The most difficult question I've ever been asked is: What do we do with them?

16  2012-08-09 by [deleted]

Lock them up in cages?

Return to them what they've done unto us?

To whomever you were who asked me that a couple years ago, this is my response.

I leverage whatever respect, credibility, reputation or other human social value I may have to place this question into the public consciousness. Here and now.



"We" are "them". We're all one. WE are the collective that has created this world and we can heal it too -- it has to start with unconditional love.

This is one of the best things I've ever read here. We, as a group, nation, etc have to accept that we are at least 50% responsible for what the world has become. I'm obviously not suggesting that anyone reading this is a bankster, but we also haven't stood up to them. So what do we do once we take the world back from them? I don't know, but it would be a good start to base everything we do in unconditional love.

You can blame yourself; I'd start placing blame with the guys rigging the LIBOR rate.

Also the guys and gals letting them do it. Unfortunately, that's ultimately us - we the people.

I agree with you except for one thing:

If these people are psychopaths no amount of love will ever do anything for them. It's okay to love a human, but a psychopath is not a human. Well, physiologically they are, but mentally they are Komodo Dragons.

Choose that you hug wisely.

P.S. I want to stress - I actually agree with you 97%.

We are not them. They benefit from the unique combination of generational wealth and privilege. The power has morphed them. Many of us have even fallen into the foul act of impersonating them. We celebrate, emulate and covet their lot in life. We should pity their vile nature, their lack of humanity's magnificent imperfection. They are indoctrinated in hatred of the pedestrian, the flawed, the "average Joe" by their parents.

We need to ensure no group reigns over us again. Democracy may be the most overused and least understood word in modern society. I am so fucking sick of smarmy politicians, self righteous priests and the 3rd rail of modern society, the military. Kissinger calls "the troops" necessary idiots. These two diametrically opposed sub-species need to interact directly like the rest of us do. We are in dire need of leadership.

To torture, jail or slaughter this human sub-species takes us down to their level of inhumanity. I submit we force them to endure the same rules the rest of us follow ... society's rules. This is what they loath. This act of levelling the playing field will unapologetically squeeze the disease out of them over time, much like how we get the last of the toothpaste out of the tube - by force. I want to have them experience life: standing beside a guy w/ BO in a crowded subway, forced "prole style" honesty, waiting in line at the DMV, actually paying their fair share of taxes. Welcome to the jungle, motherfuckers!

That's impossible. Really, it's impossible.

Quarantine them away from the population until we can find a long-term solution. Revenge isn't the answer.


So just leave them in NJ?

Day dum tss

Upvote lumping them in with the filthy Aussies! As a smarter man than me said "Australia is good for two things sport and racism, I'm shit at both". Me I'm for isolation, but in saying that some of the top manipulators need an important life lesson. What that may be needs to be discussed.


Fair enough mate. Myself on the other hand do not. Australia has, is and probably will be one of the most racist countries on the planet. I can't remember which magazine it was that I read this but back in the mid-nineties a reporter went to the outback and did an article about the mining communities there. On the way to Alice Springs he saw one of the massive road trains that supply the more remote areas of Oz run down an aborigine, travelling at 200+ km per hour and kill him. Alarmed the reporter asked his driver if they were going to stop and see if the poor bastard was alive, without missing a beat his driver said that in the outback Aborigines were classed as livestock and it was no big deal. The mid-nineties Aborigines were still classed as livestock. Not saying my country is perfect, but fuck me.

Edit. Really? Everyone is gonna downvote me for telling the truth? Whatever. I have met some cool Australians and a lot of dickhead Australians, dickheads making up the majority. If you haven't yet seen it, watch a movie called Rabbit Proof Fence and then come back to me. Fucks sake, at least the South Africans were honest about their racism.

The irony stings the nostrils


First thing we do is stop the damage being done.

Then, fear and conflict out of the way, we take a deep breath and decide rationally.

First thing we do is stop the damage being done.

I agree.

Depends on which ones. Most should just go to prison for sedition and treason against the Republic.

Most of the ones that have committed high treason should be hung until they are dead as it states in the law for high treason.

Some of the few at the top we should build a fishbowl on the capital green where they are forced day after day to answer for their crimes against humanity.

As much as I love Iwantasquirrel's comment, but this is what is more likely to happen. Someone, someday, will hold a high enough position of power to publicly prove what has happened and is happening and charge them for treason. I see this as being possible in the next 30-40 years. The youth, in our ignorance, have caused this, and we will right it. I'm sure there are some out there now who are aware, just sitting around, binding their time, with plans on making it possible.

I don't even understand the question... What do we do with them? Who? wtf is the OP talking about?? Context?

I submit we throw an ice cream party for them. They'll never see that coming. Plus it will show how much better people we are than them.

What do you say guys?

I would like to make the ice-cream. :)

I don't think I'll be eating any.

Smack dab in the middle of the most recent place they bombed, perhaps?

Get these people into therapy! They're obviously completely fucked up in the head. Like "we the jury find the defendant" FUCKED UP! Revenge is never the answer as Iwantasquirrel said. The answer is to show them love, something they may never have experienced in this life time. I'm not saying society should be spooning these creeps any time soon, but we could show them something they deserve to experience, love, by helping them to better themselves by getting the help they so desperately need. Killing these people would make us no better than the barbaric monsters that they are. And before you jump on me saying they don't deserve it, they choose to do what they did. Well think about it: George W. Bush is a piece of shit, who was raised by George H.W. Bush, another piece of shit. Do you see the cycle going on here? Most of those people never had a shot at being like us because as we all know, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

If they're psychopaths - which is likely - then therapy will actually make them worse.

They're criminals and should be treated as such.

then therapy will actually make them worse.

Source and I'll take back my downvote.

A.) I knew a guy who I beleve to be a psychopath and he went into therapy with his [then] wife (she left him shortly after they began therapy). During therapy she was flustered when he somehow managed to make the therapist believe that she was nuts and he was the victim. He ended up being more manipulative and bastardly after therapy than before.


Note that in the above link they quote Dr. Robert Hare multiple times. I've read that book and have been able to identify a five people in my life that have been psychopathic. I use them as my primary examples. Books draw from direct experience. It's what the sciences are based on. I have both books as well as direct experience. Familiarize yourself with the topic and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Well thank you. I'm going to do some researching of my own as well.

I think this is a worth a listen:

The guy being interviewed edited a book written by a psychologist about psychopaths in politics. Highly relevant to this discussion. I'm unemployed and cannot afford to buy books, but when I get a chance I'll be finding a copy of this book.

in context, I think you and dq9 are referencing different "these poeple"'s.

Very likely.

My thoughts are hyper specific and developed after years of reflection.

95-ish% of people are just fine and should be helped. That last 5% are psychopaths. They are not like you or me. I've known 5 psychopaths for sure in my life. They were all non-violent (lucky me). These 'people' are not for hugging. They're for avoiding. It is my opinion that the majority of people in upper finance and politics are psychopathic or manipulated by psychopaths. I repeat this because it's worth repeating.

And to be absolutely clear: we should be good people and we should operate in love and acceptance 95% of the time. The likelyhood that a particular person is a normal loving human is a 95% chance. Which means you may as well assume that a given person is not a psychopath. This is how I live and I find that it serves me quite well. When you're nice to people with no expectations of reciprocation you'd be surprised how nice they are. It sounds ridiculous, but walking the Jesus / Buddha path is amazing when you can manage it (some days it's easier than others).

That said, even Jesus would agree that if you're confronted with a cobra you don't go right up to it with open arms and expect a hug. So love; just know that sometimes you're not going to get a hug in return. The world has a couple of thorns.

I was talking about the Illuminati. I feel they could benefit greatly from some help.

Not all Illuminati are normal people.

There is some evidence to suggest that many of them are psychopathic. In which case therapy will not help them. Those who are normal people will benefit and should be in therapy, I agree.

Here's a small introduction:

I'd known about this topic for years and only recently delved into it myself. I'm quite sure you've heard of the subject. I think you wqould benefit from an examination of what a psychopath is, how they function and their effects on society. It's an eye-opener.

And, yes. Normal people associated with these upper level groups should be in therapy.

I completely agree with that.

I know all about psychopaths. My father is one and spent quite some time in an institution after lashing out on us for years. They can help themselves though, my father still has episodes from time to time, but he is perfectly fine now. You would never had guessed.

Then he wasn't a psychopath.

I've personally known psychopaths. They don't "get better."

Read "Without Conscience" by Dr. Robert Hare as an introduction.

Here's an interivew with Thomas Sheridan:

Ah. Okay. I was uncertain. I thought you might have been talking about Alex Jones down there at the bottom of this page.

Nope I hadn't seen that yet.

A worthy question.

As a way of framing this I'd like to begin by saying that it's my opinion that the majority of these public figures in the seats of power are either psychopaths or being manipulated by psychopaths. I'm of the nature rather than nurture school of thought. What I mean is: I prefer to use the term psychopath rather than sociopath. As such this opinion will color my views on what should be done.

Retribution will solve little since the same problems will exist whether they die or not. So I'm not really into the whole vigilante angle. That and solving violence with violence seems like the wrong direction.

On the other hand they can't be left to their own devices. They cannot be turned loose to do the same later on. One of the implicit points of death penalty / prison is that the person is disallowed to continue their bad behavior. This disallowing is what I wish to focus on.

People who do bad things ought to meet the consequences of their actions. Since the people in question are dealing with entire continents this is a special class of criminal. They can't answer for billions of people. However they can, at the very least, answer for the fact that they've caused massive suffering. That is, they did something bad and though no punishment will match their deed they can, at the very least, serve jail time. They are, after all, criminals.

Now, remember that the target isn't the run-of-the-mill criminal [bureaucrat]. The target is the high-level player [banker / politician]. The target group is very likely high in number of psychopaths. And there is zero chance to rehabilitate a psychopath. They will remain a manipulative douche until their dying breath (no matter what clinicians say they have to admit that there have been no examples of "cured psychopathy" - they only have theories on how it might be cured).

Psychopaths should be kept away from society in general if they do something bad. If they do nothing bad they're just going to behave like jerks for the rest of their lives. Which sucks, but if they're not doing criminal activity then they should be left alone. But we're not talking about lowly manipulative douche-bags. We're talking about the biggest douche-bags of all time.

These "people" have demonstrated zero concern for their actions and have harmed many people. If anyone deserves the death sentence it's these "people." But since I don't believe in the death sentence I'm forced into the strange position of mandatory life-imprisonment. Yes, they're getting a free ride. Which sucks. However, they needn't be in Club Fed. They shouldn't be in gen-pop by the by. They'll end up making a club out of all the rubes and dupes. They should be in solitary for the rest of their lives. It's the only way to neutralize their effects. It's cruel, but psychopaths don't have a brain that functions the way a normal human's does. For this reason they can't be treated like a normal person. Because they're not.

What I'm advocating is normal criminal procedures, but with the addition that if they're found to be psychopathic they should simply be kept away from society - humans in general. Maybe they can do laundary or something. I don't really care so long as they can't fuck with people anymore.

That was the long way of saying:

Lock them up and throw away the key.

I think like many on here, the answer is not violence. We have lived under their violent ways for millennia and if we hope for the new world (strange choice of words, I know) to be any different from what it has been, we cannot begin it with blood.... even though that would be sooo satisfying, until immediately after when we became disgusted with ourselves.

We need to lock them up. They can choose to talk about their crimes, or they can choose to not. They will not be coerced or tortured or threatened with death or systemic rape. We are better than them.

Some will come forward and feel remorse for their crimes and they will serve as an example to humanity not only of what NOT to be, but also as an example of remorse and we will serve as an example of forgiveness. A system will be implemented to immediately deal with anyone that attempts to move society in the direction that would result in their cordoned power again.






No such thing as free speech here. It's more like group think.

Hard to believe anybody would listen to this for pleasure.

We construct a "Phantom Zone". Whatever you all figure out better count on doing it on a regular bases. "They" are like shark teeth, when one falls out there is all one to pop in place.

I'm pretty sure treason is the death penalty. After Gitmo interrogations of course.

Start a moon colony.

Copout. Rather fitting, really...

Is this a cheap shot at me not stating my personal opinion outright in my response?

If so, here's my opinion.

We stop them at any cost. We resist them at every turn. We ignore their self-perception of superiority at every opportunity. We do this consistently until we break from their control.

At any cost.

Otherwise, they continue killing the planet (raping the natural resources, poisoning the land, water, and air that is necessary to support life - not just ours, but all known life) and we die with it.

Any practical measures you advocate? Or is it just a general sort of civil disobedience?

I pity you.

Yeah, sure. My first thought on reading this posting was that here is an agent of the government attempting to draw admissions of intent from people. Your unwillingness to say anything meaningful in response to your own question bolsters that idea.

We stop them at any cost.

doesn't mean anything. How? Voting for the Green party, maybe?

Sometimes the most loving thing you can do for a person that is beyond help is to....

put a bullet in the brain.

But you see it's not our job to 'make things even'. They will have their time, rest assured.

Romans 12:19

19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.


For it is told that Babylon will fall, as it alway' fall, dat be trueth bredren. Babylon fall see Jah say no to de' Tower and de' Mystery Religions 'at don' 'ave no love for the I-niverse or de U-niverse. Jah is love.

Praise Jah

Kill them all and their bloodlines, show no mercy, since they have never shown any for us, we are the mindless eaters.

Can we be better than them?

We already are.

can we prove so?

Yes, with logic. Consider:

The Illuminati / NWO is always trying to kill people / deceive / depopulate the planet and generally do shitty things to otherwise good people.

We are activists (like it or not) who actively discuss how to improve this situation we as citizens of the world find ourselves in.

All you do is talk and you consider this to be a moral indicator of righteousness or some ethical higher ground? I submit that in order to save humanity, the cancerous growth must be extracted and terminated with extreme prejudice - otherwise, all you are doing is leaving behind a very bad world for future generations to deal with, which may be worse than what TPTB are trying to accomplish. We may be held in contempt for doing nothing.

So what happens when you take over the country then? You just set up a new despotic government and become corrupted like everyone else. Read Animal Farm and you'll see why revolutions are a waste of time.

Alex Jones, is that you?

This made me lol, upvote to you sir :)

Now I need to watch that movie xD

can we prove so?