What do you do?
8 2012-07-29 by Warsarrow
As the title says, what do you do when it all starts to fall apart? What will we the people do when words fail? What will happen when the banks fall apart when the all these plans for a world gov become relized, or the people finally fugure it out? Just want to get your thoughts, opinions in what we should do.
12 ImJulianAssange 2012-07-29
We are on a luxury liner that is running out of fuel and provisions. It continues on its way until it can't. The people who know about the fuel don't know what is happening in the kitchens. The people who know about the food don't know what is happening in the engine room. They are all doing their jobs hoping the people in charge will solve the problems before they spiral out of control. The people in charge who know what is happening are not informing the passengers. The people who sense that the ship is slowing down and the meals aren't what they use to be can do nothing to change the situation. Eventually the ship is adrift. For now the parties continue so the masses do not notice the elites hoarding supplies in the lifeboats.
Prepare to abandon ship if and when you can.
3 supercede 2012-07-29
Excellent metaphor
2 FemaCampDirector 2012-07-29
Starring Leonardo DiCaprio as the Everyman.
3 StartSelect 2012-07-29
A sobering truth.
5 SmartAssUsername 2012-07-29
Hah, the world is never going to fall apart my friend. It may seem that way but it will never do. There isn't anything to gain from it. One can never be king of a ghost town. Keep that in mind.
2 lurkergivesinfapcats 2012-07-29
I only agree to an extent... Think about the great depression. It would be way worse if it happened today. Money holds no value, no oil to transport food, riots, police state... It could get ugly.
2 tankjr 2012-07-29
Said the Greek, Roman, Mongol, Briton and Russian.
3 nutstomper 2012-07-29
Yah and the world is still here right?
1 tankjr 2012-07-29
PEDANTRY! fuck you.
1 vjjinmymouth 2012-07-29
A solar flare could destroy our power grid, that is the only SHTF scenario that I would immediately be scared of. It would have a tremendous impact on everyone and there is no solution. Most of the people on earth would parish due to our reliance on electricity, food would run out within a few weeks and most people don't know how to purify water. Not to mention the panic, which would be the worst part. I would probably be annoyed to death.
3 Mahat 2012-07-29
beer. It saved us before, it will save us again.
1 SmartAssUsername 2012-07-29
The Egyptians would strongly disagree with that statement.
1 Mahat 2012-07-29
The egyptians never had to worry about fresh water, the way we do.
Kudos though, i appreciate your historical satire about the fall of a civilization. I wonder what could have FUELED the egyptians into their demise.
The extra emphasis is because fuck 'em, thats why.
3 [deleted] 2012-07-29
When it all starts to fall apart it is too late.
I am of two minds:
It matters not where you are, what you do, what you stockpile, how many guns you have or how much gold. What matters is knowledge and ability. If you can fix diesel engines, cook, grow crops, drive stick and ride motorcycles and properly know how to operate firearms, you are of value to the ruling authorities should you run into them, furthermore you increase you own chances. Invest now in knowledge.
I honestly believe that living in a city is asking for trouble. If you can afford to find a place outside of the city, do it. Also, if you can find such a community, reach out to the local gardener/farmer types.
Finally. I want to just mention firearms again. A lot of lefty types (this is me) don't have experience with guns. In the event of a collapse, you don't just loot a corpse and become a marksman. There is a fuck of a lot of complexity to firearms and properly shooting them. Better to learn now than to shoot your eye out later.
1 [deleted] 2012-07-29
2 [deleted] 2012-07-29
your local range probably has beginner classes and the ability to fire many different weapons under supervision. I believe that ability and comfort with firearms is more important than actual ownership (unless you live in Detroit or similar). Also, if you just go to the local range, your kid(s) will not be in proximity to a firearm until you are comfortable yourself.
Seriously, your local range is waiting for you to call. I bet they have a "single mothers handgun" class.
It is worth it to think in terms of worst case scenario. So, ask yourself, if the trucks stopped coming with fresh food, how would your area hold up? Starve or persist? Assuming the worst, what military is left will attempt to hold lines and keep you and the local population localized. So, hemmed in, without food, what happens?
Figure out how to avoid that. Also, depending on how old your kids are, teach them important skills. If they are young, I would avoid talking about the doom stuff. Let them remain ignorant kids for a while, but teach them skills passively that might be handy later. Like gardening or wildlife identification. First aid, and so on.
1 rolex97 2012-07-29
i live in a small town and im surounded by hills and mountains lots of c aves btw,i have 2 guns from my father but he soesent want to beleive in this NWO stuff so im kinda screwed any suggestions of how to survive?
sorry for bad english
2 PingTiao 2012-07-29
Drink the last of the booze and starve to death looking for cans of food. I have a survival book and none of the skills inside, so it's not likely I will make it long. My best bet is to hook up with a local gang leader turned warlord and hope to convince him he needs an artist as a propagandist.
1 wtfusernametaken 2012-07-29
Guns gold and a getaway plan!
2 LegioIXHispana 2012-07-29
Gold is simply a mineral with an abstract value assigned to it. It's only our belief in that value that perpetuates that value.
2 AliceHouse 2012-07-29
this is very true. however, humans are stupid and greedy and thus easy to manipulate.
1 asharp45 2012-07-29
5,000 years of gold as money just ended, thanks to you.
1 vjjinmymouth 2012-07-29
Guns would be far more valuable than gold. Gold is essential worthless due to it's utter lack of utility in a survival situation.
1 wrathofballs 2012-07-29
Time is running out for us to break the entire scenario.
1 danxmason 2012-07-29
Bare minimum preparation:
Upskill - learn a trade that will be useful post collapse (smithing, tanning, butchery, engineering, building, etc.)
Water purification
Stocking in demand goods - cigarettes, alcohol, metals
Stocking dry beans, white rice, and vitamins
Guns and ammo
Consider getting solar and wind power for your home to power your water purifier
1 [deleted] 2012-07-29
Civilization finds away. Empires crumble, they get burned, smashed, overrun with tyrrany and revolt and disease, it's happened thousands of times, and it hasn't stopped us from sitting in a dark room lit by a monitor discussing chemtrails and the coming collapse. It is going to suck for a while, but it will be ok, friend, fret not.
1 MakeNShakeNBake 2012-07-29
Step 1: learn to trap. This is something that only requires bait and knowledge about trap placement. With enough traps set one can live off of nearby resources.
Step 2: Build a reverse osmosis water filter. Look up instructions for this on survival forums, It's usually large rocks on top of medium rocks on top of small rocks, this will filter debris out of the water. Make sure there's access to a lake or a well.
Step 3: figure out how to build a fire without matches. This is best to boil water and make sure you don't get sick.
Step 4: be away from society.
A simple and vague list but It's a good start to figuring out what to do when Shit hits the fan.
1 phreakmac 2012-07-29
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
0 AliceHouse 2012-07-29
i'm pro-cannibalism.