What type of propaganda have you seen / do you continue to see on reddit?

29  2012-08-01 by [deleted]

Here are those I've seen quite a bit. Anything more that needs to be added to the checklist-comment? (I like to post this on those submissions)

Reddit brainwash check:

☐ Pro-military, war propaganda. "fun-pictures", soldier homecoming, "touching" stories

☐ Pro-Obama propaganda. "fun-pictures" etc

☐ Pro-Bush propaganda. "fun-facts", pictures etc

☐ Posts trying to say "look how much other nations support our country and troops"

☐ Posts tying to say "we, other nations, support your actions after 9/11"

☑ Pro-monarch, king, queen, royal family lines

You are being internet-programmed instead of TV-programmed. Repetition is the first form of brainwashing. The titles and posts are often shaped in a way so that the reddit hivemind will upvote it.


One positive change that I've seen lately is that the military posts have decreased quite a bit lately, or perhaps the people of reddit have actually started downvoting them.


I constantly see people talking about how amazing Obama is

Or when he does something bad it's because of the republicans.

I even see shit on r/trees daily saying that Obama will legalize marijuana. This is the opposite of reality. Obama is cracking down on states that legalize marijuana harder than any other President in history. There is some serious alternate reality Obama propaganda going on. I don't know if it's organized, or if people are really that stupid. And it always gets upvoted.

Being misinformed isn't intentionally spreading propaganda. Reddit is filled with young users who love Obama, they actually think they're right.

all of the above, then there is a lot of hidden ad placement. Then, what I call, the theme of the day, threads to implement certain opinions on various facts in development at that moment.

And you make a big mistake if you think user downvotes or upvotes have anything to do with those kind of content.

If that info needs to go on front page, internal reddit bots will bring it to front page even if all reddit user will downvote the crap out of it.

Can we explore this notion further? Or is any hope of research futile?

I agree. I don't like the idea of what I'm viewing being manipulated by any sources other than votes.

I think is difficult to get definite proof on this, since the code is internal and probably known to few reddit employs at the top, but it could be possible with some sort of bot to verify a couple of the big subreddits for a certain period, one month, three months, and get out some sort of pattern. Like for example the number of upvotes/downvotes and the number of comments for one hour at a certain time period. If the average is 10 votes to 1 comment for example and then you have a thread with 100 votes to 1 comment in the same conditions then you know there is something going on.

Also, one may think that the order in which threads appear on the page have something to do with the votes but votes are present only to justify why a certain thread is on a certain position on the page. Technically is not the votes that keep a certain suspect thread on front page, the votes just justify the place in the list. I'm trying to say that is doesn't work like "Hey, this thread gotta be upvoted 10000 times to stay of frontpage of politics for two hours" is more like "Keep this thread in the first position for two hours" then the computer will balance votes to keep the position on the page.

The reddit problem is similar with google and facebook. How they make the money to justify the expenses to keep the show online? If one understands that the default business these top websites claim they are doing is fake, is easy to figure out what the real purpose of these websites is.

Pro-pharama, pro-medical enslavement, pro-vaccine

Not really propaganda, but its just the over saturation of bullshit information or goods for your brain to consume...

Now that I have stopped watching TV, and started using ad-block for internet I hardly ever see an advertisement. I hate going into Wal-Mart now because all the over-stimulation, and advertisements trying to get me to buy useless shit...

Since most of the submissions are mainstream media, I'd answer, all of it.

Pro-Putin and pro-Stalin arguments on any Russia-related topic.

Pro-FED propaganda

So any post that disagree with the conspiracy narrative is propaganda? You do know that the world is not black and white, right?

Pro-Valve. That's about it at the moment. Maybe it's because the only large subreddit I'm subbed to is /r/gaming.

What's wrong with valve? I don't play new video games anymore (they're all shit and piss-easy now) but valve has always put out good games and steam is good.

Pro women drivers. I mean come on, seriously?

The left wing narrative that Romney (or R$ as they like to call him) had some kind of disastrous overseas visit.

I have noticed this as well. I'm no fan of Rmoney but even I noticed this bias. What was so "disastrous" about the visit?

He is an embarrassment to the country.

But then again, so would have been any Republican nominee except Huntsman.

Well he seems to have made an ass of himself and pissed off the locals wherever he went.

This is not left-wing media bias, just look at the media in UK/Israel/Poland and see what they had to say about his visit.

What I notice most is this idea that gay rights are a civil rights issue. To me, creating and nurturing new life ranks at the top of the list. There seems to be this big push via media, politicians, etc to make being gay "normal". I'm not saying they should be treated any differently either. I see it as another means to control population growth. Don't get me wrong, I do not give one fuck what people do in their own homes. I don't think gays and lesbians are "icky" or should be treated like the plague and I don't buy into this notion that they somehow affect my marriage. What bothers me, is when kids grow up thinking it's ok not to pass along their genes. How do you fuck up a nation? You start at the home. Families are fucked, home mortgages are fucked, power companies are fucked, education is fucked. These kids are put through a quadruple wammy and it's no wonder they don't know which side is up. Strong family promote a strong nation and economy. Here on reddit, nearly everyone thinks marriage is "stupid" and having children is for "breeders". Fuck all that I say, families need to stick together! I am not religous at all, not even .0000001%. I am a die hard atheist and it's a shame it's so hard to have a discussion about families and marriage without being lumped in with the religious fundies.

But alas I cannot say I think this is an awful idea. We need less mouth breathers and more people who give a shit about the future of this world. To me, if you are gay, then you do not give a shit about the future generations; you're kids and grand kids. Every single one of your ancestors gave a shit and that's how you repay them? By ending the genetic line?

Note: Hell yea gimme those downvotes! I'd like to add one more thing, since I obviously struck a nerve. It's the lifestyle, not the action that I do not support. If fucking some other dude gets you off, go for it. Seriously, from one American to another, if that is your thing, more power to you. My problem is when marriage and children come into the picture. Children need to be taught to care about the past and the future. To have respect and admiration for the hard work their ancestors went through to get them here and to want to do the same for future generations. I have to say I am MORE upset with straight people who make a mockery of marriage, than I am with gays wanting to marry. I am also more sickened by the octo moms of the world than I am about any gay couple. Now, before you all freakout look at what I'm saying and what I'm not saying. I'm not saying homosexual behavior is inherently wrong, I'm not saying they are bad people, I'm am saying we all need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture of how we got here. the ONLY reason you are here is because your dad fucked your mom, the ONLY they are here is because their dad's fucked their mom's, and so on. That is something we don't need to fuck with. This is the most indifference I've felt towards a subject. One the one hand I am glad all these people are voluntary taking themselves out of the gene pool but on the other hand I am saddened that so many people do not care about future generations enough to try to pass along their genes.

I will have to disagree. Population growth is what will bring our species down. It is time to concentrate on quality instead of quantity, and you can't win a demographic war.

To me the issue would be those who attack Planned Parenthood. I think they attack it not because of abortions, which is not the real threat, but family planning all together. If stupid uneducated people stop breeding - who is going to volunteer to military? Serve the masters and eat the shit they feed us on TV?

I'll have to disagree, by asking, would you take a cock in the arse for your genetic line? I bloody wouldn't! So why should a gay man experience vagina? Adoptions on the table for them, no shortage of unloved, unwanted kids. Bred by people who had no problem passing on their genes. I think choice plays a far lesser role in sexuality. People want to screw, someone who turns them on, male, female, whatever. I also know plenty of parents who don't give two shits about the wider world, genetic lines or anything much outside themselves. I am related to and know people who are parents simply because they wanted to fuck, got drunk, or a condom split. You have a much higher notion of the motivations to procreate than I do. And there is 7 billion of us, families are going no-where, corparations raping and privatising the world, is whats gonna fuck us, not the break down of the nuclear family. My 2 cents.

Curious. When did you personally make the conscious decision to be heterosexual?

I see where you're going with this and I think it's a BS question. It's like asking a serial killer when the made the conscious decision to be a killer. Just because they were "born that way" doesn't mean the behavior is normal. Now, I'm not comparing murder to homosexuality. I'm trying to point out that, that argument is a nonstarter. When a person is gay it's "I was born this way, I didn't have a choice". I'm saying that logic is fucking restarted and it applied to other situations, it shows how restarted it is. A serial killer might say the same thing "I was born this way, I didn't have a choice". Since when it is ok to just blame your genes or upbringing or just state "I was born this way" as a valid way of shrugging responsibility.

Its a pretty simple question my friend. Especially since you seem to think that at some point in their lives they "chose" homosexuality. If you can't answer the question just say "I don't know". But either way you look like an ass. And with as much hedging as you do around your comments, you should be a landscaper. "I don't hate gay people, I just wish they'd stop being so queer". Or my favorite "I'm not comparing homosexuality to murder" (proceeds to do it anyway). It's pretty fucking simple my friend, just like you don't "choose" to be attracted to blondes over brunettes, and you don't consciously "choose" to like chocolate over vanilla, gay people didn't "choose" to be attracted to the same sex. For you to suggest otherwise shows your willful ignorance on the topic. I'm not saying your not entitled to your opinion, but I'm certainly not restricted from pointing how much of a bigoted asshole you are.

"When did you personally make the conscious decision to be heterosexual?" Answer: In high school. I was bi-curious in high school. When I was a teenager I would of happily gotten physical with another male, as well as any willing female. Much to the disappointment of a teenage ishkibble nothing happened. Around this time I started to see the bigger picture of how important our ancestors are and the realization that we are not the end. One day I will be someone else's ancestor. 2 years later I went out with a female who is now my wife and the mother of our daughter.

We all feel impulses and they just appear in consciousness without any scrutiny as to their origin. To say that I made a choice to be attracted to both males and females is to say that I made a choice to keep my heart beating. My problem is when it becomes taboo to talk about these "impulses". A murderer has impulses to kill but we have no problem trying to correct it. Why am I a bigot if I point out that there is a bigger picture and choosing not to have kids is a big deal. Children (new life) is everything, literally everything.

What do you have to say about all the people who were gay and then turned straight and vica versa. Are you going to tell me these people lied to themselves their entire lives? Are you really going to tell me all these people were just deluding themselves all along?

The bigger more important question is. How much do you care about your past and your future. The fact is, your ancestors worked extremely hard to get you here and now that you got yours, you say fuck you to your future ancestors. I'm not talking about your parents getting drunk a fucking and accidentally having a kid. I'm talking about 3 and 4 hundred years ago. It was fucking tough to survive. Imagine how scared the woman must of been; pregnant, hungry, no doctors or nurses and despite all this, they still had children. Now that things are easy, people just throw all that away. That is what gets me, all the hard work goes out the window because someone was "born that way". At least try, at least try to give a shit about the people who are 100% directly responsible for you being here.

Again, I don't care about the act itself, if that's your thing go for it! I simply do not agree with the lifestyle choice of never having kids. To "hedge" a little more I'll also repeat that I am more angry with straight people who make a mockery of marriage and the octo mom's of the world. Those people are truly fucking up the institution of marriage, not gays wanting to marry; even I can see that.

3 things:

  1. You are aware that most gay couples actively seek to grow their families right? Whether through in-vitro fertilization using their own DNA and a surrogate (I guess this is giving fuck about their biological ancestors) or through adoption ( giving a fuck when no one else wanted to). Because that's realistically the issue here. Maintaining the family unit cohesion.

  2. And you are yet again creating a false equivalency between murder and homosexuality. Why? There is no comparison.

  3. That's really great that you were shopping around as a teenager. I'm sure the universe thanks you greatly for not enjoying the cock. But I still think you're full of shit. If you're saying you can voluntarily "choose" between liking men and liking women you're doubly full of shit. And as for your "ancestor" argument; bollocks. Human population growth is on the steady rise with no signs of stopping. "The gays" are surely not slowing down the rise in population with their wicked ways. So you can just stow it.
    But just reading your comment and taking at face value, it sounds like someone has some unresolved questions about their sexuality. Personally, I've never had any doubt that I liked women. It was never even a question.



I think you got the award for most redundant post on Reddit.