Hey fellow /r/conspiracy redditor's, lets build some bridges and understand each other. AMA, I'm Jewish and work in finance.

3  2012-07-23 by [deleted]

I love /r/conspiracy. I've lurked here for a while, since I opened my eyes a year or so ago. One thing that I think we can come together and hammer out though is a persistent strain of antisemitism running through here. Im ethnically Jewish. I don't consider myself excessively religious - you can probably consider me the Semitic version of an Easter-and-Christmas church goer. A few more holidays I go to Temple for but essentially the same. I work in a small boutique investment firm. The short explanation is it's a small -less then 10 employes- brokerage that curates investment funds for what I can best describe as the 'Stuff White People Like' crowd if you've ever read that -hilarious- book. We make sure the funds we sell them contain only fair-trade, cruelty-free, environmentally-conscious companies that pay their workers a living wage without exploiting them.


For the record it would not be anti-semitic to identify an israeli or jewish group as a party implicated in, for example, the 9/11 attack. Nor would it be anti-semitic to recognize the concentrations of political and economic power that exist within the american jewish community relative to other ethnic groups. It would not even be anti-semitic to identify israel as politically volatile and dangerous country, or to think of them as an enemy to world peace or a potential threat to our personal well being.

You seem like a good person and I don't care where you were born or what religion you have. If there are real anti-semites here who would hate you for your heritage, then I don't like them either. But Israel is a lightning rod for controversy, and the mossad have a lot of blood on their hands. Are you sure you can tell the difference between hate based anti-semitism, and the justified criticism of people who happen to be jewish?

When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. But of course everyone everywhere is anti-semetic, the ADL says so.

If there's one thing the foulbastard knows, its that theres nothing wrong with working in "finance" just as there's nothing wrong with being "jewish" - aside the obvious fact that judaism is just plain wrong, but that fact obviously applies to every religion. Oh, and of course no, "jewish" is not a race.

Now, if you told me that you have an allegiance to Israel, that supersedes your allegiance to the USA - assuming that you're a citizen, and that you use your position in finance to forward an Israeli first agenda, and corrupt our political system, then I'd say we'd have a problem.

Israel is one of the most evil, manipulative, warmongering and human rights abusing countries on the planet.

Now, the jews that own all the media in this country dont do themselves any favors by they way they spin the news all the time, leading some people to just label all jews as evil. But, there lies the quandary. For instance, I bet you didnt even know the Batman shooter was a Jew. But you better believe that if he was a Muslim, or as Fox (not)News falsely reported, a "Tea Partier" it would be plastered all over the headlines "MUSLIM/TEAPARTY TERROR IN THEATER!". But nope, not a peep about him being jewish.

And as you can see, there is nothing anti-semitic about pointing that fact out. But there is something quite disturbing, and quite telling, about the silence regarding the subject currently.



Unfortunate?! http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2003/jul/28/israel http://www.ifamericansknew.org/stats/children.html 'the world community came together and with one voice' I imagine a few Palestinians weren't overly enthusiastic about the idea. 'we, like all other peoples, deserve a home' as do the Palestinians

So you're saying Zionism is a good thing? Yes or no?


Ill take that as a yes.

Same here


the world community came together and with one voice proclaimed the State of Israel

Not true. United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine.

  • At the time only 56 sovereign nations (of 75 total) were members of the UN.
  • Only 33 countries voted for the plan. (44% of all sovereign nations)
  • The partition plan was a recommendation, not a proclamation.
  • The plan was subject to approval by both Jews and Arabs of Palestine. (The Arab population voted not to accept it).
  • The partition plan was not implemented.
  • Civil war broke out and the Jewish Peoples Council in Palestine unilaterally declared the establishment of the state of Israel.

we like all the other people deserve a home.

Do Palestinians deserve a home? The world gave Jews safe harbor and a homeland where they developed nukes and commit atrocities against actual semite peoples. But poor you, worried about Jewish identity on Reddit Pff! Unfortunate.

lol reddit hates jews. They try and hide their racism behind lots of reasons, but at the end of the day.....racists.

Torah or Talmud?

How can you be ethnically jewish? It's an idea, not a race I thought. If your referring to the prejudice here against Zionism I would agree with you 100% but prejudiced against Jews in general I don't think so. We here as a group know who the villains are hiding behind Judaism controlling everything blaming everything on the 'Jews' so unfortunately a lot of it gets blamed on Jews, it even does it in the bible. If were not ok with what Israel is doing to Palestine is that antisemitism?

I think the problem arises when a group of financial/social psychopaths are labeled as Jewish first and formost. The connotation leads to the thought that Judaism is somehow responsible, which then means all Jews are the same in that manner, acting from some religious born thirst for world dominance when really we're just smoking pot and reading Reddit.

Fight. Urge. To. Feed. It.

I don't hate Jews in general. Most of those in Israel, and those with identities with Israel living throughout the world are just like me and every common man. Working our asses off like the common Joe trying to make a better living for our families. It's that way in all the world including Israel. Now let the average Palestinian have that right.

What pisses me off is how when someone comments on how Jews/Zionists are manipulating businesses/finances, or brings up the holocaust, etc... Just about every Jew pulls out and gets offended and brings out the persecution card, your racist, blah, blah, blah, and frankly it's quite aggravating and getting very annoying. That JDL pity box of persecution woe is me has got to go. Maybe not you acting such, but plenty of them.

You want to mend bridges and overcome an understanding. You have yo let go of the past, and burn that pity persecution box that so many Jews use. Especially the media such as Hollywood.

As a Polynesian to which over a million of my ancestors killed off by Europeans. I don't whine and bitch about it, and play the old little poor me card. Neither do many Polynesians I know. What was done is done, and let go of the freaking past. My wife doesn't bitch about being put in interment camp as a Japanese American. While her father and uncles fought as Nisei. They are over it.

You can't build bridges until you let go of the old busted one.

Now kudos and a slap on the back for dealing in fair-trade, and environmental conscious companies. Like I said the average schmuck be it Jew or what ever race just wants an honest living.

There is no such thing as Jewish ethnicity. It's a religion.


So if I converted to Judaism would my race all of a sudden change? Serious question if you want to maintain that there is a "racial component" to being jewish.

Most jews today are descended from Khazars anyways that converted long long ago, and aren't even genetically closely related to actual semitic peoples such as palestinians.

if I converted to Judaism would my race all of a sudden change?

Of course! Just ask Sammy Davis, Jr.. Now all blacks are Jewish! Oh wait... Israel is deporting black Jews. How does that work?

Nah, Israel lets the black Jews stay. They brought them over in the first place.

They are kicking out black Christians.

No, your mother has to be Jewish for you to be ethnically considered Jewish.

But that is precisely my point. Most jews today ARE NOT GENETICALLY RELATED TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE. They are descended from khazars who converted to judaism. So the entire idea of being ethnically Jewish is just saying you are probably related to some eastern europeans that converted to Judaism long ago.

Anyone that thinks they are Jewish and are related to the actual tribes of Israel spoken of in the bible haven't read up on their history. 99.99 percent of Jews are related to the Khazars, and are thus not semetic.

I don't see a strain of anti-Semitism in this subreddit, I see a strain of truth-telling and reality perception. The truth is not anti-Semitic.

I just did a search for Jewish in r/Conspiracy. You're a lunatic.

tttt0tttt is absurdly antisemetic, so it's not surprising that he wouldn't see it.

Because denying the Holocaust and saying "Hitler was right" isn't anti semitic, is it tttt0tttt?

He thinks the "truth isn't antisemetic." In his mind, Jews are evil despicable creatures, so saying Hitler was right is truthful in his bigoted mind.


You can't possibly be serious. You alone are ridiculously antisemetic.

Example links.

At least he's consistently polite about his horrible and hypocritical beliefs. BM and Mayonesa are jerks about it.