I just figured out how to get Julian Assange out of Britain. Serious.

43  2012-08-23 by [deleted]

Most of the talk about how to get Assange out of the embassy has been centered around things like making him a diplomat, sneaking him out in a diplomatic bag, etc. Once he's in an Ecuadorian government car, he will he safely taken to a waiting plane, etc.

One of the problems is that the host nation (Britain) would have to approve his diplomatic status, which they won't do.

But, diplomatic immunity applies to immediate family members as well.

All Ecuador has to do is have a female diplomat (gay marriage is illegal in Ecuador) marry Assange. Once he is married to an already recognized Ecuadorian diplomat, he is instantly granted the same diplomatic immunity.

I don't know if Ecuador has any single, female diplomats, but if they do, this is a fool proof plan.

Sorry if this has been mentioned before, I tried to find anyone else posting about it but didn't find anything.


Simpler solution: Hollywood-grade makeup artists, and fake passports.

Hundreds of anons storm it - pass him a mask. Simples.

And then the Met kettles everyone and slowly get The Real Assange to Stand Up.

Only if they knew he'd left though...

I like your plan the best so far, diplomatic immunity would work too, but for some reason lethal weapon comes to mind.

Thousands would probably end up at a protest over this matter though, If the people at said protest proclaimed ahead of time the will to become violent if things didn't go according to plan, and backed it up with kettling the police, or some other drastic action like a full out riot, it is quite possible that the police would have to back off, as it could become the catalyst that pushes us all over the edge. What's more worth it to the uk, one man, or the wanton destruction of it's foundation?

Yes, i agree my idea is over the top, but fuck it. Tired of being peaceful when we can't expect the same treatment back.

Cool idea.

Unfortunately the union may be recognized by the Ecuadorian gov't. and would be kosher once he got to that country, as soon as he set foot on UK soil they could still arrest him for his scam marriage.

Same concept as the U.S. gov't. not recognizing illegal marriages to grant citizenship to high rolling illegals who meet willing mates online.

Another example would be gay marriages which are legal in some states not being recognized in other states.

If Ecuador recognizes the marriage, it would be considered a valid marriage. They are not requesting UK citizenship, he is merely marrying someone with diplomatic immunity. The UK does not get to determine of two non UK citizens are in a sham marriage.

Good points.

Here's my take. Ecuador is already losing face on the world stage over this whole affair. They are getting pressured from the U.S., U.K., and Sweden's diplomatic services and who knows who else. Adding a sham marriage to the mix would only serve to throw more kindling on this quickly growing "international affair" firestorm.

Ecuador is already losing face on the world

No, Ecuador is a champion to the world right now. It has lost nothing but the shackles to slavers.

You're right. I think popular support is definitely behind both Assange and Ecuador's steadfastness. I guess I should have said the world "political" stage. The powers that be are not on Julian's side.

You are totally wrong. Ecuador is the little guy standing up to the bullies.

Again, I'm supporting Ecuador on this, but from a diplomatic point-of-view, they only stand to lose if they piss off the "bullies".

When I said "world stage". I meant from a political standpoint.

politics isn't real anyway, a government is just a belief system. Stop believing in a government, and it will go away. Especially if you make it so.

Ecuador has nothing to lose, and they already know it. Nobody is going to fuck with them for one man when the truth of the matter is already out there.

I agree. It would be a pretty ballsy political move with definite blowback. I wonder, though, if the Ecuadorian president isn't in a position where he will forced to do something like this. How bad would he look to the Ecuadorian people if Assange somehow ends up arrested in Britain? He'll look powerless and weak on an International stage. I agree with what you're saying, but he can not allow Assange to be arrested...his political career depends on it. I wonder how far he will go...

I wondered how Ecuador even came into the mix in all this, and I think it stems from his interview with the president from his short-lived show.

Ecuador has the backing of almost the entire South American continent in this, how is that losing face? If anything they are "gaining face."

Because even if that is true, they're protecting an alledged rapist from prosecution for those rapes, and those rapes alone. All to try and one-up the US in such a petty and convaluted way.


And he's innocent until proven guilty. Otherwise anyone accused of anything by anyone could be extradited anywhere on basically no evidence.

Oops, you've been charged with apostasy in somalia. Off you go!

So all arrest warrants are invalid because you haven't been to trial in front a jury of your peers before it was issued? The arrest warrant wouldn't have been issued in the first place "on basically no evidence".

Of course he is innocent until proven guilty, but he is under arrest. They only need him for "questioning" because the Swedish legal process is different enough to the UK or US process to make it seem a little confusing, but this round of questioning is the precursor to a formal charge. If any new evidence comes up in the new questioning, the charge may not be made, but as it stands, he will be charged with the crime after the questioning.

no, just arrest warrants that were dropped, then brought back from the dead for political purposes.

particularly when swedish prosecutors recently visited bosnia to conduct interviews in another case. why can't they visit assange in england?

this isn't a black-and-white case. normally it may be routine to extradite someone in this situation, but the whole thing is being manipulated to allow for the eventual extradition to the US.

the fact that swedish prosecutors can't be bothered to visit the UK to prevent this conflict is telling of their bad faith.

He is under arrest, it's not just questioning that he's wanted for. If the Swedish prosecutors were to come to the UK for it, they would be taking him back with them to put him in jail, also known as extradition.

Why would they extradite him to the US from Sweden when that would require the permission of the UK as well, meaning they could extradite him from the UK to the US much more easily.

can you cite sources to support those two claims?

they want him to go to sweden because then the conversation is about him being a raper instead of a martyr. sweden has draconian sex crime laws that allow them to railroad him.

green's personal vested interest in the legitimacy of the UK legal system makes him a bit too credulous for my tastes.

Or she could just adopt him, no messy divorce later, win win

Like that guy who adopted his wife in Florida? That was so weird, yet oddly clever.

Actually not a bad idea.

I am thinking that if the USA really want to get him, they will grab & bag him, destination Guantanamo, the moment he step on the curb. It's not like Ecuador will invade when they get angry, and all other countries will say nothing.

As long as that insurance file is floating around, i doubt anything radical will happen to Assange.

If they wanted him, he had been under house arrest in the UK for long enough, they would already have him

Why not just fly him out in a helicopter to an allied military ship in international waters?

I don't think there's a place for the heli to land. I guess they could air grab him, but that's really risky and could be viewed as an invasion by the UK.

Now, if they happened to arrange a diplomatic visit to the UK, one that just happened to fly past the embassy, then sure, they could probably have Julian hop a ride back, but still it would be risky.

I like the diplomatic bag idea. That's fool proof. Stick him in a box, have a diplomat roll him to a car, put him in, drive to the airport, and fly out on an Ecuadorian flight.

Maybe Britain breaks the law and opens the diplomatic bag, but there is no way that Assange gets caught legally, if this message is followed.

why not just have him apply for citizenship and approve it. then grant him diplomatic status? why do the whole marriage thing?

Because diplomatic status of an individual has to be agreed to by the host nation. Britain would have to "approve" his status as a diplomat and they will certainly not do that. With the marriage, Britain does not approve anything, because immediate family members of diplomats are automatically granted diplomatic immunity.

He does however have 24 hours before Britan votes and within that he can't be touched. But let's not nitpick they could just assassinate him and blame it on terrorism, an accident or something.

I think the best place for him is in that embassy. He hides he dies.

If he gets assassinated/kidnapped, it's going to look VERY suspicious and have an effect unlike anything he could have ever hoped to have attained with Wikileaks.

EASIER: The embassy owns the column of air above the building so get a helium balloon capable if going to 40k up. Give him food and air.

Then, just float over the atlantic In international waters and jump.

Parachute to a waiting rescue boat. SIMPLE!

He'll be shot down.

He could sneak out dressed as an Ecuadorian soldier with a fake identification.

Dr Who episode. Have home run for president of Ecuador. That would give him certain protections.

Assange will just have to learn how to live in his new surroundings for a long time. Until Britain gets tired of waiting. Two years from now we might be at WW3 and no one will care about his okole at that point. Sometimes the best strategy is to wait until your opponent gets sloppy and exploit such demeanor.

Edit: apparently idiotic downvoters never read Musashi Miyamots's "The Book of Five Rings" on strategy. Go learn something.

Here is another idea, grab a large crate of garbage, seal it, and give him an oxygen tank with a 2 hr supply of oxygen. Take that garbage to the dump where a black can with no windows waits to take him to a boat. He gets on the boat sails to a waiting ship and then hops on a helo. Takes the helo to a neighboring island with bribable officials and then fly him back to Ecuador.

I like your plan the best so far, diplomatic immunity would work too, but for some reason lethal weapon comes to mind.

Thousands would probably end up at a protest over this matter though, If the people at said protest proclaimed ahead of time the will to become violent if things didn't go according to plan, and backed it up with kettling the police, or some other drastic action like a full out riot, it is quite possible that the police would have to back off, as it could become the catalyst that pushes us all over the edge. What's more worth it to the uk, one man, or the wanton destruction of it's foundation?

Yes, i agree my idea is over the top, but fuck it. Tired of being peaceful when we can't expect the same treatment back.

politics isn't real anyway, a government is just a belief system. Stop believing in a government, and it will go away. Especially if you make it so.

Ecuador has nothing to lose, and they already know it. Nobody is going to fuck with them for one man when the truth of the matter is already out there.