9GAG "Repost Machine" Explained
595 2012-09-03 by 9FAG_EXPERT
These are things I've observed in the last weeks, even months. I've been looking very closely at how, when and which submissions 9GAG steals. Today, I present my results.
I've edited my entire post. The 9GAG Administration is reacting to my creation and are observing the Hot / Trending page very carefully. They copy fewer submissions from reddit and give their copies realistic post times. The Trending and Hot page is being updated very slowly, which is very strange. Unless they are now missing the copies/reposts they usually take from other sites. Looks like I've caught the attention of the 9GAG bosses!
- 9GAG does indeed steal submissions from other sites everyday. Sometimes up to 90% of the Hot or Trending page are reposts from reddit, their main source.
You should know this one by now.
- 9GAG does not have automated scripts which steal your submissions. Everything is done by humans.
I don't know who came up with that idea that they made scripts, because it's just wrong. They have hired people to browse the biggest subreddits (such as /r/pics, /r/funny, /r/gaming, /r/wtf, /r/aww, /r/f7u12, /r/adviceanimals, /r/videos) and steal content. Day for day.
- 9GAG staff visits sites like tumblr.com, funnyjunk.com, reddit.com and 4chan.org in order to identify threats and react correctly.
They are reading this right now. They do this since 4chan attacked their site. This will make most my links to 9GAG lead to 404 or redirect you to their index page.
- When 9GAG steals a submission (from reddit), they rename the title and remove watermarks.
Proves that actual people are stealing our content. They have become pretty good at removing the reddit alien watermark from our rage comics and they will change our submission titles to "9GAG appropriate" ones. For example, they will replace the word "reddit" with "9GAG". Or rename "I have made this awesome cake" to "Awesome Cake" and "Look what I've found in Paris!" to "Genius graffiti from Paris" (they cannot be all over the world at the same time).
Bots cannot do this task. Only humans can.
- reddit is not the only site they steal from.
I have noticed they steal from other sites like tumblr and pinterest as well. Probably there are even more websites.
- 9GAG fakes the submission times of stolen posts in order to make it seem like 9GAG is the original source.
Let's take a closer look at this one.
reddit post: http://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/z8icm/socially_fabulous_penguin/
9GAG post: http://9gag.com/gag/5259343
reddit post time: 22 hours ago
9GAG post time: 23 hours ago
Now, it seems like it was posted on 9GAG before reddit! This is a witty trick from the 9GAG Administration. Let's find out by how many hours their post time has been manipulated. For this we take a look at the next post: http://9gag.com/gag/5259341. Obviously this has been posted before http://9gag.com/gag/5259343 because the submission number is smaller. But when we look at the submission times, we see this...
http://9gag.com/gag/5259341 post time: 17 hours ago
http://9gag.com/gag/5259343 post time: 23 hours ago
When it should be reverse! Oh dear, what is this? Wizard magic? Or proof that 9GAG invented the time machine?!
- 9GAG does not want their users to notice that their community is very restrictedly ruled by admins.
They're pretty good at hiding this. Their commenting system will automatically hide your comment if it contains the word "reddit" or "reddit.com", for example. It is only visible for yourself. Sign off Facebook and your comment will be gone.
They have taken other steps to make sure their users don't notice that most of the top 9GAG posts are stolen. They have removed the submission times from Hot / Trending, they have removed the Likes from user pages (except your own) - because bots can easily be spot since they have 0 likes - and they have removed comments from user pages because people would point out bots.
- 9GAG "repost accounts" are easy to spot. If you know they exist.
Example "repost account": http://9gag.com/bananabirdie (Screenshot)
Take a look at his posts. Nearly every single one reached the Trending or Hot page (indicated by the high number of comments and likes). This is impossible, regular accounts look like this http://9gag.com/loninox (Screenshot) and don't ever reach the Trending / Hot page. Not to mention with every single post.
- 9GAG staff does look out for people who point out "repost accounts". I have listed some in my post before. Nearly all of them are gone now. Once they see a "repost account" mentioned, they will not delete it - but change its name. Proof here. more
Seems like they really don't want to make this go public. They also want to keep the stolen content. Everytime a "repost account" is discovered, they give it a new name. Repeat ad infinitum.
At first I thought they have created a script that automatically changes the accounts name after a certain amount of visits (let's say 100) use the referrer reddit.com (or 4chan.org, tumblr.com...). But I shouldn't give them ideas. The account I've mentioned in this image has been changed as well, so there are definitely people changing the accounts names. I have never linked it anywhere, nor has anyone else. The referrer is i.imgur.com and not reddit.com.
"repost accounts" usually have two words in their names, maybe one or two underscores, some random numbers before or after the name. They have made a name generator script only for this purpose.
The fact that 9GAG has to constantly steal content from other sites is only proof that 9GAG has the worst community ever. Even though 9GAG is the 268th most visited site on the planet their users cannot come up with their own funny content.
9GAG seems to be based upon the idea that the administration steals content from other sites, as this old screenshot shows. It looks like they have always been stealing. Check how many posts have been posted by a user called "reddit". But now they have decided to hide the fact that they take their content from reddit.
9GAG does not want people to know this. They've done several things to make their content theft go unnoticed.
If you still don't believe it, check out these administrator accounts. Look how all of their posts got massive votes and comments - something that is impossible to achieve without cheating the system.
Here's some proof that 9GAG reads even tiny subreddits like /r/9gag. They deleted the 9GAG account of this redditor shortly after he created his thread.
Humans make mistakes, and 9GAG staff are only humans. Here is a post they accidentally uploaded on their Trending page. 9GAG users didn't understand the joke and their mistake went viral on reddit. Then 9GAG found out and removed the post (...since they observe reddit). Lulz was had.
(LINK) (GAG) (USER) Let's see how long it takes for them to fix the issue.
- The owner of this post is a "repost account". Watch how it changes as soon as it is being discovered:
Here is one of the oldest 9GAG accounts. Seems familiar?
Either 9GAG stops stealing content from other sites using their evil system they have developped over time and leaves the content creation to their userbase
they will make it even harder to detect stolen content, add more protection mechanisms and cover their tracks even better.
I recommend you go for the first option, dear 9GAG Admin who is reading this.
I apologize for my poor English skills. Feel free to copy this post. 9FAG_EXPERT out.
189 AgonistAgent 2012-09-03
Finally, a conspiracy theory with actual evidence.
59 inept_adept 2012-09-03
Awww yisss, I can fap to this.
10 tonypotenza 2012-09-03
we can't prove big banks are vacuums of the people's wealth ?
6 AgonistAgent 2012-09-03
We can, I was talking more about space Jews stuff.
-2 tonypotenza 2012-09-03
we can't prove that Jews protectionism is what cause WW2 ?
4 [deleted] 2012-09-03
6 TheRealHortnon 2012-09-03
I think he means on this subreddit. I'm happy to see this post here as well, and it was actually interesting to read.
A lot of the conspiracies around here don't have much in the way of actual evidence, though.
-2 inept_adept 2012-09-03
It's almost like they are theories or something, who the fuck do these people think they are!?
2 TheRealHortnon 2012-09-03
Just to be clear - You support the ability to post anything and everything regardless of factual basis or evidence, and present it as something "real"?
-1 inept_adept 2012-09-03
The side bar clearly states:
Its a theory that people can post their theory's and people make their own mind on whats ""real"".
0 Patrick5555 2012-09-03
-2 tasiv 2012-09-03
but, it's not a conspiracy theory... it's conspiracy fact! cons piracy... PIRACY!!! OMG CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!
-17 KonDon 2012-09-03
Nice condecending comment there, asshole.
101 selfchosen2 2012-09-03
Great research! I see the real value of Reddit in the comments, not the submitted links.
18 [deleted] 2012-09-03
Well, its like they say...
"If you want the real story read the comments!"
Great work OP!
55 ThisPlaceIsAJoke 2012-09-03
I've never been to 9GAG, I still found this really entertaining to read.
10/10 would gag again
15 Akael 2012-09-03
Me either, and after reading this post I will never visit the site.
-33 stefan_89 2012-09-03
9gag is the same as reddit -.-
17 Gullyhunter 2012-09-03
And now you know why
-28 stefan_89 2012-09-03
Except 9gag is visually more appealing, maybe I should visit that site more often.
9 [deleted] 2012-09-03
Ok, seeya!
7 TwoLives 2012-09-03
Usability over visuals any day.
4 Gullyhunter 2012-09-03
Do what you want, I'm not your real dad. I can't tell you what to do
2 OtisJay 2012-09-03
ummmm no. Reddit's front page isn't covered by bot accounts.
Reddit doesn't remove watermarks from photos/pics. Some users might have in the past. but when they're found out...
-2 stefan_89 2012-09-03
Reddit does give submissions without author's consent, Reddit also at times does not give the source of the content, Being fair, 9gag doesn't either but that doesn't make them the 'bad website'. Also, 9gag doesn't have 'bots' that filter content from reddit. These are just people.
3 OtisJay 2012-09-03
this is the fault of the users not admins
agreed users don't always give credit where credit is do. doesn't matter the site
Lol i wasn't talking about filter bots. (That had to change after 4chan's attack, i lul'ed so hard) but account bots that are acounts that do most of the reposting. let me be clear. I'm ok with a repost, But when watermarks are removed. That's kinda bullshit..
-1 stefan_89 2012-09-03
Don't you think it's ridiculous to have watermarks in the first place?
What if I told you that users posted 9gag, not admins. Would you honestly believe 9gag is some evil company, sifting through content on various websites 24/7, removing watermarks, adding theirs, and then have a group maniacal laugh? OR just users posting funny pictures/rage comics they saw that day on reddit or funny junk on to 9gag.
1 [deleted] 2012-09-03
It's more than a maniacal laugh. The more people that visit the page, the more money 9gag makes off of their advertisers.
42 DocSporky510 2012-09-03
You're doing god's work my friend
-35 stefan_89 2012-09-03
More like wasting time.
21 JimmerUK 2012-09-03
Nice try, 9GAG admin.
24 Saguine 2012-09-03
To people claiming that "this is how the internet works" and citing that sharing and resubmission are just a part of things, I'd just like to point out that it's one thing to teach, for example, that Watson & Crick discovered the double-helix structure of DNA. It would be another thing entirely if my lecturer tries to claim that he discovered it. The issue is not in the reposts, it's in the suppression of evidence giving credit outside 9gag.
tl;dr 9gag is a site run by narcissistic, pretentious faggots.
-1 highguy420 2012-09-03
I was with you until your tl;dr. Do you have any evidence they are homosexuals?
5 Godfodder 2012-09-03
You can be a faggot and not be homosexual. If you agree with Louis CK, that is.
-6 highguy420 2012-09-03
Louis CK is a comedian. He says things that his audience thinks are funny to get people to pay him money. You, however, are either accusing the administrators of 9GAG of being homosexuals, or you are conflating homosexuality with ill-reputed members of society. Stand on a stage and use the word "faggot" as a punchline in a joke and it will be obvious that you are using the term humorously. Use it in a normal sentence without any context indicating otherwise and it will be assumed you are using it derisively.
There are plenty of other words that can be used to convey your sentiment. There is absolutely no reason to use that word, which has the disadvantage of reduced clarity of meaning, when so many others would much more eloquently and precisely convey the contempt you feel for the subjects without conflating it with their sexual identity. I personally do not agree with Louis CK on the subject and despise that joke of his, even while enjoying almost every other bit he has done. He may be a good comedian, but he is human and has bigoted and misplaced beliefs just like the rest of us.
So, are you saying that they are homosexuals or are you just saying that their behavior is as reprehensible to you as that of homosexual behavior? Kat Williams calls all sorts of people "niggers" but I don't hear you calling the 9GAG admins "niggers". How is that derisive epithet any different? Pawning off your choice of words on someone else is immature and shows little responsibility for the impact your words have on others. You are not Louis CK, you were not performing stand up comedy when you said this, formulate your own defense.
7 xt- 2012-09-03
South Park already took care of the "faggot" argument.
-2 highguy420 2012-09-03
That's like arguing that black people can use the term "nigger" without reproach (i.e. the writers of South Park are avowed homosexuals). And, to continue my previous point, it's a cartoon which implies satirical intent. There was no context surrounding the use that would have indicated satire or humorous intent. It was a comment within a serious discussion and the use was unwarranted and confused the subject under discussion.
Using derisive language, no mater how noble one's intent, is still using derisive language. There was no reason to bring their sexual identity into question, nor to inadvertently disparage homosexuals by equating them to the 9GAG administrators. Being aware of the meaning of one's words, and responsible for the impact, is a sign of maturity. South Park would be an example on the other end of the spectrum, and furthermore tends to undermine your position on the subject.
So far the only thing we have determined in both rebuttals to my comment is that using "faggot" incorrectly is perfectly acceptable in the context of humor (an assertion I wholeheartedly disagree with). The comment in question was not intended, from any reasonable person's assessment, to be humorous. Even the other words in that very sentence have specific and intentional meanings. The word "faggots" seems misplaced and unnecessary in order to convey the meaning of the writer's message, and in fact it seems to detract from the overall message.
5 xt- 2012-09-03
It has nothing to do with sexual identity, how are you not getting this? It's a word being used in a different context. The word "faggot" isn't always referencing a homosexual. The actual definition is a bundle of sticks. There is no need to get offended.
-5 highguy420 2012-09-03
I think my point about being responsible for the impact of your words being a sign of maturity was either lost on you, or you were just proving my point for me. If you want to be painted as immature and insensitive feel free to use the word "faggot" to your heart's content.
2 Godfodder 2012-09-03
Neither, I'm playing devil's advocate. Well said, though.
1 highguy420 2012-09-03
Good point. I didn't look at the usernames.
19 orangetube 2012-09-03
now to get the masses to read this
14 [deleted] 2012-09-03
Good investigate post with backup proof. This is what I like to see and read, good post.
10 Conradfr 2012-09-03
9Gag is great, it keeps lots of stupid teenagers from reddit.
9 ale_pato 2012-09-03
Every post on Reddit is from the original creator.
22 [deleted] 2012-09-03
We don't claim the creation and we don't put a big-ass watermark. And, most importantly, this is a link sharing site, and we acknowledge that the content we see here is taken from other places. Very often the original site is credited.
6 [deleted] 2012-09-03
Very often the image is rehosted on imgur and the original site is not credited.
5 [deleted] 2012-09-03
That depends on the subreddit you're visiting. /r/funny is all reposts on imgur, but on many other subreddits, such as /r/mylittlepony and /r/TheLastAirbender the original source to deviantART is credited more often than not.
2 freshhawk 2012-09-03
And the comparative sizes of those subreddits are ... ?
9 cameronisaloser 2012-09-03
I wonder if 9gag will copy this?
1 alanwpeterson 2012-09-03
They will and switch the names around
1 cameronisaloser 2012-09-03
100 years later.
8 Macdude77 2012-09-03
If Reddit/4chan/Funnyjunk all went a month without posting any original content, 9gag would be exposed to all as the unoriginal pathetic excuse for a website that it really is.
7 Sandr0G 2012-09-03
I stopped visiting 9gag since I've noticed the many reposts.
-24 doejinn 2012-09-03
You should go back, they have completely changed. They have great content now, even better than Reddit. 9 gag rules.
6 tugaac 2012-09-03
I just checked it out, they do have SOME OC, but still, their image is tainted beyond belief and always will be in the opinion of many users.
-21 doejinn 2012-09-03
9gag rules
5 [deleted] 2012-09-03
You've made three comments in this thread and all of them have contained "9gag rules". Please, contribute something more or leave.
-13 doejinn 2012-09-03
Oh, I'm sorry, I though this was America, i didn't know we were in socialist kakzanistan. I though i had the freedom of speech. World war 2? The civil war? Ring any bells?
8 [deleted] 2012-09-03
Sorry to disappoint you. This is the internet, specifically - reddit.com (located on the internet), accessible on a (mostly) global scale. No - this isn't America. You have a freedom to say whatever you want, but that does not mean that it should be said. You're bringing solely an opinion into a conversation that is revolving around pointing out inconsistencies and backing them up with proof.
World War 2 was not about 9gag nor freedom of speech.
I assume you are referring to the Civil War of the United States, in which case yes; that was about freedom of speech and escaping taxation. It was not about 9gag or stealing content. Actually - fun fact for you, the declaration of independence was modeled after other British documents so that it could not be blatantly rejected as being 'uneducated propaganda'.
2 [deleted] 2012-09-03
I believe you're thinking of the Revolutionary War...
1 [deleted] 2012-09-03
I was, thank you. I suppose both are applicable, though. But yes, that is what I meant.
-12 doejinn 2012-09-03
Whatever dude, we kicked your ass in world war 2 no matter what you say. Also FYI America invented the internet and also you are right about the civil war it was for freedom of speech something you will know.
8 Patrick5555 2012-09-03
Are you real
2 TheOnlyMe 2012-09-03
No man, this guy is like evil santa or something...instead of leaving presents under trees, he leaves bullshit on threads
3 [deleted] 2012-09-03
You might want to check your facts about that internet bit. The historical development of it was essentially a joint effort. Regardless - it does not matter where it was invented, as that is irrelevant to both this conversation and the modern internet today (as it has adapted so much since it's 'creation'). You might find this video interesting to watch, as it may clarify a bit of what I'm saying in the event that it does not make sense.
Bringing me to my second point. I never said who overcame who in what war(s). It looks like you're confused about where I am in the world, as shown by your "we kicked your ass" comment. I was born, raised, and still reside in Florida, thank you very much.
-9 doejinn 2012-09-03
Ok then, in that case you should be so unamerican. The fact is that America invented the internet, it was called the arpanet, which became the internet, only England and France helped a bit but that's was only basic stuff, like Alfred helping batman. So you can't claim we didn't invent it. P.s. I respect your opinion to.
2 Nikiyols 2012-09-03
Maaaaan, if America hadn't "made" the internet, Russia would have. With bears, and vodka.
3 StewieGriffindoor 2012-09-03
3 Sandr0G 2012-09-03
Nice try 9gag admin.
4 TheOnlyMe 2012-09-03
No they haven't, go suck your own fucking dick, and i hope, if you're not flexible enough, you'll break your back ignorant dumbass.
don't take this seriously, i don't give a cunt what he thinks. I hate 9GAG because of the reposts and the theft of content, and usually i would keep this for myself, but in this case, i'd love to lower myself to your level
-3 doejinn 2012-09-03
5 Pyrelord 2012-09-03
http://i.imgur.com/Zj5J9.gif How I feel about 9gag stealing from reddit.
5 Bunchu 2012-09-03
Upvote the shit out of this.
5 zeymad 2012-09-03
Dude can you repost this to a more mainstream subreddit? To get more exposure?
3 Nikiyols 2012-09-03
It's in /r/bestof now, I think.
4 nameandnumber 2012-09-03
4 [deleted] 2012-09-03
I just deleted my 9GAG app from my phone :)
4 bink_uk 2012-09-03
Brilliant work sir.
4 chinaboyd 2012-09-03
Stefan_89 is most likely one of the 9gag admins. Look no further.
3 ZUR5 2012-09-03
I once was on 9gag, now i left and after reading this i can confirm, you can never make it to the hot page. You sir are awesome
3 Djloudenclear 2012-09-03
I don't know if anyone remembers the Rob Delaney stolen tweet 9gag debacle, but I posted a screen shot of it to 9gag (as I do with many 9gag exposing posts), and it was removed, just poof, several hours later
3 Ptypablo 2012-09-03
I've noticed this, I go on reddit in the mornings and look through r/funny and then I go on Facebook and a friend of mine shares the same things I've seen on reddit from 9gag
3 skywalker3880 2012-09-03
Not that I care about all this but couldn't you use your skills to do something more constructive?
3 twoheadedturtle 2012-09-03
Has anyone else noticed CNN getting a lot of their news stories from Reddit a day or two after its posted?
4 [deleted] 2012-09-03
Yahoo news often uses reddit and cites comments
2 Samdi 2012-09-03
So... 9GAG is an automated Reddit?
8 Ricktron3030 2012-09-03
You didn't read the post.
-2 Samdi 2012-09-03
Shit, i thought I did. Strange how life works sometimes.
-16 stefan_89 2012-09-03
Pretty much --
5 NeonWabbit 2012-09-03
No. Can you have an in-depth conversation of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic on 9GAG? No, you can't.
9GAG is the worst site to ever be mistakenly uploaded onto the internet.
-19 doejinn 2012-09-03
9gag rules
5 NeonWabbit 2012-09-03
9GAG rules at being a piece of shit.
1 TheOnlyMe 2012-09-03
9GAG rules every pile of shit ever flushed down a toilet, if that was what he meant. they also rule justin biebers record company
2 VodkaCranberry 2012-09-03
Nice try 9GAG staff. I have never once looked at 9GAG and now I'm curious.
2 butterfinger123 2012-09-03
can someone please explain to my why 9gag does all of this stuff? Just so the site stays popular?
0 R99 2012-09-03
Why does Reddit do it?
1 nicdevera 2012-09-03
The Hidden posts are pretty far down the page now. Looks like the Reddit burn worked. Gives the userbase a chance now at least.
1 GovDisinfoAgent 2012-09-03
I'm so divided on if this is /r/circlebroke or /r/bestof material.
Joking aside, really good work on the research.
1 south-of-the-river 2012-09-03
The internet - Serious business
This is no conspiracy. This is just the nature of social media.
1 phanell 2012-09-03
so, i'm a bot, right? giving you made a list of bot accounts? that's strange.
5 9FAG_EXPERT 2012-09-03
oh dear
3 Tobatsu 2012-09-03
I can make fake accounts too, ya know.
1 SigmoidFreund 2012-09-03
In other words, a HuffBlow version of funny shit on the internet.
1 Awwgasm 2012-09-03
The internet in general is a natural selection in itself. The people with the attention span of a potato stay on the stupid sites. It's better that way anyway.
1 [deleted] 2012-09-03
Is it okay if I link this to facebook? You will get the credits ofcourse!
1 BaconNarwhalsReddit 2012-09-03
I still just thing their fags...
-2 tripsick 2012-09-03
What about the Daily Show and Bill Maher all stealing their jokes from Reddit submissions and comments?
10 awaterytart 2012-09-03
You see OP posted with some sort of evidence; it helps lend credibility to statements you declare out of the blue that really don't even relate to the OP's post.
9 spoons2020 2012-09-03
i haven't heard of this. do you have any examples? just curious.
-3 [deleted] 2012-09-03
who cares? why does this have such high votes?
3 shawnz 2012-09-03
because of http://i.imgur.com/4TKFJ.jpg.
-10 stefan_89 2012-09-03
Because we have morons with reddit accounts.
2 OtisJay 2012-09-03
Don't you have more 9gag bot accounts to fake?
-1 stefan_89 2012-09-03
Cute, but no - but I do enjoy 9gag for what it is.
2 OtisJay 2012-09-03
So you enjoy a front page full of fake accounts just reposting with little to no OC?
-1 stefan_89 2012-09-03
Prove to me that they're fake accounts. And even at that, lets assume that 9gag hires people to reposts content from various websites to their website, removing watermarks and such - Do you know what reddit was founded on? People posting funny articles, stories from other websites and forums.
1 OtisJay 2012-09-03
prove it??? there is more then enough in OP's post.. did you even read it? you're one hell of a troll or you're so blind... i'm done...
-2 stefan_89 2012-09-03
Perhaps you should touch up on those reading skills, no where in OP's conspiracy does it actually 'prove' that 9gags 'hires' people. OP just shows that content on reddit is being posted on 9gag with watermarks removed. Who I am to kid, I'm arguing with someone on r/conspiracy. The tin foil companies owe you great service for your loyalty.
-3 ONOOOOO 2012-09-03
Nice work, but you could put (xpost) in the title so it's obvious you created the original and aren't just reposting Edit: I thought this was posted in other subreddits first, just suggesting a solution
-4 MyMotivation 2012-09-03
It's not stealing, just copying
9 TBS96 2012-09-03
cough watermark cough
0 doejinn 2012-09-03
You got a bad cough, I'll tell Mark to get you some water. cough water Mark, cough. Great, now i have a cough.
2 TBS96 2012-09-03
I actually have a cold. I'm not even joking.
0 MyMotivation 2012-09-03
There is no theft involved. It's exactly the same as filesharing, it's not stealing if you don't take the original copy from the owner.
3 OtisJay 2012-09-03
True However when i Pirate i'm not claiming i made this song/movie
1 KnightofGrim 2012-09-03
I think we're treating this like the politicians back with sopa/pipa.
Its like handing a CD to your friend and say burn this for me. Which is legal. However if you hand a Cd to a friend and say burn this for me over the internet, its illegal.
1 [deleted] 2012-09-03
Copying without permission = stealing!
-4 [deleted] 2012-09-03
Why does this matter?
-4 [deleted] 2012-09-03
who cares?
-13 stefan_89 2012-09-03
Honestly, why do people give a flying fuck about 9gag. It is a great site.
-5 digitalpizza 2012-09-03
Complaining about reposts on Reddit
2 StewieGriffindoor 2012-09-03
-7 A17EKL710 2012-09-03
Awwww! Look at all the angry nerds complaining about 9GAG! Here's something to make your day, Nerds: 9GAG > Reddit
-7 LonelyPolarBear 2012-09-03
People complain about their memes getting stolen while they're downloading the latest Avengers bootleg. I would have never heard of 9gag if it wasn't for 4chan complaining about it. Really who cares.
4 awaterytart 2012-09-03
Who cares, people that torrent seem to purchase more movies than those that don't. Seems like torrents might be helping the movie industry.
1 [deleted] 2012-09-03
The people who make these memes and images aren't selling anything. This is a zero-loss situation.
1 awaterytart 2012-09-03
I was merely responding to his implied assertion that bootleggers shouldn't complain about stolen IP/CP by asserting that bootleggers generally respect IP/CP despite what most people believe.
1 [deleted] 2012-09-03
Don't speak for most bootleggers. I pirate routinely, but have no respect for IP or the wishes of content creators. I pirate because I like free music and movies.
1 awaterytart 2012-09-03
I left in that awesome word, "generally," for everyone else that does NOT respect IP/CP and that DOES pirate.
1 [deleted] 2012-09-03
I've never met a pirate with a differing set of views from mine. I've very rarely encountered people who buy software, then pirate it to get around obnoxious copy protection, but never the pro-IP pirate.
Getting things for free is preferable to paying for them. This is the central premise of piracy.
1 awaterytart 2012-09-03
Not according to this article or many of the people I know whom pirate.
-8 JaminSousaphone 2012-09-03
I always used to browse 9gag. It was a change, a new place, a fresh experience. But when you start seeing shit that you saw on /b/ four years ago you start to think that the place is a little shit. It's a reddit for people who cannot be arsed to CLICK. a mass meme massacre on a daily basis, slaughtering memes over using them and most of the time posting shitty rage comics about trivial shit that no one should give a shit about but then when it's online... WAIT I GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THAT! SMILEY FACE BUTTON THAT SHIT! and lo and behold 9 gag becomes something of legend.
I must admit, the 9gag army, or so they're called are pathetic. The site is a shambles, but then again who cares? It's an internet site just the same as any other in some respects.
Why can't we just let them have "our" content. Why can't we let them steal and use what redditors have created? Because they're not stealing it? No they're not just doing some mad shit with some computers to STEAL images and links from the face of reddit and relocate them on 9gag. They're copying. And sharing. Just the same as every single person on this site (I'm pretty sure I can make that assumption) has done with media such as music, movies, TV shows and games. Don't be hypocrites guys. Be happy you're making something good enough that people want to "share".
....To make it clear I respect the research 9FAG_EXPERT has done and I am not trying to defend 9gag or reddit. But there is a line we need to draw when people are taking credit for your creations but still what can you do? You can't track them down and beat them into submission.
33 [deleted] 2012-09-03
I present to you Operation Bukkake
That's the new plan. We already did it once, with wonderful effects.
1 The_STD_In_STUD 2012-09-03
Can you pm me a better resolution pic? It looks and sounds funny.
3 [deleted] 2012-09-03
That pic is already huge. Did you open it properly?
1 [deleted] 2012-09-03
That's pretty high resolution, did you click on it to zoom in? I can read it perfectly and haven't heard any other complaints. I don't have a higher resolution anyway.
1 The_STD_In_STUD 2012-09-03
I think its my phone's fault then.
1 [deleted] 2012-09-03
Ah yeah, my iPod won't let me see big images very well when I try to save them.
15 AgonistAgent 2012-09-03
They're removing credit(watermarks, etc) and claiming it as their own. Big difference from sharing and piracy.
6 aripp 2012-09-03
Nice try 9gag.
-13 JungleBruce 2012-09-03
Just another example that it isn't black vs white or Jew vs Muslim or cat vs dog people, common human sheep will always find a way to carve out an "us versus them" scenario.
GASP, a website is stealing content and putting it somewhere else?
9FAG_EXPERT, how much time did it take you to put that OP together? LOL, take your meds and go get some sunshine!
6 Saguine 2012-09-03
Some people actually enjoy research. Try taking the massive cock of your own self-inflated ego out of your mouth before speaking next time, you pretentious twit. There is zero reasonable justification for 9gag to do this, so why are you trying to defend them?
-15 stefan_89 2012-09-03
This is B.S. Reddit doesn't have a 'right' to any content. Those who argue that 9gag is 'stealing' from reddit are hypocrites.
I love the community here, especially the /r/askscience - but most content in reddit are links to other websites. There isn't anything 'exclusive' to reddit - the users who posts pictures/videos here are posting it on the internet, a medium of free information. What if I told you that some redditors are 9gaggers?
EDIT: Downvote me all you want, but you guys are fucking morons to think that reddit has any intellectual property over rage comics and pictures.
6 [deleted] 2012-09-03
-12 stefan_89 2012-09-03
Back at you
15 zombie_cupcakes 2012-09-03
You just copied his comment exactly, while defending 9gag. You're only helping prove OP's point.
4 StewieGriffindoor 2012-09-03
2 TheOnlyMe 2012-09-03
No man, this guy is like evil santa or something...instead of leaving presents under trees, he leaves bullshit on threads