Why I'm leaving r/conspiracy.

12  2012-08-27 by WarnerVonBraun

I thought I'd share the reasons I'm leaving the sub.

While at first, I thought it was great to meet a group of like-minded people online, I don't think that you guys are entirely sane.

Because there are 76K of you, I'll amend my statement.

There doesn't seem to be a lot of consciousness going beyond the knee-jerk reaction. I mean, I always thought it would at one point occur to everyone the possibility that some of their conspiracy theories were psychological projection.

IE, if I have trouble getting laid, it's not that the government has MKUltra'ed every woman in my town, it's more likely that the problem is with me.

Not looking to the self as the cause of perception lends itself to all kinds of conspiracy theories. I used to embrace that, because it gave me a little perspective.

Lately, it's just gone over to the dark side. Some have said that the government has become more involved in the subreddit. I highly doubt it. But the sub does seem to be overrun with people looking for validations on their mental dispositions.

Chemtrails, Zionism, David Icke ... these are supposed to give us perspective on things. We were never meant to swallow these things whole! Hook, line, and sinker!

And the negativity! Good grief. Everyone downvoting all voices of reason and doubt because somehow they are now obviously agents of the government themselves. Paranoia on top of paranoia. Fear runs this sub now.

What can I say. It's just no fun anymore. It's become weird. I'll probably end up coming back after the sub has gone down to 20K or so. Cheers!

EDIT: Wow. I'm very surprised. I didn't know how right I was with my decision until I read all of your replies. Today I was called a 'disinformation artiste.' Wow. (Takes off foil hat and hands it to the grand wizard) ... You guys have fun.

EDIT: Wrap it up. I'm leaving. So stop replying. I've downvoted my own post in order to conclude this painful yet enlightening process.


If your problem was anything other than your own ego, you would simply have unsubscribed.

It was my favorite restaurant until they started burning my coffee. So would I just leave without saying why? Or would I say, "Hey, stop burning the coffee so that I can stay!"

Anyway, what 'ego'? Most of the stuff I submit is downvoted.

Maybe your submissions are downvoted because they make you sound like a nutjob?

woah . I found myself somewhat in agreement with OP but seeing this makes me somewhat confused.

Edit.. Loooks as though his submissions were somehow supposed to be mocking/funny

Relax, those weren't my only submissions. He only mentioned those two for the purposes of ridicule... The last one I remember posting was about Trapwire ... I'm leaving, like I said (I know, so get the fuck out, right?), so I'm not going to dredge it up now.


So only his submissions are supposed to be mocking/funny. When somebody else does it with a lizard alien conspiracy submission, then they're just nutjobs.

Got it.

It's really not the content of the submission that I judge, but the approach. If it were the content, I would have left loooong ago.

I just don't think you guys are very logical, that's all. I mean, seriously. Zoom out on this thread here and just look at all the replies. Correct me if I'm wrong, but none of them deal with my main bullet point which is that r/conspiracy is all about knee-jerk reaction.

In fact, the response to my post is a big "fuck you" from r/conspiracy. I kind of wanted a more rational approach to things.

My question is: Does this knee-jerk downvoting/condemnation reflect someone looking for truth?

I think maybe I underestimated the 4channess of reddit. "Fuck you" is how reddit says "welcome to our sub"

I'm sorry, care to post more about what you mean here?

Typically everyone talking about "lizard alien" submissions are joking.


As opposed to you?


whooosh the sound of sarcasm going over your head!

".....", the feeling of apathetic sarcasm, silently meandering through the void between your ears.

a.k.a the sound of you tacitly admitting to being a shit poster




Is not as much

downvotes to the left <-----

Hey, so are upvotes!

Alex Jones is NOT Bill Hicks because AJ is an asshole that sold out his people for more $$$. Bill Hicks was at the top of his comedy and was actually becoming more well known until he got sick.

Hey, you know. I was amazed that there was a conspiracy theory about it.

I think that one man's conspiracy theory is another man's rubbish.

And seeing that made me wonder which conspiracy theory that I believe in ... might seem as ridiculous.

No, Alex Jones is not Bill Hicks. I just thought it was interesting that someone could believe it.

Would you say this about those who were begged to stay as well?

Anyone who makes an announcement about them leaving a sub-reddit (Oh no!) is simply looking for validation in their claims. Whether they're HGT, or this guy.


Both people were just looking for attention.

What impact does he have? I don't care if 9k is gone, neither will most of the other people that ever see anything on /r/conspiracy. In fact, most of them probably don't know he exists.

What has he done for the community besides create a place that nurtures some of the most foolish fools out there? 9k sins is probably the reason you have people calling others shills or disinfo agents for finding faults with the arguments they put forth.

Nothing about 9k sins promoted rational skepticism and reasoned discussion. 9k bought into the same sort of bias/fallacy that the media does. By thinking there is always two sides to the story he found a very convenient way to promote the side he felt was right. If the media told you that stuxnet had nothing to do Fukushima, the opposite must be true, right?

Well, not really. Certainly not always.


he doesn't know they exist either. It go's both ways. They are simply numbers.

When did anyone imply otherwise? You are the one suggesting he had a noticeable effect on the community. Your response seems to prove my point.

What? You must be just another conspiratard, and this community is in opposition to your thoughts and beliefs. What are you even doing here?

No. I guess it's too much for you to consider a middle ground between a "conspiratard' and someone that thinks Eisenhower signed an agreement with the aliens. But then again, you don't seem like you think things through very much.

The reason people call other peoples shills and disinfo agents is because of the consistency with which they enforce/defend the status quo. frostek for example, he's a fucking shill. Grapedinthemouth, hes a fucking shill, and most of their little vote gang. You're probably a shill. Lets solve this right now, was 9/11 an inside job?

No, it's because the "shills" disagree with the current conspiracy being discussed. Very often they aren't even arguing for the status quo, rather they found faults in the arguments put fourth by the theorists. Apparently you think thats something a skeptical conspiracy theorist wouldn't do. But once again, this is consistent with how you demonstrate a lack of thought. 9/11 was an inside job! Apparently that's the only conspiracy or something? Do I pass your test now? But seriously - go look at my posting history and see what I've written on that. Nice try on the 'credential fallacy' though.

Pure bs, this is nothing more than a vague assertion with nothing to back it up.

Your post right here does. You suggest that anyone disagreeing with a conspiracy theory is advocating for the status quo. That's not the case and suggests you see the situation in a binary fashion - "either they agree with me, or they are advocating for the status quo". That's not very rational nor skeptical. You - and the other shill callers - are terrible conspiracy theorists. You are not at all interested in discussing anything, rather you prefer to blindly reinforce your preconceived notions with likeminded gents. Fuck you and your cabal of stupidity.


You're so full of wrong, I don't know where to begin. I'm speaking of people who consistently enforce the official narrative, no one else. If you look through my comment history, you will see I use the word shill for perhaps a dozen users out of 75k. My entire history is full of debates, why would I ever waste my time doing so if I thought anyone and everyone that doesn't see things my way is a "shill"?

You already said I was "probably a shill" so you are just full of shit.

Prove it. You can't, because nothing reminiscent of such is in my comment history. A dozen or so users out of 76k is a drop in the bucket. And fuck you too.

Here is a quote where you do that exact thing (circle jerk with your friends).

You're probably a shill.

What you don't seem to understand, is that the consequences of openly excepting potential disinformation agents with open arms into this subreddit, far outweighs the consequences of applying a label to someone. There's no comparison.

Really? You think that automatically assuming anyone who disagrees is a shill makes more sense than having a rational discussion??


You're attacking one of the mods whom has done the most for this sub

Just what was that he has done?

You have such a narrow world view. Pro Jew? Because it's either pro jew or anti jew, right?

Sure, there's Christians in the "banking sector", but there's far more Jews.

Yeah? You sure about that?

The JIDF will do so.

Yet they haven't contacted me!

Mark my words: within the next few years we will either lose all semiautomatics, including shotguns, or, all firearms in totality.

I have a bet with someone who claimed they would be gone by february. If you'd like to pick a date I'd be glad to bet you as well.

Gosh, I simply can't read anymore. You're so self righteous, sarcastic, and belittling. You really think you have the world by the balls, and that your just so clever. Disgusting.

I guess I should be like you and ignorantly circle-jerk specious arguments. I definitely don't have the world by the balls - however a lot of the folk in /r/conspiracy are definitely easy targets.


You won't be here under the same name, you'll have adopted a new account, and a new strategy.

No, I have an alarm set to contact the guy I made a bet with. What does it matter what account I contact him from anyway?

Seeing as you couldn't tell (even though it was in my post history), my last name was tiredoflibs. A real surprise, huh?

Yes! Thanks so much for publicly stating your agenda!

Do you have a point to make? Because short of that I don't see what's wrong

although i agree with you, all these im leaving self posts are also turning me away from this sub.

i believe that is their intent.


The OP was talking about you!

Thats the point.

One has to sort really, really carefully in this sub. Yes, the 'fun' of discovering the most farfetched, wacko theories has grown thin, with blatant disinfo, crazy rants and the usual masked xenophobia, I'll grant that.

Just keep an open mind. The real wackos tire easily. Just don't jump yourself at the first ugly thing that is posted here.

Hi. Welcome to the internet, is this your first time?

Nobody cares.

Another overt troll pretends to leave, and nothing of value was lost.

Let's hope the door doesn't hit him in the ass on the way out.

Seriously, if you are going to leave, just leave. I can't imagine composing a diatribe because I am going to stop looking at a certain set of lighted pixels.

Get a life OP

What would it take to get you to leave?

Your suicide note.

Dear ShillsShillingShills,

Consider this my suicide note. Life is just too much when there are folk like you.

Regards, tiredoflibs

Come on, make me believe it.


Boo Fucking Hoo.

Why don't you unsub from /r/politics too for not agreeing with 100% of the people there.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

It just has to be dealt with maturely. There are some conspiracies that have very sound, logical arguments for them and others that are completely batshit wack-o. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that subscribe to conspiracies for the wrong reasons and they seem to make up a majority of "conspiracy theorists".

I used to listen to Alex Jones a lot, but stopped when I realized that he thinks literally EVERYTHING is a conspiracy when many things can be chalked up to people acting in their own self interest rather than the interests of a group of conspirators.

For most things, I go for stupidity/ignorance/self interest over conspiracy but Kennedy and 9/11 are two that conspiracy is blatantly obvious.

The one that's been irking me the most is this shit about the Batman Massacre and Scopolamine. Scopolamine has been extremely sensationalized by vice, yet people buy into it "hook, line and sinker" with no critical thought or research into Scopolamine.

Actually, that's one of them pushing me away. The other is Chemtrails. I can not believe how many people seem to buy into this crap. As if the easiest way to poison us would be to do from 50K feet up!

Well, crap, I can think up a million ways to poison people without them even knowing it.


At least yours is an intelligent response. Thanks. I did not actually think that chemtrails were aimed at controlling food production, most people present it differently.


Yes, I did see "what in the world are they spraying."

My complaint isn't about chemtrails, but r/conspiracy's handling of them.

And if you zoom out on this thread, you'll read a bunch of 4-chan-like statements that I didn't anticipate on reddit. I would describe r/conspiracy's reaction to my post as a frenzied bloodthirsty attack.

I think if I were physically in a room with everyone in this thread, it would be a veritable fight club.

My point over and over again, this sub is way too negative. And cynical. And it's actually a bit violent, as much as the internet permits.

Regarding Chemtrails, I know everything you said, but it still needs work. 1) you need a whistleblower. 2) you need a theory as to why they would spray barium and strontium 3) you need motive. I still haven't heard anything like a motive.

Chemtrails are my primary bullet-point example because the people that embraced the theory did so without answering the above three questions. Then they sort of attack me for trying to engage the issues as I see them. I don't come here to argue: I come to discuss.

Rather, I didn't come here to argue.


Wow. You patronising dick.

I wasn't "patronizing" anyone, by any definition of the word.

Patronizing: pa·tron·iz·ing [pey-truh-nahy-zing, pa-]


displaying or indicative of an offensively condescending manner

Now look up the definition for condescending.

con·de·scend·ing [kon-duh-sen-ding]


showing or implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority

So how does it not apply? Did you need me to look those up for you because you can't operate a dictionary?

I only wanted you to publicly admit that you were incorrect in your assertion.

Thanks for obliging, I owe you one.

But it isn't. You are a patronizing dick.

Or to put it another way - a condescending asshole.

Given that I'm one myself, it makes it pretty easy to spot another.

Except I wasn't patronizing anyone. I was being an overt asshole, without speaking from a position of assumed superiority.

No, you just completely lack the perspective to tell - which was pointed out in another thread.

Safe Travels WarnerVonBraun

Holy shit! "Dear John's" to r/conspiracy must be communicable!


I did under other user handles. I can see how that would be confusing.

My take on 9/11 was that it was an internal struggle. Shadow government vs. Good Guy Government.

I believe that GWB didn't know shit. He was a figurehead. Obama may think he's President, but he's also a figurehead, and it could have just as easily happened to him.

I think that the last "true" president was Kennedy. Obama's a liar. Romney wishes he were as good a liar. They're both scumbags. They're both in someone's pocket. Both parties are under control. You saw how Ron Paul was forcibly muscled out of the American consciousness. Not so subtly. Unfortunately, Paul let the allegations of racism get under his skin, and succumbed to the "company he keeps" argument (we'd all be in trouble then). It was old hat political shenanigans. But it worked. That and controlling the media. Ron Paul, if nothing else, was evidence that the media is being manipulated. Anyway!

I think it's pretty clear that a missile hit the Pentagon. I don't know how that's even in dispute. Flight 93 was destined for WTC 7, but was shot down by "Good Guy Govt." Why they didn't admit to it, I don't know, but many say that the government could never admit to killing civilians, even in the name of saving other civilians.

Is Osama bin Laden real? You bet. No doubt about it. Attack on the USS Cole. Now is Al Qaeda real? That's more questionable. I would say yes, but not nearly in the form presented.

Did the towers succumb to fire? Good grief. How is this even still a question? I've had tons of arguments about this, from an engineering point of view. There's tons of documentaries featuring architects, designers, engineers. Good grief. You want to talk about evidence?

I think that 9/11 tested each American's willingness to think and act as an individual. And for the most part, what the average American did was derogatorily slandered as being a "sheeple." Most Americans were unwilling to face facts. They lacked the courage needed to stand up.

I can understand it. You see, the elites are trying to build a caste system. The ancient hindus classified and qualified different stages of human evolution towards the Godhead. The Indians bastardized it early on. Brahmins on one end and untouchables on the other -- hardly resembles what was described in the Upanishads.

What the elites are working towards ... The "devil's" version (for lack of a better word) is similar. The caste system means that if you play by their rules, you can move up to a better caste. Everyone is expected to play ... and 99% of people do play. If you've ever seen "Master Chef" or "So you think you can dance", these are people who are willing to do anything to move up to a better caste.

Cops, politicians, military men and women, TV and movie producers ... all are trying to move up the caste. If you don't play, your position in the caste is threatened. Carol Quigley wrote about a group whose intent was to control global finance. Look at what is happening in the world today and tell me if they failed. Yet money has only the value we give it. And if you're dancing like a jackass on TV for a few million dollars of fiat currency ... you've really sold your soul, no metaphor.

9/11 was the first real test of our individual characters. I believe there are other tests coming, because from the perspective of the elites, there is still too much freedom. There is still too much liberty. The drums of war are beating. What they want is ... what I think r/conspiracy is lately: frenzy. No clear thinking. No rational thought. They want to turn us into animals that react ... the way they want us to!

9/11 happened, and whatever opinion we have, we should accept it and move on. The reason I say that is because there are other things happening. If you didn't see black hands working in the shadows for 9/11, just open your eyes to what is happening in Syria. Watch how war machine moves in Syria and Iran.

You don't need to rely on 9/11 to see what's going on. That's the amazing thing ... you can see it in UFO's, you can see it in Kennedy, you can see it in Assange, and Manning, the Financial Crisis ... it's everywhere. World War 3 has already begun.

I believe that everyone on Earth already knows this at some level. Subconsciously, we've all acquiesced to either be controlled or to rebel against control. I think that December 21, 2012 is sort of a deadline for picking which side you're on. (Let's be honest, the Mayans were extraordinary astronomers). I think there's no more sitting on the fence watching the war, and come 12/22/2012, you're either going to be on one side or another.

Thank you for asking me this simple question.


I read Kevin Phillips's "American Dynasty" about the Bush's. I can see your point.

But the look on his face the morning of 9/11 is pretty priceless. I'd ask, how could someone know, but look so flummoxed? He didn't know whether to take a shit or go blind.

[That book, by the way, is a must-read. If I ever expected to see people morph into lizards a-la Icke, it would be the Bushes. And John Perkins has some not-so-nice things to say about them, too. The sequel to "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" (I forget the sequel's title).]

I don't really understand these accusations of trumpeting. I thought of it as leaving feedback. If you wanted people to come to your sub, you might like to know what people are looking for there.

This post .. I pretty much thought that one or two people would see it, downvote it and move on. My obligation for feedback to reddit would have been fulfilled. I was unaware of a rash of people leaving the sub... last I heard was 9000sins.

If you zoom out, and read the whole thread, you can see more easily why I'm leaving. Most people with rational, measured responses have negative upvotes. People with knee-jerk emotional (Sith) reactions have +4 to +10 upvotes.

I was also kind of hoping someone would tip me off to another sub. That didn't happen. r/UFO's it is, I guess ... We'll see if I miss this sub or not. I only left today.

I don't mean anything personal by it.


I was here two years ago, under different names. I actually have high karma for this user handle, I generally retire them at about 100 karma. (I know it doesn't matter, they have online forensics programs now that can match my handles based on diction, etc.)

We'll see if I need r/conspiracy or not. Most of them are real, don't get me wrong. It's just a frenzy of sorts. Zoom out. See for yourself. Rational replies have negative comment karma. The most vitriolic vicious insults have +4 to +10 ... I'm called a spy ... and a disinformation "artiste" ... Maybe I can't handle being downvoted.

I'm not saying I'm perfect. But I don't feel like I'm really fitting in. I think it's nice to give input and be upvoted. You feel welcome. Your inputs, I mean. Maybe that's what's missing.

I don't know. I'm not a proctologist.


I appreciate your sentiment. But it's not shared by the rest of r/conspiracy. Like I said before, zoom out. You'll see that r/conspiracy's reaction borders on the violent.

If a community is not what r/conspiracy is or reddit is ... or can't be found on the internet ... what the fuck are we doing here? More to the point, what the fuck am I doing here? And that's the question I'm answering by leaving.

This reddit is for posting and discussing material related to conspiracy. Nobody cares if you leave, unless you leaving is a conspiracy. This material has no place unless it is news to the subscribers of this subreddit.

I unsubbed as well. If you want to find "sheeple" they are right here in this sub. I do not mean that as an insult, just pointing out that cold hard fact. Too many people jump on the bandwagon of this or that conspiracy and believe it only becuase another like minded conspiracy theorist brought it to their attention. There are some one this sub that are great and seem to do a little bit more fact checking and use a bit more reasoning then others, however there are way too many people on here who have no clue as to how the world works so they use a bunch of out there theories to try and make some sense of things.

Thanks. The biggest peeve I have is r/conspiracy's lack of self-reflection. The "conspiracies: are here by our choice. I mean, all of us. Obama is President because we all agreed. We outnumber these elites by 99% to 1%. The only way they can control us ... is if we let them.

And everyone who doesn't agree with them is a "sheeple", ie, an enemy as well. They've already won. Divide an conquer. Illusions of superiority prevent us from uniting. (I certainly don't any longer see my self reflection in a sub that's cynical, paranoid, and irrational. Even warning the sub about what it's becoming is massively unpopular.)

We need to stop the name calling and unite under one banner. So the people telling me, "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out" are basically confirming my decision to leave. They never had any intention of joining forces with me to reclaim our freedoms. They just wanted to come here and bitch about life and not do anything about it.

this is sooo condescending and generalizing. why do you need to tell us why you're leaving, or tell us at all?

don't upvote this egocentric garbage. we dont need egos or personalities here.

I answer this question in my reply to tiyx, among others.

we didn't ask the same thing. his response wasn't even a question.

I read this sub for entertainment first. I cherry pick topics that make sense to me in my life. This is the internet after all. Everyone gets shit on. I ignore the downvotes in this sub most of all.

I think there's wisdom in that. Cheers.

<just noticed your username>

thank you Mein FuhrerMR PRESIDENT!

Originally, I downvoted this submission, but I decided to change it to an upvote to better expose your hypocrisy.

Uhh... thanks?


I don't know. It's just too much lately. I've been a redditor for about two years. Something did happen to this sub recently. But what? Can't say.

Interesting, I didn't know that about reddit's algorithm....

It's not just this sub. There has been some type invasion of the internet in the past 6 months.

I had old web pages on Free Yellow and a couple other free webpage builders that I had lost the passwords to. Some of those even went out of business but for some reason my pages all remained up. They were all political pages criticizing the government and links to articles and news stories, going back to 1997 when I was collecting stuff on Clinton.

I had hundreds of links there and I used those for references, but about four or five months ago they finally disappeared.

Now Demonoid has been shut down and Google Takedown Requests Up 1,137% Since 2011

They are trying to seize control of the one thing they fear the most and places like this are one of their problem childs.

I went to blogger in 2006 and all they have to do is shut that down and I loose everything I've collected for the past 6 years too

In life everything is temporary

The Wayback Machine may be able to help you retrieve those lost links.

I already tried that.

I was looking the other day for a story about William Cohen(Clintons Defense Secretary) warning about tanks in the streets of the US soon but was never able to find that.

I was all for Clinton during his first term but he pulled oof so much shit in his second term I turned against him and started documenting all his BS.

I had so much stuff now it's just things i can randomly pull up from memory(which is not too good anyway)

I've heard that from other people, but I only know about 9000Sins.

yes but how is Shia LaBeouf involved?

Wow thanks for all of that insight. Anyway, unless you're a mod or a regular, I don't care if you're leaving. And you've been a redditor for 6 months so you are neither. See ya.

I've been a redditor for two years, just not under the same handle.


Too bad.

There has been an inundation by trolls. I got trolled by an r/conspiratard earlier today. I didn't check his backlog comments until after I realized he was a dipshit. His name is " hotakyuu", by the by so don't get locked into a "discussion" with this guy. He's an energy suck. Always check the backlogs of people who sound like trolls and don't fucking feed the trolls. I violated this rule by replying to him at all so I'm a complete hypocrit and I know it. I'm only saying that we should be mindful not to waste our energy on r/conspiratard trolls who will never get anything out of the conversation other than the depletion of your energy / time / life.

That said, if I let all the assholes dictate where I go then they win.

I'm staying. They'll get bored before me. The only reason they're here is to be assholes. Some might be paid and some might not. Those that are doing it for free will simply stop. Those who are getting paid mean that we're having an effect. That is to say, we're worth a financial investment because we're not subservient monkeys.

Do what you like, but I'm staying. There might be some anti-semitic assholes and fairy-god-princess in here, but that's par for the course. All groups have dumb-asses in them and all you can really do is ignore them and support those who really do care.

Cheers, though.

I hope you find a better place to chill.

Hell, link to it and I might join.

What you say is true, all groups do have their dead weight. My experience has been pretty negative lately. Zoom out and read the rest of this thread.

It's pretty negative. I find more rational discourse in r/UFOs, but it's limited ... er... to UFO's.

See ya around.

Yes, the trolls have multiplied lately.

One is almost tempted to beat them at their own game and counter-troll.

Which would be an even bigger waste of time.

Maybe I'll check out r/UFOs. Even though I'm not really into UFOs . . .

obviously a spy....


I searched wikipedia and it states, that Zionism is actually a modern political movement of the 20th century, that advocates for Jewish national interests.

The movement was eventually successful in establishing Israel on May 14, 1948 (5 Iyyar 5708 in the Hebrew calendar), as the homeland for the Jewish people.

Who could predict that Wikipedia could be duped by such an obvious conspiracy theory?

Here's my full critique of this subreddit.

The key part being:

I mean, I appreciate the hard work and constant digging people do into this stuff. I don't think the subreddit should change either. Without it, you couldn't find the truth, but so much of it is just pointless reposts. There's almost as many /r/conspiracy posts per hour (Maybe like, 60%) as there are /r/worldnews. There's not that many "new" conspiracies worth talking about on a daily basis.

Eventually, the desire to find "truth" turns into outright paranoia and people accusing other people of being shills. Do you think this helps the truth get told when half the community is attacking each other on a daily basis? Agree on the facts, disagree with the inconsistencies, but don't start attacking your fellow community members for some paranoid shit. If that's the standard way information disseminates and you truly believe in the illuminato/nwo stuff, don't you think that's what "they" want? Don't you think "they" want to be able to just say "Wow look a shill" if anything comes out? If enough people accuse and discredit someone with ad hominem attacks, their whole point will be thrown out. Stop attacking the person and instead attack the facts.

but don't start attacking your fellow community members for some paranoid shit.

I suspect this is one of the things we should be especially mindful of.

Honestly, everyone happy to see him go is scared of introspection.

If you don't hear what problems people have with your position you won't know what evidence to look for next.


Just went and looked at some of his comments... specifically chemtrails which seems to be one of his sticking points.

In there he basically says that the claim of definitive proof, isn't proof, and even says what proof would be (collecting an air sample and getting it tested).

That's not baseless, and it offers a means of saying, yeah... perhaps we do need to get a little more evidence.

In it, I didn't see him dismissing what happened, only saying that it doesn't fit the standard of 'proof'. And honestly it didn't.

But even, lets say, you're 100% accurate on your assessment of him, then he makes a good sparring partner, and keeps you on your game.

I see too many people in this sub that are more hung up on being accepted, than finding out if they're right. It makes the place look ridiculous.

collecting an air sample and getting it tested

This has already been done countless times, with the same results which support the need for an official investigation.

Now, if both of you are implying the impossible task of flying an aircraft behind a plane that is suspected of chemtrailing, you are both ignorant of FAA regulations and safety. When is the last time you have ever witnessed an aircraft flying through the contrail of another?

A good sparring partner doesn't cop out and feign leaving, or attempt to conflate Zionism with chemtrailing and reptilians. His position is not supported by evidence, but his insistence of the lack thereof, in the face of said evidence. That is the definition of not only a baseless denial, but that of willful ignorance.

You have six responses in this thread. I don't presume anything I say will change your mind about me.

Eight now, and your presumption is accurate.

Because you lack introspection?

uh oh, someone's called in the attack clown.

I believe that was what brought you here, no?

Indeed it is. Had you not been summoned, I would not be here responding to your passive aggressive clown horn.

Yet you were in this thread before I was...

And just who summoned me? The disinfo spreaders?

And just who summoned me?

Bobo the Yiddish Clown

And you think you don't sound like a paranoid fool?

Wait, are you saying it was the disembodied ghost of Irv Rubin?!

No, it was the zionist secret government!

OMG the ZSG?!

Jeez, is this you being 'clever'?

No, I am fucking terrified of the "ZSG", Bobo and Irv "Autoerotic Asphyxiation" Rubin.

Please, stop scaring me.

I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen.

Now if you don't stop posting like an asshole, I am going to send them for you!

Classical takeover of a group.

Who are you? Right. Call me when an active vocal poster leaves.

"Forum crashing", not forum sliding.

Downvoted in 58 seconds. That's got to be some kind of a record.

Someone's messing with this sub ... Or everyone's really negative like I said.

You're surprised a "breaking up with this subreddit" post was down voted? Come one... you just pretty much called everyone here crazy. Did you really expect more ups then downs? honestly?

edit: your

Edit: Come on*

But thank you for making my point. I didn't call everyone crazy, but I qualified my statement. Go to the part about 76K redditors.

If you confess to a knee-jerk reaction, I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Maybe the problem is reddit itself. I don't honestly know. But it's just too negative and I'm tired of it.

um, you were grammatically correct the first time. you were using a contraction of the words "you" and "are", hence it was appropriate to use "you're".

"your" is a possessive pronoun, as in "is this your phone?"

/grammar nazi speech

I changed it from "your" to "you're". was just pointing it out in my edit :)

Nah. Ive been downvoted way before that.

That is automated to prevent vote gaming.


Weird. Not sure why you are downvoted.

  1. The OP is actually a fag.
  2. Zionism is real.
  3. People who doubt chemtrails didn't see this post.

I agree. There is something wrong with this subreddit.


Actually, I recognize that no one gives two shits. I'm not an idiot. But I am surprised.

You see, I was here standing with you all, against the global elites. Even with the "sheeple." Hell, everyone in my family's a "sheeple"... I certainly don't want to save the world without them in it!

What I learned by leaving is that r/conspiracy is something of a circle jerk.

"Sheeple" are your greatest untapped asset in the war on the elite. How on Earth can you guys do anything without the help of the people you call "Sheeple"? Ohhhh, it's not about doing anything. No one's here to do anything but circle jerk.

And I learned, we certainly don't stand by each other. Nothing has convinced me I'm doing the right thing, more than the responses to my post.


Well, like I said to the other guy, when I made this post, I thought it would get one comment and two downvotes....

But I thought of it as leaving feedback. I was doing my duty as a redditor.

You missed my point about the sheeple. I am basically in agreement with you on it. I don't have any trouble with sheeple, and rarely use the word (I only use it in an r/conspiracy context).

I'm not really having a hissy. But I will say that the reaction to my post really confirmed my decision. Zoom out. See for yourself.

I changed it from "your" to "you're". was just pointing it out in my edit :)

Maybe your submissions are downvoted because they make you sound like a nutjob?

woah . I found myself somewhat in agreement with OP but seeing this makes me somewhat confused.

Edit.. Loooks as though his submissions were somehow supposed to be mocking/funny

I've been a redditor for two years, just not under the same handle.


Alex Jones is NOT Bill Hicks because AJ is an asshole that sold out his people for more $$$. Bill Hicks was at the top of his comedy and was actually becoming more well known until he got sick.

Dear ShillsShillingShills,

Consider this my suicide note. Life is just too much when there are folk like you.

Regards, tiredoflibs

".....", the feeling of apathetic sarcasm, silently meandering through the void between your ears.

Indeed it is. Had you not been summoned, I would not be here responding to your passive aggressive clown horn.

Except I wasn't patronizing anyone. I was being an overt asshole, without speaking from a position of assumed superiority.

And just who summoned me?

Bobo the Yiddish Clown

You're attacking one of the mods whom has done the most for this sub

Just what was that he has done?

You have such a narrow world view. Pro Jew? Because it's either pro jew or anti jew, right?

Sure, there's Christians in the "banking sector", but there's far more Jews.

Yeah? You sure about that?

The JIDF will do so.

Yet they haven't contacted me!

Mark my words: within the next few years we will either lose all semiautomatics, including shotguns, or, all firearms in totality.

I have a bet with someone who claimed they would be gone by february. If you'd like to pick a date I'd be glad to bet you as well.

Gosh, I simply can't read anymore. You're so self righteous, sarcastic, and belittling. You really think you have the world by the balls, and that your just so clever. Disgusting.

I guess I should be like you and ignorantly circle-jerk specious arguments. I definitely don't have the world by the balls - however a lot of the folk in /r/conspiracy are definitely easy targets.

You won't be here under the same name, you'll have adopted a new account, and a new strategy.

No, I have an alarm set to contact the guy I made a bet with. What does it matter what account I contact him from anyway?

Seeing as you couldn't tell (even though it was in my post history), my last name was tiredoflibs. A real surprise, huh?

Yes! Thanks so much for publicly stating your agenda!

Do you have a point to make? Because short of that I don't see what's wrong