Friend told be he became a Christian after coming here and other conspiracy sites.

20  2012-08-30 by [deleted]

My friend was always an Atheist, not a douchey one, but just a regular, didn't believe in god dude. Then, he got into the Illuminati conspiracies, nwo, shit like that. He says that because of all the luceferianism and satanism in music (lyrically and sumbolically,) the fact that everyone who knows about the Illuminati (which is pretty much everyone in High school) thinks they worship Satan, and the main guys want to build a one world gov (revelations in the Bible) God is real.

I don't know what to think. I mean, the first thing you see when you type in Illuminati or NWO on Google or somewhere, is always a link having to do with Jesus or the Bible.

Has anyone else turned Christian because of reading about this stuff? I saw one Redditor say yes on the latest CIA/Satanism vid on like the 3rd page, but are there more.

And if the MOST POWERFUL people are satanists, wouldn't that mean that they're on to something?


I don't believe in organized religion. It's a bigger conspiracy than the government (and has been around a lot longer). If you are a Christian ask yourself: "Who decided which books became part of the Bible and what about the ones that didn't get added?" You might want to do more research. If you want to challenge your beliefs read the Book of Enoch and learn about the Archons and the Gnostics

Good old Irenaeus (who I like to think of as "Ignoramus"), bishop of Lugdunum, led the campaign against Gnostic testaments of the life of Jesus, which tend to say "we are all little gods and goddesses, you silly person". His book "Against Heresies" basically accused everybody of being weirdos and said that since there were only 4 seasons, 4 compass directions, and 4 humors of the body, there need only be 4 testaments of Jesus in the Bible. Coincidentally, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John tend to omit the mystic stuff in favor of the "obey my father the LORD!!1!!" stuff that makes audiences so much more fearful and dependent. In my opinion he re-treaded the old testament over the new.

People exchanging trust in God with trust in Government is not a good thing for society, I think we all can agree on that.

I personally think religion, while a good idea, is used improperly and as a full on manipulation tactic

Anyone can use a great idea to manipulate others for their own personal gain. Even if all the religions in the world disappeared, I'm sure some asshole would try to seize power by acting in the name of humanity. Religions aren't what's's people.

I was already a Christian, but a lot of what I have learned in the conspiracy compartment is very faith affirming. If you'd like to get some great info on how conspiracies and revelation tie into one another I would suggest listening to Jim Wilhelmsen's videos on YouTube and reading his book, Beyond Science Fiction.

I dont know for sure, obviously. Noone does. But I can not believe that a being that looked like us created 2 beings that looked like him in a at an apple because the devil...gods greatest foe...told her to...and thats why now the world is a pile of shit...and why we have different races... Cant wrap my mind around that one. But I could be wrong. I am quite often.

That story is symbolic...tons of sources if you really wanted to dig into it.


When good things happen its god. When bad things happen its the devil. People are weird.


God exists and is as real as it can be, because god is reality as we know it. Just don't expect god to appear to you in any shape or form or talk to you at least not directly.

That said the Illuminati, the world elite thinks they've discovered god and think they are enlightened and serve god himself. As the bible says this is a false god, or the devil himself who is very powerful so it may appear as god to humans, but he is not god.

So they are literally serving the devil and want to establish a one world government and put RFID chips in everyone, most will be on their forehead and this will be the mark of the beast. This is so that the devil can appear as a great and amazing leader, at the worst time in the world, probably big war/s, even worse economic situation and promise freedom, economic prosperity, etc... to unsuspecting people.

Once people elect him and trust him fully he will reveal the real Luciferian manifesto and the world will then become hell.

Obviously I am here, because I think we can stop all of this and with even tiny bit of help from god we can destroy evil and send it back to hell.

The religions are the oldest cons. They have lots of good ideas/ideals, but they are human organizations, with a corporate structure. One pope, a dozen cardinals, a hundred assistant cardinals etc. right on down to the choir boy who gets fucked in the ass.

holy shit thank you for showing me that

I don't think we know anything about who these people really are. We just know they exist and we are becoming more aware of their methods of control and power. I can really see how your friend would end up at the point where he has. I have had some of these same feelings. The many commonalites, coincidences are damn strange. All I can say is to trust your own capacity for understanding your universe whether that is by having or not having religion. There is nothing to argue about there. The important thing here is that we are seeking truth.



I am going to disagree completely here with 9000sins on this issue. But, his perspective is great in getting to the bottom of your question. Usually when you talk about the NWO agenda you hear words like esoteric, pagan, occult, mystery religion, etc. However one could also include Gnosticism or New-Age mysticism to that list. You see, the NWO is aimed at cleansing the world of all religion so that a 'new" religion can replace the old. Then, in theory, we can 'become our own gods' and move humanity forward. What 9000 believes is the same as the elites, the difference is the elites realize that, in the end, they are doing the work of Lucifer and are bound to his bidding.

Henry Makow says this of the NWO agenda, "The Illuminati consist of…some of the world’s richest families including the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Windsors. While they pay lip service to religion, they worship Lucifer. Their agents control the world’s media, education, business and politics. These agents may think they are only pursuing success, but success literally means serving the devil. Prisoners of their wealth, the Illuminati prefer hatred and destruction to Love. Understandably, they can’t go public with this. They pretend to be moral while working behind the scenes to degrade and enslave humanity in a “new world order".

David Spangler of the U.N. says is perfectly, “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. ”

The NWO is Lucifer's final assault against God. Christianity is at the heart of the these current and future events. You won't hear many Christian voices in /r/conspiracy but that simply shows a lack of seeing the full picture. Tell your friend he is on the right track.

jesus was a "domestic terrorist"


I don't think the ability to give the world to someone necessarily means Satan already owns it, but rather, it derives from both the power And willingness to manipulate its people and environment.

Nope. It's Satan.

Why would delving into suppressed history make one believe in some vengeful Jewish desert god named yaweh? Protect your soul, yes, but write your own mythology.

Ok here is my take on it. It's going to be long but if anyone actually reads this I think you will definitely get something from it.

My very simple take on religion. Explaining the world through symbols. The symbols are encouraged and through normal "classical" conditioning models described by skinner we, through the generations, encoded into our cultures the need to be "humble" and have some sort of reverence for something greater. Now, religions were all fine and dandy until they made a turn where God was one. He was us. We went from revering the Goddess, earth the creator and it's many faces to one. A man, a patriarch. We ceased worshipping reality and instead focused on an empire of law and the mind. It correlates with the way culture evolved from gatherers to agrarian. Now, as for the powerful symbolism of the Jews and the semitic peoples and how they permeate the world.

Well my idea on it is that they hit on many many themes. They built upon old and well established ideas. Its sort of like Family Guy. How it built up on the Flintstones, the Honey Mooners, I love Lucy, the Simpsons etc etc. Nothing has come from oblivion to take its place into reality. We take previous tools and improve. This religion, evolved, and became a success because it hit on all or many necessary components for the human mind. It attacked the need to explain death, our nihilism was obliviated, we were given purpose, we were given a reason for why there was heirarchy we were given law, instruction a path. The paradigm was complete with the dying God motif indebting us through endless reciprocity, which is a really important aspect of any culture.

The power of the abrahamic God is through violence, poetry and fear of the unknown. The jews are successful because we are essentially playing a game of laws with people born into and taught about laws since they first learn to read and speak. We are essentially playing a game by their rules, they have the seeds of the culture they will have an upper hand. Plus add to it the self fulfilling prophecy of saying you're the best and THEN working your ass off to prove it because you're a pariah everywhere you go, then it leads to success. The jews are successful for the same reasons other groups are, like Mormons and catholics. It's the power of a tribe.

If you work hard and only give your own a helping hand your group will become more powerful. Look at immigrant groups in the US that don't fall prey to living lavishly. They get together build themselves up and establish strong communities. The jews are masters of law, and since they were allowed to exchange money and charge interest they did the dirty work others wanted done but didn't want to soil their hands doing. Once it was through they were exiled. That's why they make such great scape goats to a lot of cultures. They succeed at doing the shit work that needs to be done to grow our type of economy. Also, calling yourself the chosen and pretty much excluding everyone else is sort of enraging to some.

Anyway, continuing with this. I think powerful people get caught up in their own myth too easily. Like Obama with his "savior" status that helped get him elected. People in extreme levels of wealth will get different treatment, thus they will act differently. Others will notice and will treat them as such perpetuating the idea. Add to this symbols, religion and all sorts of other horse shit and you end up with skull and bones, illuminati, masons etc etc. People love symbols. They're powerful, they're important. They convey everything you need to know without uttering a word. THAT is power. If you don't believe me and you're white go to a black neighborhood where everyone where blue and wear a red shirt. Or vice versa. That's just symbolic color, but you sure as hell will find out what it means to folks in that area. Anyway that's my rant.

If you think about it, Satan tried to bring knowledge and understanding to the people and lucifer was the bearer of light but god wanted humans in the dark.

Knowledge was evil according to god. He wanted everyone to live in peace in a garden oblivious to everything.

Was Satan actually the good guy here? Also - if God created everything then why Satan, hell, and predisposition to sin.

Since nothing is left to chance and everything is part of god's plan, then whoever goes to hell was pre-determined to do so and so whatever Satan did was inevitable and all according to plan.

This is why I'm not religious at all.


I think you mean Illuminati or the self-proclaimed enlightened ones.

Believing that 3000 years ago a tribe of goat people figured out the meaning of life the universe and everything in some back water of the planet where 99% of the population couldn't read, but their God wrote it all down in a book anyway, is tantamount to believing in Santa Claus. Especially In the light of the enlightenment, evolutionary theory, quantum physics etc. Religious belief is 3rd person spirituality for the ignorant. Your friend is a dick for being so impressionable.

I think the Bible is a great thing to read, maybe not take it so literally, but apply to yourself, to be "christ like" basically a good person, how the disciples described Jesus and whatnot, even if you don't believe that there was a Jesus that walked this earth, the way they described him and all his teachings and doings was amazing. Just to be a good person in general, and not judge and just love? Nothing is wrong with that right? As far as religion goes, it's horrible, people are killing over it and I don't think that it was made for that in any way. But instead to have a "relationship" with "Christ" anyways, alot of the prophecies from the Bible are coming true and describe the new world order, the illuminati, the mark of the beast, even sodom and ghomora and the twin towers.. So yeah it's up to yourself if you want to go that route or not. Either way people will always battle on God and Evolution and Science, neither will be proven. It's always going to be like that and always will be.I read some stuff about the Illuminati even creating all world religions and all that stuff from David Ickes "The Biggest Secret" it's pretty interesting, best thing to do is to just have an open mind on everything. As for me I grew up in the church as a christian and have my beliefs but also research the heck out of all this stuff too and do other things that other people would call me a "hypocrit" it's disgusting and sad and knowing that we live in crucial times right now, but only time will tell. edit: of course this is getting down voted. typical judgemental people

A lot of people that have started deeply researching the Illuminati have come to see the connection to Satanism. Once you see the connection and start reading the "source" materials, you begin to see a very anti-Christian and anti-Israelite undertone.

God is real, and while here on reddit you'll usually find more people that vehemently deny his existence, the truth is that your friend is on the right track. I'd check out Know Your Enemy it's a long documentary series broken up into approximately 72 videos, each one ranges in length from 4 minutes to 14. Aquarius- The Age of Evil is another interesting doc. Check out some of this type of stuff and do the research yourself, you might just find something intriguing.


The fact that the rules refer to terrirtories as "lairs" is extremely telling

Dress it up as much as you want... It's still a petty reactionary cult of the self.

Me? Dressing it up? Just posted a link to the top google result.

The most powerful people are christian mystics, son, NOT satanists. The religion of the illuminati, that you know as satanism, is not nearly as powerful as the christian. If you want to fight these people you need a spiritual foundation that is stronger than theirs, so yes, many people become christians along the road. Atheism is for idiots, who refuse to educate themselves, and pushing atheism like reddit currently is doing, is part of the plan of the new world order. Einstein believed in Spinoza, btw.

Magic is very real, and when your are initiated into illuminism you "walk with Jesus" in one of the later initiations. You experience the same experiences as Jesus had, only in a transcendent world. You also try to be filled with Satan in another "quest", as these journeys are called. In the end, you become a God yourself. Not Satan, not Jesus, not Buddha, but all of these, and then some. Nature obeys your command! In illuminism, however, you never "really" meet Jesus, but a lar(a kind of spirit with same strength as an archangel) acting as him. But when you turn to Jesus with a pure heart, and repent(!), you will be able to work with the real "holy ghost", the spirit before it's actualized in the flesh. That is one step ahead of illuminism/satanism. You can of course fight these people without a religious foundation, but then you will loose any conflict more complicated than a fistfight. :)

Source on Einstein and spinoza?

And if the MOST POWERFUL people are satanists, wouldn't that mean that they're on to something?

Hell yes! This is what I'm talking about!

the meek shall inherit the Earth. For what good is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul in the process?


Umm, you actually believe in god?

I can't imagine why someone would be willing to trade an eternal soul for earthly riches.

Because they bought into the lie.

They believe they will become godmen, as it were in the days of Noah

Aspiring to the status of Nephilim seems like a rather pathetic life-goal if you ask me.

Then we're on the same side.

I think you mean Illuminati or the self-proclaimed enlightened ones.