Since there are people out there that are actively trying to "expose" me, I'll do them a favor and expose myself. *snicker*~~~9000sins IamA.

0  2012-08-31 by [deleted]

Ask me anything about myself. I'll answer any questions that don't get too personal.



African or European?

Blue. No wait... Green.


Would you please get the fuck over yourself.

You made a post about stepping down as mod a few days ago, then you retracted or reformulated that statement.

1) why did you want to step down

2) why did you post that; if you had no intention of stepping down?

You comment here a lot, I want to get this straight for myself;

1) are you an American citizen?

2) what age-group are you in (20-30-40)?

Another thing that bothers me is the lack of fact-checking in your submissions, do you not believe in fact-checking?

I'd ask, but I'm never good at asking relevant questions. =(

Edit: Okay, I got one. Are you as pissed as I am at how seriously people are taking this sham of an election, (Hint: I'm pretty pissed) and at how much the two-party system has divided us?


I agree. I at least try to inform people at how trivial, and manufactured the "differences" of the two parties are, without trying to offend too much. I figure it's the least I can do, even if I'm angry. :P

Thanks for answering, bro.

wait, I don't know who you are whatsoever. can you enlighten me a bit? link to some posts or just give a broad teaser?


if you could get one conspiracy to be widely understood and believed, which would it be?


have you ever heard of a panoptic prison?


yeah, you can see how this exact concept is what is being used. but the prison is the planet...

Then, why target the puppets in the sidebar? Why not target the puppeteers?


Every single time I post anything about you while not saying your name or even indicating that it was you, you are there within minutes claiming responsibility and saying that I am attacking you.

tl;dr: AContheorySpiracist is right, but I downvote him every time anyway.

I can see right through your pathetic attempts to discredit me, and I'm sure the others here can see it as well.

Yeah, and a great many saw your use of moderator status (aka tantrum) to discredit me, too. Pot, kettle, black.

I have an agenda. To expose corruption. Everywhere. Including this subreddit.

I'll remind everyone now that 9000sins initially wanted to only ban anti-Jewish racism, and it was tttt0tttt (an alleged racist) who insisted (and I agreed) that we ban all racism or none at all.

I'll also remind everyone that 9000sins has allowed his friend CowzGoesMoo to return to trolling this subreddit after MULTIPLE bans... because their friendship goes back to the creation of r/EnoughObamaSpam (which got added to the sidebar as a "related" subreddit with little-to-no discussion).

I'll also remind everyone that the last two sidebar pics have been posted by 9000sins with NO discussion whatsoever. Posted simultaneously with his own article submissions.

I'll also remind everyone that 9000sins has actively pressed to have mods listed higher than him in the mod rotation removed in his climb to the top.

This guy is single-handedly making this his own personal subreddit with rules made by him alone.

Pathetic as my attempts may be, I think they're pretty much on target. Especially when you have to resort to recruiting the whole subreddit to cower behind when you lose the opportunity to troll for downvotes.

Now, make sure you PM your friends over in r/conspiratard and r/subredditdrama to come bail you out. ;)


We only ban people who become a real problem, like yourself right now.

I wasn't a problem until you made me one. I was minding my own business, commenting on various topics. You turned it into THIS.. just like last time.


Yeah. Minding my own business. I wasn't talking to you.

EDIT: I at least was honest enough to post the link where I entered that thread, so there was context.

aha. how goes that modding. I enjoy /r/conspiracy. have we ever amounted to anything beyond musings? have we achieved any spill over that you are aware of?

Second question: Are you a gamer?


Same here. How about Metal Gear Solid? :P

Have you ever been in a threesome?



Don't get all excited, using both hands doesn't really count.

Haha, ouuuuuch!

Great minds think alike. I was waiting for my 9 minutes to expire when I saw you comment. ;)

Proof please?


Who is trying to "expose" you?

I think you think people care more about you than they do. Im not trying to be a dick because i frequent this subreddit multiple times daily and your opinion, like uryones here, is one i enjoy reading but youve been posting all over here with youre leaving and this and that and the shills and the trolls yadddaaa fuckin yaaddddaaa...its fuckin drama dude. Its silly. This is reddit, man. Dont take life so seriously because you never make it out alive. Stop the sillyness. I say.

I have a question.

You are a follower of the new age religion, the nwo's religion of choice. You frequently speak about spirit science and how "it is the truth". You also claim to be an "indigo child", a mystical breed of human that hasn't been proven to exist whats so ever.

So my question is, what's it like to be retarded?

Knowing r/conspiracy people will think I'm from r/conspiratard, specifically the loose cannon who posted this thread. I just don't want to get banned on my main because the loser 9000sins can't take any form of criticism, he is asking for it with this thread


You're blue?!?!

Are you a Leo? Aries maybe?




Libra Sun: Thin-skinned.

Aries Moon: Prone to tantrums.


PROTIP: Never give your personal info on the internet. Someone might know to use it against you.


Awww. You deleted your AMA? And you were doing so well, too. :(


I still do not understand the nature of our disagreement.

As near as I can tell, it started when you posted your "I quit" message.

From where I sit, I was endeavoring to provide a very powerful tool to r/conspiracy via my own private subreddit... which you, somehow, managed to make "all about you". You certainly did a decent job of publicly cold-cocking me with that shit. Any time I tried to post my side of the story, the trolls (and mods) came out of the woodwork to attack me and defend poor 9000sins who got his feelings hurt. Congrats. You have your loyalties.

What you don't have is: my code, or my mind to guide its development. Congrats on that, too. ;)

I don't want your personal info, and (after all of this shit) I certainly don't want to stand in your presence. What I do want (for this subreddit) is for you to stop being self-absorbed. Learn diplomacy. Stuff like that. And, for the sake of anything you hold dear, stop using the sidebar as your own personal pulpit. Posting shit you find on the web as though it represents the entirety of this community is a sickness - narcissism.


What you don't have is: my code

Lol what?


Dude does have some sort of mental problem from what I can tell with all the times Ive talked to him. :S

And, here comes 9000sins with the r/subredditdrama fodder targeted directly at me, AGAIN. Only this time, he fucked up, because he can't edit titles.

Here's the thread which prompted this particular stage-tantrum. Nothing hidden in private subreddits, all here for everyone to see. I refused to respond to his last bit of trollery-for-the-sake-of-downvoting, so he went here...

to ^ THIS ^

Is this really how you want this subreddit moderated? By a guy who throws public tantrums?


I think old age finally made him senile.
