And the american people just look the other way

2  2012-08-06 by [deleted]

No we didnt blow up the towers. No we dont make biological weapons. No we didnt poison our own people with anthrax to acomplish the goverments ends. These are all conspiracys and have no grounds in fact.

Im now about to not only prove they did do these things but they still are. First we start with biological weapons. First off they have been illegal to build store or stockpile since 1972. That hasnt stopped the russians and there for us by pure intrest in self preservation. We had to keep up even tho the gineva convention outlawed these things. Both of us kept going its not like its the first time we just brushed off these mandates by the u.n...cough ...cough... dersden, tokyo, vietnam, irag both times and afghanistan have all been bombed with incendiary munitons. Something that like bio weapons was deemed evil and inhuman to use ....cough ...cough but we wouldnt do that right.....any ways back to my point

In 2001 the goverment started research on a russian strain of small pox .Which at that time had no known cure and was so agressive that even people whos immune systems should have been strong enough to fight off this disease wouldnt, and if you remember back to when these things were found in u.s post offices. The second they were found they were quarintiend, and the "attackers" make a video proving their guilt in war crimes against the u.s. Why would any one. I dont give a fuck how crazy you are. Want to bring that kind of heat back on them selfs. Now i know you nay sayers will claim that these people took responsibility for these things to add publicity to there cause, but how could mass murder benefit anyones cause .....besides a goverment that wants to release bull shit propaganda to get public support to go in, and either settle a 20 year old dispute between bush senior and saddam. Or maybe because war is big fucking money. Whats are annuaul military budget, and our national debt and why is this like this when we make most of our weaponry right here at home.

When those "planes" hit the towers you all sold out and bought into there bull shit. Cause you were scared. Who can blame you I was 11 when that happend, and it scared me, and i bileved. Until i learned that everything someone in an authoratative position tells you isnt true. But why ... why .. greed pure and simple. Do you know that Larry A. Silverstein made 7 billion off of the insurance money from the towers, and him and his close associates includeing 2 of his children were supriseingly absent from the towers those days due to last minute changes in schedule......I will post links too all of my source of this information. Look it up your self. Im not lieing. Im not wrong, and I might be paranoid but just because your paranoid doesnt mean that there not out to get you. Im tellling you all now in 10 years time unless we as a people do something about it. We will be in a worse prison state then we are already in. Every day you sacrafice more and more freedoms for the sake of security. Im sorry this is so long and I know there is gramatical error but the message is there.

Below are the links


You should format the text. Add some spaces to break it up into something like paragraphs. It is very hard to read particularly due to the grammar not being perfect.

With regards to spelling. If , when you type a word a red line appears underneath , if you right click, the correct spelling is often provided.

Some punctuation (other than random ellipses) would help, too.


It's better yes.

No we didnt blow up the towers. No we dont make biological weapons. No we didnt poison our own people with anthrax to acomplish the goverments ends. These are all conspiracys and have no grounds in fact.

Who do you mean by 'we'

and i apologize at the beggining of my article i state that i can prove these things are still going on and for most of them you needent do more then the most basic resarch to see that im right the links for this info are bio weapons Larry A. Silverstein

Learn to format your ramblings.


Yes, thank you. The way it was before, it looked like the thoughts of a homeless madman on a street corner.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Someone just had enough guts to post in r/conspiracy and you are criticising grammar, punctuation and spelling?

How about some supportive links?

History is a lie. Religion is mythology. Education is a control system. Money is a hoax. Government is a for-profit corporation.

Well, to be honest I commented on the unreadable nature of the wall of text (its been corrected now). I did offer some constructive advice on spelling, but tried to not be rude. i.e right click red for spelling correction which some people may not know about.

You know when people create a wall of text? When they have that sudden realization that the matrix is a fantasy they participate in. The wall of text is a wall of defense against the cacophony in their heads and the hallucinations that make them depressed. The "corrections" of the Grammar Nazis tell them: go back; you are not qualified; you are not worthy. When someone leans against the wall and bursts through the bubble we should welcome them into the real world not send them back.

BTW I did not know about the right click. I don't have a right click on my mouse.

Ok, I do see your point, but the least a person can do is add some breaks to ease the eye strain. It is strange though how our tolerance for large chunks of text is reduced when presented on a computer screen as oppose books.

If you want to do right click with a mac you press ctrl whilst clicking.

I find it hard to believe you get by without right click though so you probably know this.

The wall of text is free association. A break from convention and rules. It is a psychological data dump. It is someone waking up from a nightmare screaming.

Until I read this I did not know how to right click.

Perhaps you'd like to give the OP a blow job or something?


Right - because I'm a homophobe

You can't even spell geneva - why should anyone listen to you?



No, it's because you can't spell (a common sign of intelligence, right?) or clearly convey thoughts in english



Wow! Wishing cancer on someone because they critique your post? Un-fucking-believable! DV and go on. I was rooting for you, until this....


I never took you for that. I took you for an idiot after reading your post for 3 seconds.


Yep. And you wear it well.


You are very welcome.

Oh wow - a link to my user profile - good thing you provided the link - clicking on my name is obviously too much for some of you.

Once again - you might want to try working on the reddit thread system.

It's not that you don't have good grammar - it's that you are obviously completely unwilling to share your ideas in a clear and concise manner


Because it's like having to translate the ramblings of a 7 year old

Your questions don't have question marks - so how am I supposed to tell it's a question? One has to make a lot of assumptions to try and get anything out of your writing.


Hold up! You only have a 6th grade education? What fucking country do you live in? Oh, you link that proves you are just below genius? What did you get? 136? 145 for me. It proves nothing.

I apologize that you have no interest in educating yourself

Fuck you. I know this guy in real life. I have an extensive college education and I work as a professional. I can assure you he is not a 7yr old.

It is exactly as he says. Systems fail man. Just because it worked for you....


nou da man :)

But seriously, a year on reddit and you will be passing as College edjumicated.


Maybe if you read a fucking book, you could figure out some punctuation.


Yeah, maybe you should send him these posts.

What kind of books are you reading at a 6th grade level anyway?

What kind of editor would have the patience to go through your drivel?


Oh wow - boy genius yet the school system failed you?

What publishing house? What's your area of expertise? Amatureism?


What about it? Show a screenshot of your test result?

I ignore most of the dumb shit you say - yet you haven't pointed that out

Dumbass - no one else saw the link because you sent it to yourself

I said he isn't a 7 year old. I said he is like a 7 year old. Obviously reading comprehension was never part of your college education, nor is it a requirement for your 'professional' job now.

I know it must be really hard to learn with the Internet at your fingertips. Better blame it on the system!

Actually that is not what you said. Whatever man.

Actually - it is.

Because it's like having to translate the ramblings of a 7 year old

Great job!

That is differnt then what you said one post back. You said then like a seven year old.

No it isn't. That's a quote from the post itself. Here is a link

and the full post:

Because it's like having to translate the ramblings of a 7 year old Your questions don't have question marks - so how am I supposed to tell it's a question? One has to make a lot of assumptions to try and get anything out of your writing.

And for you:

You said then like a seven year old.

You sure you are college educated?

It is like having to translate


Like a 7yr old

Yes, given the fact that you are a moron, it's not a surprise you can't understand that.

What it means is that

Reading his words are like reading the words of a 7 year old.

It doesn't mean he is a 7 year old. It means he writes like one. It means that, from the perspective of his writing - it's impossible to tell whether he is a 7 year old or not. It's an insult, not a suggestion that the poster may in fact actually be a 7 year old.



Hey faggot, that shit ass link that refers to nothing to prove it's point? Yeah, it's pretty dumb.

But the guy makes a point - however, I wouldn't be fooled into thinking it's beyond me. Yeah, if people make a few spelling or grammar mistakes it's not fair to call them dumb. But it's not fair to put you into that category. You didn't make a few mistakes. You only made mistakes. In fact - it seems like you'd prefer to sound retarded instead using spell check, let alone grammar check. So congratulation - you do come off like a retard.


Ok, ok, ok! You gotta stop! There is NO way you're legit. None.


You're faking. There is no way you are legit.

Come to NYC, bitch


You tell me, hot shot

Though, I take it you've ran out of intellectual issues to discuss here? So should I take that as an admission of your lack of intelligence?





I bet you can't wait for me to put my cock in your mouth


You got it

So are you George, Robert, Michelle, or Judith?



You dumb bastard! Why walk around with pot on you everywhere? And don't say "I don't go everywhere with it" because you fucking do! Anyone with that many charges of it absolutely fucking has to!


Yeah. Mmhmm. "only 4 times" Isn't once enough?

Already have their last names and ages.......


You gave out your address.


Well, you are the genius, right?

Lemme ask you this: Are you a Red VS. Blue fan?

Cat got your tongue?

I'm not sure what you are talking about. I've provided tons of evidence. All I've done is refer to literally what you've written.

I think most people wouldn't take the time to read through your incessant rambling and then tell you of your stupidity. I guess you could thank me for being concerned!


your not concerned you target anyone you feel is stupid which to you is everyone



If I thought everyone was stupid, then there would be a lot more posts.

You are part of a special club. What can I say?


Are you a fan of Abraham Lincoln or Steve Jobs?

Like I said earlier, they weren't referring to you, but people that make mistakes. As opposed to your affront on the concept of intelligence.


Now who said that? At least you can try and quote me for some evidence though, sheesh!

Maybe if you read a fucking book, you could figure out some punctuation.

your not concerned you target anyone you feel is stupid which to you is everyone
