I'm utterly vexed as to where any of that came from... Absolutely astounded at how you just ran with your evaluation. Couldn't be further from the truth.

Homeopathy? Really? Peer review? Where have I slandered that? The scientific community is abound with astute minds that I hold in high respect. Don't paint me out to be some sort of anti-science mongoloid just because it serves your Reddit ego.

Ad hominen strikes again.

You mean you read it on the Internet? Shit, it must be true then.

People who refuse vaccines are dangerous idiots.

Conspiracy theorists who believe in chemtrail bullshit, man never landing on the moon and sept 11th being a government conspiracy are idiots and are good for the amusement of rational people like me, but people who refuse vaccines based on bullshit anti-science are a danger to themselves and, due to the fact that they tend to be religious about spreading their bullshit lies, dangerous to society too.

They're very serious about convincing you that radiation is ok.

You do realize that light is a form of radiation, don't you?

stfu, shill.

Not until you make me a better offer to shill for you

The anti-color spectrum lobby doesn't pay me enough to hire more shills under my wing to stop the blatant lies about "light radiation".

And if you sit in the sunlight long enough, it will burn your flesh. Is that news to you?

yet we need it to live, hardly some super dangerous thing that you claim all radiation is.

We also need water to live, but you aren't going to live very long submerged.

and had you made a sweeping comment like "All liquids are bad for you" I would have pointed that out as well.

UV causes sunburn. Visible light at useful brightness doesn't burn over any length of time. It's still radiation. Similarly, the radio waves currently coursing through your body don't interact in a meaningful way with meat.

The first 13 seconds of the ad you posted describe potential side effects for a treatment that stopped a life-threatening illness. Ionizing radiation (as used in the treatment of cancer) is dangerous. Anything below microwaves won't affect you unless you stick your head in the middle of a megawatt emitter.

Okay, now that we've established that you have no scientific training (i'm earning my PhD in chemical physics at Harvard btw) and that you think YouTube commercials featuring Jeff Gordon counts as 'evidence', tell me again about chemtrails.

Fancy, expensive paper. How long will it take you to pay for it?

i'm sorry but did you just imply that a phd in chemical physics is nothing but 'fancy, expensive paper?' cause if so it explains why you're so poorly educated and yet have such a high opinion of yourself.

remember: it's ALWAYS the fucking idiots who think they know everything.

Judging from your pretentiousness, you've got that one right.

Funny thing about PhDs... is that we are paid by the university to earn them. Thanks again for showing your total and complete ignorance toward science. Yeah, that means a PhD student is given a salary, health care, and other benefits... Moron

Edit: Instead of calling OP a retard, I opted to call him a moron.

That was a sweet edit, thank you so so much.

Much quicker than it will take humanity to repay the cost of the damage inflicted from the ignorance that you perpetuate.

where do i buy a ticket?

And Agenda 21

It must cost a lot of money to simulate millions of people finding certain hypotheses ridiculous, bigoted, or dangerous enough to comment on in subreddits they usually just lurk in.

...nuclear power

This guy, for example. What a tool.

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I don't follow much of the conspiracy world regularly, but am thoroughly interested in Fukushima and the cover-up. I can see this fella being interested in it, too. I have like 4-5 things I check up on daily with a general search of all of the reddits, but rarely look at the other stuff here.

  1. Fukushima
  2. Scott Walker
  3. Baltic Sea "UFO" rock formation
  4. Earthquake
  5. Gold (Mainly because of the "Dragon Family" crap.

Not because I don't believe it could be true, moreso because a lot of it is either: weird youtube videos, generalized illuminato/free mason stuff, Rothschild/Rockefeller reposts, "omg gmos r bad," applicable 1984 quotes, "hey guis i just found about op. nwoods," "REDDItS MODERATorS delEteD My POSt. THEY IN ON DA CONSPURSEAS," "new clear cover-up in da tenneseers, 1 pint of coolant spilt11!" or "More new proof that has building 7 falled lol."

I think the problem is, the same fucking shit is posted and upvoted day after day. You know how Fox News makes up stories and makes stuff relevant that's been long dead? This subreddit is kind of the same. I don't think the posters are crazy, I don't think they're irrational, and I don't think they're necessarily wrong. However, you can only talk about the same shit for so long.

I don't need to wake up every morning to have someone tell me I still have 10 toes, I don't need someone to tell me every morning I can still see and I don't need someone to show me algebra still works. A good majority of the stuff here is reposted on a daily basis.

I mean, I appreciate the hard work and constant digging people do into this stuff. I don't think the subreddit should change either. Without it, you couldn't find the truth, but so much of it is just pointless reposts. There's almost as many /r/conspiracy posts per hour (Maybe like, 60%) as there are /r/worldnews. There's not that many "new" conspiracies worth talking about on a daily basis.

Eventually, the desire to find "truth" turns into outright paranoia and people accusing other people of being shills. Do you think this helps the truth get told when half the community is attacking each other on a daily basis? Agree on the facts, disagree with the inconsistencies, but don't start attacking your fellow community members for some paranoid shit. If that's the standard way information disseminates and you truly believe in the illuminato/nwo stuff, don't you think that's what "they" want? Don't you think "they" want to be able to just say "Wow look a shill" if anything comes out? If enough people accuse and discredit someone with ad hominem attacks, their whole point will be thrown out. Stop attacking the person and instead attack the facts.

Or does that make me a shill too?

Fucking finally.


Mercury from vaccines is found to be good for children and makes them smarter ! WTF


cracks open a thermometer, drinks it all in hopes of a bigger brain

Nope, just autism and bleeding eyeballs. Fuck.

inner chemist cringing at lack of chemical understanding

Inner chef pondering using mercury as a spice...

That thermometer must have been 150 years old. Edit: Although they are banned in my country it seems there are still countries that sell them with mercury unchecked.


Yet another one proving my point.

Direct in the blood stream is even better. Wont want any of the precious wasted !

I don't think it's fair to blame this trend entirely on shills. There very well could be shills, and I personally believe there are, but in addition to this, I see a lot of really misguided, ignorant talk about Jews and Zionism and whatever, and it sometimes inspires me to disagree and ridicule posters, just because I find the ignorance repulsive. I'm sure there are a lot of others out there who also respond like this - disagreeing vocally, but only when posts are especially senseless. The most senseless talk I ever see in this sub typically involves Jews, Zionism, chemtrails, and/or vaccines, in that order - so it's not surprising you would see this trend, whether it's shills responsible or not.

Just my two cents, no need to hate.

I'll second this, I'm the same, and I've been accused of being a shill a few times.

The societal paradigm of the times depicts what's 'ok' to discuss, and the diameter of acceptable fringe conversations is clearly drawn with that paradigm in mind.

If a topic reaches CNN headlines once or twice, it's ok to talk about it, but to assert and opinion that takes it further down the rabbit hole will still meet direct opposition. If that same topic gets more coverage, from various news agencies around the country, that fringe boundary opens up a little wider - OKing discussions a bit further.

We have an important task at hand: we're charged with the responsibility of making this stuff heard so it's OK for everyday people to talk about. We, folks, are the ones who make dangerous topics less passé to discuss.

That's cool and all, but we're dropping the ball when we seek to legitimize unsubstantiated, paranoid garbage.

Thank you!

Can you fully disprove most of themselves aforementioned theories? If you can I'd love to hear it, because there are many holes, in many of the theories we hold as true every single day.

Evolution and the theory of gravity are both suspect. Gravity is the best example of a universal constant that is widely accepted, but not fully understood. In the merging, or seeking of common ground, between quantum and Newtonian/Relativistic science further proves this.

The burden of proof is solidly on you here. There's no mystery in the underlying mechanisms for the commonly-accepted explanations you're trying to frame as conspiracies. The effects of a wing on water vapor are demonstrable. It is irrational to demand that everybody else somehow prove there's not a secret plan to poison the air or whatever, because it's possible to construct an infinite number of mutually exclusive unfalsifiable theories requiring arbitrary amounts of perfect secrecy. See: Russel's teapot.

You're putting words in my mouth.

I'm not. You asked, "can you fully disprove most of the aforementioned theories?" Those theories included chemtrails.

My central point stands regardless: we have no obligation to "disprove" these ideas. Our explanations fit better and there are eventualities that could prove them wrong. "The aforementioned theories" are ridiculous and could stretch to fit any evidence or none.

Of course they can. There's no disputing that. However unlikely or unbelievable, there still remains possibility.

Do I subscribe to these theories? Jesus, no. But to dismiss them altogether without due diligence isn't the correct answer either.

However unlikely or unbelievable, there still remains possibility.

In the absence of falsifiability, the possibility is meaningless. If a theory isn't affected by reality then it does not affect reality. As I said, I can imagine an infinite number of conflicting theories that are categorically impossible to disprove, and every last one of them will be some invisible-pink-unicorn nonsense.

to dismiss them altogether without due diligence isn't the correct answer either.

"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."

--Christopher Hitchens

Ok, great - let's run with this. Where, considering what youve just asserted, would the line be drawn at considering outside-the-norm possibilities/theories? Can it be safely said that the present societal standards would dictate what is allowed in its own relative construct?

Or, am I mislead - does a single, sole entity make this distinction for all?

This isn't about outside-the-norm possibilities. This is about, as Autocoprophage put it, "unsubstantiated garbage." It's about ideas that have nothing to support them and recognize no possibility of being wrong. There is no rational discussion possible for a proposition like chemtrails - a hypothesis which sees artificial clouds formed by aircraft vortices as undetectable chemicals being dropped on the entire civilized world for purposes ranging from population control to hiding entire planets. All you can do when someone suggests something so baseless and impossible is tell them to come back when their rambling bears any connection to observable reality.

Long story short: without evidence and falsifiability, it's not a theory, it's just fluff.

I dont feel you're making the compelling argument uou think you are. I can't really, am not able, nor do not feel the need to defend the chemtrail theory. It screams paranoid delusions. I'm merely stating that not all outlandish, reality-defying concepts are false. Can we agree? There are some discernibly fringe theories that we have adopted over the years? Quantum mechanics was viewed as a very strange viewpoint until it received enough credibility to meet consensual acceptance. And that took time.

Again, not defending Chemtrails...

Chemtrails and similarly kooky nonsense remain the topic at hand. I don't expect you to defend it. It's indefensible. I expect you to defend your insistence that I need to say more than "it's kooky nonsense" to dismiss it.

Quantum mechanics was viewed as a very strange viewpoint until it received enough credibility to meet consensual acceptance. And that took time.

No, it took evidence. It built credibility by accurately predicting the outcome of relevant experiments. The theory and its acceptance were built on observations that could not be otherwise explained by existing models. When the common consensus better explains an alleged conspiracy and proposed experiments are not just absent but categorically impossible, why on earth should I waste more than a moment pointing out these failings?

I'm not arguing there. Edit: not sure why this turned up twice. And yes, time = evidence respectively.

I'm not arguing there; I think you've missed my point.

Then I'm not sure what your point is. "That's a load of crap" is due diligence for some things, and those are the things the OP and Autocoprophage were talking about.

When a shill steps into the middle of a productive or informative discussion then it all goes to hell pretty quickly, and who else can be blamed when this happens except the shill?

I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. Some discussions aren't productive, aren't informative. Sometimes they are simply about contentious topics and it becomes rational to speak against them - whether I'm a shill or not.

Of the topics you mention Zionism in particular is not a conspiracy theory at all ; the people of the world are demanding an analytical examination of it.

Just to be clear: I do not support Zionism or any Jewish agenda whatsoever, but I do support honest and rational analysis. I often see discussion and accusation about Zionism and Jews and it is very irrational and dishonest, and for this reason I shake my head at it and disagree with it. My disagreements may seem to be the work of a shill to paranoid or ignorant people - I have been accused before - but I'm no shill and I don't even have my own position on the matter at all. If the discussion is sensible, I will not disapprove, but, often, the discussions are not sensible.

That's because antisemitism is not right.

I live in Germany and am therefore very sensitive to anything against Jews. I wouldn't like History to repeat.

Tell that to the Palestinians.

Who are as much of the problem as anyone else in the region.

If every single one of your neighbors hate you, it's probably because you are an asshole.

If you occasionally blow up your car on your neighbor's porch, it's probably because you are also an asshole.

I think having a Jerusalem city-state would go a long way in resolving some of the issues. An independent country with leaders comprised of major monotheistic doctrines.

Israel drops white phosphorus and depleted uranium on densely populated Palestine killing dozens and makes hundreds more sick, Palestine sends a car bomb into Israel that kills 1. Israel is still the asshole here.

And it's never really clear if the car bomb was an Israeli false flag, or not, whereas the origin of the F-16 that used the phosphorous and depleted uranium weapons on the Palestinians is unmistakable.

When a group of Jews oppress other people, solely on the basis that those other people are not Jews, do you regard the reports of the suffering of those being oppressed as 'something AGAINGST JEWS'?

Are you VERY SENSITIVE to the reports of the oppression, and, if so, what do you mean by that?

What is your reaction to this video clip which documents oppression by Jews, oppression of people who are not Jews?

I understand. I would blame Israels, not Jews.

I don't know if it sounds a difference to you. For me it is a big difference.

I do not blame Israeli Arabs, and for this reason I do not blame Israelis. I blame Israeli Jews, and I refer to them as they refer to themselves, as Zionists and as Jews.

I was just thinking about how posts about fucked up shit Israel or Jews do never fails to bring upvotes. Many countries and people do fucked up things, but stories about fucked up Jewish things are particularly beloved by /r/conspiracy. There's also a long history in the world of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to put 2 and 2 together.

TIL I'm a disinfo agent. I lurk in random subreddits and post sub par material hoping to attract other people to my cause. Someone finally figured it out.

.....the irony, it burns....

Are you off your meds?

the 9/11 fight 93 post comparing the two pictures brought a SHIT TON of people that just tried to misguide everybody.

when that didn't work they switch to grammar nazi'sm and straight out insults that bring no discussion to the table.


I noticed that too. Like crashing vertically is going to magically make 50 people and 220,000 pounds of steel disappear. That was so frustrating to read.

Edit - number of people "on board"

So it wasn't a missile? Lol couldn't even write that without bursting into laughter.

I still laugh at people when they try to insist that the govt doesn't keep tabs on or try to direct online discussions of this nature.

Complete farce.

I would find it highly unlikely they have the time or manpower. Pay off a few journalists? Sure. Bush paid bloggers to write positive stories without them saying anything to their readers about these sponsored stories. But directing and shaping discussions in real time all across the internet? That's going to take a lot of time and people. Most of the federal bureaucracy is engaged in being, well, bureaucrats. Someone has to grade meat for the USDA.

You get downvotes for saying that the van across the street isn't monitoring me

Do you have any idea how important I am?!

I know the truth and they don't want me to tell anyone!


I'm not too bothered about Jews and all that palaver, because it has no effect on my life, plus it's all such a mess now that no side is without blame of some sort.

However, I'll frequently dive into chemtrail discussions, because let's face it - along with crop circles, it has to be one of the most incredibly lame conspiracy theories ever.

Also you have some of the highest quality loons clinging to it!

For example its ever-mutating stupidity now features "slyphs" which appear to be some form of flipping air elemental that eats chemtrails (one unproven claim defeats another unproven claim - colour me unimpressed!), and those absolutely out-of-their-gourd nutjobs spraying vinegar into the air!

Where else could I find novelty and mental shenanigans of this level?

Awww because some one doesn't like it when they see a favorite subject under fire we have a hissy fit.

Here's one for you.

I say those that are shills, disinfo agents and sockpuppets are the ones that don't like it when others disagree with them, and their agenda.

Cry me a fucking river looknottothesky.

Were you worth the time, maybe.


Does no one know how to read? I said nothing of opposing opinions, only of attacking and disrupting discussion....just like you and everyone else who has replied with "Huuur, you don't like people who have different opinions" is doing. I welcome differing opinions, that's what DISCUSSION is all about.

They don't love you.

shills - helping making a shittier world for the people they love

edit - i wasn't making any reference to any denomination

and for all the people who are not Jews whom they hate, too.

Have you ever actually met a real, live Jew? You people act like they're dangerous, cunning reptiles.

Every day.

Translation: "Hey, I can say whatever I want about Jews because free speech, but don't you DARE criticize ME for it, that's oppression and censorship and OMG RON PAULLLLLL"

Good golly. Look at the downvotes !! 84 Up, 62 Down. Proves your point.

The distribution of downvotes on comments really drives the point home.

While you have a point, the chemtrails thing I've put a bit of time into researching and I'm still unconvinced. This video seems pretty convincing though http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Zu6X7fZ20g Again, I'm currently undecided.

What sites would you suggest in order for reasearching the nature of chemtrails and also have you taken time to read / review the opposition's side?

Look Up!?

You have to research things to gain an understanding of them. Planes leave condensed vapour trails, that much is certain but some seem to behave more differently. Basing a solid opinion on mere assumptions is pretty ridiculous and totally counter productive.

Basing a solid opinion on mere assumptions is pretty ridiculous and totally counter productive.

I truly, truly wish this would sink in around here.

Basing a solid opinion on mere assumptions is pretty ridiculous and totally counter productive.

Hallmarks of a shill, number 33.

Hallmark of a sensible approach. Sure, make all the assumptions you want it's fun, I do it all the time but don't ever misconstrue these things as fact all of a sudden. Then you have become deluded.

I mean to point out when I said solid opinion I meant a fully held, factual belief. I think it's good to voice your assumptions for the most part but not with any degree of certainty for they are just assumptions.

Since when did "condensed vapor trails" last for hours whilst spreading out to meet up with other trails laid down, usually in tandem if you watch but then why am I arguing on the internets with a shill, troll or fuckbucket. It only matters is that I know something isn't right.

"condensed vapor trails" only lasts for a few miles behind the Airliner and then they disappear.

Guess I'm the latter. It's good to question, it's good to be suspicious but to treat your suspicions as absolute fact is not beneficial that's all I'm saying.

I know right, some videos such as this seem so damning it's almost evidence but I've found the presence of a cold front could have created this. It's really hard to know but there is more evidence to suggest they're just oddly performing contrails. I'm undecided on the issue.

My main issue is if they are dropping aluminium or any other cognitive impairing substances that they would also be affecting themselves.

Notice the majority of the parallel trails are north to south which is not a usual flight path

My main issue is if they are dropping aluminium or any other cognitive impairing substances that they would also be affecting themselves.

so true.

Earth is flat. Look around you.

By looking up for a few seasons, I can prove to you that the earth is certainly not flat.

The lights move, the earth does not.

Wake up sheeple.

I digress.


Nobody is monitoring anything. People reply disagreeing with you because you are a known anti-semitic nutjob. You love conflating the actions of Israel with all Jews. You also use incredibly biased sources (same goes for your buddies bumblingmumbling, Ijob911, and Occidentalist) and occasionally you flat out lie (such as when you insisted Mein Kampf was actively suppressed and censored in the US).


I also "show up" whenever pro wrestling is mentioned (I'm a fan - say what you will). Does that make a "pro wrestling shill"? Or perhaps I just hate seeing anti-semitic bullshit and so I comment on it. Ever think of that?

We see through your lies. How much is the WWE paying you, SHILL?

He's one of the worst.


Most of these EPS trolls/conspiratards show up whenever I see someone mention that....

I've noticed what you're saying, since I often comment on posts about Zionism. You get posters that you never see anywhere else, and often two of them will do a tag-team on somebody.

The same could easily be said about bumblingmumbling and what not. You guys hate jews so you comment on 'jew' threads. I've nothing against jews and know there'll always be some bigotry or interesting conspiratorial nonsense, *so I comment on them. I find 'jew hate' and holocaust denial, and their corresponding justifications interesting. A study of 'people' if you wish.

That's me being totally honest too.

*edit: added 'so I comment on them too'.

You and bumblingmumbling get the worst of it, even when you present just the cold, hard facts w/o any kind of editorialization.

That's mainly because bumblingmumbling and tttt0tttt are both known to be ridiculously antisemetic, going far beyond simply disliking zionism.



tttt0tttt - blaming Jews for homosexuality, calling for the sterilizing of minorities, jews controlling reddit.

bumblingmumbling - "Jews declared war on Germany," jews forced the US into World War II, jews trying to overthrow christian civilization, holocaust denial, blaming jews for antisemtism.

Neither of the exactly hide their bigotry. I can find more examples if you'd like. While the majority of the users on the subreddit are fine, this subreddit has a serious problem with racism and antisemtitism mainly in about five posters.


There's nothing that really can be done. It's upsetting, yes, but short of banning them there is no way that this can be stopped, and I seriously doubt that they will be banned any time soon, nor would I be supportive of such a ban.


I don't follow this subreddit a lot, but here's a few i found from my posting history:

example 1

example 2

really just look who makes up the majority of commentators for /r/AmericanJewishPower

See my reply to ttttt0ttttt above, I'm sure you're alluding to the same things I've been accused of before so if you're genuinely interested, have a look.

While I disagree with just about everything you post in this sub, you at least substantiate your claims. You are a regular poster, you don't call someone an anti-semite who needs to die, then run away. I don't know that name-calling is one of your go-to tricks (other than anti-semite) either. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about people who don't post here, popping up like a "Someone used the word Jew...attack!!" alarm went off on their screen.

Thanks dude, I appreciate that.

Looking in on this thread the next morning

See guys, it worked! Magic!

You must live in a scary, scary, paranoiac world if you think dark forces are aligning against you and actually care what you have to say. You're a nobody and no one important cares about you or your opinions. Some of us, however, find you people to be incredibly hilarious.

Thanks for your time and attention! I'm honored that you have nothing better to do with your time than troll me and others who share my beliefs <3

yeah, about that... the Jews made me say that.

Looks around for who mentioned jews first...OH YEAH, YOU!

It's just another example of the failings of the Obama administration and how gun control legislation will steal your freedoms

Are the voices talking to you again? Take your meds, bro.

the paranoid schizophrenic who thinks anyone who disagrees with him over the internet must be a shill is telling someone to take his meds!

how cute.

Nice... very nice.

I admit I didn't really expect them to bite, but damn; look at 'em go. Magic indeed. ;)

So it wasn't a missile? Lol couldn't even write that without bursting into laughter.

I still laugh at people when they try to insist that the govt doesn't keep tabs on or try to direct online discussions of this nature.

Complete farce.

Basing a solid opinion on mere assumptions is pretty ridiculous and totally counter productive.

I truly, truly wish this would sink in around here.

Not until you make me a better offer to shill for you

I outlined 2 specific qualifiers, neither of them was not agreeing with me. Please read the words on your screen, instead of just putting words in my mouth.

And it's never really clear if the car bomb was an Israeli false flag, or not, whereas the origin of the F-16 that used the phosphorous and depleted uranium weapons on the Palestinians is unmistakable.

Basing a solid opinion on mere assumptions is pretty ridiculous and totally counter productive.

Hallmarks of a shill, number 33.