Why do I sense that the shit is hitting the fan right now?

2  2012-08-17 by [deleted]

Holmes nurse drowns, while the documentary about the case is being buried.

Trapwire is exposed.

China is establishing a gold backed global currency.

We're experiencing serious forum-sliding.

The trolls and shills are thick.

EDIT: Almost forgot to add the Julian Assange Ecuador asylum thing.

EDIT2: banker arrests (if I patiently get reminded of everything thread coming unraveled, this list might get kind of long - lots of simultaneous shits hitting fans)


Because the fear porn is working.

I had to lol.

For those of you watching events a little too closely... Remember this:

History in the past has been way, way worse. Think WW2. Think Cuban missile crisis, think 1970 inflation and gasoline shortages.

If anything, the elite are worried about their shit hitting the fan.


Their shit is their power, control, and influence.

What exactly do you mean by shit hitting the fan?

The world is a large and complex place and crazy shit happens all the time on a small scale. If you think that the end of the world as we know it is coming, you're probably wrong. It's most likely just some paranoia creeping in.

Back around 1997-98 I thought the same thing for a while where some events lined up perfectly and paranoia crept in. I was ready to bug out and buy a cabin and leave the major population center I currently live in. After a few days I realized I was being a dumbass and returned to my normal life and nothing worth worrying about ever happened.

Just relax man, the most likely outcome is that nothing major is going to happen. Nothing that affects you much anyway.

The shit hitting the fan.... What is going to happen, is what already happened in 2008, and before that in 2000, and before that.. well you get the idea. The bubbles are getting bigger and popping faster. None of those bubbles have been resolved, they've just been moved around to other assets. Now they're all sitting on the dollar, and there is no where left to shuffle them off to. Basically, the US dollar is doomed. By the numbers right now, even if no one is purposely trying to crash it, its crash is inevitable. There will be no balancing the budget, or paying off the "debt" the liabilities are in the 100's of trillions of dollars. It simply is not possible.

The last crash in 2008 happened in a matter of hours. The fed (like'm or not) fired all of its ammo to stop it. They cant lower rates any further. And they cant just print another 200 trillion dollars and ignore the root of the problem like they did 4 years ago. They can keep trying the "quantitive easings" but sooner or later (sooner) that little magic pill is going to turn into poison and actually cause the next panic.

The 2012 crash, or 2013 crash or 2014 crash will happen, and it will happen in a matter of hours. And once it happens, there will be no stopping it and no saving the dollar.

After that? I give the country a week, 2 tops, before the shit really hits the fan. There will be no more social security, there will be no more medicare, no more unemployment, no more welfare, no more foodstamps - you name it. Your 401K, your bank balance? Gone. Because there will be no money. Then the riots will start. It will be like New Orleans, but it will be the whole country.

The foulbastard doesnt know if this is a planned conspiracy by the 1% to further consolidate their power completely (exactly what happened after 2008 crash, just count the number of independent financial institutions that exist now compared to then, they were all absorbed with bailout money).

All the foulbastard does know is that the next market panic is inevitable - and without any tools left in the box to stop it, and without anywhere else to move the bubble to, this is the last move of the game. Checkmate, its game over.

I'm not so sure you're right.

You can never be 100% sure, but so far in my time on this earth nothing that has happened has significantly altered my path in life. My slight paranoia still keeps me glued to forums like this, but I don't let it affect my life much anymore.

You sentiment seems rational enough but the concept of normalcy bias might be worth considering.


I would still like to know what you mean by shit hitting the fan.


When I read that you "sense" that the shit is hitting the fan I assumed you were talking about a larger event which would result from the individual events you mentioned.


Could you link me to the China currency story?

Personally I think a gold backed currency has no place in the modern world, but it still might be an interesting read.


Well, sometimes you do have to take sources into account and a quick Google search reveals that a vast majority of the sites saying this is true are sponsored by gold certificates dealers. I'm not saying that you should discount this entirely, but take it with a grain of salt.

No need to reply to this post, I know you don't want to debate and truthfully I don't either. I just wanted to say what was on my mind.

Because it is. It's crunch time and I seriously doubt it's going to slow down until after the big reveal. I would pucker your anus everyone, It's only going to get faster.

That's not shit hitting the fan my friend...shit hitting the fan is chaos, riots uryfuckinwhere, people killing their neighbors for food to feed their children, military killing citizens at the blink of their cock sucking eyes...what you said is the just the precursor.

What does WEBBOT* say right now?

McKenna TimewaveZero bottomed out today IIRC from recent video.



By generalization it means the instantaneous spreading of an idea or ability to the remainder of a population once a certain portion of that population has heard of the new idea or learned the new ability by some unknown process currently beyond the scope of science.

Talking? Reading? Social networks?

Supposedly, it happens to monkeys, though.

Unless, you are proposing that monkeys talk, read and use social networks?

I say supposedly because I've read scientifically approached debunks of the hundredth monkey and I'm not sure what I believe. I'd like to see a controlled study if anyone has one?

I sense a disturbance in the force.

It is hard to tell, but I think we are in for an eventful fall.

Give it a week, and then we will see. Yeah, I feel you, tensions globaly are high. I've felt this way all year already though, like there is some rolling boiling going on in the blood of lots of people. India was in a blackout not but a week ago, haven't heard anything more on that.

Maybe all that illuminati / false flag stuff for the olympics will hit a week later. Who knows. But for damn sure, the shit WILL (90% chance anyways) fly early november. Lot's of bodies (governments, terrorists, illuminati, whatever) will seize the opportunity to make it chaotic.

Who knows. But for damn sure, the shit WILL (90% chance anyways) fly early november. Lot's of bodies (governments, terrorists, illuminati, whatever) will seize the opportunity to make it chaotic.

This was said about 2008 as well, any reasoning other than a hunch as to why?

True it was said about 2008, but 2008 did have the worst financial collapse in modern history (it was just plugged by the Fed and the traders who wanted the bubble to go a bit loner). So as OP said in the post, things are falling apart, but it's also a matter of the measures taken by tptb in gauging when and how severe the updates become.
Predicting is a terrible occupation to get into, but following trends does seem to show a worsening and more severe downturn as of late.

Simple, we didn't push Russia or China this far, Disparity wasn't this bad, and things in general are falling apart. We have a do nothing, bought out congress. If mittens wins, Iran will fall or be under attack. If obama wins, we are more likely to deny Israel the backing against Iran, and we will push against Syria, and this will be challenging Russia and China for Resources and control over the middle east. It's like Risk, but with the world.

I suppose, but it will inevitably be a wait and see. I think it's really hard to make a high percentage guarantee that something will happen just for the sake of making it happen, unless I misread your post.

I feel like all tensions and situations are leading up to the elections in november, and that's what scares me the most. Either way, we are progressing further down this path of shit, and if it doesn't hit soon within the next two years), when it does hit, things will be 100x worse.

There will be a false flag terrorist attack during the 2012 Olympics!

Just messing with you.

But seriously, relax. The worst that will happen is Israel will invade Iran and start a nuclear WW3.

I believe the shit stream and the all encompassing fan are in constant collision, not anymore or less than normal, still I do not disagree with you.

These are tense times...

I think the day after tomorrow we will wake up to a brave new world.

I cannot believe that is my response, but instinct is instinct.

December 21st is right around the corner!!!

I sence it too



Why even bring it up?


I'm not going to dignify that question with an actual answer.

^ That was an answer.

Not to the question he asked.

You're still answering

"If you chose not to decide, you still have made a choice" - Rush


Is there a point to this or are you just being a foulbastard?

I forgot what we're talking about

Nothing of substance.

I'll smoke one up for ya right now and forget the whole thing.

Who knows. But for damn sure, the shit WILL (90% chance anyways) fly early november. Lot's of bodies (governments, terrorists, illuminati, whatever) will seize the opportunity to make it chaotic.

This was said about 2008 as well, any reasoning other than a hunch as to why?