Nearly 66,666 subscribers!!

18  2012-07-21 by [deleted]


Does that mean more people are opening their eyes, or that they have found a place to discuss their concerns?

I hope it means more people are opening their eyes, but i think it could be a bit of both...

I wander how much longer until another "great awakening" (not in any religious sense, but in an intellectual sense)...

I'm hoping sooner than we currently expect.

I agree totally, but will it be too late?

I differ a bit with you on this generation's religious people, I think if they're smart enough to look in here they're no longer blind and they can even start a new liberation religious movement, things like that are unstoppable.

It means we'll soon have to move to another place, as the fools flood everything here with whatever they heard on TV.

That or you begin the rebellion.

Wow! I think i just became #66,666!

Some of us are more than one of those subscribers each, or so I've been told.

The current false flag in Colorado is being covered extensively here. While other sites and subreddits are linking to MSM accounts. This subreddit has been on this case from the moment it was first reported with questions not being asked (or answered) elsewhere and with insightful alternative views of the facts as they become known. This may be the story that catapults the number of readers past 100,000.

I listened to Alex Jones last night when he asserted that he was sure the shooting in the movie theater in Colorado was a false flag event, and for the life of me, I can't see where he's coming from. Does everything have to be a false flag? Isn't it more likely that the guy who did the shooting was a nutball who wanted publicity? I've seen no evidence of any other scenario. I mean, I like conspiracy theories as much as the next person, but sometimes a nut is just a nut.

Im sorry, but how does a neuroscience major suddenly turn into a nut? The timing is odd as well. But regardless, they're going to try to take the 2nd amendment with this.

Yes, I agree, Obama and his cohorts in crime will attempt to use the shooting to restrict gun ownership, but that has nothing at all to do with the event. And why shouldn't a neuroscience major go nuts? He's probably more likely to lose his mind than a dock worker.

Why is one of the most successful comedic actors of all time also in a massive state of depression?

The human brain is a funky thing, you aren't exempt from mental instability because you're a neuroscience student.

We are still in the dark about a lot of things. I have a feeling we are going to find out that Robert Holmes, father of "the shooter", is connected with Naval Intelligence.

But, to your skepticism: is it possible that this guy dressed up like a character in the movie being shown and appeared at the point in the movie where his character was on screen doing what he was doing in the audience because he thought it was a publicity stunt? If he was just "a nut" why didn't he keep killing until he ran out of amunition? Why did he surrender peacefully? Why did he inform the authorities that his lodgings were booby trapped? Where did he get the money for all the expensive equipment? From whom did he acquire it?

How do you "kick in" a fire door (made of steel) that only opens outward? Who "struggled with him" at the door? Who was the "cameraman"?

Why do crazy people shoot the innocent? Why don't they shoot bankers or other members of the .001%?

I know you are a thoughtful person. I sincerely respect your opinion and perspective. Don't let the perception of agreeing with Alex Jones keep you from looking a little closer at this one.

"Why do crazy people shoot the innocent? Why don't they shoot bankers or other members of the .001%?"

Yeah, I wonder about that myself.

Have we EVER had a shooting/killing/bombing that was actually aimed at a "legitimate" target?

The only one I can think of is the bombing of wall street and JP morgan by "italian anarchists". that was about a hundred years ago though, so yeah...

All I'm saying is, I haven't seen anything to suggest this was anything more than a lone crazy person with guns. If we start jumping to the conclusion that every event is somehow part of a grand conspiracy, we lose all perspective and lose our ability to distinguish likely conspiracies from unlikely ones.

Fair enough.

I thought we knew the shooters dad was Darpa connected.

I did not know that. I recently learned that The Birth of the Hippie Generation was a plot to neutralize the anti-war movement with numerous connections to the CIA and Naval Intelligence. I would not be surprised to find similar connections here.

We know this was not a spontaneous event. This guy did not just grab the nearest gun and start shooting. He had to acquire the weapons and ammo and he had to acquire the knowledge and equipment to booby-trap his lodgings. He did not get on the roof of his building or start shooting as soon as he got outside. He did not target a particular person* or agency. He got into costume for the show. In other words there was planning and preparation so we can rule out a sudden onset of crazy.

As a Phd. level neuroscience researcher he may have become the experiment by chance or by choice (for God and country).

*There was a guy a while back who was pestered by the IRS and so he flew his single engine plane into the building and into the offices of the IRS. This guy dresses up like the joker and goes for maximum carnage.

I could be wrong but it seems to me this guy did not decide to change his major from neuroscience to mass murderer on his own. That makes it a conspiracy (this is r/conspiracy and I eschew the coincidental theory of history).

I listened to Alex Jones last night

That's when I stopped reading your post

Very wise of you. Just stop reading whenever those old pre-programmed triggers trip. You'll be a happier person.

False flag!

warning warning false flag warning warning

Just hit 66,667 xD

Finally this subreddit is getting the attention it deserves, although I think half of the subscribers are here to troll/downvote us when we try to expose the truth about some "sensitive" topics.

Za numbar of za Beast!






this should be in circlejerk