Okay, time to clear up some misunderstandings, and hopefully get some things straight.

20  2012-08-24 by [deleted]

First of all I am not stepping down, only taking a break. With that being said, I'm sorry to have jumped the gun, I just acted in a moment of weakness (which some people have loved to point out.), and I'm sorry for any unnecessary drama this may have caused. I was planning on this break for a few weeks now, and I am almost ready, but this was the result of frustration. This was brought about about by several personal issues. No one here is to blame, this is my journey and any bumps in the road are my own. I'm sorry again for any problems or drama this may have caused anyone here.

Secondly, I am not supercede, or any other accounts. This is my one and only. I did not nominate supercede for the moderator position, but I did concede when sunshine-x propsed that he be promoted to mod status. I like supercede, and he has some great ideas. This guy seems like he can help a lot, and we need it. I'm buried waist deep, and I need someone else to grab a shovel and me out. He seemed like as good a choice as any of our veteran users. I'm sorry if this offends anyone that I approved of it so quickly, but like I said sunshine-x nominated him. I'm tired. He has the energy to inject new life into /r/conspiracy.

Lastly, there are a few people who feel like slandering me lately. Peace be with you. All of you. I love each and every last one of you, especially those who are and were the closest to me here. You are all meaningful, you have given meaning to my life when it had no meaning. You did that for me. I owe you everything. So I have given myself to you. All of you. A lot of you have supported me through thick and thin, and that is amazing. I never would have expected such an outpouring of love and respect. It gave me a new lease on life and helped me become the person I am today.

But like I said, I'm tired. I need to take a break, and starting after I make this post, I'm logging off for a week. Thank all of you who supported me, and thank everyone who challenged me. No one becomes stronger from being surrounded by yes men. I'll be back and rested, I promise.

Much love guys. I'll see you soon. ;)


Thanks for reaching out to the community and offering a personal explanation to us.

Enjoy your break, you've earned it.

We'll keep the light on Amigo.


Wow. How and why was I shadowbanned? By whom?

Is my account shadowbanned or just the post?

subreddit drama is going to be very disappointed. enjoy your break, you deserve it.

I like you and never thought you were anyone but you.


Take it easy bro, its been a rough couple of weeks and you deserve a break. Im sure everyone here appreciates all your hard work and dedication.


Fuckin silly meaningless drama.

Enjoy the break mate! You have earned it and it won't be the same until you return. Big love coming at you from the city of apples!!

I'm glad you're not leaving. We don't want to have to go through the process of having to break in another top mod. ;)

Perhaps you, supercede and sunshine-x (I recall an earlier offer) could work out a rotation schedule so that nobody gets burned out.

rock on 9000! glad you're sticking around.

You have an image where your name should be and i think you are awesome because of this single fact.... and also you must be a wizard to do so.

lol r/conspiracy isn't going anywhere so enjoy your break .. :)

Taking a vacation to Hawaii?

You're one of the best mods on reddit. Enjoy your break. We love you.

I been here along time, and I just don't get what the big deal of being a mod is all about. I do, however, do not like it when mods delete relevant posts and ban users for just speaking their mind. To get rid of the shitbags and whatnots, just use the up/down arrows. In closing, I don't know you (although I do recognize your username and the red text, I want that by the way) and I did hear some drama based on you for a couple of months or so, but I didn't keep up with any of it because I'm a grown ass man and I don't give a fuck about all this childish shit I see on here. I go to this sight more that any other ones on reddit, but I don't comment on here rarely. But whatever, good luck, don't let the man keep you don't, you're the best.

This conflict is so bothersome, makes me not want to come here as often.

And that's the point, I suspect.

Onelove, brother.

I love you all

except those who criticize you

NinjaEdit: And look at all the happy troll votes being given to the troll, CowzGoesMoo.

Dude, did you forget how you treated me when I just gave you ONE private message? You over reacted and threatened to IP ban me. But, I still forgive you since I get grumpy sometimes as well...Anyways, I don't really feel bad for the trolls 9000sins bans from this sub since all they do is harass other /r/conspiracy posters.

You were trolling and harassing people. You deserved whatever I said or did. You were begging for it. (Kind of the way 9000sins begged to be included in my subreddit, refused to follow instructions, told me how I should be running my subreddit, and threw this huge fit when I removed him from my private subreddit.)

9000sins is a tyrant and a drama queen.

You were trolling and harassing people.

Where is the proof of this or are you still making things up as you go?

You deserved whatever I said or did.

K, this kind of attitude makes me realize why you got hit by that car. Karma is a bitch isn't it?

9000sins is a tyrant and a drama queen.

He can say dumb things from time to time but he's pretty much right a lot of the time when I see him post here. The only question is why are you defending trolls bro?...

Are you paid off already by them?! /s

And, there's a difference between being a human who like many of us has occasional flaws, and someone who's a dick and needs to hurt or attack other people in order to make up for a weak ego,

Yeah, exactly. Ive tried to understand HGT and his views but he keeps trying to defend trolls from that sub which is a big NO in my opinion.

Where is the proof of this or are you still making things up as you go?

This again? This same tired shit?

The way you and 9000sins both insist that your shit doesn't stink, I'm inclined to believe you're related.

Grow up dude. We both know that you over react a lot over the smallest shit. I hope you realize this one day and grow to be a better person.

How's that hunt for karmanaut going?

Still bitter I see.

No. I just don't take you seriously.







Is that why you kept getting angry at me over a PM? lol

Still the same old troll we know and love.

Not a troll but I guess you don't really have any legs to stand on so you just have personal attacks to fall back to.


With unusually small penises.

Who's butt hurts?

Obvious sock puppet is obvious.

Well, /u/Iwillcrushyoutobits.

1) No, you won't, because this account is already slated for termination and you'll never know where I strike from next.

2) My post is still standing, because it wasn't included in the r/subredditdrama original post about all of this (I did make a comment, after the fact though, to make sure they didn't miss anything).

3) So, I'm assuming based on 9000sins huge tantrum (inspired by me removing him from my subreddit), that it's 9000sins butt that's hurting, at the moment.



That big crybaby threw this huge fit, because I didn't like him telling me how to run my private subreddit. Awwww... poor fucking baby.

You are one bitter motherfucker.

You were trolling and harassing people.

Where is the proof of this or are you still making things up as you go?

You deserved whatever I said or did.

K, this kind of attitude makes me realize why you got hit by that car. Karma is a bitch isn't it?

9000sins is a tyrant and a drama queen.

He can say dumb things from time to time but he's pretty much right a lot of the time when I see him post here. The only question is why are you defending trolls bro?...

Are you paid off already by them?! /s


Is that why you kept getting angry at me over a PM? lol