Farewell Address (don't say you haven't been warned)

8  2012-08-24 by [deleted]

For the past 2 years and 8 months, I have maintained a publicly connected trail of usernames. Always informing you of my new username when I deleted a previous one.

I demonstrated, here, how it is that one can assert their being, completely separate from any given username identity.

You have recognized ImJulianAssange's words. You will recognize mine, as well. You will know my links.

You no longer have cohesive community leadership here. They have divided, they have conquered. You only have the mod invasion, happening before your eyes.

9000sins will, when the ability finally emerges, start assigning mod-assigned flair. He'll do it all friendly-like. Lots of fun choices, and only a few involuntary labels that never get used for the indoctrination period. You will embrace them. You will eagerly line up to get yours. And once you've embraced them, he will start assigning them on his own... labeling people. It has been part of what he has wanted both publicly (in distinguished moderator posts to this community) and privately (in modmail).

The leaders from the past have been pushed out amid accusations of anti-semitism, while I pleaded with them to steer away from racism and toward the global issue of Rothschild Zionism. I hope our sacrifices have been worth it.

You've been taken over by the likes of

  • greenw40, self-appointed judge of what is and/or is not a conspiracy worthy of this subreddit (9/11 and the Aurora shooting are okay, but don't get too close to the real puppeteers - no faked moon landing discussions), and

  • drunkenshrew, a professional disinfo agent spewing long walls of quoted text to distract you from the important issues that need investigation (don't look at the bankster connections, Kennedy's speech was about communism, not the banksters, and Robert Holmes can't possibly be an expert witness in the LIBOR investigation)

  • DomesticTerranist (formerly FemaCampDirector), horking the cleverness of one of my own usernames -- a military psyop

You allowed this to happen. You allowed opposition to these infiltraitors to be silenced, right here in your own subreddit. You failed to defend those who tried to fight against this (me, being one).

You deserve the collapse that has come upon you, the absolute and complete loss of integrity this subreddit is now embracing.

With ImJulianAssange spearheading the link aggregation and me spearheading the discussion focus, we shined a very bright light upon the real heart of the world of conspiracy theory. Now, look at the queue... it's full of rap videos and "do you believe in the illuminati?" self posts, as if we haven't proven our case a hundred times over. Your subreddit now exists in the shadow of doubt, once again. We had climbed up out of the bowel of that darkness and became a source of quality news, but those days are now over, as well.

Mark my words. Watch the change in what makes your front page - I see it already happening in the new queue.

You've been taken over because there was too much "pay attention to me" being played by your infiltraitor leader in chief, a self-absorbed megalomaniac. The detractors from this takeover (unbornmonster, DomesticTerranist, etc.) have blamed me, publicly.

Welcome to the world of psyops. What you will witness, hereafter, is one psyop against another psyop. Spy vs. Spy. There are no longer any real voices here. Only spies.

When I joined this community as ithinkican, I thought I could. I was right. I was part of this subreddit's climb to success. But, I cannot fight off a wave of subversion which is endorsed by the site's ownership. I could only do that while this subreddit was free, under the radar, and had community bond. I helped you get noticed. And, for doing that, my outspokenness against corruption is no longer welcome here. I've been silenced.

I deleted HomegrownTerran (my main of the last 9 months) yesterday, upon hearing of ImJulianAssange's departure in email. I will delete all of my remaining accounts by the end of the day... and then I will withdraw my presence.

This is now Zionist real estate, because this community was unable to maintain cohesion against their invasion.

I have so much more I want to tell you, but ... even in parting... I retain the dignity of my credibility. I will not post screencaps of modmail (and that's some juicy shit, brothers and sisters).


The Contheory Spiracist


a reddit threat overrun with "psyops".omg come on.

The Shit Abyss.

herp derp LOL.


That's why people are leaving. Instead of showing us something corroborating what you are saying as opposed to what u/jenramone is saying, you pound out something stupid like "herp derp LOL." and call it a day. And everyone else is a shill or cointelpro????

No wonder we are leaving.

While I, too, would love to see those modmail screencaps referenced at the end of OP's post, I have seen the public posts by 9000sins about mod-assigned userflair and suggested outright bans of people based solely on which other subreddits they frequent.

Yes, I'm one of those users who changed names to avoid being tracked.

What you've said has nothing to do with why this subreddit is dead. This subreddit is dead because it's been over-run by tards, trolls, shills, psy-ops, morons, and whoever else is completely incapable of having a rational discussion on real issues that matter. We've been bombarded with nonsense, flag-spam, and utter stupidity.

9000 is gone.

OWNtheNWO is gone.

ImJulianAssange is gone.

The problem is not the mods. The problem is that good people are quitting.

The User ReadTheTalmud is gone too, his account appears to be deleted.

9000sins isn't gone. He recruited an ally, and recanted his resignation. Wake up.

Zionist real estate


If anything 9000sins is doing great service to everyone here by banning the trolls here and cleaning out the garbage. People that come in here to destroy discussions on purpose don't deserve a voice if they just come here to mess things up.

OWNtheNWO was likely one of the few people here who actually had an agenda posting here.

Yeah, although I did agree with some of his stuff but the Alex Jones links were just crap.

What you've said has nothing to do with why this subreddit is dead. This subreddit is dead because it's been over-run by tards, trolls, shills, psy-ops, morons,

The OP mentioned those.

Here's his HBGary profile

  • From Ohio (the farmboy appeal to commmoners)

  • PC repair (appeal to credibility)

  • username derived from a movie/video (appeal to pop subculture)

  • an "Indigo Child" (appeal to the new age, esoteric crowd)

  • suffers from Morgellans Zits (appeal to the paraoid and upcoming generations of acne covered teens that have infiltrated mainstream reddit)

This account is the posterboy for basement-dwelling neckbeards with no life.

And, it's a woman behind the keyboard (who will scold you and guilt-trip you if you don't comply - "Shame on you. How dare you say such things. I thought you were my friend. I was going to help you, but not now.. not after you did that to me.").

While I agree with some of what you saying you are coming across as a man with a very big ego living in a very small world.

So says the guy with a history of characterizing others to discredit them.

If you say so buddy, all the best in whatever it is you go on to do.

Stay safe.

so what if all these people who have left just created new accounts and are still here? Also, did you not think the zionists weren't already here along with the trolls?

/u/HoistTheGrog, user for 14 days points out

so what if all these people who have left just created new accounts and are still here?

noticed by me, user for less than 5 minutes.

Yes, I created a new account 14 days ago. What of it? My old account is still active in some subreddits. Like others, I don't like the idea of being tracked and felt it was time to start over.

My point was to validate yours. Chill, bro.

I think the real conspiracy here is all y'all leaving!

The Bjorn Identity Conspiracy.

Due to the fact that sunshine-x asked for details about what my private subreddit is/was about, and I had to give a pretty long, detailed account thereof,....

And, I haven't heard back from him yet....

I will postpone deletion of this account and the one which owns my private subreddit until I've received a response from him. (not that any of you care, except those downvoting my every comment)

Do not be so sure that no one cares. Alas, I realize you do not care who does or does not in fact care, but you must know that there are people following what is going on.

It's a cup-and-ball shell game. Keep your eye on the ball.

There's a whole lot of lying and manipulation going on out there.

9000sins, supercede, and FemaCampDirector worked pretty well as an efficient machine during all of this. FCD is the only one who can slip away into the darkness. The other two are stuck here as mods.

but you must know that there are people following what is going on.

I hope at least one of them is illuminatedwax.