Reddit censoring the shit out of the Colorado shooting.

3  2012-07-20 by [deleted]

They removed the Initial popular story off worldnews and from the front page with 1000+posts.The post eventually would've faded from there on It's own anyway. Here It Is: Here Is r/worldnews currently: /;

Removed a girl's report of It on r/askreddit for a while FOR NO REASON: (notice It says ''[removed]'')then they just restored it now:

And have hidden r/worldnews and r/askreddit as defaults so we don't reach thIs story on there. 12 dead,50 wounded.



/r/WorldNews doesn't cover anything that happens in America. Says so right in the rules. This story doesn't belong in that subreddit.

AskReddit might have had similar concerns.

This isn't censorship, it's proper moderation.


It's a major event in the US, which /r/WorldNews explicitly does not cover. You can't call it censorship when you simply can't be arsed to go to an appropriate subreddit or even to check /r/All.


If you see any stories there that take place entirely within the US, report them.

Um.... r/news maybe?


That is people's problems, you don't get a free pass to throw this up in /r/aww because it's a big event, it doesn't fit the bill.

No, you don't. Worldnews is for news outside of the united states. Says so in the sidebar. Doesn't matter if you think it should be there, it's the rules of that subreddit.

I think the point is that this is considered an american site (based in San francisco,developed by americans,owned by american company) and so by default /r/news is american news which this case is.

theres currently 5 different post on the front page of r/news. it doesnt belong in r/worldnews because it happened in America

i dont know how this counts as censorship

I'm actually pretty positive that it does not count as censorship.

-Edit- I am however, pretty certain that banning people for saying something isn't a conspiracy is censorship.

yeah me too. just a paranoid OP i reckon

Well, criticizing OP wont help that particular condition....

Can I just be the one to point out that your proof of censorship is two links on reddit that both exist currently and have massive amounts of upvotes, and two links to sites that are not reddit?


You know, when something goes down and then right back up, it's probably not because it's being censored. It might be the page simply being overwhelmed for a bit, or temporarily removed for fear of false or purposefully misleading information, or any number of things where the immediate intent was not to keep people from learning about this incident which is plastered all over the internet and news channels and newspapers.

Sometimes things happen in malicious situations that are in fact, not malicious. This shooting is a malicious situation, the page being removed for a little bit? Probably not malicious.

Why would they try and censor this? [[ Just curious ]]

They don't want the masses to be afraid to go see the movie?

I'm pretty sure that people are going to see the movie regardless.

the reddit mods are so concerned about hollywood profits!

They want to keep their celebrity AMAs.

I don't think you can call censorship unless ALL of the threads have been removed. What if there were initial concerns about which sources had valid information and whether witness accounts were actually real?

Who gives a shit. That's what the voting system is for. It is not up to the admins to remove content like that.

You're right, admins have no right to remove content. I'm going to go post this to /r/astrophysics because it's relevant and if they remove it, that's just proof of evil reddit admins and their NWO plot to censor the interwebz. ALL ADMINS ARE NWO SHILLS.

On the same day last year, Breivik's shooting in Norway occurred. (third Friday of July)

Also known as “the day The Dark Knight Rises premieres” and “a day in which the Workers’ Youth League had a summer camp on Utøya”.

I’m preeeeeeettty sure it’s a coincidence.

It is still on the front page now. It has over 2300 comments.


It is on the front page of reddit, now.

What happened? Never heard of it.

strange id think theyd promote it cause scaring the public is usually top priority

Scaring the public is reddit's top priority? I always thought it was cats.


cats are disinfo agents working for an dogoppressive felinocracy.

I live about a minute away from this theater...been getting woke up all morning from people calling to make sure I was ok. The guy that did this has some balls...that place always has 3-4 cops posted op in the lobby.

How long before OWS is classified as a terrorist organization?




Cool story bro.

Their plan is unfolding before your eyes..

What plan? Just curious, I don't understand why they would try and censor this on Reddit when it's on hundreds of different news sites.

I believe the shooting is tied to the NWO plan and the censorship, well..

What does a crazy person shooting up a dark knight showing have to do with the NWO?

They will use it to take your guns and what little freedom you think might be left.

Can we expect an apology for crying wolf when none of that happens?

Well that was a silly question mindbleach, you really expect them to apologize for crying wolf when there is something new to cry wolf about all the time?

Just wait till the wolves start crying sheep

What the crap does that even mean. I can be cryptic and non sequitur too, you know. Just wait 'till the eagle is in the nest.

Just like zimmerman in florida was a way to take your guns?

Hows that going?

No true gun owner would shoot random people, only paid shills do that. Trust me, just look at my flair. There's no possible way for people to be mentally unbalanced (mental illness is just the man keeping you down).

Ok - if you are going to insist on being dumb and ignoring any point...


I'd like to point out that my last comment was sarcasm, which I acknowledge does not translate well over the internet, but I thought that the blatant use of the not true scotsman would make that obvious.

The comments on this subreddit are fueled by fallacies. Your comment just seems like the norm around here.

Trust me, just look at my flair




Conspiracy theory bingo, that is, thanks for your brand of crazy.


Then fuck you. Don't make wild predictions about what some nebulous group is definitely going to do unless you have to spine to admit when you've been wrong.

A little touchy tonight?

Justifiably so. How can you be rational if you don't recognize when you've been wrong?

I am not wrong yet.

Well no kidding, we don't know anything and nothing's happened yet. If a month from now this guy turns out to have no connections to anyone, your guns and freedoms remain as they are now, and the whole ordeal has been set aside for other news, then would you have the decency to admit you were wrong on all counts?

I don't mind admitting I am wrong but I will never apologise.

It took you conspiracy nuts less than 4 hours to come up with this new conspiracy bullshit about this tragedy. Jesus.

Just take your meds and stop this bullshit.

I believe nuts is plural and the word you were looking for was singular.

I was not only talking about you. Alex Jones and others have begun exploiting this event for their propaganda and conspiracy bullshit.

It is a nice tactic to point out flaws in grammar or spelling when you have nothing to reply. Even when it fails like it did for you.

Who is Alex Jones?

I am not going to tell you. The world does not need more people listening to Alex Jones.

Are you retarded?

I know many Americans like to shoot people anyway but you are reaching a pivotal point in their plans. They used the Port Arthur massacre to rid us of our weapons already.

Why would the NWO censor this? Also, are they going to censor the hundreds, probably thousands of news sites that're commonly used on the internet that're covering this? [[ not being condescending, just curious, again. ]]

Yes, why would they? Sorry, my comment was not relevant for the censorship. More directed to the shooting.

One period for a full stop, three for an ellipsis. There is never a correct time to use two periods.

Thank you.


Conspiracy theory bingo, that is, thanks for your brand of crazy.

If you see any stories there that take place entirely within the US, report them.

Well, criticizing OP wont help that particular condition....

Cool story bro.