There are at least 5 "training exercises" happening right now. What's going on?

33  2012-08-07 by [deleted]

Browsing /r/conspiracy for the last few days I've noticed a bunch of posts about training exercises going on all over the US. I would expect there to be one (maybe two) at any given time. But, six or seven? Look at them all!

What's going on?!?! Did I miss any? Maybe there are more that we're not aware of.


Also add:


Getting ready for false flags, martial law and WWIII with Iran/Russia/China.

Naional Guard on summer maneuvers.

I know someone in the Army Reserves and he was told instead of the normal two week annual training it was going to be three. Also during the extra week he would not be allowed to have outside contact and could not disclose any info about it.

Can anybody back this up? Is this "business as normal", or is something sinister afoot?

I'm betting it is both.

Sorry to be responding so late, but it was business as usual. Because the reserve and national guard components of the military rely on part time soldiers, they tend to cram large training exercises into short time periods in the summer months rather than the constant training that active duty units undergo.

Most likely, at least 5 different groups are currently engaged in training.

Training for what?

I would expect there to be one (maybe two) at any given time

You tell me. What would you expect there to be constant training for?

Wargames and preparedness drills are part of the military. But, it seems like an excessive amount of "training exercises" happening right now. Something's up.

It be interesting to compare last years training to this years. Anyone know of a good military news site?

Yeh, very true. There's a lot of places they could go to train, a lot of training exercises they could do. To make anything of 5 groups training, we need to know how often 5 groups simultaneously train.


Where do these training exercises occur? Typically aren't they more "off the grid", less in the limelight?

Why all the attention?


What about the size of these maneuvers? The one in Indiana is supposedly the "largest domestic convoy in history." sCite


So it is the "largest domestic convoy in [the National Guard's] history. Pull in the tomatoes boys, winter is coming!

How'd ya know so much, hombre?

well it is the summer. The time with the best weather for activities across the whole country. I'm sure they had to plan the events and what better time to plan events? It would be more suspicious if these activities were going on in December.

Would it really be more suspicious in December? Really? Really!?


Did you see the video of all the tanks coming in to Burbank?? Wtf right???

I'd never seen that many tanks before. It was nuts!

Also you can add Iowa to that list.

Yesterday I woke up to see 4 military choppers (hueys) fly into the cedar rapids airport. There is a national guard armory right next to that airport but it is quite small. It probably has a total of 15 to 30 vehicles and a couple of small buildings. I called my dad to see if he saw them, he said no but KCRG 9 said to expect to see jets flying over as they were running exercises.

I have never seen military jets here in iowa except when 2 f-16's were buzzing around and visiting with some people from Rockwell Collins at the airport, and when 3 f-16s flew over kinnick stadium they also flew directly over my home. The only time I have seen military helicopters over our area have been once a few years back, and 3 times within the last month. The choppers I saw yesterday were four deep flying within I'd say 100 feet of each other. 2 weeks ago I saw a single Huey fly over my workplace but what struck me as odd was it had two booms coming off the sides of the helicopter and they looked to be some kind of a sprayer, but was not spraying anything at the time, can't confirm they were even sprayers but me and a customer both commented on how it looked like it was fitted for crop dusting. And about a month ago two Huey's flew over my workplace from the west to the east, couldn't see these as well as they were right along the tree line.

Thanks for the local report.

what about the oil fir and the volcano

True. I hadn't even heard about the volcano yet.

These happen annually in California. A couple years back there was one at the ports about biological or nuclear contamination or something. It was a proper FEMA thing, by the by. Obviously nothing came of it. And they're annual.

Then again something might come of it.

But living like that means always being a step behind. I think we should take the game to them. They are criminals. What do you do with criminals? You file charges and prosecute them. They are not above the law. They are subject to the same laws we are. Sometimes I wish I was a lawyer. I hope a talented lawyer with some righteous indignation takes it on himself / herself to do something bold.

Good call.

  • North Carolina

Any others?

New Jersey:

But above was the 2nd round of training in NJ..they also did it earlier. Edit: Had wrong link posted here. It mentions previous activity in above article.

A lot of residents have noted the increase and are complaining about the activity:

Who downvotes this?

The Vengeful Librarians!!

hm, interesting

As someone who knows a minimal about the defence forces (mates in it etc) Maybe there training, even ireland a neutral state keeps there lads pretty sharp. It would be safe to assume that america in a sate of war and the size of it would be doing the same more often and on a larger scale.

Learn how to spell.

The real question I will have to research is; Do they do this every year? Is this normal or out of the ordinary. If it's not normal I am heading to the grocery store.

I want to believe they're not locking you Americans down for a totalitarian nightmare.

It could just be a show of strength/display of power to creditor nations thinking about calling in the U.S.' loans backed with a threat of invasion.

The guy in the video is right. You Americans have the power of private prosecutions and you should use that to charge elected officials with misfeasance in public office or some equivalent.

I live near the Westover Airforce Base in Chicopee, MA. Every Thursday for the last 4 years they conduct a "training" where they circle C5As overhead for several hours.

I think there are a lot of bases around the country, and I think they are training no more than they have in years past, it's just that there are more people with cell phones and access to the internet than in years past, and so we're hearing about it more.

To be fair haveing a nation wide, wide scale practice would be good every few years

Wow this is a disappointment. You know how when people go desperately searching for a sign from God they find one, be it Jesus in some burnt toast, or a dripping pipe in India? Well that's what you're doing.

"oh my god, there's training exercises going on!!! what's really up???"

training exercises, you moron. how would you train if you never had any exercises? do you think the national guard is a myth full of ghosts?

No, but with the recent events in Anaheim and seeing people being carted off by unidentified men in military garb, and loaded into the back of what I would describe as rape vans lol.

Not to mention the fact that a large portion of our constitutional rights have been taken away since September 11th, and specially considering the passing of the National Defense Authorization Act, and the continued attempts to pass laws for indeffinate detainment.

Not to mention FEMA camps. You have to ask yourself why does ( prior to all these large scale exercises) it look like our nation Becoming more and more militarized? Why do our police now look like military officials more than a friendly face that could help you out in your time of need?

And then you start to see large scale exercises that are going on. The one in Alabama had the largest convoy ever seen in the united states.

And I just want to point out one scene in the dark knight rises. The largest police "exercise" seen in Gotham was actually a cover up, yeah its a movie reference but where do you think they get there inspiration from?

My point is, though I'm no doomsday theorist, I do believe that our government has been plotting against us, the people for sometime now.