Something BIG is happening right now...
53 2012-07-26 by ColtsDragoon
I was on 4chan when threads started exploding all over about UN vote to ban guns in the United states. The resolution stalled in the senate right before the Aurora shooting happened and now that its up for vote again it is likely to pass which will means most or all semi-auto weapons will be confiscated. apparently when anon found out about it the website was freezed (no posts can be made and all gun ban threads have been deleted)
i also see zero coverage of the bill in any media outlet except infowars and a little blurb in RT
is the bill being voted on now or in the next day or two?
32 BrianJWhite 2012-07-26
I like a good conspiracy as much as the next guy but how could a UN vote on anything overturn the second amendment. There are only three ways I can think of to get rid of the second amendment.
What am I missing?
92 yahoo_bot 2012-07-26
They don't care, don't you understand? TSA sexually molesting people at the airports isn't constitutional, warantless searches aren't constitutional, spying and wiretapping aren't constitutional, obamacare isn't constitutional, banning assault and bigger weapons isn't constitutional, having to follow regulations isn't constitutional, they just do it.
No one will protect you, not the courts, not the congress, not the supreme court, all these unconstitutional bills are being carried out.
9 k0nstantine 2012-07-26
Nothing but upvotes for a voice of reason in r/conspiracy
4 justinxduff 2012-07-26
The UN can't ban guns in the US.....
3 GrammarOutlaw 2012-07-26
Obamacare was declared constitutional by the supreme court? Am I missing something?
-12 [deleted] 2012-07-26
6 supercede 2012-07-26
Refute him then...
-8 [deleted] 2012-07-26
0 BadgerGecko 2012-07-26
because thats the point of debate
1 muirmoffatt 2012-07-26
What makes you think I'm trying to debate him? I'm ridiculing him dope.
35 IHoldSteady 2012-07-26
55 years ago the Supreme Court ruled that our constitution trumps international treaties and agreements. Unless we amend the constitution they can not take away our rights with the passing of this bill.
23 StarshipsOneMoreTime 2012-07-26
Your rights ?? Pickup that can, sheeple, and get back to work ...
1 PNWd 2012-07-26
Have an upvote and a wallpaper.
-8 IHoldSteady 2012-07-26
Until our Constitution is torn up and people are being mass murdered and jailed I will continue to believe that we as citizens of this country do have rights that are being protected.
23 hddtmrutc 2012-07-26
You've heard of the boiling frog anecdote, no doubt? The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. It's a fitting analogy to your comment.
1 chetti990 2012-07-26
0 IHoldSteady 2012-07-26
Just because I believe we have rights doesn't mean I am ignorant as to what is going on around me. I know things are changing and rights are being taken away in the name of "safety", but that has been going on ever since our country has been founded. Until something cataclysmic happens I will continue to hold onto the belief that our government is looking out for our best interests as an entire nation. That being said I am still skeptical of things that have been done and are being done across the country and the world. Which is why I'm here to begin with.
13 hddtmrutc 2012-07-26
Like boiling water?
You've been given zero reason to believe that to be true, and every reason to believe otherwise.
4 PzGren 2012-07-26
yeah that last one is REALLY naive
1 IHoldSteady 2012-07-26
I'd go with hopeful over naive. But everyone has their own opinions and obviously we don't agree here.
8 no1113 2012-07-26
We no longer have enough reason to be even hopeful that this country and the powers that be will work in our best interest. We don't.
Naivety is stupid, but even hope at this point that somehow we as a citizenry don't have to do much of anything and somehow all the wrongs that are happening will somehow right themselves is 100% not viable any longer either.
We're at the point where we don't have to sit and wait for the shit to hit the fan. The shit has already begun hitting the fan.
Thing is that it's going to get a lot worse. You have to ask yourself where will we be as a citizenry when it does finally get even worse?
The frog has to wake up and act BEFORE it realizes the water is boiling, because if it decides it should act only after it starts feeling that the water is boiling, it will be too late, and it will already be dead and boiled.
1 PzGren 2012-07-26
Im sorry, if you have really done research there is no way you can claim the government has our best interests at heart, the interests of the government are those of the bankers and the multinational corporations because they are the same fucking people. Cunts like Cheney effortlessly glide between halliburton and government, Obamney has more Goldman Sachs bankser scum on his board then anyone before him.
How can you seriously claim the iraq war or ANY of these fucking wars are in the interests of the american people? This would mean that the policy makers in the US are mentally retarded, which unfortunately they are not.
The only people that profit from almost ALL major american policies are
A) the clusterfuck of weapons manufacturers nestled comfortably underneath the pentagon, being gorged on a monstrous stream of our money
B) the fucking banker scum that also are fed a disgusting diet of fiat $, only to rape the american people again for the third time in the last hundred years
C)all the fucking perpetrators that profit from the drug war, be that Big pharma, private prisons, LE etc.
c) Israel
1 IHoldSteady 2012-07-26
Any particular reason it took you two months to type that?
1 PzGren 2012-07-26
I just discovered my inbox acouple of days ago:-(
11 [deleted] 2012-07-26
The government doesn't grant us rights, nor can they take them away.
They can however, violate them and they have proven this countless times. This is what you should be concerned about, not some piece of paper.
1 supercede 2012-07-26
That's right, my friend. Each one of us is sovereign. We are not the chattel-property-strawman that we are told we are. You are not the fictional, all caps name on your birth certificate, property of the Establishment. You are a freeman. It's about time we separate ourselves from our papered versions. :)
1 Thanatomania 2012-07-26
2 supercede 2012-07-26
Free Man on the Land, indeed :)
2 no1113 2012-07-26
Bro, what the fuck was 911?
Don't be the frog, brother. Don't be the frog. I'm also not saying be some crazy person with a gun shooting shit up and trying to start a stupid riot, of course. What I'm saying is realize that your country is not, nor has it EVER been your country.
You, me, all of us. We've been lied to from the beginning.
Here. Please check this out okay? Listen to it and really take it at heart, because it's not empty rhetoric being spoken here. It's all valid and sound.
-5 muirmoffatt 2012-07-26
That's your idea of a valid and sound? Fascinating.
2 no1113 2012-07-26
So you think that a sarcastic and condescending "fascinating" response is warranted when someone says and feels that the ruling class have all but taken over this country and this world and are doing things to it (and us) that are NOT in its (and our) best interest?
-1 muirmoffatt 2012-07-26
when you post a video like that and call it "valid and sound" yes. It was pathetic.
1 no1113 2012-07-26
Yeah, man. Keep boiling. That you think truth is pathetic is not just pathetic, but scary. It's actually frightening to think that people like you exist among the 99%.
Oh well.
-1 muirmoffatt 2012-07-26
Thank you for your emotional and poorly written opinion. You can go away and live your scared life now.
1 no1113 2012-07-26
No fear here, frog. No fear here. You're obviously more ignorant than even I suppose, or you're simply trolling. Either way good luck. You'll certainly need it.
0 muirmoffatt 2012-07-26
Yeah I don't watch a lot of conspiracy YouTube videos, I must be really ignorant.
1 no1113 2012-07-26
No. You just don't think much. Your comments continue demonstrating that. That's what makes you ignorant.
0 muirmoffatt 2012-07-26
Says the butthurt paranoid conspiracy theorist who comes on reddit to source youtube and pretend he's smart? Ouch, you are devastating me.
0 muirmoffatt 2012-07-26
yeah, I saw Al gore and Glenn Beck use that analogy. Thought it was stupid those times as well.
2 knowless 2012-07-26
how about a slow grind? like, you ever try to machine something? on a mill? if you go full depth all at once, reasoning here that you need to make a pretty significant change, you either shatter the bit, or throw the piece.. you have to mill off just as much as you can at a time, too fast and the piece damages the machine, or throws the work right back at you.. too slow and you'll miss the deadline..
the funny thing about both beck and gore is that they were/are pretty wrong timing wise, but their core logic is pretty sound when it comes to the overall(in my understanding, gore pointing out that humans effect their environment on a grand scale, beck that governments with a fiat currency will graft away until obsolescence) .. not that I really think either has anything but a demographic to hustle, but whatever, of no consequence.
1 muirmoffatt 2012-07-26
theyre all just slippery slope arguments and used to make gullible people afraid.
0 frostek 2012-07-26
It's also inaccurate. Frogs will always jump out when the water becomes too warm.
1 Dayanx 2012-07-26
humans will add the vegetables and soup stock themselves.
1 frostek 2012-07-26
I disagree. I think this is a case of the slippery slope argument where people insist that if something bad happens it'll just get worse over time (forever, seemingly). In medieval times we would have all been peasants, and although some of you may hyperbolically argue that we still are (because you don't have the rocket-powered jet car that some billionaire has), I'd say the human condition has improved vastly over time.
All in all, now is not that bad of a time to be alive.
3 VerbalJungleGym 2012-07-26
Reddiquette please people. Let's use our words to answer true needs, not downvote to oblivion.
That said, what part of wars of aggression isn't mass murder? What part of our prison population isn't mass jailing?
That said if you think rights are protected look more into voter fraud with diebold, corporate ownership and citizens united, and John Gatto on education.
1 supercede 2012-07-26
Very well said! The list in your last paragraph is right on point. We need to learn how to express our volition and seek out what we can find as true-living, based on our ability to seek our and make obsolete, the contradictions around us.
-2 IHoldSteady 2012-07-26
I agree the wars are mass murder, but I meant of our own people within our own borders. We've been going to wars since this country was founded and people have always been dying. What we haven't had are mass murders of our own people by our own government.(I know people will say 9/11, but I am not entirely convinced that was us. Though I know a lot of things don't add up.)
The only people I believe are really wrongly imprisoned are non-violent drug offenders, the rest of the people in prison are there for reasons that are completely legitimate.
I will look into the other things you said.
2 no1113 2012-07-26
We don't, bro. We don't. Wake up and stop believing in the fairy tale lie. That same level of incredulity will get you enslaved and/or killed.
9 frostybollocks 2012-07-26
Maybe that's why DHS has stocked up on ammo and weapons, because they will need it to unarm Americans.
6 Dayanx 2012-07-26
Even the IRS, Department of Education, Census, and a few other entities have purchased firearms with their budgets, especially shotguns. The FBI purchased several Anzio Ironworks 20x102mm cannons; the first of which was set to FY 2010:
Ammunition compared to a .50 BMG:
3 [deleted] 2012-07-26
These bureaucracies have been slowly militarized over the past three decades, right under our noses.
Trust your gut.
4 IHoldSteady 2012-07-26
That is a possibility for sure. I guess we will see how things play out in the next few months.
3 [deleted] 2012-07-26
Look, I'm not saying I agree with the contracts, but the 450 million rounds is a contract to purchase up to an amount of rounds, not a flat number that they've already received.
The whole god damn system is fucked and needs to be changed from the inside out, but we also need to make sure we're keeping information as accurate as possible.
2 selfchosen2 2012-07-26
Since 9/11 the gov has been highly focused on domestic counter-insurgence. NORTHCOM was created for a reason.
1 frostek 2012-07-26
Actually it was because they got an amazing deal on some bundled airmiles if they bought in bulk.
0 420trashacct 2012-07-26
Again, there is no legal way to do this without about 3 years worth of leg work.
10 Orangutan 2012-07-26
The UN vote is a step in the direction they want. Another step towards tyranny and a further police state, that is why it is a big deal in my opinion.
5 OWNtheNWO 2012-07-26
Uhh.. how about we have psychopathic mass murdering criminals running our society and they could give a fuck about the points you made because they are arming their mindless hordes of bureaucrats and praetorian class against you?
4 byrim 2012-07-26
You aren't missing anything.
3 no1113 2012-07-26
No disrespect whatsoever, as I think you have sound points, but what I think you're missing is how devious and underhanded TPTB can be and are. I mean, afterall, the constitution of the U.S. has already been all but stripped and raped as it stands. I don't think that the 2nd amendment is something that would be beneath TPTB to at least attempt to undermine and do away with.
I think before anyone assumes the OP is simply to outlandish to be true or real, I think we need to realize that it's much better to be mindful and watchful of something like what OP posted to be a reality first. Better safe than sorry I say.
2 Dayanx 2012-07-26
It is conceivable this may lead to a chemically-propelled, copper jacketed protest.
1 BrianJWhite 2012-07-26
At the risk of sounding like an idiot, what is a
1 Dayanx 2012-07-26
yes. Probably in the form of attempted mass arrests among the militia groups. Standard go-to for feds looking to make a point.
2 BrianJWhite 2012-07-26
fair enough
2 Mahat 2012-07-26
i call shotgun!
2 tttt0tttt 2012-07-26
You are missing what's actually going on right now ... government ignoring the Constitution to do whatever it wants.
0 Mahat 2012-07-26
meh, civil war will happen if they try to go through with this, and it will be ugly, considering how polarized the field is.
1 Uraeus 2012-07-26
I heard they are trying to now translate the 2nd amendment as anyone in a "well regulated Militia" (quote from Bill of Rights). In this manner, they could begin using loose-language to 'define' certain new parameters.
8 Dayanx 2012-07-26
Under the Militia Act of 1903, every able-bodied man of at least 17 and under 45 years of age who are not members of the National Guard or Naval Militia.(that is, anyone who would be eligible for a draft). Former members of the armed forces up to age 65 are also considered part of the "unorganized militia" per Sec 313 Title 32 of the US Code.
1 Rokey76 2012-07-26
You heard this? From who? The FACT is the Supreme Court clarified the 2nd Amendment to protect gun rights in the Heller case.
1 Uraeus 2012-07-26
Was on Foxxx or CaNaaN news... perhaps I'll muster up enough 'care' to find it.
9 [deleted] 2012-07-26
1 [deleted] 2012-07-26
Long time since I've heard that phrase!
7 SP1TF1R3ty 2012-07-26
-1 keymaster999 2012-07-26
-2 SP1TF1R3ty 2012-07-26
7 [deleted] 2012-07-26
Posting ( and images ( going down for a few hours for maintenance.
5 [deleted] 2012-07-26
a story about it was reported on, and discussed briefly, on FNC's special report yesterday... iran is one of 15 countries on some sort of advisory panel and our president supports it. the bill will likely die in congress.
EDIT - the bill would not allow the UN to take any weapons, the purchases would just need to be documented in a big UN database that would not include any weapons used by hezbolah, hamas, the crips, north korea, or anyone else that already does, and will continue to run afoul of national and international law.
3 chiindustry 2012-07-26
isn't something big always happening?
1 VanillaPudding 2012-07-26
The vote will have no impact on our guns being taken... that is my opinion.
1 shivermetimbers- 2012-07-26
For every non-american that wonders why americans want to possess such weapons.
0 pointlesspoint26 2012-07-26
right.because it has nothing to do with protecting freedom:
"That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and therefore ought to be avoided, as far as the circumstances and protection of the community will admit; and that, in all cases, the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power."
David E. Young, The Origin of the Second Amendment: A Documentary History of the Bill of Rights in Commentaries on Liberty, Free Government, and an Armed Populace, 1787-1792
1 shivermetimbers- 2012-07-26
1 istalkezreddit 2012-07-26
we are under global government now wether you like it or not, it's just not official yet. A gunban will be devastating in the usa, since the only people that will get a hold of guns then will be criminals and the fasci police. Normal people will have to shoot with bows and arrows, is that what you want?
3 frostek 2012-07-26
Arrows are surprisingly useful against some forms of body armour, and are naturally silent. They're also quite customisable for a variety of tasks.
1 herpaderp2026 2012-07-26
The rate of fire sucks though. :)
1 istalkezreddit 2012-07-26
Arrows are powerful yes, but so are machineguns eventhough they might need more than one bullet to penetrate armor...
1 chiindustry 2012-07-26
public reaction to the shooting: buy lots of guns
that had to be predictable
so i'm not sure if i can sign on to the UN thing as a motive at all
although it is suspicious
0 [deleted] 2012-07-26
12 hddtmrutc 2012-07-26
He is hardly the best source. His show is culled from forums, much like this one. He is routinely behind the net chatter. I like the guy, but he's a relay of information, not a source.
6 PzGren 2012-07-26
yeah, AJs like my conspiracy CNN, I often go to him for some quick headlines and then I do my own little look-see:-)
8 Dayanx 2012-07-26
Thats the best way to do it. I think his heart is mostly in the right place but he just (understandably) gets so goddamn pissed off at it all he turns into a jaded blowhard thats hard to follow for someone not used to him.
2 [deleted] 2012-07-26
Came here to say this. Jones is no where near the least biased source about this, and he certainly isn't the first to break most of these stories. There are multiple Twitter accounts people can follow that will give them much quicker news stories.
10 Enkmarl 2012-07-26
AJ is the reason more people aren't on our side and fighting this
7 420trashacct 2012-07-26
What do you expect, he sells fear like a dollar store Glenn Beck.
0 [deleted] 2012-07-26
Glenn Beck's job actually was to copy Alex Jones but try to put a neocon spin on it. He had to try it because the alternative media was so popular and the TV networks are so unpopular. It didn't work to well, because people that get started with Alex Jones ned up migrating to other alternative media like The Daily Bell,,Land Destroyer blog , Corbett report, What really happened etc.
The internet reformation is underway and their isn't much TPTB can do about it but try to take over the internet...and so far that has failed thankfully.
5 RXkings 2012-07-26
Alex Jones should never be used in the same sentence as "best source", ever.
0 jablome 2012-07-26
They just permanently banned guns for violent ex-felons in Chicago and they used the Aurora shooting as an excuse.
17 Dayanx 2012-07-26
Per ATF form 4473 a felon of ANY kind cannot legally own a firearm anywhere in the united states without a total criminal record expungement.
Chicago lawmakers wasting taxmoney on making illegal shit illegal.
4 RXkings 2012-07-26
don't necessarily see the issue with this
2 Dayanx 2012-07-26
states and municipalities are free to create and interpret their own laws as long as it is NOT unconstitutional. With little exception, the Supreme Court's 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller upheld the 2nd amendment to a degree that an individual's right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. The problems have been in the legalistas determining what infringement entails, and politicians just flat out ignoring it as in Washington DC- another city with draconian laws against defense or even owning a firearm yet among the top cities for firearm crime.
7 [deleted] 2012-07-26
Violent ex felons should not have guns regardless.
0 [deleted] 2012-07-26
Guess I better get some guns and quickly.
-1 frostek 2012-07-26
Ha! you fell into the trap.
Cha-CHING! the gun makers are raking it in!
0 LolWhatDidYouSay 2012-07-26
Is there somewhere to actually read this treaty? If so, then that could answer some questions.
And from what I have read, the Senate still does not have the necessary support to be ratified, so I don't know where you get the claim that it is "likely to pass" all of a sudden.
2 Dayanx 2012-07-26
if its anything like in the US, no one will be able to read the hundreds of pages typically written in legalese until 15-20 minutes before the vote.
1 Rokey76 2012-07-26
The treaty doesn't exist. The only things the UN has done toward this treaty is approving a conference on arms trafficking which could result in this treaty.
-2 Wombatzu 2012-07-26
That's what she said!
-3 SutekhRising 2012-07-26
There is nothing in this bill that says that the United Nations is going to take your guns away. There are regulations on the import/export of guns, but NOTHING about taking the guns you currently own away from you.
You conspiracy nuts really are a paranoid bunch of retards, sometimes.
-3 greenw40 2012-07-26
Stupid. The UN is not voting to ban guns in the US and even if they did, they would never be given that authority. Only far right paranoid idiots are actually worried about a weapon confiscation.
-6 FixingGosling 2012-07-26
Why are Americans so interested in being able to possess a firearm? Honestly? I live in Canada ( previously in 2 other European countries) no one ha access to guns, and se also had far less fatalities and murders because of it. Not only that, large shootings and massacres are very rare if not almost non-existent.
12 TheSelfGoverned 2012-07-26
If you don't have the right to self defense, the State can and will bend us all over and fuck us.
See: Europe, ACTA, and Austerity.
See also: Holocaust, Mao, Stalin, 100 other historical references of brutality carried out by the State.(The current wars in the ME included.)
Once the State has taken our guns, we'll never get them back.
2 [deleted] 2012-07-26
ACTA was more of an attempt to fuck, more so than a fucking, FWIW
7 clocks52 2012-07-26
The fuck are you blabbering about? Lots of Canadians have guns...There's a gun range down the street from my house. My friends have big giant fucking guns. Stop talking out of your ass.
-1 FixingGosling 2012-07-26
Sure if you have a hunting license, or are an officer , or bought it illegally etc. it's not just everyone and anyone who can legally go purchase a firearm around here. Be serious for a moment.
3 [deleted] 2012-07-26
I think he is serious. I know lots of people in Alberta with guns. try going farm to farm and confiscating guns and you will run into trouble in spite of the attempted brainwashing by bureacrats scared of an armed citizenry.
1 clocks52 2012-07-26
0 FixingGosling 2012-07-26
Coulnd't care less about being downvoted, but please please tell me how I can today, go legally purchase a gun, right now, here in Toronto.
1 clocks52 2012-07-26
Go get take the gun course and you can go buy a gun afterwards
5 theglace 2012-07-26
TIL that mass shooting in Toronto a couple weeks ago never happened.
The problem in Canada is that only the criminals and the government have guns. This is not a positive, imo.
5 FixingGosling 2012-07-26
Mass shooting in Toronto? One man was dead, and he was targeted and involved within the gang scene in the area. I think that's a completely different scenario than this. Again, Canada,Europe, Australia, New Zealand , etc, all have thriving societies and very few of those countries have to deal with gun related violence.When it does happen its 90+% of the time related to illegal activity such as gangs and robberies. Most US Citizens own guns, but I don't see a decrease in gang activity and gun related violence there just because people are "protected". It doesn't add up to me.
2 [deleted] 2012-07-26
I don't think that's what he meant by rare.
1 istalkezreddit 2012-07-26
Wait til the army is used against the public and then you will understand why it is wise to be armed.
1 [deleted] 2012-07-26
My reading about the jewish ghettos in Germany and about Cambodia undert the Kissinger/Brzezinski supported Khmer Rouge are two of the main reasons I am concerned about increasingly corrupt governments trying to take away the guns of their people.
I can understand how people ignorant of history and naive about the true nature of governemnt would be pro-gun control. please study and try to develop your powers of empathy.
1 FixingGosling 2012-07-26
2 BrianJWhite 2012-07-26
fair enough
1 [deleted] 2012-07-26
Long time since I've heard that phrase!
0 [deleted] 2012-07-26
Glenn Beck's job actually was to copy Alex Jones but try to put a neocon spin on it. He had to try it because the alternative media was so popular and the TV networks are so unpopular. It didn't work to well, because people that get started with Alex Jones ned up migrating to other alternative media like The Daily Bell,,Land Destroyer blog , Corbett report, What really happened etc.
The internet reformation is underway and their isn't much TPTB can do about it but try to take over the internet...and so far that has failed thankfully.
0 Mahat 2012-07-26
meh, civil war will happen if they try to go through with this, and it will be ugly, considering how polarized the field is.