Hey guys I would just like to know,how many christians are out here?

8  2012-08-06 by [deleted]

If so I wandered what you guys think about Drunvalo Melchizedek. I myself am a christian and I would like to get others input on the topic.


well i'm a pacifist like jesus was (if he existed).

this guy sounds like one of those metaphysical snake oil salesman with big claims but no supporting evidence.


I think you mean "probably existed". "Definitely" means without question and beyond doubt...

i dunno. no one wrote about him until decades after he supposedly died. we have no physical evidence of his existence.


can you provide a passage of drunvalo's work? in general the sacred geometry stuff is a bunch of hooey just like talking snakes and walking on water.


so is harry potter but people trying to make factual claims without evidence are charlatans.

what are some interesting passages?


post a passage you find credible.


where can it be downloaded?

To a un/misinformed mind bullshit can sound like evidence.



See my other response in this thread, then after you read it I just have to reiterate the following:

The "spirit science" series is an absolute joke, it's currently the most popular new age "recruitment" tool for the fact that it's very well done. I've seen mostly all of them and I have to say I even enjoy watching it for the comedy aspect. I just don't believe a word they say. They are even misrepresenting a lot of estoric "knowledge" that the "Mystery Babylon" religions believe, it's just funny for the fact that they can't even get their own "teachings" right. They basically pick and choose what they want to keep in their foundation. This all comes back to what I stated earlier: "the new age religion evolves with the needs of man", basically put they are promising you everything you could possibly ever want in the hopes that you will accept them.

In reality you will never never get anything they promise you


I'll check them out, I can't promise I'll complete them.

You should really check out william coopers mystery babylon series though, it is truly great, I regret not watching it sooner. I accept the fact that you can't promise you will either but I'll try my best to give those two links a look

oh yea, this 10 minute post limit is killing me, lol

Alright yea :) thats how all good books and videos are. You will be really glad you checked out creations jubilee!

It really seems like you've decided you like this guys teachings already. As a self-proclaimed Christian I would suggest comparing what this guy says and what the Bible says.

But I have to agree with ridin-spinnaz and tttt0tttt This guys is a New Ager and I get the strong impression he's doing it all for the money.

i know i know. You just have to read his books. My fued is not with his history or facts but about channeled information mainly.

Wtf are you getting paid for this or something? p


Your pushing these books on people like you're being paid to do so. it's fucking weird. nobody talks like that.

One of Ben Franklin's "virtues" (in his list of virtues) was:

Be like Jesus and Socrates.

I have no problem respecting the teachings of wisdom.

I despise institutions and people who worship institutions.

I'm not much into esoteric stuff.

I won't bash you openly. What I think of you in my mind would likely seem inflamatory.

Do you know the name of the Judeo-Christian God? (it ain't "Yahweh" or "Jehovah").


See Exodus 3:14.

So, no. Point being: God's name isn't one word. You have some learning to do.


So, do you know God's name? Can you speak it in English? Or do you just know the scripture?


The king of kings according to the

King James establishment propaganda.

Many people (to use esoteric terms) "become one with God". Jesus is not alone in that.

Jesus is, however, the proclaimed Son of God ("My only begotten Son." according to scripture). He is not, however, God. Because (according to scripture) God existed prior to Jesus... Jesus joined with God (sits at the right hand of God, according to Revelation).

Paul's writings are heresy, but they suited the agenda of the corruption of the Church after the crucifixion of Peter (I kind of like some of Paul's chauvenistic writings, btw. Especially when I hear some woman in my trailer park screaming at her husband at the top of her lungs).

Maybe this will help.

I don't know where you're going with this, but I am intrigued.

Did you downvote everyone who responded?


I haven't voted in this post, either. Was just curious, because when I came back for a second look, suddenly every top level response was downvoted.


I trust your response. I simply asked because the voting seemed suspicious. But, then again, this subreddit is extremely anti-establishment (including the religious establishment), and reddit is, in general, anti-religionChristianity. (check out r/atheism - see the frequency with which they bash Christianity compared to other religions).


do you think that everyone will eventually reach the truth?

No. And here's why...

you said "the truth" as though referencing a single one truth above all other truths. This brings up Platonic Forms. The Form of Truth (i.e., "the truth") can never be reached. Understanding what truth is, however, can be prioritized so that people innately seek truth (right now, the MSM prevents this - TPTB don't want anyone to know anything about the truths of their actions).

tl;dr: no, but yes. No, they will never reach "the truth", but yes... I am hopeful that truth, in general, will become important... like in the top 2 or 3 or so things worthy of pursuit (truth, love, etc.)


As I said: I am hopeful.


This is one of those controversial subreddits where grumpy people who think we're all crazy cone to take our karma. and i couldn't give any fucks cos karma is lame

Drunvalois a "new ager", stay away from those types of people. It's another wing of Mystery Babylon.

The "New Age Religion" is the NWOs latest religion. Their goal is to develop a religion that "evolves with the needs of man", and eventually unite the world under that one religion. They teach that you can become god through "works", where as with Christianity your saved only by grace alone, so there is no need for works. You can spot any Mystery Babylonian religion when they teach that man can become "god" (note: this is not "God", they acknowledge a master architect, but still teach you can become a "god"). Their god is lucifer, they worship knowledge which they refer to as the "intellect", you are ranked as individual based on the esoteric knowledge. Please note that wisdom and knowledge are nothing alike, they worship knowledge and not wisdom. Christianity approves of wisdom over knowledge. Mystery Babylon creates inequality in every religion they create, and everything they touch. Mystery Babylon believes you can become "perfect", where as in reality all of mankind is imperfect and only "God" is perfect". Regardless, Christianity teaches that all are equal in the eyes of God. Mystery Babylon loves deities and idols, Christianity does not.

Finally please note that new agers are usually nice people, but so are Mormons and many other religions, all you need to do is look at their roots and ideology. Mormonism is basically freemasonry for women and children. Freemasonry does not allow women or children to join and views anyone who is not "white" as inferior subhumans, yet more inequality. This is why black freemasons can never visit a white freemasonic temple but white freemasons may visit a black freemasonic temple.

Please consider watching William Coopers series on Mystery Babylon: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=william+cooper+mystery+babylon

It's 40~ hours long but it is the most accurate modern representation of Mystery Babylon and all the evil that surrounds it.


You should check out this persons twitter: https://twitter.com/SkyMaitreya ,blog: http://www.skymaitreya.com/ ,and youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SkyMaitreya - you wouldn't know how far gone she is until she opens her mouth. This is basically the end game for anyone who is into the new age religion.

To sum her up, she actually believes she is "God". She has even convinced multiple people into believing that she is "God", or in this case the "maitreya". The people she's convinced she's lived off of them rent free, and even made them worship her.

She's put her own little twist on the new age religion, basically every new ager has their own interpretation; they have no solid foundation, and no holy book, they believe everything is right, and that there is no good and evil.

She believes in reincarnation, and basically she believes she's is lilith, eve, mary magdalene, joan of arc, isis, and a bunch of other crazy shit. When she introduces herself she refers herself as the "water bearer" in her current life time. After that she makes it very clear that she is the "whore of babylon".

There's a ton of really fucked up stuff she talks about and has done. She believes shes the god of prostitution so she sells her body to pay for her "spirit quest". This is something all of those really into the new age religion do to "find themselves" and recruit others.

Oh yea, she even believes that she is going to give birth to the son of "jesus christ" when he returns. She even went as far to abort a baby when she got pregnant from some random guy she was being paid to sleep with because it wasn't "jesus' baby" and she can only give birth to his children.

The new age religion is fucked up

Yea I know man there is alot of crazy crazy crazy shit out there haha!

I think your opinions would be better received if you didnt keep telling people to read certain things along with said opinion. Literally every comment you post you tell people to read or watch something. Try suggesting instead of insisting.

I was indoctrinated as a Christian from a young age. Christianity is probably the longest running conspiracy of them all. I highly recommend Joseph Atwill and his book Caesars Messiah if you want to learn more.

I'm a hopeless sinner redeemed by the washing of the Word and the power his testimony. Glory be to God in heaven.

I was excommunicated for getting the preachers daughter pregnant

haha! i hope you took care of the child troll..

Steve Quayle

I believe that there may be some nuggets of truth that have managed to survive all the edits, translations, and rewrites.

As for what those are? Talk about an impossible undertaking..

Well if everyone agrees that TPTB worship Lucifer, doesn't that mean Christianity is true?

what is TPTB?

Atheist. Once you see through the brain washing that religion does to people, the rest of the brainwashing is so much easier to spot.

It is like pulling a string on a sweater....the rest of the conspiracies all start to unravel once you break away from the religious cult.

so is harry potter but people trying to make factual claims without evidence are charlatans.

what are some interesting passages?

You should check out this persons twitter: https://twitter.com/SkyMaitreya ,blog: http://www.skymaitreya.com/ ,and youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SkyMaitreya - you wouldn't know how far gone she is until she opens her mouth. This is basically the end game for anyone who is into the new age religion.

To sum her up, she actually believes she is "God". She has even convinced multiple people into believing that she is "God", or in this case the "maitreya". The people she's convinced she's lived off of them rent free, and even made them worship her.

She's put her own little twist on the new age religion, basically every new ager has their own interpretation; they have no solid foundation, and no holy book, they believe everything is right, and that there is no good and evil.

She believes in reincarnation, and basically she believes she's is lilith, eve, mary magdalene, joan of arc, isis, and a bunch of other crazy shit. When she introduces herself she refers herself as the "water bearer" in her current life time. After that she makes it very clear that she is the "whore of babylon".

There's a ton of really fucked up stuff she talks about and has done. She believes shes the god of prostitution so she sells her body to pay for her "spirit quest". This is something all of those really into the new age religion do to "find themselves" and recruit others.

Oh yea, she even believes that she is going to give birth to the son of "jesus christ" when he returns. She even went as far to abort a baby when she got pregnant from some random guy she was being paid to sleep with because it wasn't "jesus' baby" and she can only give birth to his children.

The new age religion is fucked up

Yea I know man there is alot of crazy crazy crazy shit out there haha!

I think your opinions would be better received if you didnt keep telling people to read certain things along with said opinion. Literally every comment you post you tell people to read or watch something. Try suggesting instead of insisting.