This September 11th I think it would be a good time to remind people about Operation Northwoods.

121  2012-09-04 by [deleted]

I think a good way of bringing up some attention to the nefarious actions of the government is talking about Operation Northwoods on September 11th. People are sick of having that argument especially on the anniversary. So it would be cool if we just linked the wikipedia article on Operation Northwoods on our respective social media platforms. Just an idea and would love to hear feedback.


Probably the most interesting read you could have after watching 9/11 truth documentaries, as it provides a background for a motive for something like a false-flag operation.

Favourite part of the unclassified documents:

" "Evacuate" members of the non-existent crew"


To be honest, the last one I came across was the best one.ยด, for the full on science approach.

I like this idea, maybe I can make a video for people to share, explaining the detail of ONW

yes, please do!

I have started one but getting done by 9-11 is not looking great, it's more difficult than I first thought. I will try though.

There will come a time, in the not too distant future, when the mention of Operation Northwoods will land you in a detention camp. Spread the word NOW!!

I really don't see this as DV-worthy. I share your POV.

Do this every day!!

Please remember, though, that Northwoods was never put into action.

There are plenty of other false-flags that actually happened. Read about the "Lavon Affair" where Israelis dressed as Arabs blew up the King David Hotel killing many innocents.

Seems as though Israel and false-flag terror go hand in hand...

"Operation Northwoods was never officially accepted; it was authorized by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but then rejected by President John F. Kennedy."

It never was put into action because of JFK, but the JCoS were pretty gung ho about it.

One more reason the Pentagon, CIA, and FBI wanted him out of the picture. Guy went from a serious hawk to a hippie dove, and we can't have that. Same with RFK, who should've been our president in '68.


OMFG, cant believe I did that; good catch!


Yes, actually our buddy Rahm Emmanuel's dad was a full-fledged Irgun terrorist!

Please remember, though, that Northwoods was never put into action.

Only because JFK rejected it.

Cheney, or any other modern Neocon, wouldn't reject it.

So... to be clear... shit that was actually put into action? Like giving you sugar pills instead of penicillin, or putting strontium in your milk?

But that fake stuff doesn't cut it. With you, there.

Heh heh. I show the wikipedia entry for it and people still don't believe it!

It's there. It's true. It has cited sources. Wikipedia isn't the only place it's talked about.

al SIGH......

I think that redditors from /conspiracy should hit /politics with a barrage of Operation Northwoods info on 9/11. All day and night.

Wait.... deleted?


We can call it Operation Northern Lights. To help wake them up.

lets also not forget about executive order 12656.

I will do this. I won't say a word. I'll just link it on that day.

This sounds like a great way to link your reddit account to your real name...

Also the Lavon Affair[1] if you think the "Dancing Israelis"[2] significant.

Nothing to see here...

Operation Northwoods was a series of false-flag proposals that originated in 1962 within the United States government, and which the Kennedy administration rejected.

Man, I had to go ALL THE WAY to the end of the first sentence to stop caring. Holy shit, people have proposed ridiculous things and then had them get REJECTED? 9/11 must have been an inside job then!

So many people tell me that our government isn't evil enough to commit the acts of September 11th, Operation Northwoods is a reminder that it is. All it would have taken is one stroke of JFK's pen and it would have happened. That one stroke would leave people to argue that a conspiracy to blow up planes to go to war with Cuba would be too big to conceal and someone would have said something, or that our government wouldn't do such a thing, or whatever poppycock people argue when defending the official story. It is a perspective changer.

Username "CallingOutYourBS" may well be a sock puppet account.

He will be effectively wasting your [time / energy / life] if you engage him.

He's not worth the effort.

Operation Northwoods is a reminder that it is

Actually, it's a reminder that it isn't. Cause, you know, it didn't fucking happen.

Also, you have no evidence that had it gone into action it wouldn't have gotten out. That's pure speculation on your part (truly shocking, considering where I'm posting.)

You want to garner support for your cause, don't do it by saying "look, nothing happened, which clearly shows that they could have kept everything quiet if it had!"

Not sure why you are bolding your curse words at me.. are you screaming at your monitor as you type and you wish to convey this? Anyway if it did happen that wouldn't have declassified it. I don't think it takes too much imagination to see why our government drafts such plans. The Gulf of Tonkin incident happened and just like Operation Northwoods it was a plan to make stuff up to lead us to war. If you can't see the reoccurring pattern and motive of our government making stuff up to go to war than I am sorry for you but please be quiet as we try to inform others.

It was to emphasize the part where you logic made no sense. It wasn't just the cuss words either. No actual defense, so you have to go "omg you used bad words!"? Really?

You somehow went from something not happening to acting like it is evidence that things can't be too big to hide. There is no logical connection there. It's a bad argument.

If you want to convince people you're right, then don't use bad logic, and don't downvote people for pointing it out when you do. It makes you look like a petulant child. If you just want to go "omg sheeple!!" and make your side look foolish, then carry on.

I am not trying to convince people with logic and evidence. If you read my post you would notice I said to not argue and just link an article. It is not a piece of evidence or proof but a good way for people to have their perspective change. You obviously are not one of the people that is able to read that and put it into historical perspective with your own critical thinking skills and relate it to current American foreign policy. But I think a lot of people when they learn about it are. So that is where we disagree, now please go away.

Or, I'm one of those people that is able to read that with my own critical thinking skills and not making ridiculous unfounded jumps in logic.

So your point is it's not evidence or proof, just use critical thinking to show that it's how things happen now! Yea, that's not trying to use it as proof... ಠ_ಠ

I'm done with you. You're too dense to even recognize what you're doing, and imply anyone who comes to a different conclusion than you of not being able to use critical thinking. Sorry buddy, the person going "hey something didn't happen + critical thinking = obviously it's happening now!" is the one that needs to take another look at what critical thinking is.

I understand that Operation Northwoods in no way by itself gives any proof to the real culprits of 9/11. It does nothing to help prove our government was behind it. That being said I feel it has a very important part in convincing people to look at the evidence with less biases. When you have a majority of the populace that is raised believing a certain world view any evidence that contradicts it will not be viewed objectively. This is where I feel Operation Northwoods is useful because it breaks a lot of peoples world view that the government would never PLAN terrorist actions against its citizens. The majority of Americans today can not accepts such a large change in their world view despite what evidence is presented because it so violates their world view. You say that nothing happened but you are wrong something did happen: the US government planned terrorist actions against its own people. That maybe be nothing to you but to a lot of people it could really make them look at the evidence with less cognitive dissonance. For every person that's world view is based on their very real assumption that their government would never PLAN anything like this, I think Operation Northwoods is the key to getting people to look back on the evidence more critically.


People consistently try to argue that the United States government would never dream of creating a false-flag attack on it's own people and then subsequently lie to them in order to increase & expand their own powers.


That's the point I was making flying by you. I don't have a problem with using it to say the government has had false flag plans before. No shit, sherlock.

I have a problem with using it as a counter argument to "plan is too big to not leak."

Enjoy your strawman. Until you can actually understand and comprehend the arguments being made, you'll just be one more dumbass making a fool of himself and wondering why no one will listen to him.

Lol Lyman??? What a fcking name for a bag of shit. Traitorous filth.


Dern tootin'. These colors don't run naggers.

I remember introducing this case (OpNW) to my fundie-patriot, ex-Navy, Pennsylvania redneck uncle; he shares that mentality.

He basically replied with, "well, if we have to kill a few of our own to kill a bunch of 'them,' then I'm for it!"

I retorted with, "do you think 9/11 was something along these lines?" I figured maybe he would see a connection or at least a likeness in these two cases. Fuckin' NOPE.

His response? "No fucking way the govt was working with towelheads."

THIS is the mentality that lets the world continue into its downward, back-trodden spiral. Completely floored still by the whole thing. Fuck me.

"No fucking way the govt was working with towelheads."

But I bet he rode the "Obama is a MUSLIM!!! OH NOEZ!!" train for all it was worth. LOLOL!

'MURICA! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You bet! And who cares if he is as long as he represents the majority, right? Which he doesn't... Fack.

I knew it! :D

But, Muslim or not, he just plain sucks as president.

Kind of obvious - since the beginning of his presidency, really - who he represents. Wall Street does not account for the rest of America.

Agreed. Have an upvote!

Look, I'm as patriotic and conservative/libertarian as it gets---my grandfather was a cowboy, I had family in the American revolution and we sailed over in the 1600s from England---I love our people and the ideas that this nation was founded on---but our country isn't--nor has It been run by and for the people since 1860. We've had several brief relief hiatus periods when we were led by Teddy Roosevelt, JFK, and Reagan---but every other President has been a disgrace for sale.

I'm patriotic about the ideals and what our country represents. I look at it like King Theoden who was under the control of Grima Wormtongue and Sarumon---with the media and the Federal Reserve representing them in my analogy respectively.

Great analogy. Reagan was kind of a crook though (no pun intended).

Yes, about the analogy--but Reagan was a patriot who put OUR people first. He wasn't a slave sucking off the teet of the Federal Reserve like Obama, Bush(s), and Clinton, Carter, Nixon, and most fucking definitely the most disgraceful cripple to ever exist--FDR, honorable mention to LBJ--a scum's scum. Truly.

Yea, we can go with that - he did move along a few laws during his administration that furthered (and, really, founded) the War on Drugs.

It would behoove oneself to recall Ronnie's acting career and his supporters during both his election campaign and administration. Mainly big business and industrial/military sectors BOOMED during his presidency; his administration did a great job of getting people back to work when unemployment was so high.

He, in my observations and opinion, appears to have been groomed/funded/welcomed-by the higher-ups of the military industrial complex and subsidiaries within said classification.

The obvious WG Scandal which - if looked at through a business perspective (not ethical, that's counter-big business) - Reagan pulled a sort of small-scale operation in the likeness of his financiers and CEOs (if you will). Is this indicative that he understood the falsity of the WoD? It's highly possible; his moral compass is clearly lenient enough to permit crimes in which he would get away with. the only problem being, he failed.

Greed's a sonofabitch I guess. Id like to think that if I were in the shoes of the Presidency, I'd probably end up like JFK (but hopefully, would keep my head), but who knows.

Anyways, Reagan, in a sense, did some good things; I just think that they were only 'good' in the short term sense.

Just my two cents. I'm Canadian, what do I know.

"Reagan was a patriot who put OUR people first"

Reagan traded arms for hostages. He negotiated with terrorists. Then he lied about it. He claimed that he served in WW2 while he cut Veterans' benefits -- but he lied about that too. His only moment in uniform was in a movie.

"He wasn't a slave sucking off the teet of the Federal Reserve"

Reagan appointed Greenspan to be Chairman of the Fed, and then proceeded to collude with Greenspan on all sorts of teet-sucking goodies. Read and learn.

I don't think I've heard of Operation Northwoods. Don't tell me it's like Operation Bukkake...I want to find one subreddit not demanding the end of LE 9gag ARMY.


That's a very interesting read.

The most interesting part is how it was never put into effect and was instantly shot down.

"Operation Northwoods was never officially accepted; it was authorized by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but then rejected by President John F. Kennedy."

It never was put into action because of JFK, but the JCoS were pretty gung ho about it.

and yet it bares striking resemblance to the events of and subsequent to 9/11.


Whatever you do, don't.

4chan made it, id be wary too. Its basically a plan driven to shut down 9gag by ruining their site and Facebook with scat and stuff on 9/11.

Kind of obvious - since the beginning of his presidency, really - who he represents. Wall Street does not account for the rest of America.