This is kind of a "Manchurian Candidate" related question: Why haven't the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. been targets of assassination attempts?

60  2012-08-15 by [deleted]

Why only the people who've tried to overthrow them?

EDIT: Many well-considered responses. As things progressed, the correct, accurate response finally emerged (3 or 4 people posting it within minutes of each other).

Incoherentrant got there first.



Pacifism is the enemy of the revolution.





If we kill these scumbags we martyr them, the way we win is by exposing to the whole world all their crimes.

When currencies crash, economies fall apart, and wars commence, no doubt a large number of people will be gunning for those boys. Sanity for some is a fragile and temporary state.

I like to think the people who would need to overthrow the corrupt/crazy system, would be sane enough to not murder

Self defense and murder are different things. But yes, pro-freedom people being generally more decent buy into the ideology of pacifism, which is promoted heavily by the progressive elite because it serves the interests of the elite in general.

The short answer is they're rich enough to have royalty-level security.

That's what I think. Anyone who comes within 50 miles of a Rothschild with the intent of harming them would be instantly vaporized by a satellite laser :O

Plus, the voodoo dolls.


Do you imagine they have worse security than the Bilderbergs? (the events that is).

I'll describe Bill Gates' security, and he's not even in their wealth class. 20 years ago, mind you, when he was not as rich as he is now, I was at a conference and there were women in blazers around. On close look, these weren't models. They were security hovering near him. Stealthy method, normal security men would have been obvious and obtrusive.


Let me begin by saying hi to the FBI agent stuck with monitoring forums. You have a tough job.

As for assassinating the rich, governments won't do it. They would have the best means of overcoming security though. Next level down, crackpots. Against these, private security. Often at least two bodyguards and peripheral people.

David's case, someone was sloppy and stupid there.



The obstacles any would-be amateur assassin faces are quite significant though if you try to break it down first.

1) Risk vs Reward. What effect will that persons death have? Can you take out the target without getting caught. Can you do it without anyone knowing it was murder? What happens to you if you do get caught? What happens to your family? Can you handle the psychological trauma of murder?

2) Method. How will you perform the kill?

Poison? Need direct access to person or their regular routine/locations to apply. Could be detected/countered by medical checkups. The more potent poison the less likely of medical intervention but reduces time between your interaction of target and visible symptoms.

Direct assault with bladed implement? Low chance of getting close to target, risk of only injuring.

Gun/Revolver? Need to get gun into a controlled event/location, metal detectors. Nervousness affecting aim and behavior.

Sniper rifle? Need extensive training, a sniper rifle and research on target and locations. Plenty of security personnel specifically trained to locate and take down would-be snipers.

Explosives? Guaranteed deaths on non-targets. Device may just as well blow you up during assembly. Heightened awareness on possible explosive devices, K9 units trained to detect smell of explosive materials.

Poison gas? Massive guaranteed deaths on non-targets. Extremely dangerous to assemble. Troublesome to deploy, need to create a closed environment to maximize effect and chance of killing your target.

Sabotage to create an accident? Requires extensive research and intimate knowledge with targets habits and access to locales. Requires degree of (social)engineering skill and access to tools/uniforms. Random variables inevitably introduced to alter the result of your plans. Highly likely of innocent casualties.

3) Security. You would be pitting yourself against highly trained specialists with years of experience in reading micro-expressions, locating would-be attack locations and keeping a VIP safe. If you think you can get say a gun past security while not showing emotional hints of a mindset that stands out from the rest of the crowd you are probably mistaken, or a psychopath. (in which case this is the profession for you!) Constant surveillance resources are used by counter-terrorism in order to spot aberrant behavior in a group setting. Acquiring resources to use for explosives, gas, poison is constantly monitored on the internet, offline research is required.

4) Lone gunman or a group. Lone operator reduces overhead and risk of a key individual opting out of the plan. Less chance of infiltration by informant/government agent. Alone means no backup, no lookout, low chance of escaping a direct attack unharmed & unidentified. A team can coordinate events but are susceptible to transmission intercepts. A team can fund and gather resources but are also very vulnerable to members communicating things outside of the group. Unknown factors on team members as well. Do they have history with trouble with the law? Arrests and known vulnerabilities like a gambling habit or drug abuse/arrest?

I could go on and on all day long in this list really.

But my reasoning is that no matter how much it could be agreed that someone ''deserves'' to be assassinated it all comes down to a matter of ''is it worth the trouble and backlash'' because ultimately nothing will change. These people that would be targets are not different from their surroundings. They don't stand out in any meaningful way other than the scale of their crime. But if you take one out it doesn't impact the flow of the rest. The people that get assassinated are those who take a strong public stance in direct opposition of the popular flow.

The desperation of the people will show itself in measure to the state of the world. I am fairly sure security will be beefed up spectacularly in the next months.

One speculates what would be the reaction of the hyper-rich if one of their numbers were publicly and visibly torn apart a la Bruce Willis/The Jackal using a planted chaingun. My expectation is they would get very scared. Even Margaret Thatcher buckled, her metallic demeanor cracked after she witnessed an IRA strike.

I'd say plenty cameras recording such a death, posted online for impact would be uhm.. "optimal". The brutality of the attack would be critical to shake the morale of the hyper-rich. Breaking the morale of these elites may be the only thing saving this planet from turning to a franchise of Dante's Inferno.

Have I advocated anything here? Of course not, just taking notes for a novel I am planning.

tl;dr: Normal people (even average crackpots) don't think about assassinating the people who manufacture assassins. Doesn't that just seem... odd? It makes me scratch my head wondering when people will wake up.

Assasination services are, to some degree, a commodity because there is a low barrier to entry in the profession. If someone can afford these assassination services and is willing to hire them then they will exist.

Just googled David Rockefeller.

Whats wrong with your faaace!

He looks like the bankers in Harry Potter.

Hydra - cut off one head and 2 more will grow.

That is why. These families are deep.

I went through this as a thought exercise years ago.

I ended up reasoning that such a thing would have to be one of two possibilities:

1.) suicide mission.

2.) elaborate and sophisticated planning.

The Suicide mission seems doomed to failure because you get a random act of violence and in some sense you actually play into their game. You legitimize their paranoia and control methods. So the assassination would have the opposite effect on those who are not killed (the hundreds of other psychopaths you did not target). Without a specific and clearly defined program of action after the event you have a sort of dynamic mental space in which the assassination / suicide can be interpreted in many diferent ways. This blunts whatever message you wanted to convey.

As for the elaborate and sophisticated planning, this is preferable, however it still plays into their paranoia. You still end up with the same problem of reinforcing their badness. To an outsider you'd be validating all of their claims about terrorism and so on.

Only recently have I decided that the best strategem is knowledge. The psychopath is helpless if you a.) know he exists and b.) know how he operates. I would never vote for a Rockefeller or one of his agencies or one of his proxies. But this is only possible now that I know about the Rockefellers and psychopathology. I was speaking to some of my friends at a bar and I was shocked that they still think about politics almost strictly in ideological terms. As though politicians give a shit about ideology. My friends still think that politicians have power. And they know very little about psychopathology - hence their inability to apply this concept to politicians. They believe what the press tells them about Obama and Romney.

I sound like I'm downing my friends, but I'm not. I used to be like them so I find it easy to have patience with them. Still, they will invariably vote for Obama thinking that he's the right course or something. This is the power of knowledge. I have knowledge. I will not fall for the scams. They do not have knowledge. They will fall for the scams.

Now consider this: if a politician were to be assassinated my own friends would not understand the context the way you or I would. They would still be thinking in ideological terms. They would very likely interpret the action as a right-wing stunt. In which case when the control program went into high gear they would go along with it. Why? Because they still think in the mental framing provided to them by the 'people' [psychopaths] in control.

I can't have been the only one to have thought this through to this conclusion. And so I take this as a sort of round-abouts confirmation of my assumption that the reason there haven't been serious attempts (at this time) is only because there seems to be little point.

Education, on the other hand . . .

Look at David Icke. I don't agree with everything he says, but he's far more effective than a gun. You take a random act of violence and place it next to David Icke and David Icke is more powerful if only because he explains what the fuck is going on as where a random death has no framing at all. You still need someone to tell you what the fuck just happened. In which case you back on David Icke's turf.

Or maybe I'm reading into it things that aren't real.


"The man who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself."


I take that concept for granted. I was going for something closer to a pure reason way of looking at it rather than the Taoist view. You can drop wisdom all day long, but it's nice to be able to back it up intellectually.

Bill Cooper, by the by, had the same view.

Do not become what you hate.

Because the large majority of people are not killers and would rather try and inform other people.

People will only fight when backed into a corner or they have no other option.

Because the large majority of people are not killers and would rather try and inform other people.

Most people would defend themselves if they knew someone was trying to kill them, but if they don't know then they are sitting ducks. With effective propaganda you can convince someone to dig their own grave then convince them to lie down in it even as the dirt rains down.

People will only fight when backed into a corner or they have no other option.

And then it will be too late.

I don't think most humans have the mental capacity or inclination to be free. Understanding you're not free requires being able to recognize patterns beyond the fairy tale, sedative narratives presented by mainstream media. Having the inclination to be free requires having some sense of identity: consumerism and multiculturalism are very effective tools for eradicating a sense of identity.

Technology is evolving tools for an unprecedented level of social control. Hopefully tools for freedom will evolve quicker.

It seems to me that most crazy people would rather try and assassinate famous celebrities for no reason.




Just a thought, maybe they have we just never hear about it?... They are powerful enough to have things hushed up pretty quickly... Just a thought...

Duhhhh, satan protects them. Lol

Realistically, a trained team would have no problem taking down members of the NWO one at a time(or in a group at a conference). Problems with it? First of all, a sub optimal amount of people believes this group exists, so your pick of willing trainable participants is already very slim. Secondly, you would have to have around twenty to thirty people to successfully carry out operations like this. Planning, funding(weapons and body armor get expensive), transportation, etc.

You have to have a wide network of informants telling you when and where to strike. You would have to avoid any suspicion that your group even exists, so you would have to hide all traces of funding, purchases, and even communication. Keep in mind the risk you're running as well. You will most certainly be looking at jail time or death if you caught(the hardest part about pulling this operation off successfully). You have to train your men for the exact scenario exactly as it will go down. Numerous times. They have to be able to pull it off flawlessly and be absolutely dedicated to the mission.

So where do you even begin to find these specialized people? They have to be psychologically sound, extremely good liars, physically fit(being a good shot or having combat expertise helps), highly intelligent, highly dedicated, AND they believe in the conspiracy within. Yes, you would be a powerful force(I like to think of Outer Heaven from the Metal Gear series)like a true special operations group for the good of mankind, but no one could ever know any detail about it and you would risk everything you are - provided you were sufficient enough to carry it out in the first place.

Taking out one or two Rothschilds won't change a thing. For the plan to be even remotely effective, the list would have to include probably 40-50 people, maybe more. Even then, it is unlikely any major disruptions to their control schemes would occur.

Maybe you could cause a power struggle if a key player was suddenly gone. But seriously, if they have had over a hundred years to set up (Imagine having trillions to finance then the players are nothing but shadows and what we think we know...

Would the only hope be that they are akin to greed? A weakness?

I don't really believe there is any hope. The average person will only wake up the morning they wake up in a concentration camp. At that point it is too late. People who understand the threats are barely a larger population than those most closely involved in creating that threat.

How do you know that they haven't been targeted, there would be no mainstream report on it. The media storm after an event only makes copycats, so why allow the story to leak.

Could it be because most conspiracy theorists are pussies with all talk and no action?

It seems like the best course would be to get them to destroy themselves. How you go about that i dont know.


Eventually youre probably right. But i want it now.

I am the first to suggest, here, that you cannot kill an idea by killing a person.

What makes you think your answer to the question is any more "correct and accurate" than anyone else's?

You are officially the biggest jackass I've seen on this sub.









These people aren't exactly hanging out at the bus stop.

Likely because there are two extremely good ways out of that scenario.

First of all, any individual or group wealthy and powerful enough to get an assassin good enough to even put a scratch on those well protected people would obviously be well known to the evil elite and would be watched night and day if there was even an inkling that they could pose a threat.

The two likely outcomes of an assassination attempt on them?

  1. They get wind of it and pay the assassin more than the other guy is offering.

  2. They get wind of it and counter with their own assassin.

Killing people is hard. killing wealthy, well protected people is even harder, so it's unlikely that any average person would be able to pull it off.

Also, murder is a horrible thing. Why would any sane individual even consider such an option? It would not change anything. Their wealth would just trickle down to the next generation and we'd have the same problems with different overlords. Genocide on the whole family would make you every bit as evil as them.

This is why.











Hmm...seems to me that all of these families have something in common! Can't quite put my finger on it though...


Oh, of course not!






They have body guards but not just undercover guards keeping tabs on their well being but access to the most advance technology as well, they'd see it coming from a million miles away

Keep asking that question and you will be.


...and he had GHWB's Texas phone number in his address book on the day of the assassination.

Is that true? Link?

Someone get this guy a tv show!

The human disguises used by the Reptilians have built-in force field generators that can stop bullets.

It is known.

Ill tell you why. Because the only people who would want to do that are shut in, neckbeards who live in constant fear of an invisible hand that has wronged them. You blame your shitty lives on an old, wealthy, powerful family. Noone has done you wrong, you have created your substandard way of life and continue to wallow in it.

Its good that the anti social retards that frequent this subreddit have given up on life though, it makes it easier for the rest of us to get ahead of you dummies.

The very same invisible hand that guides the 'free' market?

Plus, the voodoo dolls.

Is that true? Link?