Conspiracy theorists

107  2012-07-27 by [deleted]

Hi guys,

I wanted to just get a few things off my chest. My thoughts and opinions only so feel free to pick at things and question.

I have spent 11 years waiting for the Olympics in London. I was 14 when I first connected the dots, I realised that the Olympic games were going to be held in London years before the announcement. It was easy and some of you probably did it too, Eternal flame, Atlantis rumoured to be closest to London and the Monarchy being in the bloodline of Atlantians.

The reason I am telling you this is so you get a glimpse of where my mind is, and to show you that my guess work is usually found to be correct once researched. As your questions come you will see more of this evidence.

But from facts and information I have found this is my theory...

This world is mind before matter, but we know religion is flawed, all of us, even if you don't want to admit it. That does not make Heaven and Hell a far fetched idea.

If it is a mind before matter universe, then I believe we have created a physical hell. But we have been made to. The Devil symbolism such as the pentagram and 666 and all evil things surrounding it are there to empower the devil within us. And it works, we think of dark things and torture when we see these symbols.

If I had lived the life of Tony Blair, With his experiences and perception, I would be Tony Blair. No different. So if I lived the life of a paedophile rapist bastard, with his life and perception, I would be that paedophile rapist bastard. So we are all the same then? all equal? and in this we see we cannot judge anyone, for anything, ever. because we would have done the same thing. So how can good or bad exist? If you do something good, something bad will happen, and the opposite. So we all do bad, and good, without choice.

Even the symbol of god is one of fear and mystery. and its because he has been made like that through organised religion.

If the illuminati believe what I believe, and there is no good or bad, then could this not explain their attitude? No good and bad, no life and death, and because they have this information, they can kill without regret or conscience. Which is why, to us, they seem inhuman.

Maybe this is the information they work with, a higher understanding that we can't even comprehend. and plus, they are only human, so they are going to play a few games with it, because wouldn't you? If you knew it didn't matter.

I feel like we, as a race, should stop caring what emotions we are feeling, drop everything, stop paying taxes and help the people who need it.

But how spooge? how!?

I see on this subreddit every single day, someone posting comments of pictures about how the 99% are being controlled by the 1%.

Think about that statement. If 100 people were in a room, and 1 of those people started acting like a dick, we would either kick them out, or kill them. Because there is more of us. and yes this is mob mentality, but there is nothing wrong with that so long as the right mob has the right mentality.

99% could turn around at any time and just stop, but because we only care about our selfish selves and our lifes and what makes US happy, we don't.

So the only thing stopping revolution is our selfishness and laziness. Fuck your feelings, its mind over matter, take joy in whatever emotion you experience, but do it in the right place and remember, you have the power to change how you feel, at all times.

The time for theorising and talking and reading inspirational quotes has passed. We have arrived. The time to move is now.

So I beg of you, help me start the revolution, stop what you are doing, yes take care of your children first and foremost, but those without children will help you. Yes change is hard, but are you so selfish to not do the work now for your own happiness and leave your children and future generations with the shit like the previous generations have done?

It is beginning, with or without you.

edit: Its only 4 upvotes in, and I am thankful for that, but I appriciate the fact you may not believe the same as me, but we are all on the right path, and even if we disagree, we need to forget about our opinions, because in this age, they don't matter.

We needed this age of ignorance to build up our technology, but now we have it, its time to take it back for the people and start using it for good.

edit: I have to go now, but keep posting and I will reply ASAP. thank you all for your input.


Eternal flame, Atlantis rumoured to be closest to London and the Monarchy being in the bloodline of Atlantians.

This is where you lost me.



Whatever you say, dawg.



Your story is a trainwreck. Atlanteans? The Illuminati? K.

How hard is it to accept a part of the message even if one doesn't agree with The Atlantean or Illuminati bit? The rest of the message was spot on, regardless of how kooky that particular part may sound.

Because I couldn't read any more. It's not about disagreeing, it's about losing faith in their thinking capacity.


I have trouble with 3 and 4 (supermarkets, and buying shit I don't need), but everything else I've crossed off the list. Though, there is one flaw in your list, "no more voting". Instead of voting for the conformity, right or left, vote third party. If for some miracle that third party wins, and they fail us...then stop voting.

I'm conflicted on this one.. dems and republicans are both hugely flawed, but voting third party increases the chance of a delusional, corrupt, simpleton Mormon president. As great as that sounds........


Americans did vote in bush twice in row... Is America crazy?

The Mormon is the Republican guy

here is how you stop buying things.

understand that every time you make a transaction (with exception of basic human needs) the government taxes you.

the reason they side with corporations is because of the high volume of trade that occurs & therefor the high volume of taxation.

try and get things without money, hone your skills in acquiring what you need without making taxable transactions. then, save up all the money you didn't pay in taxes and invest it. you are on your way to beating the system.

Use your power as consumer (stop buying globalist products)

Impossible. At least in America. Most everything here is made/sold by globalists.

Keep healthy (avoid supermarket, avoid pharma products)

Keeping healthy is great, but without going to the grocery store? Where would you like us to get our food? There isn't a farm down the street from Baltimore that could feed all those people. And let's say a farmers market did pop up that could, it would be bought out or destroyed by a globalist corporation within a week.

non-conformity (no more voting, take bike to work, dont buy newspapers, dont take vaccines etc)

Non conformity is not caring about false social/government expectations, but I agree with this.

Rid yourself of debt

LOL. For most people here, this is IMPOSSIBLE. No matter how hard you work, there will always be something that happens that will shove you back into debt. Get injured through no fault of your own? Looking at thousands in hospital bills. Need a way to get to work? Need a car/car loan. Need a place to live? Sign a lease or buy a house/loan. Time is money. We spend so much time working hard and expecting to get ahead, while cost of living and taxes move higher every year, with wages decreasing at the same time. To rid yourself of debt, simply tell them to FUCK OFF, and don't pay the things you don't absolutely need, only things like rent.

Push locally on your legislators on things that bother you (e.g. TSA roadblock)

I don't understand your logic. You say not to vote, then say to push on your legislators? Ridiculous. Ignore them and their rules, don't go anywhere TSA is. But pushing on your legislators outside of showing up at their house with a mob ready for a lynching is pointless.

Know your rights, defend the Bill of Rights

This bill, as nice as the idea behind it is, offers no recourse against the new laws that have dissected it, which have dire consequences. Other than violent revolution of course.

Develop your spiritual worldview, this is the main reason why you are here in the first place

This is the only thing you've said that is important.

What keeps this system in control of us, is simple greed. Gold, cars, houses, on and on. We spend so much time working just to survive that we lose what really matters most here, our TIME. There is a reason idle hands are so dangerous to the status quo. When you spend all of your time working/filling your head with what it needs to know to keep your job and make your company a profit, for many people 12 plus hours a day, it leaves very little time to develop spiritually. If enough people thought like this, OP is correct in assessing the 1% would fall. But until then, all most people give a flying fuck about, is money.

thanks for those ideas, they are great. I think #1 is critically important. When you first see the difference between independent/foreign news and mainstream news, it's jarring. One thing I've done to say "F U" to the inhumane war-mongers is to stop driving completely. I know it might sound insane, but I've exclusively used bike/bus for the last 6 years... yeah, it limits your options for "fun", but I've also had hundreds of great walks/bike rides, and met tons of random people on public buses.

And I love #9. that is beautiful.

Ah, a native German speaker. Perhaps that explains it.

You might be interested in contacting Keith Preston for an interview. He is interested in localism and decentralisation and has a widely followed podcast.

Where can I see your book?

Vaccines killed smallpox.

Fucking idiot. Imbecile.

Well, why didn't you post your prediction before London was chosen for the 2012 Olympics games, that would have given you some credibility, but coming in AT the day of Olympics and saying you knew so many years ago, doesn't seem realistic at all.

But numbers are human concepts, it only means what people made it to mean, any higher power like say angels or demons won't mean anything to them.

But what kind of revolution do you want? Armed or intellectual? They are just itching for it to be armed revolution so they can label everyone terrorists and starts killing you like flies.


who will host the summer olympics in 2020?


LOL. You could've at least picked a country up for candidacy.

You don't understand. The other countries will no longer exist after the Mayan calendar ends.

or a country that placed a bid.....

So nothing world changing is going to happen with the London games? Or in 2020 will it all be over and we get back to the womens beach volleyball?

Surely you're not just biased because your name is Spooge....

could you please expand on your assertion on connecting the dots on the 2012 olympics being in London. Thank you.


Didn't Icke speak about sumerians or babylonians?

His stories fascinated you in what way ? Am curious why you would believe what this person says, who is mainly interested in whats in your wallet over well just about anyone else.


the only thing that man is fighting for is more money from suckers. He is nothing more than a simple con artist out to take money off simple folk. Everything he does is to promote a new book or a new tour all of which cost money.


am sure i could find plenty of crappy utube videos and blogs backing my opinions, showing what a fool the man who led you to "believe" what you do is. Therefore pissing on all your "theories" .

No blood needs to be shed, if the masses open their eyes, the Illuminati fail. Why do you think they revere the all seeing eye?

Share knowledge with the sleepers and wake them up!


Conspiracy theories are just that, theories. Is capitalism a conspiracy theory? I dont think so, but I do think you can make it one if you bend your mind around it..

A business who lies to its customers to make money is a conspiracy if you wanna look objectively on it, but most business practise today is revolved around luring customers money out of their pocket, some examples of these could be housing, food and transportation.

From an outsider it feels like a conspiracy theory but in practise it is just good business to never tell the whole story when you want to sell something.

I think the way we progress in this world will continue down the same track, that is no conspiracy theory at all. If you want to succeed within this system you must confine to its rules and play the wage game, it is like this for all people. Does it make it right? What is even right? A person from south africa who wants to make his family money to purchase food does not have the same resources available as a human from finland who wants to serve his family.

I left this subreddit a while ago but found ur submission on r/all/new -- Its not that I dont belive in conspiracy theories, some submissions are interesting, some are not, some may be on solid ground, some are from thin air. It is all the same to me. What I mean by that is that they are bi-products of this system, and rarely investigated. Do you know why? I have some vague notion but I am not sure, to me, reading r/conspiracy was a huge time consuming effort, as if i was indulging in eating from a big pot of cookies all day long. I just dont do it anymore as most conspiracy theories are just that, theories.

In the next 10, 20 and 50 years there will be more conspiracy theories and they will be just that as well. We could channel our energy towards building a better society but the media will not give voice to reason when they can give voice to shock and terror.

Fuck you governments and media!

My only contention with your comment is that we have only recently entered the Information Age: a time when governments have exponentially increasing observation of their people. As I said in another thread, a quote: Since the advent of the atomic bomb we have, for the first time, entered an era where it's easier to kill a million than control a million.

In these general regards I am skeptical of the "everything has been done under the sun" approach to government activity.

In that case Vigilant Citizen should be DDOSed for constantly trying to point out whatever symbolic meanings they dredge up all the time.

LOL more like Vigilant Evangelist

video not working, or is it just me?

Works for me.

How old are you and how much weed did you smoke before writing this garbage? I mean not to be such a dick here but seriously, stop thinking about this crap and go have fun with your life. You clearly have way too much free time on your hands. You're basically saying here "hey guys stop being so selfish and help people out!" Ok that's good. Stop right there and forget all the rest of your idiotic "thoughts." You're done. Rachemagnet gave you tips on how to be a dick that nobody likes hanging out with. Don't take those tips to heart. You'll be that "weird conspiracy guy" in no time at all.


I'd rather be throwing insults than causing actual harm by telling people to stop taking vaccines which could save their lives.

Your arguments don't follow and most of you post is mere dogmatism. I come to this subreddit because I'm interested but how am I supposed to take anything seriously when this post is so highly rated?

Seek medication.

If you knew it didn't matter.

I like this. This is where I've come with it. Everything in religion has pretty much controlled my thoughts when it comes to death until a couple years ago. I went to church with my grandmother for years when I was young so a lot sank in pretty deep but I didn't pay attention to most of it.

The worst of it was death and what would happen afterward, if anything. I spent years challenging religious views then ignoring religion entirely as I simply didn't care. I had a lot of confidence and at some point I felt like I was on top of the world. Then a lot of weird shit happened that would take a lot of time to explain in detail. I realized that the only thing I was not above was death. I couldn't avoid it, I didn't know what would happen or where I would go, if anywhere. It took awhile for me to actually face it and the uncertainty that surrounds everything we are and do. I had come to the conclusion that there was no heaven or hell and even if there was, who would want to go to a place that is solely good or solely bad(obviously no one wants 'bad')? We are already living in the most perfect world that not one of us could possibly imagine. This is heaven and hell although it's turning into more hell than heaven. Then that left me with death. There is nothing better than what and where we are now, that I could possibly imagine, and everyone dies at some point. Ours families and lives are being wasted away by this bullshit system. We're fighting pointless wars and dying for no reason. Sentience pitted against itself with it's ingenuity is absolute hell.

I can't think anymore. Disregard this there's nothing of merit. I feel there is but I'm often surprised by what people say in response.

So if I lived the life of a paedophile rapist bastard, with his life and perception, I would be that paedophile rapist bastard.

Yes, because we are all uniform and a product of the same manufacturing assembly line. /sarcasm

But if I am predisposed to be a lazy bastard, just as the rapist is predisposed to be a rapist, as you said, then fuck everything about your call to arms.

You state predisposition but yield to free will. This is a fundamental inconsistency in your stance, and you should correct for it.


You are asking us to abandon the Human Condition, essentially. You are saying "give up your emotional dispositions, your art, your creativity, your livelihood. Give up your unconditional love and your obsession for simple pleasures. Give up your career, your perspectives, your entire self. Become selfless, become godlike in your inhumane stance towards reality itself."

Indeed, I wouldn't be surprised if this kind of motto is a tenant of clandestine terrorist organisations at large.


Very modern stance, Dr. Spooge. You are siding with anarchy, yet your ultimate motivation is socialistic. You are appealing to the enlightened individual, yet you are conceding to a communistic ethos. This is a Hard Problem in social science and I commend you for treading the waters. I am not convinced, however.


Thank you for the kind perspective. I see you as equally progressive and questioning. I've only recently began to speak out about my own perspectives and much of my thoughts are drivel.

I find myself wanting to delve into Conspiracies, as they are, but also I want to see the world for what it really is. And this, in my opinion, is just how you state: a world of pure energy, a world of mind over matter, a world of conscious evolution that is only hindered by the materialized obsessions of organized society (government).

Godspeed, my friend. Say more on this topic, enlighten others. I know I've enjoyed this talk.

"If I had lived the life of Tony Blair, With his experiences and perception, I would be Tony Blair. No different. So if I lived the life of a paedophile rapist bastard, with his life and perception, I would be that paedophile rapist bastard. So we are all the same then? all equal? and in this we see we cannot judge anyone, for anything, ever. because we would have done the same thing. So how can good or bad exist? If you do something good, something bad will happen, and the opposite. So we all do bad, and good, without choice."

This is why there is no freewill, everyone is a product of our collective history. Humanity is one organism evolving as a whole. Christians say we are innately sinful (karma) because of this passing down from history to next generations. You cannot shake the conditioning of your environment, you are what you experience. And some might believe that they can choose, but know that your choices are not yours, they are also a product of your experiences. You can never choose something that has never been within your experience. Even reading this text now you might think you can challenge fate. But you cannot.

"99% could turn around at any time and just stop, but because we only care about our selfish selves and our lifes and what makes US happy, we don't."

I don't believe this, I actually think people don't know any other way of living. I myself have thought about a "perfect" system for very long and it never works not even in my head, because people do not change from imposing a system on them. Thats why we cannot do anything, we might understand this truth but our lives are still ruled by the masses. We must simply become detatched from the world as you said, and observe it from a state of mind that sees no good and no evil, but it sees the process. And the process is always flawless. Everything that is happening is perfect in every way.

"The time for theorising and talking and reading inspirational quotes has passed. We have arrived. The time to move is now."

Perhaps for you it has passed, but as I said earlier, we are ruled by the masses, you cannot swim against a tsunamy. We must ride the waves. People are not ready, how do I know this? Once they are ready the change will happen automatically the very fact that it has not happened means that the collective is not yet ready for the next evolutionary step.

"It is beginning, with or without you."

No, its not beginning yet, but its building up.

It seems to me you know alot of deep truths but your conclusion is different from mine. You conclude that we need to fight and I conclude that I need to sit and watch the show unfold. Life is like a pool table, all the balls hit eachother and create chain reactions constantly, no individual has control over such a thing. And the people who have brought about revolutions were simply a product of the motions of life. The breaking point, they did not cause it themselves. Many genuises have existed and alot of them before their time, their words were not hear. But when "the stars align" and that genius pops up at the right time, thats when these types of changes can happen.

I think the revolution is in the mind, as J. Krishna Murti says. We must dettach from material formations be them physical or mental. We must see objective reality not subjective. We must ride the wave with faith in our hearts instead of tiring ourselves with futile attempts to change destiny.

We have no freewill, as OP says, we are ruled by the past. This realization should be able to disconnect yourself a bit from your personality. And see that it is not yours, and not special, but a mere product of evolution which you have no control over. The enlightened man still has personality but he is detatched from it, personality is a spontaneous action not ruled by anything except the past.

The enlightened man is absolutly at peace with everything, he is constantly happy and in harmony with reality. The realization of the self is not intellectual as intellectuality is a thing the mind does. The mind as a tool is perfect for analysing the material world and its reactions. But it is utterly useless for the spiritual or reality if you wish to absolve yourself from religious terminology.

So what is this enlightenment I speak of? It is stilling the mind, so that no mental formations arise. When your eyes meet a strange scene your mind is trying to come to grips with it, it is constantly speaking to you. This we call the persona. That which you think you are. But it is merely a bundle of thoughts accumulated over time that you identify with. You might have heard a remark about your body when you were a child, and that remark has shaped your confidence. Some people believe the remark and live as if it is reality and some people are able to set it from themselves and not pay too much attention to it. But these small experiences in daily life shape the persona. Every thought in your mind is a product of the beginnnig of time. We are having thougths that people hundred years ago did not have in their head. Evolution is such that it builds on the past untill perfection or harmony is achieved.

Harmony? you might say. I see no harmony, we are killing eachother!

But know that though our actions might look like steps going in the opposite direction of evolution, they too are a fundation for becomming better beings. The holocaust was a product of the past, and it was very bad that it happened but it changed our morality and our thinking drasticaly. It had to exist for us to surpass it. The growth pains of our puberty are constant, untill we have grown to maturity and our lessons can be learned by less drastic measures. But for now we are an ignorant bunch of beings, and we need that slap to the face to show us that we are acting wrongly.

Instead of immediatly seeing reality and changing our ways, we keep doing the same in different ways and we keep getting slapped in the face by reality. It is saying: "DUDES WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!". We shrug our heads and proceed in the madness, untill the day that we have had enough, and instead of walking forward against the wall as we have always done, we take a step to the side and continue on our path to new and awsome vistas of the future.

Once the mind is still and your behaviour is not a product of reacting to outside impulses anymore, you are "in this world, not of it". No birth or death exist, because instead of believing yourself to be the persona, you become existence itself. Can it be said there exists a god when seeing this truth? Not really, but it can also not be said that life is not spiritual. Only those who see reality in terms of the material see an end to it. See it as devoid of spirit. And think and act according to those thoughts. Which is destructive, as such thinking is not in line with reality. It is merely a set of ideas and opinions a bit like religion. The only difference is that materialists think they are right about reality because they can predict the material reactions. They think they know the ultimate because they can manipulate and test it at will. But what they are testing is but the fabric of our reality. They are the actors that are in awe of the stage, while we phylosophers are those who ask ourselves why we are infact playing this piece of theater. We want to know not what the stage is made of but why it exists and how we should act on it so as to be in harmony with its reality.

It turns out the whole piece should not be taken seriously at all, but we should just dance, laugh and love all the actors in it. Because we are all part of the eternal dance of life, so when you see the news and negative images enter your thought stream, know that you are investing yourself emotionally and instead of seeing the play and dancing, you are too busy being depressed by the plot.

But always remember, its just a game and you are here to have fun.

How did you figure out that the olympics were going to be held in London in 2012?


David Icke seems on point when it comes to a lot of things, I just don't understand the reptilian thing.

Is this world 'mind before matter' or are not the two ultimately one in the same?



yeah that's the direction i head towards in the sense that i think thoughts are internalized

TL;DR: being selfish furthers your enemy's needs.

This is good stuff. Also would like to point out, in political forums, hatred enforces the status quo.

I just don't understand why someone would downvote what you wrote? they must have an agenda....

No matter what kind of government you live under, you will be expected to live how they want you to. The bigger a government gets, the more controlling and tyrannical they get. The perfect world, is one without any type of governing bodies. No governments, no corporations. Then and only then, will you be free. Having to follow someone else's concept of right or wrong is not freedom.

Atlantis rumoured to be closest to London and the Monarchy being in the bloodline of Atlantians.

You couldn't even get through TWO PARAGRAPHS before you started saying things that are completely insane about Atlanteans.

Anyone can claim they predicted something after it's happened. Alex Jones does it six times a day. Try saying it before it happens, next time.


No. You have everything to prove to people, seeing as you are the one making claims.

Excellent comment. I enjoyed it very much; thanks for posting!

A great deal of what you are saying is fundamentally flawed. People have different brain chemistry and are going to process experience and information a lot differently. Also throwing money at problems exacerbates the issue. Smart people in these situations leave and get on with their lives, stupid ones die off. People can't change if they do not want to. And some people DO want to change, there needs to be get out incentives like scholarships and such. Throwing money at it REALLY DOES NOT HELP with social issues


stop paying taxes? then what? go to jail?


So how do those 30 mill get away with it? And I don't want to be in the first batch of people to stop paying and end up in jail till it over flows or the revolution really kicks in.

There is actually between 25 and 30 million people that currently do not pay taxes.

I think you are right on track with this post. I've been having the exact same views on the bigger entities (people/families/cooperations with power) for a while now. In regards of "Free Will" and the choices one makes; have you listened to Sam Harris Definition/Theory of free will? It gives great insight on this subject (Short - Long). Putting all of this in a bigger picture, this is what I think about on a daily basis, I just came back from the gym and was trying to figure out how important "Environment" is for a criminal, rapist or economic mafioso who all are molded into their roles by the way they grow up, and how this could possible be changed by an group of outsiders. I think a revolution would be great, but for real changes to come people have to start waking up and to realize the world they are living in, which I don't see happening in numbers large enough.


Being positive is important, i'm a very optimistic person. I'm just concerned that being a "Conspiracy Theorist" or a real critic will only pay off in those circles because its a very small minority. As for starting a revolution or a movement I think that its important for a community like r/conspiracy to focus and spread theories about a single subject. As an outsider it looks like the community has ADD and jumps from theory to theory and keeps picking at controversial conspiracies for years (9/11). Just imagine the impact it would have had if the whole community would have focussed on the house of lords scandal for weeks/months well before the LIBOR scandal was brought to light, just that would have gotten Conspiracy Theorists much more crediblity, but our attention drifted away after one or two weeks after it was posted and then quickly disregarded as just another conspiracy. This is how you wake up people and slowly start a revolution. What are your thoughts on this?

Ok so what do you actually intend to do to start the revolution? Whatever it is, you need to be able to do it in splinter cell fashion. Because we cannot organize without being monitored anymore the revolution needs to literally start with individuals, not groups.

No good and bad, no life and death, and because they have this information, they can kill without regret or conscience.

I believe they refer to this as one of the secrets of the absolute. It's definitely part of their programming.

So if I lived the life of a paedophile rapist bastard, with his life and perception, I would be that paedophile rapist bastard. So we are all the same then? all equal?

no. we are not. i have not lived the life of a "paedophile rapist bastard" because I don't get off on raping kids and even if I did, I wouldn't rape kids. simple enough.


That my point exactly, if you would have had the rapists childhood and experiences you would be that man

I disagree. There are many people out there who had horrendous childhoods or were molested and broke the cycle. I have broken many cycles in my life through sheer will. To suggest that this is impossible is a ridiculous notion.



Do you realize what you just said is the same as saying "Hey..I'm eating an orange..but if I had an apple in my hand...I'd be eating an apple"


I understand in general what you are saying here, but you're applying it in the wrong context.

If you lived the life of a paedophile rapist bastard, you would not be THAT paedophile rapist bastard. Perhaps he felt no shame in what he was doing, but you, living the life of this paedophile bastard but with a different personality could feel shame, and this would completely shape your whole preception of your life.

You are making assumptions that we are all the same, from your own flawed analogy, based on absolutely nothing.

You also don't seem to realize that almost every point you make is just very simple social observations, made by everyone since the beginning of time, but trying to tie it in with a bunch of bullshit about Atlantis and 666.

Let's make some assumptions here, based on what you said. All that Atlantis crap is real. Assumption one. So what is the importance of the Olympics in London to that? Why does it matter. Why is it relevant for 2012. Because you are aware that at some point in the rest of history it was bound to be in one of the largest capital cities in the world again, right?

It's actually quite difficult to have a debate with you over what you're saying because it's making my brain hurt just trying to understand what the hell you are writing. But don't flatter yourself. You're probably going to reply with some quasi-messiah bullshit like how it's that I just can't comprehend. I can't comprehend because reading what you wrote is like witnessing a mental breakdown. Nothing makes sense, you write a bunch of unrelated shit to tie in some completely skewed thought patterns, and wrap it up with a call to arms.

So, in summary, it's not like you trying to solve 4+4 with 3+5. It's like you adding 4+4 into an equation, stopping half way through to write a thesis of a novel, carrying on your equation, having an exestential crisis, and concluding that math is dumb.

(I hope you notice the irony in my own post)


I'm not trying to make you feel bad for it. I'm seriously trying to help you out of a situation. I was on sites like ATS and stuff for a couple years, getting into all these theories; absurd theories. None of which had any credence to them. It drives you mad. I developed a psychosis from obsessing. Everything in my life became a sign or plot. It is not healthy. By all means, nothing wrong with conspiracy theories in general. But this is absurd. You may have a good message, but applying it in this theory you have is not healthy for the mind.

Think about the Eastenders thing. It really surprises you that a show based in London, shows the Olympic site? It is an inevitable. Also, one thing this type of psychosis that I believe you are suffering from (I'm not trying to put you down. Honestly), and something I noticed, is that when you look back at events you apply your current knowledge to make connections with the past. It's almost a blurring and misunderstanding of time.

"Tell me what you think...". I think I am actually going to. I think what you have to say has some credibility. Something does need to be done about inequality. But this has nothing to do with the Olympics; and the Olympics don't have anything to do with the mythical Atlantis. Atlantis isn't real. Was there a society on earth at one point in the past that was way more advanced than the rest? Absolutely probable; all throughout time there has been one or many more technologically advanced countries in the world at any given time. What all information on Atlantis stems from is a single source by Plato, which was used as a metaphorical idea on the progression of society. The Olympics are happening as they have for every 4 years. There's nothing special about it.

"figure out what the fuck is going on". Nothing peculiar. Not to say that it is just; but it isn't peculiar. Some people are greedy. These people will tend to gravitate towards eachother the same way that feminists, liberals, athletes do. There may be an "illuminati" but I do believe it is probably just a collection of greedy rich people, who are morally corrupt, that gravitate to eachother. This is one reason why I don't agree with your no good/no evil thing. I highly doubt it is some sort of acult thing, with hidden messages everywhere. Perhaps they are doing some things, like 9/11 or possibly the aurora shooting, but there is no way that any of it is out in the open. It would all be done behind closed doors.

Anyways, your principales are fine in my opinion. Your execution/thought pattern is all over the place and not really that healthy, as is your final message for a revolution.

So the only thing stopping revolution is our selfishness and laziness.

Nope, the main thing stopping your revolution is the fact that 99% of your 99% don't believe what you're saying.



Sorry im just lazy! LOL Thanks!

I feel exactly the same but knowing there will always be more people afraid of change than not is discouraging when knowing what needs to be done

Holy crap!!!!

If I had lived the life of Tony Blair, With his experiences and perception, I would be Tony Blair. No different. So if I lived the life of a paedophile rapist bastard, with his life and perception, I would be that paedophile rapist bastard. So we are all the same then? all equal? and in this we see we cannot judge anyone, for anything, ever. because we would have done the same thing. So how can good or bad exist? If you do something good, something bad will happen, and the opposite. So we all do bad, and good, without choice.

I've tried to explain this concept to so many people. This is my view on why would should not judge. Right on man! Amazing you figured this out!


You have to come too it on your own the only one that I know that has understood this concept is my father. Amazing you figured this out! How exactly did you learn this btw?


Wow thats beautiful man. When I was 15 I heard Joe Rogan say something similar and I kinda just expanded on it a little bit. Thats amazing how we believe the same exact thing. Crazy shit!

You need to get back on your meds, sir.

Not sure if pareidolia or apophenia.

And how we know, you are not a filthy FBI-Agent?


And exactly there is the problem. You can be sure that you are on a watchlist right now, for stating what you have stated before.

Especially if you live in the US. But please if you are going to visit Europe some day, we could meet for any legal activity, like speaking.


I am based in Germany near Cologne. Whenever you need support in anything and you are near, I would be delighted to advise you.

How much do you really care if his rambling nonsense is heartfelt or not?

Look up antwon levay. He is a real satanist the same kind the elite are. This is exactly how they look at things. No bad or good. True satanism is nothing like the hollywood version.


Actually, I've read the figure is at 10%, after that it still takes a while, but things tend to spread out. What a weird thread. Just for giggles, in 2020 the Olym will have a swimming pool, but it's really really big. :)

To the OP, keep using that noggin of yours, it's the only way we can keep progressing, that and discourse. Sorry to not have much to say, I just don't have much to say. I like reading though.


It's about the spread of ideas. You have the people that actually come up with ideas (innovators), the people who are influential who adopt those new trends (celebs), the early adopters who pull from celebs and don't mind choosing a wrong trend from time to time, and then the mainstream'ers, who look to their 'cool' friends to learn what to buy.

The book is called Trends, written in 2009 or something. Just read it in a Library..... pulling up the notes i have.....

Book: The Next Big Thing: Spotting and forecasting consumer trends for profit by William Higham

I'm curious if you would start to believe in good and bad if I would kill your mother in a brutal wway, with you watching her. After that I would make sure no one knows of this and will bribe every doctor in the country to declare you having Schizophrenia...

Just VERY, VERY FUCKING curious if you would still insist in your believe that "nothing" matters.



I too have had many bad things happen in life, but in the past few months I've begun thinking like you and it's become much easier to forgive others for wronging me. Sure it hurts in the moment and maybe for a day or two afterwards, but you have to realize that some form of positivity can be drawn from nearly every situation however small or large it may be. Positive things come to positive people, so the key is to remain positive in all circumstances

Listen.. Sometimes I like to drive a badass car really fast.. It's fun. Other times I enjoy playing some fantasy online video game with a number of my friends.. That's fun too.. Sometimes I like to take pictures and video with my badass cell phone that would have blown my mind 5 years ago and share those pictures and videos to my friends/family. Am I lazy and selfish? No, so fuck you and your "predisposed" human condition. I think you have mental problems and need to get out more.

You have failed in understanding OPs point.


I just hate how self righteous you made it all. Like you're so different. So much better because you have a different way of thinking. It just rubbed me the wrong way.

OP definately has mental health issues. Have you ever seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? I can't help but imagine him as one of the characters (The guy who thought his wife was having an affair). A narcassistic, paranoid, pseudo-intellect.

Yes. Thank you. Exactly my thinking.

I am based in Germany near Cologne. Whenever you need support in anything and you are near, I would be delighted to advise you.