DAE think Alex Jones is totally full of shit and just hired by "higher ups" to scare the mass population to allow for easier control?

8  2012-09-01 by [deleted]


Maybe this is the inner conspiracy theorist coming out in me, but there's been quite a few posts questioning Alex Jones lately?

Maybe we're all starting to clue into how we trusted the guy without question because he was the only one speaking out on these things?

I'm sure the man has a good heart, but maybe he's just lost focus along the way? : (




Alex jones is really Bill hicks.


Try not to say things you later regret.

So what did alex jones do in 1992?

I don 't know, I was 13


He's a GateKeeper. Notice how those around you will dig deeper and deeper into the meaning of things and yet Alex always stays on the exact same plateau of understanding and perspective. It's like he just can't see certain things, ever. Strange that someone on The Tip of the InfoWar could be so ignorant of so many subjects after so many years....

Lots are selling fear. Buying it is a choice.


A while ago I realized I had heard everything Jones had to say, and everything he is ever going to say.

I would call this a key. I can only go in circles for so long, myself, before I must break them. Alex was one.

He's come around to David Icke's view, to a certain extent.

I have a huge amount of respect for Icke, but having never openly encountered a reptilian myself, that area remains only an idea, a perspective. I collect perspectives. Somewhere in the middle lies Truth.

I tend to agree with you but could you give some examples?

No, I think I will pass on specific arguments for today. I have trolls and they are paying attention today. I am not up to it. It's just my opinion in the end, so believe what you like. (But never stop digging!)

My theory on Alex is that he's like a light that the 'global elite' uses to attract moths (truthseekers). They probably monitor his site to determine how many people are seeking out alternative news sources.

As long as that number hovers around a percentage of the population that they're comfortable with (maybe like 10%) then they ignore it and proceed as planned. That minority will be dismissed as conspiracy nutjobs by the majority following the mainstream anyway.

But if that number starts to spike, then they do something to appease the suspicious (jailing more bankers, delaying the inevitable internet control bill, staging a false flag to generate fear, etc). I don't know, just rambling here.

Oh, very nice.

No. He's just mixing entertainment with news analysis.

He's a fearmonger keeping people in fear of their government.

Oh they're going to put you in camps if you say anything bad about the government on the internet.

Oh they're going to send swat teams to your house if you say bad things about them.

Oh they will put you in a FEMA camp if you start a protest. "it's over folks, stay at home."

Alex Jones is a fraud.

There are certain things I noticed he always does.

  • Despite the obvious fact that our country is being run by proxy through Israel, he never even touches on the subject. He didnt even cover the latest US intelligence briefing that basically said that Israel is destroying the US for its own benefit.

  • He always exaggerates stories and headlines to the point of hysterical ranting and stupidity. This I believe is designed to turn average people away from learning about what is really going on. As well as enrage those who know whats going on, to the point where they expose themselves by doing something stupid out of anger.

  • He never supports true libertarianism, or any third parties. When he had Gary Johnson on his show, he opened with the classic media attack against him regarding his stance on abortion. Yet, despite Johnson's stance being fundamentally the same as Ron Paul's, he has never attacked Paul on it. This is the "first impression" rule of propaganda interviewing - designed to immediately turn the audience against Johnson. The rest of the interview was as dismissive and condescending as any interview in the mainstream media. The reason for this is my next point.

  • He continues to champion the idea that we need to continue to support the system - and you know, somehow "fix" it from within the rules of the system. The Ron Paul supporters gave it a really good try, and found out that the system will not let them win at any cost, despite playing by the "rules" they, will just spontaneously change the rules - or as documented, cheat. Alex Jones just spins this into, the "you just need to try harder" mentality. The Republican and Democratic parties should be completely dead to anyone who cares about liberty.

  • He relentlessly bashes the Police. And while it is true, that police corruption is a problem, the extent to which Alex does this, leads me to believe this is just a simple divide and conquer strategy. Wanting you to feel helpless and afraid even of your local police which is absurd. And as importantly, he wants the police to think the public distrusts and hates them. This is the "lets keep all the peons in the game distrustful and angry at each other" strategy to prevent any real organization of grass roots movements.

I disagree with you on the last point, he has the police call in to his show sometimes. Police brutality is a subject which should always be covered.

Sure he has police on the show now and again, says he wants to hear from them individually. He had Gary Johnson on the show for the same reason, to give the false impression of impartiality.

Meanwhile, every other story on his site is demonizing the police. He'll have one or two cops call in, but through repetition of his attacks on the police in general, he intentionally creates the idea that while a few police are good, most are evil and corrupt and out to get you. While in reality the exact opposite is true. Alex Jones is intentionally manipulating his audience to regard the police in a negative light.

Then on the other side of the spectrum, the police themselves are manipulated into being distrustful and even hate the public. They are bombarded with this idea that the public is dangerous and need to be watched and suppressed. This is why the majority of good cops cover for and dont expose the bad ones, because in their minds they're at war with the public.

I believe this is an intentional strategy on both sides. Turn the people against the police, turn the police against the people. And alex jones is obviously part of this plan.

Just look at his site right now :

"Tampa RNC Cop Gets In Trouble For Being Nice" http://www.infowars.com/tampa-rnc-cop-gets-in-trouble-for-being-nice/

The message is, yeah look here, we have a good cop! Oh, and he's being punished by the majority of bad cops for being good. But wait.. watch the actual video, where did this "good guy cop" get punished? He didnt. This is pure and intentional propaganda.

That one link alone should tell you all you need to know about the bullshit that is alex jones. The "citizen" in it, probably working for Jones, was clearly trying incite a response from those police. Laying hands on the cop like that? You just dont do that, getting in his personal space and touching him several times. He was trying to provoke. But it didnt work, so Alex went with the "good guy cop" gets punished angle, instead of police arrest innocent citizen for defending the constitution or some shit.

I think you have too much faith in the police.

There is a lot of corruption in the police force, and anyway the majority of cops don't seem to have a problem with arresting people for victimless crimes (i.e. for having a piece of vegetation in your pocket).

Im not saying I have any faith in the police. Im not saying they have any right at all to arrest someone for having a plant. But I will say that police dont get to pick and chose which laws they uphold and which they ignore.

What Im saying is that at some point, perhaps we're past it, is that the continual propaganda situation becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

For point 1) I think that the US, Britain and Israel are all completely controlled by the same power groups. Israel is just a mechanism for projecting this power.

I love that even the falseness of a conspiracy theory is a conspiracy to you.

In the last year Alex Jones has lost his mind.. I remember when he use to actually say things that made sense, and weren't completely made of speculation. But since he gained his following he's started to go overboard. I think its sad when he makes things up... Because it just makes those of us who actually use logic and facts sound crazy.

Why can't he be crazy on his own?

I think he's just an opportunistic conman who spreads fear, then sells you a solution.

Yes, or he's so far off the mark they just let him go.

he just figured out a way to make his money off of scaring people, he is about as bad as the local news. just another doomsayer

Pretty obvious in my book? Only now you found out? Alex has been laying on rather thick. I just thought he act was over the top and obvious.

Just look at his position on oil. He is clearly a paid mouthpiece.

Classic "well poisoner"

No, I think he's like Bill O'Reilly. They both couldn't give two fucks about the truth, they just say crazy shit for ratings. And they're damn good at it.

i think he's just there to make people who ask questions look bad. anyone that questions the motives of governments and corporations or highlights corruption is grouped into alex jones' league of crazy

Don't trust the words of anyone who lives in a mansion.

I like him. I think we need people to point out the worst case scenario of "what is actually going on". "Real" news is at one extreme trying to convince us one thing. He's on the other extreme saying the opposite. Most people with half a brain realize that the truth is somewhere in the middle, but we can't agree on what the truth is because nobody really knows. Often I find myself cracking up at ridiculous shit he says while thinking "he kind of has a point...". The problem lies with his dumbass followers that take everything he says as fact when it's clear that it's his opinion. I think it's pretty silly to say that he's some kind of disinfo agent though. People respond to news that's more sensational... thats the point of "news". To exaggerate to get people on your side. I mean when you look at the bigger picture he's clearly on our side in most cases. Sure he has his own silly opinions I disagree with... but it's not healthy to agree with someone on everything... thats putting them on a pedestal as some kind of god (which his fans do, it's not his fault). I mean c'mon, half of you guys complain that he doesn't exaggerate enough and blame Israel and Zionism for EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM IN THE WORLD, and the other half think he goes too far. I think you guys should have SOME appreciation for what he's doing.

Also I think this is a perfect example of -anyone who doesn't agree with the concensus on r/conspiracy is a disinfo agent-

Hate to say it but AJ is a Zionist shill plain and simple. His Jewish wife is said to be his "handler." AJ is connected to the (pretty) evil Bronfman family through his legal counsel. Worse yet is his boss, a Mr. Jeffrey H. Smulyan.

Mr. Smulyan is AJ's direct superior and highly influences what he says, how he says it, and what ads for shady gold dealers and water filter vendors go in between.

Mr. Smulyan is the owner of Emmis Communications. Emmis (Hebrew for "truth") is ultimately in control of precisely what Mr. Jones has to say.

Yes but I still listen to him sometimes when I need to get my dose of fear-mongering. But he always wants me to buy water and/or gold i think. Its been a long time. I like some of the videos he makes of has a hand in making.



To embellish the truth is the nature of the talk show host.

I'd sure hate to google "30,000 drones". It might just scare me a bit

Alex Jones' deal is he names every race except one. Can you guess which one?

He names hispanics as the problem with illegal immigration. But when it comes to the banking problem, he calls them "evil banksters" instead of jews. He is there to misdirect the anger of the awakening public away from jewish bankers.

Protip: His wife is jewish which means his children are jewish.

Are you sure he doesn't fail to criticise them because he'll get in trouble with his wife when he gets home from "work"?

True, he's not afraid to criticize Mexicans for coming across the border illegally, or blacks for ... being what they are ... but he does not ever criticize Jews for anything. He does on rare occasions criticize Israel.

You can actually listen to Alex Jones if you realize this. Just basically sub in "jews" every time he talks about "the evil cabal that controls the world" or "the fed".

I dont listen to him because he over-amplifies the situation. He is there to incite poor behavior.

EDIT: Check out the video on youtube of him disrupting a peaceful 2nd amenment rally.


He is a stooge, a paid shill, a psy op misdirection artist, 100% cointellpro.

He earns your trust by telling you some truth, then hes able to lie about the really big stuff (jew bankers)

I think that the number of drones could easily get that high if you count the helicopter ones. 99.9% of the drones won't be attacking anyone as they will not have weapons but they will be spying on people. So he goes a bit extreme but there is grains truth to his words.

I know at first I thought he was awesome, but that was years ago..

Obama Deception, was an ok film. (at the time I thought it was fantasticly informative).. But after that he started being the one saying the government was using fear tactics to control us and providing us false information.. While now he's been caught using fear tactics to get people following him, while also being caught providing inaccurate information.

Two sides of the same coin? I don't know nor do I care.. I just stopped paying attention to anything with info wars on it.

I want things to be better because I love the world, I love everyone in it.. Not because I'm terrified they are going throw me into a prison and force a Nazi regime upon us.

We are all part of one world, if we bind together with each others best interest in mind then we can't go wrong. Its only when the focus shifts to the self that things don't go as well for everyone else.

Alex Jones is one of the very few who has the courage to tell the truth about what is really going on. Listen to Alex and Alan Watt, Gerald Celente, Max Kaiser, The Corbett Report, SGTbull07 on YouTube and start getting the information that matters.

Few besides Alex Jones have reported on the MFGlobal thievery of customer accounts and the recent judge's ruling that customers accounts can be raided by banks to pay the banks outstanding debts. This is news we need to know.

He is 90% truth, 10% disinfo for the Khazar Jews.

Oh, very nice.

You can actually listen to Alex Jones if you realize this. Just basically sub in "jews" every time he talks about "the evil cabal that controls the world" or "the fed".

I dont listen to him because he over-amplifies the situation. He is there to incite poor behavior.

EDIT: Check out the video on youtube of him disrupting a peaceful 2nd amenment rally.


He is a stooge, a paid shill, a psy op misdirection artist, 100% cointellpro.

He earns your trust by telling you some truth, then hes able to lie about the really big stuff (jew bankers)