Members of Foreign or Domestic Intelligence working on Reddit to manipulate public opinion? Look at the posts and comments from this Redditor.

10  2012-09-14 by [deleted]

What do you think Reddit? Do we have spies just working biased to manipulate opinions on Reddit?

Clearly some tools they use is to ridicule others with different opinions.

What do you think?


Israel and our govt(US) have programs in place so its not surprising to see one from the federal reserve or anyone with enough money to hire a PR firm. If you look at the facebook page of almost any business almost 25% of the likes are from employees. Social media is just one more avenue for propaganda and advertising.

True many likes on facebook are either employees or people that dont like the company the reason they like them is zo that they can post on the wall.....source my friend works for a data mining company that searches all platforms of social media....also i believe it is called cointel pro or something its a document that describes the ideas and ways to influence a forum or site....they use different tactics to help either to switch focus from the subject or to produce disinformation or be supportive of certain ideas to help influence the thought process of the forum visitors

How come so many advert companies think Facebook profiles and their 'likes' are real people? It is trivial to make up a faux Facebook account (with matching faux gmail) and click 'like' or add a comment to a forum.

Well from her the like on a companies facebook page are actually ignored because of that and a few more reasons they dont look at those numbers as a solid source and a majority of the time they are just ignored

I don't know if I can agree with "they are just ignored"... Tweet counts and Facebook Likes are thrown around in the media, usually to segway lol segue to a topic or use as backup 'fact' to a statement about popularity. The Likes have more cultural sway than financial, which in turn becomes a powerful financial tool in of itself.

They gather the information, but in the reports that they run they are not used as accurate data do to the fact that people "Like" them so that they can post on the walls of those company pages... However many of those people tend to bash on the company...So they do not use it as a benchmark to show a positive correlation is what I was getting at.

100%, pretty easy to spot too. I just wish people would stop giving them what they want, attention & distracting discussion. Down-vote, ignore, report and move on.

If they seem too dumb or too in love with the official narrative to be true: they probably aren't.

I wonder sometimes, if all the spies are manipulating each other and think that they succeed with their work because they are getting upvotes.

Or if people are really that stupid.

If people like this really are spies then wow. That particular account has been active and maintained for a year. They're playing the long game rather than creating an account, commenting, deleting and moving on. The possibility of this scares me.

Yes. Of course there is no prove that he is a intelligence agent, but his biografie on reddit is very much political biased to be "normal" in my humble opinion.

Then yours is, too. Are you working for Mossad????

If people like this really are spies then wow.

He didn't post any evidence, he literally made an accusation, and you accepted it.

That particular account has been active and maintained for a year.

And I frequently discuss issues like American economics, Magic: The Gathering, and biology. Wow, it's almost like ALL THE EVIDENCE POINTS TOWARDS ME NOT BEING A ZIONIST SHILL!

They're playing the long game rather than creating an account, commenting, deleting and moving on. The possibility of this scares me.

Holy shit, you've literally bought this hook line and sinker with nothing but a single insinuation from a single guy. This is why people make fun of r/conspiracy users.

Whatever. If you want to put on a tinfoil hat and join the EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH OUR ALTERNATIVE NARRATIVE IS A GOVERNMENT DEEP-COVER OPERATIVE, feel free. It doesn't out ME as a spy, it outs YOU as a moron.

He posts in conspiratard.

Not worth the time or energy.

What about his comments make you think he works for an intelligence agency?

It's not only the comments.

It's just the whole view on his account. The comments, the threads (95% in /r/conspiratards). I could see a "David Star" next to his user name before, now I can't... I don't know about that.

His comments are always pro-Israel. It's not a conspiracy to be pro-Israle. It is just weird, if you engage only in a debate to bash anti-Israelism and Liberalism. His threads are just pointing out his main subject: Jews.

The comments, the threads (95% in /r/conspiratards).

there are users that only post in /r/conspiracy there are users that post in /r/politics, hell there are users that only post in /r/masseffect and /r/cats .

I could see a "David Star" next to his user name before, now I can't... I don't know about that.

reddits custom coding is very tricky, I loose the sub-reddit format on various pages every now and then on my computer at work (I balme IE 9 personally). If you understand the whole /r/conspiratard meme, we (I post there sometimes!) like to play a lot of the whole "jews/reptiles control everything" trope that is prevelant on conspiracy theory blogs, it drives more serious bigots insane to think there's a (public)forum of evil jewish overlords ploting against there blogs, or something.

His comments are always pro-Israel. It's not a conspiracy to be pro-Israle. It is just weird, if you engage only in a debate to bash anti-Israelism and Liberalism. His threads are just pointing out his main subject: Jews.

He bashes anti-Israelism a lot(also evidently talks about magic the gathering, US case law, and biology a lot too, kind of strange to get a retrospective summary of a user's comments) but this is only proof of being non anti-Israeli or pro-Israeli, you'll find out in life, people often have different opinions and perspectives than your own. They are all not paid to express their opinion.

he seems to be aroused by the mention of Ben Bernanke. Ha, but yes. The obama AMA in particular was full of agents.

Yes, I believe Ben Bernanke did a wonderful job dealing with the recession, even as our Republican congress works on a daily basis to fuck everything up as hard as it can. If Obama had gotten his stimulus (not the one 1/10th the size of what he asked for) we'd be out of this mess. But, as I've said elsewhere, there's no point in arguing, as this community is full of people who think (and openly say) that anyone who disagrees with the anti-Obama hyper-Libertarian narrative is a government shill. Enjoy your witch-hunt!

im very certain the general view on this forum towards the president's true role is a globalist elite puppet head and not necessarily anti-obama or anti-libertarian. Then again I could be completely wrong.

(the dude you are talking to is in the same club, check out /r/NolibsWatch for more info)

Wow, this is my first time seeing this.

You people are so delusional it's hilarious. Awful lot of "EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH MY R/CONSPIRACY TALKING POINTS IS A PAID SHILL" goin' on up in here!

Anyway, the accusations are ridiculous.

The comments, the threads (95% in /r/conspiratards).

Nowhere NEAR 95 percent of my comments are in conspiratard (oh, look, people in r/conspiracy exaggerating! That's new!), and I frequently discuss many other subjects, as those_draculas pointed out.

No one pays me a single cent to speak on the internet. Yes, there are people who are paid to serve as propagandists, but you guys need to get through your head that not everyone has the same exact narrative you do, because different people trust different sources of information. Me? I prefer not to get all my info from blogs with names like "Judeofascism" and russiatoday, so I can see why that might make me seem like a PRO ISRAEL ZEALOT!!!!1one.

Except I'm not. If you've actually read my comments, you'd find dozens of condemnations of the state of Israel, and a statement that the damn thing certainly shouldn't exist where it does. That said, any time I point out, for example, that Israelis are being shelled with rockets on a daily basis and that retaliating against people who commit acts of terrorism while using civilians as human shields (I.E. Hamas) I'm called all sorts of awful names, because r/conspiracy isn't about truth, and it isn't about free expression, it's about propping up an ALTERNATIVE narrative in exactly the same way that neo-cons prop up the ISRAEL GOOD PALESTINIANS EVIL narrative - by dismissing dissenters as evil. You're really not that different from them. I'm just the middleman, pointing out the hypocrisy I encounter here (and on places like r/nolibswatch, which invaded this thread to pat you on the back for feeding their insane paranoia).

<I could see a "David Star" next to his user name before, now I can't... I don't know about that.

I'll enlighten you: my flair on r/conspiratard is a Star of David with "Mossad" in big letters. It's Ironic. Because whenever I point out that someone in r/conspiracy is practically quoting Mein Kampf, I ACTUALLY get accused of being a Mossad agent...because this is a community populated by, surprise, paranoid nutjobs.

Why is it so hard to believe that someone can have an idea without being paid to? You, Soigroeg, for example, like to post in Seddit, a forum dedicated to treating women like gazelles in need of hunting on a good day, and objects to be acquired on a bad one. You don't see me accusing you of being "paid" to promote a chauvinist ideology; I'm quite sure you do it because you believe it. Then again, I'm not fucking crazy person, and don't assume that people who disagree with me are conspiring against me.

It is just weird, if you engage only in a debate to bash anti-Israelism and Liberalism

I bash Libertarianism because it's generally based on economic falsehoods and contradictions. I bash "anti-Israelism" because so often on r/conspiracy, "anti-Israelism" is just an excuse to bash Jews for existing. This place REALLY looks like stormfront an awful lot of the time.

His threads are just pointing out his main subject: Jews.

My "main subject" is not Jews, but the main subject of what I post on r/conspiratard has frequently been Jews. Do you know why? Because r/conspiracy spends an awful lot of time looking like fucking Stormfront. If people like tttt0tttt and bumblingmumbling - who aren't "anti-Israel", but actually just plain hate Jews and want to spread that hatred - weren't treated like paragons of honesty and bravery instead of the neo-Nazis they are, then maybe I wouldn't have to post so much about Jews.

It's always interesting how Neo-Nazis accuse their detractors of spending too much time talking about Jews when they're the ones who steered the conversation there in the first place. If r/conspiracy's anti-Israel posts didn't degenerate into JEWS ARE EVIL AND RULE THE WORLD AND SHOULD BE EXTERMINATED, I'd never have said a damn thing in the first place. But they do, because you're surrounded by literal Nazis, and you don't even realize it.

But so what if I post Jewish issues at times? I'm Jewish, and if these people get their way, I'm going to find myself in the camps with the rest of them, despite the fact that I'm an atheist, don't ACTUALLY support Israel, and haven't set foot in a synagogue since I was like, 17.

In short, this entire thread is one large circle-jerk of congratulations for exposing a "shill" without a shred of evidence - literally, NOTHING that any sane person would consider evidence - that I'm anything but a guy who thinks you folks are batshit stupid.


I hereby apologize to you for starting a stormfront against you and hope you can accept it.

There's is nothing I oppose more, than hostility to foreigners and in your particular case anti-semitism. I'm going to give out some information about me, because I am going to leave this account anyway today.

I live in Germany and therefore I am well educated about the camps, and I even have seen them from the inside. Thus let me explain that I am not anti-jew. But neither am I pro-jew. I am just positively neutral to all races.

Bonus Fact: Did you knew, that prior to the gathering and deportation of the jews to the camps the German government had passed a gun-law, that strictly forbid weapons in the population.

But nevermind. I am sorry that you are confronted with this big Anti-Israel and Anti-Jew neverending stream and I therefore understand your motivation. From an outsiders point of view, your actions just really didn't make sense. Now they do.

I understand that parts of /r/conspiracy are based on a jew-centrical political view (Illuminati, Hollywood, Bilderberg & Banksters a.s.o.) and therefore understand your strong opposition versus this subreddit.

Remember by ridiculing the community as a whole, you are just drawing attention and hostility from not antisemtists.


Wish you good luck in life and take care.


Wow. This is the nicest response I've ever gotten. Literally every time I explain where I'm coming from on these issues, people reinforce the argument, declaring I'm STILL a Zionist, no matter what I believe.

I hereby apologize to you for starting a stormfront against you and hope you can accept it.

100 percent.

I live in Germany and therefore I am well educated about the camps, and I even have seen them from the inside. Thus let me explain that I am not anti-jew. But neither am I pro-jew. I am just positively neutral to all races.

This is basically the first time I've heard someone on r/conspiracy say they're not "anti-jew" and felt it was believable. You should see the holocaust denial around here sometimes.

But nevermind. I am sorry that you are confronted with this big Anti-Israel and Anti-Jew neverending stream and I therefore understand your motivation. From an outsiders point of view, your actions just really didn't make sense. Now they do.

I could care less about the anti-Israel stream outside of the fact that it so often turns into an anti-Jew one. I've seen people on this subreddit literally call for a second holocaust to "wipe out" the Jews because of Israel (no1113), and half a dozen others express direct agreement and admiration for Adolf Hitler. These are people who are active in this community, and frequently they get upvoted until someone puts their posts on subredditdrama or something and they get downvoted (something I've done once or twice, but only with the intention of showing people what some here believe).

I understand that parts of /r/conspiracy are based on a jew-centrical political view (Illuminati, Hollywood, Bilderberg & Banksters a.s.o.) and therefore understand your strong opposition versus this subreddit.

And I even understand where this is coming from. Jews ARE disproportionally represented in the financial sector, and do have a disproportionate amount of political power. The so-called "Israel-Firsters" exist, and hearing them speak makes me think they're just as deluded as the Neo-Nazis, and the two ideologies feed into each other in a bad way.

Remember by ridiculing the community as a whole, you are just drawing attention and hostility from not antisemtists.

A fair point, and one I sometimes forget. I generally have a pattern-driven view of history rather than a conspiratorial one, so that explains a bit of my distaste for what I read here. Honestly, I'm more amazed by the hypocrisy than the racism; so many people accept alternative narratives with next to no evidence simply because they like them better.

At the end of the day, all I'm dealing with are some jerks on the internet. No one's throwing me into camps, or rounding Jews up. But that doesn't mean the idea isn't chilling, and that I won't fight it where I encounter it.

Thanks you,

Graped_in_the_mouth (I really do wish I'd chosen a less irreverent name sometimes).

I've started using this a lot.

That's an interesting tool.

I find the list of active subreddits and the active time of day to be very helpful in gaining insight the behavior and comments of some redditors.

Just a garden variety Zionist zealot by the looks of it.

You didn't look hard enough. Criticizing Neo-Nazis like bumblingmumbling doesn't make me a Zionist Zealot any more than criticizing Far-right conservatives like Michelle "Crazy-Eyes" Bachmann makes me a Communist.

Haha, I have him tagged in RES as "Zionist Fucktard" from months ago.

Probably because you, like the rest of this subreddit, has a "IF YOU AIN'T WITH US YOU'RE AGAINST US" mentality. I stood up to crazy bigots like bumblingmumbling, who literally spouts Nazi propaganda, and that makes me a "Zionist".

Even when I've explicitly denied supporting Israel, even when I've said STRAIGHT UP that the state should never have been created in Palestine, that's still not enough to disqualify me as a "Zionist".

Because the word doesn't really mean "supports Israel's status as a Jewish state" to you people. It just means "Jew who interrupts our circle-jerk". Whatever. Carry on, Stormfront.

Amazing how his/her interests are so varied, yet his/her opinions are exactly in line with the status quo in every respect. Also, for someone of such high intellect, why spend so much time trolling the very people he/she claims are so silly? It's almost like he/she is being paid to do it.

hes part of a group that has been doing this since Digg check out /r/NolibsWatch where we track and expose them

What a noble career...

the conspiratard/EPS crew started a sub based on graped_in_the_mouths username called /r/ChildGrape its all about gRAPEing children - they are the same sick fucks who mock rachael corrie in /r/WorldofPancakes (she was "pancaked" by an israeli bulldozer) for more info check out /r/NolibsWatch

You want to try and post anything critical about Obama. It's very difficult to keep a low karma count or stay at 0.

It's not only the comments.

It's just the whole view on his account. The comments, the threads (95% in /r/conspiratards). I could see a "David Star" next to his user name before, now I can't... I don't know about that.

His comments are always pro-Israel. It's not a conspiracy to be pro-Israle. It is just weird, if you engage only in a debate to bash anti-Israelism and Liberalism. His threads are just pointing out his main subject: Jews.

Wow. This is the nicest response I've ever gotten. Literally every time I explain where I'm coming from on these issues, people reinforce the argument, declaring I'm STILL a Zionist, no matter what I believe.

I hereby apologize to you for starting a stormfront against you and hope you can accept it.

100 percent.

I live in Germany and therefore I am well educated about the camps, and I even have seen them from the inside. Thus let me explain that I am not anti-jew. But neither am I pro-jew. I am just positively neutral to all races.

This is basically the first time I've heard someone on r/conspiracy say they're not "anti-jew" and felt it was believable. You should see the holocaust denial around here sometimes.

But nevermind. I am sorry that you are confronted with this big Anti-Israel and Anti-Jew neverending stream and I therefore understand your motivation. From an outsiders point of view, your actions just really didn't make sense. Now they do.

I could care less about the anti-Israel stream outside of the fact that it so often turns into an anti-Jew one. I've seen people on this subreddit literally call for a second holocaust to "wipe out" the Jews because of Israel (no1113), and half a dozen others express direct agreement and admiration for Adolf Hitler. These are people who are active in this community, and frequently they get upvoted until someone puts their posts on subredditdrama or something and they get downvoted (something I've done once or twice, but only with the intention of showing people what some here believe).

I understand that parts of /r/conspiracy are based on a jew-centrical political view (Illuminati, Hollywood, Bilderberg & Banksters a.s.o.) and therefore understand your strong opposition versus this subreddit.

And I even understand where this is coming from. Jews ARE disproportionally represented in the financial sector, and do have a disproportionate amount of political power. The so-called "Israel-Firsters" exist, and hearing them speak makes me think they're just as deluded as the Neo-Nazis, and the two ideologies feed into each other in a bad way.

Remember by ridiculing the community as a whole, you are just drawing attention and hostility from not antisemtists.

A fair point, and one I sometimes forget. I generally have a pattern-driven view of history rather than a conspiratorial one, so that explains a bit of my distaste for what I read here. Honestly, I'm more amazed by the hypocrisy than the racism; so many people accept alternative narratives with next to no evidence simply because they like them better.

At the end of the day, all I'm dealing with are some jerks on the internet. No one's throwing me into camps, or rounding Jews up. But that doesn't mean the idea isn't chilling, and that I won't fight it where I encounter it.

Thanks you,

Graped_in_the_mouth (I really do wish I'd chosen a less irreverent name sometimes).