My fellow "conspirators" Let's solve this riddle together!! If you are a truthseeker, this is gonna keep you awake all night. I hand to you nothing less than: the origin of the symbology of the all seeing eye!!!

21  2012-09-05 by [deleted]

I am erasing this, no use on reddit. Am also going to leave reddit alltogether, its a waste of time. Go back to bed guys.


According to Dr. Timothy Leary, the "all seeing eye" is not simply an illuminati symbol. It is the symbol of intimidation which has been incorporated into all institutions of oppression. The ocular windows in churches and cathedrals being one such example. It's a symbol of intimidation, nothing more.

"God is watching you." is no different than "Big Brother is watching you."

The panopticon effect.

Oh god how dumb. Hey look there is also a vagina and an ice cream cone in the cloud. Conspiracy!

also in the upper middle right side, it looks like a fetus in a womb growing there.


not a side by side, so you'll need the original. make what you will of it...


I need an arrow, too. Please??

This guys needs an arrow too


There are many many triangles in this picture, I came to find out.

I couldn't see "your" triangle until you pointed it out.

Seems like you're saying that you have willfully concentrated in an effort to affect your own perception of the image in order to see something that isn't really there.

Or is there some "Magic Eye" (lol) hidden image that actually appears when stared at for two minutes?

This whole post smells trolly.


Sorry, I just don't see anything resembling pyramids, much less a human eye, in that image of part of Orion.

I am erasing this, no use on reddit. Am also going to leave reddit alltogether, its a waste of time. Go back to bed guys.

Aww man, don't be like that. It's not a big deal.

Sigh... How do you not know how to place an arrow to clarify?


You do know that shots like this are heavily recolored to make features stand out easily to the naked eye, right?

It's actually the Eye Of Horus who's the god of war and vengeance which describes the US pretty well.


Dude, seriously, it takes two God damned seconds to out a fucking arrow or circle on an image. How can you even say you don't know add an arrow? Put the damn image into Paint, draw an arrow, save it, and upload it. If you can't manage something THAT simple, it really detracts from any credibility you might have. I've been looking at this image for 15 minutes, and I am still not sure what you are referring to. I am finding pyramid with eye images in the nebula in every area BUT the place you say its in. I realize that I am probably a retard for not being able to see it, but this is a subject that is highly interesting to me, and this could be a significant development.


I don't see it. Please identify these things with circles and arrows.

Like many before you OP, you're connecting dots, real dots with real meaning and connections, and like many before, you don't know when to pull back and turn off the desire to find patterns where none exist.

Do yourself and all the other truth seekers a favor and toss out your "jump to conclusions" mat. It doesn't work as advertised.

The idea of "evil eye" has been around for a long time. With it being at the top of the power pyramid would basically be saying evil is now ruling us. ................ {An "evil eye" denotes the opposite attitude. A man with "an evil eye" will not only feel no joy but experience actual distress when others prosper, and will rejoice when others suffer. A person of this character represents a great danger to our moral purity.} But it also seems to fit with the Eye of Horus. Who actually lost an eye.

I also think it may have something to do with subliminal programming using symbols. This is called "sigil magic" but if you research farther into it people actually use this to subconsciously program themselves.


Well the next step would be to see if their is a common eye used (left or right) and see if that corresponds to the story of horus losing his eye. Im at work right now so I can't really look into it.




I'm gonna need an arrow or a circle I don't see it this is the best i can find... where is the "perfect depiction of a human eye"?


Jesus, man. How high were you when you first stared at this picture?


rrr rrrrRRREAL fuckin' high on drugs.


im looking more at the bottom where there are two really straight lines connecting at a point blue and red and then above where these lines connect is a beige color looking 'eye'


In that first image, it's now famous for being a man fighting a dragon. Although, in your mind, the EYE would be above the DRAGON. Good thing ORION is beating it's ass I guess. Cloud gazing is fun eh?


It is an interesting read. Thank you.

Hear me out, I'm dyslexic so I see thing different some times. What I did was Flip it.. and this is what I saw also the eye is in the center and I left some room around the lines so you could make it out. uploaded to a gallery. Also check into pyramid of caius cestius in Rome, Italy, and a very hard to find watch.

Now, buckle up and go to this hubble high res picture of the Orion nebula (which by the way is abolutely breathtaking) and zoom into the middle of the top left quarter. You will find here a perfect depiction of a human eye in the center of a pyramid. In fact, you will find a silouette of three pyramids that look exactly like Gizeh Silouette.

Pareidolia. You're seeing what you want to see in a random collection of gas.


Ha ha ha! Show me the deliberate processes that created the gas cloud! Are you fucking retarded? A gas cloud 1000 light years away was put there deliberately - knowing that we'd create a telescope around this time powerful enough to see this pyramid!!!?

You're a moron.


Take psychedelics, you'll find the symbol is the perfect representation of your true nature - empty awareness watching whatever arises. This is the eye of providence, the eye of god.