9 steps to BREAK FREE individually and make an impact on society

11  2012-07-27 by [deleted]

I find people moreover are interested to be able to DO something that is effective, without immediately changing their whole lifestyle, which is an impossibility, we have been in the hamster wheel for too long...

So in my book, which has reached maybe a 100,000 readers here in Germany conservatively, I propose 9 immediate actions and they are:

  1. De- Program yourself (detach yourself from the media)
  2. stick together locally (family, friends)
  3. Use your power as consumer (stop buying globalist products)
  4. Keep healthy (avoid supermarket, avoid pharma products)
  5. non-conformity (no more voting, take bike to work, dont buy newspapers, dont take vaccines etc)
  6. Rid yourself of debt, detach yourself from materialistic view
  7. Push locally on your legislators on things that bother you (e.g. TSA roadblock)
  8. Know your rights, defend the Bill of Rights
  9. Develop your individual spiritual worldview, this is the main reason why you are here in the first place

If people follow this, society will change to the better automatically and the bigwigs lose their power ---- poof!


vaccines are potentially life saving drugs; it is stupid to tell people not to get vaccinated.

It's not only stupid, it's dangerous and contributes to proliferation of disease. OP is an idiot and other idiots like the OP are why there is now a resurgence of whooping cough.


If you got vaccinated, why should you worry? The only people at risk are those unvaccinated who have done so from their own choice.

Why worry as people carry and spread around disease that was supposed to have been eradicated?

Why worry at all?

Because you are immune and the people that do contract will have only themselves to blame.

let them do as they see fit.

Yes I agree with this. It could be fine tuned, as principles go.

The evidence shows the contrary for the most part



Add in another step

  1. Find meaningfull, responsible employment. Don't work for a corporate conglamorate. Do something productive for society.

I follow each of your rules except for pushing legislators. I'd really love to push them though, off a cliff.


Meh, i'm more interested in society crumbling by this point, and getting active in the restructuring afterwards. Any progress now could delay a controlled collapse.

It would be easier to start from the ground up. Let the evil reap what they can now, so it will be easier to convince others later that past evils should not be done over again.

Still, actively participating in debate within our local communities is a must. But to expose corruption, we must let them corrupt, to the core, and let them dig their own graves.


And what evidence could he possibly present to you that would both make you a believer and NOT put him in immediate danger if he's right?






You obviously have a new vendetta against this guy and his perceived opinions.

Talk about living in a world swimming in too much paranoia and delusion.

  1. Be skeptical of media, be freethinking and don’t go with trends or dogma, but if you ignore all sources of media and information, you will simply build more of an echo chamber of only your own thoughts and beliefs without considering anything else.

  2. Stick together based on intelligent thought and logical fact-based arguments. Don’t stick with friends or family simply because they are familiar to you.

  3. Good luck in not buying corporate products. It’s almost imposable to do so unless you want to detach completely and live in a cave. Wouldn’t it be much more effective to band together and demand that corporations are heavily regulated and held to humanist standards?

  4. Avoid supermarkets? Drugs and pharma? Again, wouldn’t this be a regulation issue as well as an issue with copyrights being out of control?

  5. Don’t take vaccines? So now we are going anti-intellectual and anti-science?

  6. It’s always good to be smart with money, but isn’t the problem with debt an issue with the rich being favored and the middle and lower classes being screwed out of their share for the last 30-odd years? Maybe the majority of the USA would not be in debt if the money had been shared. Maybe if so many Americans had not been brainwashed into thinking they should support the “no tax” lunacy that the rich use to pass small cuts for everyone else and ride massive cuts for themselves, we would not be in so much debt. Maybe if the rich were still paying 50-90% in taxes like in the 40’s-70’s our government would not be in debt? Maybe if we didn’t have such paranoid American conservatives, we would not be spending a trillion on a global military police force?

  7. Hey, good and fine to push on your legislators….but didn’t you just say to stop voting and to be non-conformist? Are you admitting that maybe we could do a lot more banding together and demanding our government work for us, instead of turning away from the government to let it run roughshod over us?

  8. Good to know your rights and defend the bill of rights…but how about not being selective with it? Want to stand for gun rights…good and fine...but how about free speech without question? How about free art, free photography? How about enforcing separation of church and state without question?

  9. Individual spiritual worldview? What main reason we are here? Are you suggesting that we formulate some delusional religious view that’s not supported by fact or logic, and then to uphold it in spite of science and reason? How about if there is no reason that we are here at all, and we should simply just make the best of it for ourselves and others?

I might also point out, that you mention you have 100,000 readers in Germany, but have a list of things that mentions the bill of rights. There is not a bill of rights in Germany, but only the Grundgesetz. Being skeptical, I call BS on your story, and BS that 100,000 Germans would be so deluded, paranoid, and short-sighted.


AH, I don't get it then? ...even after thinking through each of your points and responding to them. What exactly don't I get then? Look, skepticism is a good thing, but being paranoid and circling your wagons, living in a world or fear is not. You've gone to an extreme with these and I've just tried to point that out for your own sake, as well as any that didn't stop and think of their own paranoid world view. I need to mention that you are playing the "masses are with me" game in saying that out of 100's, that a few don't get it. Maybe I need to shock you into realizing that the masses would not be with what you were stating in your points for one, and for two, that that sort of argument doesn't matter anyway. Also, we are a people together, it's about you on a personal decision level, but we are all in this together. Don't go extreme with so much all about self, OR all about everyone else.

this is dumbest 9 things i've ever read.

defend your rights.

don't vote.

Detaching from debt is a 10+ year tribulation involving working. Easier said than done

And it's difficult when the cost of living has been ever increasing and wages haven't been increasing with that or inflation... it's difficult to get out of debt when you live paycheck to paycheck.

what about express yourself through creative activities????

I do many of these things! I need to do more of:

Debt absolution and legislative interaction.

Great list! Where is the book?


Start with Google Translate then edit communal edit it online?

Good list, my only gripe is that not everyone can ride a bike to work.

Riding 12 miles in the heat does not make for a fresh and dry workday.

I would say voting makes a difference? Does it not? Better than being idle and not doing anything?

Depends on who's tallying the votes.

Which ultimately doesn't matter if people don't vote.

When most vote only for the Presidential election, and even that nets ~50% of people, the system doesn't even need to be rigged, we're handing them what they want on a silver platter.

Depends. Her in America , the individual person that votes for A President doesnt matter, but it does matter for local positions such as mayors.

I like these, though I would like to see more detailed eexplantions (withouT reading a book).


You had me going there until you pushed religion at #9.


Explain that statement, if you will.

Spiritual does not equal religious. :)

Do you mind elaborating on that?

There is such a wealth of information on the internet about spirituality that I could not do it justice in a few paragraphs.

I could wholeheartedly recommend a book:

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhard Tolle.

This book's main objective is to help you achieve a state of consciousness (awareness) by defining the ego, explaining how to identify the ego and what to do about it on a personal as well as a collective level. I believe if everyone on the planet read and comprehended this book, the world would be a better place.

This is book is prime example of spirituality, which is more geared towards coming to peace with yourself without dogmatic scripture outlining how one should/should not behave, etc. I don't mean to attack religion, because I believe to each his/her own; I just believe looking inwards is a better approach to a better world. :)

"Tie loose"? What the fuck is "tie loose"? Why are people using constructions that have absolutely no fucking meaning? What's wrong with their brains. I see this so often, I've got to say something here. It's like the brains of the general population are being fried on microwaves. "Tie loose"? How the fuck do you even come up with something so meaningless?