Bill Clinton receives $1 million "birthday gift" from ISIS-funding Qatar while Hillary was SoS, Qatar receives arms flow increases of 1,482%

2437  2017-08-20 by Bucks2001



  • “Would like to see WJC "for five minutes" in NYC, to present $1 million check that Qatar promised for WJC's birthday in 2011.” ​

  • Just another examples of breaking the law. Also remember from earlier: Hillary KNEW that Qatar funds ISIS. Why is the country funding ISIS giving money to Bill and paying for Hillary’s campaign. What are they getting in return?

  • In accordance with the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution, you may not accept anything of value from a foreign government, unless specifically authorized by Congress. This rule applies whether you are on or off duty. Any unit of a foreign government, whether it is national, state, local, or municipal level, is covered. It also applies to gifts from international or multinational organizations comprised of government representatives. It also may apply to gifts of honoraria, travel, or per diem from foreign universities, which are often considered as part of the foreign government. Spouses and dependent children of Federal employees are also banned from accepting gifts from foreign governments.



1 million is nothing, remember Trump ONLY had a very small loan of one million dollars from his dad and built a billion dollar empire out of it. Talk about going from rags to riches.

Make up your mind either it's a big amount or it's not. Can't choose based on how much you like the person

Alt-left: P'shaw! Anyone could turn a million dollar loan into a multi billion dollar empire!

Also, one million dollars is nothing for a foreign country to give to the husband of the United States's top diplomat for a birthday gift! How dare you imply it were a bribe, nazi!

This comment is very conflicting and just odd. The only sense it makes on any level is that you are saying Trump is better at investing than the Clintons are? Serious dose of WTF did i just read?

What does Trump have to do with this post

He's a nazi, obviously! Duh.

He's the president. He did an arms deal with the Saudis.

this statement may sound like he turned a million into a billion, but in reality he turned million into 4-8 million over 15 years, it wasnt until his father passed and left him with an industry that was worth 0.6 billion that he would continue to grow.

  • Just another examples of breaking the law. Also remember from earlier: Hillary KNEW that Qatar funds ISIS. Why is the country funding ISIS giving money to Bill and paying for Hillary’s campaign. What are they getting in return?

How was Qatar paying for the campaign?

Through the Clinton Global Initiative.


It's bullshit. None of the Clintons take a salary or draw money from that charity.

And they also didn't steal money from their foundation/Haitians to pay for Chelsea's wedding.

Spoiler alert: they didn't.

Shills are out in go force. Time to leave this sub.

So the same as Ivanka was paid a billion?

They didn't. This is probably just an error because it's a complicated matter but the damning relationship between Clinton and Qatar is simply her knowledge of the distribution of American weapons to ISIS through the Qatari government. If it's not Misprision of Treason on Clinton's part then Obama could be in very legitimate and very serious trouble. One troublesome thing about justice in the upper halls of national leadership is it takes public will to prosecute people at that level.

This is ACTUAL PROOF of Clintons selling favors to foreign governments during her time as SoS. - The Memo
Source: - "I'm also starting to worry that if this story gets out, we are screwed." - Fall out - The cover up

Relevant search:

More old Hilary stuff? Is something coming out about trump later this week?

"Guys, the election is over. Let's not talk about Hillary anymore."

"Maybe most people just dislike Trump."

"Bernie didn't lost because of the DNC."

"But Russia."

You know what's really funny? Deep down. You know that if there was anything to arrest a Clinton or Obama Jeff sessions would've leaked something, anything to keep you guys rabid. It ain't there bro. Trey Gowdy had that woman take questions for 11 hours, 11. I'm sorry but Trump is friends with them if yiu didn't know, it's all a show. You got played my man and it's OK, just admit it.


Basic spelling is important my friend.

Wow. OK. Sorry. Guess everything I said was irrelevant bc of my phone fucking up and me not catching it. I apologize. Im a real ignoramus.

By the way. Did Trump misspell the word "heal" twice in a tweet and have to delete it? Yes? Oh no. I think he may be rubbing off on me and making me dumber.


The double reply? Damn sorry I triggered you over you misspelling a word snowflake. I'll try to do a better job of avoiding your safe space next time lol.

I think this interaction has proven my point.

BTW I ask all Trump supporters this. Can you please post a video of him explaining anything in detail? I'm not even talking policy. Just whatever. At least from this decade if you cam.

Quick question, are you gunna off yourself in 2020 when he wins again?

Dude. You have 5 days to find me the video of Trump explaining the details of any policy. 5 days and that response is what you came back with? Pathetic. Hahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Here some lol, now really please don't kill yourself when he wins again

I agree trump is all a part of the show but to claim Hilary doesn't have any blood on her hands seems naive. I think she's just an untouchable.

Exactly. I hate hearing "how could she have done anything wrong if she isn't arrested." Because she's fucking Hillary Clinton, that's why.

The serious problem is that it is there but it's completely bi partisan. If Clinton were to go down so would McCain and Ryan and McConnell and probably even Clapper.

Maybe. I just can't see a leak not getting out. Remember the Nunes midnight WH visit about unmasking. That was the best they had. Susan Rice just got her top secret clearance reupped so that proves that false.


There is enough public evidence to devastate the Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch bureaucracies. It's already leaked. You just need literally one email and the names of the people that approved the arms sales to Qatar and Saudi Arabia and the names in the Intel chain that informed Clinton about the destination of the weapons.

Well if it happens it happens. Can't someone not trust Trump and not be pro Hillary. All I'm saying that they had guys in the nsc looking for every bit of evidence of something and they came up w that unmasking bs.

Didnt they treat sessions in a similar manner? 15 hours or something like that?

He didn't answer like any questions. So I'm not sure how invoking privilege proves you innocent on either side, Hillary if she did. I don't doubt she's dirty, the Clintons are. I'm just saying if there was evidence it would've leaked.

Tons of shit has been leaked. Isn't this thread about a leak? Also, how willing are you to believe unnamed anon leaks coming from members of our government who possibly are trying to save their asses or directly benefit from slandering potus.

More of this illegal stuff surrounding the Clintons?

This is all in the past now guys can't we just forget about it? Please?

You answered your own question before asking it, novel.

Guys, I can only handle 1 big conspiracy at a time, please.

It is ALL one big conspiracy. Everything is connected.

Yes. Maybe Mueller is going to provide some more insight or Trump will fire Kushner.

I think this makes trump look bad too for not putting them in prison.

I'll drink to that.

Considering it's Trump we're talking about, we can probably count on something coming out every week for the rest of his term. That's not a hard guess.

ignores everything about Clinton during her election process


"it's all old news now guys, it doesn't matter"

Lefties. Not even once.

I'm curious, how did a six year redditor never notice the constant, intense scrutiny HRC got about everything?

You mean before this site was verifiably taken over by paid shills through CTR/Shareblue.

Every time someone brings up paid shills I demand to know WHERE DO I SIGN UP! I WANT TO GET PAID!

But no one ever can get me the money. Show me. I want it. Show me.

Is it genuine scrutiny when nothing came of it while the public information is serious enough and legitimate enough to be a slam dunk case?

Is it genuine scrutiny when nothing came of it...

Right, Foxnews was in on it, just like the Koch Brothers, the late RM Scaife, Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and a hundred was all fake scrutiny.

You are coocoo, coocoo, coocoo.

You just listed a bunch of people that would argue ita a miscarriage of justice. Lol. No, the scrutiny from the left never happened. They have as much integrity as the people you just.

Hillary and Bill were bought and sold years ago

I live in Canada so I'm not exposed to the entire us political spectrum and I know there's more to it than this but I honestly think a big reason trump won or at least got the steam behind him was that people know what the clintons are and want no business with them.

The worst part is most people only knew about the emails and that's why they didn't vote for her. Imagine if they knew everything else she's done...

He picked up steam because team HRC got their operatives inside the MSM to prop up Trump to ensure her victory in the general election. HRC was afraid of Jeb Bush.

Qatar funds ISIS 🤣🤣🤣

Weren't they the ones that literally just released proof that ISIS and Al Qaeda are funded mostly by Saudi Arabia?

You expected OP to know that those were different countries?!

*know anything about the situation in the middle east

Also, isn't it pretty well known that Saudi media outlets have been trying to push the Qatar = terrorists thing for the past year or so? It seems like an open secret that their whole "qatar is isis!" is pretty laughable propaganda considering the strong Saudi ties to terrorism.

And that Saudi Arabia is currently blockading Qatar, starving the nation of food and resources

lol something fishy when the funding and training jumps from Saudi to Qatar after Saudi blockades Qatar roads, air, & possibly water using Navy to block it's ports.

(IMO) I don't trust anyone or any country who points fingers at smaller countries calling them terrorist when Saudi has been causing chaos in middle east using USA tax payers cash & equipment. But who am I to say (I guess)

Oh no please don't bring this unfortunate fact up! Because then people will realize Trump signed a $100+ billion dollar deal with Saudi Arabia....

Not saying I excuse his actions, but Obama sent arms and money to the Saudis, and Clinton would have as well. I wouldn't be surprised if he was pressured into it, as it is the status quo of our government. Again, not trying to excuse it, but just trying to keep the conversation on topic and not just degrade into a fuck Trump thread, it has nothing to do with him.

I was using sarcasm in my first comment. Clinton would have done the same, without a doubt. My comment was mostly in response to the people who still defend his actions and think he isn't part of the status quo. He's #45, that's all. Another cog on the wheel.

"we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region." - John Podesta in an e-mail to Hillary Clinton


Who the fuck downvotes this? Primary source with more blood on it than OJs alleged glove and 1/100th of the population knows it exists.

I'm pretty sure that in his interview with John Pilger Assange said that, in his opinion, this was the biggest revelation from the Podesta e-mails.

Saudi/Qatari money is reaching both Dems and Republicans. So we just choose to ignore it.

Exactly right. I think the Intel came from former DIA director Michael Flynn.

Yup and SA are trying to pin the terrorist funder label on them. It's absurd.

Well that explains OP pretty clearly.

This is it fellas. The smoking gun. Hillary isn't going to win the election now.

And she would gave gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling hackers


We remember his name.

His name was Reth Sich

Sith Rech.


Sith Retch sounds like an appropriate reciprocal to Rebel Scum.


cough Russians

Ahem, Secret meetings - in public!


One hell of an October surprise.

I'd say Trading With The Enemy giving Direct and Indirect Support and thereby Aid and Comfort to Federally Recognized Enemies Of The State constitutes one hell of a huge fucking October surprise.

Is this the automated strawman we'll be seeing in every Hillary thread moving forward?


I mean she fucking lost and (hopefully) will never run again. The orange on the other hand is trying to destroy the world. So maybe just maybe he's a bigger problem right now.

You know there is room for more than one topic on this sub? Discussion on this one does absolutely nothing to detract from discussions in others, unless you can't handle not paying attention to anything in life while a fresh Pizzagate thread is on r/conspiracy.

I agree with all your statements in this comment, just not in anyway as a justification to speak against discussing these crimes.

Have you seen this sub lately? It's been all about distracting from the president...

I completely disagree, and have been active for years. I think it's been practically brigaded by this notion that anything not Trump is a distraction, and it kills discussion.

I can't find a quiet place from it

I don't understand how you can be active in this sub and miss the huge wave of buttery males. But honestly, that's not even the worst thing about the sub. It's the sometimes manic, unshakeable belief in some conspiracies that is completely ironic. If you are skeptic about those, you're dismissed. To me, being convinced of something without proof is that exact opposite of what a conspiracy theorist should be. He should question all narratives.

I agree with the openness for discussion and asking questions, which is why I speak out against seeing discussion shutdown and dismissed.

Then leave and start your own sub?

Very well said. > "Question all narratives"

There is a serious lack of objectivity and rationality on Reddit...all over, for that matter.

What the fuck are you even doing here. Just leave us alone if you don't want to be involved.

Just tag, ignore, and move on. These posters just want you to argue them for as long as you're willing, and waste that energy elsewhere. They don't want any Steam to build towards what matters.

Oh, trust me. I'm right there with you. I've almost gotten in trouble around here just for stating to tag people based on how they argue, not even relative to whatever opinion they are arguing. It's clear where civil discourse is respected and where it isn't.

Funny the guy who starts out with "You're pretty low intellect" is complaining about the discussion culture.

Who was it that said that? I'm o mobile so it's hard to pin comments down in full context.

"Distraction" is an absolutely asinine argument. There are massive organizations generating billions in revenue that exist for the sole purpose of distracting you from this stuff but you're not protesting the NFL or MLB or NBA. People on this sub are aware of actual crimes committed by the previous administration while we speculate about maybe possibly could be something with Trump.

The best part is none of this post is new news.. you guys are trying to cling to something out of nothing.

JFK isn't new news either but I dont see you in those threads. What's your fascination with discrediting Clinton conspiracies?

There is no trying to discredit them, just simply stating same old news.

You're in a conspiracy sub, whining about the content of someone's conspiracy post. Why in the world would you care?

The same reason you're here talking shit.

Agreed. You think there's a clinton conspiracy?!?! That must mean you're a trump supporter!! Ermegerd attack!!! Lesser of two evils is still evil and I didn't vote for either.

You should know that I voted for Jill Stein, so I'm practically a Russian KGB agent. We're all Russians apparently.

We're all Russians, now....

(very funny)

She's been investigated from here to everywhere. It's not going to happen. Get over it. You know she was the best person for the job. Just admit it.

Two reasons why she wasn't the best (specifically for people that think she was a the best)

1.) She helped Trump get nominated. If you despise Trump and his supporters, why draw the line at people wearing MAGA hats? Where is the outrage toward those organizations that pushed his public profile? A person willing to gamble that way with the future of civilization has no fucking business near a seat of power. If you actually believe everything you read about Trump that is.

2) As much as the GOP deserves the Fascist label - truly the DNC does too. Bill Clinton reintroduced The Third Way back in the 90s to resurrect policies and ideals that had died with Mussolini (depending on your disbelief in the existence of the Deep State - the ideology never went away).

If you need help in understanding any of this, I'm open to discussing.

What? Why are you presuming to know what I believe, especially when it is far from the truth?

Lol stay awhile and maybe you will learn something!

The orange on the other hand is trying to destroy the world.

Um, no.

But you're pretty low intellect to think that

1 only the president has power when he's in office and only him

2 the president has much power

3 to focus on one person within an arbitrary time frame is intelligent.

The government has been consolidating to the Executive for a long time.



Yeah for public image - because it exacerbates the beauty pageant that is the Election process. But the break away civilization that is the shadow government, which is part of the "good old boy" "octopus" network has nothing to do with rhe Executive.

The Executive is a show pony.

... you could even call the position a salesman. I'm curious what you mean by "octopus".

C'mon dude this isn't rocket science... They have their tentacles everywhere and lurk in the shadows... Ya know, like an octopus.

Who? CIA?

Trump sold his soul to the Zionists in exchange for bailing him out of the shit when he went bankrupt. Considering that the U.S. government had been long since infiltrated by those with that very agenda, Trumps influence or lack thereof seems to be a moot point.

Yeah, if you lose an election you should totally not be guilty of any crimes you may have committed. /s


I think she's gonna lose primaries too!

Go Bernie!

You just hate vaginas, you Bernie-bro, you..

I must have been out of the loop the day the idea of a Bernie bro came about, because I suddenly started hearing about it and had no idea what it's supposed to mean.

It was a method for slandering Bernies supporting base by equivocating them with 'tech bros' which is a dirty word in progressive circles. They're sort of supposed to be the false leftists. The "I'm not racist but..." strawman. I honestly think it was invented by shills for astroturfing anti Bernie sentiment on reddit.

Match me!

You're right, because Trump isn't selling the Saudis anything and everyone knows that the Saudis have never funded terrorism.

We all know he is, as others have done before him, but that's not the meme, now is it?

It's all a matter of who we choose to shine the spotlight on.

As long as you're attacking, you're not defending...... Double standards and hypocrisy aside. That's their plan, just keep on attacking because it's better than defending.

The Saudis are as bad as it gets.

They should be exhibit A whenever someone tries to defend the Republican vs Democrat" fallacy.

And don't bother saying "bbbbut Israel". Israel knows what compartmentalization is.

Wow, look at you, who doesn't need to heat your home or fill your vehicle's tank with gasoline.

I'm not arguing that, but it would be awful fucking nice if everyone would just acknowledge it.

Look at you. The guy who cant infer sarcasm.

Look at you, the person who doesn't know I'm a woman.

Yeah, I remember all those tweets and all that talk from Trump in years prior and right up to the election.

["If the Saudis are so concerned about Syria then they should go in themselves. Stop telling us to do their dirty work." - Trump 10/13(

And where's all that free oil we were supposed to get?

"Tell Saudi Arabia and others that we want (demand!) free oil for the next ten years or we will not protect their private Boeing 747s.Pay up!" - Trump 11/14 And the Saudis were terrible people who killed gays and took slaves back on the campaign trail.

We heard a lot of tough talk. What we got instead.

I dunno where you're living but the cost of oil is cheaper than ever. You should look up some facts.

I don't know what you're smoking, but the US isn't getting any free oil from the Saudis and certainly not for 10 years.

That's all it was, all kinds of talk.

He talked his way to the White House.

Well she is clearly guilty so why hasn't trump put the Clintons in prison yet? This makes trump look bad too in a way.

You think that it makes Trump look bad because he is not prosecuting his political opponents?

It looks bad to accuse somebody of a crime for years but then not press charges. It either means he was lying or he is scared.

I think he realized that while threatening to arrest his political opponents during a campaign was a political norm he could break, prosecuting her would have been a step too far for a lot of voters. The fact that he is talking about doing it now is an indication of his declining support and negative news cycles.

Has he taken any serious steps towards investigations?

Only in terms of talking about doing it.

.. or she's actually guilty of keeping state secrets on an insecure home server, and then deleting those 30,000 emails before the FBI could investigate the extent of this crime, which of course is obstruction of justice.

But there's bribery, murder and child trafficking claims. Going after her for something that many administrations have done would open a floodgate of charges on everyone.

He's not going to touch the Clintons, they have been an likely remain to be on friendly terms.

All that talk about "locking her up" was just Herr Donald telling people what they wanted to hear. He led a standing ovation for her on Inauguration Day:

In a way?

This is just one of many things that absolutely makes Trump look bad

Tomorrow during the eclipse, everything will flicker, then Hillary will be president and none of this will ever have happened.

needs to go to jail or she'll be back

A Trump supporter talking about emoluments? Must be about the Clintons.

Attack the messenger! Ignore the message komrade!

I learned from the best people. I know it, you know it, everybody knows it.

Attack the woman who isn't the president! Ignore the president!

Attack only the president because no other corrupt people matter!

No other corrupt people? So is Trump corrupt or nah???

I'd say there's a good chance. Going by history, whoever is in the presidency is usually corrupt; or at least turns to corruption.

You can't reach the top unless you step on necks and make promises to those who can step on yours

For most cases, that's definitly true. There are some exceptions, but I find it hard to believe Trump is one of those exceptions. It would be great if he was, but we just can't rely on that possibility.

I think he actually is the exception based on what seems like an organized effort to remove him from play day 1

It's true, it does seem like that, but the theory I have is that 'they' know that the citizens are getting tired of this shit and becoming more aware of what's hapening, so they put in an "anti-establishment" president to calm them down and they "attack" him to have the masses continue to believe it. I don't claim to know what's the truth though, there are many possibilities

Uhh no, it's perfectly fine to point out conspiracies elsewhere, as long as others point out the others,


CNN was great until there message got compromised

What, like every time anyone has mentioned Russia in the last 7 months?

I believe everyone is still waiting for evidence, actually. Cute try though.

50% of Clinton voters think Russia actually changed votes.

And we have actual albeit circumstantial evidence of our secretary of state and her ex president husband commiting crimes against the state but that doesnt matter? Can we just agree all corruption needs to be rooted out regardless of political affiliation?

How did this already become about Trump? This post has nothing to do with him.

Because it's an attack on the Clinton by a Trump supporter talking about emoluments. Keep up.

The truth is not an attack.

Then why is it sometimes referred to as truth bombs? Sounds like weapon nomenclature to me.

Are you LARPing or trolling or some shit? The fuck

It's called retardation.

Newsflash, figurative language is figurative.

Newsflash, jokes are jokes

/r/conspiracy is brigaded heavily as of 6ish months ago.

The main reason I'm on this page is bc I thought there would be less partisanship bull shit fights. I figured everyone here would know that bipartisanship is 2 arms of the same body and a great way to socially divide and conquer.

I thought the CIA/Israel funded ISIS?

Bill and Hillary are totally paid for by various organizations, but this seems a little misguided

The actual problem facing Clinton is Misprision of Treason simply by sending that email to Podesta. Trading With The Enemy is no joke and certainly lead to loss of American lives.

This is part of a long-standing military policy that doesn't seem to change very much with the shuffling of presidents. We prop up certain countries / groups and demolish others and it has nothing to do with any atrocities each country commits. It's to establish a "new world order."

Some background information:

Hillary Clinton: "The people we are fighting today, we funded in the fight against the Soviets." The US funded "rebels" back in the 80's when they wanted to push the Soviets out of Afghanistan. We provided weapons and money, trained them, and even gave them religious motivation for war. National Security Adviser Brzezinski telling the Mujahadeen that God is on their side. This group later became "Al Qaeda."

The Taliban indoctrinates kids with jihadist textbooks paid for by the U.S.

From U.S., the ABC's of Jihad

Before that, we also targeted Syria. - In 1957, the British and American leaders approved the use of Islamic extremists and false flag attacks to topple the Syrian government

A very similar scenario happened with ISIS, but this time it's our allies and they are directly funding them.

Dempsey: I know of Arab allies who fund ISIS

Wesley Clark: "Our friends and allies funded ISIS to destroy Hezbollah"

Now, why did Trump bomb Syria despite campaigning against it? Why is Trump allowing arms sales to a country he knows supports terrorists? Why did Obama campaign against massive involvement in the Middle East and then ramp up our efforts once elected? It's because presidents don't have the power that we think they do.

Why did the face in the Oval Office change but the policies remain the same? Critics tend to focus on Obama himself, a leader who perhaps has shifted with politics to take a harder line. But Tufts University political scientist Michael J. Glennon has a more pessimistic answer: Obama couldn’t have changed policies much even if he tried.

Though it’s a bedrock American principle that citizens can steer their own government by electing new officials, Glennon suggests that in practice, much of our government no longer works that way. In a new book, “National Security and Double Government,” he catalogs the ways that the defense and national security apparatus is effectively self-governing, with virtually no accountability, transparency, or checks and balances of any kind. He uses the term “double government”: There’s the one we elect, and then there’s the one behind it, steering huge swaths of policy almost unchecked. Elected officials end up serving as mere cover for the real decisions made by the bureaucracy.

Glennon cites the example of Obama and his team being shocked and angry to discover upon taking office that the military gave them only two options for the war in Afghanistan: The United States could add more troops, or the United States could add a lot more troops. Hemmed in, Obama added 30,000 more troops.

In fact, he is the quintessential insider: He was legal counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a consultant to various congressional committees, as well as to the State Department. “National Security and Double Government” comes favorably blurbed by former members of the Defense Department, State Department, White House, and even the CIA. And he’s not a conspiracy theorist: Rather, he sees the problem as one of “smart, hard-working, public-spirited people acting in good faith who are responding to systemic incentives”—without any meaningful oversight to rein them in.

It's to establish a "new world order."

People keep saying this, but it's such an empty phrase. Everything we ever do establishes a new world order. Every war we fight, nation we build, politician we elect, child we educate, it's all changing the status quo, inexorably. Even the trivial things we do produce changes to the way we live and work.

The real question is, when are we going to stop blaming others and take responsibility for making those changes in a constructive way?

"New World Order" the phrase that people like G. H. W. Bush started using to describe a world wide government to diminish the sovereignty of nations.

Wesley Clark: "Our friends and allies funded ISIS to destroy Hezbollah

Know of a mirror for this video? Appears the original upload's been removed.

Someone here gets it, meanwhile let's upvote strawmans against the sub and have no real discussion.

Why would this be deleted?

Yeah but Trump once said some naughty words and generally speaks in an uncouth manner so who's the real bad guy here, huh?

300+ on an old Clinton story in 3 hour with only 25 comments. I'm sure this is not manipulated in the slightest.

+14 on your own comment, with no comments below it (until I added this one just now)


You can tell how manipulated it is from the 73 upvotes you have right? Just a bunch of Russian bots that love your insight. Get real.

It's old goyim! Crimes have an expiration date, don't you know? Also, it has no bearing on their character since it was in the past.

Also, it means they are not and will not ever commit any crimes in the future.

I remember before the election there was a sr with 4000 upvotes and 12 comments pretty routinely. I wouldn't know because:

all (filtered)

Displaying content from /r/all, except the following subreddits:


and click the plus sign

I fucking hate how this comes up on my feed all the time then I look and see it is /conspiracy instead of /worldnews

You're still subbed to r/worldnews?

Lol how else am i suppose to get me news

Must be nice getting 1 million for your birthday

"Total coincidence" ~ the left

You are outnumbered friend. Wear your downvotes like a badge of honor.

More like brigaded. Learn to sort this sub by controversial. That's usually where you find the best stuff.

This comment isn't particularly interesting, but the top controversial right now actually is.


1) I don't care about your stupid internet points.

2) It's was obviously sarcastic, you idiot.

But don't think for a moment the Clintons invented this little game.

Hell lock her up, as soon as he's done with those potheads.

Those potheads fundin isis n shiiet! HER EMAILS DAMMIT GRRRRR!!

ITT: People making jokes instead of talking about an actual conspiracy.

Is it because the horse has been beaten plenty or because nobody cares or nobody thinks it's bad this happened with a Secretary of State former First Lady almost President

Forum sliding tectic.

I'm pretty sure that donating to a charity run by a person does not violate the Emoluments clause, which I guess is why you misleadingly leave that bit out.

Google "Operation Hornets Nest."

What is "WJC?"

William Jefferson Clinton. Or Bill Clinton.


You're welcome!

Don't see anything about ISIS finding. But sure, keep lying.

Lol... The other middle eastern countries recently laid sanctions on Qatar for their terrorist funding.

That's great the one link you posted doesn't show the funding, though...

Yes, the Sauds want you to believe that.

So why would Clinton state in private correspondence they (paraphrase) "know that Qatar is doing this"?

The Clinton Corruption never ends

how can you go over 100% wtf is 1400%

Really? It's the percent of increase lol. As in 14 times more guns were sold to them after they bribed the clintons.

okay but what's the point of percentages when they don't have a cap, why not just say 14x more?

My guess is they just took the number of guns sold to them before the donation. But it's really just two ways of saying the same thing.

Wow. This is common core at work folks.

common core? wassat?

Lol wellll 400 percent of 1 is 4.

Oh, are we forgetting about ISIS-funding Saudi Arabia who #45 signed a $100+ billion arms contract with? Oh yeah, we are clearly forgetting about this here.

Clinton and Trump are two sides of the same coin. This post is utter hypocrisy.

Whoopsie must've slipped our mind!!

You mean the President who gave billions to Saudi?

Oh wait, that was Obama. Trump helped effectively end ISIS.

One day, you'll realize your mistake in supporting a narcissist who only cares about himself and his power. The rest of us, the real people, the masses, will be waiting to embrace you with open arms.

45 and #44 are two sides of the same coin. If you don't realize that now, time will help you realize it soon enough... I hope.

I've seen a lot of people share this opinion without being able to articulate exactly why. It seems to come from a gut feeling about the whole situation. If you feel this way about the US government and aren't exactly sure why consider taking an afternoon to read "The Philosophy of Fascism" by Mario Palmieri - Because you're not wrong to think that.

You might want to research a little more before using the term "contract" as there are no binding contracts from what I've read. Also, much of that deal was negotiated by Obama admin.

Yeah, it's not binding but #45 bowing to the Saudi King while getting a multimillion dollar gold chain around his neck sure did help seal the deal.

You're right about the Obama part, but you'll get downvoted into hell for even mentioning it. No one will ever speak such truths.

The part where Ivanka's charity got even more money than the Clintons is good too.

A world bank fund she has no control over. You are a liar, and you know you are. Why bullshit? Ivanka's charity my ass.

So the part were the charity of your choice gets money is fine. Good.

Let's move to stealing from your charity. Did you know that Trump settled lawsuits and brought paintings for his companies with the money other people donated to his charity (can't be his own because it was more than he ever paid into it)?

Way to deflect. We are talking specifically about the fun that received the 100m. The one that neither Ivanka, Clinton, or Donny could touch, that the original comment I responded to implied was somehow Ivanka's charity.

No. Both times the payments from the arabic countries come as a publicity bribe towards the person that decides over the deal. Both are just as untouchable. Clinton has to account the money she spend and Ivanka can make suggestions for things she wants to promote with the fund after collecting that much money.

That money is in both cases the money they normally pay as bribes to officials in other countries and because a normal bribe looks bad they buy a nice headline for the person they want to deal with.

After Ivanka got 100m for women from the saudis she had 2 days good coverage until her fiasco in germany but would have gotten more out of it otherwise.

Kudos to Qatar for an incredible ROI.

I guess non-profit charities don't count.

Hilary was MIA you mean?

So worried about people who aren't in office anymore when we clearly have bigger, current fish to fry here

russian bots at it again i see

Ah yes.... The gift that keeps on giving

"Oh, them Clintins...."

I thought we were supposed to feel bad because most of the Middle East is blockading Qatar. Or according to a documentary I saw.

No thing shady going on there... seems totally legit. /s

Wasn't the whole Qatar bullshit found to be planted by other countries including Russia?

Qatar does not fund Daish but Saudi Arabia does.

Wake the fuck up, ISIS is a thing BECAUSE of people like the Clintons, Bush and Obama sticking their fingers where they shouldn't have been and replacing dictators with puppet dictators.

Nice try, Trump.

This comment section may as well read:

Wait, it's totally normal (for a person who held the highest office of government) to accept hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars directly from a foreign government. It's also normal for this to occur when this former presidents wife is Secretary of State. Nothing to see here!

this subs shills are so annoying

Nice, Saudi propaganda is at it again

They pay bill to keep his hands to himself, it's too bad he forgets so easy

This shit makes me nauseous. And to think at one point this man was a leader of the free world.

But what about Russia colluding with Trump?

Lol, I love how people still give a shit about the Clintons. It's especially funny when the president makes a point to bring up his victory over her... Almost half a year later.

This post all but confirms the_dumbass hasn't taken over this sub, so infatuated with the Clintons, it screams"but her emails "

Come on.... more fake news... /s

Qatar funding terrorists is the best lie Terrorist Saudi Arabia ever made. Even if they do it is a faction of the amount of Saudi.


William Jefferson Clinton. Or Bill Clinton.

One day, you'll realize your mistake in supporting a narcissist who only cares about himself and his power. The rest of us, the real people, the masses, will be waiting to embrace you with open arms.

45 and #44 are two sides of the same coin. If you don't realize that now, time will help you realize it soon enough... I hope.

Dude. You have 5 days to find me the video of Trump explaining the details of any policy. 5 days and that response is what you came back with? Pathetic. Hahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha.