Trolls - A Social Problem which requires a Social Solution.

24  2012-09-01 by [deleted]

Trolls suck. But, some suck harder than others.

Nonetheless, I believe I may have a solution - a social solution.

We all know how annoying trolls can be, especially if they have decided to put you on their list of perpetual targets. And, I'm not talking about your ordinary run-of-the-mill trolls, here. Nor am I talking about those who troll for the purpose of gaming the [various] reddit community[/-ies]. No. Right now, I want to focus on a very specific type of troll. Specifically, I'm talking about those who do nothing but troll for the sole purpose of harassment. The cyberbully variety.

In this post, I shall focus on two very specific individual trolls who have repeatedly made appearances in this subreddit and who have distinctly different approaches to trolling. Feel free to peruse their comment histories to confirm that I'm not simply targeting people who are disagreeable or otherwise generally annoying. These two examples make pointed, targeted, personal attacks.

The Frontal Assault Troll


This troll attacks while discussions are new and hot. His tactic appears to be that of disrupting the flow of interaction for the purpose of sidetracking those whose voices he wishes to silence. If the topic is important enough to other trolls, he is sometimes joined by others (a "following" of a sort).

The Rear Assault Troll


This troll attacks recently dying threads -- nothing more than a day or two old (usually - although, he has been known to dig back as far as 2 weeks, if he's being particularly aggressive). Because of his notoriety, he avoids new threads where he is subject to instant burial. This is a cowardly sort of troll who attacks just as you think some topic has finally been laid to rest.

These two trolls are not problematic in r/conspiracy alone. They stalk their targets in numerous subreddits and across a myriad of topics.

And, while these are not the only two trolls on reddit (there are hundreds), they do seem to be the two most aggressive trolls in r/conspiracy. Thus, why I've chosen to use them as examples in this post.

So, what is the solution?

Banning them from a single subreddit isn't very effective, because they do continue to relentlessly stalk their targets and harass them in other subreddits, as well.

Here's my proposal. And it's not just for these two trolls. It is a proposal which can be applied to fighting trolls throughout all of reddit.

Once a person has been identified as being a habitual troll (as in the case of the two examples above - evidenced by their comment histories), they should be ostracised by the community.

Specifically, I mean this:



If you have RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite), you can flag them with a specific color and a label to remind you to do this.

What about all of the other trolls?

This is where we must organize and act with one voice - AS A COMMUNITY.

Suggestion: Two subredddits dedicated to identifying and confirming specific troll accounts.

Subreddit One: A public (self-post only) subreddit which collects recommendations from the community, and which allows discussion and vetting to confirm the despicable nature of said trolls.

Subreddit Two: A semi-public (restricted self-post only) subreddit which only allows posts made by elected members of Subreddit One (above). This subreddit takes the most highly voted and most thoroughly vetted recommendations from Subreddit One (above) and places them into "official public retribution" status - trolls to be buried by the community at large (flagged in RES, etc.).

This may not be the perfect plan, but at least it is a plan. A plan for a social solution (community unity) to a social problem (harassment trolls). No private conspiracy. All open to public inspection.

If you like this idea, share it with others that you think will like it as well. Eventually, you will build critical mass as a community (the 100th Monkey principle) and this will take shape on its own. Vet carefully, vet thoroughly. Only the most aggressive trolls should ever be considered. Specifically, those who only - or primarily - make personal attacks for the sake of harassment: either the mean-spirited variety like SilentNick3, or the laughing mockery variety like CowzGoesMoo. I.e., repeat offenders (stalkers who lurk in their respective shadows).

If you don't like this idea, please explain why and offer suggestions for how it might be improved.



This is an "Us vs Them" battle!

The "Just vs Corrupt" is a wedge not pushed in our reality by the current power structures.


Foreign vs Familiar

Young vs Old

Male vs Female

Gay vs Straight

Dependent vs Independent

Black vs White

I like the OP's style.

Downvote brigades are not the answer. A new social news website needs to be embraced.

HomeGrownTerran is still so fucking bitter for being kicked out from the mod team. He's pissed because he can't control what 9000sins does with all the bans he's given to the real trolls.



If you ignore the trolls/downvote brigade, the problm will only get worse. Not to infer that all trolls are a part of this scheme, in which case ignoring them would be favorable.


Ban the accounts that crosspost their antics to other subreddits. Ban people who do nothing but make veiled or direct insults. Ban the people who only attempt to subvert discourse via logical fallacies.

We all know who is doing what, someone just needs the balls to do something about it.


If only...

Why are you posting from a 4 hour old account? If you are going to call people out tell us who you really are.

For all we know you could be a troll yourself.

When I call out trolls, I don't hide behind a throw away.

If you want to know who the real trolls are then go to /r/NolibsWatch where they have already been identified.

The real trolls come from /r/conspiratard and /r/EnoughPaulSpam and /r/RachelCorrie

These people, and especially the mods run down vote brigades and bots to harass the subscribers of /r/conspiracy

There is also this place: /r/proisrael (a private subreddit) that made this user list up about a year ago

Wow. Good of you to make this public. Any sub that makes up enemies lists, lists of people to silence, certainly does not want open speech.


Stop dragging me into your shitty drama fests, you fucking attention whore.

Are you going to accuse every new account of being me? If so, then I already won. I have you and FCD jumping at ghosts.

EDIT: After you deleted that AMA yesterday and walked away without responding to my last comment, I had hoped that you had maybe chosen to do some introspection, but you're still playing "blame HGT for everything that's wrong with YOU", you sick fuck.

EDIT2: At the risk of tooting my own horn, I did point out SilentNick3's tactics and CowzGoesMoo's inability to use American idioms (publicly) just yesterday. Whoever wrote this post ^ is dead on target with who the biggest trolls are. Apparently whoever wrote this post is as tired as everyone else is with having them protected by the mods and retained as distractions.

EDIT3: I just noticed (when I logged in to respond here) that CowzGoesMoo had trolled me in that deleted thread, linked above, after it had been deleted. So, the OP has picked up on something I was not even aware of until just now.

p.s. Fuck you, sins. Fuck you and your pathetic "I thought we were friends" crybaby BS. You're a belligerent idiot climbing a social ladder to stroke your own ego. I'd rather deal with the trolls than to read another one of your self-absorbed posts or comments.

You two need to fucking grow up and act like adults.

I refused to login to day, until I saw this fuckwit pull this shit AGAIN. I was in pure lurker mode all day until the self-absorbed, self-appointed judge jury and executioner, 9000sins, dragged me into it.

This is how pathetic you are. You literally think I post on behalf of Israel/COININTELPRO/whatever.

And your buddy looknottothesky provides "proof" because my grandmother (RIP) was a religious Jew who went to Israel:

I don't believe downvoting trolls will work. While ignoring them is a good suggestion, most trolls feed off of negative feedback, even if that's the only form of attention they receive.


What do I want to be, exactly?

You ignored me remember? Or was that just a cop out?

You still show up on reddit is fun on my phone.

Leave it to someone in /r/conspiracy to call for concerted censorship. Notice also the text book disinformation tactic of claiming that the targets of this censorship have some sort of following so if anyone disagrees with the OP, it can then be claimed that the dissenter is just part of this following.

I especially like the proposal for setting up a council of judges, and the having that council vote in another internal council with the power to publicly label people as enemies.

If you gaze long enough into the abyss...

... you realize there is nothing looking back at you.

The Shit Abyss.

Why hasn't SilentNick3 been banned from this sub yet? Why is that sunshine-x? You worthless cunt.

I've been wondering that myself.

Excellent work. Thanks.


It would be awesome to have a similiar RES system but instead of changing the color of the trolls name for yourself do it so everyone else will see it and make it the same color "troll color" not sure if this could be done by those who run the site i just think your getting somewhere with this idea and i wanted to build on it.



Why are you calling Cowz a troll, give us some specific examples please.

His comment history and submission history seems fine.

To be fair to Cowz rep, I have Cowz RES tagged as 'Moron' and the vote count at -5, whereas SilentNick3 is untagged and +7, so if you consider me a troll that may be in his favor. While I frequently comment here, and do so productively, its largely because I'm fascinated with the start and spread of conspiracy theories not because I am a conspiracy theorist. I also post in conspiratard because frankly some of this is hilarious, and I'm legitimately disturbed by the levels of antisemitism. Judge that how you will.

Are you the OP then? I am asking this to the person who made this post.

I don't know Cowz all that well, but I certainly wouldn't call him a top troll.

The major trolls are jcm267, robotevil, voodoomurphy, TheGhostOfNoLibs, Herkimer, and WattMeter.

If you are concerned about anti-semitism then you probably need to check yourself.

Not agreeing with the actions of a country (Israel) is not the same as being against the religion of Judaism.

Thats like calling someone who isn't a fan of the USA an anti-christian.

It's a cop out to pull the anti-semite card.

Yes this subreddit legitimately doesn't like Israel, but how could they not? I mean, they do all sorts of crazy fucked up things all the time.

The latest is their deportation of Black people.

There are legitimate complaints to be made, and it isn't fair to call it anti-semitism.

I'm not the OP. And I was merely pointing out that as someone frequently labelled a shill, I tend to think he's pretty ridiculous. That probably weighs in his favor with many. Like I said, I try to be productive and its useful information.

Edit: and I'm no Israel fan. To pull my most recent complaint, the IDF held a line to prevent Syrians fleeing death and civil war from escaping. That's not the actions of a modern democracy concerned with protecting human life. The problem users here call out Jews. Just look up thread. 'Both these trolls are Jewish'. Its almost a parody of itself.

Edit x2: nearly -> merely. God damn autocorrect.

No one is saying all criticism of Israel is anti-semitism. I don't even care for the Israeli government and I support a two state solution, for example.

When posters such as bumblingmumbling suggest most Jews are Zionists, that is anti semitic. When it is suggested that 40,000 Jews were told not to go to work at the WTC on 9/11, that is anti semitic, since it suggests all Jews (or at least all NYC Jews) were complicit in the attacks on 9/11 and wanted it to happen. When some *deny the existence of the Jewish ethnic group *, that is anti semitic.

Why should the actions of one person be indicative of an entire subreddit of 77,352 people?

These were just a few of many examples, nevermind the fact that posts such as those are often upvoted.

So what? It's not like jcm267, robotevil, voodoomurphy, TheGhostOfNoLibs, Herkimer, and WattMeter are any less guilty of being total assholes to people all day.

At least I can recognize that it's the individual who is responsible for their own actions, and not blame an entire subreddit.

You worry about anti-semitism, just think how Christians feel coming to reddit. Atheism is a default subreddit.

There are so many people coming and going on this site, it's a waste of time to call this subreddit "anti-semitic". It's such an overused and abused term it's become meaningless.

I have a great idea, if some people find some of the posts on /r/conspiracy to be disagreeable, downvote it. Or better yet, stop coming here in the first place.

So what? It's not like jcm267, robotevil, voodoomurphy, TheGhostOfNoLibs, Herkimer, and WattMeter are any less guilty of being total assholes to people all day.

Has nothing to do with me. I don't post about pancakes or any of that shit.

At least I can recognize that it's the individual who is responsible for their own actions, and not blame an entire subreddit.

I don't blame 100% of this subreddit, just the majority that upvotes that garbage.

You worry about anti-semitism, just think how Christians feel coming to reddit. Atheism is a default subreddit.

I worry about anti-semitism because, last time wild, anti-semitic accusations went unchecked, 6 million Jews died. And no, I don't want to get into the "it wasn't six million" debate with you (if you believe that, not saying you necessarily do) or anyone.

I agree with your point on Christians and r/atheism, but it's not on the same level of what unchecked anti-semitism has lead to in the modern/first world.

There are so many people coming and going on this site, it's a waste of time to call this subreddit "anti-semitic". It's such an overused and abused term it's become meaningless.

Then why is anti-semitic garbage still upvoted? Anti-semitism isn't a meaningless term. Anti-semitism is still very real.

I have a great idea, if some people find some of the posts on /r/conspiracy to be disagreeable, downvote it.

I do downvote them. Then I respond because I can. If someone who doesn't even know me feels the need to attack and insult a part of my ethnic background, I feel compelled to respond.

Or better yet, stop coming here in the first place.

This is the problem, isn't it? I don't post in any white nationalist/nazi/kkk/etc subs because, even though I hate those stupid fuckers, that is what those subs are for. I want to talk about legitimate conspiracies. I browsed this sub for a year before I ever posted, reading interesting conspiracies (some obvious bullshit, but still intriguing). I noticed more and more comments saying things such as "oh that figures he's a Jew", and I felt compelled to respond.

Has nothing to do with me. I don't post about pancakes or any of that shit.

I wasn't implying it had anything to do with you.

I don't blame 100% of this subreddit, just the majority that upvotes that garbage.

It's just like the majority of reddit, they upvote before reading the article, or just upvote it and never read it.

I worry about anti-semitism because, last time wild, anti-semitic accusations went unchecked, 6 million Jews died.

ಠ_ಠ .......Are you fucking kidding me dude? Yeah also the last time that happened the Jews didn't have nuclear weapons. Now they do. Those times are over, that kind of thing will never happen again. I'm so tired of hearing this crap line.

I agree with your point on Christians and r/atheism, but it's not on the same level of what unchecked anti-semitism has lead to in the modern/first world.

Dude, the persecutions of the Jews at the hands of Hitler is over. It's ridiculous to even believe that could happen again.

Then why is anti-semitic garbage still upvoted? Anti-semitism isn't a meaningless term. Anti-semitism is still very real.

Dude, stop with the I'm a victim bullshit, because you aren't. I'm sure you live a nice comfy persecution free life.

I want to talk about legitimate conspiracies.

Please tell me....what do you view as a legitimate conspiracy?

The only moron in here is you who upvotes trolls like SN3.

I am sure putting their names here only serves to feed them.

Other than that, you're right on: DNFTT! EVAR!

Seriously? Just ignore them and move on. Grow up.

Oops! I must have wandered into /soapoperas...

Seriously, though. Arguing with trolls can be fun. If they are good, that is.

I'm not doing this because I think it's wrong. Freedom of speech includes freedom to be a troll if you're in the mood.


... That proves nothing of an obsession with Jews here in r/conspiracy.

It more likely speaks to the fact that Zionism/Israel hence certain Jews are involved in various conspiracies like spying, political schemes, the dog shit media... etc. This is not rascism/bigotry. It is a point of fact that should be self evident to you by now. What your promoting is political bullshit.

More than a few of us here know that Israel and certain Jews commit unspeakable crimes. This is not to say we condemn all Jews everywhere.

Some Jews that I've known are extremely charitable and generous. I know that they are not guilty of any crimes. I do not speak ill of them when I say fuck Israel. Fuck their nukes and and mother fuck their war drum. Nations are all bullshit. Israel is not superior to the rest of the M.E. Jews are not above criticism. They are not superior to anyone in any way. Neither are they inferior. Thus we here at r/cons observe their crimes as we do any other race/culture/nation/military. It's not an obsession with Jews, just their compounding crimes and corruption.

remember, no replies...

What am I promoting, exactly?

You tell me. ":'s subreddit search agrees you guys are obsessed with Jews, by the way:


This is bullshit. You are promoting a falsehood. You are gravely misinformed about what is already false.

It isn't bullshit. I searched for "Jews" and reddit suggested r/conspiracy. If you guys dislike Zionists and the Israeli government so much, why do you talk about Jews so much?

The jews and Israel serve as a particularly important focal point for foreign policy between the US and the middle east. Right now, a lot of people in this country are very critical of this foreign policy, but it has to do with policy, not race. I don't know who you are referring to when you say "why do you talk about Jews so much?" So I would suggest you find those racist people and ask them yourself since their views do not reflect mine or the majority of r/conspiracy's views. Please stop trying to pigeonhole and label everybody, we are all individual people with unique perspectives.

I do find those people and ask them. People like tttt0tttt and bumblingmumbling who even 9000sins agree are bigots. Ijob911 and Occidentalist as well. When I ask them, I am called a shill and disinfo agent.

Sounds like you have a personal problem with those specific people, not a problem with r/conspiracy. Instead of labeling us all as bigots you should address those people specifically. Otherwise, you'll be contributing to the ongoing defamation of this sub, which we would consider trolling.

Except that their comments and topics are often upvoted by this community. It's gotten better lately, but not by a lot.

Well, that's the beauty of open discourse. I really wouldn't pay too much attention to the comment karma, it doesn't really mean anything to most people here I think.

well said.

And again i'll state that proves nothing about r/conspiracy being obsessed with Jews. Israel is the Jewish state. Jews (not all) are apart of conspiracies. Israel, a country for Jews commits crimes. It's calling a spade a spade. If Zimbabwe was up to the same shit we'd call them on it too. But i don't see any citizens of Zimbabwe in the US gov or controlling the media. Some JEWS take part in far reaching conspiracies. Some don't. Some Jews speak out against Israel and it's apologists. But i digress. You have a point. Jew has become short hand for Israeli right wing likud government Jew and that is not right. I personally don't speak harsh of all Jews. But some deserve our collective condemnation and their actions deserve our attention. It's not our fault that these criminals just so happen to be Jewish.

Could you please be a little bit less sane and rational? I brought my pitchfork, after all, and now who am I going to use it on?

If you'd like, I'd like to explain more in depth how I feel about this sub and my problems with it when I'm not posting from my phone at work.

I offer to explain and am downvoted. Makes sense in this sub.

No one wants your explanation, no one wants to hear your feelings. That's what happens when you act like a douche all the time.

Calling out bigotry is being a douche?

Is that what you call what you do?

LOL, such delusions.

I'm guessing you've never read tttt0tttt and bumblingmumbling's posts. I also call out obvious bullshit when I see it. If I was a real "troll", I'd post to every topic, calling it bullshit. However, I don't. Some conspiracies posted in this sub actually have merit and are based in reality.

You are a bigot yourself. You clearly have a problem with homosexuals:

Judging from how much time he just spent stalking me, I think he kinda likes me! (even though I'm not an oily homosexual man who rolls around with other oily men on tv for fun, as he is such a fan of)

What would it matter if pro-wrestlers were gay? Why would that matter and why do you use it as an insult?

Ah well, go back to your obsession over painting your fingernails, I guess.

Self improvement, son. Try it.

Self improvement? My life is great. No need for improvement but thanks for the advice! Have fun painting your nails and making fun of gays!

But...but...some of my best friends are gay!

Honestly though, gays are cool. Its liars and fakes I don't like.

Yeah I hate liars and fakes too! Good thing I'm neither!

Miniature painting is my real obsession, not that you care.

Do you believe that an ethnicity/religion claiming to be God's chosen people (and thus, superior to all other ethnicities/religions) is bigotry?

The Jewish ethnicity doesn't call for that. It doesn't call for anything, actually.

To quote 9000sins when referring to his Jewish girlfriend:

The fact that she has jewish blood has nothing to do with her personality or political beliefs.

Quite, but the religion does. If the intention was to separate the two, there would be an alternative term; I believe the word we are looking for is Zionistic. And overwhelmingly, when push comes to shove, even the most anti-semitic (though strangely pro-arab, who are also technically Semites) commenters here will admit that is the fractional number of power-wielding Zionists, not the majority of the world's Jewish population, that are to blame for the problems in the middle east and many other historical long-form conspiracies.

So do all the most of the major religions, to some degree.

Not really an excuse...besides, Hindu and Christian doctorines are based on Helping others and coexistence with other religions. Certainly there are extremists from all Western religions that believe they are right and should convert others but not so vehemently as the Zionists. And certainly not as protective of the pure bloodlines; most feel it's their duty to convert others, thus saving them. Zionism decrees exclusion instead

Notice that both of these trolls are Jews.

That didn't take long.

Your point? I'm ethnically Jewish, but an atheist as far as my beliefs. Are you suggesting there is something wrong with being ethnically Jewish?

Gonna answer my question?

I'm not Jewish you dumb cunt. And I'm not a troll either. HomeGrownTerran is just having his period, that's all.

why dont u use ur man acc u fag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eloquently argued. /s

Are you the OP then? I am asking this to the person who made this post.

I don't know Cowz all that well, but I certainly wouldn't call him a top troll.

The major trolls are jcm267, robotevil, voodoomurphy, TheGhostOfNoLibs, Herkimer, and WattMeter.

If you are concerned about anti-semitism then you probably need to check yourself.

Not agreeing with the actions of a country (Israel) is not the same as being against the religion of Judaism.

Thats like calling someone who isn't a fan of the USA an anti-christian.

It's a cop out to pull the anti-semite card.

Yes this subreddit legitimately doesn't like Israel, but how could they not? I mean, they do all sorts of crazy fucked up things all the time.

The latest is their deportation of Black people.

There are legitimate complaints to be made, and it isn't fair to call it anti-semitism.

Is that what you call what you do?

LOL, such delusions.

Do you believe that an ethnicity/religion claiming to be God's chosen people (and thus, superior to all other ethnicities/religions) is bigotry?

The only moron in here is you who upvotes trolls like SN3.