Lets admit it, there's nothing revolutionary about Trump. He's using the same tired establishment tactics of fueling cultural division to cover for Wall Street, Big Oil, the surveillance state, telecoms, military contractors private prisons and the 1%.

9884  2017-08-22 by jo9008

After campaigning on ending nation building he has just committed to doing just that in Afghanistan. After 16 years of failed nation building all we are doing at this point is keeping money flowing into the hands of military contractors. If you think his rhetoric on immigration was revolutionary I am sorry to say there will be no wall or mass deportations. If you think his rhetoric on trade was revolutionary I'm sorry to say he has not the leverage or will to do anything dramatic. Trump is an opportunist that will pander to the people but serve the elite like everyone before him.


I think everyone here already knew about the the false left-right paradigm. The surprising thing is that there are still people that think voting will solve their problems.

I thought so too, but there is a prominent figure here who admitted to be a right winger and purposely ignores what Trump says because it furthers their agenda.

Lol, shouldn't you change your username to TrumpIsRacist?

The Russia "thing" is old news.

Trump being racist isn't a conspiracy. Trump's campaign involvement with Russia is. And no, it's not old news.

Clinton and all politicians are in collusion with the Russians, Europeans and Israelis. Rich people around the world don't respect borders, they just help one another to the detriment of the rest of us.


So you think it should be stopped right?

Yes, it's time to overthrow the government and end the entire system. If it's Trump that rallies people to do this, that's a good thing, but I fear that most anti-Trump people think that the Democrats are somehow better.

So you want to destroy our government and destabilize our nation?

Isn't that what you believe Trump has already done? The thing you don't recognize that is that Trump is a continuation of Obama, so you didn't seem to concerned when Obama was destabilizing your nation.

So you want to destroy our government and destabilize our nation?

Yes, the government is immoral and needs to be opposed.

So how do you want destroy our government or overthrow it? What's the plan?

Don't participate. Stop voting and stop paying taxes. Let the system collapse on itself.

Ok, and then what?

Live our lives without the rich people controlling us. Ending war and living in peace finally.

So you wouldn't want to rebuild our government?

No, I know what is best for me, I don't need Trump telling me.

So you don't want any form of government at all?

I'm just trying to clarify your stance to better understand you.

Correct, I'm an anarchist. I believe all services can be privatized. This will allow accountability for things as a result. Like if the cops are not protecting you or your property in the appropriate way, then you stop paying them and hire a different company.

Live our lives without the rich people controlling us

Conflicts with this.

I believe all services can be privatized.

Are you suggesting that McDonalds controls my life? I disagree, because I get a choice about whether I eat at McDonalds or if I cook at home. I don't get that choice with the cops, the fire department or the schools.

I think you just confirmed you're not serious about this conversation.

I think it more means that you are anti-Trump, not anti-government. You probably think that the Democrats are the good guys that will fix the problems in your life.

Live our lives without the rich people controlling us

Conflicts with this.

I believe all services can be privatized.

You're repeating yourself. The part you're not getting is that private services compete against one another, whereas government services are one size fit all. Accountability requires that we can leave one service provider and goto another.

Yes, I'm repeating myself because you tried to deflect and change the topic.

You are saying that the companies will compete with each other on who and how they are going to control us.

You are saying that the companies will compete with each other on who and how they are going to control us.

Which is better than no competition at all.

So you're ok with the rich and powerful controlling us, as long as they have competition between who does it.

In simple terms, yes.

However once you recognize that competition is lacking from the system, then you can realize that not only rich and powerful people can provide competing services. I could open a security company in my garage that serviced my neighborhood.

You can have moderately peaceful revolutions when the whole nation gets behind overthrowing the government. The fall of the USSR, and all the related Colour revolutions are perfect examples. One of the issues is that the US government has done a great job of dividing people into increasingly polar groups such that no one can unify the nation against them.

Bernie might have had a chance if he'd been allowed to win, and then able to resist the deep state and Wall Street. Tall order.

I don't think that's what he was suggesting.

Meh. He's talking about people overthrowing governments. It's easier done through mass protest than it is through violence. Violent coups are typically carried out by the military, or factions thereof.

Well now he's saying overthrow the government by not paying taxes and then not rebuild our government.

He's advocating for purposeful anarchy.

Never going to happen. Even before the current climate of insane partisanship, more than half the people think the government had their best interests at heart and have a basic level of trust in their institutions and the President, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Bernie would have folded like tracing paper in the wind. He made it very clear during his candidacy that he would bend right over and take it in the ass if his arm was twisted, and his voting record is lockstep with corporate Democrats.

Lol you're painfully black and white

He said yes.

He's not wrong whatsoever. We haven't been an actual constitutional republic since 1871 and the Organic Act. We are a fraudulent, bankrupted Corporation owned by London and the Vatican, being propped up by fiat funny money and run by the criminal cartels themselves, given the false veneer of respectability and authority. Time to go, the entire thing needs to be gutted and rededicated to the original precepts of the Constitution it was founded upon.


Time to go, the entire thing needs to be gutted and rededicated to the original precepts of the Constitution it was founded upon.

So in the practical sense, what does that mean?

Read the Constitution and find out.

How about you explain what you mean instead of vague platitudes.

Why should I have to explain that our government needs to go back to a strictly constitutional form of governance without all the extra bullshit meant to destroy the political power of the people (i.e., US) that are supposed to be running it? We were a constitutional republic at one point, and now we are not. This needs to change. Very simple.

Because different people have different definitions of what that means.

If you're going by strict interpretations of the original Constitution, it's pretty simple. I don't fuck with you don't fuck with me, government should have as small a role possible to defend the country and enforce contracts and the like, no law should be passed infringing upon people's Free Will and inherent personal freedoms so long as they don't harm anybody. There's plenty of room for wiggling and to go over the minutiae, so long as the original principal and intent of the Constitution is followed.

So no regulations?

Of course there needs to be some regulations to protect the general welfare of the people, but that's less important than the actual framework and inner workings of the government itself, which is highly flawed and full of corruption that needs to be excised.

Fair enough.

The Russia "thing" is old news.

It really, really is not.

The "Russia thing" was never really news to begin with. At least not in the traditional sense of news being based on things that have actually happened.

So when a newspaper reports on Mueller's investigation or Don Jrs meeting that's not the "Russia thing"?

You should probably asking yourself why in any way you would trust Mueller, the guy who basically was the architect of the 9/11 cover-up during the Bush Administration. He is a Deep State operative, globalist and one of the worst of the swamp dwellers, and his close friendship with James Comey should have recused him from the investigation for conflicts of interest right off the bat. But we can't have that, got to continue the witch hunt! Let's ignore that it is on the surface a thinly-veiled attempt by ideologues to impeach and throw out a democratically-elected president with the help of the unelected fascists in the bureaucracy, right?

You should also be skeptical of a billionare posing as a "blue color billionare" who has a vested interest to become president so he can enrich himself and his friends. Who has as in his campaign a self admitted dirty trickster who was involved in watergate (roger stone), paul manafort who has a long record of working to promote russian interests in ukraine and america, who has filled his cabinet with lobbyists and bankers from alle the companies who created the finacial collapse of 2008, and the list goes on and on and on...

Just because I like some of Trump's policies doesn't mean I actually trust him or fully support him. Learn how to make distinctions. I can be in favor of anti-globalist policy that Trump enacts and still hate his militarism or his ass-kissing towards Israel, for example. I don't think a single person that voted for Trump even did it because they trust him, let's be serious here. Nobody's letting him watch their kids.

Why would you vote for someone you honestly didn't trust?

I was faced with that this year and for the first time ever, instead of voting for the lesser of two evils, I wrote in Willie Nelson

Who said I voted for him?

fair enough

He is a Deep State operative,

so is rod rosenstein then? the guy who appointed mueller? if not, why don't you trust rod? if you think rod himself is also some shady deep state operative, do you know who appointed him? trump. is he also now a deep state operative? like what the fuck is going on?

What you're talking about is like the dictionary definition of innuendo.

At least not in the traditional sense of news being based on things that have actually happened.


Nazis, Koreans, Russians, can't have them all be the Official Enemy at once buddy. Pick one.

Why does one have to be picked? Why do people think we can only have one problem at a time?

Why do you think that perceived enemies pop up out of nowhere with their panties in a bunch wanting to fuck this country up? Everything happens for a reason and all of this is manufactured to create consent for agendas that they already have in mind. That's why I kind of laugh when people think a guy like Kim Jong-un, a multi-millionaire that was raised and schooled in the very best Swiss schools money can buy, is a crazy person and doesn't know what he's doing. Those people are missing the point of the entire charade.

Out of nowhere? See this is one of the major problems I have with people like you. None of these are recent problems; they have simply become the largest "public enemy" as others disappear or lessen. ISIS is not new, and neither are their ideals. Our issues with Russia go back decade after decade. Korea has been fighting the entire world tooth and nail for a very long time as well. Being taught at a fancy school does not solve personal or metal issues, or lessen the sense of power and greed a world leader commands.

Things are not as black and white as you seem to portray them. At the end of the day, we're a huge country in an even larger and more complex world. There are hundreds of issues out there, and we're allowed to be concerned about more than one of them at a time.

You misunderstand my point. A lot of this is theater, in fact most of it is theater. I choose not to live a life where I live in constant worry of getting the shit bombed out of us by some dirt poor third world country that's going to invite suicide by attacking us, even if it doesn't even have the technological ability to strike us, like NK. But I'll tackle your points one by one:

  • ISIS is just about destroyed and on its last legs, thanks to Russia, Syria, Iran and the Kurds destroying them in Syria and Iraq, along with Trump defunding ISIS through the CIA. They were always a boogeyman to begin with, just like Al-Qaeda, because they are ultimately funded by our own intelligence agencies in the first place and just a proxy front.

  • Russia is not a threat to us in any real definition of the word. They're not trying to destroy the country, they haven't attacked us ever, Vladimir Putin has repeatedly called for cooperation and friendship (as has Donald Trump), and both sides are fully aware that if it escalates it could destroy the entire planet if left unchecked. Neither side wants that not even the Elite, because they don't want to rule over piles of ash. Basic spycraft between nations that they all do all the time are not Declarations of War. In other words stop buying into the media propaganda trying to paint Russia as the Great Satan to American interests because it's a bunch of bullshit meant to scare the plebs into accepting increasingly Draconian laws to "protect them", just like it was during the Cold War.

  • North Korea has been fighting the world "tooth and nail" by basically not accepting Rothschild and central banking influence in their country, and that's really the only reason. Well, that and they're sitting on trillions of dollars of conflict minerals, but I bet that has nothing to do with the propaganda used against them, right? I'm not defending Kim Jong on in the sense that I'm sure he's a despot and an autocratic bastard, but we have no problem with autocratic bastards so long as they work for us. Just look at Saudi Arabia, Iran under the Shah, Augusto Pinochet in Chile, or Iraq during the Saddam regime in the 80s, I could go on forever. Point being the US stance towards North Korea is incredibly hypocritical and driven by greed and strategic dominance, not feels or pity or altruism towards the North Koreans themselves.

Still think I think in black and white? There's nothing wrong with having healthy concern for regimes that might go rogue and crazy, but what we're seeing is a massive propaganda effort to push Americans into wars that the are not in their interests that are only going to benefit the top 1% and the military industrial complex. It has nothing to do with our safety, and almost never does.

Multiple things can be bad at the same time.

The only people that actually think those groups are a true threat to America are brain-dead and gullible and should turn off their TVs.

can you literally not process multiple things might be happening at the same time?

First it was complaints about leakers, now it's 'old news' once the leaks get plugged. The Russia 'thing' will be done when the investigation into it concludes.

Statism is a religion.

The entire purpose of the myth of the "false left-right paradigm" is to convince people that voting won't solve their problems so they might as well let the elite keep screwing them over.

Yes, at least partly because poor people don't believe it's possible for politicians to represent them and thus don't bother trying to get one who does.

So the way to solve exploitation is for the people being exploited to stop being exploited?

If poor people are conscious enough regarding todays system, then 1) voting would be made illegal and 2) they wouldn't need to accomplish their goals through government in the first place.

I'm not sure what "the way to solve exploitation" is, but I do think that if the people being exploited were to stop either A, rabidly supporting their own exploitation, or B, rabidly insisting that there is no difference between exploitation and non-exploitation, then that might be a good starting point.

that there is no difference between exploitation and non-exploitation

I agree. I think once people start to understand that government is exploitation, no matter which politicians are in power, then we will start to advance as a society.

that there is no difference between exploitation and non-exploitation

"Government" power isn't the problem. Right wing power is.

That's simply naive. The label they wear doesn't change the fact that they are taking our money and locking us in cages.

The right wing is committed to taking your money and locking you in a cage. The left wing is committed to doing the opposite of that. There is no evidence whatsoever against either of these statements.

The right wing is committed

What would it take to prove to you that the left wing is equally as interested in taking your money?

The left wing coming out in favor of privatized health care, lower taxes on the rich, and decreased financial regulation.

Now you're moving the goalpost.

  • privatized health care = this means less tax money, not more. Government healthcare means more money being taken from you
  • lower taxes on the rich = rich or poor, the issue is them taking money from people. You're not disputing that they take money at this point
  • decreased financial regulation = not really part of the issue of taxation

I guess it's clear now that you like it when the government takes money from people other than yourself. I suppose you're not so much looking for fairness, as you are for your side winning.

Oooooh, okay. So your problem isn't with people being exploited, it's with the wrong people doing the exploiting.

Actually that is what I'm saying about you. You're fine with taxing people, you just want rich people taxed. Government for you are hired guns that do the things that you wouldn't feel comfortable doing yourself.

Can we agree that nobody should have money taken from them through force or threats of getting caged?

No, I don't think we can. If we did, we'd have no way to solve the problem of the rich exploiting the poor.

So you believe that the solution to the rich exploiting the poor is for the poor to exploit the rich?

So you believe that taking away someone's third private jet to pay for someone else's life-saving medical treatment is "exploitation"?

If that is how you feel, then why not do it yourself? Become Robin Hood to steal from the rich and give to the poor. You will know the exact appropriate amount that each person should have in life.

I think the thing that bugs me about your attitude is that government currently takes 50% of my income in taxes (I'm middle-class, not rich). So you think you're empowering government to exploit the rich, but the rich control government and they twist things to make them exploit me instead. So everytime you scream for more taxation on the rich, I know that hammer is coming down on me instead.

If that is how you feel, then why not do it yourself? Become Robin Hood to steal from the rich and give to the poor. You will know the exact appropriate amount that each person should have in life.

Because I can't do that on a society-wide scale. The government can.

I think the thing that bugs me about your attitude is that government currently takes 50% of my income in taxes (I'm middle-class, not rich). So you think you're empowering government to exploit the rich, but the rich control government and they twist things to make them exploit me instead. So everytime you scream for more taxation on the rich, I know that hammer is coming down on me instead.

That's because the right wing is in power. If the left wing was in power, you wouldn't have that problem. But since you refuse to admit that there's a difference, you happily let the rich get away with sucking you dry.

That's because the right wing is in power

Obama has been in office for the past 8 years. There are numerous taxes that the left wants to impose upon me that can not be shouldered solely by the rich alone (e.g. carbon taxes). Obamacare alone is leftist program and it has raised peoples expenses on the basis that it's a tax (according to the surpreme court).

you happily let the rich get away with sucking you dry.

Again Obamacare is an entirely leftist program that has hurt people. You can't blame it on the right at all. All you can do is say "it's worth the suffering".

It's all about the opium. Gotta keep the war on drugs going and the prescriptions flowing! How else can we create heroin addicts?

And natural metals. Apparently there is trillions worth of natural metals there.

Yeah lets pretend this hasn't been going on for decades before Trump. And instead pretend this was just started by trump. Your bias is showing. Obama was all over it as well. Same shit different pile I guess. Unless you have a bias.

That's quite the strawman you are attacking.

What strawman? Pretending that only Trump is a war monger? He isn't the only war monger and is only continuing the same wars started by former religious statists. But lets pretend you are unbiased and trying to rewrite history. You are just another revisionist.

Who said that only Trump is a war monger?

That strawman.

Who says he wants anything? The desire to pillage that xcountry was made long before he ever came to office. He is just another pawn in a long line of pawns.

When every single time he said that he wanted to go back to the middle east to take their oil?

Or like every time Obama actually worked on that agenda? Or like the president before time who also worked hard toward that same agenda? Since Trump is now involved everyone else gets a free ride? That is a hell of a bias you have, some big blinders.

Or like every time Obama actually worked on that agenda? Or like the president before time who also worked hard toward that same agenda


It's funny how you're still attacking the strawman you built up instead of my own arguements or beliefs.

And natural metals. Apparently there is trillions worth of natural metals there that Trump wants

That's the comment I replied to. I didn't see any arguements. And the rare earth's have been a target for a long time. Afghanistan has the largest reserves of rare earths on the planet besides China's reserves. The US government has been drooling over it for decades.

And the rare earth's have been a target for a long time. Afghanistan has the largest reserves of rare earths on the planet besides China's reserves. The US government has been drooling over it for decades.

And so does Trump. That's all I'm saying.

Isn't that exactly the point OP is making?

How so?

He isn't denying that the presidents before Trump were puppets, but only saying that Trump is a puppet as well.


Yeah but when you love Trump a lot, reactions to any criticism of Trump turn into "But Obama! But hillary!!! But but But!!!"

And that guy was the one who said "your bias is showing?" His comment was literally and solely constructed purely out of bias.

He said it in the beginning. You completely missed him saying he is going to protect the elite like everyone BEFORE HIM. You tripled down when you should have just reread the first paragraph.

And natural metals. Apparently there is trillions worth of natural metals there that Trump wants

This is the first comment in the thread I replied too. Your comment isn't apart of this comment. Is it? The guy I replied to isn't the OP of the entire thread. I am replying to a comment.

Yep. Someone who gets it.

I agree that you also responded with a straw man. The true straw man in this post is the notion that the new troop surge indicates a pro-war agenda from Trump, which neglects the possibility that this is the best strategy to end war in that nation. As in, it may be strategically awful to cut and run right now, so he may have decided to apply pressure to restore order so that American soldiers can safely leave without ISIS taking over everything.

It's reasonable to suggest that this is not the case and that Trump is a war monger. But it's just a suggestion, not a fact. That is the straw man that everyone is dancing around in this thread, although few will be honest about it.

We have to remember that Trump became president in a war-torn world. This was somewhat true of Obama too, although his actions belied a clear strategy against the interests of the American people. Now we see how Trump's strategy plays out. Ultimately I think this slow-motion train wreck towards WWIII will be significantly reversed by 2020. But that is just my opinion.

The only true way to end war in Afghanistan is to clean house and build it up like they did to Germany and Japan after WW2. With a stable economy and lifting the country out of extreme poverty folks will not want to give it up.

Destroy their shit and then make them debt slaves?

In the long run Germany and Japan have been much better off.

Trump will pander to the people but serve the elite like "everyone" before him.

Obama played the role of 'good cop' now we have Trump playing the role of 'bad cop' and then we will get somebody to play the 'good cop' role to appease the masses once again.

Sure. It isn't like an oligarchy will function as anything other than an oligarchy, or it wouldn't be an oligarchy.



Its the bait and switch we call democracy. If voting changed anything it would be outlawed.

Apparently there is trillions worth of natural metals there

They've been saying that about Afghanistan for years, yet no one's broken ground on any mines. I think it's a load of shit.

That's because of the security situation. Were that resolved it would be viable to invest in the necessary infrastructure.

All you need is a private militia (maybe even one run by a few of your bestest friends) with unlimited authority under articles of war with a pretext of finishing terrorists once and for all with the blessing of the US government to protect said projects. Then you are digging for gold.

unlimited authority under articles of war

Except that's literally a war crime. I'm not saying it couldn't be obfuscated with red tape, but it's not as simple as you're making it out. Plenty of nations would have motivation to call out a war crime of that magnitude when it starts infringing on their own mineral profits.

I'm also not convinced there's enough there to be profitable. You're dealing against established competition who are not having to operate under duress, and there's no known minerals there in sufficient quantities that have particular strategic or economic value.

The private firms did just that in Iraq. They definitely can get away with it, maybe it would be more difficult now but I doubt it. I think it's safe to say there are resources to be exploited in Afghanistan but the real ROI is probably too low to make it worthwhile. The infrastructure needs to be in place to actually get to those remote areas. But that's also part of the nation building exercise - making roads etc.

It's like we only care about helping them civilize their nation because we want their precious resources. Like helping out the disabled kids of someone's parents just so you can hang out at their mansion and eat their gourmet snacks and play in the trampoline-floor room.

I don't know how seriously the US would take other countries calling them out on a war crime they purposely did in order for mass profits.

It isn't like if the US got called out for a war crime over that, suddenly there would be some kind of "problem?" Trump would laugh and turn it around, then shoot up 100 distractions so nobody mentions it again. It. Keeps. Working.

Estimates put it at 3 trillion in lithium alone.

People have been mining in the Congo for decades with less security that what's available in Afghanistan. If there were valuable minerals in the ground in there, someone would be digging them up.

Afghanistan has similar things happening, but because they have the poppy that takes a backseat. Plenty of illegal mining on an artisanal scale goes on there and gets 'taxed' by the Taliban in the same way they tax other industries there. It's the Taliban who ok'd the Chinese to press on with copper mining plans.

But nothing large scale can happen with the Taliban able to pop up anywhere to disrupt any part of operations.

In the Congo there was much more control of territory, there wasn't the threat of insurgency everywhere. And money talked, so when mining companies were able to get involved they just paid their way. No religious/idealogical threat.

There is, almost certainly, a way to profit from NOT mining something.

Wow so if those asshole Americans get their way, they are going to stabilize the country and invest in infrastructure and the economy in Afghanistan?



In 2006, a U.S. Geological Survey estimated that Afghanistan has as much as 36 trillion cubic feet (1.0×1012 m3) of natural gas, 3.6 billion barrels (570×106 m3) of oil and condensate reserves. According to a 2007 assessment, Afghanistan has significant amounts of undiscovered non-fuel mineral resources.

I know it's just Wikipedia

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Afghanistan

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 104231

Yep. Every war the US has launched since Desert Storm has been about oil. It's the core of their foreign and national security policy. I like to think that the CIA really wanted the poppy fields back up and running, come on, it's always about oil.

Good thing we stopped the people who wanted to turn away from oil from running the country right!

I read several articles about the poppy trade in Afghanistan which has increased dramatically since the US invasion. Apparently the profits from it is used for funding black-ops.

One of many articles on the subject.

It's pretty well-known that opium is a big reason too. The only for certain thing we can say is money in general.


My brother served 3 times in Iraq and 3 more times in Afghanistan. He used to be Mr. Patriot, but now he is just a super depressed ex-special forces guy who suffers from all his experiences there and talks nonstop about how he can't wait to move to Finland. Now he hates the USGov absolutely. The change in him is uncanny.

Why Finland?

He made friends with several Finnish special forces guys and they spoke a lot about things there.

He hasn't moved yet. After he was officially diagnosed with PTSD and severe depression, about two months ago, he said is now receiving $10,000 a month, can no longer own a gun, and is not allowed to work. So I'm not sure what his plans are now. His big dream was to live there and open an MMA gym with his Finnish friends.

Jesus, I am really sorry. Fear of that sort of thing happening kept me out of the military and has done the same with my sons as they have reached that age

Yeah, it's unfortunate. He isn't the same guy he used be.

The world would be so much better understood of more people spent on 200 hours in a Paradox Game.

Same reason the Russians tried and were defeated there. Nobody has ever won in Afghanistan. I don't understand why we just don't pay them for the oil or find it somewhere else.

The British lost their too. Say what you want about the Afghans--they are tough motherfuckers. I think the terrain breeds that kind of thing.

The military industrial complex has been gifted a nice, lucrative expansion on their key marketplace. Does it have to be any more complicated than that?

paid for by us ..the poor mong shopping at Aldi for the off brand cereal.

Same thing - why hasn't anyone (other than the Chinese) invested in extracting it if that was the big goal?


?? I was questioning that if the invasion was all about oil, why is no one doing anything with the oil.

Sorry, I misunderstood. They have been producing oil. Production dramatically increased in 2010. Commercial production started in 2013. They have yet to start exporting oil and natural gas, but that will happen soon.

Afghan Oil Production

Another article about Afghan Oil Production

2,000 BOPD is minute (like the daily production of a single well, though a big one).

I was unable to find an article confirming China National Petroleum Corporation had actually started production.

Yeah, it's just the start of it. It's been 7 years since they got started so I believe it's only a matter of time before their output increases.

Another more recent article about why we invaded Afghanistan.

I don't know about the CNPC though.

They were the company from your link that was apparently imminently about to begin producing.

Except it hasn't been put in print quite like this: Trump Finds Reason for the U.S. to Remain in Afghanistan: Minerals

The vast mineral wealth in Afghanistan was only discovered many years into the war.

The sold the copper up in Badakshan to either a Chinese company or their government depending on how you see things.

And natural metals. Apparently there is trillions worth of natural metals there that Trump wants.

Lets be real here - its what the US wNts.

Simply conflating it to Trump (which is all you do) is so frustrating to read every day. Does it always habe to be Trump all the time?

Lets be real here - its what the US wants and has wanted for almost two decades.

Ok, but Trump still wants to do it as well. He's argued over and over again that we don't take natural resources like oil from nations like Afghanistan or Iraq and that we should go back and take it. He has said that multiple times before.

Simply conflating it to Trump (which is all you do) is so frustrating to read every day. Does it always have to be Trump all the time?

And what does that mean?

The war on drugs has been propping this country up for many years. Pretty much everyone agrees our monetary system/economy are unsustainable....Unless there was a way to remove a large amount of the money they continue to print from circulation....enter drugs. They are very easy and cheap to produce. They cost many, many times their production/transportation cost because of the criminal risk involved.

Hold a monopoly on easy to produce, consumable, high demand products whose price is artificially inflated. Give said product to the populace in exchange for paper money continuously printed. Excessive paper money is removed from circulation(thus - for now- preventing massive inflation) while the populace enjoys a distracting high...

You forgot about Civil Forfeiture. Take anyone's cash for any reason as long as you say you suspected them of using the cash for drugs.

For sure. I didn't delve into it as much as could be done. Past the obvious economy angle - think jobs - police, lawyers, judges, court clerks, prisons and all that comes with it. Then think influence - do people doing illegal things tend to speak out?

This is probably the most economically illiterate statement ever

I have a terrible time trying to understand economics at an in-depth level. Could you elaborate on your point? I'd genuinely like to have a better understanding if this is way off the mark.

Well for one his statement that our monetary and economic system is unstable just isn't true. There can be bubbles (the 2008 housing crisis) but for the most part our economic system is becoming increasingly more stable, especially compared to the 1800's and early 1900's. Secondly, his statement that inflation is out of control is wrong for so many reasons. The Fed has actually been trying to increase inflation, for a few reasons that I won't get into, but has been having difficulty with it. Furthermore, paper currency is like 5% of the total money supply and the idea that the government needs to get it back to control inflation is absurd, because even if he was right about that point, the government could print less money.

As far as the government having a monopoly on drug sales he's just talking out of his ass. Even for illegal drugs

Thank you very much for taking the time to respond. I really need to take some econ classes, lol. Your points do seem to make sense, though.

I genuinely appreciate your input

You should! Econ classes are super educational and useful. Alternatively, consider picking up a textbook on it, and educating yourself through that. My econ textbook was one of 2 textbooks I kept from University(the other being the big blue book of algorithms).

Unfortunately I just searched for 20 minutes and couldn't find the name of the textbook :/

I heard that if you generate the supply, the demand will follow.

Yes. You also have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.

There is nothing stable (or moral) about a debt based fiat money system. It benefits those closest to the money hose and craps on those the furthest from it. It is nothing short of the greatest theft of value in the history of humanity. The Fed and IMF are responsible for so much misery and suffering in the world. To hear how wonderful and stable the economy is from an obviously intelligent person while all real measures are total shit, and the ones that aren't barely break even from the 2008 crash is disheartening to day the least.

You are also telling someone that they are talking out of their ass that there are government drug monopolies, when in the same paragraph you agree there are government drug monopolies? But it's DIFFERENT because it is for a reason you think is OK, so that makes all the bad stuff go away? I'll think of your dumb ass comment next time I have to buy an epi-pen for my kid. Over $500 dollars I spent 2 months before they were "benevolent" enough to lower the cost (still multiples higher than years ago).

What is your alternative? A metal based currency that forces deflation and leads to disastrous effects for the economy and exports deflation? And I'd ask you to elaborate on "the money hose". If you have a retirement fund or a bank account you benefit from the money hose, even if you don't realize it. And as far as medicine I'm not saying that our healthcare system is perfect, but would you believe if I said without the assurance of a patent, research and development would slow down, and the Epipen that your child needs would probably not exist without patents. Government allowing a temporary monopoly is not the same as the government having complete control of all the drugs.

Money hose - those closest to the point of money creation (aka The Fed) get the most benefits, and have the greatest advantage to buy income generating assets. Those at the end of the money hose see their dollars when their value has the inflation fully priced in. This is the root cause of wealth disparity.

The solution to the Fed is to have as many competing currencies as the market will support. The Liberty Dollar got too close to market adoption, so it was killed - violating the UCC (among other things) in the process. Crypto currencies are next. They are decentralized so they will go after the exchanges by regulating the shit out of them as to make hit not worth the effort or legal risk.

401Ks are called dumb money for a reason. They were implemented to funnel all that juicy retirement money into the casino for it to be stripped by those that understand the game. HFT love that captured money. Saving for retirement sounds better though. You can tell which reason they passed it simply from the early withdrawal penalty.

You realize that the barrier to having epinephrine alternatives isn't in the actual drug, but the INJECTOR. The FDA is an artificial barrier to entry for competition, and why $500 for less than $10 of product was being charged. Monopolies are awesome if you are the monopoly.

Drug development would no slow down, investment would not cease. There is too much money to be made, especially on the cutting edge stuff. However the handful of companies currently controlling the drug market today would have to share some of that enormous pie. If you didn't know regulations equal control then I don't know what to say. Our current system prevents more effective medicines than it allows, because nobody is going to spend billions jumping through regulatory hoops to certify cannabinoids and similar items if they can't patent them. Don't even get me started on the prescription system shakedown.

Yeah, but it posits a bizarre conspiracy and this is /r/conspiracy so...

Where, exactly, do you think the money goes? Big pharma just burns it?

Yeah. I'm thinking that between banking and drugs, oil is a relatively minor factor.

Name the countries WITHOUT a Central bank?

Iran. Russia. Syria.

NK. And Afghan was just crossed off the list.

Libya as well.

Yeah. I'm thinking that between banking and drugs, oil is a relatively minor factor.

Drug money is untraceable, you don't need congress's approval to spend it

What border control agency or drug enforcement agency inspects military or intelligence transports arriving from places like Afghanistan?

I'm guessing none.

Dumb question: do our prescription opiates come from the Afghani regions that we have a military presence in?

No. Also almost none of the heroin in north america comes from the middle east or asia. There are pharmaceutical poppy fields all over the world with many in tasmania along with others in the uk and europe.

Pharma companies like Bayer have legal poppy fields, some are in Spain if I remember rignt? But yeah, I don't think illegal poppy is used to produce prescription opiates given out to legal patients.

I believe most comes from Afghanistan

people conflate the poppies in afghanistan with prescription drugs. Hydro and oxycodone are made via thebaine, which is in low quantities in the poppies grown in Afghanistan. Afghan poppies have large amounts of morphine, which is then cooked into heroin.

I'm pretty sure that a large chunk of the opiates grown for pharmaceutical use come from eastern europe, czech republic and netherlands i think.

and heroin in the US comes from mexico and south america. we don't have any south west asian or south east asian heroin in this country.


First paragraph "Afghanistan's opium poppy production goes into more than 90% of heroin worldwide.[1] Afghanistan has been the world's greatest illicit opium producer, ahead of Burma (Myanmar), the "Golden Triangle", and Latin America since 1992, excluding the year 2001.[2] Afghanistan is the main producer of opium in the "Golden Crescent". Opium production in Afghanistan has been on the rise since U.S. occupation started in 2001.[3]"

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium_production_in_Afghanistan

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 104272

Good bot

Yes Afghanistan is the largest producer for the WORLD. but for the US the largest producer is Mexico 2nd is south America. In other words none of the Afghan dope cones to the US but it goes everywhere else.

Ah I am stoned and alas did not make that connection, however with such a high number as 90% worldwide is it so outlandish to not out rule that some, might come from afghanistan, even if that amount could be negligable its not nothing right? But now I fear I've just detracted from putting forth anything truly meaningful. Sorry!

the DEA has a "Heroin Domestic Monitor Program" report that they do every year. in this report they go around and do heroin buys in a bunch of major cities, they then analyze the heroin content of each sample and they are also able to identify where the heroin originated. either Mexican, South American, SW Asian (Golden Crescent: Afghanistan, Pakistan & Iran) and SE Asian (Golden Triangle: Burma, Thailand, Laos & Vietnam.

the most recent report I can find is from 2014. they may have stopped releasing the reports to the public, I'm not sure.

2013: https://ndews.umd.edu/sites/ndews.umd.edu/files/pubs/2013%20Heroin%20Domestic%20Monitor%20Program.pdf

2014: https://ndews.umd.edu/sites/ndews.umd.edu/files/pubs/hspdmp2014reports.pdf

so to get back to your point, you're right in that there probably isn't ZERO afghan (SW Asian) heroin in the US. just that it is a minuscule amount compared to Mexican and SA.

In 2013 out of 765 samples tested, there were 28 of SW Asian origin and 0 of SE Asian origin. In 2014 out of 732 samples, 16 were SW Asian and 0 were SE Asian.

back in the 80s (like 1979-1994) SW and SE asian heroin was imported to the US and made up like 50%+ of the market. check out appendix A Heroin Source Area Distribution -1977-2014 graph in the 2014 report

Wow! Thank you for the thorough, respectful, and well resourced response. This is an interesting topic for some reason, I had no idea the Dea did this.

Sorry bud. You're way off base there. No poppy fields in the Czech Republic, and Netherlands is known for tulips.

Additionally, it doesn't matter where the heroin is coming from since the raw material is sourced in Afghanistan....

No poppy fields in the Czech Republic

lol ok, whatever u say boss. https://youtu.be/IdYZj9vmfi0?t=95

Poppy, Papaver somniferum L., is an annual herb native to Southeastern Europe and western Asia. Also known as opium poppy, the species is cultivated extensively in many countries, including Iran, Turkey, Holland, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, India, Canada, and many Asian and Central and South American countries.


The poppy seeds used in baking come from all over, but our two main sources are Turkey and the Netherlands. When you buy a bottle at your local store, chances are you're getting Dutch poppy seeds, which are a familiar blue-grey.


sooooo. you're wrong.

Additionally, it doesn't matter where the heroin is coming from since the raw material is sourced in Afghanistan....

lol what? what is this even supposed to mean? what raw material? as I just showed. opium poppies will grow pretty much anywhere. and the heroin in the US comes from poppies being grown in mexico and south america. NOT AFGHANISTAN.

Thank you for the links. I'll check them out!

All about the petrodollar.

Trump declared the opiate crisis a national emergency. Wtf is wrong with this thread.

And? The US still consumes the majority of the world's opiates....

Heroin is now dirt cheap and not worth much.

It's all about the minerals.

I wasn't talking about monetary value.

Wait, 15 years ago everyone claimed it was about an oil pipeline which never happened. Now it's all about the opium, because the original conspiracy never happened.

I think it's disheartening that we live in a country where you have to sell your soul to become president. I know it's been that way for a long while, but it's getting worse. I disagree with Trump on many many things, but the thought that he is just another corporate puppet doesn't bode well for the future of our "democracy"

In 2028 we'll have candidates officially sponsored by corporations.

The idea of Mark Zuckerberg running for president sends a chill down my spine. Especially after the precedent Trump is setting by not separating himself from his companies.

I remember when FB took off he was immediately called to have meetings with the president and government officials. It was so obvious what they wanted and what he wants. President Zuckerberg isn't that impossible.

Fuck Zuck 2020.


Might as well just have a company run for president

but does he even have a soul to sell?

No he's the one buying.

The Onion:

"Zuckerberg: I ran for President to learn how to care about other humans"

What political party is zuckerberg a part of lol nevermind

He's a cultural Marxist.

What specifically makes the Russian mafia more powerful?

more backing from oligarchs back home in mother russia

Pretty ambiguous. I was curious what rackets they control opposed to the Italians, Asians, Jews, Latinos, so on. Sounds like more russiaphobia. When my first search shows them stealing candy and skimming slots.Hardly sound like the kingpins of power in NY..

Why? Didn't Trump say he wanted to leave Afghanistan?

He said he did want to leave as soon as it's MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

How are the Russians accessing those poppy fields? What part, if any, are US troops playing in the dealing between the Afghan farmers and the Russian dealers? Does Russia have covert ops on the ground? Is one of the wealthier Russian mob bosses funding private militias on the ground there?

All of this opens up so many questions

The current fascination with Russia certainly predates 2014. Figures with so many heroin addicts that they'd go to the source. My point is these rackets are intertwined. The Russians pushed diamonds in mafia territory of South Philly, I've been there. These organizations utilize each other. It just seems funny to me that Forbes associated earnings with them, because it's in no way factual. Saying one is larger then the other is entirely dependent on made up information. So that's silly for me.

More money behind them with Russia and the Oligarchs behind them, they are the strong arm in Russia as well which is what threatens the oligarchs. They are also much more aggressive and less cautious then the Mafia. The mafia do things in a much more subtle manner these days, they've had just about 100 years to learn and grow, the Russian mob is younger, all of the younger mobs and gangs are always out to show everyone something, like MS-13, they need that fear to keep the larger predators at bay.

There is no win/win here.

I've always seen Trump as a reaction of a group of national US Elites which make most of their money based on US assets vs. vassals-of/the international Elites whose capital floats to the best profitable areas.

So from that perspective cooperating with the national mob is the only option left because everybody has at least the basic interest to protect their national assets.

Pretty much every politician in this country and every other country is owned by the mobs. The mob is literally running your governments - they are the political class. And if anything Trump is probably owned by the Five Families, the Russian mob doesn't have shit on the Italians in terms of the global power structure.

Pretty much every politician in this country and every other country is owned by the mobs. The mob is literally running your governments - they are the political class.

This. More people need to see this. What I'd like to add is that Cosa Nostra, Sinaloa, and others are working for the international financial elite class. They're the enforcers for the political class. This is why you rarely see candidates promoting real democratic policy such as ranked voting, term limits for national senators and representatives of the house, etc. (although I did see one state promote ranked voting, very exciting). I'd back that speculation up with the numerous times banks have been caught laundering money for organized crime. IMO it's pretty transparent at this point that the same people manipulating the market are controlling our politics and fighting both sides of a war on drugs via organized crime. That makes government the most organized crime of all.

Yep. You should read the posts of u/AhuwahZeus, he has done a better job than anyone I've seen connecting the various Families and Houses that run things behind the scenes when most people stop at the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, who are really just the money guys and public buffer between the true Elite and the public.

Keep preaching this way. There is nothing but Gangster economics and Gangster politics in the world. The will to power insures that "Pay For Protection" is the modus operandi for all-time. Heck, you can even add Gangster religion, which operates on the same level "Pay the church because it helps protect your soul."

Every thing reduces to "pay for protection."

Every thing reduces to "pay for protection."

Yup. Look at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The international cartel first exploited second from the bottom and has been trying to conquer the entire pyramid ever since.

Thanks for the tip!

They still control a great deal; however, the Russian crime syndicates have taken over most of what they used to control.

Are there any good posts on this or articles?

You can't even be sure that Trump is even in control. If he would be all this CIA deep state propaganda front wouldn't have happened.

Trump has essentially ceded power to the US military with his presidency, at least for right now.

He doesn't want to be as neutral as possible.

They probably keep him in the dark or let him know that shot will go down if he says anything. — Just my opinion

Bernie would have at least been a step in the right direction. Trump is literally the incarnation of corporate greed. Democrats wanted Trump in office over Bernie because Trump is more in line with their agenda.

Trump is not even remotely in line with the Dem platform.

Not their platform, but their agenda? If it's acting as a buffer zone between the people's anger and corporate greed, then most definitely, trump is the perfect buffer

Democrats wanted Trump in office over Bernie because Trump is more in line with their agenda.

Do you have any evidence on that?

Election Day 2020: Sponsored by Coca-Cola. Quench your Thirst for Democracy today!

If you bring 12 Proofs-of-purchase, they let you vote again.

Let's make America wealthy again, sponsored by Bank of America

It's going to happen, especially after Citizens United

Pepsi would be the company that threw their hat into politics.
Coca-cola had the sense to stay out of it.

Now with new and improved Hypothetical Examples!

To be fair, without doing such stupid things, Pepsi would never be relevant. I think they got the most coverage out of that stupid as heck "protesting chill can" ad, as they did out of their last 10 media campaigns combined.

In 2028 we'll have candidates officially sponsored by corporations.

We already have that. Goldman Sachs did that last election.

are you talking about the guy with several ex goldman sachs employees on his cabinet and in other positions of prominence in his administration or the woman who would have had several ex goldman sachs employees on her cabinet and in other positions of prominence in her administration



I don't think many people realize that every single president will have to send people to die, and also order people killed. We are a warring society. We are a war tribe. Our National Birthday is celebrated with intimation bombs being blown up. We honor our warriors, who fight and kill. We don't honor peace. We mock it as weakness.

That's not just the US though, that's the human condition, it's our heritage and our history

Trump isn't a corporate puppet, though. He's a corporate hand. The puppet has been discarded as unnecessary.

the thought that he is just another corporate puppet doesn't bode well for the future of our "democracy"

Trump was the most obvious corporate puppet of them all. At least Clinton made an effort to try and hide it. It's almost as if Trump's game was something like "Well that guy couldn't possibly be the murderer, he's twirling around a bloody knife in public, you'd have to be stupid to murder someone and then do that"

It's a bold move cotton, let's see who's jimmies get rustled more - Trumpers, or lefties?!

Or everyone in between. It's not a dichotomy.

The new song is just like the old song.

wrong sub now for this opinion

the zealots have taken over. If its not something that smears the 'lib'ruls', they're gonna brigade it.

Only concern trolling stooges come to conspiracy to assert their opinions.

username checks out

wtf is "concern trolling" lol?

Not hip to that 4chan/incel lingo my dude :)

Guys I have opinions we should all admit too!

the irony...

That's what this post is.

Wrong. :P

8 hrs later most of the top comments are referencing the_donald and one of them insist a message of unity is part of their new narrative.. theres really no fixing the reddit collective :'/

Look at the top comments. You think they've taken over? Give me a break

How could you possibly say that when this reached all. You're literally commenting in a thread that refutes your point.

username checks out...

I've seen it happen three times in my own lifetime. Bush Jr., Obama, and now Trump.

All three promised big things and seemed like they were going to affect real change, for better or worse.

All three have changed nothing. The status quo remains. Our liberties continue to be eroded in the name of peace and security. L

Trump was complicit in dangling brown foreigners as "the problem" to rile up xenophobia in the US. It's the usual far-right playbook.

Both sides now have a chance to turn on the REAL enemies of our country... the oligarchs and their corporate cartels who have captured our "democracy" via a coup d'etat in the 1970's (since The Powell memo).

Trump was complicit in dangling brown foreigners as "the problem" to rile up xenophobia in the US. It's the usual far-right playbook from anti-intellectual demagogues (see: Bannon).

We all know Obama made the US boarder wide open per instructions from the UN on population replacement. http://archive.is/xUQas#selection-133.0-133.21 It's still going on in Europe. Your demonization of Trump for doing the right thing is ignorant and childish.

Ah yes... forgot that studying the 100% certainty of population declines across the modern industrialized world really means that Obama was a secret Muslim Brotherhood agent looking to eradicate white people and turn America into a Muslim Caliphate.

Go forth with your modern-day crusade, warrior of the light!!

really means that Obama was a secret Muslim Brotherhood agent looking to eradicate white people and turn America into a Muslim Caliphate.


True... I forgot to mention George Soros...

Not true. Obama had deported far more people than Bush could have ever dreamed of. Quit spreading misinformation

He deported more but let more in. There was even trains bringing them in.

Totally forgot about the Powell Memo. Thanks for reminding us.

I may be alone in this but I actually want American lives to get considerably worse. I want the rich to get richer and the middle class to deteriorate rapidly. We need another revolution. Most Americans agree on a lot of issues yet this isn't reflected anywhere in our media or policy (i.e. net neutrality). We outnumber the rich and we ABSOLUTELY have the power to force change but we sit back and continue to let these bullshit corporate whores to steal from us day in and day out, hoping that they will help us. Personally I'm just waiting for the people to say, "enough."

Unfortunately, this is the whole...

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. - John F. Kennedy

I've seen studies say that populations revolt when they get hungry enough (or even when they have to spend x% of income just on food). Our corporate state has figured out that they can just give us Food Stamps (instead of bread lines), and it's all good.

No surprise that we have record number of Americans on food stamps since the 2008 crisis. At least they won't revolt in the streets YET, but I fear we are headed that way after the next market crash.

The quote goes "No society is more than three meals away from revolution."

So long as people can safely obtain enough calories to survive they'll be pretty complacent.

Every super food market only has 3 days worth of true supply.

What happens when food stamps are worth nothing?

Time to flee the country if you can...

oh god the wall is going to be built to keep US in.

Then your borderline sociopath.

It will never happen because there are too many distractions away from poverty, like cell phone games, playstation, legalized weed, and the old favorite Alcohol.

Maybe. Maybe not though.

Both sides now have a chance to turn on the REAL enemies of our country... the oligarchs and their corporate cartels who have captured our "democracy" via a coup d'etat in the 1970's (since The Powell memo).

You know the oligarchs want mass immigration right? But it's easier to whine about muh xenophobia for you.

Anyone who sees that the US will have a declining + aging population is in support of immigration, if you cared to maintain our same level of economic activity.

I'm not on the side of oligarchs nor do I think the Deep State want to turn us into a sharia law Muslim caliphate... but either we get more immigrants or the economy will continue to flutter away ala Japan.

Anyone who sees that the US will have a declining + aging population is in support of immigration, if you cared to maintain our same level of economic activity.

But we have automation coming so we don't need immigration all that much. Some high skill but not illiterates who mow lawns.

Mass immigrstion i's a tool to keep wages low and import a vote base. Get real.

I'm not on the side of oligarchs nor do I think the Deep State want to turn us into a Spanish-speaking sharia law Muslim caliphate... but either we get more immigrants or the economy will continue to flutter away ala Japan.

So you're not on the side of the Oligarchs but you argue their vision for society?

Japan is awesome, there's more to life than GDP.

Oh god you're so lost but you think you're edgy.

But we have automation coming so we don't need immigration all that much.

Are robots going to consume too? how will you fill that gap with a population that is declining?

Mass immigrstion is a tool to keep wages low and import a vote base. Get real.

Fucking A you guys fall for this shit hook line and sinker. Xenophobes have been blaming immigrants for ages now, when it is the white executives in suits that are not giving YOU wage increases, yet they are cashing themselves out in the TRILLIONS. As an example, corporations have bought back over $4 TRILLION of their own stock in the last 5 years (aka cashing themselves out). Who is worse for workers? those greedy sociopaths, or Jose wanting to pick oranges in Florida?

Are robots going to consume too? how will you fill that gap with a population that is declining?

Do you worship the economy? Do you love making the arguments of the oligarchs for them? Do you think America is just gdp?

when it is the white executives in suits that are not giving YOU wage increases,

The same people that want mass immigration who want it to have cheap labor. Yes them.

Who is worse for workers? those greedy sociopaths hoarding the wealth, or Jose wanting to pick oranges in Florida?

Works in tandem. My taxes subsidize both while I earn less.

Funny you're ignoring the part about voting too.

Stop being an oligarch worshipper.

Do you worship the economy? Do you love making the arguments of the oligarchs for them? Do you think America is just gdp?

What America IS NOT, is a country by white people, for white people. It will be at least 40% Hispanic by 2030, just as it was x% German, x% Italian, x% African, x% Native American, x% British etc since it's very beginnings. NO ONE group is entitled to claim they represent America. We can all rally around the constitution, the bill of rights, and the enterprising spirit of America, but we have always been a blend of cultures and races. Get over it.

The oligarchs have no control over this (declining population) or its devastating effects on an economy. I don't worship it, but I know the pains that come with a deflationary retracting economy. We don't have to make it worse by gutting population levels.

The same people that want mass immigration who want it to have cheap labor. Yes them.

And yet it is no surprise that conservatives spend every breath attacking only the brown poor side. Where is the crack down on corporations that hire the illegals? your white politicians won't touch that, as it hurts their investors and oligarchs. YOU are playing their game too by supporting them.

What America IS NOT, is a country by white people, for white people.

America is a country for Americans not every single human on earth. You can't just cram a bunch of random people in for the sake of GDP and hope it will be the best. Do you think a bunch of day laborers who sneak over the border give a fuck about the constitution?

If we have immigration it should be limited, for people who will assimilate, who aren't on welfare, and with special skills.

The oligarchs have no control over this (declining population) or its devastating effects on an economy. I don't worship it, but I know the pains that come with a deflationary retracting economy. We don't have to make it worse by gutting population levels.

So we'd have less people effected by automation. Win win.

And yet it is no surprise that conservatives spend every breath attacking only the brown poor side. Where is the crack down on corporations that hire the illegals? your white politicians won't touch that, as it hurts their investors and oligarchs. YOU are playing their game too by supporting them.

Our oligarchs won't regulate themselves but they love useful idiots making their arguments for them.

Just admit you don't care about anything else but liberal identity politics. That's your focus, come out and say it.

America is a country for Americans not every single human on earth. You can't just cram a bunch of random people in for the sake of GDP and hope it will be the best. Do you think a bunch of day laborers who sneak over the border give a fuck about the constitution?

I actually DO. You will find that the majority want to keep their head down, not get in trouble, so that they can send money back to their family across the border. Are you going off of sensationalized bullshit out of Fox News or Breitbart by any chance?

Our government and culture has always been British too. Not a random mish mash.

The North (aka who ultimately won the battle) was ALWAYS a mish mash of cultures. I guess the puritans in the South did stick to the ideals of British aristocracy, with the added cherry of slave chattel labor. That, my friend, is nothing to be proud of.

If we have immigration it should be limited, for people who will assimilate, who aren't on welfare, and with special skills.

I am all for immigrants assimilating to the openness and inclusiveness of America, but they should not assimilate to the bigoted views that confederate-carrying white people are representative of the American culture.

Our oligarchs won't regulate themselves but they love useful idiots making their arguments for them.

Hate to tell you this, but on the immigration issue YOU are the useful idiot here. You are making their argument for attacking the mule (half pun intended), versus going after who is actually dangling the carrot of jobs in front of them.

Just admit you don't care about anything else but liberal identity politics. That's your focus, come out and say it.

I think those attacking poor people of color (instead of attacking the systemic economic unfairness of our corporate oligarchy) are dragging this identity politics shit forward. Blame Trump, Bannon, Breitbart, Fox News, and yes... the corporate media on the left for trying to distract us from the real enemies of our country.

I actually DO. You will find that the majority want to keep their head down, not get in trouble, so that they can send money back to their family across the border. Are you going off of sensationalized bullshit out of Fox News or Breitbart by any chance?

Again we're a country, not a weekend cash gig.

The North (aka who ultimately won the battle) was ALWAYS a mish mash of cultures. I guess the puritans in the South did stick to the ideals of British aristocracy, with the added cherry of slave chattel labor. That, my friend, is nothing to be proud of.

No it wasn't. The north was English.

I am all for immigrants assimilating to the openness and inclusiveness of America, but they should not assimilate to the bigoted views that confederate-carrying white people are representative of the American culture.

Ok but thr confederate flag is American history regardless.

I think those attacking poor people of color (instead of attacking the systemic economic unfairness of our corporate oligarchy) are dragging this identity politics shit forward. Blame Trump, Bannon, Breitbart, Fox News, and yes... the corporate media on the left for trying to distract us from the real enemies of our country.

The corporate oligarchy wants what you are pushing for and fight against commonsense immigration reform.

Again we're a country, not a weekend cash gig.

Tell that to the multinational corporations who push around our politicians and rob us of trillions in wealth. You still want to go after the pennies at the bottom of the food chain?

No it wasn't. The north was English.

And German, and Irish, and Swedish, and Italian, and from every other nation where people could get on boats and safely land here. We began as a land of opportunity for all who could hack it. The spirit remains the same today, except we have corporate cartels as owners of the plantations. They get to set the rules and the opportunities.

Ok but thr confederate flag is American history regardless.

Slavery is also American history. It belongs in the past.

The corporate oligarchy wants what you are pushing for and fight against commonsense immigration reform.

Let's DO common sense immigration reform. Let's expedite the process for legal immigration so that people don't have to resort to crossing the border illegally. Let's provide a path to naturalization for those who have been participants of our nation for decades while obeying the rules. Let's view immigrants as human beings as a starting point. Let's not fearmonger others about people of color through sensationalizing and focusing solely on the few that commit violence. etc. etc. etc.

There are only negative consequences from attempting to shut down our borders. A damn fake sense of security, and your local corporate farm won't be rushing to fill the gap with Americans who yearn to earn a few dollars per hour.

Tell that to the multinational corporations who push around our politicians and rob us of trillions in wealth. You still want to go after the pennies at the bottom of the food chain?

But you're pushing their rheotric. "We need cheap labor!" You both cry.

We began as a

English colony. You're mistaking recent immigration rhetoric for history.

Slavery is also American history. It belongs in the past.

Except for wage slavery which you support foe expanding gdp.

Let's DO common sense immigration reform.

But we don't need millions more people. That's not commonsense.

Stop being a corporate stooge.

Also see: every leader of any country ever

Obama literally avoided a fucking great depression 2.0. Was he perfect? Hell no. But don't act like his presidency wasn't a net gain for our country.

Net gain is debatable. American citizens executed on orders of the president without due process for the crime of having differing views while in another country should be fucking terrifying. Not prosecuting perjury to congress should be more than troubling. Arming the enemy that is killing American soldiers with American weapons should be cause for riots. But the media served their masters well and effectively buried the significance of these events in ways that that should also be terrifying.

You do know Trump changed that to be even worse. Obama personally signed of on all terrorist American citizen drone strikes. Trump delegated that to McMaster. So now you don't even need the presidents authority to do that.

That doesn't make Trump worse. It means Obama created the situation. This is exactly why people say both sides are the same.

It means the president was absolutely responsible as the signing authority if anything went wrong. Now the blame is passed on to another. It's a way to explain away wrongs. "Oh I never looked at that, he did that. Time to resign guy."

Thanks Obama.

Wait. What? It absolutely makes Trump worse. He removed oversight and accountability which could by why trumps using approximately 4.3x more strikes than Obama / day.

What oversight and accountability are you supposing exists when the executive already did this with impunity? Obama set the precedent. If Trump executed an American citizen abroad for ideological differences without trial, what do you suppose would happen? Do you think the public would take it? I very much doubt it. But Obama was able to convince people that the Constitution doesn't matter.

Obama literally avoided a fucking great depression 2.0.

How exactly did Obama do that?

Do you not know about the stimulus package?

How exactly did Obama do that?

Stimulus package

Dental plan

lisa needs braces

Because the media said so

I did a google search for "U.S economy before and after obama" and i came across this article. If you're the kind of person who doesn't believe anything obama does is good then this probably won't mean much to you, but I think it's a pretty good look at simply how the numbers changed from the time he was in office. Personally, I see a lot of good there and the fact that he turned an economy that was getting worse every year into one that is stabilized and actually growing is absolutely an impressive feat. I just don't understand how people can maintain that obama was a shitty president especially when you can look up the good things he's done online and he's sandwiched between George W. Bush who put us into a depression and a war and Trump who is proving to be the most retarded president we've ever had in this country.

It wasn't a net gain. We're worse off now than we were under Bush


maybe you are, but the country as a whole is doing better.

As a whole? No we aren't.

Rarely have I seen a triple false equivalence, but you managed to do it.

"All three made promises, and all three broke some of them, therefore they're all the same" is one of the biggest political generalizations I've ever heard.

I didn't say they were the same.

Your comment says "All three promised big things, all three changed nothing." How does that not ignore the events that happened during their terms, their personal opinions, the policies they tried to enact, their public optics, the people in their staff and Congress, and the myriad of other factors that went into each of them?

Except one huge difference. The MSM

Sounds like you are well and truly off the trump train bud, what happened that made you lose confidence in him?

I'm still well and truly on board, as much, if not more than ever..... but interested to what changed from a user who I know is legit!

WITH a big, nazi bow on top!

Downvoted. Great political thread, bad conspiracy thread.

I upvoted, but only because it's really hard to have this kind of discussion anywhere on Reddit these days. But I agree with your statement.

That doesn't make sense.

Downvoted. Nothing of your comment brought any substance to the table.

Of course you like political threads in this sub wang peng russian321.

He's got no one in his corner now that Bannon is gone, his proverbial nuts are cut off, powerless and Isolated by his Russophobes War Hawks/Oligarchy. He'll be gone by the fall. He did however Advocate for peace against other Nuclear powers. The hateful and dangerous progressive liberal left are attempting to steer the programmed Americans in the wrong direction.

He did however Advocate for peace against other Nuclear powers.

Let us not re-write history here folks. Just because Putin knows how to man-handle Trump doesn't mean Trump is a pacifist who bwants to hold hands and sing kumbaya. His erratic macho inept bullshit almost wrought chaos and destruction over the Korean peninsula, until big boy China had to step in and cool some heads.

According to bannon there was a battle within the administration and the globalists won out

Specifically, Kushner won, right?

Yes, or as Bannon says, "The Democrats"

FTFY > Yes, or as Bannon says, "The Jews"

Haha nah, although you do bring up a good point: Jews do hold an inordinate amount of power in this country

O_o totally wasnt the point i was trying to make. thats the point bannon wants to make.

Then I guess Bannon has a point. A good example is the law that could get passed that would make it illegal to boycott Israel

Who could have predicted that the dems were all powerful

Huh funny, I thought a billionaire real estate investor that specializes in luxury golf resorts across the world, and is friends with / landlord of the Saudi Royal Family, would be described as a "globalist" himself.

Billionaires don't all have the same exact goals or ideologies. Trump, Mercer and others like them are nationalists and constitutionalists that correctly point out that globalism has destroyed US sovereignty and the national sovereignty of nations all around the world. Being a person of his stature in the business world, it's only natural that Trump has rubbed elbows with just about every person on the planet that has power in some way, it's part of the business. This gives him a lot more leverage than the average politician because he's not motivated by ideological pursuits, he'll make a deal with anybody so long as it's in general good faith and not blatantly fucking his or the country's bottom line.

And that's what he ran on.

Weird, almost like he's pretty much been doing exactly what he said he was going to do LOL

But not what he's doing

Yeah and how's that working out

Can you explain how USA's sovereignty has been destroyed?

press 1 for spanish! 1 ... can you believe it?

Well, you've got a bunch of different reasons:

  • The Organic Act of 1871, which changed our country from a Constitutional republic to a "democracy" under maritime law, fundamentally changed the relationship between the government and the governed through legal trickery in the edited Preamble of the Constitution and the Fourteenth Amendment, and created the vassal city-state of Washington DC, which is owned by the Crown Corporation (the City-State of London, which is in turn owned by the Vatican) as the capital of a corporate Federal government with its own laws and regulations, which is how it circumvents the Constitution as it's technically not a part of our country;

  • The dollar has dropped about 98% in value since the 1900s thanks to our Congress illegally passing the Federal Reserve Act into law and selling us down the river into usury-based fractional banking slavery to foreign banking cartels;

  • FDR confiscated people's gold in 1933, with Nixon performing the coup de gras on the gold standard itself to create the petrodollar;

  • NAFTA, the World Trade Organization, the Free Trade Agreement and globalism itself completely gutted our manufacturing and industrial base and sold it to the third world which destroyed our middle class and has resulted in half the country being below the poverty line;

  • Our government is basically owned by multiple other foreign entities, corporations and banks to the point where Princeton University has agreed that we are technically an oligarchy

Just a few reasons, there's plenty more.

Nationalists are just tribal leaders who support sticking with the tribe. Globalists , in the ideal, want a mocha colored human race. But today's globalists want to consolidate power in the hands of fewer people.

Exactly the problem, it destroys national cultures and their own unique identities, and we already have just about all the power consolidated in the hands of the 1% already, can't get much more concentrated than that.

Additionally, the president has unilateral power to fire everyone within the administration... If the "globalists have won", it's because Donald let them or wanted them to.

Not necessarily, he can't fire a Paul Ryan or a Mueller for example.

You mean the billionaire businessman did things that benefit the wealthy instead of the country? Shocker.

Why focus just on Trump? It's way bigger than that

You need to stop making excuses and using buzzwords and start focusing on the issues.


All of this Alex Jones bullshit about globalists, it's just a distraction.

You're not familiar with the idea of globalism? Hm that's strange

Oh, I'm familiar and I think it's a sham. Show me one shred of evidence that isn't from a conservative propaganda website.

If you believe in this shit you're no better than the poor southern farmers who were suckered into fight for the confederacy or any other group that was conned into fighting for something based on a false belief.

Its the idea of promoting corporate interests over the interests of working class Americans and it's been happening for decades.

international trade agreements, including the Uruguay Round, the WTO Agreement, NAFTA, the current Atlantic and Pacific agreements, which are all specifically designed as investor rights agreements, not even trade agreements. Very high protection for major corporations, for big pharmaceuticals, media conglomerates, and so on, and very high barriers through intellectual property rights. Devices that allow corporations, but of course not people, to sue governments action that might potentially harm their profits. That is a particular form of globalisation designed in the interest of the designers. The designers are concentrations of private power, linked closely to state power, so in that system they are consequences of globalisation.


The EU right now

Glad I could help

r/the_donald What do you guys think?

They're downvoting this because it makes daddy look bad

Nah. This post is just one guy's concern troll opinion. Have you not been paying attention to what Trump is up against? The president is not a tyrant. He can't just change the country over night.

I mean...he pretty much promised to do exactly that - defeating ISIS and replacing healthcare would be "so easy" - remember his 100 day plan?

Remember the republicans who voted to repeal Obamacare for 7 years who changed their minds for the last vote. His own party is against him. But yea, let's blame trump.

🙄 oh no there he goes vacationing again

You could also say he's against his own party

His own party is against him. But yea, let's blame trump.

you're not entirely wrong. However, the fact that he didn't at least offer up a plan of his own as a blueprint is his fault. You can make all the grandiose promises in the world, but if you have no roadmap of how to get from point A to point B, you're just blowing smoke. That's what the republicans have been doing for the last 7 years and it's exactly what Trump had been doing until the legislation was defeated

Voting against a bill that hurts your constituents means you're suddenly against your party? Here's a thought: what if repealing Obamacare is still a priority for them, they just recognized that the bill they were voting on was trizznash?

Jeez, this reddit user might have some insight on the two-party political system that John McCain just isn't privy to.

Trump fucked that up for you guys by saying he was going to repeal and replace. The GOP only said they wanted to repeal it until Trump came along and said he was going to make sure there is "insurance for everybody".

Trump should have had a universal health care bill ready to be signed on day 1, if his campaign promises were anything to go by.

Didn't Obama have the Repubs against him for nearly 6 of his 8 years in office, but yeah, let's keep hearing how everything was Obama's fault.

Are you trying to argue that the guy who thought health insurance cost $12/month took a legitimate interest in trying to pass substantial healthcare reform?

He was just showboating, it's in his nature, he needs attention like the needy lil bitch he is. The real fucked up thing is the amount if idiot yanks who fell for it. I still see trump supporters saying: 'I'll still support him as long as he builds that wall'. Mmm yeah just three and a half years left to raise that cash from a country that hates you... Good luck you dense cunts

Sure, maybe he really intended to do those things. And maybe he couldn't have really predicted the severity and extremity of the deep state and the power they had. Maybe he can't do the things that he wants to do.

So naive, incompetent, or lying? None of those are good qualities for a president imo.

So just because you're not sure if you'll be able to take down the greatest threat to humanity, it means that you shouldn't try?

Those aren't the principles I was taught growing up.

He's at least trying, which is a Hell of a lot more than most of us are doing.

Thing is he isn't trying at all.

His cabinet appointments and advisors did nothing to "drain the swamp". Former Goldman Sachs advisors and employees. Hiring from within his family despite lack of proof they were best qualifies for the job.

He isn't trying to take down the "deep state", if anything his appointments have shown a closeness with the most corrupted and corruptable influences, on a level that is nearly unprecedented from prior presidents.

He is trying

[Citation needed]

I PM'd you. I would've linked it here but there's too much brigading and knowing Reddit they'll probably brigade the youtube channel too.

I'm not saying the video I sent you is exactly what's going on. But he provides an interesting perspective.

Yes the people who don't agree with you are "brigading". That's the only way to explain it.

Not what I mean. I understand that my opinion is controversial, and I get that a lot of people don't agree.

I don't see how he's even attempting to tackle overpopulation, unless you're referring to his healthcare bafoonery. :-)

I'm not referring to either of those things, and I don't see how they have anything to do with what we're talking about right now.

I was making a joke. You said "the greatest threat to humanity," which, in my perception, is overpopulation. Not ISIS or Mexicans or whatever you're thinking.

Hahah. ISIS and Mexicans aren't even close to the greatest threat. And neither is overpopulation. Literally all of those things are distractions.

Ok then. Distractions from what?

Maybe he didnt understand politics since he is not a fucking politician!

How can Trump ever overcome the rigorous problems known as "a Senate Majority" and "party control over the Supreme Court"?

Wow. Trump must truly be flawless that he can't even be criticized.

Didn't think you guys were serious by calling him God. We may as well add /r/debatetrumpets to the /r/debatereligion subreddits.

How is "what he's up against" related to the statements that come out of his own mouth?

Or is he "up against" facts and that's why this is taking so long?

So sick of these Trump Cucks!

😂😂😂 sometimes I wonder if you guys actually believe this stuff, or just feel too embarrassed to admit what a dope he is.

Removed. Rule 1. Final warning.

So you would rather insult them the actually read/listen to them? Not a trump voter.

Discussion on their own platform (the_donald) is impossible because if you even mention some kind of criticism you get kicked. Outside t_d you are a commie or leftie if you criticize their Daddy

Fuck them!

I was specifically talking about the post you responded to not T_d.

Aha, i see

I was banned for joking about "Kanye 2020"


So like r/politics than?

No because on t_d you get banned for not worshiping trump. On r/politics mods don't ban you for being a trump supporter, you just get downvoted because no one agrees with you

I've been lurking in t_d since the beginning, back when it was mostly satire. Ive listened to rush Limbaugh, Sean hannity, and all the other right wing radio my whole life. I live in the south, all my neighbors are conservative and my coworkers are mostly right wing. I lean left but I have some conservative views, I hate the Clintons, Bernie was too liberal for me, I understand why Trump won.

However now that we've seen him in action for more that 6 months I can honestly say the Donald Trump is an existential threat to America, and therefore the rest of the world. The sooner he is removed from office, and the more damning the evidence used to justify his ouster the better.

For those of you that want examples of what make him so dangerous, I'd say just look around, read a newspaper, look objectively at what he's done and how the people around him say he acts. If you aren't at least concerned, then you're eithet too brainwashed or too stupid to convince of his obvious flaws.

Ive listened to rush Limbaugh, Sean hannity, and all the other right wing radio my whole life.

How do you listen to those idiots without being an idiot yourself?

Know the enemy

You can say that, but I'm not sure listening to Tokyo Rose is going to help you understand why your enemy is fighting. They know it's propaganda.

Ya but it's them that dictate the agenda for the GOP. They're the pulse of American conservativism.

I don't think they are the voices of mainstream conservativeism.

As a third party voter, I gave him a chance and he has blown it spectacularly. He lined his cabinet with Wall Street insiders, just like Obama did and Hillary would have. He's made justifications for mucking around in Syria, just like Obama did and Hillary would have. And now he's parking us in Afghanistan for eternity...just like Obama did, Bush did, and Hillary would have.

I admire his intent to upset things in Washington, but the military-industrialists have shown him what side his bread is buttered on and he's playing good little bitch to them.

Hell, on day one he went straight to the CIA and gave them his infamous "please don't JFK me" speech by bribing them. Not long after that, he basically told the Pentagon it could run itself.

Trump is no great leader and he is no evil tyrant. He is a little bitch-boy who got in over his head with the deep state and now has to just settle for playing at his job and appointing who he is told to appoint...just like Obama did and Hillary would have.

Trump was our best hope for real systematic change and he didn't have the balls to follow through.

I was similarly disappointed in Bernie's cowering after the DNC threatened his wif...I mean after he changed.

If you thought that he was gonna change something after all the bullshit he pulled during the election then you deserve him.

Sentiments like this helped get him elected in the first place.

I had little hope for him changing anything.

That is...why I did not vote for him?

I read it as you where a third party voter and you voted for him because you thought he was bringing change. Did i misunderstand. o.ov

I'm not that person but I would have voted for Trump (over hilary at least) mostly because I thought that by having him in office would bring the chaos and damage necessary for the rest to step up and change to happen.

It actually may go that way yet.

You say that. But you realize this policy is actively killing people?

To make an omelet you gotta break a few eggs.

I mean really I didn't vote for trump and I despise all of those things, but I'm hoping this disaster kicks the collective asses of the american people and the country is revolutionized for the better. It may be just a dream but a man can dream.

He lined his cabinet with Wall Street insiders, just like Obama did and Hillary would have.

No, not "just like" Obama did and Hillary would have. Much, much worse than Obama did and Hillary would have.

Which is why the DNC helping his nomination is outrageous. If we can cheer for a lawyer losing his job for his support of white nationalists, why is the DNC getting a complete pass?

They aren't.

Random lawyer on the front page... Tom Perez is still Chair.

Random lawyer on the front page didn't get away with anything.

How is Tom Perez being chair a case of "the DNC getting a complete pass"? And how is he "still" the chair? He's new. The chair you guys didn't like got kicked out because you asked for it, remember?

gotta start over

He was the pied piper(from Podesta's own words). They uplifted him. The D's gave us Trump. Or is it common to broadcast an empty podium, while Bernie Sanders was giving a victory speech?

No, I mean they aren't getting a free pass.

Misunderstood, my mistake.

I'm fairly certain was the worst option of the system personified. Trump was just the second worst.

No, see, Hillary personified both the good and bad aspects of the system. Trump has all of its flaws with none of its redeeming qualities.

What good aspects did Hillary give? Incremental change, while wealth inequality is consuming the middle class, Americans with no access to healthcare(being forced to buy insurance you could'nt afford to begin with doesn;t count.)

The ability to go to bed at night knowing that tomorrow probably won't be any worse than today.

She can form coherent sentences and talk details of policy, neither of which Trump can do. Right?

Candidate Trump was a populist. Hillary was an establishment status quo. It's no mystery on why she lost.

She lost because she had no charisma. The two couldn't have been more different politically to the point that they couldn't take votes from each other. Hillary got like 70% of the votes Obama got.

That's rather near sighted. Hillary lost because people saw how Bill was a snake when he was President.

political competence

How is it worse? Its literally the same you Obama fanboy

So which cabinet post would Hillary have given to Rex Tillerson?

Make no mistake - Trump was never your best hope for "real systematic change".

He is an outsider, and is causing chaos. He is making systemic change, just not in the way he wants or realized.

Only a moron would vote for Trump. These people should be ashamed of themselves. I don't care about how well they can construct a sentence or how good of a person they are... Something is wrong if a person thought Trump was the best choice in 2016.

The silly "lesser of two evils" narrative is deeply ingrained in people. I figure some people dislike Hillary so much they voted for a wild card.

Maybe your understanding of how politics works now a days is off.

You want to live in a fantasy land of unrealistic expectations.

You will ALWAYS be mad.

Did you vote?

Yep. Not sure what that has to do with this.

Johnson is every bit the bumbling moron Trump is and his policies would be horrible for the poor and middle class. Whatever you have against Clinton, she would've been forced to implement Bernie's policies, is a steady hand on the world stage, and wouldn't embarrass us every time she visits a foreign power like trump does and Johnson would.

I totally understand why you protest-voted for Johnson.

I completely get it, believe me. Just thought I would leave a kind non-attacking comment for you to read, even though we don't agree on certain things.

Well, then you're a good person.

Thank you.

While Obama did intervene in Syria to a minor extent (supplies etc.) he easily could have made engaged us in a ground war in Syria or Iraq, neither of which he did. Overall, his foreign policy in Syria was too restrained if anything.

"he has blown it"

The massive Democrat amd deep state opposition and infiltration forced a deep state agenda into his administration instead of bannons

The Koch brothers owned Johnson.. that was not a protest vote lmao. They have you cornered from all sides in these shanty elections.

I love it that the Koch brothers bought out Dave Rubin then made him bring Gary Johnson on his show to shill for him.

And now he's parking us in Afghanistan for eternity.

Not a Bannon sympathiser but I fear he was the reason Trump never escalated for more occupation in Afghanistan. I knew in the back of my mind that the instant Bannon was gone, Trump would make an announcement for more boots on the ground. Lo and behold, the announcement came. Just like clockwork.

The take? Bannon was way more influential than anyone has ever thought.

Bannon is a gross person, but he was non-interventionist, even though it may be for the wrong reasons.

Currently at +3770. Yep, keep that donald 2.0 narrative alive, boys.

... and you get downvoted. I've never once seen the 2.0 sentiment downvoted and only ever seen this argument downvoted when the topic arises.

1 hour later 4691 79%, I don't think he is as wrong as you claim.

So almost 1000 upvotes in an hour. Says 83% for me, btw.

This is currently the top post in the sub. Next post believe it: Jimmy comet Instagram.

It's at 79%. According to you guys that must mean anti-pizzagaters are brigading it cause it makes "daddy James alefantis " look bad, eh?

Almost 9000 up and sitting at 79% now.

That Donald 2.0 narrative is gonna be true aaaaany day now, I'm sure of it

Not really sure where you are going with this, it is at 9205 with 76% now.

It broke 10k at 75%.

Wow, yeah that Donald 2.0 narrative is totally based in fact

The Donald is dying. Check out their top posts of all time. Of the first two pages only was made in the last three months. The rest are from on or before the election.

They may claim to have 400,000 supporters but the actions of the sub don't support that figure.

They're incapable of effectively down voting this or any other anti Trump post.

B-b-but my Donald 2.0 narrative.

I love how idiots upvoted you thinking you were somehow proving me wrong when your comment actually reinforces my point

It's on 9000 up votes now. The crowd here always jump to conspiracy when the voting isn't going exactly how they think it should.

The crowd here always jump to conspiracy when the voting isn't going exactly how they think it should.

So does that include people whining about "Donald 2.0"


Sometimes? Either this sub is the "Donald 2.0" or it isn't.

I think the Donald has lost his legs a bit. The support isnt here for him as it once was.

Well hopefully you're right and it causes the cries of "Donald 2.0" to die down too cause it's getting really old.

Cause the LARPers who bitch about it every day haven't lost their legs.

I'm sure there are still people who think it is and it's possible a mod sees it like that too, but for the vast majority, the marriage is over.

What's a larper?

Many are what you would expect, many are jumping ship.

I actually wouldn't expect people naive enough to follow him in the first place to not be naive enough to leave him later on.

So it's a pleasant surprise to me.

No, your initial intuition was correct. Trump is still polling in the upper 70s among republicans. At this point I don't think any amount of facts or logic are going to sway that group, they are running on pure faith in their own version reality.

I judge him on what he does regardless of rhetoric out there. Example: all the fuss about his speeches re.Charlotte are beside the point. What policy is he implementing?

There's a whole other argument to be had here regarding whether or not his policies have been positive. But anyway, I do think his rhetoric matters. The President is one of the most influential people in the country. People on both sides pay attention to what he says.

I guarantee you that what white supremacists across the country heard when Trump said "there was violence on both sides" is "I am in support of your actions". They believe they have a friend in the White House, and it is emboldening them. By refusing to condemn them, Trump contributes to their behavior

Except that he did condemn them.

And then immediately walked back on it and said the white supremacists and the counter protesters were equivalent

What he said was factually correct. There were violent leftists and peaceful right wing protesters. And vice versa. But fuck him for telling the truth and not bawling his crocodile tears all over twitter about "muh nazis so horrible waaaaahhhhh!!"

Oh yeah? How many people did the left run over with a car again?

Good one. I'm ready to condemn all muslims now because of one muslim terrorist attack.

You didn't answer my question.

Good one.

You still didn't answer the question.

It was factually correct, but it's a statement this ignores the overall context of the situation. Racists showed up to a town with weapons and chanted Nazi slogans, and one of their members drove a vehicle into a crowd. They share the lion's share of the blame for what happened, not the counter protestors

Maybe it wasn't the right situation to speak out about it but who else is going to condemn the lefts violent protests? Every time they hurt someone or multiple someones no one in the media says a damn thing. Yes they didn't run over and kill someone with a car. Trump condemned that. If you want to argue he didn't do it hard enough or fast enough whatever I don't care about that.

There's discussion to be had about the methods some members of antifa use. But it should have been an afterthought compared to racists organizations spreading hate and committing violence. They are the most divisive and harmful force in America right now, and the continual efforts by Trump supporters to distract from and defend them is embarrassing

Harmful how? They aren't the ones systematically trying to reduce free speech by rioting anytime someone """fascist""" holds a peaceful event.

Man you really have swallowed the rhetoric. Counter protesting does not limit free speech, and isn't covered by the first amendment. Free speech only guarantees you protection from the government censoring you, not your fellow citizens telling you you're an asshole

First of all I said free speech not the first amendment so don't put arguments in my mouth. Second, they don't 'counter protest' they are always looking for a fight, blocking roads, and without permits most of the time. Why do you think the supremacists were carrying shields and weapons? Because they expected people would violently attack them. And they were right.

They had a permit in Charlottesville. And you're focusing on a select set of incidents as opposed to the larger picture. Look at Boston, there were a huge number of counter protestors there, and little to no violence

I bet you could only name a handful of actual peaceful protests by this group at most. Oh yeah Boston was a reeeeaaal peaceful protest https://youtu.be/CV7-QYz16qQ

The bigger picture is there is a growing violent faction in the United States and it isn't white supremacists. Their numbers have always been small in the modern age and everyone fucking knows what true racism is and we as a society don't want that shit. It has already been decided. The fight is over.

Antifa is the bigger problem. The media, shills, and normal idiots are legitimizing their actions good and bad (mostly bad). They think its okay to physically assault people they think are """"nazis"""" and destroy property. But whatever dudes lets virtue signal about racism and muh grandpas fought nazis on twitter some more. Good work.

9 percent of the country called Neo-Nazi views "acceptable" Another 8 percent were undecided. If you think the problems of racism and white supremecy are gone in America, you aren't paying attention. But no, let's focus on the couple cases of dudes in black masks getting violent, often in response to violence from others

Wow a (((survey))) with 1000 adults with 8% of them apparently not knowing how to answer a simple question. That's your evidence? You call me cherry picking I call you cherry picking. I think we've exausted this conversation.

Hmm you're probably right, as soon as someone uses the triple parenthesis it becomes pretty clear they aren't particularly rational and there isn't much point in debating with them

Whatever you say (((thefreeman419)))


Yeah that ... or you're living in a bubble of mass-hysteria and Trump is a reasonable person who made the practical decision of listening to what his generals were telling him and acted on their advice.

It's not too hard to tell when you read reports from people within the White House staff admitting Trump isn't reading his briefings, or is making decisions purely based on spiting Obama

t. Anonymous white house official

Well if CNN prints it, it must be true. You got me!

Let me know when the National Enquirer runs the story since they are the sad fucking last pillar of American "journalism".

Trump is still polling in the upper 70s among republicans

He was in the upper 80's like a month ago, so that's bad trend for him.

Jumping ship to what exactly? I really hope the Democrats don't try to run Hillary again.

They should just for the lulz, imagine the conservative tears and the Trump meltdown

That's fucking stupid.

In another universe, you're a mod on T_D


That's just another leftist bullet point on list of denial.

"Were just killing terrorists, not nation-building. This is good." - them

As long as we keep bombing civilians we get more terrorists to kill! Win-win!

It's because we don't fight wars the way they should be anymore. Read any history book that deals with war. We will be going back every 10 years unless we kill almost all the men and boys. The boys grow up to be men and want revenge on the US for killing their fathers. They get together, form a group, and start doing attacks. It's been going on for 4 decades now.

So, let me get this straight. The problem is that we're just not killing enough children?

And it's real easy to talk so callously about slaughtering kids when you're safe and sound behind your computer screen on the opposite side of the planet. You're a fucking pussy.

I'm not. I've deployed, done my dues. Seen plenty of people die. I'm just speaking the truth and people don't like it cause it's a fucked up truth. We saw kids become soldiers, throw explosives at US soldiers. The average age of a Taliban soldier is 16. We are already killing kids, you just don't know it.

Or if we let the terrorists kill everyonr rlse theyll also stop commiting terror

Hey if don ciccio had klled the kid hed still be alive

How about you let them speak instead of speaking for them in s snarky manner?

It was a quote, so it was them speaking. I just didn't include the name.

I'm not from there, and I'm not a supporter, but I think there's a little bit more to the story. As others in this thread are saying, the Deep State is very powerful, and it's not easy to get stuff done. Despite that, there is evidence to suggest that Trump is working with the Alliance and doing what he can to take the Deep State down. So regardless of my thoughts on his policy (it doesn't really matter since the Deep State largely influences that for any president), I at least respect him for attempting to take them down.

can u elaborate on that , genuinely curious

Forgive me, but I'm getting fed up with this thread and the lack of actual discussion. I will PM you some more information.

What is Alliance?

The Alliance is basically the resistance against TPTB. They've been working behind the scenes to take down the Deep State for years. There's a whole war going on that we don't even really know about. Many of them are ex-black hats, and are working to right the wrongs that they've done and protect humanity. If you're interested in learning more, PM me. This thread clearly isn't the place to discuss this kind of thing. Too many people are buying into the medias bullshit and not willing to look at the bigger picture.

I can't even..

Hahah, feel free to downvote man. You're entitled to your own opinion and belief.

If, at any point, you decide that you want to learn more about what's actually going on, find me and PM me. I'd be happy to share. Best of luck to you brother.

Make claims and back them up

That's okay man, I'll pass. If you're interested in learning more, I've offered for anyone to PM me. Or maybe try doing a little research yourself sometime and forming your own opinion.

Were you one of those kids that posted on /b/ asking Anonymous to take down your school principal for banning baseball caps

Lol, nope. Never actually been on 4Chan before.

Lol what? Define the Deep State.

Haha, you're a long way from /r/politics my friend. It's unlikely for you to be subscribed to this subreddit and not know what the Deep State is, so I'll just assume you came from /r/all.

From Google Dictionary: a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.

It can be used fairly interchangeably with TPTB, the Cabal, the black hats, etc. You get the picture. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Is there any weight to it?

Their existence? I would say it's pretty undeniable when you start noticing. Have you ever seen Prison Break? Shows like that are an example of how feasible and likely it really is. I would say that with a system like ours, it's almost inevitable.

There is no Trump agenda. That's why he can say all Americans should have healthcare, and then demand to sign a bill that guts it.

The entire Trump agenda is to look scary and make everyone think Americans are nuts so don't fuck with us.

Look, just because you don't like his policies doesn't mean he has none. Obama's ACA needs to be gutted because it's an unaffordable mess.

And yes, he believes in brandishing military strength across the globe, preferably to intimidate rather than actually fight. That has always been his platform, whether you agree or not.

Brandish military strength while also pulling the rug out from NATO by going soft on Article 5.

You can say he does anything, because on any given issue he'll contradict himself.

I used to buy Trump's bullshit, but I realized in time that he's deliberately vague so that people read whatever they want into it. I thought he was a secret democrat, for instance.

What made me see it's all snake oil was when he said "women who get abortions should be punished as criminals". It takes two seconds to see how stupid that is, most obvious being the statistical certainty of a miscarriage being prosecuted as a crime -- punishing an innocent woman for a tragedy cannot be good policy.

This was an argument that was addressed literally 200 years ago. You could only arrive to DJT's conclusion if you were talking out of your ass.

It's no coincidence that it was the first statement he actually walked back.

Regarding Article 5, his aim is the same as expressed in his speech this week. He wants allied nations to pull help in the effort, so the US doesn't have to do everything. He's been successful in this, and NATO allies have upped their military spending in accordance with the budgetary expectations of their membership. And Trump has now committed to Article 5. He did the same regarding China and North Korea. And now the same with India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever read.

What, exactly, makes you think a New York billionaire has literally any interest in dismantling the institution that allows him to be rich and powerful?

Now you're asking the right kind of questions!

I obviously can't say for sure, seeing as I don't know him in person. But there are actually a lot of reasons someone in his position might.

For starters, a lot of people go a long time down one path before their conscience or guilt catches up to them. Maybe he learned about all of the human trafficking and fucked up shit that was going on and wanted to do something about it. Maybe he was sick of the way he was seeing this country run. It's possible he even gives a shit about other people more than himself and his money (I'm not saying this is the case.) Maybe he's been working for the Resistance for a long time. Or maybe he has his own ulterior motives.

Whether or not we know why he's doing it yet, what there is a lot of evidence for is that he's trying. So we should at least acknowledge that.

before their conscience or guilt catches up to them

Fucking LOL

It's possible he even gives a shit about other people more than himself and his money


what there is a lot of evidence for is that he's trying

Like what!? I don't see any evidence that he's doing anything other than whatever the fuck he wants cause he's a old, rich, narcissistic shit bag (plenty of evidence of that from literally is his entire life before politics) who is slowly losing his wits before our eyes.

The most powerful person in the world is going to war against dnc/globalist/deep state MSM. That's one very telling proof that he is up against something. And MSM is literally trying to start a civil war by supporting antifa, creating false narratives that Trump is supporting nazis/kkk. And the sheeps who believe every narrative that msm spits out will fight on one side, and the ones who sees through the lies will stand on the other.

He's not at war with anything except competency.

He's not at war with anybody. He's an incompetent narcissist.

You don't need the media to see what a baffoon and an asshole he is, you just have to pay attention to him. The 'other' side of this imaginary war may well be true, I don't have an opinion on that (globalist/deep state shit). But Trump isn't fighting anything, he's a fucking moron.

I do not think it would be a stretch to suppose that Trump has a chip on his shoulder about banks.

My friend had a clubfoot, I used to put a buncha thumbtacks in it.

Yes of course the 'institution' is the only thing that makes billionaires billionaires and by god lets just judge his whole personality based on his amount of money. If we start doing that let me get out my black american crime rate chart.

I'm sure you're itching to do that.


Who/What is the 'Deep State' exactly?

Excellent question, thanks for asking. Google Dictionary has a pretty cut and dry definition.

Deep State: a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.

They are TPTB, essentially.

How do they control things, though? Threat of assassination if you don't go along?

If your talking in regards to the POTUS, possibly. I'm sure they have all sorts of tactics, but I believe that, along with threat to his family is one of them.

Agreed he's taking a wrong turn here...


He did kill TPP and the Paris climate accord. Pretty happy about both of those and definitely anti-globalist. We'll see if it lasts with Bannon gone.

Bannon is going to build a conservative TV channel I think. The US desperately need one.


Except for maybe Tucker and Hannity, not really

Semi-conservative. Tucker and Hannity are there. Many of the rest are not.

Jesus lord Fox News isn't far right enough for you people?

"Tonight on Alex Jones Live, why Muslims are being banned from attending Nazi conservative spirit rallies."

How dare you mention positive things he's done!

Who says those are positives?

When you don't believe in climate change, you don't need a climate deal. QED

No, you don't have to not believe in climate change to recognize the the Paris Accord was a terribly ineffective idea and made literally no sense to stay in except to look good.

How so? Setting a global goal and allowing participants some flexibility in their methods of obtaining that goal seems to make literally some sense.

There was less reason to leave than there was to stay in. It's like if a bunch of friends agree to lose weight and you say you're not even going to try.

Not like that at all. More like a salesman asking you to renew your subscription to an ineffective weight loss program when you could save all of that money and spend it on a healthier diet/lifestyle yourself.

But countries have no obligation to pay, and there are no legal repercussions set up if they don't follow the agreement, so your analogy isn't accurate. https://youtu.be/6GMkuPiIZ2k

The brilliant minds of /r/conspiracy, obviously

Any sane person. The climate accord was a joke, a literal money making scheme. It was costly, ineffective, and a huge waste of taxpayer money. The payoff is not even close to the cost. Especially when the cost includes hundreds of thousands of jobs.

There's a lot of information on the internet, I would recommend maybe researching things for yourself sometimes, rather than following the circlejerk. Good luck!

Seems like you're the one that's partaking in the circlejerk. The research I've done has made me believe it would be a net positive for the world.

Spend billions of dollars to make no difference in the climate! (by their own estimates)


to make no difference in the climate! (by their own estimates)


Still better than the alternatives....

He's listening to his generals and taking their advice on military matters.

As opposed to firing generals who disagree (like shinseki who said we'd need 4x more troops to stabilize iraq during the bush invasion).

Well so far Trump hasn't been the best at keeping his staff so

Which is what I expected. Trump isn't running a internship, if you can't get results get the fuck out. He'll do this until he gets the right mix. He doesn't care if it looks bad politically, he doesn't care if John Oliver will make fun of him for it, he will do it until the right people show up for work.

It's almost hilarious but mostly just sad that you think he has any shred of competence at what he is doing.

Contrast that to people like you who view everything he does as an act explained by stupidity and incompetence. Keep telling yourself he became the most powerful man in the world despite being completely incompetent at everything he does. Reality disagrees with you.

Keep telling yourself he became the most powerful man in the world despite being completely incompetent at everything he does.

He won the presidency because we have millions or people in this country who are fucking retarded and bought in to this conman's simple bullshit answers to complicated questions and empty promises or grandeur. I'll give him credit for being able to take advantage of that opportunity within American voters. But he has no idea how to run this country and if you think he does, you're a fucking idiot.

Millions of people you disagree with must be brainwashed and/or retarded. Yeah, that sounds reasonable. Anything to keep you from questioning your beliefs.

Are millions of people retarded for being right-leaning or conservative? No, just different opinions and/or values than me.

Are millions of people brainwashed and/or retarded for buying into Donald Fucking Trump? Yes. Mind-numbingly stupid.

Your refusal/inability to see things from the other side isn't doing you (or Trumps' critics) any favors. You really have no idea why he won, do you?

Obviously not all those who voted for him did so because they hate mexicans or muslims or whatever, that's an unfair characterization. I can absolutely understand why people are frustrated with the status quo, why they feel establishment politicians don't represent them, etc. That doesn't give them a free pass for allowing themselves to be fooled by such a transparent con-man. And I really don't see any excuse for not realizing what a piece of shit he is by now.

I can absolutely understand why people are frustrated with the status quo, why they feel establishment politicians don't represent them, etc.

That's actually a very accurate observation, good on you.

That doesn't give them a free pass for allowing themselves to be fooled

What other choice did they have, exactly? Clinton was probably the most status-quo establishment candidate of all time, and everyone knows 3rd parties don't have any chance. They weren't fooled - at worst, they chose the lesser of two evils. At best they chose someone who they believed would shake things up for the establishment. I think you'd be hard-pressed to argue that Trump hasn't delivered on his promise to shake up the establishment/status-quo. I feel like I'm getting exactly what I voted for, and I could give a fuck how polite Trump is to the shithead elite that have fucked us with a polite smile for decades at least.

They weren't fooled - at worst, they chose the lesser of two evils.

Hillary is a shitty person but policy wise she just would have been Obama 2.0, which is better than what we have now.

I think you'd be hard-pressed to argue that Trump hasn't delivered on his promise to shake up the establishment/status-quo

Seems to me like he's largely followed republican party lines on most issues and been a friend to the business elite while not really doing shit for average people whatsoever. All while continuing his extremely divisive, hyperbolic, and lie-fueled rhetoric. He's lowered the bar for politics more than ever, done a shit job of diplomacy turning us into a laughing stock around the world, emboldened the worst parts of the "alt-right", lowered the bar for critical thinking and just in general has been exactly the Demagogue he was from the beginning. We're more divided than ever, meanwhile the people he appointed to power continue to chip away at protections for average citizens for the benefit of the rich. He IS the elite and he's continuing to enable them to fuck us and people think he's different because he talks out his ass about "bringing jobs back" and openly scapegoats minorities.

Some shake-up that is...

Lots of people felt betrayed by Obama. The establishment's obvious hatred for Trump is all the evidence I need that he's not one of them. The focus on the "alt-right" is just the media having hissy-fits; these people were the same before Trump became elected and they are not numerous or powerful at all. If anything, it was the democrats' identity politics that "emboldened" this small swathe; identity politics that became their clearest when nobody could criticize Obama for anything without being called a "racist bigot."

The right and left hate each other, does that mean that there are only establishment on one side? He's not an establishment politician, but he's still an out of touch billionaire who filled his cabinet with elites who will fuck over the American people for the interests of the rich. He's spent his whole life preying on average or poorer people without giving a shit, don't know why that would change now.

nobody could criticize Obama for anything without being called a "racist bigot."

People on the left go too far with identity politics sometimes, and people on the right focus too hard on the extreme ends of that. People also had good reason to bring up racism with Obama.. with all the insisting he was born in Kenya and comparing Michelle to a gorilla and bullshit like that.

it was the democrats' identity politics that "emboldened" this small swathe

Funny because they are all out there with MAGA hats and really started coming out of the woodwork during and after his campaign.

The media over-represents them, because they (the media) are establishment trying to win back their power by pushing a false narrative. They've been caught doing this many times. Left and Right common people hate each other, but left and right elites are buddy-buddy. Not so with trump - the elite from both sides began attacking him the second they thought he had a chance.

Sure many of the elite publicly don't support him because they want to distance themselves from the man, but most are probably giddy at the prospects of having a cabinet full of bankers and industry elites, able to form self-serving policy easier than ever at the expense of common people. More tax breaks for the rich, fewer consumer protections, same old shit as every establishment Republican. He's no champion of the common man.

If what you're saying comes to pass, then it wouldn't have mattered one way or the other who they voted for - unless you are claiming that the democrats don't do the exact same thing. They had nothing to lose. I don't think you can fault them for taking the chance. I also think it's too early to tell, but I like what I've seen so far.

I have a pretty good standard for competency: if you have towers with your name on them and you have won the presidency of the United States, you are allowed to criticize the competency of other people with self-named towers and who have won the presidency of the United States.

Do you have towers with your name on it and have you won the presidency of the United States? No? Then your brain is lying to you when it says it can accurately gauge the competency of someone who has done those things. But the hallucinations make you feel good, why question them?

That's one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard. Truly fucking stupid, congratulations. As if having towers with your name on it makes you fit to be president. Literally listen to the man talk, read his conversations with other world leaders.

I didn't say it makes him qualified, although in the context of his career it does.

I said that it makes you not qualified to speak on his competency because that's objectively true.

I don't think you know what objectively means.

He's fired literally every important person in 7 months. He's not getting results because he has no shown any leadership and he blames everyone below him.

Good. If they're in important roles they better do important things otherwise someone truly important should take their place. Unionized government employees don't get this, but it's how the corporate world works.

otherwise someone truly important should take their place

Like Spicer being replaced by Scaramuchi?

He didn't replace spicer, spicer was working as press sec and comm director part time. He didnt like him so he quit. And guess what they fired moochi too because he wasnt right for the job either.

So why did they hire him in the first place?

Initially he was good at spinning things but he wouldn't shut the fuck up outside of work.

I don't understand, so he was a normal guy before the job? Or did they just not vet him or look into him beforehand? I find it hard to believe a guy who gets fired before he even starts was a good guy before the job.

The Mooch was his way of firing Preibus

A good leader doesn't "wait for the right person to come along" ffs.

What does that mean? He's not waiting. He's trying different people out. He can't do it all himself.

If "trying people out" is his strategy, as if this was some sort of Little League team, then that further supports the notion that we are dealing with a total amateur. Real leaders are better judges of moral and ethical character, or at least don't have a literal revolving door of cabinet members in the first 6 months. That's called throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.

Bar none the weirdest behavior out of this election is seeing so, so many people who don't matter, who have never mattered, and who have never had even the tiniest shred of authority brazenly commenting on competency and leadership when they so clearly know nothing of either.

Did you just recently discover the internet?

Oh okay, you really think history is going to say Trump made some huge difference in Afghanistan? By doing the same thing Bush and Obama did?

We'll see

Is like talking to someone in an abusive relationship. I'm sorry they're hurting you, it's time to let them go.

Or Mattis who told Obama that ISIS would seize the power-vacuum in Iraq.

Don't subscribe to that sub because it's full of cringy dipshits, but I did vote for the guy and wouldn't take it back.

It's disappointing, as are many of the things he's done and said since he took office. I won't pretend to be an expert in middle eastern politics and know the best course of action, but his comments about military action being on the table for Venezuela is what bothers me even more. Leave these fucking places alone, man. Campaigned on focusing on domestic problems and not doing shit like that. Frustrating.

As I said, I don't know enough to say that us leaving Afghanistan tomorrow is a good choice, but put a plan in place for us to leave. Something sustainable.

So tired of the constant bullshit from every level of American (worldwide) politics and media.

Why do you still support Trump? It should be obvious by now that he doesn't care about you.

I wouldn't say I "support" him. I said I don't regret my vote. I think in 15 years, looking back, the country will look more like I want it to than if I had voted Clinton or 3rd party.

Is he a piece of shit? Yes. More of a piece of shit than Hillary? I would say yes.

So much if it comes down to the Supreme Court though. Getting Gorsuch in there (though in reality Obama should have been able to appoint, but that's another argument) is huge. Maybe we will get another conservative justice, not sure. But Clinton being able to appoint 3 liberal justices I think would have been far too much.

I actually don't like any party having huge majorities. If I had my way we'd have a conservative Supreme Court, non-super majority in one house and maybe the presidency, maybe not.

Lot of random thoughts in there, and not written very well. Pretty tired right now, so forgive it.

America will never leave communist countries alone. They know that the second their influence doesn't crush a communist nation, communist support in America will reach the levels it was in its glory days. America will continue to intervene in communist nations economically or militarily, assassinate their leaders and replace them with puppets, and wage a propaganda war.

We think OP didn't even watch the speech. He specifically said "we are not nation building, we are killing terrorists".

This will be over by Christmas, you can laugh at me if I'm wrong.

Lol well fuck Trump said all those troops going overseas aren't going to be nation building but everything Trump is doing us what's been done in the past so what's the difference. Oh right, he lies right to your face


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Fine then! =P

That's literally just another Trump support website. The people posting the questions are Trump supporters, asking other Trump supporters what they feel about things, when TD forbids discussion on a certain topic. You're not even allowed to say not-nice things about the president in there.

He's doing great and people are overreaching with what they think he was going to be about.

Abandoning Iraqi too early, forsaking the blood-sacrifice of our children waging war, and enabling ISIS to grow in strength in the greatest military blunder in American history.

The only reason Al-Qaeda had any power at all is because we abandoned Afghanistan in the 70's.

A President that listens to his military leaders?
Well fuck, too bad Obama didn't listen to General Mattis when the told him exactly what would happen in Iraq if they withdrew and instead Obama fired him for "speaking truth to power".

I am not thrilled with the cost and prospects of nation-building because morons like Hillary or W. or Obama go at haphazardly and with no competency in execution nor any commitment to success.

So while I fear Trump will fail as all other before him, let us hope he finds some success for the sake the future world.

Sorry dude. The reason alqaeda has power is because the cia trained and armed them in the 1980s. I agree, we shouldnt have pulled out of afganistan prematurely. We also shouldnt still be there since 2002 protecting poppy fields. Get in, get out, let it be their problem

80's yes not 70's ... but if we leave again with the nation in shambles we'll just be back again in a couple of decades.

Those countries need dictatorships. Everything was peaceful pre1980 before the usa and ussr got involved and toppled the ayatolla, Sadddam, and qaddafi, amongst others. democracy isnt for everyone

The biggest talking point that's coming out of TD lately is A) "everybody talk about ANTIFA" and B) "The media is trying to divide and conquer us, can't we all just get along?"

It's B) especially that should be a huge sign the Trump administration is failing. People don't start saying "Can't we all just get along?" when they've spent their entire political lives fighting the identity politics fight, unless their particular side just started losing big time.

What's happening, is that the Trump administration, and their supporters, are being divided and conquered. People who are okay with his comments about the Virginia riots, and people who aren't. People who are okay with his plans to send more troops to Afghanistan, and people who aren't. People who believe it's not his fault that Obamacare is still here and the Wall isn't, and people who don't. There's only so much you can do to keep all his supporters united under His name.

Meanwhile, the rest of us, both left and right, both DNC and GOP politicians, both CNN and Fox News, everyone is out there condemning him, uniting in their distrust of the Trump administration. I haven't seen America this united since before the election.

The biggest talking point that's coming out of TD lately is A) "everybody talk about ANTIFA"

As somebody who was on the streets resisting neo-Nazis in Europe in the 90's, it both amuses and terrifies me to see people in Europe get their idea of what "Antifa" is from the American alt-right dominated internet bubble. It's like hearing little walking Stormfront agitators. It affects everyone, from every ideological stripe. I would say another American round of leftist activist demonization was a resounding success, after PETA and BLM. I'm sure that last sentence alone will trigger another round, but it's a definite pattern: framing the discussion and image perception of activist groups by either outright demonization (PETA is literally Hitler) or equating (Both sides are equally bad) is something straight out of the American propaganda kitchen and the internet's wide, international reach through social media, blogs, "alternative news" and so on can only be described as wildly successful. Americans now control public sentiment about activist groups in Europe. Rather than knocking on their neighbor's door and asking about it, I see people's opinions being formed and shaped by the internet, then spread around over beers in the bar. It has little relation to reality, downto completely erroneous pronunciation of acronyms betraying baseline ignorance.

I strongly disagree! As a cousin to one of the former top people in ANTIFA i know they did as much if not more violent crimes, hit jobs, shake ups and in general violent behaveour as white pride in our country.

I agree that the perseption of these groups may be missunderstood and that the have good intentions. But its completely wrong to day that they do not have violet part or have made calls for violet actions. These establisments are fundamentally un-democratic. They like the other extreme group on the far rightdo not want democracy, they want their ideas to rule in what average people would consider a turanical way.

That being said i truely do believe that they mean well and want to correct problems in our society through their tyranicle rules.

My cousin and a couple of antifa friends were some of the most violet people i have met. So i think the correct messagde is to say fuck both sides of the extremes.

Sorry for the errors in spelling i am shit at spelling in english and have a lovely day 😊

Left right paradigm? You cant categorize trump under a black or white blanket. Everybody has pros and cons. The real fight here is adhering to the constitution, and making sure everybody is given equal protection under the law as an american, whether they are antifa or nazis. As long as people dont infringe on each others rights, they are free to say whatever the hell they want.

Dude who subs to r/The_donald here. I think it doesn't matter who's President. It's still the powers that be who run things. He's just the salesman. I also believe that in a more conservative society because liberals like positive change (So does everyone one in their right mind) but I don't want a fast liked lighting radical change. Just like like most businesses, growing to big and fast can make your business implode. And that's what it looks like what's happening now. IMHO

As a life long New Yorker, that has seen Donald coming up in the world in the news for building parts of NY, in films and hearing folks using the phrase "Who do you think you are, Donald Trump?!", whenever you spend money frivolously. I think it sets a true example that anyone can become president. It doesn't matter who you are. As long as you know how to play the game of life and win. Skies the limit and you can truly change the world. One way or another. We can use our free will all we want, but what's meant to be, will be. In my eyes.

Situation is very complicated much more than we would know. He is not Ron Paul alot of people want Trump to be Paul, it isn't happening. He ran on bringing jobs back to USA and reducing illegal immigration, stepping away from globalist plans. There was some promise of locking her up but I didn't expect that anytime soon. Everyone wanted a purge of all the wikileaks exposing criminals but if that was public as soon as he took office the left would have a real motivation to escalate the impeach / remove. In terms of Afghanistan I say he should have a shot at ending cant complain that we don't at least try it a different way. He did say no rebuilding just exterminating.

Truthfully I think he got in way over his head and didn't realize the president cannot snap his fingers and people agree with him like in the business world. In my opinion he found out that insider Republicans and dems are actually playing on the same team artificially campaigning bullshit year after year only for the status quo to move in again. He's the biggest threat that either party can imagine and he can only do so much when both sides want to stifle him. I will give him his 4 years or 8 years of support then I'm leaving the Republican party to be an independent. I hate Republican party as much as Democrat party now and I only support trump as far as politicians go.

The only upvoted comments, are people mocking them. I am glad you asked this question with no snark.

No. This conspiracy sub has turned to shit, with people openly believing the left right paradigm and trusting the govt without being skeptical. Scary times

I agree. The propaganda campaign has really been out of control. There is some good discourse here though. Just harder to find is all.

I thought this sub was the_donald

Trump has a lot more enemies who are my enemies than anybody else I can remember, both political parties in particular.

That's good enough for me. Not perfect, but I'll take what I can get. I'm not some deluded self-important clown who thinks this is the equivalent of a "revolution" lol.

I'm still a Trump supporter. I'm willing to voice my opinion over Skype or somewhere we can talk on a rational way. PM me of interested.

"It matters not who wears the crown, only that it has your obedience."

Absolutism of the State wins over all parties.

Devls Advocate: Even if Trump wanted to change all these things, is he capable? These are deep systems that have been around a long time. Maybe he's trying and failing? or maybe he realized it's impossible to change on his own and has decided to tweet away his 4 years.

no, he doesn't seem like he puts much effort into things.

Or maybe he's a big fucking idiot?

Just looking at his actions, what would make you think he is a good candidate for president?

Absolutely nothing.

Trump just wanted to make a name for himself and make money, it was never about helping anyone out but himself.

He's doing good so far. We don't know what he has planned yet.

By absolutely no metric is trump doing "good."

How is he doing good?

He's done nothing of what he promised. He has hurt the environment, no changes to immigration, half the country hates him and people are leaving his administration in masses.

Trump will not survive another year.

In literally no way is he doing "good." He has so far failed by virtually every metric.

You forget your /s?

Stocks up, deportation up, immigration down, companies coming back to the States, ISIS on the run, not plastering our military plans all over MSM, holding countries accountable for their own security

Stocks have been trending upward since Obama, same with immigration trending down

That was with different articles, hit pieces, opinionated garbage. Right after Trump's inauguration the stock market shot up compared to a barely rising closes. Obama was on a good track with our finances, Trump is a business man and knows who to get to make it work better for us.

I'm guessing you don't follow the market then.

Trump is a business man that managed to bankrupt a casino.

How many businesses has he made money on? He also became the President. How many businesses total has he has a hand in and it makes or made money? You ever wasted money on something you regret? Should your employer fire you?

The presidency has absolutely nothing to do with his alleged business skills, I think you'll agree with that. Not that he doesn't make money off it but that's beside the point.

I didn't go bankrupt four or five times, so no, my employer is pretty happy with me. I also don't go out telling people I'm the greatest business man ever while I went bankrupt four or five times. This is about Trump, so my business skills are also completely irrelevant to the discussion.

The market shot up because the republicans got all three branches and they thought they would get a ton of tax breaks. Now that they realize the Republicans can't get anything passed, they've gone back to the steady climb they already had under Obama.

It had nothing to do with trump. Neither he nor the republican congress have made any noteworthy changes that would have affected the markets as a whole. Disbanding a regulation here or there won't do shit to the overall market. Oh now water bottle manufacturers can sell water bottles at national parks?! BUY BUY BUY

Lol. Resist no matter what. Trump is President.

... for now

Lol, I can safely disregard pretty much anyone's opinion when they think Donald Trump is an idiot because that shows me that they really don't understand that he's a fantastic showman, incredibly smart, and knows exactly what he's doing. It's triggered people like you that don't see the larger game being played.

You are right he isn't an idiot. He's just a bad hombre.

Every fucking recent President in the US was worse than him when it comes to their body counts, kicking the agenda can further down the road, and their wars for profit, at least so far. Go ahead, contest that.

Hmm, I thought I was agreeing with you but your confrontational nature won't allow it so here we go...Sure, trump hasn't started a war in his first few months...good for him. He has managed to antagonize the majority of our allies and enemies. Not to mention his rhetoric is pretty much the most bigoted since the pre Civil Rights era. Plus LOL on him not pushing agendas... he is serving the conservative power bloc as much as anyone before him. Just look at the Skinny Bill... a terribly written plan put forward because of exclusively conservative interests. The man couldn't even get it passed with the senate majority... already worse than Obama in regards to implementing change. I won't expect you to change your mind tho. You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into

Trump has gone out of his way to avoid war since he's been President. The same cannot be said for virtually all the rest of them. Yeah his rhetoric is childish and churlish towards some of them, but his plainspoken take-no-shit demeanor is exactly why a lot of people voted for him, especially after having Obama who was perceived as a very weak, ineffectual President that just tried to placate everybody.

Provide evidence that Trump is a bigot or racist. The majority of the country agrees with his stances on illegal immigration, and he's not reinstituting slavery or Jim Crow laws for fuck sake. Looks more to me like he's just unencumbered by political correctness, and that's a good thing in my opinion.

How is he pushing the conservative agenda? They've done almost NOTHING since they took power, and a large majority of them oppose Trump and his policies and work hand-in-hand with the Democrats to obstruct his agenda. What exactly is he supposed to do when his own appointments can't get confirmed due to blatant manipulation of the rules and obstructionists being in charge of the vetting process? This is further proof to support the notion that the vast majority of the mainstream Republican Party hates Donald Trump with a bloody passion. Just because there's an R next to his name doesn't mean they're on board with anything he's doing, they rode him into the election because he literally embarrassed and chumped out all of their frontrunners, and they had no choice but to support him because their constituents would have thrown them out of office if they didn't at least pretend to. Hence why you're seeing the Republican Party getting sued by their own constituents because they're not getting on board with the voters' intent to support Trump and his agenda.

Trump is pretty much doing the best he can with the tools he's got, and in that regard he's hardly been the worst President ever and has in fact affected some positive change here in there. I can be objective and call him out when he actually fucks up and support him when he does something right.

wow, it's fascinating to see someone so deep into the cult. trump's job as president is to rally his party to execute on his ideas. healthcare? look at how much effort obama put with a larger majority. that's leadership. trump's twitter tantrums? absolutely childish and incompetent.

Wow it's fascinating to see somebody who can't make simple distinctions and lumps everybody either into Us or Trump Supporter. Absolutism, you people snort it like it's a fucking drug. Fuck your bicameral views, I like ideas on every side of the spectrum no matter who they come from. There's things I like about Trump and things I don't like about Trump, simple as that.

what ideas about white supremacy and nazis do you like? no, seriously. you wear this holier-than-thou both-sides-are-the-same naive nihilism on your sleeve don't you? i called you a cultist because from your responses, i could genuinely not see objectivity with regards to trump criticism. nowhere did i lump you into any crowd, trump supporters or otherwise. frankly, that's irrelevant here. what is relevant is serious logical thoughtful discourse, which i found thoroughly lacking when i come across comments such as this. i gave you a quick rebuttal: trump's major failure and you can see obama as easy contrast, is his thorough incompetence in dealing with healthcare.

I mean left vs right you dunce. I don't support any sort of hateful ideology.

No, there's no holier-than-thou anything. I'm a centrist and I see both sides as equally as possible and make my own determinations. You don't know anything about me. I can tell you how Trump is a Zionist and kisses Israel's ass too much, I can talk about how Trump's basically lining his cabinet and the government full of rich fucks that don't give a fuck about his agenda or the American people, I can talk about how Trump should shut his mouth more often and not post on Twitter as much because it looks bad and makes us look bad, but there's already three thousand other fucking accounts right on this sub that do the very same thing in every single thread (even in those that have nothing to do with him), and I like him more than I dislike him. That's not being naive, that's me having a fucking opinion based on my own evidence and experiences, and you can kiss my ass.

You really read that entire comment and didn't see any sort of thoughtful discourse? Or is it that you saw me saying good things about Trump and saw red and just had to come in and set me straight? Imma go with the latter.


and I like him more than I dislike him. That's not being naive, that's me having a fucking opinion based on my own evidence and experiences, and you can kiss my ass.

this pretty much sums up my point.

You really read that entire comment and didn't see any sort of thoughtful discourse?

nope, really. and it's pretty funny that you insult me and then claim that i see red.

What things do you like about Hillary Clinton?

The fact that she's already dead or dying soon? She is incredibly evil and has a lot of blood on her hands.

So you just lies and don't really like ideas from all sides.

LMFAO Clinton is a fucking neocon and politically to the right of Donald Trump, who is a moderate Centrist, so what are you even talking about?

If you think

I think you're a bigot, nothing more.

Nice lazy generalization because you can't actually argue a point. We're all done here.

I like ideas on every side of the spectrum no matter who they come from

What things do you like about Hillary Clinton?

The fact that she's already dead or dying soon

So you just lied and don't really like ideas from all sides.

If you think any of our politicians are an accurate representation of the left vs right political spectrum, you don't understand politics in America.

I think you're a [a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions], nothing more.

you can't actually argue a point


LOL just ignore that entire paragraph that gives it context because you're such an absolutist you can't see more than two views - yours and everyone else.

Why don't you add your important context, then? Let us all know how context saves your comment from not being a lie. Go ahead.

Yes and no.

Trump is fantastic at playing the masses. He is extremely good at getting people to follow him and was able to use social media almost to perfection. There is no doubt that people will study how a complete buffoon was able to become president.

Having said that, if you were to actually study his words and actions you'd immediately realize how much he lies and deflects. The guy will never take responsibility for his own actions and constantly blames everyone. He has created a huge rift between the right and left to the point that many of his supporters would be willing to take up arms if they felt slighted. You say this makes him smart, to me it looks like an incompetent idiot who doesn't understand the ramifications of his actions.

Trump got to be president because he lied and said everything that his supporters wanted to hear. No one cared if anything he said was true or not, but people were happy to hear someone say America first or that he would bring jobs. None of this has happened and his first month's have been a disaster but people are still happy that they were able to get their "own" president who they think actually cared about them.

Trump isn't that smart, but he has one great quality and that is no shame. He doesn't give a fuck if you hate him as last as he has power. And due to it he has constantly lied and projected, and his base ate it up.

He panders and that's it, that's his one move.

Is it me who is wrong or everyone else?

No, it's everyone else who is wrong.

Yeah, because the voting systems in this sub aren't completely and regularly manipulated by brigades and outside provocateurs or anything, and I haven't been singled out by certain posters in this sub for attacks either. /SARC. Nothing in my comment was inherently divisive other than pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of both sides, and that people do themselves a disservice to think that Trump is just an idiot when these people got to where they are precisely because they knew what they were doing, or have people around them that are even smarter.

Yes, because when I see the hundreds of paid cocksuckers shilling up every thread I definitely just go with the flow. I mean if it's the popular opinion it must be correct, right?

Tl;dr: He's doing retarded stuff cause 7D backgammon.

At least half of his public persona is an act, why don't you people see this

Did you read his leaked phone conversations with other world leaders? It's not an act. Maybe he was once somewhat intelligent, but he's sure as hell not anymore.

the larger game being played

LOL you people are so dense. He could shit his pants on tv and you'd think it was "4d chess" or whatever.

I think it's the people that see and take everything at face value and think there's nothing else behind what they're doing are the ones who are really fooling themselves, but good on you. You can point to a ton of different instances where Trump will act like an asshole or say something that seems outlandish and then a couple days later he's proven correct. The point is you can also make obvious inferences at his success in life and figure out quickly that he's really not an idiot or he wouldn't be where he is.

The point is you can also make obvious inferences at his success in life and figure out quickly that he's really not an idiot or he wouldn't be where he is.

But you can't, his age is clearly catching up to him. He does not behave or communicate the same way as he used to. It's clear as day, he's not the same. If you think it's calculated, you're wrong.

I agree it's an act - it's an act for folks with zero critical thinking skills. He fed you shit, and you licked your lips and thanked him for it.

Hillary's not in jail, there's no funding for a wall, he did not declare China to be a currency manipulator, he's increasing our Middle East intervention, he had a total failure of leadership on Trumpcare - and he can't even find enough people to work for him these days.

I wouldn't say he's an idiot, I would say he's far under-equipped to be effective. The proof of that is his lack of follow-through on his promises that have made almost no progress.

Hillary's not in jail Things take time. Also, this. No funding for a wall Yeah, there is. China currency manipulator Probably because he realized that it would be a monumentally stupid idea considering how much of our Treasury bonds they own. And last I heard, [China is back on his shit list](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/08/beijing-is-back-on-trumps-bad-side Middle East This is flat-out untrue. We have almost no presence in Syria right now, Iraq is getting better, ISIS has been virtually destroyed thanks to joint cooperation between us, Russia, Syria and Iran, and we are attempting to broker a deal to reduce tensions in Libya. Last I checked we don't have any more wars coming up, so what are you even talking about? Healthcare His own party screwed him on this and nobody wanted any of the bills to pass in the first place because they're awful. It was the Republicans that refused to work with the Democrats for a bipartisan bill, that has nothing to do with Trump. And on the positive side of things, the failure of those bills buried Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Appointments Being blocked all the time by opposition Democrats and Republicans by abusing the rules so he can't get his appointments in.

I wouldn't say he's an idiot either, I think it's a bit more accurate to say that the entire establishment will do anything they can to destroy him, refuses to work with him, and is not giving him an inch to enact any of his agenda. He may be the President, but they don't really have all that much power in the first place, and when you have almost the entirety of every branch of government literally sworn to destroy him, how exactly is he supposed to do his job?

Is it really that surprising to understand that Congress does not want investigate Hillary because she will basically bring them all down if she goes down? She's not "too big for jail" in the sense that she certainly deserves to go no matter how rich or powerful she is, but in the sense that the establishment does not want somebody of her stature going down because of what they are going to reveal to get out of it, you can bet your ass the last thing they want to do is pursue this. The fact that she's going after a plea deal may not be satisfactory to some, but it means things are happening even if we're not privy to the dealings.

Trump doesn't want Hillary Clinton investigated.

I have no Illusions about the fact that Trump is most certainly not clean, but I'm pretty sure he's not a pedophile at least.

Well, if that's all it takes for you to get behind someone that's swell.

Well, I'm not as much of an absolutist dogmatic idiot as you are, so I can make distinctions and find things I like in several different areas and not fully support any one ideology. "Only Sith deal in absolutes."

Again, and with the added Star Wars quote even more so, that's swell.

He's shooting himself in the foot repeatedly. Trump's worst enemy is Trump.

No disagreement there, but there are lots of other factors as to why he hasn't been completely successful in his endeavors too.

I think up until this point we assumed a base level of competency.

The President has a very large amount of power. He can unilaterally in many instances set our foreign policy. Yet here he is, rolling back on his promises.

On the rest, the President tends to use his bully pulpit of rally his party, and his sill sin negotiation to get a few votes from the other side. He was simply unable to do so, and instead of addressing his leadership deficiencies, he blames the minority party.

Calling him names isn't helping nothing go back to r politics

Wow, how calm and reasonable

Yeah, a big fucking idiot who won the most intense US presidential race in living memory against record setting amounts of external funding and opposition in both parties.

Your comment is essentially spam. The vote manipulation on this thread is very impressive. Yeah, yeah, spare me, you think people just agree with you and the voting honestly reflects the opinions of real people in this community. You think I'm annoying for bringing up vote manipulation. I know what I am seeing. Don't both complaining.

Here, have some more vote manipulation.

Trump was an incompetent and deeply flawed human before he ran, so his presidency is just a reflection of that. The Corporate cartels and the military industrial complex are running circles around him.

Then he's still a failure then, right? His whole pitch was that these are deep systems and he's the only guy tough enough to break 'em up, and he can't. I personally think he's been basically a phony from the jump (if not an intentional attempt to discredit anti-establishment politics), but even giving him the benefit of the doubt as to his intentions you can only come to the conclusion that he's weak and failed.

Well he convinced a lot of people during the campaign he would do extraordinary things. Now it seems like he mostly cares about golfing and his image.

Why is it so hard for people to understand this. You can't just do whatever you want when you become president. The deep state is very involved and influential. It's difficult to know who to trust, and how to get away with getting shit done.

I didn't vote for him, and I don't necessarily even support his policies, but I do believe he's working with the Alliance to take down the Deep State. And he's making more progress than the MSM (owned by said Deep State) would have you believe.

But he said he "was the only person" who could do those things.

Been saying the same thing since back when I was calling the "appointed court jester" while Hillary was delivered the election with a bow-tie, doesn't matter which side of the designated elite makes office they will still be powered same lobbying megaindustries that have controlled this world for decades if not centuries.

Trump is just one man. There is little or nothing that he can do to change a huge powerful entrenched system. Even as President. (I do not like Trump).

Funny how you Trump supporters claimed Obama was a dictator running the entire universe on his own.

As I stated above, I am not a Trump supporter.

What a crock of shit. Can't wait until a real republican gets elected in 2020 and actually passes legislation that helps hard working Americans

But didn't he say that he was the only person that could actually make a difference?

I think he did. He is rich so he did not need the globalists' money like the Clintons did. So, he was more insulated. But, compared to the entire system, he is very poor and weak.

Lol, the downvotes

I think the real conspiracy that the far left and the far right folks are missing is that deepening divisions weaken the United States as a whole. Society will suffer as the rich get richer and the media carves deeper lacerations in America to get more clicks and views. Whether you think it's a foreign power or the wealthy elite (like Trump or Soros) or just fanatics with a grudge doesn't matter. This country is worse for these divisions and we should blame all those who profit from it, not just the ones with whom we agree.

Both sides are paid to set up these things and then idiots are like yeah lets go protest even tho we have no idea what its about but i like to virtue signal bc im a good person even tho i support some of the most evil ppl in the world yeah!

The media are busy making everyone in the US hate each other to distract them from the fact that they really should be hating the rich.

Absolutely, unfortunately.

You hate small businesses?

I own two small businesses, and I feel just as ripped off by rich people as anyone else. By rich I'm talking about the 1%ers, not the upper middle class.

And fighting poverty is laudable, but fighting economic inequality is much more important. Inequality sucks the life out of economies and makes almost everyone poorer.

You're wrong, fighting poverty is much easier than fighting a fake news story about how the 1% is controlling our economy.

I know this will sound really douchy, but... Being just 1% is not exactly what you think it is.

Most 1% people live near big cities. Most big cities have a very high cost of living. A 1% household income will buy you the life of a much lower taxes bracket just 100 miles away.

Case in point: My family was just over the threshold of 1% from around 2008-2013 (the company my immigrant dad built primarily worked with Eastern European clients who not affected much by the '08 crisis. We lived in a somewhat nice but small house on Long Island, on about 1/8 of an acre. We drove three modest Japanese cars (Honda, Toyota, and Subaru). The only thing that was really different was that I was able to go to college without taking on loans. However, I was really lucky to receive extremely generous academic scholarships. Otherwise, I probably would have had to take some loans.

My girlfriend's family lives in a house that's roughly twice the size on a property that's roughly eight times larger in Connecticut. Her parents' joint income was maybe a quarter of what my family's was.

The 1% isn't as rich as most people think, when you take living expenses into account. The really rich people are those who are consistently clearing a million in annual cash income, or higher. This is much, much smaller than just 1%.

oh, life still sucks when you're in the top 1%?

maybe they should start wondering what it's like for the bottom 99%

I see what you're saying, but in America, the vast majority of people in major cities can't afford a car or land. Don't take what you have for granted.

Oh, believe me, I don't. I grew up dirt poor and my parents ended up filing for bankruptcy a few years back - my dad's business went under in a pretty dramatic way, when the Ukraine crisis heated up.

I've just always been annoyed that the 1% has been called the source of all evil, ever since occupy wall street. In the same way that the majority of major cities are quite poor, the majority of the 1% lives the life style of the 25% in the rest of the country. Not to say it's a brutally hard life, but it's not a life of extraordinary luxury; it's just very comfortable, and not much more.

Must be the same way it grinds my gears lol. Grew up bringing home school lunches to heat up on the kerosene heater and give to my brother and slept on more floors than I can count. The necessity of most amenities just escapes me.

Can't speak about other communities, but the top 1% has been an enemy of minorities and impoverished since way before occupy wall street. I mean like hundreds of years. The disparity has just increased since. Nothing personal against you or your family, but there's just typically a disconnect in lifestyles and experiences.

The real issue are the .01%

Watch this, it's 4 years old now but things have only gotten worse.

Most people don't have a clue how rich the super rich are

Thanks making this comment, rather than tearing me a new one for the fact that my parents made good money at one time. I think you got the point that I was making.

It's just another division the tip top people want us all fighting about.

Your parents certainly have an easier time than most Americans (as do mine) but they worked for it, and used the money to get you an education (as did mine) instead of using money to buy lawmakers and control industries and hurt other people to profit while talking about how much better they are than everyone else (not that every super rich person does this of course) but that is what the inequality has lead to for the worst people in society who lack empathy

Oh poor you, only getting to drive THREE "modest" brand new modern cars and owning a fucking house in fucking Long Island. Oh my you poor baby how did you survive?? And you almost had to take out student loans? Oh man oh man your life is so hard!

You're right, you're just like the rest of us! I mean, we can't afford a home or a single used piece of shit car and have to decide between paying rent or eating for the week and have to take out massive loans to get an education just to have our jobs handed to Richie Rich trust fund babies like yourself because of your mommy and daddy's money and connections, but like we're on the same level right?

You've really opened my eyes about the 1%! You're not totally detached from reality at all!

I hope you choke on that cash. You're a fucking moron if you think your life is at all modest or has anything on common with the normal people of this country.

THREE "modest" brand new modern cars

No one said they were new. And yes, three Japanese cars, with fabric seats, no extras, and each costing ~$18-24 grand is comparatively modest. Claiming otherwise supports my point; I don't know if you realize just how rich people get. A girlfriend I had I high school bitched me out for driving a "shitty Honda" instead of "at least an Audi".

owning a fucking house in on fucking Long Island

It was a 1,400 sq ft ranch with four people living in it. When we first moved in, my two grandmothers lived there too. That house cost an arm and a leg. Part of my point was that making comparatively high income would have been much harder if we weren't living on Long Island. But living on Long Island meant our money didn't go as far it would in other places.

Rich trust fund babies like yourself because of your mommy and daddy's money and connections, but like we're on the same level right?

I don't really appreciate you jumping to these conclusions. My family immigrated from Russia in the 90's. My dad moved here with $300 cash. He worked as a bus driver by day and a taxi driver by night, living with four roommates in an attic apartment in Brooklyn, back when it wasn't advisable for white people to walk around outside after sunset. After a year he saved enough money to bring the rest of my family over. We lived in a barrio on Long Island, in a three family home. My upstairs neighbors were junkies and waking up to gunshots wasn't exactly a rarity. At the time, my dad started his business and we were splitting $30 grand between six people. Eventually, my dad made enough money to move into a the aforementioned ranch. My parents have no money that they didn't earn themselves by staying up until two in the morning, night after night for two decades. All the connections they might have had live across an ocean, in a country where my dad had a price on his head, thanks to altercations with the local mob.

I hope you choke on that cash. You're a fucking moron if you think your life is at all modest or has anything on common with the normal people of this country.

Notice how I said '08-'13. In 2013, the political situation in Ukraine went to shit. My dad's business, which relied on a 60-40 split of Russian and Ukrainian clients went under in just a year. My family went from being in the 1% to having a negative net worth. My parents now live in a $40ish grand home in upstate NY and are below the poverty line. At this point in my life, the only money I have access to comes from my paycheck. I'm not starving, but you'd have to be a moron to call me rich. I drive the sake Honda I drove ten years ago. I've had several moments where I've had to choose between paying for gas and food. Believe me, I'm not as clueless as you're trying to make me out to be.

I understand why you'd write up a comment like the one I'm responding to. But hating me for having the privilege of living a great life for 5-7 years and ignoring my underlying argument won't make your life any better.

no, an 18-24 grand fucking car - and three of them at that - is not fucking modest. Do you know what real people spend on cars? They don't. They have to take the bus because they can't afford a piece of shit 3k used car from 15 years ago.

Boo hoo your parents had to work to get it - generations work themselves to death here and never get to even own a house or a car or ever get any kind of freedom. we're born, we work, we die sick. that's that the life of the average american is. I'm sick of rich people fucking whining about inconsequential bullshit. If you think money's so bad sell one of your 3 fucking cars. hell, sell 2 or all of them. sell your house and fucking rent. Come on down and live with the rest of us.

Your family owns 3 cars, a house in Long Island, and your college was paid for in full. Let me tell you, that is n o t how most people live in this country.

My point wasn't that most people had my family's lifestyle. My was that my family's lifestyle was:

  • Not unimaginable for most Americans.

  • Attainable for much, much less money in other parts of the country.

But just for the record, a 1,400 sq ft ranch on Long Island isn't exactly luxury. No, it's not a run down double wide, but it's frankly somewhat unimpressive to a huge chunk of the population.

Having your tuition paid off and buying a ranch on Long Island isn't really common. Part of your lifestyle is where you live, you think its the same everywhere in the country? Quality of life is a thing. The cheaper it is, the lower that gets generally speaking.

buying a ranch on Long Island isn't really common

Well, it can't be common by definition. Long Island is comparatively tiny. But you do realize a ranch, in this context, is a small single story home, right?

Quality of life is a thing. The cheaper it is, the lower that gets generally speaking.

Generally speaking yes. But there are plenty of exceptions. Like I said, there are plenty of areas, within just a 60 or so mile radius of where I grew up, where the location isn't any worse but your money goes way further.

I think it's a pretty intuitive concept. No?

Compare living in San Fran on a 100k salary to living in Boston on the same salary. Neither city is better or worse than the other. But 100k will take you way further in Boston than in San Francisco.

I get what you're saying, I do, and you're right that cost of live varies a lot in the US. I just don't agree your lifestyle is as easily attainable as you think.

You own two businesses? It's very likely that you are the 1%

that's what he said

Average household income for a 1% is 1.2 million a year.

Small business owners are lucky to clear a 100k from a business. The bulk do less.

Average 1% income is not the lower bar for being in the 1% and is a misleading statistic to use.

If you dont like the look of the average 1 percenter, the lower bound a few years ago was 465k individual AGI. (Of course AGI is usually much lower than your actual income at that level). Still far out of all but a tiny percentage of small business owners.

That's fair.

Also note that that's income, the 1% usually refers to wealth although bootlickers like to try and shift the conversation back to income to try and make it seem like it's not so bad.

Nope. Sadly not even close.

Not in wealth, which is generally what is meant by the 1%

I think you know that is not who OP is talking about. They are nowhere in the same league as the Mnuchins, Tillersons, Cheneys, Bushs, Chlintons, Waltons, Soroses, Kochs, etc.

Agree with everything you mentioned. Just be sure to realize when the left says rich they mean anyone with seven figures. Which is ridiculous.

when the left says rich they usually mean anyone with seven figures.

Seven figures is rich by anyone's definition, and they should IMO face higher marginal tax rates to incentivise either charitable donations or reinvestment into their company in the form of better equipment, or higher employee compensation.

Then anyone close to making a million would stop and be comfortable with a lower amount. Meaning a less productive and effective economy.

i mean if our taxes weren't progressive, then yeah. But since our taxes our progressive your strawman is fighting a losing battle.

What strawman? You mean simple economic laws about supply and demand?

"I don't want that extra million if I am only going to be able to keep 660K!"

Yet historically that hasn't been the case. People don't just stop increasing their wealth because they are angry at the prospect of paying more taxes. The way marginal tax rates are structured, there's always incentive to make more money as the higher tax rates are only applied to amounts made over a certain tax bracket.

Thanks for explaining my point why raising taxes on the rich is not a simple solution to more revenue.

I agree it's not necessarily a simple solution, but at least as of 2012, most economists think we're on the lower side of the curve

Five years can make a hell of a difference.

True; I can't find any good recent data

Small business owners aren't rich, they're upper middle class, maybe even true middle class by historic standards. I think he's referring to big bank execs, board members of defense contractors, people named Rothschild. There's a difference between successful small business owners and moneyed power.

The left assumes anyone with a million bucks is upper class.

Because that's true.

That point of view is extremely toxic then. You must dislike any successful person including doctors, professors, and any successful small business owners.

A million bucks doesn't automatically turn a person into upper class.

Considering you think the average small business owner is a millionaire, your opinions on socioeconomic classes are irrelevant.

hell even the average doctor lol

maybe 10 years after they paid off their last student loan, if they lived extremely modestly.

And professors too. If he thinks they're millionaires, he's an idiot.

oh shit, i had read that as "professionals" and decided to let it slide. yeah, he's an idiot.

In CA alone there are thousands of "million dollar a year" restaurants. Meaning they bring in over a million dollars in sales. After a few years those owners can easily save near a million. Same goes for professors in prestigious schools, after writing multiple textbooks the royalties become very high. Same goes for real estate agents, car salesmen, and the local plumping company. Saving seven figures is very practical over two decades in some professions, and they do not associate​ themselves with the upper class. That is my point.

Yeah, you have zero fucking clue what you're talking about. Look up the average salary for professors and small business owners.

I mean, a million dollars is about 20 times the average household income, so I don't see why it isn't.

Correctly identifying someone's class doesn't mean you dislike them.

Why are you intentionally derailing the discussion and trying to cause further division?

You're literally arguing about dividing people based on how successful they are, and I'm the one being divisive? Projection much?

The rich manipulate the poor into fighting each other so the rich can stay rich. This is a fact.

Your argument when anyone points this out is that this is somehow the left attacking "hard working" Americans. Why are you lying?

Correct, but those people are billionaires. One million dollars does not make someone rich.

I'm not one of the ones downvoting all your shit, but consider this:

1 million dollars would allow me to pay off my mortgage, student loans, both cars, and have more than half left over. No debt and living expenses covered for years.

To me it sounds like anyone who has/makes that kind of money but lives somewhere so expensive that they have to live modestly has fallen for some sort of scam. Just move, lol.

Over two decades, one million dollars worth of savings does not automatically make someone rich.

When people say someone makes seven figures they aren't talking about 20 years cumulative in savings, mate.

By definition, having one million dollars (in assets, let alone cash) puts you in the top 5%. Almost all classifications consider this to be upper class. If you make a seven figures income, that puts you in the top 1%. Undeniably upper class.

If you think professors are making seven figure incomes, you're a moron.

Over two decades, if you're a professor or restaurant owner and don't have a few hundred thousand saved (close to 1 million) you're a moron and terrible investor in yourself.

You still haven't looked up the average salary, have you? If they're lucky, they'll maintain upper middle class status. You spazzing out about how the left attacks people like professors, small business owners, and doctors is so unfounded I have to think you're purposefully trolling.

A dentist can save up a few hundred thousand within a decade, the assistant can save half a million within a decade.

One million dollars over a twenty year period doesn't automatically make someone rich.

You're talking about retirement funds. Nobody is attacking people because they've saved up for retirement. And many dentists are wealthy, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

I'm saying you can have a million dollars in savings and still be middle class.

"Just be sure to realize when the left says rich they usually mean anyone with seven figures. Which is ridiculously ignorant of hard working Americans."

You're the one projecting and being divisive here

How can one million make someone rich? Are you this ignorant to successful people? You realize some professors and restaurant owners make millions correct? The rich you are fighting make billions.

There are rich, and there are super rich.

You realize there are people making 10k a year, yes?

What do you call a person making 1000 times more than you?


Those of us on the left want there to be tax brackets that separate the rich from the super rich. The right wants to treat everyone the same up there, to benefit the super rich.

It should be an upside down pyramid. 0.01% pay the most not the poor pay the most

Like things were after the new deal with 90% rates on the tippy top

Looks like it was 79% on anyone who made over 5 million which turned out to be just Rockefeller (he was only one to make over 5 mill) feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


yeah they made the bracket just for him since he controlled so much i believe

Seems it was later that there was a 94% bracket after WW2

top rates coming out of World War II, which the Eisenhower Administration left in place into the 1960s. During the war, the top “marginal rate” was 94%, but 94% of what? Then as now, income tax rates moved up at distinct break points. In this made-up example, consider a 15% rate up to $25,000, 21% from $25,000 to $50,000, and 25% over $50,000. Those making $50,001 or more won’t pay a quarter of their total income, but rather 15% of the first $25,000, 21% of the next $25,000, and 25% of everything above $50K. That’s why the system is called progressive - the percentage rate progresses upward with income, but the higher percentage applies only to new (marginal) income above each break point. In 1944-45, “the most progressive tax years in U.S. history,” the 94% rate applied to any income above $200,000 ($2.4 million in 2009 dollars, given inflation).

That would be better I would think, but that is never going to happen without getting campaign contributions banned that's my biggest issue and would think things would start falling into place for everyone after that. No more big bribes for politics to rig the game for the mega rich=louder voice for the smaller guys. I hope I live to see the day a progressive tax plan is at least attempted.

You think this world rewards hard work? Tell that to everyone living paycheck to paycheck while working a full time job.

We are all poor compared to the 0.10% who own 90% of the worlds assets. We should hall the elite rich into the streets and behead them and their families and see how quickly their Swiss/Offshore bank accounts are opened up. If this started happening 1/10th as frequently as car bombs happen, we would start seeing things change.

Of course the flipside view is that you could divide up all wealth perfectly, mathematically equal among everyone, and within 5 years you'd have poor people and rich people.

Leftists: The rich are a problem in our society.

Reactionary: The middle class are a problem in our society?? Why do you hate oridnary hard working people?

Every time.

I do like the fact that this is sort of an admission that the rich are indefensible, they have to pretend you weren't talking about the rich to rebuke the point.

Pretend? I'm explaining how being rich isn't some automatic club which everyone thinks and behaves the same. But continue hatting on successful people who make a lot of money. They are not the "rich" to hate on.

Almost like there can be differing variation of wealth and living conditions. But continue placing millions of people into an arbitrary category you cannot define.

That's exactly what you're doing, you know fully well we mean the ultra-rich elite, the bourgeoisie. It's nothing but deliberate obtuseness.

Leftists actually use different terms to refer to labourers and capitalists, they don't see a well off plumber or doctor as a problem. Of course, you'd know that if you actually knew anything about leftists and weren't just regurgitating right wing narratives about the left.

From what I saw on this thread, just making a million dollars in savings makes someone rich and a problem.

All the guy said was that the rich are the problem and you immediately twisted that into meaning small business owners.

I'm giving an example of how making a million dollars in savings doesn't make you rich. They were wrong by your own admission.

Who ever said it does?

I think you've forgotten not only my point but also the point you originally replied to and your own point. You may use "the rich" to mean moderately well off members of the middle class and small business owners, most other people mean the wealthiest of the wealthy.

All I'm trying to say is that you can accumulate a lot of money and still live in the middle class.

Okay? Nobody disagreed with you at any point, you're the one who started talking about small business owners and well-off plumbers.

If you think the "super" rich are the problem then you're in agreement with leftists.

Most people did in this thread. Apparently being successful and a hard worker doesn't exist to normal people.

I can't see any comments like that, even the guy you replied to said he was talking about the really rich and is a small business owner himself.

Keep scrolling. There were at least two people who said that saving a million bucks automatically makes someone filthy rich.

The lefts only job is to hate rich though?

...Yeah like all those lefty tech CEOs, actors, and billionaire philanthropists...

Welcome to the future.

The left is middle class, upper middle class and even part of the 1%

Because this brings them views, thus, money.

This might be the stupidest thing I've read in a while.

Conflict makes more news to cover. The bigger the conflict, the more view, the more money they make is a hard concept for you to accept? Please, you clearly aren't fit for a sub called conspiracy, it's barely conspiracy, it's just basic economics.

Oh, wait, did it insult you because you've been indoctrinated by CNN? There you go, you've proved the fanatic part.

Kiddo, you post on t_d, your clearly pushing some sort of retarded agenda. Just because you stupid little cunts have meetings to try and "take out dem Libtards" doesn't mean the other side is too. You're the fanatic, and it's hilarious that you can't see it.

Also, have any of you doofy lil bastards heard "The boy who cried wolf"? It might help explain why no-one believes your bullshit.

Are you talking about the leftist that cried racism, sexism to everyone that disagrees with them.

If you're getting called a racist or a sexist frequently enough to get mad about it, you're probably a racist or a sexist.

Thanks for redefining what racism and sexism is. So, if you just tell someone they are a racist multiple times and they get mad, they must be a racist/sexist.

Oh, look at the silly little thing try and twist words.

The boy that cried racism, thanks for proving my point.

I didn't cry racism or sexism at all, in any of this comment chain. Fuck, I didn't even mention it until you did.

When everyone around you says you smell like shit, it's time to check your shoe and maybe shower.

Especially when the Middle class owns almost no Stock, they ain't seeing "gainz" unless they bought a house years ago. Other than that were all fighting for the rotten apples at the bottom of this shit barrell.

The middle class owns tons of stock. Their 401ks are very important. Especially the boomers retiring right now, it makes sense financially to only pull money out of your 401k in good years than bad years.

(It used to be in the 60's range and now has dropped to 50's range. So half of Americans do not own stock, this is the information i'm referring to.)[http://www.gallup.com/poll/190883/half-americans-own-stocks-matching-record-low.aspx]

This is just Americans admitting they have money in the stock market. A lot of people are stupid af and don't realize their 401ks are stocks invested in the stock market.

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CNN is a narrative network. It's not news nor information.

so? that doesnt every thing they say is false. the article simply confirms or a the very least corroborates the experiences alot of people here are having.

That's true. It also doesn't mean people have jack shit in their 401ks. If you make $35,000.00, you aren't getting much at all out of your 401k.

Most people who wouldn't even know that their 401k is actual stock market investments are probably too stupid to contribute to one. But again, most people aren't contributing to 401k's because prices of everything have inflated beyond sustainability while wages have not risen/shared the same inflation. Someone making $50k/year in the 90's was WAY better off than someone making $50k in 2017.

I mean thats basic inflation... but it sounds worse when you put it to a real world situation. I'm 28 and make as much as my dad did when I was a kid in the early 90's.

I live by myself and was lucky enough to afford a small house a few years ago, I barely scrape by and drive a 10 year old car (putting 4% in my 401k). I don't drink and I can't remember the last time I "went out" with my friends.

In the 90's on roughly the same salary my dad supported 2 kids and my mom and still had enough left over for a 3000+ sq ft house with a ski boat, new truck and a minivan.

This pretty much nails what I was trying to get across. My parents bought the home we lived in for 20+ years in the early nineties for ~140k, they sold it last year for over $350k. I'm pretty sure it was under 3,000 sq. ft too. A 1995 chevy tahoe was $29k MSRP for 4 door and 4 wheel drive, a 2018 base model tahoe with 4wd starts at $51k MSRP, granted there are electronics and far better safety features, a car almost doubling in price while incomes have remained stagnant is just one of the many reasons people are saying 'millenials are ruining X and Y, millenials aren't saving, millenials aren't spending enough, etc.'

I think this is true mainly in very expensive areas. The cost of living isn't generally THAT much higher. The killer is student loan costs

Im pretty sure someone making 30k a year in the nineties had it better than someone making 50k a year now.

No need to be pretty sure, when you can be actually sure.

This calculator is awesome! Saving.

Yeah, but I also want to point towards personal responsibility here. I personally just started investing in stock in the past 2 years. I had thought about doing it years ago and didn't wanna use my spending money on it. If I had it is likely that I would be fairly upper class. Most of us don't manage money well and then want to blame it on people that do. Don't get me wrong by the way I know that some of these conspiracies are right but a lot of the "1%" haven't been there long and wont be there long. Hating people just because they are better with their money isn't much better than hating someone because of their skin color. I do think that a lot of politicians are abusing their positions to stay in the 1% and really think we should ban together to remove those that we think are doing this. I also think that elected officials should have to post all revenue from the moment they get into office until they die in public forum so that it can be monitored by citizens for wrongful payment.

If I had it is likely that I would be fairly upper class.

Maybe.. maybe not. I think the honest calculation is to determine how much money you could've put into a few indexed funds and see how it would've done. While you're compounding interest, don't forget to compound inflation.

Most of us don't manage money well and then want to blame it on people that do.

That seems a little off to me.. some people tend to blame the wealthy, but the "wealthy" are not a homogeneous group either. Plus, there's more to ending up successful than how much money your parents had, they connections they can use to influence your life can be absolutely tremendous as well. People see unfairness in this system, and wrongly attribute it to the whole, but it's not as if it's not a completely invalid observation.

Hating people just because they are better with their money isn't much better than hating someone because of their skin color. I do think that a lot of politicians are abusing their positions to stay in the 1% and really think we should ban together to remove those that we think are doing this.

Historically social action vs. money plays out in a very common pattern, and it's not usually to the social activists benefit. Wars do the best at inverting wealth, but no one is eager for that.

I also think that elected officials should have to post all revenue from the moment they get into office until they die in public forum so that it can be monitored by citizens for wrongful payment.

It's so much deeper than that. Say your a Senator, and you're on a committee that works with the Food and Drug Administration, so you're in a position to see new and important drugs just before they enter the consumer pipeline. So.. you tell your money manager to buy a bunch of stock in that particular company before it hits the market. Instant windfall.

To assume that most politicians are wealthy because they take bribes is insane. The FBI would be eating them for lunch, no -- these people are much more intelligent and insidious than that. The campaign donations are just icing on the cake, preventing them from having to spend any of their "own" money on their own re-election; why would they misappropriate that money?

I honestly think the only change you can make is to introduce a real substantive third-party into the current federal system. It will be ugly, and it will slow the government down even more.. but it will frustrate the efforts of those who so easily manipulate the machine currently.

Well the "bribes" usually take place as cushy jobs after they get out or jobs for relatives or speaking fees. There are tons of ways to skirt this without actually breaking the laws as they are currently set up. As for another party into the federal system? I assume you mean another branch or are you talking about another party like republican/democrat. If it is another party I doubt that would make much difference. If it is a watchdog branch so to speak that sounds nice but it all comes back to who watches the watchers and more levels doesn't necessarily make it less faulty. I think more concrete laws on lobbying, donations, and clarity of financials from elected government officials would be the fastest and best way to approach the situation although even that would take an act of congress so to speak :D

The rent is killing everyone I know. Income is stagnant and rents never stop going up.

When the revolution comes, the landlords will be first against the wall.

House mortgages were typically affordable at max 3 times a persons income. Now they are the real "deathgrip". Why? Foreign investment from the people who profit from slave wage labor/automation.

They start overpaying for tons of real estate in other countries.

In Las Vegas you cannot believe the amount of houses that sit dark waiting to be "rented" for 3-4K per month.

Instead they are inhabited by squatters & destroyed inside.

I make a 74k net salary, and I truly believe this.

Never understood all the griping about taxes until I made enough to see it disappear.

Disclaimer that I don't post here often. I'm a millenial software engineer who just started work at 100k gross annual salary. My student debt obligation is around the same. It's somewhat frightening because I'm drowning in debt and yet I'm within the top 10% of earners in the US.

The scariest part is that there are a lot of people who aren't landing jobs like this and also have serious debt obligations. Probably not as bad as mine, but that's going to really fuck people trying to enter the middle class who are trying to marry and buy a home. There's a reason why millenials are getting married later, buying homes later, and "killing" a lot of past times the previous generations had more time to enjoy.

As a fellow 100k team member, pay down the debt ASAP. I was laid off in '08, and luckily I had very little CC debt, a low rate on my mortgage and two paid for cars.

But damn, I would have been screwed if I had your level of debt.

Also, the best way not to get laid off and something not everyone learns, but... Just because you are out of school doesn't mean you can stop learning. Stay on top of all the new languages, there are going to be a ton of your peers that will never learn the new stuff and it will give you a huge competitive advantage for you.

Yup, add in the that millennials are working long hours, have more expected of them, deal with more traffic, and have constant electronic distractions, and you have a recipe for the smart and successful to get burnt out.

Dat traffic ugg. Its so bad elon musks underground roads sound like the only thing worth doing and I used to think it was the most cloud in the sky idea ever.

Seriously. The tunnel boring machines of today are more than capable. There are massive tunnel networks across the country, mostly between the Appalachians and the Rockies, that are known as Deep Underground Military Bases and were built by tunnel boring machines that literally melt the excavated rock and reform it as the walls of the tunnel.

But let's be real, TPTB don't want it to be easier for us to travel or for our commutes to be less stressful.

How long did it take you to get to 100k? What platform is it?

Or, they had a medical condition, needed surgery with some recovery time, had to 'borrow' from the 401k, take a huge tax hit on that, stop contributing to stay above water because disability during recovery is only 50-60% of pay, etc. The costs associated with any medical hit are way beyond just copays and what they consider tax deductible- which is also a joke.

Which is why we need a real healthcare system in America. Obamacare didn't solve any of the stupid high prices.

Because it was hamstrung from the beginning by a republican Congress.

Oh fuck off with that bullshit. Democrats are sell outs for their corporate interests, and the insurance lobbyists made damn well sure any policy going into effect wouldn't actually solve anything and lose them money. Obama never intended to actually fix healthcare just like the Republicans in power now. Quit pretending other people ruined a great idea; it was shit to start with. Single payer is the only way to reduce healthcare spending in this country, and everything else is to get the people to shut up about it.

Lol whatever, both parties are to blame for this shitty system. Doesn't matter who has majority, the congress is supposed to do what's best for the American people, not play games and pick sides.

Sure it did! It kept prices low and allowed people to keep their doctors!


Only 54% of Americans have money invested in the market, either through individual stocks, mutual funds or retirement plans like a 401(k), according to a Gallup survey in April.

No. When that 38% goes up there will be another crash because the rich need to sell to someone. Right now it's staying even because there are too many rich people who have too much to lose. They need "retail" investors who don't know any better. And there are a lot less of them right now.

The 2008 crisis was the rich getting out (of everything as time went on) and they could do that through a variety of means that 401k holders typically don't know about or understand. These days they have to be a lot more careful because stinging their fellow rich men invites retaliation.

So they are waiting and hoping that this great stock market will eventually win back the gullible, someone they can finally sell to enmasse. Meanwhile they're lobbying for lower taxes on this eventual profit.

My theory, drawn from over 5 decades of observation and tracking.

Nah. You are just delusional.

A lot of people are stupid af and don't realize their 401ks are stocks invested in the stock market.

Yes, but they would be equally stupid in 2007 as they would be in 2016.


401k's are a cute carrot to dangle in front of the middle class.

What, you mean you don't buy into the notion that it's okay for your young years to be miserable slavery to the grind so that you can finally have some money to live off when you're too old and frail to properly enjoy the freedom you "earned"? Assuming you even live that long?

I mean, I don't think saving for retirement is a bad idea, but I've always been confused by the notion of enduring financial woe and pinching pennies during the years you're young and healthy enough to fully appreciate things like traveling and adventuring, for the sake of having the freedom to do those things later when you're too old to enjoy those things anymore. It just doesn't quite make sense to me.

i just mean that 401ks are just tax free bonus lanes for executives and high level employees. 4% matching is nice if you make >=$250k, but matching at $12/hr will never allow low level employees to retire. or pay for medical bills, much less travel anywhere. Maybe travel somewhere you can live off $1/day lol

Sme jobs I guess. Personally my insurance plus HSA covers all medical bills I have. I don't see my 401k as a retirement fund tbh. I've managed to accrue about a year's worth of pay in it and it's nice to have there making money off itself at 10% interest compounding.

Not having to worry about being homeless for any other reason than complete market collapse is worth a lot.

You are saving 'rainy day' money in a tax-deffered account with literally all the down sides; if you wanted money 'making compound interest' you should be using a brokerage account and a mutual fund, not a damn 401k.

You do know the day you need any of that money, your paying taxes + 20% fees on top of that, so you're literally losing 60% of your 'just in case money' by using it? Saying you use your 401k as a glorified savings account is extremely ignorant and dangerous to other people who may listen to you (no offense), as its the completely wrong approach to a 401k.

If they want a retirement vehicle which is also a rainy day fund then Roth IRA and mutual or index funds.

He said he'd have 10k in cash (aka emergency savings) if it wasn't for those specific emergencies. Sounds like he's a pretty decent saver but yes he should be putting money aside in tax free accounts (Roth or portfolio based life insurance with an established mutual company)

I don't think you're really earning 10% compound interest on a money market fund in a 401(k) plan. There might be some kind of misunderstanding. Maybe you think the default investment fund is a money market fund?

She's making 10% on stocks not money market, you're damn right. Money market less than 1%

I want to save but rent prices suck a lot of my income. Do you own a home?

So, you're saying a 401k doesn't make sense unless you earn more than $250k?

No, I'm saying they were designed by people who make lots of money for people who make lots of money


Crunch some numbers and get back to me.

Your comment doesn't mention that with very few exceptions, the maximum annual contribution to a 401k by an employee is $18k. It's not an insignificant amount of money but it's not like CEO's are putting half their salary into it.

if you are making 12/hr mid career you are quite possibly mentally handicapped. Fast food chains start at 10-12

Not were I live. I made 14.75 in maintenance / engineering assistance while people working fast food make at best 8 dollars a hour

I don't disagree - if you're making $12/hr you're fucked. However, there is a large percentage of the population (estimates from US Census bureau say around 13.5%) not making much more than $12/hr.


Either way, without a good job, education, etc - there's a good chance you're going to work until the day you drop dead - and we're modernizing ourselves out of millions of jobs every year.

Let's just move that retirement age to like 95 maybe?

I put in 15% every check so I can fuck that. Gotta learn to live below your means

Lol, there's a big difference between your 12$/hour and >=250k.

The people with decent jobs making 70-150k are all saving into a 401k and all appreciate the tax advantages it affords them.

Please. Im a financial advisor/planner. I work with people in their late 20s making 70k a year with over 700k saved in their 401ks because they've been with a company for 10 years and took advantage of the 4-6% match from the beginning. They're living just like all the other late 20s people I meet with making the same amount they just know how to budget their money and will be retiring at 50 of 75. You're trying to tell me that saving 5%-20% of your income anywhere less than 250k is going to make or break you? Get real

Hahaha. youre in your early 20s. i hope life pops by and kicks you in your smug face a few times.

or the market crashes and eats your money.

either way, for most people, life doesnt always go as planned.

Life is sometimes a lot longer than you think.

That sounds horrible

Depends on what class and race you are. On average the poor are living to enjoy less of their retirment (aka Social Security), and Blacks on average won't live to see retirement.

Similarly, I don't understand why wealthy parents wait until they die to hand over inheritances to their children, rather than helping their children with said money when they need help buying houses, laying off student loan debt, etc.

Yeah like my fiance's stingy parents. They see him struggling with student debt after heavily encouraging him to go to grad school and they don't lift a finger. Instead I'm the one taking care of him 🙄

Similarly, I don't understand why wealthy parents wait until they die to hand over inheritances to their children, rather than helping their children with said money when they need help buying houses, laying off student loan debt, etc.

Similarly, I don't understand why wealthy parents wait until they die to hand over inheritances to their children, rather than helping their children with said money when they need help buying houses, laying off student loan debt, etc.

We are all wage slaves.

I'd rather have a 401k than a pension. I can diversify my 401k and roll it over to a new job if I'd like, and not be fucked if the company goes under after 30 years of contributions.

What middle class? Everyone thinks they are middle class or upper. It's bullshit.

Nice Shit analogy.

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Like apples at the bottom of the shit barrel, Randy.

My Trump supporting sister in law goes on about how great Trump is because the stock market is doing well. Then I ask her how much stock she owns. None. Also, the stock market has hit an all time high the last 30 of 54 months. These are market forces at work. Yeah there was a surge when Trump landed in office, but that surge has stalled. Anyways, it's a good point that the middle class is not reaping the benefits of these gainz.

With interest rates at 0 or negative, there's no way for anyone with any money to grow it without going through Wall Street.

When my dad invested my college fund, he used CDs that he purchased at a bank. They were based on US treasury bonds with a 5% interest rate, give or take. Today that option is not available. There are no banking instruments that will outpace inflation. It's essentially graft for stock brokers.

And when you buy stocks your playing the rich man game, exactly what they want.

Portfolio based life insurance with one of the 3 major mutual companies (Mass mutual, northwestern mutual, New York Life)

Well it is not only the media, i think people in alt-right and far left nuts are helping out

Or people are more interested in clicking on an article about someone on the "other side" that they hate. Whether or not the media is willingly dividing the country, there's obviously an aspect to it where people want to read/watch what they're putting out.

The media has access to stats like clicks views retweets trends etc. just like advertisers has access. The media can instantly see what people read/watch. It's like breadcrumb trails to get people to fall right into the trap. Emotion is the easiest thing to bring them in, especially with race, gender, identity or trump. The media will spin any story they can into one of those topics, even when it's not relevant. Then they keep pushing it and pushing it. Until one day it's chaos and the consequences of outraging people for money ends up exploding.

I guess, but ultimately it comes down to "stop paying attention to clickbait". All I'm pointing out is that, to an extent, it goes both ways. People want to hear what they're being told, whether or not it's abusive/wrong of the media to exploit those desires.

It's more than clickbait

It's that I want to turn on ESPN and watch sports highlights and analysis but instead they show all the players that kneeled down. And then they bring someone on to share their opinion on it. Next thing I know they spent 7 minutes of a 22 minute NFL show on the kneeling.

It's shoving this kind of shit in everyone's faces to get a reaction

It's not being able to do anything without some sort of political message or divide being brought into it. At times when it's completely irrelevant and I want to just relax and enjoy something.

It's constant manipulation for reactions because reactions equal #'s and $.


everytime i see a millennial vs. boomer article, i think, "this is Wallstreet still deflecting their role in wrecking our economy"

And who wrote that article?

It must have been a boomer...

Not a lot of boomers writing articles anymore. Writing is done by people who work for nothing.

Boomer and former writer. Writing for nothing is nothing new.

So you're a 70+ year old senior citizen who apparently plays Diablo 3 and reddits etc...? Interesting. You are at most a Generation X:er (born after 1960s). Boomers are 1940-1959.

Well Bannon's out of the white-house and he was the only one fighting this fight.

This! But the real enemy is Israeli Zionists. Our congress is about to pass a bill that makes it illegal to disparage Israel. Israel owns us and control's our politics.

I don't want to upvote this comment but people should be questioning that bill.

Honestly fuck Israel.


Holy shit is Reddit and /r/conspiracy in particular coming back to sanity or is this just because it reached /r/all?

No, we should be hating ignorant, not the rich. Poor ignorant people are just as bad as rich ignorant people.

I can't even blame the media. It's the populace. The media presents information in a way everyone can digest it which is a very low bar.

The media most certainly deserves blame. The 4th estate is supposed to speak truth to power. The media created "post truth" not the populace.

The Media spoken truth. It's the people's perception of being right or being correct. Fuck getting the facts correct people just want to be right.

I'm sorry, but when it comes out that the 17 agencies is a lie from a campaign then the fact checkers double down on the lie and say it never mattered anyway - you get a fair picture of what they see as "truth". Then you get well respected publications' editorial staff publicly advocating the dissemination of propaganda it only gets clearer still.

If at this point you still believe the media has any commitment to the truth you should be criticizing yourself instead of blaming the entire populace. Most of them know better than you what is going on.

It's not that I believe the media. The media can start being 100 percent truthful right now but it wouldn't matter because people can't handle the truth and need to be spoon fed.

It would be a huge change, people would see that they were betrayed and lied to in a completely unethical manner.

Almost like Bernie was right and Trump is a conman.

No refunds!

Because Bernie wasn't a conman?...

Nope. Straight up thief.

Except Bernie endorsed Hillary straight away when he knew his bid was done.

Almost like Bernie knew Trump was a conman.

Except remember all the bad things he said about Hillary pre-nomination? He acted as if none of that mattered and fell in line like her lapdog afterward.

As does every single politician. It's why our two party system is so fucked. All of them know if you don't win you endorse because it keeps the power consolidated between the 2 parties.

They were opponents during the primary; after Bernie lost they were no longer opponents. Bernie gave much worse condemnations of Trump than Hillary.

I don't see why it's surprising that he would support a shitty Democrat over a shitty Republican. Bernie's ideals align with Democrats much more than Republicans.

Bernie's a loser and was a pawn. He was just used so Hillary had somebody to rig the election against

Maybe, like he's said countless times, he viewed Trump as more of a threat to the country?

Deep state pumped Trump 24/7 to divert attn from the massively popular old socialist.

They turned on Trump the minute Bernie conceded to a fixed "democratic" primary/caucus season.

They wanted to elect their identity politics candidate Goldman grandma Clinton. It was too difficult to fake support for her.

Trump is the conman for doing what he said he was going to do, Bernie isn't a conman for selling out.

Although newspapers take sides, they are as much part of the establishment as anyone else. They are there to make money. Ignoring Trump or any news that is just theory as non-news, means no sales. No sales means New York Times falls into a small town paper, or in terms of online status, less advertising, and less traffic. Its a double edged sword for knowing what to do to make the change, versus blaming the other side to keep sales going and people arguing.

This is how white supremacy started.

How exactly?

In short, rich white people didn't want poor white people and poor black people banding together for economic justice, so the concept of white supremacy was introduced. White supremacy exists ri keep poor people poor.

No one is making these assholes become nazis.

Shhhhh... The first rule of class warfare is to not talk about class warfare.

I am Jack's depleted Health Savings Account.

We can talk about it all we want as long as it's framed as the dirty ungrateful lazy fuckin poors unfairly demanding handouts from our benevolent job creators who deserve exponentially greater compensation becausee their labor somehow inexplicably provides that much more value

fake edit: also with the unspoken understanding that no, you may not question how that added value is provided because you wouldn't understand the answer anyway so just shut the fuck up and be thankful you even have a job at all you stupid poor

When i realize that this is what the management at my last job believed, I became Mr. BY-THE-BOOK and quit working extra days to help them out and killing myself. Fuck 'em.

This is a comment that bears repeating, that's a brilliantly concise and accurate description.

Excellent thinking! Have you ever considered a career in corporate news? The USA has both kinds of news now; far-right corporate-approved news and center-right corporate-approved news.

Hahaha 8)

Shhhhh... The first rule of class warfare is you don't talk about class warfare.

If you really want to get into the "fringe" grievances of the "left" is most of the rich are white people oppression people of all races.

If this country thought for a moment a black man ruled everything and the illumanti, blacks would be warred upon. But it's other whites protecting the slave owning whites.

No, the media should be showing us the truth, hating ANYONE is for the mentally weak.

the media should be showing us the truth

totally agree there

hating ANYONE is for the mentally weak.

mostly agree. some people are deserving of it though. saying you shouldn't hate anyone is a bit to Judeo-Christian for me. hate is totally rational under certain circumstances.

Iv met a few 1%s and all of them have been amazeing people, they have donated more money in a year then ill probably make in a decade. 'The Rich' is a horrible term to use when applying hate. Your calling for hard working people who have made their mony over many years. 1% is still way to large of a percentage maybe .1% the billionaires. Yes you earn a lot to be in the 1% some cities $650k annually up to $1.5m to make the minimum amount for 1% status. These are hard working Americans that deserve the wealth earned. $1.5m annually is pocket change compared to the billionaires. I am not a rich man, I dont own a home. I have no problems with 'the rich' I have a problem with billionaires controleing our country holding its people as slaves. Don't blindly hate people, look at there actions in life and not just what others say.

Very true.

We should be hating, huh

We have to hate SOMEONE

Careful there... There's nothing wrong with being rich. Its getting rich via profiting off of others loss that's the distasteful bit. There are plenty of "rich" people out there who give tons back to their employees and/or communities. Class warfare is the last thing we need right now. I mean true class warfare. That's how you end up like Venezuela.

Eh. The comment was poorly worded, and at the time in a piffling thread in a nondescript post. Had I known it would have ended being one of my all time highest upvoted comment I might have expanded a bit further. Then again, if I had, it probably wouldn't have been so upvoted. But that's Reddit.

What I meant to say was that the richest of the rich are running roughshod over the economy, so if people are pissed off that their lives are shit, then they should stop looking to the MSM to find out who to blame. The MSM is controlled by rich people, so you will never learn from them how much they've stolen from the middling classes via lobbying and the unlimited "free speech" they can exercise through their corporations thanks to Citizens United.

Basically, the lives of everyday Americans have gotten harder and harder for decades, not because of gays, or immigrants, or neo-nazis, or muslims, or Vladimir Putin, but because the richest Americans have scrupulously, bit by bit, over a period of decades, bent the system in their favour.

Couldn't agree more, then.

We need to focus on straight fact based reporting news outlets, though I don't know what you guys suggest. AP, Reuters? Take the talking heads and biased analysis out of the news and just focus purely on what is actually happening. The confusion and conflict come from the "entertainment" aspect of media analysis.

The real problem IMO is two fold:

  • no one wants to pay for news anymore
  • there are too few news organization competing

If people still thought paying for news was reasonable, then they would be paying for real news instead of that which is filtered through both the passive editorial power of advertisers, and the active editorial power of the the corporate conglomerate owners.

Between the multifaceted interests of paying advertisers and conglomerate owners, what ends up on the website is so thoroughly filtered, biased, and spun that is no longer resembles news in the traditional sense.

Trump voters from my area actively voting against their own interests openly. People living in bad situations talking about they like Trump because he's a businessman and they don't want hand outs. It's really ridiculous.

Hate the rich ? Maybe the cons but not a guy that made it legit.

The wealthy right wing politicians have done a magnificent job of convincing their fan base that they're there to help them become rich and the only thing stopping them is the left.

You shouldn't hate rich successful people you should hate the rich people who inherit positions of societal power and keep it in their family for generations aka he bankers

The media are busy making everyone in the US hate each other to distract them from the fact that they really should be hating the ruling class

FTFY. There are plenty of rich people who aren't fueling this fire and aren't harming anyone. There are plenty in the ruling class that are not rich.

The ruling class is the rich.

The ruling class isn't necessarily "the rich"; however they are "old money" they've had wealth for generations, like the Vanderbilt family. Most of you retards will never be smart enough to be rich so you can't tell the difference between old money and new money. There are families that are still spending great-great-great-great grandpa who came over on the Mayflower's money. They run shit. Politics are dictated by business not what will benefit society as a whole. Politicians serve bankers and investors. We are just the cogs in the Machine, if we break down, they replace us with a cog hats made in Chinatm

It's new money too but naturally old money is a lot wealthier and more discreet, it's not like it's some sort of nasty conspiracy where becoming ultra wealthy lets you into some secret club, it's the simple fact that in the system we live under money = power and people will use their power to benefit themselves and the things that benefit the mega rich and big business almost always hurt the working class.

Politicians serve bankers and investors.

This 100%, they're basically just there to convert money into political power.

I think we are all to blame for trends in media coverage, because we are the ones reading, clicking, and watching the divisive stories. A solution to this dilemma begins with each of us looking inward and detaching from our own biases and tribal instincts.

This is due to how much tracking and stats the media has access to. Just like google can guess who you are an Amazon can guess what you buy before you buy it...the media has near instant results to find out what stories are generating clicks and views. What stories get reactions. They spin stories into being a Trump issue or race issue at times just because they want to bring up those emotions and get those views. It's a sick social experiment that is gonna have terrible consequences in the end.

Yea because all rich people should be hated...makes a lot of sense.

I think you're right. Except the far right and far left aren't missing a damn thing. I think they're writing the script!

The coming robot/AI automation revolution will only make this divide deepen.

My robot never complains about OT, doesn't argue, and can do 3 jobs at the same time. Why do I need you pleb?

To buy your shit

Program the robots to need cigarettes, booze and junk food and give the money to them.


"The Midas Plague" (originally published in Galaxy in 1954). In a world of cheap energy, robots are overproducing the commodities enjoyed by mankind. The lower-class "poor" must spend their lives in frantic consumption, trying to keep up with the robots' extravagant production, while the upper-class "rich" can live lives of simplicity. Property crime is nonexistent, and the government Ration Board enforces the use of ration stamps to ensure that everyone consumes their quotas. The story deals with Morey Fry, who marries a woman from a higher-class family. Raised in a home with only five rooms she is unused to a life of forced consumption in their mansion of 26 rooms, nine automobiles, and five robots, causing arguments. Trained as an engineer, Morey modifies his robots to enjoy helping to consume his family's quota. He fears punishment when his idea is discovered, but the Ration Board—which has been looking for a way to abolish itself—quickly implements Morey's idea across the world.

Why we need UBI. And you make it seem like we need 10 people to make a profit, with robots, AI, Automation, I would only need to sell to 1 person to make a profit.

I dont think you understand, in the future, humans will be like cattle. Most folks who get paychecks max out instead of saving for later. Its always a now purchase. I wouldnt worry about poor folks like myself not buying shit, you underestimate dumb folks like myself.

I agree that we need a UBI eventually. And im probably poorer than you. I was attempting to point out that with out the 99% buying shit, there is no economy

Robots can suck dick now so no plebs necessary

Oh no it won't. That will be when everyone realizes they've been fighting for the Iron Throne but the fuckin White Walkers are here to kill everyone and it will be too goddam late because we don't have dragons.

Luckily GenX knows how to google (because they grew up using card catalogs in libraries) how to hack these robots. Millennials are fucked because they can't use google without shitting themselves in fear (based on users on Reddit).

Knowing the sub I'm in, I have to preface my comment with this. Just because I'm not addressing Obama, or specific things from the left doesn't mean they don't exist and that I, or others, don't recognize them. It's just not the topic of this comment, so leave the strawman wastes of comments please.

That being said, this reminds me of the noam Chomsky quote about how there's really just 1 party, the business party. And that party has two offshoots, Republican and Democrat. The rich will always have self interest, that is truly not a partisan issue. I think the real difference comes from how they go about it. TO ME, it really feels like the Republican side of the business party does this through some really vile abuses and more in your face while being completely remorseless about said tactics and outright lies. AGAIN, I'm not saying the left doesn't do fucked up shit, lie and work in self interest. Up until the last year or so (and including the obstruction and questionable criticisms from the R house/Congress during Obama's terms) I'd have said both sides are equally shitty. But now, especially with Trump at the head who is either too stupid or too incompetent to monitor what he says and how he says it, and with the lack of backlash from the GOP, it seems very obvious that one side is more beholding to the business and political elite. Perhaps this seems this way because our government is mostly Republican right now so we just see it more than dems, but nonetheless it seems to be the reality of the situation.

Regardless of what side you're on, personally, idc about labeled sides, politically I think we should all be trying to get to the best outcome for every citizen, not to punish those you disagree with or to self enrich, but regardless of side, I think everyone can agree we need to get money the fuck out of politics. This shits been going on for as long as government has existed, but fucking citizens United gave it an unlimited gateway without the need for discrepancy. This was probably a ramble, hopefully it made sense.

Makes complete sense and is also what my father and uncle always said. The US Gov is comprised of two sides of the same coin. The are self-serving and have no interest in the people.

Yup! The Chomsky quote goes further to discuss how both sides, with the help of the media, pay so much attention, airtime and tribute to surface issues so that they can paint differences between the parties when in reality there are very few (until Trump, I honestly feel like he's a new factor, and not in a good way. I feel like he brings out the worst in both sides as he's extremely divisive with actual divisive beliefs (racism, calling for violence, refusing to compromise, etc. Etc.). Up until now, and even now, it just gets shadowed by whatever tweet Trump sends out, but both parties 'hot topic issues' aren't really meaningful (in terms of nation strength compared to other countries). Like we constantly get the debate on abortion, gay rights, personal lives and shit like that. Now obviously those affect hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of people in the US, and they are certainly issues to be addressed. But c'mon, those have very little impact on a huge majority of Americans, in other words those aren't country-health defining policies. Abortion/gay rights won't budge the GDP or increase employment. They're just used to divide the parties because they're some of the only real 'yes or no' (right or left) policy questions. All a facade to divide and rally. Focus on the non issues so you don't see how handle the real issues. (Again, not saying gay rights and abortion or whatever aren't issues, they are.. they just won't get us out of a recession or help strengthen our country comparatively to other first world countries)


Thanks for that.

Listening to Chomsky is just as bad as reading Chomsky—I always find myself falling asleep either way.

I completely feel that. It took me like 2 years to get all the way through Manufacturing Consent because, like everything Chomsky says, or writes, is just so godamn dense. I mean what he has to say is borderline genius and pretty damned ironclad to dispute, but it's both of those things BECAUSE of how dense and info heavy they are. I feel like if he had the charisma/ability to make the information accessible to the public (as in, like you said, people who aren't masochistic could actually read or listen to him) like say Bill Nye was with science for kids, or Dawkins for undergrads, he could really enact some change in this country. Unfortunately we're in the depths of a severe anti-intellectual paradigm shift, and he's just not charismatic so his ideas stay limited to those willing to suffer through his lectures/thesis' and those who aren't willing, reject or ignore or don't even know of his existence.

So true. Some of the greatest writers intentionally simplify the language they use to be more direct and easier to understand—more digestible.

I still have yet to finish Manufacturing Consent... zZzzZz

I'm like 99% sure he figured out a way to write so that when you read it in your head you like phonetically simulate those white noise machines people use to go to sleep... And pass out. That's the only book I've ever been reading while on the train where i pass the fuck out after legit like 2 pages. Brutal

Brutal! Indeed.

Maybe that's because what he is saying in uninteresting not genius and in fact toxic to liberty.

Did you forget to add the /s at the end?

Thank you for putting that recognition in of both sides, I've been trying to tell that to people for years.

Republican side of the business party does this through some really vile abuses and more in your face while being completely remorseless about said tactics and outright lies.

That's what the spinsters would have you believe.
They have a vision for US federal government to be a social steering power and the Republicans don't want that so they vilify anything the Republicans (or anyone else) does to limit the power of the federal government.
Republicans obviously steer money towards their interest when in power but you're always going to have that regardless of party, even with any new party that gain powers.

This shits been going on for as long as government has existed, but fucking citizens United gave it an unlimited gateway without the need for discrepancy.

This is false and is predicated on the US citizen being a mindless drone that votes the way the TV tells them to. Trump spent way less on his campaign than Hillary and quite often Democrats spend more than Republicans.

Jesus Christ. Did you not even read what I said? Did you just get to the word Republican and lose your shit? First fucking paragraph. THE FIRST. obviously I didn't fucking mention those things about Obama and alternate views on the same opinion, because like I said... it's not the topic of my post. I could sit here, literally, for the rest of my life typing out every single thing I disagree, don't like, see as a problem, about one side while equally addressing the equivalent issues on the other side and I wouldn't even cover half of them. This whole cyclical bullshit you're spinning is so pointless. I was commenting on the climate of the government today. Right now. Not 5 years ago. Not 2 years ago. Not 50 years ago. Right now. But good point, something I wasn't remotely talking about, even addressing or acknowledging because it wasn't directly related to the topic, does exist. Well done!

And to your second "point". That I'm just parroting what the tv says. Please. PLEASE, send me one link to a major media news network citing Chomsky and making the argument that both sides are dirty, corrupt, and beholding to political and financial elites and that citizens United was part of That. Also, I haven't had cable in 12 years so I'd be pretty fucking amazed to find out I'm parroting tv talking points, if I am, shit maybe I should be a news host. Is it really so mind blowing to you that someone who has different opinions than you, might just not be some imbecile who just takes what he hears and regurgitates it without thinking and without forming his own opinions on their own? Do you have that low of an opinion of yourself? Do you think that you just parrot what you hear? Because if not, then do you think just maybe, you're not the only person on this planet that can think for themselves and base opinions off of facts, statistics, expert opinions, or whatever you use to form opinions? And that maybe, just maybe, that that someone else, who is fortunate enough to be as wise, intelligent, learned, and informed as almighty you, might simply just have a different life experience than you and subsequently have a different opinion than you?

I ask these questions because I'm genuinely interested in people like you who see their opposite political party as enemies. Or maybe just as idiots who can't think for themselves. Considering the climate politically right now, especially with the general left skewe on Reddit, my post was pretty damn neutral. I mean, shit, I even addressed that I might be viewing things with a bias since right now the majority of government is Republican. Because seemingly (idk you, so I could be wrong. Maybe just caught you in a bad time or something. Idk) you can't seem to fathom the possibility you might be wrong (again... since apparently I have to spoon feed this to you, I'm not saying you ARE wrong. Just that as humans, you are human right? As humans we possess the chance of being wrong about anything. It's just a fact that exists and extends to everyone) or even might just not be 100% correct, but at least I gave the possibility credence. All I ask is this; what do you want to be the outcome of Trump, or even just government in general, or actually, just in complete general terms, for the future of OUR country, what would you like to see? (Generally) do you want to see it improve or get worse? If your ideal future for America is for it to improve, which I expect it is, do you think the best result/chance for that to happen is to villainize, oppose, attack, and write off anyone who has different opinions than you? Or would it probably be beneficial to the chances of improvement to instead work with them, since you, we, us, want the same thing. We all want America to be great, continue being great, and be greater, so why fight each other, hear and see where I'm coming from and work with it. If you actually look at what we both said, they're not dissimilar, just literally different topics. I agree with most of what you said, as you did mine seeing as how the parts you tried to attack were legit generalizations and oversimplifications for the sake of brevity.

So please, just answer that; if every true American wants what's best for this country, you and I included, why resent and fight each other? This is all I ask In this fucking rambling novel I just wrote

Eh. Who do you think owns Silicon Valley and the media? Left-leaners. What do you think establishment right-leaners own? Guns and oil. The left wants to completely undermine the right's economics (e.g. less war, more gun control, renewables are good and climate change is real). The right wants to undermine the left's economics (e.g. climate change is a hoax, trans culture in media is poisoning our children, free liberal arts college degrees will never work, we need to bring industry back).

When the "republicans" are out of power, do you really think the "Democrats" will improve things? Your personal information will be owned by every company and used against you, your primetime TV shows will continue pushing the idea that feelings are more important than freedoms, and climate-change-based regulations will make it nearly impossible for anyone other than the rich to start a business or own a home.

'member Dodd-Frank? 'member how it was supposed to ruin the Big Banks? 'member how, in actuality, it forced many small- and medium-sized banks to go out of business because they couldn't afford to keep up with regulatory hurdles and requirements? I 'member.

Dude. Holy shit. I just got like 4 comments saying the same unrelated bullshit. My whole point was that both sides are fucking garbage and corrupt. I even said in the end of my op that I'm probably seeing with a bias right now because there's just simply more republicans in office. I.e, more chance of them doing or saying something controversial. Just like how it would be with democrats. My whole fucking post was about how both sides are garbage but you still try to spin it like I'm some liberal parrot pushing some agenda. None of what you just said had anything to do with my op. My first paragraph I literally say that just because I don't mention something, doesn't mean I dont know it exists, or don't think it's a problem, I just simply didnt mention it because it wasn't directly related to the topic I was responding to. And what's the response? To do exactly that. How in the fuck is anyone supposed to discuss politics, the future of OUR country or shit, discuss, anything, if you use lack of evidence as evidence. I mean what the hell am I supposed to say to get any form of constructive dialogue going here if me addressing the fact that I'm talking about one specific facet related to the mentioned quote in relation to the political climate right now, doesn't mean that there aren't other problems, issues, disagreements or concerns out there on the opposite side, and I even give credence to the possibility of bias due to the governmental demographic right now?

I said it in my last response and I'll say it again here. Do you think that you're wrong? No? Good, you shouldn't. Me neither. Now, what do you want to see for the future of America? Do you want to see it crumble In ashes of another civil war or whatever, or do you want to see it be great, continue to be great and continually increase in prosperity? Yeah, 2nd choice, me too. We want the same thing. Every true American, wants the same thing; to better America. So stop trying to attack and tear down every opposing opinion you see, especially in the manner you did of just bringing up completely unrelated topics as if my lack of addressing their existence is proof of incompetence, and converse with your fellow Americans. Work with them. It's literally the only way this corrupt system of government has any chance of changing for the better. I'm not right about a lot of things I'm sure, and neither are you, because we're both humans. So let's not act like we're infallible and use what each other knows to work to our shared goal.

Using your logic:

I was not disagreeing with your OP, but I wanted to say a bunch of stuff that implies that I do disagree.

LOL, you say "I'm sure democrats do a bunch too", but then go on to take down Republicans. You even say "it seems very obvious that one side is more beholding [sic] to the business and political elite."

My response was to say that's wrong. They are both BEHOLDEN to the same power players.

That was my point. The part specific to republicans was followed up by an addendum that I may be seeing them as worse because of a majority bias. I'm not sure what other way I can express my belief while still giving benefit of the doubt to the opposing view and the possibility, and even plausibility that I could be wrong or not fully objective.

Up until the last year or so (and including the obstruction and questionable criticisms from the R house/Congress during Obama's terms) I'd have said both sides are equally shitty. But now, especially with Trump at the head who is either too stupid or too incompetent to monitor what he says and how he says it, and with the lack of backlash from the GOP, it seems very obvious that one side is more beholding to the business and political elite. Perhaps this seems this way because our government is mostly Republican right now so we just see it more than dems, but nonetheless it seems to be the reality of the situation.

This is what "bothered" me for lack of a better word. I just don't see how anything changed in this last year. Both sides have proven they are scumbags who refuse to listen to each other. You thought the Republicans were more beholden to money. I was simply adding that both sides are equally beholden, just to different parts of the money system.

Good chat!

I mean yeah, that's kind of my whole point. Perhaps I phrased it wrong, but we're both arguing the same point. I suppose a better way to phrase would be to say 'while both sides serve the same masters, it's become obvious that one does so without hiding behind a facade of social welfare or some general public benefactor, while the other attempts to do so discretely. Kind of semantics really, but the point remains the same which we both seem to agree on. I imagine it'd be hard to not agree with it, pretty damned general lol

The way I look at it, is yes the Democrats are driven towards some of the same goals (power, money etc), but they're at least willing to throw the populace a bone on the way to those ends. They're willing to take care of the people in exchange for the power and money and authority. Republicans... they want it all, and they want to fuck you in the process.

So yes, they're both "equally shitty" except for the way that one of them is way more shitty.

So, the same sort of reform can fix the problems that both parties suffer from (money in politics). But that doesn't really mean that everything else is equal.

Obviously the broad statements aren't aimed at you or refuting your post at all, just furthering it with my own opinion.

Honestly I think republicans are worse, straight up. But I also acknowledge I'm coming at this with multiple biases, and am nowhere near an expert on any of this. If someone shows me a point of view that says otherwise I will gladly accept it and work it into my beliefs. The problem is, look at the response I got to my OP.

I literally started off saying that just because I'm not addressing the existence of shitty things the left does, doesn't meant I don't see them, recognize them or think they should be addressed. It's just not related directly to the topic of my post. That's all. I then even go to say that I'm probably coming at this with a bias because it's easier to see Republican flaws when the majority of government is Republican.

And what are the response? Bringing up shit Obama did, bringing up shit Hillary did (did we forget she isn't, and wasn't ever fucking president? Why is she being talked about, I certainly didn't mention anything even loosely related to her) and trying to prove that democrats are actually worse than republicans and therefore I'm wrong. Like, literally a neutral stance that both sides sucks draws attacks. I don't get it. Nobody even addressed what I said, they just bring up past tense opposites.

Hey if you want to read deeper into this notion - read The Philosophy of Fascism by Mario Palmieri from 1936. It's hard to read with a partisan attitude because its so easy to see how it embodies "the Other Side" no matter which side you're on.

But now, especially with Trump at the head who is either too stupid or too incompetent to monitor what he says and how he says

You almost got it. Trump is the American Empire in raw form. Difficult to digest, isn't it? Obama made the same shit go down easier with his sugar tongue. And that's what people want - someone to convincingly lie to them that everything done in their name is "good."

What are you talking about? My whole post was about how both sides are the same, but just due to the government being predominantly Republican right now it comes off as worse right this second. So you're point is that... both sides are the same but they talk differently? Yeah.. good point..

This comment, yes.

The Republicans are definitely more beholden to business interests in regards to the transparency with which they appease the oligarchs that rule this planet. Democrats are just far better at concealing their business interests with half truths and emotionally charged "social justice" rhetoric, which appeals to the youth demographic. Republicans on the other hand don't conceal themselves with optics, and I believe there is a reason for that. The Business party wants us to fight each other over the conversation they are literally moderating, and the Republicans are being intentionally painted as representing the "bad" ideology (conservatism) so that the progressive "pro-government" end of the force fed political spectrum will ultimately prevail and allow the government to manifest itself as the seat of their monopoly. It's every Capitalist's wet dream.

Thank you!! Exactly. Finally someone actually fucking read what I said and didnt just immediately jump to "no you're wrong democrats are worse!" Like this shit is exactly what the 'business' party wants from the populace. Stagnated ideals not focused on progress, but on opposition and constant distraction. They both go about it differently, but they both play the role. This was the dialogue I wanted to start... unfortunately I got a bunch of "but Obama did X".

Not sure if that's due to shilling, or if their strategy is really working well on this sub, of all places.

It is a bit ironic really. More so sad and disheartening though. What could possibly be more bipartisan/neutral than saying we both want what's best for this country? If that can't spark some form of constructive dialogue, idk what can. It's hard to not be apathetic when this really seems to be the new norm; animosity and hatred towards anyone with a differing opinion. I mean shit, at it's absolute most fundamental level, this is exactly how civil wars start (in extreme early stages). 2 different opinions who see the only thing stopping their opinion/belief from becoming reality is the opposing opinion, while both are relentlessly unwilling to compromise or admit fault/wrongness.

Get money out of politics. Meanwhile trump is making it so more money flows through politics. Somehow his supporters don't have the education to realize this.

Man, I mean it's refreshing this reply wasn't another "but Obama did x", but it's still beside the point I was making. Trump is a symptom of our disgustingly corrupt government. He's the most obvious depiction of it that we've had, 100%, but generally speaking both parties are guilty of self enriching and lopsided policies to the general public and this dynamic of Republican obvious corruption and democratic discrete corruption is all part of the system and part of the problem. Placing all blame or even majority of blame on one side wasn't what I was trying to do or the point I was trying to make. It was that the system of our government is now designed to divide the population against each other. To essentially split the collective manpower of the general populace in half. It's a paradigm and the only conceivable way to alter it is to work together and not see each other as enemies. We're all Americans. We all want the same thing; to perpetuate America's prosperity and health for as long as possible. We're not each other's enemies, the political and business elites essentially are. And they reach across both parties.

Well, what do people expect when there is no actual "left" in the states? You have the right (Dems) and the bat shit insane right (GOP) when comparing them to any other "normal" political spectrum in the world. Of course they will be the same thing, because both are right leaning, if not full right parties already.

I don't disagree with what you're saying, but I think it's a little off of what my initial point was. The problem, at it's fundamental level is not one party or the other. It's the system in which they're both in servitude of; as I colloquially said before, the business class. As long as any politician, left or right, is beholding to the political/financial/business elite over the general public, we will continually, and indefinitely face problems economically, socially and politically. The system of government from top to bottom (exceptions to every rule obviously, but apparently I have to mention this in this sub) is designed, maintained and operating in a fashion that predicates politicians to forsake their constituents for the elites they're beholding to. A politicians job, almost by definition, is to get re-elected. Since we now have given money a voice, and there are several people/groups that have more money than people in the US (oversimplification) they have more power over the 're election of a good majority of politicians than we do. And With the general populace divided and focused on each other, the elite nearly has free reign over what they want. All that is needed for this is a divided but placated populace, and enough distraction and scapegoating (often of the opposing party to further the divide while also occupying time) to give the elite and politicians enough breathing room to sabotage and self enrich by essentially buying key politicians and their votes.

I've said this several times, but I don't think anyone, Republican, or democrat will disagree. A true American, is someone who (again, oversimplification and generalizing) wants America to continually improve, to grow it's prosperity, and to be the best country in the world. Every single true American wants that. They might want to go about it in different ways, but we all want the same thing. Do you know the only group who doesn't want That? It's not your opposing party, it's the entire government system (with a few exceptions obviously). We need to stop fighting, and hating each other and instead work together. We all want the same thing, 99% of us aren't experts or even arguably informed enough to have the strong opinions that we do, but as long as we share the goal of bettering America, there's no conflict, just differing opinions on how to reach the same goal.

Ahh, so everything is the fault of the right?

The correlation would be everything is the virtue of the right.

If there is no left, then why do we need it if it contributes nothing at all?

Do you think before you speak/type or do you just say the most eloquent bullshit that pops into your scrambled brain?

There is a left, and it manifests itself the same way the left always inevitably does. "Liberty" is the moniker, coercion and ostracism is the weapon. It makes perfect sense and the left is doing what they -ALWAYS- do.

And now, people like you are attempting to claim there is no left when it gets too far out of control.

But simple logic can project this outcome every time.

I don't even live in the US I am a neutral 3rd part with zero stake in the whole thing. Yes the left exists with people and though processes, but it sure as fuck doesn't exist as something with any political power or voting presence. Anyone who legitimately believes that there is an actual left political party in the US with any semblance of power is the one with the scrambled brain. American politics are shifted so far right its not even a debate topic at this point in time.

I never said anything was the entire fault of the right, or that the left is useless and should be thrown in the trash. You really should read what I posted and take it as a neutral post instead of projecting your feelings onto it and trying to demonize me for them.

I disagree. And I would add not being in the US makes no difference to your neutrality or knowledge. Certainly no authority.

The left is the the left no matter where you live, and they are everywhere. Things mutate and you have to follow the pattern.

But you did say everything is the fault of the right. It is absolutely implied by your statement. You're caught up in sentimentality and have no gauge on the truth. You have it construed in your head that the left is virtuous, and until you detect virtue, there can be no left. And if you detect virtue, then you will confirm the left. And that is a black philosophy.

I will not take it as a neutral post because it is absolute horse shit, and that is me being polite about it. You think you're neutral, but you are not. You are just completely enveloped in some delusion that ignores reality.

The actual fuck are you on about lmfao.

You have it construed in your head that the left is virtuous

God no, the left is made up of average people just like the right is, virtue has zero to do with it. Where are you getting any of this shit from anyways? You are projecting a whole lot of horse shit onto me because you disagreed with a comment I made because "reasons". Please provide anything to back up any of these accusations otherwise stop spouting this laughable BS.

Fuck, your entire argument is predicated on the assumption that I am left leaning in the first place, or that I think the right is inherently a bad or evil thing, like come on you can do better then that.

My entire argument is that the US does not have a "true" (whatever the fuck that means is up to you I guess, but I am assuming a global "middle" that includes places like AU/Nz, the Nordics, EU, Canada etc,) left. This is not good or bad, this just is, the right has done as many good things for the US as it has bad because that's all there has been for a long time. Like jesus fuck, not every viewpoint has to be evil or against you, that train of though is what causes shit like the nazis in the first place.

No, my entire argument is predicated on the fact that you declared implicitly that the right is to blame for all things bad. That is inarguable in the content of your statement because you said absolutely that the left doesn't exist. What is arguable is why you would think such a stupid thing. And, given my experiences of the last 20 years, I readily believe that people ARE that stupid.

And if you read my last post you would see that i also explicitly stated that the right is also to belame for all of the GOOD things that has happened in the stats as well. Also I said that the left doesnt exist in a way that gives it any real political power. Not that it doesnt exist at all. There is a difference.

Like fuck, read the entire thing without cherry picking please.

If you truly want to get money out of politics, you have to give serious consideration to sortition as a basis for our legislature.

I had to look that up, actually was unaware that that system was a thing. Sounds like not a bad idea, at the very least an improvement on our current system. Thanks for showing me That!

I don't believe for a second that Trump doesn't know how divisive his behavior is or that he and his team aren't able to correct it.

He's really just painted himself in a corner. There's no 5D chess or brilliant hidden plays coming. His options in that regard are to settle in to one of the 2 established camps. He'll keep making rumblings to feed his ego and then follow the standard playbook(guided by those around him) for the most part.

Enough of this both sides are just for the elite bullshit.

Democratic Party: * Increase tax revenue in the top tax bracket * Increase minimum wage for lower class people that haven't seen a raise in decades * Provide job retraining/secondary education opportunities for lower class people in dying job markets * cheaper healthcare for all * Rebuild nation's public infrastructure

Republican Party: * More tax breaks for the top tax brackets * Keep minimum wage stagnant and in some places lower it * Keep on digging coal miners and keep on building car factory workers, these jobs will totally last forever * Keep the unnecessary middle men insurance companies so that they can profit off of people's lives and health * Sell nation's public infrastructure to private entities to be tolled

Don't you just love conservative logic?

Democrats win : "They are giving free stuff to niggers!!"

Votes Republican : "Oh no! They are taking away our stuff!"

Removed. Rule 1.

but i'm going to be a millionaire someday (as soon as we can get the last libtards out of office, i can feel it!) and sean hannity tells me it's better to pay more in taxes while i'm poor than to have to do it when i strike it rich because something something jesus wants it that way.

R>D checkmate reality

Not only Jesus, but the demigod that is the "free market" will thank me for my Republican vote by inputting Me and My Family Values™ into its immaculate algorithm and I will finally be rich enough to not have to depend on all of the public services I do now.

Why aren't you a millionaire already? Get a better job and work harder, slacker.

Pull yourself up by the boot straps®

The reality is that all the democrat party did while in power was create socialism/welfare for corporations.

In the past decade the Democratic party had only been in power for two years and during that time implemented the ACA as well as raised percentage of the top tax bracket back up after the disastrous Bush era tax cuts. I would like to see what they did that you claim is socialism/welfare for corporations.

You will never get it, because it doesn't exist. The biggest scam last year was pulled off by convincing people both parties are the same. Those who are to ignorrant to see it will always pick this lazy arguement.

Bailing out the automakers, banks, and of course ACA is a insurance company bailout.

Under both parties. Keep Lobby money going, write laws favoring the super wealthy, keep my position with gerrymandering. Why do you think Mitch McCuck still in office ?

What's our first step--we have to get rid of citizens united.

While, ironically, you can thank Hilldog for CU existing as a case in the first place.

Are you kidding me? She campaigned on repealing CU.

She would say anything so that people wouldn't ask about Treason in the Obama administration.

Not kidding at all! The court case began as an attempt to removing the ability for a PAC to fund a film specifically about her.

In the case, the conservative non-profit organization Citizens United wanted to air a film critical of Hillary Clinton and to advertise the film during television broadcasts shortly before the 2008 Democratic primary election in which Clinton was running for U.S. President.

via https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 104579

Yeah, I'm aware but how can we thank her for this? She isn't responsible for this, the conservative judges are.

You must understand that she was certainly involved in the initiation and pursuance of the case. She is personally and unarguably a major causal factor in the case's existence.

Conservatives: Hey we're going to do this shady thing

Clinton: That's not cool, stop it

Judges: No it's totally cool

I don't see how Clinton is responsible here. If she didn't pursue a case it would have set a precedent anyways.

I'm in no way supporting either side, to be clear.

But the fact is that she fought the law, and the law won - and it made that legal shady thing very publicly visible, causing more exploitation of that shady thing than a smaller case would have.

If she had not brought a non-profit to court to selfishly protect her own personal image, the precedent would not be currently inscribed, and likely would remain known to very few.

Did you read any of the above comments?

Yeah. They're fascists.

My dog is begging for a chicken nugget right now. I just punched that Nazi in the face. Teach him to be a fucking fash.

Nah bruh

Yeah if you look at how democrats vote and Republicans vote it's very obvious not the same. About half of the democrats actually vote for things that help the little guy. But pretty much all of the Republicans vote for things that will help big corporations.

Whenever a disaster happens I'm always hopeful that it will reset what's really important in life besides money and celebrity worship and our society would set things right-and it lasts about a month and then we humans go right back to the way it was.

About half of the democrats actually vote for things that help the little guy.

Don't be insulting. Democrats vote for their interest albeit that interest is virtue signalling to alleviate their inner guilt.

Democrats vote for their interest albeit sometimes that interest is virtue signalling to alleviate their inner guilt.

If the Democrats are so star-spangled-awesome why are every major single city they are in charge of a fucking shithole

Your t_d is showing.

People forget that basically every major city in the country is liberal and most are wonderful places. They're the places people want to move to or be near. How close a town is to big cities is one of the measurements of that towns appeal.

grumpieroldman's whole schtick is just rhetoric from the right. Their whole strategy is finding one example of bad liberals and then tell their whole base "Well that's ALL of them!" For anyone still reading, here's a list of the dem/repub breakdown per mayor of cities:


Yes, EVERY city that democrats run - NY, LA, Honolulu, Nashville, Orlando, Norfolk, etc. etc. etc. are ALL shitholes. Only the ones that repubs run, like Chandler, AZ and Jacksonville Florida AREN'T. (eye roll)

People forget that basically every major city in the country is liberal and most are wonderful places.

That was true about 100 years ago.
All of the major American cities today are ruined shitholes.
There was glimor of hope in the 90's with a broad multifaceted approach making a difference (from policing efforts to 'positive' affects of easy access to abortion) and due to effert from the likes of Rudy Giuliani. That momentum skidded to a halt in the naughts.

When was the last time you went to a city? They're pretty much all booming at the moment and are, for the most part, wonderful places to live.

Like Minneapolis?

Why are all democrat cities shit holes? We'll. 1st. Let's address the fact that that's not remotely true? In fact it's quite the opposite, Republican controlled areas are in dire straights while cities, which are almost exclusively democrat voted and run throughout the country, are our economic and education centers. Without democrat controlled cities, the US would essentially be China Or Russia, at best.

You know how the Patriot Act is pretty shitty and named something to be deliberately misleading? There is a lot of BS in those bills too.

Seriously, read the Philosophy of Fascism by Mario Palmieri from 1936.

This. I'll never fully understand why so many of the conspiracy people back the party of big biz/Military-industrial-complex etc. (to be fair the Democrats sold out as well)

Thank you for that. I love Chomsky, but he is not perfect either. You have to actually look at policy and it doesn't take but a few minutes to determine that Democrats are the people's party. Sometimes it does mean working with corporations and people together for a common goal or cause. Republicans are straight up only about helping the rich, they never have policies to actually help working class people...ever. There's a big difference and I can't stand the laziness of people simply spouting off they are both the same. Facts show otherwise.

The Dems wouldn't have propped Hillary up throughout the primaries, both literally and figuratively, if they were actually the people's party. The DNC is in currently in court disputing this very topic. Their defense for being dishonest to their political donors is that they are a private organization and can do as they wish. Does this sound like "the people's party"? Our two party system is corrupt across the board. We need transparency from our leaders and money out of politics.

The Dems wouldn't have propped Hillary up throughout the primaries, both literally and figuratively, if they were actually what you're describing.

We call this an absolute. No, this proves nothing of the sort. Even so she was the most qualified candidate of any of the candidates period, like her or not and like it or not it is the truth. She received the most votes in the primaries and won. I voted for the Bern man, I was angry when he didn't win, but not at the DNC. I was mad at my own brethren who could not see that this was a change election and people did not want more of the same. Hillary did represent much of the status quo and this is why she lost. Also, while the DNC made some shitty comments, none of it actually related to an unfair advantage in my humble opinion. Sorry, but this one issue is not enough to condemn an entire party for. Besides, look at Republicans. They have no standards. They reek of bigotry, racism and corporatism, yet they won and nobody held them to a higher standard. You are not perfect, nor am I and neither is the DNC. That's life, but some are far worse than others for example (Trump, Republicans, KKK, Nazis, Fascists, Religious Zealots, etc...) The choice for rational people was clear and considering 3,000,000 more people voted for Hillary it is safe to assume the rational people outweighed the bigots.

You have quite a lot to say. Will you comment on the DNC lawsuit?

Sure. The optics are bad for the DNC, but I am afraid this is about par with deflate-gate. Yes, the Patriots deflated the football, but most likely the patriots were going to win anyway. Bernie could not garner the over 40 African American vote and it cost him the primary. Even with Hillary's "come to heel" comments, black people still voted for her in force. There was very little the DNC did to make that happen. Let's face it, they love them some Billy on a sax. Sorry man. It just wasn't going to happen anyway. Should I be upset? Sure. Does it mean I am going to vote for a Nazi? How about a bigot? Maybe a con-man like Trump? How about a religious zealot/booger eating Ted Cruz? Na. I will stick with the only party who gives two fucks about civil rights, working class people and the environment. It is not a hard decision to make. Should we work to fix the problems in the DNC? Sure, but it doesn't mean I am willing to burn the country down for it. That would be amateur and stupid.

Can you explain it with a different sport? Not a fan of football. I think both the DNC and the RNC are corrupt to the core and am unsure why a former Bernie supporter would now be so adamantly pro-DNC.

Read my comment history. I did not feel the way I do now. Now that Trump/Republicans own .gov the decision is simple. Stop Republicans at all costs. Their betrayal and silence on Trump is deafening. My new slogan is "Stop a Nazi, Vote Democrat". As far as the DNC goes...well they will get more Progressive over time, they will not have a choice. I'm not going to let this cause a rift.

Ok, and every Republican I know thinks the same thing. "Stop the Dems at all cost".. and there you have it, a country stuck fighting against each other's interests while the rich get richer and whoever gets elected on either side immediately acquieses to the will of the elites. You and I lose again and again and again with this pointing the finger bullshit.

Right, it's just one side is now owned by traitors, obstructionists to the constitution. Democrats are not simply the same as their white supremacist counterparts.

Not all GOP voters are white supremacists. I don't support the GOP in any way for what it's worth.

They will be judged by the company they keep.

Are you implying that those who vote for GOP candidates are Nazi supporters?

Republicans have made their choice. It is clear which side the President and his supporters reside on. White Power is their bread and butter, how could we expect Trump to condemn his own voters?

Can you expand on what's "clear"?

As far as the DNC goes...well they will get more Progressive over time, they will not have a choice.

You're ridiculously naive if you believe this. They have showed no signs of going left whatsoever in the last 30 years ever since Bill Clinton took over the party. If you want progress, vote Green. If you want to be smacked by the right hand, vote Republican. If you want the left hand, vote Democrat.

It's already happening. Please spare me the emo act, "My life is a deep dark abyss". Boo fucking hoo. Did it ever occur to you the whole reason we have this runaway government is because people like us decided to do nothing? We became complacent and got the shitty government we deserved. Sorry, you do injustice to those who have the balls to go out and fight for what they believe in. Change is coming, but it is slow and requires people to give a fuck. So either you can go back to cutting yourself or you can get involved and make a difference. Your life.

You are going to make a change by doing exactly what you've been doing for the last 30 years. OK Einstein, good luck with that. I'm going for a different route. Green Party USA!

Which is perfectly fine...It is just unnecessary to be a cocksucker about it.

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

You have an infantile view of politics if you think that this is how politics is practiced. But thank you for making a ninth grade level outline on how the two sides differ...

The bottom line for the federal government is continuity. As long as they're able to keep their lobby money flowing in, thus guaranteeing re-election, it doesn't really matter what actually happens.

I mean, your precious Democratic party practiced the "just for the elite" line of thinking during the primaries. They essentially said to the voters, "Even though a huge percentage of you support one candidate, we have invested way too much time/money/campaign promises in our other candidate to let the better one win."

Also, you know the Democratic party attempted (and probably succeeded in) aiding Trump's Republican party efforts. Also, you know that the Democratic proposal for military spending actually exceeded Trump's plan? Did you know that we sold billions of dollars of weaponry to unstable nations during Obama's presidency that is literally being used for terrorism? Where did that money go? It certainly wasn't levied off to the poor - it goes to the checking accounts of the politicians who sign off on this shit.

Nobody's disagreeing with the idea that the Democratic party theoretically has better ideas in terms of equity for the poor. However, the world (and especially politics) is not a fairy tale where good and evil are clearly defined and you can just side with the good people and they will destroy the evil. You just need to inform yourself.

Please indicate where I suggested the Democratic party was perfect. I merely said to that they are not the same as the Republicans. While both have flaws, to say they are equally flawed is laughable.

But please, continue with your tirade against your straw man about how more mature you are than infantile me.

Please stop randomly plugging in rhetorical devices when you don't know how to use them because you think they fit in... It just makes you look stupid.

And wow, no shit they're not exactly the same. But as far as equally flawed goes, they are.. for the reasons I just mentioned.. because they don't actually care about the issues they just care about re-election and keeping the status quo. But if just saying that you care about poor people is good enough for you then.. good for you I guess? You're still uninformed though.

Did you have trouble understanding what I wrote or something?

You're delusional, my man.

My state passed medical marijuana (2010-2011ish) and a min. wage increase (just came into effect this year). There was only one party that fought tooth and nail against both of these things prior to and after their inceptions, and it wasn't the Democrats.

Both parties are flawed, but it's obvious that one party is much more heavily flawed and completely out of touch with reality.

I know one more party is flawed than the other but that doesn't excuse the other party from being extremely flawed... Why does it have to be a pissing contest? The Democratic party being less shitty than the Republican party does not make up for them being shitty themselves.

If I have two piles of shit, and one smells bad but the other smells way worse - is the first pile of shit not still a pile of shit?

For someone who mentioned something about nuance, you sure don't seem to have much of an understanding about it. It's so lazy to take the "both parties being shitty so fuck everything" stance. There will never be a perfect political party, so we will have to accept flaws that come with them. Look at the voting logs and tell me which party is more anti-consumer and anti-middle/working class. I mean, god damn, just look at the votes regarding campaign finance measures. I think we can agree that the endless flow of money in politics is a problem in the country. Well, there's one party who is fighting against it and one that is trying to pass reform.

That's not my stance. We absolutely do not need to accept the flaws that come with them.

If I have to choose within the confines of a bipartisan system then I'm 100% a Democrat; that doesn't mean I can't also view them as corrupt.

Furthermore, viewed through the lens of the original post that we are all commenting on (read: establishment tactics), we can say that Democrats and Republicans alike do engage in that sort of behavior in order to keep themselves in power.

To illustrate the Democratic Party as a conglomerate participating in establishment tactics to maintain the status quo, we need to look no farther than the Democratic primaries. I disagree that much of anything is being done, on either side, to combat it.

Overall though, the American political system is in a positive place compared to most.

That's not the point. The point was the OP was trying to make it look like they're the same. They are very clearly not.

I mean, if you thought OP meant they are literally the same, then I don't think that accurately encapsulates OP's point..

None of that really has to do with what he said.

Your entire post basically amounted to "they do some bad things too" when that wasn't even the point of his post.

For argument sake, let's write up an exhaustive list of what both parties have done for voters and we'll compare them, because that seems to be what you would like to do.

You have poor reading comprehension skills if you think that my argument was about what specific things parties have done for specific voters..

I was talking about how both sides care more about protecting their status than they do about catering to their constituents. The reason is because lobby money correlates to winning an election more than any other factor; research the subject if you do not believe me.

The point of his post was that democrats aren't on the same side of the coin as republicans because some of their policies are better for more people. I was saying that what goes on behind the scenes is more important and there is a shit ton of corruption on both sides.

Jesus Christ people on Reddit sometimes...

And all I would need to do is look at actual policy to see where each party stands. I don't even have to look at their idealogies to know where each party stands.

It's a pretty simple concept to understand. Try not to sound so condescending next time.

Okay, yeah that's what I thought. You're just missing the point. Go back and read the posts again. This has nothing to do with Democratic or Republican policies; literally nothing. I'm not explaining it again because I don't know how many different ways I can say the same thing.

Yeah I know what you wrote. It amounted to "but do you know what politicians really do?" completely missing the point of the original post.

I mean we can all go off on tangents to try to prove points that weren't even part of the original argument.

The point of the original post was that OP was tired of people saying that Reps and Dems are the same, then he posted a bunch of random bullet points about some differences in policy and how Democratic policies are more progressive - and suggested that proves that Democrats are not the party for the elite...

So if his point was that Dems and Reps aren't the same because they have different policies and the Democratic ones are better, then it was a stupid post. Everyone knows they have different policies - and anyone with an even cursory knowledge of politics knows which way each side leans.

When we say that both sides are "for the elite," it is referring to the idea that, at the end of the day, Democrats and Republicans alike are more interested and will do more to protect their elite status than they will for any of their constituents wants and needs. This is what people mean when they say both sides are for the elites. Read the bolded part. Read it again and again. That is the main point of the argument and the heart of the issue.

Both sides are more self-interested than they are public servants. That is as concise as I can put it.

Your obvious condescension isn't helping get your point across. Insulting people and acting like you're smarter than them isn't going to win you arguments or change peoples' minds.

I'm typically in favor of democrats, and going beyond that the "one business party two branches" approach, and because of the latter part I get the impression a lot of the time that the bills that Democrats are usually in favor of (like the ones listed above) are for show. So they can hold them up to voters and say "See! We're trying!" when in reality there's little to no chance they'll go through. It's just to keep the working and middle classes in the mindset that at least there are people out there fighting for them, when in reality it's just to prevent any (more) widespread unrest.

It's like if a corrupt detective were to "investigate" a mob boss. It's just feigning effort.

The thing for me is that at least they are trying. Ya maybe it is a feigned effort and they really dont care, but they are at least working towards being an actual leftist party. Republicans do nothing but actually help the rich.

The Democrats are just far more subtle and sophisticated in their subversion. It's not less, it's just that they are more careful and work in a far grander scale than the right typically operates.

I think you are getting Bernie and the democratic party confused. How many of those point did Hillary have in the primaries?

All of them

Unfortunately there was a propaganda campaign that targeted disillusioned people that Hillary was very different from Bernie in terms of policies but they only differed by degrees.

Yeah, those were her promises. Trump also had many promises.

But Hillary Clinton is, just like Trump, a pathological liar and flip-flopper

It's no surprise:

Here are Bill and Hillary at Trump's wedding, and they fucking love each other:


And here's Trump profusely praising Hillary:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q76rxpKm3m4 (November 2008)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4lFrk4PbVg (August 2013)

Also never forget: Trump was a leading birther, but the "Obama was born in Kenya"-claim all started in the bowels of the Clinton machine.

Hmm. That's a good post.

I'm not sure we can equate Hillary Clinton to be quite the liar Donald Trump is, but I we probably shouldn't community-diagnose either of them as pathological liars.

It's people's responsibility not to be conned, though. Everyone had the chance for vote for Hillary's better policies, or to vote for Trump's silly policies. Anyone who cast a vote for him has only themselves to blame. The propaganda machine is only turned-on during the election season, and it's no good figuring out you've been conned when all the cards are already laid on the table. Half the country figured it out; the other half needs to smarten-up, fast.

I'm probably putting myself half-way into the shooting gallery by saying this, but I don't think Trump is that much of a racist. I think he probably has a little racism in him - as a man who grew-up decades ago in America - and is willing to turn a blind eye to white supremacy because it suits him politically, but I find it hard to believe that he fundamentally has a major racist streak in him.

His father, Fred Trump was quite possibly a robe-wearing KKK member. But, Trump is obviously not an exact clone of his father, although his patriarch father was abusive and by some accounts, drove Trump's brother to alcholism and death.

For Trump himself, you can read over this final response compilation and read through the sources cited if you wish.

The previous (deleted) version is here and imo, it's much more comprehensive and devastating than the new one.

As for Hillary and Trump and diagnosing them as pathological liars, why not exactly? What exactly does it take?

In my opinion, politicians like Hillary are being normalized through the Overton Window, because the Trump presidency normalizes such unfathomably insane things, that the corrupt practices we previously tried to ameliorate pale in comparison.

This leads to instances where Clinton and even George W. Bush are rehabilitated as "decent leadership". I don't really feel like dog-whistling the alt-right crowd but I have a long list of grievances with Clinton which have nothing do with things like "Pizzagate" or Seth Rich, but just with her treatment of civil and digital rights, censorship and surveillance, treatment of whistleblowers, gay marriage, wealth distribution, corporatism, cronyism, international law & human rights and transparency/accountability.

Trump's presidency completely eclipses and normalizes most of that, and the thought of ever having leadership with some genuine integrity in Washington again now seems completely out of reach.

Especially with the current trend of lionizing George W. Bush and a mish-mash of other authoritarian conservatives now criticizing Trump and looking "good" by comparison.

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His father, Fred Trump was quite possibly a robe-wearing KKK member.

Ehhh~... terms like "quite possibly" are kinda...wishy~washy~. That doesn't cut it with me.

Listen, I hate Trump as much as anyone, and I'm surprised to find (and perhaps even enjoying) myself defending him for a change, but I'm going to hold criticism of him to the same standard as defense of him.

For Trump himself, you can read over this final response compilation and read through the sources cited if you wish.

Yeah, that builds a pretty bad case for Donald Trump. I checked a few of the links that go to decent sources like the NYTimes articles from the 1970s, and the article content is as the links would suggest.

As for Hillary and Trump and diagnosing them as pathological liars, why not exactly? What exactly does it take?

A medical professional, qualified to make such a diagnosis. No one else. If neither are willing to voluntarily submit themselves for whatever testing is required to make such a diagnosis, then we'll never, ever know if they are pathological liars or not. Ever.


In my opinion, politicians like Hillary are being normalized through the Overton Window, because the Trump presidency normalizes such unfathomably insane things, that the corrupt practices we previously tried to ameliorate pale in comparison.

Yes, I know what you mean. But it just gets tiresome being the only person in the room who is outraged. Stuff just gets normalized over time. Isn't anyone appalled that corporations can just... spend as much money as they like lobbying politicians. Isn't that just bribery?

Sometimes we forget that George W Bush took us to a war that killed tens of thousands, all over a piece of evidence that it turned out he completely fabricated - him infamous WOMD. Completely made up. The whole reason for that war. A total lie. And it's just... water under the bridge. Why would anyone vote for the GOP again, considering that it is a fact that their last President did this? I don't get it. Do people just have memories like a sieve?

Ehhh~... terms like "quite possibly" are kinda...wishy~washy~. That doesn't cut it with me.

I would just read the Vice article I linked, it builds a pretty convincing case. Including Trump lying again, this time about his father's address. His father had multiple addresses, and the one he gave at his KKK rally arrest is a match. Trump denies.

As for this:

A medical professional, qualified to make such a diagnosis. No one else.

I've met pathological liars in real life. If I had to wait for a clinical diagnosis in these cases, I could get myself into deep shit, being conned while "reserving judgement".

Your refusal to admit what is going just doesn't hold water. Trump is on the record with more than a thousand verified lies at this point.

Saying we can't possibly know whether Trump is a pathological liar is so far removed from what the entire planet can reliably observe him do, day in, day out, it doesn't pass muster.

I'd be prepared to downgrade Hillary to just "regular liar" perhaps, but not Trump. There is absolutely no question about him. He can't even resist bragging about it in his autobiography:

In his own autobiography, Trump used the phrase “truthful hyperbole,” a term coined by his ghostwriter referring to the flagrant truth-stretching that Trump employed, over and over, to help close sales. Trump apparently loved the wording, and went on to adopt it as his own.


.. while of course, trying to lie about what it is he's doing: constant, relentless, remorseless, scandalous lying. Clearly without any moral apprehension whatsoever.

I can up the ante further:

Is it all for effect, to rile up his base, deflect blame and distract from his shortcomings, or does Trump really believe the insane things he says? It’s often hard to know, because as Harvard psychoanalyst Lance Dodes put it, Trump tells two kinds of lies: the ones he tells others to scam them, and those he tells himself. “He lies because of his sociopathic tendencies," Dodes said. "There's also the kind of lying he has that is in a way more serious, that he has a loose grip on reality." Is he crazy like a fox or just plain crazy? Not a question we want to be asking about our president.


Some say it is unethical to dare to diagnose the president, but hundreds of mental health professionals have come together to found Duty To Warn. We believe that just as we are ethically and legally obligated to break confidentiality to warn a potential victim of violence, our duty to warn the public trumps all other considerations.


For Harvard psychiatrist Judith Herman, the signs of Trump’s mental instability are so visible professional expertise is not even needed to recognize them


“Worse than just being a liar or a narcissist, in addition he is paranoid, delusional and grandiose thinking and he proved that to the country the first day he was President. If Donald Trump really believes he had the largest crowd size in history, that’s delusional,” he added.

Chairing the event, Dr Bandy Lee, assistant clinical professor in the Yale Department of Psychiatry, said: “As some prominent psychiatrists have noted, [Trump’s mental health] is the elephant in the room. I think the public is really starting to catch on and widely talk about this now.”


A recurring theme mentioned by mental health experts is Trump's grandiosity, which prods him to exclaim provably false assertions about himself and his interactions with people he detests. I found his claims about Mika Brzezinski to be particularly psychopathic. E.g.:

I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came..

...to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!


Brzezinski and Scarborough responded:


I believe Trump is both mentally ill and a compulsive liar. But to say that belief cannot be justified unless Trump is personally examined: I'm sorry, given the preponderance of public evidence, I can't accept that.

Clinton, that may be significantly harder. Then again, that assertion, too, may have been influenced and skewed by the horrendously high bar set by Trump and his endless, compulsive lying.

Other than that, I agree with what you said, and I'm glad other recognize the dangers of rehabilitating someone like Dubya.

[...] it builds a pretty convincing case. Including Trump lying again, this time about his father's address. His father had multiple addresses, and the one he gave at his KKK rally arrest is a match. Trump denies.

I had a read about this, first on The Independent, and then on Snopes - I was not aware of this being a thing, really. Despite recent conservative-bashing, I personally find Snopes has always been a reliable (and quick) source of weighing-up the truth of a disputed matter, especially since it provides references wherever possible.

What's true, according to Snopes: A 1927 New York Times article named Fred Trump among the individuals arrested after a "near-riot" involving the KKK and New York City policemen at a "Memorial parade."

What's false, according to Snopes: The article did not document that Fred Trump was a KKK member or supporter, or that he was charged with a crime in connection with the KKK event.

Perhaps rather more telling, is Trump's (hilarious) response: "It never happened. And by the way, I saw that it was one little website that said it. It never happened. And they said there were no charges, no nothing. It’s unfair to mention it, to be honest, because there were no charges. They said there were charges against other people, but there were absolutely no charges, totally false … Somebody showed me that website — it was a little website and somebody did that. By the way, did you notice that there were no charges? Well, if there are no charges that means it shouldn’t be mentioned … Because my father, there were no charges against him, I don’t know about the other people involved. But there were zero charges against him. So assuming it was him — I don’t even think it was him, I never even heard about it. So it’s really not fair to mention. It never happened."

Trivia: Donald states that his father is not guilty a total of eleven times, in that - rather odd- verbal reply to a journalist.

Yes, I must admit that Donald's father certainly seems to have a bit of a racist streak, although how much that wears-off on Donald himself, well~, I dunno. I'm ignorant of prior racist dealings he's had.

Your refusal to admit what is going just doesn't hold water.

Oi, watch it. We're supposed to be on the same side. I'm aware that Donald Trump is no stranger to lying.

I'm grateful for your collection of links to suggested diagnosis of Trump by medically-qualified individuals, about which you are clearly passionate!

I've met pathological liars in real life.

I suppose there's little benefit to either of us to argue this, seeing as how we agree on nearly everything else, but I'm sticking to the facts and the medical industry as best I can. If you are a medical professional with sufficient qualifications and experience in the field of mental health to suggest this may be case with Trump, then your word has credence with me, otherwise it doesn't. Diagnosis by medically-unqualified members of the public, or 'diagnosis by community', is not medically valid.

The reason I make this point, is because I've had several arguments with conservatives who had some sort of bizarre, innate hatred of transgender individuals, and were very happy when Trump banned them from serving in the military. These people seemed to be convinced that transgenderism was a mental illness, which it is not. When these discussions I had reached the absolute crux of the matter, sticking to the DSM-V is the only sensible thing to do. When someone (as happened in these arguments) then declares the DSM (and by association, the APA) to be untrue, their argument immediately crumbles, as it is impossible to argue that a world without up-to-date medical texts is superior to the one in which we live.

He has all the earmarks of a pathological liar. Dude will lie about utterly inconsequential stuff and with no apparent reason or goal. And he seems to have zero ability to control it.

Sure, if you are a ignorant socialist the Democrats look amazing on paper.

I urge you to visit Somalia or Venezuela for your spring break.

They're really not communist at all though. They're social liberal. No Democrat is for nationalizing industries.

Democratic Party:

Increase tax revenue in the top tax bracket

There are many ways to do this than just making the highest tax bracket exorbitant. Also, people like Bernie also want to increase the tax burden of families making around $200 - 300K. These are not "rich" people--they are the new middle-class. The tax burden should fall on amounts in excess of a MILLION. Also, don't phase out the Social Security income threshold. Currently, you pay no more Social Security on any dollar made above $112,000 annually.

Increase minimum wage for lower class people that haven't seen a raise in decades

No, they want a flat, across-the-board wage hike. Whether you live in Seattle, WA or Perry, KY. That's ridiculous. Cost of living is very different around the country. Again, this will hurt small businesses who can't afford these wages. This helps the big guys who will just automate things and save money.

Provide job retraining/secondary education opportunities for lower class people in dying job markets

Not every kid should have a college education. 'Member Albert Einstein? : “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Some people need to be garbage men or plumbers. So vocational training is good right!? Yes, but only if there is oversight. 'Member how ITT Tech was the largest recipient of federal education loan money? 'Member when they went bankrupt and millions of students got nothing out of it? Education for all can really hurt more than it helps if done poorly.

cheaper healthcare for all

This is not possible unless we are willing to control personal behavior (e.g. soft drink excise tax/size limits, better school lunch programs/bans on personal food, smoking bans, etc.). Otherwise, healthy people are paying for sick people, which is not fair. You're, by definition, making healthcare more expensive for some while making it cheaper (not necessarily affordable) for others.

Rebuild nation's public infrastructure

Like what? Please expand, because Obama didn't accomplish much, Hillary didn't mention it really in her campaigning, and Trump is the only one who has mentioned spending trillions of dollars on infrastructure recently.

Republican Party:

More tax breaks for the top tax brackets

This is true, and bullshit.

Keep minimum wage stagnant and in some places lower it

They believe the market should handle this. I can't really argue.

Keep on digging coal miners and keep on building cars factory workers, these jobs will totally last forever

Eh, well these are the jobs that are there right now, therefore the cheapest to maintain. Also, these are the only jobs that most of their constituents can do. Education is usually very bad in these areas, so what else can they do? I guarantee you if Democrats make college free, these workers won't suddenly become rocket scientists.

Keep the unnecessary middle men insurance companies so that they can profit off of people's lives and health

Who else is going to provide insurance? The government? We know that Medicaid and Medicare are terribly managed and are legally not allowed to haggle for discounts on medications and procedures like private insurance companies can. By this same token, I don't think we should have income tax and the unnecessary middleman of the IRS to redistribute my wealth.

Sell nation's public infrastructure to private entities to be tolled

This is quid-pro-quo. If we don't allow foreign direct investment, other countries won't reciprocate. But, it's really hard to read you batting for the globalist Democratic agenda, but yet complaining about globalization.

Also, people like Bernie also want to increase the tax burden of families making around $200 - 300K. These are not "rich" people--they are the new middle-class. The tax burden should fall on amounts in excess of a MILLION.

While I agree we shouldn't be too worried about raising taxes on people making between $200k -$300k to say they are the new middle class is laughable. Anyone earning over $200k is in the top 5% of earners in the US.

No, they want a flat, across-the-board wage hike. Whether you live in Seattle, WA or Perry, KY. That's ridiculous. Cost of living is very different around the country. Again, this will hurt small businesses who can't afford these wages. This helps the big guys who will just automate things and save money.

And it's agreed that nationwide $7.23 is not enough to be out of poverty regardless if you live in Seattle or Kentucky. Prices are increasing and wages are stagnant. After inflation adjustment the minimum wage hasn't changed since 1970 The minimum wage has always gone up to match inflation of the dollar and higher costs of living and businesses have survived. What is special this time around that it will fail when it has never been a problem before? As for your automation comment, this is going to happen anyways. It's unstoppable. To use the fear of automation is just prolonging the suffering of people in the minimum wage jobs that won't be replaced through automation. Give these people a break and provide opportunities for those that do get replaced. Hence my next point.

Not every kid should have a college education. 'Member Albert Einstein? : “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Some people need to be garbage men or plumbers. So vocational training is good right!? Yes, but only if there is oversight. 'Member how ITT Tech was the largest recipient of federal education loan money? 'Member when they went bankrupt and millions of students got nothing out of it? Education for all can really hurt more than it helps if done poorly. I never said anything about college for everyone. Vocational and trade schools are more often than not the better bet. People who used to work unskilled jobs replaced by automation can easily pick up new jobs if training and a safety net while they are training is provided. Jobs like chefs, electricians, plumbers, HVAC, construction are just a few examples of good paying jobs that don't require college.

This is not possible unless we are willing to control personal behavior (e.g. soft drink excise tax/size limits, better school lunch programs/bans on personal food, smoking bans, etc.). Otherwise, healthy people are paying for sick people, which is not fair. You're, by definition, making healthcare more expensive for some while making it cheaper (not necessarily affordable) for others.

Do you know how insurance works? Healthy people pay for sick people whether is private or public health insurance. That's what insurance is. In every first world nation that has some form of public health insurance, it is cheaper for the citizens and less money is spent on healthcare costs then here in the US. So does it really matter who you are paying for if you're insurance comes out cheaper? Are you really going to pay $15 for a $10 meal just so someone else doesn't get it for $8?

Like what? Please expand, because Obama didn't accomplish much, Hillary didn't mention it really in her campaigning, and Trump is the only one who has mentioned spending trillions of dollars on infrastructure recently.

Obama: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Clinton: 5 year, $275 billion infrastructure plan

Just because you didn't pay attention doesn't mean they didn't exist. Trump's infrastructure plan included spending tax payer money to fix the highways and then sell them off to private individuals to turn them into toll roads. Why would that be a good thing for Americans to pay for the repair, then again in tolls?

Also, people like Bernie also want to increase the tax burden of families making around $200 - 300K. These are not "rich" people--they are the new middle-class. The tax burden should fall on amounts in excess of a MILLION.

While I agree we shouldn't be too worried about raising taxes on people making between $200k -$300k to say they are the new middle class is laughable. Anyone earning over $200k is in the top 5% of earners in the US.

No, they want a flat, across-the-board wage hike. Whether you live in Seattle, WA or Perry, KY. That's ridiculous. Cost of living is very different around the country. Again, this will hurt small businesses who can't afford these wages. This helps the big guys who will just automate things and save money.

And it's agreed that nationwide $7.23 is not enough to be out of poverty regardless if you live in Seattle or Kentucky. Prices are increasing and wages are stagnant. After inflation adjustment the minimum wage hasn't changed since 1970 The minimum wage has always gone up to match inflation of the dollar and higher costs of living and businesses have survived. What is special this time around that it will fail when it has never been a problem before? As for your automation comment, this is going to happen anyways. It's unstoppable. To use the fear of automation is just prolonging the suffering of people in the minimum wage jobs that won't be replaced through automation. Give these people a break and provide opportunities for those that do get replaced. Hence my next point.

Not every kid should have a college education. 'Member Albert Einstein? : “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Some people need to be garbage men or plumbers. So vocational training is good right!? Yes, but only if there is oversight. 'Member how ITT Tech was the largest recipient of federal education loan money? 'Member when they went bankrupt and millions of students got nothing out of it? Education for all can really hurt more than it helps if done poorly. I never said anything about college for everyone. Vocational and trade schools are more often than not the better bet. People who used to work unskilled jobs replaced by automation can easily pick up new jobs if training and a safety net while they are training is provided. Jobs like chefs, electricians, plumbers, HVAC, construction are just a few examples of good paying jobs that don't require college.

This is not possible unless we are willing to control personal behavior (e.g. soft drink excise tax/size limits, better school lunch programs/bans on personal food, smoking bans, etc.). Otherwise, healthy people are paying for sick people, which is not fair. You're, by definition, making healthcare more expensive for some while making it cheaper (not necessarily affordable) for others.

Do you know how insurance works? Healthy people pay for sick people whether is private or public health insurance. That's what insurance is. In every first world nation that has some form of public health insurance, it is cheaper for the citizens and less money is spent on healthcare costs then here in the US. So does it really matter who you are paying for if you're insurance comes out cheaper? Are you really going to pay $15 for a $10 meal just so someone else doesn't get it for $8?

Like what? Please expand, because Obama didn't accomplish much, Hillary didn't mention it really in her campaigning, and Trump is the only one who has mentioned spending trillions of dollars on infrastructure recently.

Obama: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Clinton: 5 year, $275 billion infrastructure plan

Just because you didn't pay attention doesn't mean they didn't exist. Trump's infrastructure plan included spending tax payer money to fix the highways and then sell them off to private individuals to turn them into toll roads. Why would that be a good thing for Americans to pay for the repair, then again in tolls?

This is true, and bullshit.

Glad we can at least agree on something.

They believe the market should handle this. I can't really argue.

I absolutely can because history has shown that putting more money in the hands of lower class people grows the economy. Giving it to millionaires and billionaires just gives us the wealth gap we have today.

Eh, well these are the jobs that are there right now, therefore the cheapest to maintain. Also, these are the only jobs that most of their constituents can do. Education is usually very bad in these areas, so what else can they do? I guarantee you if Democrats make college free, these workers won't suddenly become rocket scientists.

Those jobs won't be there forever and kicking the can down the road isn't just short-sighted it's going to make it worse when they are gone. So what else can you do? I dunno, maybe come up with a plan so that these towns are dependent on a single coal mine? Maybe something like Clinton's plan which would have made such towns able to separate from the mine when they disappear. And again I said nothing about college, please refer to my comments above.

Who else is going to provide insurance? ...

I refer to my comments above about public insurance being less expensive in every single first world nation that uses it.

This is quid-pro-quo. If we don't allow foreign direct investment, other countries won't reciprocate. But, it's really hard to read you batting for the globalist Democratic agenda, but yet complaining about globalization.

Who said anything about "globalists" or "globalization"? Is that some knee-jerk reaction to a made up boogeyman? I'm talking about the American government investing in America's infrastructure.

While I agree we shouldn't be too worried about raising taxes on people making between $200k -$300k to say they are the new middle class is laughable. Anyone earning over $200k is in the top 5% of earners in the US.

I think you're wrong. With cost of living, $200K is what our parents were making in the old days adjusted for inflation and dollar value. Now throw on huge cost of education our parents didn't have. Throw on rising home prices. That $200K is not going far, especially for a family of 4. These people are the new middle class. The problem is that the old middle class has simply been downgraded to lower-middle class. Just because some people don't have kids anymore so they can be "rich" on a six-figure salary doesn't mean they are rich. They are just making other sacrifices.

And it's agreed that nationwide $7.25 is not enough to be out of poverty regardless if you live in Seattle or Kentucky. Prices are increasing and wages are stagnant. After inflation adjustment the minimum wage hasn't changed since 1970 The minimum wage has always gone up to match inflation of the dollar and higher costs of living and businesses have survived. What is special this time around that it will fail when it has never been a problem before? As for your automation comment, this is going to happen anyways. It's unstoppable. To use the fear of automation is just prolonging the suffering of people in the minimum wage jobs that won't be replaced through automation. Give these people a break and provide opportunities for those that do get replaced. Hence my next point.

Sure, and $7.25 might not be realistic. But neither is $15. And neither is a FEDERAL minimum wage. Perhaps a federally-mandated, state-based wage. And automation will take over, yes, but you can screw small business in the process or not...We can grow into automation healthily, but instead we are going to expedite the process and experience a lot of growing pain.

I never said anything about college for everyone. Vocational and trade schools are more often than not the better bet. People who used to work unskilled jobs replaced by automation can easily pick up new jobs if training and a safety net while they are training is provided. Jobs like chefs, electricians, plumbers, HVAC, construction are just a few examples of good paying jobs that don't require college.

My response covered vocational schools too. I love trade schools, but people like Hillary would have you think "college or no opportunity". There is definitely a liberal stigma surrounding trade schools. Also, you can't just throw money at these often unaccredited trade schools. Basically, I was arguing that vocational schools are an afterthought in the Democratic agenda and that could do more harm than good.

Do you know how insurance works? Healthy people pay for sick people whether is private or public health insurance. That's what insurance is. In every first world nation that has some form of public health insurance, it is cheaper for the citizens and less money is spent on healthcare costs then here in the US . So does it really matter who you are paying for if you're insurance comes out cheaper? Are you really going to pay $15 for a $10 meal just so someone else doesn't get it for $8?

Yes, and I can choose not to have insurance. Voila! And my insurance won't come out cheaper. Under Obamacare, some people saw increases, others saw reductions. That's just how it will happen. Also, name another country in the world that has the population size and diversity of America. Any developed nation with public healthcare is either small, or the service sucks. Also, your cost argument is true, but the issue is not health insurance costs--it's medical costs. We have the highest cost of medicince of any country too. Because we make doctors pay for school, malpractice insurance, etc. Change the education system and healthcare wouldn't be as expensive. But then doctors wouldn't make six-figure salaries.

Obama: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Clinton: 5 year, $275 billion infrastructure plan

I concede that point. I wonder if Obama would have pushed it as much if we didn't have a recession? And I am surprised that Hillary's plan was a fraction of the cost of the approved budget under Obama.

I absolutely can because history has shown that putting more money in the hands of lower class people grows the economy. Giving it to millionaires and billionaires just gives us the wealth gap we have today.

Giving millionaires and billionaires tax breaks is bullshit. A business should be able to pay taxes and remain economically feasible. But forcing companies to pay more than the market demands is excessive. That is, if I don't get paid enough, I look for a better job. McDonald's should not be a career; it should be an unskilled college job.

Those jobs won't be there forever and kicking the can down the road isn't just short-sighted it's going to make it worse when they are gone. So what else can you do? I dunno, maybe come up with a plan so that these towns are dependent on a single coal mine? Maybe something like Clinton's plan which would have made such towns able to separate from the mine when they disappear. And again I said nothing about college, please refer to my comments above.

I am not saying we indefinitely support these obsolete industries, but that it would also be wasteful to throw away a lot of these resources so quickly. Basically, Trump is wrong for wanting to emphasize these industries, and Clinton is wrong for saying they need to go away completely and right now. There needs to a compromising phase-out plan.

Who said anything about "globalists" or "globalization"? Is that some knee-jerk reaction to a made up boogeyman? I'm talking about the American government investing in America's infrastructure.

You mentioned foreign people owning our toll roads. That's globalization and foreign direct investment. I was only commenting on the fact that the Democratic party relies heavily on the concept of globalization = amazing, so someone who agreed with the party should also support foreign direct investment.

GOOD TALK!!! I'd love another response!

Yeah if you had asked me in the 80's or 90's if I thought both sides were the same, I'd absolutely agree with you. They really were just two sides of the same corrupt corporate bullshit.

But, that's not true anymore. The GOP has gone off some kind of far-right deep end, meanwhile the DNC has, at least in some cases, fought for human rights of every day Americans. That's not to say the DNC isn't without its corruption - corruption is definitely still very much alive in the DNC. They're just a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

This might be the most idiotic comment in the thread for the fact that you and at least a hundred others think you're smart for thinking this. First of all nice strawman republican party I've neverrr seen that before. Second, why are you acting like all the things you listed below the democratic party are unquestionably good things? Or even if they are 'good' are they even remotely feasible?

Lol, let me break it down for you so you can better understand. If i was in the .0001%, would I give a small percentage of my income to the poor to keep them from revolting and possibly causing harm to me and my family? You bet I would.

You ignored immigration for a reason didnt ya

There's also a lot of false equivalence of Democrats and Republicans here ("but both sides!" and Democrats "do whatever their corporate owners tell them to do" are tactics Republicans use successfully) even though their voting records are not equivalent at all:

House Vote for Net Neutrality

For Against
Rep 2 234
Dem 177 6

Senate Vote for Net Neutrality

For Against
Rep 0 46
Dem 52 0

Money in Elections and Voting

Campaign Finance Disclosure Requirements

For Against
Rep 0 39
Dem 59 0


For Against
Rep 0 45
Dem 53 0

Backup Paper Ballots - Voting Record

For Against
Rep 20 170
Dem 228 0

Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act

For Against
Rep 8 38
Dem 51 3

Sets reasonable limits on the raising and spending of money by electoral candidates to influence elections (Reverse Citizens United)

For Against
Rep 0 42
Dem 54 0

The Economy/Jobs

Limits Interest Rates for Certain Federal Student Loans

For Against
Rep 0 46
Dem 46 6

Student Loan Affordability Act

For Against
Rep 0 51
Dem 45 1

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Funding Amendment

For Against
Rep 1 41
Dem 54 0

End the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection

For Against
Rep 39 1
Dem 1 54

Kill Credit Default Swap Regulations

For Against
Rep 38 2
Dem 18 36

Revokes tax credits for businesses that move jobs overseas

For Against
Rep 10 32
Dem 53 1

Disapproval of President's Authority to Raise the Debt Limit

For Against
Rep 233 1
Dem 6 175

Disapproval of President's Authority to Raise the Debt Limit

For Against
Rep 42 1
Dem 2 51

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

For Against
Rep 3 173
Dem 247 4

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

For Against
Rep 4 36
Dem 57 0

Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Bureau Act

For Against
Rep 4 39
Dem 55 2

American Jobs Act of 2011 - $50 billion for infrastructure projects

For Against
Rep 0 48
Dem 50 2

Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension

For Against
Rep 1 44
Dem 54 1

Reduces Funding for Food Stamps

For Against
Rep 33 13
Dem 0 52

Minimum Wage Fairness Act

For Against
Rep 1 41
Dem 53 1

Paycheck Fairness Act

For Against
Rep 0 40
Dem 58 1

"War on Terror"

Time Between Troop Deployments

For Against
Rep 6 43
Dem 50 1

Habeas Corpus for Detainees of the United States

For Against
Rep 5 42
Dem 50 0

Habeas Review Amendment

For Against
Rep 3 50
Dem 45 1

Prohibits Detention of U.S. Citizens Without Trial

For Against
Rep 5 42
Dem 39 12

Authorizes Further Detention After Trial During Wartime

For Against
Rep 38 2
Dem 9 49

Prohibits Prosecution of Enemy Combatants in Civilian Courts

For Against
Rep 46 2
Dem 1 49

Repeal Indefinite Military Detention

For Against
Rep 15 214
Dem 176 16

Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention Amendment

For Against
Rep 1 52
Dem 45 1

Patriot Act Reauthorization

For Against
Rep 196 31
Dem 54 122

FISA Act Reauthorization of 2008

For Against
Rep 188 1
Dem 105 128

FISA Reauthorization of 2012

For Against
Rep 227 7
Dem 74 111

House Vote to Close the Guantanamo Prison

For Against
Rep 2 228
Dem 172 21

Senate Vote to Close the Guantanamo Prison

For Against
Rep 3 32
Dem 52 3

Prohibits the Use of Funds for the Transfer or Release of Individuals Detained at Guantanamo

For Against
Rep 44 0
Dem 9 41

Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention

For Against
Rep 1 52
Dem 45 1

Civil Rights

Same Sex Marriage Resolution 2006

For Against
Rep 6 47
Dem 42 2

Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013

For Against
Rep 1 41
Dem 54 0

Exempts Religiously Affiliated Employers from the Prohibition on Employment Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

For Against
Rep 41 3
Dem 2 52

Family Planning

Teen Pregnancy Education Amendment

For Against
Rep 4 50
Dem 44 1

Family Planning and Teen Pregnancy Prevention

For Against
Rep 3 51
Dem 44 1

Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act The 'anti-Hobby Lobby' bill.

For Against
Rep 3 42
Dem 53 1


Stop "the War on Coal" Act of 2012

For Against
Rep 214 13
Dem 19 162

EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2013

For Against
Rep 225 1
Dem 4 190

Prohibit the Social Cost of Carbon in Agency Determinations

For Against
Rep 218 2
Dem 4 186


Prohibit the Use of Funds to Carry Out the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

For Against
Rep 45 0
Dem 0 52

Prohibiting Federal Funding of National Public Radio

For Against
Rep 228 7
Dem 0 185

Allow employers to penalize employees that don't submit genetic testing for health insurance (Committee vote)

For Against
Rep 22 0
Dem 0 17


How is this not the top post by now? If these results are true, then it shows things in clear black and white who the immediate enemy is. At least in politics.

If you haven't realized yet, this sub has been transformed to an alt-right infested hole quite a while back. All the comments that are on the top are coordinated. They want to now establish equivalency between both sides and the shameless attempts are extremely evident. It's all bull. There is no consequential far-left. There is a very consequential far-right and when they reared their heads they killed and injured innocent civilians because they didn't like what they had to say.

There is no far left and only evil Nazi far right? Got it.

There is no consequential far left... But I guess that words too big for you to read...


No, I read it. You said there is no <important or significant> far left. Which is not true.

Well u didnt mention that in your reply did you? Also it most definitely is true. I'm pretty sure you won't be able to recall any far-left organization without Googling it but we know far-right organizations at the tip of our tongues because they are as old as day. What's obvious is how you tried to potray what I said inaccurately. This is a classic trumper tactic.

Extremists of history:

Alt-right takes complete power: Undesirables are sent to death camps, meanwhile an invasion of the Soviet Union and Western Europe takes place. Non-conformity is met with summary execution or exile.

Alt-left takes complete power: Fathers are given more weeks of paternity leave, quality of life tops the charts. But yea I guess taxes are kind of high, but its not so bad really because you cant go medically bankrupt and end up on the streets.

Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Castro all committed mass murders and 4 of them effectively opened concentration camps (Stalin if you include the gulags, Lenin, Pol Pot and Castro).




Pol Pot


Yeah the alt-left never did anything, they only killed about 100 million people in the last 100 years, as opposed to the alt-right's what, 12 million to be generous. These are the numbers before military conflict, so maybe you can argue that it is about 25 million(this number excludes the killing of Chinese civilians as the regime that killed them was less right-wing than basically any other regime in Japanese history). Even if we include that number, we only increase up to 45 million people assuming that every civilian that died was the fault of the direct actions of the so called alt right, while excluding the same for the communists I had named. Source

So yeah you are full of shit. Tell that to the millions of people who starved in China, who died in the Gulags of the USSR, those who were genocided in Cambodia, the Peasants buried in mas graves during the Russia revolution, and the men and women thrown in the UMAPs in Cuba.

You can fuck right off with your bullshit.

Antifa are domestic terrorists, calling them innocent civilians is total bullshit.

Heather Heyer was not Antifa, and she was the innocent civilian that ended up dead at the hands of white supremacists/nationalists/Nazis. Many of the counter protestors hurt were not Antifa and had permits to be there. I agree that Antifa has been violent and I don't agree with the use of violence but there is a clear distinction between the side that calculatedly ran over a crowd of protestors, killing one (coincidentally, like the radical Islamists that they love to bunch up with moderate Muslims,) and the side that hasn't.

Thank you! This!

"no consequential far left" the baseball shooting, antifa, blm burning down cities, etc. And you expect me to believe that there's no consequential far left?

Politically consequential he means, I think

when they reared their heads they killed and injured innocent civilians because they didn't like what they had to say.

I don't think he means politically consequential

Baseball shooting - Mentally deranged lone wolf attack which was a politically motivated attack. It wasn't even remotely meant for innocents. It was still inconsequential. Scalise is attending Congress now.

BLM, Antifa burning down cities - Bullshit propaganda fed to you courtesy of Russians and the alt-right. But you're probably part of it so I really don't see a point in arguing with nazi sympathizers.

Nazi attacks like the one in Charlottesville, the train attack in portland, the racists attack that killed hindu Indian engineers perceived to be muslim, the dylann roof attack. But yeah keep sympathizing with the Nazi's and falsely equating them. All these attacks have been artificially incited by the far-right leaders and sympathizers like Donald Trump.

First of all, I don't see how the shooting being a politically motivated attack changes anything. Also, "meant for innocents" meaning that its ok for congressmen to get shot?

Antifa/blm burning down cities is not propaganda:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSxi8q5vDvk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysf8eVLJ0Jw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qR9N1dHvSA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKWzxnJUrN4

I dont "sympathize with nazis" I fucking hate them. It's just plain wrong to state that the extreme left has no consequences while the right does.

To add:

Consequential Right: Nazis. Consequential Left" Communism

I never said it's OK did I? Stop pushing words and stop spreading your propaganda. Communism in USA ? Ok. Is this cantwell's account? He says the exact same thing when someone "maced" him. ("Fuckin commies did this") The truth is there is no coordinated far-left but the alt-right is organized and ready to unleash havoc on US soil. But keep pushing your god emperor's both are the same narrative.

I had more pressing videos but they all had cringy titles. Thought they would put you off. Anyhow, yea from what I've seen a LOT of antifa seem to believe in socialist/anticapitalist/communist ideologies. Not really pushing any propaganda, and what is this "havoc on us soil" you speak of? I haven't heard of any, sounds like p r o p a g a n d a to me. Also I really don't think there is a need for violence, I understand when black people were discriminated against, but I don't see why there needs to be violence here.

I was referring to the vice video that you know 100 million people of the world watched. Which is you know by verifiable and accountable press... Which you will obviously refer to as "fake news" inspite of video evidence of your nazi friends literally saying that on national television. Just like your nazi president sympathizing with the Nazi's and being as Hitler as contemporaneously possible right before everyone's fucking eyes but you will still ignore that because of your cognitive dissonance and things that go against your confirmation your bias. Yup but you better soak in all your propaganda, or your skin might go black...

calm down there buddy

Also i meant that the attack being politically motivated means nothing, it was still a terrible act of violence. Not that political violence doesnt change anything.

because about half the country thinks lower regulations is better for the economy.

Yet the half that thinks like that is the biggest moochers of the government. Its kinda funny that they vote against their own self interest.

The Democrat party has some serious problems, but it's clear to anyone paying attention that America is doomed to stagnate so long as Republicans continue to vote their party into power.

and if people are really dumb enough to believe this, just remember nothing changed under Obama. nothing. he was pro bankers, pro bailouts, pro war, one of your all time heroes was a complete fraud. but sure, the next democrat puppet will be different and save ze world

I agree, but what many people don't see or remember is how the political cycle works. It's all but certain at this point that the next president will be a Dem. The problem is they will be an establishment Dem and will uphold the same shitty economic and political policies that are disenfranchising Americans both on the right and left. After their term we will assuredly get another shithead "anti-establishment" populist Republican like Trump... or worse. People seem to have forgotten that the ground for Trump was laid by Bush and Obama continued many of the Bush admins destructive economic policies which lead to voter backlash.

Because the conspiracy community and the American right have been pathologically obsessed with the Clintons for 25 years.

As a result, other Dems are guilty by association and the facts he posted are disregarded because Killary, Obama, Soros, Jews, etc.

I'm sorry, but this is just willfully ignorant. Their are many hard Left-leaning commentators, journalists, and academics that are followed by the left leaning conspiracy community. Chomsky, Pilger, Moyers, Hedges, Blythe, Klein, Curtis, Joseph, and many others, that have all been marginalized by the mainstream media for being critical of the Dem/liberal establishment.

Left leaner here. Yep.

To my mind HRC is corrupt. You could remove the mountain of GOP lies about her and Bill Bob and they would still be standing on an Everest of corruption. Trump being doubly so.

Never-nudes unite !

It's conservatives who lie all the fucking time and dumbass who liberals let them get away with it.

Wow some nice AstroTurf right there.

All the (multiple) sources are posted. No one is trying to hide anything. Do you have an actual argument or is this the new "CTR shill" ad hominem used to dismiss empirical evidence you don't like?

Oh no I have links, just didn't think anyone cared. Because let's be honest the left believe the right is wrong and the right believes the left is wrong, I am not claiming people are shilling just, you know it blatantly biased.

Quick links for ya




How Many paid speeches has bill and Hillary done?

Come on dude, let's not pretend both parties don't suck

Hilary Clinton doesn't make decisions for democrats as a whole which is why the vote totals matter not the leanings of one democrat who is largely hated on both sides.

So it's not true or just not complete? What about the collusion to defraud Bernie? There seems to be a lawsuit progressing nicely on that, what about Debbie Wassmer-Shultz and her feeding Hillary questions and her current mess with her IT guy? What Bernie being under investigation, not to mention Anthony Wiener, we could keep going but I am sure you will stick to Democrats are stand up american and really care about you. I know you can't reach people who don't want to listen but corruption runs deep in both parties.


left wing

Pick one then get over the fact that she lost

I am over the fact she lost and quite happy, the more corrupt people not in governement the better. Lots have to go, next should be with bernie and his trouble with the FBI, Debbie and her IT staff and on and on. Sure Democrats have the better ideas but they aren't and haven't been executing anything not in their best interest. Corruption with good intentions is still corruption

I am over the fact she lost and quite happy, the more corrupt people not in governement the better. Lots have to go, next should be with bernie and his trouble with the FBI, Debbie and her IT staff and on and on. Sure Democrats have the better ideas but they aren't and haven't been executing anything not in their best interest. Corruption with good intentions is still corruption

Hillary Clinton does not a party make. Both parties suck. One clearly more than the other as evidenced by, you know, the things they do.

It more than Hillary and you know this. Bernie being investigated by FBI Debbie and her IT mess and cheating, Anthony Wiener etc etc. we could keep going both are corrupt and gross. There is a lawsuit going on about just this topic. Sure one is worse but if you want to be king of the trash pile go ahead. Nothing like taking the position well Dems suck less so support them, how about we hold everyone to new standard of maybe not sucking.

Muh narytiv muh bouf sydes

You having a stroke? You ok?

Quick question mr Bot, who voted for all the free trades, TPP and other things, why are these votes not going further back to say clinton or other democrats. It seems when you cherry pick facts almost as if you are trying to correct a record of sorts. It's ironic that you honestly beliebe saying this over and over again changes the fact that both parties are the same.

Who works for Wall Street? Who goes in as regular people and come out loaded from lobbyist? Who sold US resources to the Russians or Chinese? Who has made side deals to benefit or profit from war, natural disasters or other public upheavals. See like the answer is everyone. So your talking points are fake as shit time to get a new story

I wish I could up vote the shit out of you

Well yea if you cherry pick 35 votes sure...


This should be the top post! Make a separate thread with this and watch the cognitive dissonance do it's magic.

I'm replying to this so I can reference it in the future. Well put together.

Thanks for the hard work. Would be interesting to know on what issues both sides meet and vote almost unanimously.

I know that the Russian sanctions bill for the alleged hacking was something like 98-2 in the Senate. Apparently, Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders were both against it.

Thanks for thanking me but it wasn't my work. I linked the post where I found it at the bottom of my comment, but I don't even think it originated there.

Democrats didn't do any of that. They're more concerned with chipping away at 1st and 2nd amendment while importing voters than progress.

Just an anecdote so obviously it's not the be-all, end-all, but it's still interesting. We recently approved a voter proposition in my state to raise the min. wage from $8.05 to $12 by 2020 (gradual annual increases, we're at $10/hour right now). It was passed overwhelmingly by voters.

Guess who fought the hardest to kill the bill? Republican state senators and representatives, as well as the "chamber of commerce" which is really just a republican stronghold/think tank masquerading as a chamber of commerce in this state. They told us the effects would be devastating to the state and it would cripple small business.

Guess what? It hasn't. The state's economy is strong, businesses are coming here, and there's a fuckton of new restaurants (the ones who would arguably be hit the hardest by a payroll increase) slated to open in 2018.

Democrats have their flaws, but in our modern political landscape they are objectively a better option for the working/middle class.

its moreso the belief that private institutions will be significantly more efficient than any government operation, which is true. Realistically the cheapest course of action is going to be selling contracts and enforcing government safety standards (aka how we go about just about everything) The government itself is horribly inefficient with labor as their is no incentive for profit. That is the whole point of contention between democrat and republican. They toe the line of too much regulation or too little regulation. Neither side is inherently wrong or misguided. Both can be right in different situations.

Cheaper healthcare for all

Well that's been a monumental failure.

I'm an infrequent poster here, but I think it's important to say this: economic inequality is literally the #1 thing the left is concerned about. Socio-economic division is the basis of leftist (not centrist democrat) ideology.

That said, if you go back 6-7 years and listen to Alex Jones, and ignore the chem trails and lizard stuff, it sounds fairly similar to standard leftist talking points now. He used to actually interview leftist orgs than were being infiltrated by the feds when Obama was pres.

Not sure how being concerned with wealth inequality and powerful banks gave way to hating personalities aka establishment Dems, then electing a literal billionaire from New York, but here we are.

Chem trails are confirmed. They are a conspiracy fact not a theory.
The most nefarious case is when the CIA dropped LSD on an entire town in France.

This guy is getting downvoted, but he is half-right: The US government has definitely dropped chemicals on unsuspecting people without their permission, that is a fact, not a theory:


The part the "chemtrails" theory gets wrong, is that the fluffy white lines that planes leave behind them in the sky is evidence of this. It's evidence of nothing other than physics.

Yea but he's not talking about the rational stuff and you know it.

I am talking about the documented known eight (or so) cases where our govenrment has used the contrails of aircraft to mask the delivery of chemicals unto an unsuspecting population so please promptly go fuck yourself.

The Left has done nothing about economic inequality. The number 1 positive thing to do in that regard would be to increase capital gains taxes. Nobody will even talk about it.

Raising minimum wage is a smoke screen. Dems had the votes to do it right after Obama's election, but didn't even try. Obamacare is a right wing healthcare plan literally created by the Heritage Foundation.

Dems talk a lot about economic inequality but don't actually do anything to fix it. So, I'd say they aren't actually concerned at all. Liberals cheered when the Supreme Court said Obamacare gave the government the right to tax people too poor to afford health insurance. Outside of Sanders, no liberal actually wants single payer universal healthcare. Attempt to raise minimum wage can't even get 100% Dem support unless the Republicans have a majority.

Actions speak louder than words. The Left's number one priority right now is attacking Trump. That's literally all they've done since Trump was sworn in.

I'm speaking here about the Left as in leftists, not centrist dems / the DNC.

I agree with literally all your points. But these let downs, and there are many, come from shitty awful neoliberal establishment democrats not actual leftists. Most of us support the DSA and local initiatives, because we know the DNC won't do shit.

Dems != the left. I'm incredibly left, socioeconomic inequality is the main focus point of my beliefs. "Leftists" seek to end the class divide that creates and solidifies that inequality.

Many on the left despise the dems, me especially. They've advanced many programs that I viscerally disagree with, drone program, mass spying, supporting lobbying to the point where they've opened the door to regulatory capture (though that's more the republicans bag). They will only serve to enforce the DoB, as both parties are set up to do.

If you talk with many of your leftist countrymen, ones that identify as leftists rather than liberal, I think you'll find that many are more concerned about the continual oppression and inequity of the lower classes than anything else.

The Democratic party of today is centrist, just slightly l3ft of the GOP.

I'm not disagreeing. But by any metric the Democratic Party only represents "the left" in the political accepted spectical, rather than actually being "the left" of anything.

Well put!

What about the recession we're in (oh wait)

Minimum wage isn't a good idea...

The mainstream left might be concerned with these things, but the ones making the news are out in the streets, fighting for wedge issues that are nearly inconsequential in the face of the inequality you mention. It's almost like the far left and far right are on the same team, the team that got Trump (or Hillary, wouldn't have mattered) into office instead of the one candidate that cared about your issue.

but the ones making the news are out in the streets, fighting for wedge issues that are nearly inconsequential in the face of the inequality you mention.

It's weird to make this argument at a time that the left is protesting against actual nazi demonstrators.

Saying they are on "the same team" as the far right is just dumb.

Have you seen the images of these "protests"? A handful of pathetic "nazis" and thousands of counter-protesters basically amplifying their pathetic message. If they were just ignored, they would have no power, but the left gives them the biggest media bullhorn while the politicians carry on as before.

I strongly disagree-- this attention is a good thing. The left needs to draw more people to its side if we're going to have any kind of reordering of society away from moneyed elites, or any hope of addressing some of the massive problems we face as a society.

These protest/counterprotests with nazis might draw more attention to the nazis than they'd otherwise get, but it also shows the nascent power of the rising populist left groups like the DSA. Liberalism has failed, and they've allowed rightwing fascism to creep in the gaps. Every time Trump tacitly defends the nazis, and leftist groups show their strength, the future gets a little brighter.

Bernie Sanders filled stadiums and never had to rely on protesting nazism or any other fringe group. The way to inspire the vast electorate is to shine light on what the billionaire class has done to the country, not focus on a few inbreds with confederate flags. Identity politics and wedge issue politics gets you Trump.

It's both. Like it or not Trump won because of identity politics (white ethnonationalism) not in spite of it, or because of some silly argument about internet feminists. If we want to beat rightwing fascism we need to create a competitive identity, not pretend identity doesn't matter.

That's the media narrative, but most Trump voters were acting purely on economics. One candidate was obviously hostage to Wall Street while another was promising to "drain the swamp". Whatever the media has twisted the message into now, after the Russia narrative failed, does not change this fact.

I think it's pretty safe to say that what you're saying is the false narrative here. Clinton polled better on issues such as handling of the economy, but she wasn't winning those votes, which means there were confounding factors there. And "Drain the swamp" wasn't an economic message at all, but an anti-corruption one (one of the factors, for sure, but a non-economic one).

Trump did racebait constantly in his rallies and campaign ads, by using dog whistles such as chicago violence and mexican immigration, and many others. You're whitewashing his campaign which isn't helpful for figuring out how to beat him or appeal to his voters.

BUT, I do agree that the way to win is through an economic populist message. It's not the trump voters we have to win, it's the NON-voters.

Trump was obviously a bigger slave to wall street people were just too dumb to see it.

Maybe both dems and rep's are dumb, Wall Street always plays both sides.

Maybe both dems and rep's are dumb, Wall Street always plays both sides.

Maybe both dems and rep's are dumb, Wall Street always plays both sides.

Maybe both dems and rep's are dumb, Wall Street always plays both sides.

Maybe both dems and rep's are dumb, Wall Street always plays both sides.

Maybe both dems and rep's are dumb, Wall Street always plays both sides.

I think you are reading this exactly backwards. Go to the places you lost and ask them how they read it. No one likes the nazis but you aren't winning anyone over. Everyone just thinks you are talking about bullshit. People are worried about real things like health care and jobs and education.

More likely explanation is liberals are getting off by showing off their moral superiority to the bottom dregs of society. Nazis have no power and won't win anything.

Focus on helping the people and forget about all this stuff. Didn't you guys learn anything from last year? People are sick of this stuff. It's time to quit trying to trick people into voting for you and actually do something.

I'm not sure what positions you're inventing for me, but I'm advocating for winning voters using an economic message.

I'm just also saying that Trump explicitly fought for and won a lot of voters for white ethnostate reasons-- and chalking up his win to "economic issues!" Doesn't help. Hillary lost both because she didn't appeal to nonvoters on economic grounds AND because Trump won a lot of white voters on identity politics grounds. You're sort of conflating these things in a muddled and unhelpful way.

I don't think people got the message that you were at the statue kerfluffle to spread an economic message.

Nope, that's part of building a more coherent identity as a movement. It's a complex thing!

my opinion is the left can accomplish a ton by dropping identity politics from the dialog. show up, have a rally, have a speaker talk about healthcare, education, tax reform, a big infrastructure spending plan that will put people back to work. Just don't talk about anything that splits people up. No race, no wage gap, none of that shit. Go back to old school issues. You'll win in a landslide. Instead I predict everyone is going to keep shouting about russia or cops or whatever and you guys will be lucky to narrowly win the next couple elections

This critique applies much more to liberalism than left populism

IF you are referring to Boston, that was because the last rally(unite the right) was such a clusterfuck, nobody wanted to see anyone else get run over by a white Supremacist, or worse.

The small turnout from the WS/Nazi's was due people being exposed during the Unite the Right rally. Most wanted to keep their jobs. Don't think that they aren't out there however.

If you ignore a tumor it grows and spreads. You may be afraid to stand up for yourself but don't expect others to lay down too.

Horseshoe theory

Is wrong and is just something people throw out to feel as if their centrism is "sane and rational"

Lol yeah Stalin and Hitler were basically the same. Ideology doesn't matter when the end result is the same

Are you positing this seriously?

Yes. Communism is the same as Facisim when taken too far. It doesnt it matter if your killing millions of people if it's for the German Nation or for the proletariat, your still killing millions of people.

So literally any political movement left or right is exactly the same because there have been past dictators espousing left and right ideologies in the past? That sounds insane, unhelpful, and ignorantly superficial as a way to view the world.

when taken too far

Socialism is great. Communism is a load of horse shit

You keep using the word communism. I don't think you know what it means.

It's a childish pipe dream take detracts from making actual progress. It's not possible until automation give us star trek level of production, assuming we don't nuke yourself extinct

Beyond killing people those two states were very different. I implore you to literally do ANY reading about how Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany actually functioned as states and what their aims were.

Not particularly. Lenin dissolved the Soviet (union) voting system because hes a little bitch and couldnt handle losing his majority and it became a dictatorship just like any other.

Yeah your right actually the Nazis also used collectivisation and the Soviets persued a policy of ethnic domination of europe. In fact now that I think about it one being an internationalist movement and one being a nationalist movement literally makes them the same!

Funny how I never noticed all the similarities beyond political violence and one party states.

Lmao collectivisation for the Soviet hahahahahahahaha.

Socialism in One Country (Russian: Социализм в одной стране Sotsializm v odnoi strane) was a theory put forth by Vladimir Lenin and implemented by Joseph Stalin in 1924, elaborated by Nikolai Bukharin in 1925 and finally adopted by the Soviet Union as state policy.[1] The theory held that given the defeat of all the communist revolutions in Europe in 1917–1921 except Russia's, the Soviet Union should begin to strengthen itself internally.

That's a fancy way of saying Russia first

I feel like you need to look up what collectivisation actually is.

If Trotsky had taken over instead of Stalin, maybe they would have been closer

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russification#Under_the_Soviet_Union

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 104529

Not particularly. Lenin dissolved the Soviet (work union) voting system because hes a little bitch and couldnt handle losing his majority and it became a dictatorship just like any other.

What if they had the same financiers... 🤔

The far left are literally the ones who oppose wealth inequality, they're anti-capitalists. I think you may have fallen into the trap of thinking far left means "SJW" or something rather than socialists, communists and anarchists.

economic inequality is literally the #1 thing the left is concerned about.

It used to be, they're far more wound-up about the post-modern agenda these days. I used to feel the left was looking out for my paycheck, now I just think they're looking out for nebulous cases of "oppression" to get in a tizzy over.

There's a parrallel to CNN, FOX and MSNBC's 24 hour new clusterfuck, and it's the twitter outrage clusterfuck. The centrist and right-wing media use the scourge of identity politics to scare people out engaging with leftist groups or ideologies, when the reality is that

congelar, go on chapo

You're buying into the "left = SJW" narrative, if you actually interact with leftists (not liberals) they talk about wealth inequality more than anything else.

You're buying into the "left = SJW" narrative

More like the "DNC = SJW" narrative.. which may or may not be true, but after Hillary and Wasserman-Shultz; who knows what they stand for exactly. But you're right.. leftists like Bernie Sanders do talk a lot about income inequality and the plight of the working class, it's a wonder the DNC can't find a way to embrace them.

Well I think it's pretty obvious why the DNC won't embrace anything further left than their current neoliberalism. They're a bougie party designed to represent the rich, not the working class. Just like the Republicans, they're just more open to welfare and abortion.

The Dems try to paint their right wing neoliberalism as the real left, leftists are the enemy to the Dems.

It's because the DNC are a bunch of Fascists. Read The Philosophy of Fascism by Mario Palmieri. You could do it all in one sitting and it's available online.

American fascism will not be really dangerous until there is a purposeful coalition among the cartelists, the deliberate poisoners of public information, and those who stand for the K.K.K. type of demagoguery.

Which current political leader has business ties to the mafia, has declared war on the media and provides cover for the KKK?

Still another danger is represented by those who, paying lip service to democracy and the common welfare, in their insatiable greed for money and the power which money gives, do not hesitate surreptitiously to evade the laws designed to safeguard the public from monopolistic extortion.

Which current politician is undermining the regulatory authority of the FCC, SEC, EPA and firing States Attorneys investigating his political allies?

The symptoms of fascist thinking are colored by environment and adapted to immediate circumstances. But always and everywhere they can be identified by their appeal to prejudice and by the desire to play upon the fears and vanities of different groups in order to gain power. It is no coincidence that the growth of modern tyrants has in every case been heralded by the growth of prejudice. It may be shocking to some people in this country to realize that, without meaning to do so, they hold views in common with Hitler when they preach discrimination against other religious, racial or economic groups. Likewise, many people whose patriotism is their proudest boast play Hitler's game by retailing distrust of our Allies and by giving currency to snide suspicions without foundation in fact.

Which politician is blaming American economic decline on trade, environment and security agreements with our political allies?

The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism. They use every opportunity to impugn democracy. They use isolationism as a slogan to conceal their own selfish imperialism. They use every opportunity to impugn democracy. They use isolationism as a slogan to conceal their own selfish imperialism. They cultivate hate and distrust of both Britain and Russia. They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection.

Yeah. The right are Fascists too. Let's not cherry pick. This is what Chomsky was talking about when he said there is one Corporate Party with two branches working toward a single goal carefully herding two groups under one umbrella. I'd argue that the deliberate poisoners of public information is far more indicative of the left (right now, historically its the right). Paying lip service to the common welfare is exactly what I would say is representative of the DNC - see Corey Booker's incredible reluctance to stand up to Pharma until he got raked over the coals. The media has been consolidated and the left was embracing the AT&T/Time Warner merger until Sanders was railing against it. Appeals to prejudice are not limited to the right - identity politics is the hallmark of the left. The left had actually been attacking free speech in a number of ways themselves and advocating Censorship of journalists for a number of years in the War on Whistle Blowers. Deliberate perversions of truth and fact, while readily apparent in Trump is also readily apparent in Politifact, USA Today and The New York Times (17 agencies, Clapper's perjury, the fact that the actual damning emails have yet to be discussed in any of those publications, it's illegal to read them anyway). Military force in Syria and Libya is just obfuscating imperialism while claiming to be peace missions. Standing against the First, Second and Fourth Amendments is again a very serious strike against the previous administration. The "Big Government" party using mandated health insurance rather than healthcare is awfully deceitful in their pursuit of power through the market and State.

DNC clearly has some corporate/capitalist interests, but calling them Fascists is disengenuious, particularly when we have an Administration that is stocked full of Wall Street and Big Oil, Big Pharma and Big Telecom execs trying to erode the media protections, States rights and the rule of law to an extreme degree that has never occurred before in the history of the nation.

The GOP being fascists has nothing to do with the DNC also being fascists. Obamas war on Whistle Blowers and spying on journalists as well as extrajudiciously executing American citizens abroad for their political ideology and religious views is fascist. It's that simple. Is the GOP more brazen in their steps toward Fascism? Undeniably. But that has more to do with the accountability from the party supporters. The left has historically called out Fascism but with the obfuscation of the core tenets of the ideology, the party leadership has been emboldened. The had the audacity to label their movement "The Third Way" (let's not pretend like we don't know what a dog whistle is) - go ahead and do a search for "The Third Way + Mussolini" then again switching Mussolini for Bill Clinton.

Also seriously take the time to read The Philosophy of Fascism by Mario Palmieri from 1936. It's actually pretty chilling.

Why does it seem like all they talk about is identity politics?

"hey, we have control of the executive and legislative branches and there is a huge depression happening. How should we play this?"

"well for sure we don't want to push through any sort of single payer health care. And we definitely don't want to push through tax reforms that move wealth to the middle class. Our infrastructure is lagging a lot of other countries, but instead of implementing a massive public works project at the perfect time, let's instead do quantitative easing coupled with massive financial regulations so that banks can get a bunch of money and then not lend it."

"ok then what are we going to do? cause people seem really angry and desperate."

"we'll just talk constantly about race so they focus all their anger on each other."

"sounds like a plan chief"

yeah i know they sprinkled a little stimulus here and there. Fact is they had a golden opportunity and pretty much laid an egg.

So we're in agreement? My post was literally about the inefficacy of centrist democrats. Centrist democrats are not leftists. They suck!

economic inequality is literally the #1 thing the left is concerned about

According to who? Identity politics is far more important to the young leftists I know than 'economic inequality'. Even when 'economic inequality' is raised as an issue, this is only done in order to support identity politics e.g. 'wage gap'.

So the Leftists that you know that supported Bernie Sanders were doing it because of identity politics, rather than his economic policies? If that were the case than why wouldn't the young Leftists that formed Bernie's largest base of support prefer the historic opportunity to elect the first female President?

If they don't care about economic inequality then they are not lefitsts. You are probably confusing "liberal" and "leftist".

Except that has nothing to do with what I said.

I mean it obviously does but okay.

Leftists are primarily concerned with things like wealth inequality and imperialism, meanwhile the right won't stop talking about their "white identity" and how it's "under attack" and the centre just keeps repeating "both sides".

Not a fan of the "muh inequality" meme. Poverty is an issue I can get behind. You're not going to create a more prosperous or just society by stealing from the rich and distributing their money.

Or Robert Mercer...

Is it really a conspiracy if it's been status quo for all of the history of humanity? People create divisions and sides to be on and they kill each other for them, that's been a basic fact of life since the cavemen and will continue forever. People draw imaginary lines and plant flags. We love nothing more than dividing ourselves.

Structure is not to divisive chaos.
Such structure allows us to partition in to groups of like-minded individuals and have competition and rivalries instead of the deep past where it was always total-war and always genocide.

I mean, the far left are just various strands of Marxists, and Marx himself described this social engineering to suppress the lower classes.

He extensively discussed the civil war and how racism as a construct was useful at controlling poor whites.

I feel when people on Reddit hear "far left" they think liberal identity politics when the whole point is unification of all peoples of the lower classes I order to build a better society for them.

We should start copy-pastaing this all over r/conspiracy until they realize that marxism is an ideology built for dismantling the very same oppressors they hate too.

but muh cultural marxism

Muh commumusm

Most people agree that Marx was right when talking about the flaws of the west's economic systems they just disagree with his solutions.

The truth of the southern take on the Civil War is that the ending of slavery was palpable but the south deserved adequate compensation for it. Let the nation buy all the slaves out of slavery and integrate them into society in a controlled fashion over time.
The north decided that they were morally superior and that the south would just have to end their evil ways right now.

Among other reasons this is why President Lincoln was a tyrant.

The truth of the southern take on the Civil War is that the ending of slavery was palpable but the south deserved adequate compensation for it. Let the nation buy all the slaves out of slavery and integrate them into society in a controlled fashion over time.

[citation needed]

The Rule of Law.

Dumbest comment I have read in awhile.

I'm pretty sure if they had just went to the negotiating table and asked for fair compensation for slaves around 1858, they would have had it. But they went with open rebellion instead. You can't do that and then turn around with your tail between your legs and ask in 1865.

If the North wanted to end slavery then it was on them to act within the law and not violate the 4th amendment rights of millions of citizens.
Forcing things to happen on your time-table and without consent of the affected is the essence of all violence.

Suppose today they decided to make owning an automobile illegal amnd demand you turn them all over without any compenstaion for it. It is preposterous to even suggest that, and for however evil we deem it today, the slaves were property that the people depended upon and had considerable equity invested in.

I'd gladly do that tomorrow if it was discovered that cars were sapient beings. But since that's not going to happen, the analogy makes no sense. They didn't want to take the property away, they just realized that people aren't property. There's no moral high ground to be had; stop grasping for it.

Denying material facts of the matter, as you are, is why there was war.
So if you want to figure out what side you're falling on, it's the side that wants war.

The South fired the first shots at Ft. Sumpter and then launched an offensive invasion of the North. The level of blatant lying you people/bots will sink to...

Wrong. It was about how the South wanted to continue to exploit free labor and treat people as subhumans in the name of profit. If they wanted a buy out, then why is the ability to own slaves portrayed as divine right, and their mistreatment of the slaves dismissed as attempts to civilized them?

Sorry pal that revisionist bullshit won't fly today. The south were a bunch of filthy racists and bigots that were angry that they were being forced to recognize blacks as people and not properly.

You are the one dishing out revisionist history written by the ancestors of the victors who care more about moral superiority than any facts of the matter.

Read their very own documents of Confederacy. They're quite clear.

THANK YOU! Sick of seeing things like "both extremes are bad, we need to stand up to the wealthy elite who keep us divided and oppressed", that's the whole damn point of the far left.

Also just to point out the far left are not all Marxists, there are anarchists and non-Marxist socialists/communists too.

Thank you for saying this. We should all be shouting it, every day.

Honest question: why do the rich benefit from people fighting and protesting and generally hating each other?

Generally rich people do well in stable societies where people work hard, pay taxes, and are generally healthy and get along.

It's not like there are a bunch of rich people in countries like Syria and Sudan.

It's about the degree of the fighting. Far less than 1% of the population is engaged in any kind of open protest and/or fighting, and none of it really does anything to disrupt economic stability. Most people are working hard and paying taxes. However, this protest gets magnified by the media and causes a much larger percentage of people to be mistrustful of their fellow countrymen, and less apt to work together (through electoral politics or community organizing etc.)

So I would say it's less about open fighting in the streets, but more about making the working class (which includes the middle class) think they have more differences amongst themselves than they do with the truly rich.

the blame is on us as citizens for letting this go on for the past 60 years. yet I don't see us ready to upgrade the voting system or overhaul the party choices or even overhaul and upgrade our draconian laws. nope, instead, we let our rights get taken more and more each year. im here waiting on a nice little revolution. a paradigm shift in mentality. let's get people together and use the internet to figure out which laws we need and don't need, establish our own healthcare reform, and a slew of other things. crowd funding a people's party. fuck the govt. let's make something better.

im here waiting on a nice little revolution

When one has given up on self-improvement, all one can do is wait for everybody else to change the system.

100% correct. However, as I've previously stated here and elsewhere, we need to use this plan of division against them. It at least seems on the surface that the left is vastly numerically superior in this fight. The left has shown they aren't afraid of protest, civil disobedience, even violence from time to time. That's the kind of energy we need. Now, the moderates don't really have a horse in the race (yet,) but we should give them one.

Guide that anger and energy towards enemies that we all have, and though we may not see the far right follow, we will see moderates start to gravitate toward these causes and goals. If we can move attention towards our common enemies by even an inch, we have enough momentum to start occupation style protests and ensure their sights are on the proper targets.

The state is making this easy. We just need to exploit their mistakes and weaknesses.

The Russia narrative is faltering so now they want a civil war to distract in case the truth gets out.

100% this. The USA seems more divided than ever. Less strong and dumber. Not good for international relations. And you have a man that tweets while he poops every morning to thank.

deepening divisions weaken the United States as a whole

that was exactly Russia's plan.

Well maybe one side should stop hating people just based on the color of one skin and we can argue about actual politics again

Yup. Absolutely agreed. Once the dialogue's not about who deserves human rights we can talk about "real" politics.

Yes, let's yell at the people knocking down statues specifically put up by the KKK to intimidate minorities because they are feeding just as much into the division and hatred as literal Nazis and white supremacists who shout such slogans as "Jews will not replace us" and kill people.

Because they are totally the fucking same.

No. That's what the far left has been saying since the far left was a thing.

To add, it seems that the virtue signaling and radical factions are willfully deepening the chasm of our society.

What's that called when you sensationalize your opponent to make your own claims seem more grounded? Perhaps something something fallacy, or straw man?

My issue is that they are utilizing real divisions that already existed in America. Inequalities in race/sex/class are simply getting a much louder voice than ever before.

weaken the United States as a whole

As far as I see it the United States is the biggest barrier towards ending the worldwide capitalist stranglehold. It's not like Canada or Mexico overthrew some 70+ democratically elected socialist governments.

Then stop voting for them.

This kind of class warfare has existed as long as society has. The biggest defense the rich have is to make the poor hate some other group and stop paying attention as the rich get richer.

Meh. Which side is running people down with cars? Which side lynched people in the streets? Which side comes up with excuses for the police after the police murder someone? Which side?

Yeah, you got gold from an idiot.

deepening divisions weaken the United States as a whole

I agree, but boy it sure is funny noticing that the Trump supporters didn't start saying that until Trump appeared to be losing both left and right

The main point people seem to want to push now is Both Parties Are Equally Horrible! But there is one party clearly in power now clearly doing damage. Yes maybe deep down behind the scenes the Rothschilds or whoever the fuck is REALLY pulling the strings, but once all that power gets translated down to my everyday life, there's still one party advocating for universal healthcare, and the other party bankrupting the Secret Service to protect private real estate. It's obvious that dems and the repubs aren't SO the same that their effect on my life is identical regardless of who's in power.

Preach it brother

People from both sides keep calling me their 'allies' on facebook. I'm not any of their allies I'm their fucking countryman.

The radical center strikes again. With gold too.

So the Jews can finally take over


Fight the division by uniting together.

We should take some personal responsibility for letting media and politicians think for us.

If the media and the politicians try to divide and polarize us then that's fine. We have the choice to believe blindly or call their bullshit.

The things its either they keep doing this or they'll all have to come out and confess sooner or later and be held accountable for all they have done. Trump already confessed that America has a lot of killers. I wish the interviewer asked him what he meant by that.

Don't forget to mention Putin in there comrade

Shape shifting lizard aliens. Ive been saying it this entire time.

Totally agree as an asshole socialist. We have more in common where I live with our poor back neighbors than the rich assholes in gated communities. Yet they expect us to believe everything would be fine if the blacks stopped existing. Replace "black" with "poor" to see what they really think about all of us.

The rich do get richer, like go fucking learn shit about stocks and maybe you will realize they invest their money into shit that will make them more. It's common fucking sense that they will get richer if you understood a single thing about economics.

So we should broaden the division to the point of severance? What exactly are you proposing when you say we should play the blame game? Sorry for the stupid questions, I'm just not sure what you're trying to get at...

Well said. While we all grind it out daily to make ends meet, the untouchable elite keeps pulling further away while wielding more and more power and influence over us.

Thing is, there is tangible evidence that Russia has been directly involved in furthering this divide. And only one party is actually concerned about it. If the other one comes around, then we can work towards resolution.

America is already weak. And it doesn't have anything to do with far anything. It has to do with the marxist indoctrination in schools, business (see google), and general social life. It is feminism. It is victim politics and oppression olympics. It's treating kids softly. It's the kindergarten classroom rendering of western society at large. It's the food and dietary habits. It's the volume of information, much of which is bullshit, but reality is so bizarre it's hard to separate fact, fiction and satire.

Everything is awfully confusing and people will say, "well, look at the "real" problems; central banking, prison industrial complex, military industrial complex, political corruption, lobbying, reproductive rights, civic rights, sexism, racism, bigotry, the federal reserve, the CFR, Bilderbergers, Agenda 21, vaccines, GMO, Monsanto, gun control, Google, Microsoft, Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffet, North Korea, China, the Jews, the Illuminati, pedophilia, the Clintons, Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, Obama, Common Core, our poor infrastructure[...]." but I could go down this list ad nauseam but it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter because all of these things are problems but not THE problem. The problem is decadence and the loss of will to accept the responsibility to maintain the great thing. Adulthood is essentially eradicated in the west and has been deferred to "authority." People are too weak and too dumb to reason, and too cowardly to embrace the freedom of autonomy.

So, what we have for everyone is austerity, which will be good because then nobody will have more than me or things I do not have. And that's how you make children of entire cultures.


Common sense is always somewhere in the middle.

You're right. I should put aside my differences and march with the Nazis. /s

The defining issue of the far left is socioeconomic inequality. The far left is socialists.

Look into Foundations of Geopolitics. Deepening division in the US is a major Russian geopolitical objective, since they have long realized that they cannot compete on any economic, military or cultural dimension. Instead it K's far more effective to accelerate the divide between Europe and US and within the US. And Trump was a perfect vehicle for exactly that.

This was the illuminati agenda for the past two decades..

When his kids are deep rooted liberal supporters, as was Trump, with their kids showing the typical satanic horned hand (scroll down)...while he is a multi-billionaire with ties to globalists. Come on.. Shillary, Trump, Obama, Bush, all play for team International Monetary Fund/Global Banksters.

Appeal to the IMF, guarantee your country does good, all while selling out the entire planet.

DAE both sides are bad?1?!?1?1?111?/?

Divided You Stand, United You Fall.

I don't think anyone is missing that. The most popular memes and posts are all about the powers-that-be and how they want to divide us and keep us preoccupied.

Spot on man. Great way to say that message, short and to the point.

you do know that dividing the people is Obama/Hillary/Soros plan right? Nothing makes sense unless you realize that.

The question is, is it a conspiracy, or just a stampede of desperate idiots?

R/conspiracy is the most level headed political sub I know.

/r/conspiracy. For future reference, subreddit links only work with a lower case 'R' on desktop.

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The sooner Tump voters realize and accept this, the faster we can move on to the next attempt to save our country (by "save", I don't mean the bigoted ass-backwards xenophobic push from the far-right).

What would save our country, in your opinion?

Constitutional convention by our state governors to remove lobbyists, corporate donations to campaigns, and add termblimits to members of congress

I agree that those would be great things.

So when you get rid of lobbyists, who represents group interests to the legislative body?

So this is actually pretty simple. There are labor groups, all sorts of associations, and political groups. Removing lobbyists brings opinion back down to the actual people that care about issues. If you take lobbyists out of the equation then the leaders of these groups would inform their people to contact their representatives with their opinion. It would require Americans to be more involved, but it would absolutely allow our voices to be heard.

the individuals those legislators represent??

...what about abolishing the electoral college and gerrymandering...

No because then new York city and California will dictate all national politics.

You mean where most Americans live? That sounds better than a tiny handful of random swing states deciding everything like they do now.

This is one of those topics that I'm really torn on. On the one hand, it makes sense that whoever the most people vote for should win. On the other hand, rural citizens like myself already feel pretty overlooked and ignored. If you make it so candidates only need to appeal to large urban centers in order to win, then people like me will be at best completely forgotten about or at worst trampled on and taken advantage of.

You have a good point, but

A) rural states are already extremely overrepresented in both chambers of Congress. They don't need to double-dip with an electoral college advantage

B) Sending even more Republicans to Congress won't help rural communities

I know, that's why I'm torn. I feel like there has to be an Option 3 that is a better balance than just electoral college vs. no electoral college. Don't ask me what is is though, because I have no idea.

Geting rid of the electoral college means the smallest state will still have a 64-to-1 advantage over the largest state in the Senate. That's plenty. It should actually be reduced to 7-to-1 (same ratio upon nations founding).

Right, but that's the senate not the presidency. Should we just have one broken system that favors small states serve as a counter to another broken system that favors large states? Or should we try to fix both broken systems?

That's the purpose of a bicameral legislature - one chamber based on population, another on sovereignty.

The problem is that there's three co-equal branches of the government, and each branch is currently broken in it's own special way. They all need to be fixed. Fixing one branch at a time is definitely better than doing nothing.

already feel

oh, well we certainly wouldnt want to step on anyone's feelings by giving each person an equal say in elections. That would just be a terrible thing to do.

Sorry, I should have said "I am overlooked" not that I feel like I'm overlooked. Instead of getting so caught up on one word, why not address what my actual point was?

No, you feel overlooked, and its wrong of you to claim your feeling is a statement of fact. Furthermore, your feeling is factually incorrect, as voters from less populace states already have more of a say per vote than voters from more populous states.

Like the other person who responded to me, you are talking about representatives while I'm talking about the presidency. And I even said the electoral college gives too much power to small states while removing the electoral college gives too little power to small states. There must be some other system that would have a better balance between the big population centers and the rural states.

The amount of power each citizen has in presidential elections is directly tied to the number of representatives. States with few people have more representatives per person, and also more power in presidential elections per person. A person in an underpopulated state has no good reason to feel overlooked no matter whether youre talking about presidential elections or about representatives.

You say removing the electoral college gives too little power to people in small states, but why is an equal amount of power as everyone else too little? Why, fundamentally, do they deserve more than everyone else?

I said it gives too little power to the less populated states because their needs could be completely ignored by the federal government without any significant impact to the politicians. If Chicago, NYC, and Los Angeles alone could pick the president every four years, the candidates wouldn't even bother campaigning anywhere else. All policies would revolve around whatever the large urban centers tend to agree with most since they are the only voting groups that would matter.

But how is an amount of power proportionate to population size too little power? Those cities worked hard to build the inferstructure to support the population levels they have, and they deserve proportional power.

Wait, you think rural areas have less population because they didn't work as hard as the areas that have a high population? Are you just trolling now? No wonder there is such a rift between between city folk and country folk.

Of course Im not accusing individuals of behaving differently based on urban vs rural living, Im saying that building successful cities requires a concentrated political effort that creating rural land does not, and cities deserve the political fruits of that labor.

If you want to get rid of the electoral college then you'll need to be open to the concept of voter ID. Even with the EC the idea of accurate voting is vital especially when considering the number of illegal immigrants who might be tempted to vote. 10 million+ is not a number to scoff at and even if only a percentage of them vote it disrupts the nature of an election.

As for feelings, remember that they are inconsequential so the feelings of illegal immigrants is irrelevant.

But ultimately I don't expect to see the EC being removed and if you feel it's unfair to a larger city then consider moving where you'll feel more special. Larger cities are more expensive so these small cities should be advantageous no?

And if you want us to be open to the concept of voter ID, you need to be open to the concepts of as elections as a national holiday, held on weekends, with automatic vote registration all provided at low cost. We're not inherently opposed to the idea, but we are greatly concerned about what is perceived to be an assault on the rights of the American people.

Flip that on it's side- you're saying that rural people should get more say than people who don't live in rural areas, because you're afraid if things change they will be taken advantage of in a more fair system.

Why would not advocate for a system where one vote really equals one vote?

My whole family is from rural areas, and I'm in an urban area so I have this discussion every single time there is a gathering and not one single sensible argument is made... it all boils down to "I would get less of a say than I do now, I don't care if it is more fair or not."

No, I agree with you. It doesn't seem fair to give more power to rural people, but I still want some way to make sure their needs and interests are fairly addressed. I'm worried that if you just use the popular vote, then presidential candidates only ever need to worry about a few major urban areas. They could solely focus on topics that matter to the big cities while ignoring the flyover states completely and still win the election. As it is now, Obama only visited my state once in his entire eight years as president, and that was during his final month in office. They don't care about us as it is, and it seems like that would be even worse if our votes were just a drop in the bucket compared to the big cities.

That's how I see it anyway, but maybe my fears aren't justified. I'll admit our current system definitely isn't the best way of running things.

This isn't a democracy. I don't want some whinging little shit in NYC telling me in Texas how to live.

It is a democracy. And NYC doesn't want you telling them how to live either, especially considering your governor and the child poverty, obesity, suburban sprawl, draconian religious laws, and pollution that currently haunt Texas. Although to be fair, El Paso, Dallas, Houston, Austin are pretty cool cities.

We're either gonna have minority rule or majority rule, might as well have the latter.

No, it's not. Never has been, never meant to be, and never will be God willing. Full stop.


We are so close to figuring this democracy thing out, but people like you are dug in to your comfort zones so deep we'd have to drill you out.

Democracy is a fucking evil, nasty beast and if you think that's whats really best, you're an idiot. Period. You want to talk to me about democracy, you better also come bearing a damn convincing set of strict requirements to participate in it. People are too lazy, like you, stupid, even more like you, and gullible, most definitely like you, to be trusted with directly deciding how civilization should be run.

Refusing to submit to the whims of angry, ignorant children isn't cowardice, it's common goddamn sense.

Struck a nerve. I assume you've got a better model? Dictatorship with someone as industrious and knowledgeable as you installed as leader for eternity?

Its a constitutional republic and the founders hated the direct democracy you support

Gtfo with that ignorance

Actually, abolishing the EC would remove states from the equation altogether. It wouldn't matter which state most of the population lives in; it would just matter what the entire U.S. population wants.

That's not a thing to be desired.

why not?

Because we're the United States, not United State

abolishing the electoral college

Sounds like a terrible idea... a good way to expand the federal government and keep the masses at each others throats. Think about straight majority rule: the popular vote along would leave a large portion of the country disenfranchised and pit them at the majority, seeing the majority as the cause for the problem rather than the system itself.

IMO the ever expanding federal government is the cause of a lot of our problems. It supports a military industrial complex of world conquest proportions, makes broad sweeping taxes, laws & legislation that is not tailored to states and local governments, and brings in so much cronyism that makes people on all sides feel disenfranchised and demoralized.

A national popular vote works fine in the many countries that use it. Regulatory capture and corporate roll backs of the federal government are the real problem.

I mean I get the idea of them against the majority and creating that tension, but if the majority of the country says they want something or want to do something then why should be allow the minority to change that.

Nah, future elections should be decided on the fact that more elderly people decided to retire to Florida in the last 4 years. /s

I don't think you'll be able to abolish the electoral college anytime soon, smaller states would never give up that power. Gerrymandering however definitely needs to go. All sides have abused that for far too long.

I'm a hippy liberal just lurking and I agree with this except for term limits. We have to be smarter and NOT vote in the politicians that screw us. Term limits hurt the really good congressman. I'd like to add voting as a national holiday. Only essential business open and EVERY School is a polling place open for 24 hours. Make it as easy as possible so ALL Americans have a say

You don't really want all Americans to have a say

Well I see your point but it's really the right thing to do. MAYBE if education was better funded and not looked down upon by many we could move this country in the right direction. I know we all disagree on many things but I think we all agree we just want to live our life safe and peacefully without the govt fucking us in the ass weekly.

It also cedes more control to life-long political insiders.

But we vote them in and out. It's up to us if the congressman is not doing his job to fire him.

I know, I'm trying to argue against term-limits.

Oh sorry. It's 7pm. Long day. Not enough rum yet.

And people would still not vote unfortunately

Trump victory established that spending the most doesn't win you the office.

It's not about how much is being spent, it's about the power donators have over the decisions made by the recipient. Politicians aren't making decisions that are best for the people they are representing, they are making a decision that is best for the corporations that fund their campaign

Something the far left and right can agree on. If we put aside the identity politics MSM shoves down our throats, we would have the numbers to make it happen too.

A free press. Breaking up the big media conglomerates, and ensuring net neutrality is legally enshrined will go a long way to helping to create an informed and politically engaged public. Once the public knows how much they're being screwed by the big banks, corporate conglomerates, multinationals, insurance companies, educational underfunding, and their own government in a hundred different ways, then they will feel compelled to do something about it.

Once the public knows how much they're being screwed by the big banks, corporate conglomerates, multinationals, insurance companies, educational underfunding, and their own government in a hundred different ways, then they will feel compelled to do something about it.

But what can they do if their vote doesn't really matter?

If every American knew their votes didn't matter, then they might be angry enough to mobilize en masse to make sure the government bends to their will. That's typically what happens anyway.

So basically we need a revolution. I think the problem is that the general population doesn't understand who is to blame, and who we should be fighting against. I know who I think that is, but I feel that 99% of the rest of the population might not agree with me. Maybe if there was less propaganda we would all come to the same conclusion.

I think comments on youtube support what you said, lol.

If you are on a right-leaning channel, you hear the typical libturd/tard and demorat slurs, on a left-leaning channel it's conservatard and republicunt.

The masses keep pointing fingers and shouting at each other while the elites fleece us down.

The problem is the public is divided about 50/50 on that changes that are important. So it would not be a revolution, it would be civil war and I'd like you to reflect for a moment on which side has the guns.

I agree. Personally, I think we should all direct our anger at the global banking cartel. The problem is that the politicians we vote for cant or wont help us get rid of that parasite, it is too powerful and ubiquitous. I'm not sure what it would take other than getting an incredibly brave leader to call out the problem intelligently and charismatically and hope he doesn't get assassinated.

Nah. No they won't. As long as you don't take away their Duck Dynasty and Budweiser, they don't give a shit.

educational underfunding

Such horseshit.
Our education system is massively overfunded and it results in graft.
If you want to get serious about education reform the first thing you would do is have all-year long pre-school and kindergartner and you would break it into three-trimesters or four-quarters of more similarly aged and capable kids. Everything else is useless bullshit in comparison to how important this change is.

I actually think both of those would be great. I've been thinking for a while of the benefits of gender-split schools. The age with which it ends is debatable but I think it has a lot of merit.

I still think the kids need social interaction with the opposite sex, but I don't think it helps in the school setting.

The year-long Pre-K/K would be excellent as well and a huge help for many parents I would imagine.

1 on the list should be overturning Citizens United.

Trump's victory nullifies this as a concern.
Spending the most does not net you a win.

What how? Just because Trump's spent less than Clinton doesn't mean CU is nullified. It's still legal for anyone to take advantage of not to mention it's not limited to only presidential races. Also I have a bridge to sell you if you honestly think Trumps campaign is not utilizing CU as much as possible.

LMAO Trumps victory should confirm it. He is a damn billionaire. There is no way of knowing how much dark money is out there.

If only there was a candidate who ran under overturning citizens united. Gee it would have been nice to have an anti-citizens united candidate.

Kill the rich.

Edit: please don't kill people

OK buddy.

You mean Joe Biden?

Nah... fuck Joe Biden (as likeable as he is). Old corrupt Imperial Democrats need to be flushed out... along with the Ayn Rand "Free Market for my Donors" sociopath Republicans.

Trump's doing great we ain't budging.

He is doing amazing for Goldman Sachs and Blackwater. They have him grabbed by the pussy.

He's renegotiating Nafta and expanding energy jobs. I'm not a Bernie guy, I wasn't expecting bank busting.

Blackwater? Go back to NPR

If he negotiates NAFTA how he negotiated with Mexico on the wall, we are proper fucked. As for Blackwater... are you saying Erik Prince (Betsy DeVos brother) is not telling Trump to hand him Afghanistan? are you saying that family hasn't been man-handling dumbfuck Trump?

I'm saying it's mid negotiations and i wouldn't care if Erik Prince was crowned Augustus Caesar of Kabul

Like a good docile loyal puppy... being stuck on your tribe has you actually defending private mercenaries blowing TRILLIONS of your dollars in foreign for-profit wars that make the world less safe. I'm glad to see Trump at least is supportive of the heroin trade coming out Afghanistan under our protection.

It's not xenophobic to not want this country overrun by Islamic migrants. Their views are simply not compatible with the west.

The propaganda around the Islamic threat is more there to scare you into giving away your privacy, your freedoms, and money away to big daddy government promising to keep you safe.

The more blatant xenophobia is against low-wage workers of colors coming into the country. Your white authorities want you to look down on a poor sap wanting to pick oranges to feed his family, while your white authorities siphon off TRILLIONS to their corporate buddies. They tell you the starving brown dude is the problem, so that you don't disturb their racket at the top.

Agreed. Let's also agree that there's nothing about Trump that makes him particularly worse than the last dozen or so presidents.

I would've agreed with you fully until Charlottesville. The inability to fully make a clean break from Nazis was, to me, breathtaking. Obviously it's not materially worse than what other presidents have done, but it puts him down a few rungs for me, to say the least.

What do you consider a clean break? I was unaware of their past relationship as well

The fake Nazis at the false flag?

Lol Provide evidence

You mean when he completely disavowed them and said they were disgusting?

He shouldn't have to keep repeating that nazis are bad. His policy is the opposite of ethnocentric national socialism. If you can't see that, you need to study up a bit.

What did he say to support Nazis? Seems to me that they have the same rights to their opinions as an6body else.

If you believed a single word Trump ever said, then you deserve what you get.

gasp How will t_d respond to this... I know you're reading this

"Show me one instance of Trump lying. Go on, I'll wait"

shows instance of lies

"Psh well he was just playing 4D chess, betas like you won't understand"

someone posts wall of lies, all cited with indisputable evidence

edits original post "yeah that's what i thought, just a bunch of fake news from the lamestream media. why don't you find a REAL source, like InfoWars or RussiaToday?"

"These downvotes just prove my point"

"Bots out in full force today boys!" "WHO DOWNVOTES A SETH RICH STORY?!"

It never occurs to them that they are made up of at least 50% internet trolls and most likely the source.

I had some guy laugh because I used Wikipedia as a source. You can't win with these People.

honestly you'd be better off linking directly to the source wikipedia used

Wikipedia isn't ever a primary source

Wikipedia relies on valid, commonly accepted, reliable mainstream sources as per WP:Verify.

If the only difference would be either copying the Wikipedia page into a Reddit comment in-situ, and copying reference links along with that, then what is the precise benefit of avoiding a link to Wikipedia instead?

The main point is that it immediately identifies the actual source of whatever you're presenting. Secondly, it gives you the opportunity to see if anything was "lost in summary" from the source to being condensed for Wikipedia. Not everything on Wikipedia is referenced as properly as their standards dictate if at all.

Yet Wikipedia has a laundry list of guarding mechanisms to deal with editorial inadequacies by adding template warnings. In addition, at Wikipedia, the talk page provides a level of transparency about the editing process no reference listed by Wikipedia in and of itself provides. Lastly, Wikipedia provides the luxury of hosting vetted synthesis by a large team of collaborating editors bound by an elaborate system of rules designed to prevent various biases and errors. So, rather than one source, you get to see the end product of synthesizing a large number of reliable mainstream sources, further minimizing the chance of error. This chance of error can be enlarged by relying on a single source.

And.. if you see something which you deem out of whack, provided you can back it up epistemologically and/or historiographically, you can actually do something about it.

Casting out Wikipedia as inappropriate to cite on Reddit strikes me as just another extension of the alt-right's war on the media: Wikipedia has long been accused of having a liberal bias, by, for example, climate deniers. Amplifying and exaggerating Wikipedia's alleged flaws is just another way of shutting out references which can quickly resolve a factual dispute. It can be very impractical, too, because if, for example, somebody wanted to know about a creationism-related subject such as irreducible complexity, what could replace, using a single sources, the comprensive article available on Wikipedia citing many reliable sources?

I sense an agenda behind delegitimizing Wikipedia as a source suitable for citation on Reddit. I understand the objections w.r.t. a post-doctoral thesis, or a term paper, but on Reddit? No, I don't understand it, and I find this subtle "you can't cite Wikipedia" stuff reminiscent of source exclusion for purposes of rhetorical obfuscation. After all, when debating a creationist, I now have to work ten times as hard finding and basically rewriting the entire Wikipedia page, with references, to satisfy the requirements of the creationist asking me for a reference.

If Wiki is so good, why isn't it allowed as a reference in academia? I'm not saying reddit should be held to the same standards, but it does dampen your entire first two paragraphs that the people in the field of facts and reliability do not look kindly on Wikipedia.

I'm not alt right so ok

How is asking for the source obfuscation?? It's the exact opposite. No ones asking you to rewrite an entire article, stop exaggerating will you? It's enough to copy paste the source with the reference and let the reader read on if necessary.

If Wiki is so good, why isn't it allowed as a reference in academia?

Because academic authors are supposed to be authors or producers rather than consumers of fact. That's the core reason it's not allowed. Citing Wikipedia outsources the responsibility of gathering evidence in a scholarly manner when academia expects orginal research.

Scientific papers are regarded as standing "above" Wikipedia, so citing Wikipedia inverts that hierarchy. Wikipedia cites academia, not the other way around: otherwise, you could get a circular reference: Academia cites Wikipedia, then later Wikipedia cites Academia citing Wikipedia.

I'm not saying reddit should be held to the same standard

I sort of think you are saying that. But okay, let's let that slide.

it does dampen your entire first two paragraphs that the people in the field of facts and reliability do not look kindly on Wikipedia.

Your assertion here is false, as explained above: they don't necessarily look unkindly on Wikipedia: they just feel that there is a hierarchy where Wikipedia should cite Academia and not the other way around.

In 2005, the reputable science journal Nature did a reliability study on Wikipedia and concluded Encylopedia Brittanica and Wikipedia were basically on an even keel.

How is asking for the source obfuscation?? It's the exact opposite. No ones asking you to rewrite an entire article, stop exaggerating will you?

I explained this with the example of irreducible complexity above. It's not necessary to repeat all that here.

It's enough to copy paste the source with the reference and let the reader read on if necessary.

I covered that also: there is a distinct advantage to be able to cite a crowdsourced, vetted work which is a synthesis of reliable sources rather than a single reliable source.

The former is richer in information, more versatile and more reliable.

all cited with indisputable evidence

From completely neutral sources like the Huffington Post, Salon, New York Times, CNN, & snopes.

Maybe you should have read to the end of his post before proving his point.

huffpo is generally dogshit, but care to cite what you consider reliable journalism?

Probably, if I had to guess, I'd say Alex Jones, Breitbart, Drudge, Fox News, "The Gateway Pundit", Wall Street Journal, the "Daily Caller", Russia Today, Sputnik News and Wikileaks, in no particular order.

Actually, a more comprehensive list of popular Trumpian "news sources" was compiled by the Washington Post.

It's basically a mix of fake news interspersed with some conservative sources. And sources Trump voters like to share for purposes of mocking, like CNN.

There are no sources of journalism in America.

You forgot the "There were no Nazis or white supremacists in Charlotteville! ... Okay... Maybe 3 or 4 tops! In the middle of regular people!"

I can tell you're joking, because when faced with facts they actually just stop responding entirely.

I could tell he was joking because I didn't see the word "cuck" anywhere in his response.

That's because they banned you of their subreddits

but obama was black!

You just summed up /r/conspiracy


My cousin did this and I gave him a ton of examples. He the said "well you can't really tell if anything is true anymore". It's incredibly frustrating that the only proof they're willing to accept is stuff that agrees with them.


Every answer that will be given ^

They think we are going to steal the lithium and calling it Trumps first crusade. It's fucking mad.

I'm still a Trump supporter. I'm willing to voice my opinion over Skype or somewhere we can talk on a rational way. PM me of interested.

But the billionaire sociopath media personality is an outsider with the little guy's interests at heart!

The gullibility is unbelievable.

You're going to have to rephrase that in a way where the entire class knows what you're talking about.

Still think he's better than Hillary, if only by an inch.

Same here. Hillary would have done more damage to our country, full stop.

I'm a realist, and I don't regret my vote. Not even a little bit. I'm aware of what Trump us doing, but I'm just as aware of where we'd be under Hillary.

And where might that be?

She would have replaced Obama's blackness with her vagina.

Hillary would have been Obama all over again. That sounds nice right now.

That sounds nice right now.

You mean, if you listen to CNN.

What exact policy of his are you complaining about? Be specific.

Who's "his"?

Obviously I am talking about Trump.

// non-native speaker here.

Gotcha. Are you insinuating that there aren't good reason to dislike Trump? And that people dislike him for no reason?

What exact policy of Trump are you complaining about? Be specific.

When did I complain about his policy? He's an embarrassing moron who has no idea what the fuck he's doing. He's divided this country even more than it was. He's a pathological liar who lies about easily verifiable shit. But, if we have to get down to policy (he hasn't passed a single piece of major legislation) then the majority of shit he's rolled back JUST because Obama enacted it is worth getting pissed off about. People (morons) hear deregulation and automatically assume it's a positive thing when really he's setting us the fuck back.

Ad hominem then it is.

Too bad people are seeing through your shit.

Ad hominem? How did I not answer your question? Lol I answered it


The election's over.

Well she's not president, thats stupid fuck that you voted for is.

Instructions unclear, dick stuck in fan.

He's actually following through on a lot, what are you talking about

If by that you mean he ran as a joke and is making a huge mockery of the country, then I agree.

I see the MSM is very successfull in brainwashing, even among you guys.

Some people are still under the mistaken impression that Trump said he was going to be non-interventionist.

I'm not sure why people were under that impression. It was always obvious that Trump's supporters were bloodthirsty warmongers whose "Hillary will start World War III" rhetoric was shameless bullshit.

Everyone deserves the best, and they'll become better people for it.

oh my god dude, fuck off.

Campus dweller the under graduate knowitall scum.

Trump has been writing about America and the state of America for years.

People like you are so basic, you dont even deserve a right to vote.

Welcome to the religion called statism. Where protecting the power is all the matters.

We learned from Iraq that once you stick your dick in crazy, you can't just pull out. He's forced in this position.

What exactly is forcing the US to go into Afghanistan?

Opium and rare minerals...I mean terrorism! We went there with the publicized intention of dealing with Al Qaeda, Taliban, and their allies. We entered with the public idea that there were training facilities there.

Assuming actual terrorist issues exist, getting rid of terrorists is like preparing a plot of land for farming. You remove all the weeds, but if you don't plant something there, and minimally maintain it, it just gets overrun with weeds again. They talk about a power "vacuum" if all the troops leave.

What did the Taliban ever do to America?


Lul someone didn't see the news of the wall being built.

Lol youre right I didnt. Last I heard it was omitted from the budget. I promise you it's never going to happen and Mexico is not going to pay for it.

Well so far every example you've brought up has been wrong.

The wall is built. ISIS is being destroyed, no nation building. There already have been mass deportations. He is able to use tariffs to leverage deals, like the coal deal with China cutting off North Korean coal sales.

You have yet to prove that he is fighting solely the 1%.

show me the wall and the paid invoice from Mexico

You think international deals happen overnight? Probably take a year to assemble final construction costs and find a method of payment which is acceptable to both parties.

The wall is currently being raised as we speak: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/27/donald-trump-border-wall-mexico-prototypes-september

The article most definitely does not show that "The wall is currently being raised as we speak."

Just that there is a bidding process underway and prototypes are being developed by bidders.

No authorization for actual construction has been given by Congress.

Companies are competing to design prototypes for final construction. The wall is moving along just fine, and is being worked on.

These projects do not happen within a year.

Executive Orders cannot appropriate funds. Congress must do that.

Obama and house Democrats allowed executive orders to authorize funds without congress approval.

Please provide specifics.

That is just factually incorrect, to the point of being laughable.

The ACA, or Affordable Care Act, was a law passed by Congress. And signing a Treaty has nothing to do with appropriating funds. It's just a signature. And that act is a million miles away from funding a domestic infrastructure project, so it's not comparable.

Not initially they were not. The ACA originally used executive orders to start the program, then Congress just voted to support the executive orders. One reason why Republicans were warning their colleges across the isle to avoid abusing executive orders, because later they would be crying for the rule of law.


Trump was able to remove major regulations within the ACA because they were executive orders. Same with the Paris Treaty. Obama gambled that another President would continue passing his executive orders instead of revoking.


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13535

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 104256

Again, none of these EAs deal with appropriations.

Let me dumb it down for you. Just because you call a few fence companies for an estimate on how much it would cost to put some chain-link between me and my neighbor doesn't mean you have a fence yet. Once the bids are in, you've got to convince your wife to sign the cheque.

Let me dumb this down to high school level for you, Democrats opened Pandoras box when it comes to executive orders. Obama used executive orders unlike ever before authorizing payment into new programs.



Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13535

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 104270

Bush Jr, Clinton, Reagan, Truman, Nixon, Carter, Roosevelt and many more presidents used more executive orders than Obama. In less than a year, Trump has issued around 1/5 of the amount of executive orders as Obama in 2 terms. Forget watching links, read the Department of State's official documentation. Roosevelt issued over 3000 including payment into new programs such as Welfare.

Funny part about Roosevelt executive orders is when he died Congress approved of his controversial programs and expanded on them later. Obama was able to fund his programs almost immediately.

What's the correlation? That you consider Obama's programs controversial? I don't even think Congress has to approve executive orders which kind of makes that argument pointless.

Congress has to approve funding for these programs. The programs can exist but without major funding increases.

Still waiting for the correlation if it isn't blind hatred for Obama. That doesn't even make sense to me considering Obama was, objectively, the best president we've had in over a 2 decades.

you need to look up the word appropriations in the dictionary.

Supply and demand are more real than the racist idea that every person based on the color of their skin should be treated differently.

I have no idea what you are talking about. If that is the definition you came up with for appropriations, god help you.

Anyway, this conversation was about Trump and the wall and when you got stuck you quickly steered it to "but Obama!" So predictable. I'm out.

A wall that is currently being built. We then went to discuss how they were going to pay for the wall. Sorry you're unable to follow along.

The wall is built.

Oh my god, that amazing. So when Trump always talked about the wall it was a metaphor?

That's hilarious.

Maybe try and quote the full statement?

When people talk about Trump building a wall, they're not talking about a metaphor.

You're right, they're talking about the companies who are competing to build the wall.


Drilling in the Artic starts soon. All this immigration shit is a decoy for rolling back environmental and legal restrictions on big fuckin industry. If he's not impeached by the Fall of 2018, we're going to see increased heating costs and record profits for utilities.

You realize that if America didn't utilize the land rights in the artic Russia would be drilling there? What would you rather have, American oil companies or Russian oil companies drilling? I'd prefer the safer and more secure option.


America is the best superpower nation when it comes to environmental concerns. China, Russia, and India are the real targets for environmental reforms. America should be given a break while we focus on the real polluters.

If solar farms take off, wouldn't global warming generate more energy and thus lower costs?


Global warming is made up hype to sell more products, which ironically furthers global pollution and increases climate change.

For reference, climate change is defined as the natural changes of global temperatures (livable up and down differences). Global warming is defined as the Doomsday theory where temperature raises too high for life to survive.

Solar, wind and hydro power are the past and the future. Gas/petroleum and coal powered energy were the long con and absolutely altering our environment. It's not just about warming. Its about extreme weather changes, about salinity of the oceans, about chemicals in the groundwater, about geomagnetic changes to the earth and how that effects all wildlife, erosion. You are spouting propaganda. Go look at your local stream and tell me humans are not making huge, lasting changes to the environment.

I can't decide that if Trump was a candidate of antiestablishment legitimately or if he was a chosen antiestablishment candidate by the deep state elitist thugs. If legitimate he's obviously been beaten into a corner and is doing what he is being told by those that are truly in power. If a chosen candidate his ineptitude to effectuate change maybe effective enough for people to accept our government as is. I mean if a rich motivated successful business man can't negotiate Washington, why would we send anyone else there besides the establishment? Either way, it's a clear message of who is running the show. It's not the American people or their elected officials.

He is trying. The establishment would rather cozy up with China, he so far is giving them trouble for it.

he was a chosen antiestablishment candidate by the deep state elitist

This was Trump. The moment he stepped into the white house, he filled it with other fellow top 1%ers continued the culture of nepotism by placing his kids into key government spots, and now currently lining his own pockets with state funds.

Lets also admit that we could all have voted for Jill Stein and been no worse off at all. Paralysis would have been assured with Jill, but how could that have been worse. And the only real issue is getting the elite off our backs, which mean the first thing that needs to be done is that Citizen's United and all the bribery by money in politics needs to fucking end. Otherwise, the pedophilia, racial division mongering, identity politics are all going to be used just to fuck with us, to keep the elites in power.

Unfortunately, we are still totally suggestible, the people are still going to be endlessly played, our lives fucked, even sacrificed, as mercenaries, slaves, and pawns of the elite, because we can't get our shit together and see the obvious, we are still going to vote the two corrupt parties of liars into office, we are still going to let them be owned by the corporations and the elite. We are still going to complain about Trump, Hillary and the rest who should all be in fucking prison.

I was blown away by how few people voted 3rd party in the election. I thought for sure this would be the election to push 3rd parties over the top, because both choices were so awful. Boy was I wrong

People didn't vote for candidates, they voted against the other one.

Which again blows me away, because I voted against BOTH of them by voting 3rd party. It seems so logically obvious. But I guess people have this need to be on a "winning team" and think voting 3rd party (voting for what they actually want) is "throwing their vote away", which it kind of is because of the 2-party voting system we have. It's so frustrating

It didn't help that Stein and Johnson were both terrible choices as well.

Stein was at least anti-war

Didn't help that the third party candidates were ass, too.

Did you say "Aleppo"?

Yeah, the two turds, I called them. But the Libertarian ticket and the Green ticket had a lot of problems too, as third parties often do, for example, did you see the VP pick on the Green Party side? I mean I voted for Jill, but damn that VP pick was a joke. You remember when the league of women voters used to handle the presidential debates and would include third parties? That was done away with which didn't help, but man, in all my life of over 6 decades, I have never seen such corruption as I saw in these elections. People were either terrified of Trump or terrified of Hillary. I was terrified of both. But people were voting against the other side with what they thought was the best shot they had, so we got the worst of the worst by default.

I am at the point where I really think that the weight of all the genocidal crimes the US has committed is going to be impossible to dodge. Vietnam was bad enough, but now the US has crossed a line even more despicable and people blot out the horrific hell that has been wrought. That hell is going to be lived out here next, sorry to say, one way or the other. Its already started, and you can tell partly by the opioid, alcohol, and anti depression meds that are being consumed, and also the raising of children is getting more problematic than before. And also the suicides among vets. Lots of signs that hell is descending in our midst, lots of cultural clues that it started a while back, and the denial has been intense.

With Gorsuch on the bench, citizens united is law for decades. Elections have consequences.

Sure, but Clinton supports Citizens United too.

[citation needed]

That's kind of just fucking bullshit you made up. The case was literally against her.

Let me give you a lesson in Civics 101: Congress passes laws, Congress amends the constitution. If Congress is not responsive to the will of the people, and its not, its partly because the people have been successfully fragmented. If every American is tired of bribery of Congress, and votes in a new Congress, that would be better than expecting the Supreme Court to bail us out.

Trump winning the presidency puts to bed the tired old "electability" criteria that MSM assigns to candidates like Bernie Sanders and Ron Paul who have grassroots followings.

In a way yes, but it was the MSM that created Trump, gave him endless free coverage because it was a spectacle at that time and it was bringing ratings. During the same time the MSM gave almost zero to Jill and Bernie. The MSM was having a blast setting up Trump against Jeb and the others and having Trump win. The MSM only was willing to stab Hillary when covering the Comey FBI thing could not be contained and they pretty much had to jump in. But before that they let Lynch collude with Bill Clinton with no coverage. Your interpretation worked under Ron Paul but not under Trump.


If you haven't read this already, I highly recommend it.

National Security and Double Government

The upshot is that, like Obama, he never really stood a chance against the Deep State. It's too entrenched and powerful.

Think about it: the last two presidents were elected promising massive, sweeping changes to National Security policy, and nothing so far has changed in any material way. Obama wanted out of Afghanistan, but the Deep State only gave him two choices: send more troops, or sent a lot more troops. And now Trump, having campaigned on a platform of bringing troops back, is doing just as his predecessor did and sending more goddamn troops.

The US is well and thoroughly fucked.

This is bullshit, youre just making excuses. Trump could be doing so much more than he is. He has no problem picking fights until matters. Maybe Obama feel short in many regards but at least he didnt work directly with these groups. Trump is actually SUPPORTING almost all of these groups.

The only excuse I'm making is that US presidents do not have any real control over national security policy. Doesn't matter who they are. If my bro Bernie had been elected, I bet he'd be launching Tomahawks and sending troops just like Trump is. Hillary wouldn't have been much different (although I think she might have been more aggressive in Syria).

This is nonsense. Trump certainly could have held his positions on international policy - he chose not to. You're giving him a pass. He decided to reject the advice of those who got him elected, and accept the advice of those who he hired post-election.

Trump certainly could have held his positions on international policy

Read the paper, and then make the same claim. I'm not defending Trump so much as saying the office of the president is largely ceremonial when it comes to national security.

I read the paper, and I make that claim. He rolled over because at the end of the day he doesn't hold a principled stance on the promises he made during the campaign.

Ha. I don't think Trump can hold a principled thought. But I'm not here to pass judgment on his character, and I didn't really think that's what we were talking about. You said:

Trump certainly could have held his positions on international policy - he chose not to.

And I said that he couldn't have done it even if he wanted to.

And I'm saying, he could have if he really cared to do so. We have a lazy, unconnected President, with few closely-held values.

He cares very little about international policy beyond what gets him two inches ahead each day. If there even is a deep state, it would need very little power to roll over him.

Obama was elected on promises to exit Afghanistan, close Guantanamo, and end indefinite detention. I believe he was right to want all of those things on moral grounds, and as someone who studied and taught constitutional law, they likely reflected some of his closely held values. Yet he didn't do any of those things. Why not? Not because he was lazy, and most definitely not because he didn't care--it was because he was literally powerless to achieve these goals. Commander in Chief, President of the USA, Leader of the Free World, most powerful person on the planet, yet somehow he just couldn't make it happen. Who the fuck do you think he was answering to?

Your bias is showing. Barack Obama is a Deep State/CIA-crafted puppet, an unrepentant war criminal and one of the globalists' most effective allies in recent history. He was almost a perfect Manchurian Candidate for their goals, due to him being such a personable guy and likable figure with a cult of personality. Trump has already done many things to screw over the prevailing order that Obama never would have done on his best day, and has shown considerable restraint when it comes to using the military in comparison to at least the last few Presidents. It's still unclear where Trump's loyalties truly lie, but he's clearly not stumping for ISIS or Al-Qaeda, and definitely loves his country. To say that Obama didn't directly work with the enemies of the United States - GLOBALISTS DINGDINGDING - shows that you really have no idea, or don't understand the true problems.

Your bias is showing. Barack Obama is a Deep State/CIA-crafted puppet, an unrepentant war criminal and one of the globalists' most effective allies in recent history.

Wow how you put those two sentences next to each other is astounding. Clearly you have a HUGE bias which I'm not going to even attempt to surmount.

You don't need to be right or left to understand that there is a shadow government that has been running things behind the scenes for a very long time. There is ample evidence that Barack Obama is a creation of the intelligence agencies and this has been commented on by not only right-wingers but plenty of actual liberals as well. Notice I said actual liberals, not the neoliberal scum that have co-opted the left lately.

Is it a coincidence that your post is -12 and the shill has +12? How odd :P

Lol I always come into these kinds of threads and sort by controversial. Its literally the only way you can find any comments that aren't made by shills.

Yep, always same tactics. Word on the street, they have lot's of iPads setup with different accounts on each one. They try to control the narrative by attacking with multiple accounts and vote manipulation with discord. Losers.

Nothing To See Here, Move Along ®

Happily digests advertisements

Dude, why don't you actually address the point he's making? Being president doesn't just mean you can do whatever you want, and a lot of presidents aren't really aware of what they're getting themselves into until they're there.

Maybe he is trying. But when you've got the whole system working against you, it can be difficult to get shit done, or even have it acknowledged when you do.

Bro are you even American? I doubt it.

IMO, they simply threaten the children. Easy puppet kit in one step.

They might. That's a funny thought actually. Just read yesterday that Trump's got over forty relatives with security details--in other words, everyone in the world who's important to him is surrounded at all times by trained killers. Ha.

Still on the Trump train (where else am I gonna go?) But agreed, becoming more disillusioned every day... Is the "deep state/swamp" undrainable?

Well, Trump has no interest in draining it. He... Is it.

You have to be it before you drain it

What says who

It's what is beliefs are telling him to make him feel more comfortable because he's feeling some cognitive dissonance and deflecting instead of realizing what's really going on

"You have to be a murderer before you can stop a murderer"

"You have to be a criminal before you can stop a criminal"

"You have to be a fire to stop a fire"

Sounds like a very convenient excuse eh?


Considering his cabinet picks, he's certainly filing it up more.

Why be on anyone's train at all? Trump isn't on yours.

For real? What's there to like about a bigot and an opportunist?

What's it like to be a sheep. Typical calling someone a bigot because they don't agree with you. Identity politics is despicable and antithetical to this sub.

Trump is unethical and despicable.

Still on the Trump train (where else am I gonna go?)

gotta pick some side to be a zealot for amirite?


Brawndo has the good nooch

It's got what plants crave!

Why do you feel you have no where else to go?

Because this train has no brakes son, I cant get off! Hyyyyyype to MAGA!

Are you drunk? For your sake I hope youre drunk...

Honestly I'm not for making people take a test to vote. But I'm glad we don't let children vote. With replies like this all you do is show us you are some edgy teenager who can't even vote yet alone drive himself anywhere.

You're kidding, right? Name another politician that has a chance of changing anything significant in this country over the next three years. Name another politician who could be elected president in 2020 that I should be remotely excited about.

I can understand if you just don't like Trump or his ideas, but it should be obvious why people feel like he is the only chance we have at the moment.

You don't deserve the downvotes for being honest. We're all here to learn. Well, most of us.

How is it being drained when Trump fills it with wall street execs and people who used to work for Soros?

No idiots like you just blindly vote without looking at a big picture and label anything but your choice terrorists socialist Muslim or democrat. Hurr durr he's got an (R) he's good enough for me

I voted for Obama in 2008, then i abstained in 2012, was pushing for Gary Johnson until I realized Hillary was part of a pedo satan cabaal so had to get on that Trump train!

Well Trump is connected to the same pedos the Clinton's are so good choice!

No shit lol

No no no. We're not nation building anymore. We're killing terrorists......

As opposed to before when we used to 'nation build' and kill innocent civilians...

Civilians die regardless of the intent

My post is like the ultimate sarcasm, which I guess is lost on some people here.

Obviously they've always killed more civilians than "terrorists", whether they call it "nation building" or "terrorist killing".

Donald Trump is not fueling cultural division whatsoever.

The left, who hate him with a vengeance, are doing that on a daily basis and blaming Trump for their own actions.

It's the equivalent of throwing a hissy fit because it's your bed time, breaking something, and then blaming your dad for whatever got broken because he said it was bed time.

Found the deep state media puppet.

........Donald Trump isn't deep state.......if I were a media puppet id be accusing him....lol stupid fraggle

Didnt say trump was deep state, what else would you like to fabricate for everyone to see?

And yes, you are parroting the decisive media...hope you are at least getting paid for it.

Our country was divided long before Donald was our president.

Our country was divided long before Donald was our president.

Yeah, even as far back as the Civil War. Or maybe even as far back as the American Revolution? Or even maybe before that?

Not sure what your point is here.

My point still stands, trump has been dividing this country since day1, his campaign was fueled on divisive rhetoric, so was Hillary's.

The nazi accusations are being made by celebrities, pundits and people who are too stupid to think for themselves. - /u/mp_hall .

You're literally a nazi without the ethnocentric feature. - /u/mp_hall .

Go pal around with your nazi friends they love ppl like you. - /u/mp_hall

Im done here.

Lololol I would be too

Found the bot

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

Found the deep state media puppet.

lmao, your boogeyman of "the left" is prettty divisive

I told You. This is still just the pilot episode. So many have it all so wrong.

Indeed. His entire campaign was based off taking old liberal talking points about corruption while... doing the exact opposite in office.

I really don't care about any of these assholes anymore. They all need to go. Trump is the swamp.

It's been almost a year and he still doesn't have a full cabinet because of the obstructionist swamp. It's hard to fight corruption.

Senate confirmations need 50 votes. He has 52 votes in his party. Who's obstructing him?

Never trumpers in the Republican Party.

Why doesn't trump just dust off art of the deal and be that master deal maker yall said he was?

im going to win so much you'll be sick of it too say trump supporter winning we can't take it

There's a minimum of 4 RINOs.

So the swamp used to be the wall Street and big bank people, but now you guys have just switched it to Democrats? Yes, let's just make sure only one party controls our entire government because they obviously have our best interests in mind (they don't).

It's both sides. FOr an example, see John MCain.

John Mccain is a Republican, no?

What's your point?

Did you even hear about the healthcare repeal and the way he was lauded by the media for dramatically voting against it after his brain surgery?

It's not this party or that party. McCain is a swamp creature.

Pretty easy to confirm nominations when your party holds the senate majority. 50 needed to confirm, 52 R's in the senate. Basic math!

What's the excuse now?

I love spending my lunch break explaining basic politics to the lost ones of our country. I have a job and I am far from ever supporting Trump.

What's the reasoning for that one?

It's not about parties. They are the same party with the appearance of being distinct. Trump is an independent who co-opted the Republican party because an independent would never win an election.

Actually Trump was a Democrat that switched sides to Republicans. He was never an Independent.

Yes that is more accurate. My point is that he doesn't follow one parties rhetoric and he's independent.

Trump has never had an independent thought in his life.

Why are Republicans obstructing him?

Because they (rightfully) have no faith in him or his ability to run the country


But he hasn't even made the majority of those nominations! It isn't about "the swamp" refusing to consider the nominations - he's too fucking lazy to bother trying.

[The entire GOP] campaign was based off taking old liberal talking points about corruption while...doing the exact opposite in office

Democrats tax and spend

GOP spends and spends

There is one thing very significant about Trump:

He was not suppose to win. This was obvious to everyone on the planet the night it happened.

He may very well now be a bitch of the deep state, like all presidents, but he was not suppose to even be there.

The fact that he's there is very significant and shows the divide between the factions that make up this cabal of evil.

Some group was powerful enough to get him in. We should be discussing who they might be, who they're against, and what's their angle.

I disagree. The corporations and the two-party system love him. He is exactly what they need to keep everyone distracted.


some group? I have an idea... it's coming to me...six letters...starts with R, ends with a...

| some group was powerful enough to get him in. We should be discussing who they might be, who they're against, and what's their angle.

Take a step back and think about this one for a minute. The answer.. The same people... The same TPTB that has put the last handful of presidents in power.. The same TPTB that tell their mouthpiece newspapers and media outlets to hate on Trump.. It's all part of the show... he's the protagonist.. They need someone to play dumb, rule up the TV pundits, who fire up the disenfranchised of all races protesting each other, causing division amongst the middle poor and working classes.. In addition to the division, it also helps shift the Overton window on free speech and acceptable opinions.. The goal is still the same, corporations run this country and its profits over people, coupled with the erosion of our freedoms and first amedment rights...

Did you just quote his text by using your own line instead of reddit's markup?

An organization with that amount of power wouldn't need to create such a narrative in the first place. If they convinced Trump to run specifically for the media in turn to paint him as an adversary, they have already won the game.

But losing sight of the real consequences of things is a requirement for most conspiracy theories.

I agree with you. Nobody was expecting it, and honestly, I don't think TPTB were either.

I never wanted him to be president, but I do believe that he doesn't want to be doing a lot of the things the deep state is coercing him into doing. He's in a tricky situation, just like a lot of presidents before him.

As for who got him in power, it could've been the Alliance, I definitely entertain that idea. I also entertain a few other ones, but something tells me they wouldn't be that well received in this subreddit. At least not anymore. But I do think you're onto something.

lol you believe trump has good intentions?


Not sure where in my comment I said that. But I do think he is an enemy of the Deep State.

lmao ....you guys crack me up

literally speak your own language here in r/conspiracy

they should study this subreddit....to see what people look like when they grow in a controlled environment

Yeah dude, so funny. Are you referring to the term Deep State? Because that's not even close to limited to this subreddit.

Also not sure why you're referring to me as 'you guys'. An overview of your account clearly shows you comment on this subreddit way more than I do. I had to scroll 3 pages before I saw a comment from somewhere other than /r/conspiracy.

Thats what alt accounts are for genius

What's your point?

Regardless of whether you frequent this subreddit on your other account, you certainly frequent it on this one.


do you not get that this account is solely to post here ....some of the mods are from r/the_donald

anyone who breaks the narrative on trump in this subreddit can be banned...this account is solely to post real opinions without fear of stifling by big brother r/conspiracy mods like flytape while he sucks trump off

Hahah, dude you need to chill. So you're telling me you have an alternate account, just to post anti-Trump comments? That's kind of sad man..

I'm not very strongly opinionated on Trump either way, but this whole thread is pretty strong evidence that this subreddit is not pro-Trump.

He gamed social media using highly experienced experts from the advertising world, something Hillary was very bad at and most importantly it happened in the context of a new generation of voters.

He also rallied all over the place, pulling a lot of baby boomers and vets to his side while Hillary hid behind the curtains, or gave awkward and at times unpopular speeches & messaging.

I wasn't surprised. I'm not saying I cared for either candidate but I could feel the movement happening on the Internet after the speeches he was giving. Totally agree that TPTB didn't see it coming, but the youth and rural areas of America were spreading it like wildfire.

He was not suppose to win

Nice thing about the electoral college is you can be down 2 million votes in the general but win with only 80,000 votes in very small key counties in certain states.

Yeah, the system is totally rigged. Yet Clinton lost. She lost a one horse race. That's what's significant.

Are you high? He got in because he won the election, and there are enough paranoid morons willing to take any bait swung in their face to get him in. Stop looking for order where there's only chaos.

IMO, Trump is a rep for fossil fuel companies and wall street bankers.

Some group was powerful enough to get him in

That group is called the Morons who voted for him.

That must make you a retard then shill.

I'm a shill cause I said voting for Trump was a moronic thing to do?

who they might be

About 30% of the American population.

who they're against

The other 70% of the American population.

what's their angle

A stubborn refusal to accept any responsibility whatsoever for their own mistakes.

Take a step back and think about this one for a minute. The answer.. The same people... The same TPTB that has put the last handful of presidents in power.. The same TPTB that tell their mouthpiece newspapers and media outlets to hate on Trump.. It's all part of the show... he's the protagonist.. They need someone to play dumb, rule up the TV pundits, who fire up the disenfranchised of all races protesting each other, causing division amongst the middle poor and working classes.. In addition to the division, it also helps shift the Overton window on free speech and acceptable opinions.. The goal is still the same, corporations run this country and its profits over people, coupled with the erosion of our freedoms and first amedment rights...

Spez: replied in wrong area


This isn't conspiracy. This is truth.

It's tragic that you seem to think the two are mutually exclusive.

/u/Ryugi is correct.

Not a theory. It's reality.

nobody said theory

Tragedy is quite a hyperbolic assumption to make. I think he's saying less that "the two can't be the same," and I think he's merely pointing out "what's the conspiracy here in the first place?"

Truth and conspiracy can also be separate. That's the claim he made. You didn't counter it, you just jumped to an assumption he may or may not have implied.

I'd call that mistake "tragic" but I'm not a drama queen.

Because conspiracy is defined as "a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful", I would conjecture that Trump & Co conspired to attain and exploit the position of POTUS by building an image designed to influence disenfranchised Americans (/r/TrumpCriticizesTrump).

In other words, /u/haveyouseenmymarble is right: if such conjecture were true, it still fits the definition of conspiracy, they are not mutually exclusive terms.

That's the claim he made--that this is merely truth.

Exactly thank you

Please read.

Boy then do we have some news for you about this place

Or you could choose to not be a drama queen, and respectfully ask me to clarify my meaning/understanding.

It seems to me everyone else is making a much bigger drama than I did.

Nope, still you.

Nothing revolutionary but he definitely isn't (or at least until very recently wasn't) on the same page as the PTB (CIA & friends). They and their MSM mouthpieces were legitimately trying to get the public to push for impeachment.

Friendly reminder: /r/NoCorporations exists for some of these very reasons.

Sensible conspiracy post!!

He is a con-man, nothing more.

Trump is right. We get out of the middle East now and Isis can take over. Obama and Bush created this mess, trump is waiting to be able to fix it. My thinking is he'll want Isis under control first, then he can pull out, hopefully also investigate how Obama created Isis. Give the man his term and wait and see how he uses it instead of opposing someone who has only been in office for 6 months

Trump made it clear that he was as conventional as they come when he drained the swamp by placing the most corporate backed individuals to the heads of big departments. Anyone who thought Trump would be able to run our country well is nothing short of a moron. It's amazing that people think that barely being able to manage a business effectively translates into being able to work in politics. Further more Trump is just stealing all of our tax dollars to take vacations EVERY weekend which he puts in his own pocket by using his hotels to house the secret service and support staff. This should infuriate you. He's already blown through his 4 year budget in about 6 months. That thin skinned piece of shit said he wouldn't even take vacations. (I think any president deserves vacations, Trump just treats our tax dollars like a limitless resource, and so far has put none of them to effective use.)

4 years budget in 6 months?? You sure? Any proof?

I think they are referring to the Secret Service budget but I am not sure.

I'll take a look, thanks

The Secret Service has exceeded it's annual budget, which afaik is not a 4 year plan. It's still way too early to be exceeded budget though. You can thank him for traveling to Trump properties, after raising prices once he became president.

The other issue is that there are 42 people related to Trump that get secret service protection, which is alot relative to other presidents. On top of that, Trump's family members take numerous individual vacations and business trips, so it all adds up.

There are numerous articles being written right now, it's a recent issue. Search online and you should be able to find plenty of other sources. Here's just one as an example

"In a CNN report, Alles said the issue cannot be attributed to the current administration but rather to “an overall increase in operational tempo” over nearly a decade."

As much as I hate to argue with the guy who is the one actually setting up the budget and is much more of an expert than I am, I have to be a little skeptical that he is just afraid to criticize the administration in the public light.

I mean the guy has more family members under secret service protection, takes more vacations, and more expensive vacations compared to the last presiden. I find it hard to believe that this administration costs just as much as as the last one.

Also I don't remember the SS asking for more money under Obama, that would have been major conservative fuel. And they already ripped into him plenty for taking vacations

That's certainly possible. It should be noted that there's actually been a $100 Billion reduction in the budget deficit since the current administration took office. Where that money came from exactly? Idk. But I don't think it's all bad.

You got a source for that? Because this neutral news source says otherwise.


As /u/Jermermerm said, he's saying that to not piss off Trump. He added that statement after USA Today printed his original comments.

And just a cursory glance at the known facts shows that it's bullshit: the USSS budget is the same as it was last year, but it has already run out faster than it did last year. And last year, that budget not only covered the sitting President and his family, but it also covered all of the half dozen or so candidates and their families, who were already traveling all over the country constantly to campaign. So basically, they're now covering far fewer people, ran out of money faster, and the big difference is Trump now vacations to his ritzy private resorts every weekend and charges the taxpayers for it. Hmmm...

I may have misinterpreted the budget timeframe- I apologize for that, either way though, he's still already blown through the budget, a lot of which goes straight into his pockets because of where he chooses to stay, he also has a wife that doesn't even want to live with him and she requires a separate detail who lives in a Trump residence in which the secret service also pays into trumps pocket by staying there.

No probs.

That's bad really. Can your congress not stop him?? Real waste of money!

So, they could but they won't. It's political suicide for anyone with an R after their name, and bad for their party as a whole. Right now they control all branches of government, they know they need to ride that pony as long as they can.

Obama also exceeded the SS budget ... which is set per agent not as an overall cost and there is a limited supply of agents so the are running out.

It is a prefect example of how fucked the government runs things.

Trump has a bigger family than Obama so more people are being covered 24/7 and Trump travels every weekend which is incurring additional cost.

Could you be any more of a DNC talking point?

All I know is what a piece of shit looks like, Hillary was garbage too, there's a reason democrats didn't turn out this elections. I don't consider myself a Democrat. Seriously though, even while campaigning Trump contradicted almost everything he said on a near daily basis.

What do you mean by barely? It's worth a couple billion. More than any politician has gone into office with. Sure keep assuming shit that why they keep resigning and he keep firing people because their his buddies sure.

By barely I mean he basically ran his businesses to the ground. He ran them so poorly that American banks wouldn't even finance him anymore. He had to get Russian banks to front him money.

And to anyone who didn't vote for him this was OBVIOUS. He is a classic narcissist. Who finds an excuse or person to blame for any and all of his own shortcomings. It's never his fault, and he's never wrong. His own ego can't handle that. At their core, narcissists are very insecure. Their lashing out is a defense mechanism. Their impulsiveness is a defense mechanism.

Anyone who thought Trump would be able to run our country well

This is a false comparison. The alternative is a traitor.
So running the country poorly is still superior to the alternative.

Honestly what better option was there at the time November came around?

Than Trump? Fucking LOL.

Yes, than Trump. He was a wildcard, much more so than Hillary. Hillary has a track record of being an enemy to the people. Trump however was a shot in the dark. I'd rather gamble $1000 than outright choose to lose $1000.

So I have a legitimate question, I promise I'm not patronizing or being condescending. Does policy matter at all to You? So I ask because I didn't vote for the politician this last go around. When I vote I look for the bigger picture regardless of the letter following the name. Trump had no policy for virtually anything and if he did have a plan there would rapidly be major changes that made his first plan null and void. As far as policy goes where are your concerns? In my case it was education, environment, 2A freedoms, and policy to bridge the wealth gap. I say this as a generalization but most Trump voters I know are completely ignorant of policy and policies are the cogs which move this nation forward in one way or another. Trumps only consistent policy was his wall. Literally, which isn't happening. So again my question is, when you vote, does policy matter? I only ask because for me policy is all that matters.

Policy matters, yes. Ironically the few policies he had we're what I agreed with. All of Hillary's, I disagreed with. Policy is not that big for me, but if your political history is filled with nothing but negatives and you've don't virtually nothing for the people you were supposed to have served for what seems like ages, then there's nothing you can say to sway me to your side. I wanted so so so badly for Marco Rubio to take the cake for Republicans and Jim Webb for Democrats because those are both people I feel the nation could have benefitted from. I grew up in Virginia and Jim Webb did great things on both sides of the political coin.

"trump just treats our tax dollars like a limitless resource, and so far has put none of them to effective use." kind of sounds like he's being a leach on the tax dollar system, that doesn't sound familiar at ALL.

Again, I'm not partisan, I don't consider myself a Democrat. I will say this though, at least democrats usually have a plan for the tax revenue and many times programs that help people are enacted- see Obama care. I'm not a fan of the ACA but it helped millions of Americans. Trumps ideas are: a wall- which won't do shit to keep people out (crazy devices are used for this sort of thing- they are called ladders I think they are pretty new on the market) his foreign policy involves keeping troops in Afghanistan (a war we can't win) at least Obama pulled out of Iraq. Yes that created Isis but this is really bushes fault. At least dems usually have a plan.

Donald is a big ass mistake but I don't feel like he's the one pushing cultural division or identity politics. That's a lefty thing. Conservatives are tired of talking about it.

Then why do they still insist on emprisoning black people, defend cops who kill unarmed black people, take rights away from LGBTQ people and women? lol Give me a fucking break man

Who is they? Black people commit more crime than white people, ecspecially violent crime. I'm sorry that offends you. Second, more unarmed white people are killed every year by police than black. I'm sure this fact also offends you. Third, what rights have been taken away from gay people and women? None.

"Black people commit more crime than white people, ecspecially violent crime." They receive harsher sentences than white people and are direct victims of the war on drugs. "more unarmed white people are killed every year by police than black" Adjust for population. "what rights have been taken away from gay people and women? None." Conservatives constantly attack abortion and contraceptive rights, they also haven't swallowed the fact that gay people can get married, there's also Trump tweeting that trangender people should be banned from the military. The comment I was replying to said "Conservatives don't want to talk about identity politics anymore" which is a crock of shit.

You can want to adjust for population? Go adjust black crime for population and get back to me. I haven't heard Trump really say shit about gay Mariah or abortion. I do remember both Hillary and Obama saying that marriage should be between a man and a women. The issues of gay marriage and abortion have actually hardly been touched on since Trump took office.

The only thing trump did was take on PC rhetoric. Made conservatives feel like they were finally fighting back.

I gave him a chance but I've come to the realization you're right. He's full of shit and was planned all along. Hopefully everybody else realizes too but I'm not keeping my hopes high.


Second verse, same as the first. Just a little bit louder and a little bit worse.

Can you point to where in his campaign, he "fuelled cultural division"?

You can throw a dart with your eyes closed and its impossible to miss the parts where he did exactly that.

Then it would be very easy to link to. Correct?

Sure, help yourself.

I'm not interested in playing a game of pin the tail on the intentionally dense.

Something something burden of proof

Something something trans service members.

Something something sending their worst.

Something something inner city ghettos.

If you require proof of common knowledge, you're beyond help friend.

Hey, hey that sounds like it's literally any disagreeing viewpoint. Must be fake news.

Yah know, the bit where he wanted to ban an entire culture and religion from coming into the US

Actually, his "ban" was the exact same "ban" that Obama put in place a few years back.

So by your logic, Obama himself "fuelled cultural division" by wanting " to ban an entire culture and religion from coming into the US".

Or do you have any tortured logic you want to apply to that little fact?

Or in his words during his campaign

"Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States"

Not "Muslim countries" not "extremists" but "Muslims"

Link? Is that a from a CNN report? Is that an opinion from a CNN "reporter" as to what was actually said? Who said that?

Sounds like something out of a fake news broadcast.

LOL. Then when he got into office he revived Obama's partial ban and did nothing more.

Oh. The evil bastard. LOL.


Obama's travel ban was a slowdown(not shutdown) of refugee applications from one country(Iraq) after a specific plot was found.

Trump's travel ban is a ban of all refugee applications and visas(different from refugee applications)(unless they have a relationship with the US I.e have a family member) from 6 different countries not reacting on any specific Intel, but some vague they might attack it


http://uk.businessinsider.com/big-differences-between-trumps-immigration-ban-obamas-2011-policy-2017-2/#intent-2 (Reacting to old travel ban the one that failed, so just use as info on Obama's travel ban)

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39044403 (for info on new ban)

Omama's plan and Trump's were the exact same. Just spun different by the fake news.

Can you provide any sources, I've given mine, instead of just calling mine fake news, why don't you give me some facts like I've given you

Compare the two plans. It really is that simple.

I have and I posted it, with sources.

I would wait until the end of the year. Many of his motions are hard to understand now but they will all make sense in a few more months. This 14D chess stuff gets confusing.

I flip flopped on Trump but now I'm back on the Trump train regardless of appearances. It's hard to see through the 4D chess but there is a good story behind it all and I am pretty certain we will all see it by end of year max.


Deflect and attack, deflect and attack.

Wow, taken down from being able to reach the Frontpage in under and hour! The pimp hand is strong folks.

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I give him credit for being an independent thinker and speaker ... at least at first. Call me a conspiracy theorist nut job, but I would guess he now better understands the power and evil that surrounds him, and doesn't feel like getting ushered into Dealey Plaza in an open limo any time soon.

A billionaire capitalist having an agenda in line with others of his class? It's almost like Marx was right

I know, who would of thought it!

Marx the guy whose central idea was that workers would naturally overthrow capitalist states because socialism and communism is so much better.

The guys main idea was completely wrong.

If you believe any of the bullshit Marx wrote then I've got a bridge to sell you.

You're wrong on pretty much every point, but i respect your opinion.

this whole thread reads like share blue complementing other share blue posters... all in /conspiracy


Yeah, I get not liking trump and that's fine, but as you said, it reads almost fake because it's all wrong.



to be fair, America did FUBAR the middle east, and they did kind of create terrorism as we know it.

hell the shah the States put in after the Iranian coup declared suicide bombing halal. So really, if no where else, America needs to double down on the middle east to clean their fucking mess up

Did you actually watch his speech? That's pretty much the opposite of the larger goal he had in mind, which is to lessen American involvement around the world and let these countries handle their own affairs. Looking at the subtext of what he was talking about with Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, etc., you can make an argument that US global alliances are radically shifting and Trump may very well be turning on the Israelis and Saudis that have been running the blackmail-bribery game in our government/Congress forever. Many on the inside tip have stated already that Trump has been isolated from the Zionist factions in his cabinet, Kushner has been effectively neutralized as an Israeli shill, Bannon was shipped out because he's more useful running Breitbart to help Trump, and that the military is de-facto running the country right now because their goals align with Trump's and his backers.

Whether or not Trump truly is anti-establishment and failing or is just going along with the act, he's done a better job of exposing the system and the fuckery than anyone, at least give him that. If he wasn't smart enough to cover his ass and have tons of supporters and private security protecting him, he would have been dead already.

Can spot the anti-T astroturfing from a mile away. These guys are big time losers. $$$$$$

No he hasn't and yes people watched the speech he is sending in 5,000 more troops into a place he promised to get the troops out of right away. Stop defending him at every single thing he does. That's pathetic. I don't even do that with the people I vote for. How does it truly make you feel that trump went back on another promise of his?

Are you allowed to say anything nice about Trump?


New account, who dis

I'm NOT defending everything he does, I'm nowhere near the absolutist that you and yours are. Stop being a mouth-breathing sports fan with politics that only sees things one way or another, and understand that you live in a gray world and there's a lot of complexities.

No shit. I no there are lots of complexities. Hence why it's so maddening. Trump has for years bitched at Obama acting like he could do better. Trump now has that opportunity and all the sudden who thought health care could have been so complicated. Who thought bring troops home could have been so complicated.

I am not frothing over partisanship. I'm frothing because one side is so full of numb nuts they voted this man in believing all the shit he said was so easy. Please go to TD and tell them things are complex. I know they are. But the president of the US doesn't seem to know that nor does his supporters.

You unpatriotic communist are the parasites of society. Just get lost.

I really don't have a dog in this fight, but what do you expect from a c.e.o. running a different corporation? Did anyone really think he would forget capital and stand up for the people?

Calling Trump a CEO is cute, but wholly off base. CEO's are accountable to a board of directors and actually have to LEAD or else be swiftly removed.

Its just a different kind of corporation. Instead of board of directors, it is other corporations and banks that are answered to, just in a more subversive way. Look up the act of 1872. Preferrably not on wikipedia.

A lot of people did. A lot of people are unconscionably stupid.

"He's a great businessman. He'll be great to run a country"

Who would be thought a country isn't a business.

The president is suppose to be the sheet blocking the real power holders from site. Smoke and mirrors people. Its all a facade and will continue long past your death

In other words, a typical Republican.

Trump was a botched revolution against political correctness. The biggest issue with the guy is that he just isn't articulate enough to be a representative of free and direct speech.

What I see as the two truly dangerous political forces in America right now are political correctness and identity politics. Political correctness imposes the idea that giving emotional offense is a form of violence worthy of punishment, undermining free speech. Meanwhile, identity politics play a clever game with the minds of their prescribers and detractors, because there are so many implicit assumptions about how people work built into identity politics that it is easy to accidentally take them for granted. You go into identity politics thinking that you are better defining your own identity, but you end up a mindless proxy for the most advantageous groups you identify with, undermining individuality.

And when both free speech and individuality are compromised, the nation (starting with cyberspace) becomes a Hobbesian battleground of warring identity factions and, because feelings are considered equivalent to the physical form, political argument has a dramatic escalating effect to online conflicts, so that the moment two opposing groups physically meet, physical violence is almost inevitable. Without individualism guiding dialogue, people aren't capable of holding disparate views in their minds and actually deliberating away from opinions that they hold dear--an essential part of the moral development of a human being--and moral evolution is stunted.

The conditions are ripe for totalistic forces to gain traction in such an environment, and I think that's why this is being so encouraged by the MSM. It plays right into the proclivities of the typical internet troll, who will inevitably and unwittingly bolster the power of this movement away from rationality with the sheer desire to produce chaos. It's an indulgence of humanity's darkest desires to feed an engine of domination.

I agree. His plans for the Afghanistan war signal a permanent continuation of the Military Industrial complex. Saber rattling at Pakistan also provides the groundwork for future wars.

I wish we'd just get the fuck out of foreign countries and spend that money on our crumbling infrastructure, terrible homelessness problem, and expensive healthcare.

America deserves better.

We get the government that we deserve.

It's revolutionary how he won--the internet-- and he's revolutionary for opening the path for basically anyone. I reaallly hope Jesse Ventura keeps his promise and runs.

It's still early in trump's admin; expect a turning point in 2018.

His last night about Afghanistan was disappointing, though. :/

Lol, Can you imagination Jesse running against trump? It would be a goat rodeo. Debates would end with body slams, twitter would be maelstrom of gibberish. The talking heads would be twisting themselves in knots trying to string together one coherent sound bite. Don't get me wrong I love Jesse. I live in Minnesota and thought he did fine as governor. But neither one of those too can hold their composure well enough to keep a good public face. We don't need the rest of the world seeing that.

Trump already is the president, so, given the choice between he and Jesse ventura...(see where I'm going here).... Who represents the lesser of two evils?

I think Trump existing makes Ventura MORE viable than ever. Does that strike anyone as revolutionary?

I'm not saying venture isn't viable. I'm just saying he's a wind bag. I love him, but he has no filter. With two candidates like that, it would be too hard to take ourselves seriously as a nation. And no.. revolutionary is defiantly not the first word that comes to mind there.


I thought I was in r/changemyview

I thought I was in /r/trumpgret

I'm still not joining Antifa R/politics

/r/politics. For future reference, subreddit links only work with a lower case 'R' on desktop.

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Equally sure no one is going to be joining Nazi r/the_donald.

See how that works? This is why we can't have nice things.

NAZI! LOL. Keep it up.

That is my whole point dude....but I see that totally went over your biased head.

ANTIFA! LOL. Keep it up!

...starting to get the message yet?

What does the amount of KKK members have to do with anything? Tim McVeigh is suddenly a KKK member? KKK members are now Neo-Nazi's?

Just stop already.

R/politics and other anti Trump subs closely mimic the rhetoric of ANTIFA. Reddit is dominated by their language.

/r/politics. For future reference, subreddit links only work with a lower case 'R' on desktop.

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...everyone that has a different opinion than me is ANTIFA!

Yep, keep it up!

I thought this was /r/noshitsherlock for a second there.

The a large portion of people in this sub defend Trump to the death. They think he's fighting the Deep State while he simultaneously pursues all their interests.

I still believe he is. Look no further than tv. Trump receives constant ridicule from all MSM on a daily basis and most of which is out of context or just a blatant lie. You say deep state approved I don't. Just look at the last 8 years if you want to see a deep state puppet.

I thought this was /r/noshitsherlock for a second there.

There is something revolutionary about Trump - his presidency confirms what we all have thought for a long time. There is some major behind the scenes power at play here. I truly believe that Trump went into office to change things and shake things up. No other president in living memory has gone into office with an explicitly ant-establishment stance. You are right that here, now, 8 months in he's pivoted to the establishment positions, but that wasn't what he went in there to do.

We don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but at this point it should be obvious to anyone that a president cannot fix the system. Bernie would have gone exactly the same way. You either pivot, or you get JFK'ed

an explicitly anti-establishment stance

Didn't Reagan do that? Or Nixon?

There's room for debate but I would disagree. I don't know as much about Nixon, but Reagan came in to implement economic and military policies that were widely accepted within the right-leaning establishment. He took advantage of a new / budding constituency to help his electoral chances, but his positions were pretty moderate right-center. Lower taxes, less regulation, aggressive military stance towards Russia. Trump, on the other hand, came in on a platform that everyone in the establishment left, right, and center was staunchly against. You could read an article about him from the New Republic or the Weekly Standard and you'd be hard pressed to tell which was which.

... or Obama?

This is next level rationalization of the fact that trump was just bullshitting you.

There's no real way to know that. All we can do is look at the playing field and infer. Based on what the media has looked like before and after the election I think that's unlikely. If Trump had every intention of coming into office and being another Bush then I would have expected the conservative establishment to have been friendlier towards him. Or, I'd expect them to be hostile at first and then following some closed door meeting with a campaign manger or adviser they'd change their tune. We didn't see that happen. The conservative press and establishment were deeply hostile to Trump for the entire run up to the election, and have remained so since. This is a conspiracy sub, and I'm sympathetic to conspiracies as they are well documented in history, but I can't really buy a conspiracy to elect Trump that involves Trump and the conservative establishment colluding to look like they are against each-other so that he could get into office via anti-establishment sentiment and then pivot. You are of course free to make up your own mind however you want, but I think Trump was really sincere, but he had no idea what he was getting himself into.

Paul Ryan bent the knee, Ted Cruz bent the knee, nearly all notable republicans bent the knee. Where are you getting this imagined hostility? Fox news has entire programs devoted to getting out his message. Trump IS the Republican party, with minor opponents within it. If he can't get anything done, it's entirely his fault.

Considering Sanders was cheated out of the primary, I'm thinking he was a threat to the establishment.

He didn't want to fix the system. He wanted to be popular, lose the election, and make $$$.

Instead he got elected and is realizing he doesn't know how to lead. I think he really tries to bring in good advisors, he's just failed at that so far - or is unwilling to listen to them.

thank god this sub isn't completely brainwashed

put one back on the board for TRUE American freedom of speech

suck it Russian Active Measures

thank you for rekindling my belief in American logic and reason

Spreading blatant lies and a liberally biased opinion is American logic and reason? You need to really think on that.

I hope you can take a little imaginary stroll with me

Imagine we are walking through some unknown forest, where everything seems pure and whole

The trees make you believe they are stuck firmly in the ground, the dirt path seems straight and strong and the animals seem so blissfully jubilant they could give Snow White's creatures a run for their money

after a few minutes of walking on this trail, you begin to wonder if things may not appear as they seem; there is visibly explicit and implied that make you wonder otherwise, but you are determined to walk on the trail because it is your trail, your decision, and your ego that can't make you turn back

what once looked like an immovably anchored forest is really a once-beautiful timberland that has just begun the throws of death; hollowed out trunks, rotten roots, and goliaths toppling, or, very recently toppled, down to the ground at a rate that makes you wonder if you can even make it back out alive

the dirt trail becomes muddied with what seems to be black tar; everything it touches it steals and never gives back. Soon you start to lose your shoes, your socks, and occasionally you become stuck in the pit, struggling to get out. But it is your trail, your decision to walk on it, and your ego that will see you to the end

you hope that the wildlife will lend a helping hand, as their brilliantly inviting visages make them out to be. They surround you when you are deep in the tarpit, devising a plan to save you and your soul. They claim they need to borrow your wallet, watch, car keys, and spectacles, to have the proper resources to craft an escape for you. Reluctantly, you hand over everything because you think they have your greater interest in mind. Piece by piece, some squirrel or pigeon rakes the article you gave it and flies away into the canopy, leaving you broke and stranded

my friend, I will not argue with you for you are already deep in the pit. There is no reason to try to ration with you, as your ego has delivered you to the destruction of your own fate; however long that destruction takes. Sure someone may show up on the trail to save you as your nose is about to go under, just to pull you from safety; but the tar is still on you. No matter what you do from now on, I chance to say you're as deep in the muck as Alex Fields Jr. No. Don't try to bring me into the swamp with you, I don't need your filth

the man (I can only assume) you support is the personification of this imaginary forest. He seemed to be this impeccable creation that must have been brought down from the heavens! He was your savior!! Of course that man would deliver you from the evil and injustice that burdened you in the past! Hell, I bet a cleverly advertised banana could galvanize you twats into tiki-torch marches. But you have chosen to run down that path, ignoring the obvious signs of reality, in favor of the image you had crafted in your mind. You are so stuck in the muck that you still can't believe that maybe you were wrong? Maybe these libtards and their purple hair have a point? Maybe this trumpster fire doesn't reflect true republican values? But what do I know, I'm just some shmuck on the internet.

I happily invite you to respond in kind, be as illustrious with your inbred vocabulary as you can! Rest well, knowing that I will not be reading any nonsensical gymnastics you have to say

I happily invite you to respond in kind, be as illustrious with your inbred vocabulary as you can! Rest well, knowing that I will not be reading any nonsensical gymnastics you have to say

Would you like sources for literally everything I said?

And wow! Resulting to insults when you can't refute anything I said, because it's all TRUE, and then say you won't read anything I respond with? How typical!

The only mental gymnastics going on here are coming from you and OP. I'm glad you wasted all your time with that comment though. Or is it just copypasta that you spread around everywhere?

Step into reality. Your fantasy world is going to come crashing down upon you any day now.

didn't read what ya said, but saw that the southflake got triggered and had to respond

please keep your muck off me, I just showered

Lol thanks for proving my point. Enjoy your sheltered life while you're in school. The real world is going to chew you up and poop you out. If you can even pass a drug test to make it into the real world that is.

This thread is filled with brigades from far left subs. Look at the post histories lol.

Implying 'the sub' is a single entity that holds a single opinion on any subject matter?

You're right. He's no Hillary but he's probably just as bad. No one could see the future, you try to believe a candidate on their campaign promises and considering that being a complete rookie in politics he had no background in fucking his constituents and poor people over (with fiscal policy), he gave you more hope in his campaign promises than Hillary. But it turns out he panders as much every other president has been since JFK.

There has never been a president in our history so against the media. Trump started the war with his attacks. Read his twitter feed and 75% of the tweets mention fake media.

Maybe to fight back against the coalition who was against him from the beginning? He's not so against the media until they start dragging his name in the mud. It's not a smart tactic, but it's obviously cause and effect.

But her emails!

But.. the nuclear war against Russia she was barreling us in to by being uncompromising about Syria

And now the nuclear war with North Korea Trump is barreling us into.

Yeah, he's definitely not anti-war. But during the campaign there was some illusion of such

I couldn't bring myself to vote for him, but I had a few hopes. No war woth syria, no nuclear world war, less military intervention in the middle east, and draining the swamp.

He's already dashed all of them.

During the election I wish I had been more pro-third party and less anti-hillary. Even with what he's done, I think I prefer Trump over Hillary, but they're both awful awful choices, and that's by design. It's clear the military-industrial complex controls our elections

We are not at war Syria, if anything we were in a proxy war with Obama when he was funding the rebels over there (i.e.ISIS). There is no nuclear war with any viable threat (NK is an ant), and the jury is still out with the intervention in the east. Obama deployed 100k troops to afghanistan and Trump has so far only sent 4k.

Gosh, people hate trump so much that they've become delusional. How can you equate NK to Russia. One is small as shit and actively treating us and the other is large as fuck and not threatening us. The Democratic propaganda that you are listening to is making you stupid.

in what way is he fueling the division? it's the media doing that as they always have. you're post reads a lot like an /r/politics post or /r/hillaryclinton post

I am left wing and I do admit to liberal bias but you cant deny the it's in Trumps play book to fuel cultural divide.

I can easily deny that. it's very blatant the media stirs up any kind of fear to the max, just look at how they covered the eclipse. they acted as if looking up without AMAZON purchased eyewear your eyes would explode.

He literally said in his speech that we were don't nation building and that Afghanistan needs to rebuild their country on their own. Quit bullshitting.

I think you should be asking why the eclipse went west to east.

because that means the sun moved.

it isn't suppose to move in the helio centric model.

nasa says thr moon circles the earth at 2x earth rotation. So once every twelve hours? what?

moon takes 28 days to do its phases. can't say around because seems like it isn't doing that.

It's because the moon moved. Stop with this garbage disinfo crap. Also NASA never said that


rrally, i have no words, and can find no explaination for these paths going east-west and west-east, and some even making a c shape.

here is a link that nasa guy says exactly that.

The first one is because it's projected on to a sphere, that should be obvious.

The second one is because the moon goes the same direction as the earth spins. However the earth spins faster than the moon revolves, so the net effect is that it goes west to east slowly in the sky, compared to the sun. Both overall go east to west as we see them in the sky, but the moon goes slower.

It's like if two cars were racing, and you were sitting in the faster car, looking at the slower car go "backwards". It's not really going backwards, it's just outpaced by the faster frame of reference

If any of us were to say this in the Donald subreddit we'd get tarred & feathered.

no they'd just do you a huge favor and ban you

I still go there to read the latest memes or what's trending, but lately I've become disillusioned to their "You're with us or against us" attitude. No critical thinkers allowed basically. Whatever, they'll implode on their own eventually. The first crack was his Cabinet picks. A lot of rich people who had their hands at elite jobs. The next crack in the "wall" was the attack on Syria with all those Tomahawk missiles. I expect the last straw will be his "no more nation building" statement backfiring on him once some false-flag situation happens and the whole nation is dragged into another god-awful war. Either be "woke" or stay brain-dead. No 5D chess happening here. He's lost Bannon, Priebus, Flynn and possibly Sessions later down the road.

I think the jerk-each-other-off-fest that is /r/the_donald and /r/politics can be quite disgusting. Probably say the same about this sub too.

I generally only like /r/neutralpolitics if I want an actual thought provoking discussion on the current state of politics.

Only downside there is your topic/questions are more narrow in scope.

Thanks man, I didn't know about neutralpolitics. I subscribed just now, and will give it a go.

I actually like the Conspiracy subreddit. Yeah, I know it can be a jerk-each-other-off fest at times, but I still feel that it's one of the last bastions of critical thinkers.

No shit, Sherlock. The subreddits is only for Trump supporters, specifically. It says so in the rules. Not that you bothered to read them.

But that's my point. They're being unreasonable by not allowing for critical thinking. Remember the whole "firing cruise missiles at the Syrian airfield" debacle? That was one of the major turning points in convincing many people (including myself) on how not everything was jolly in la-la-land. So fuck off with your negative tone & attack. If you can't see that it's the same-old tactics created by the Establishment/Deep-State priesthood then you should get-the-fuck-out of this subreddit. Conspiracy is practically the last bastion of free-thinkers. We all can disagree or agree with someone's theory, but on the T_D it's all or nothing for them.

Mate, I'm not subscribed to /r/conspiracy. I came from /r/All. This sub isn't exactly my cup of tea. It just seemed to me that you were implying The_Donald is some kind of pseudo-state that pretends to like free speech when it really doesn't, when it's actually very clear on what is and is not acceptable in the sub. I figured I'd step in and Correct The Record, so to speak.

That's because that sub is for supporters only, something only smart people can grasp

Even Trump supporters cannot dissent. Call it a "rally sub" all you like, but that's disgusting.

How dare subs be created in support of specific interests, that's almost as if Reddit was created for that purpose. DISGUSTING!

Go to /r/AskThe_Donald if you need to cry about something, that's what it was made for

I don't need to cry about anything. I have no interest in ever using T_D again. You can't even voice your concerns without forever losing access to your own sub, it's weird as fuck 1984 bullshit.

You can't even voice your concerns without forever losing access to your own sub

Like I just said, go to /r/AskThe_Donald to voice concerns. You don't sit in the supporters seating area at a sports game and boo that team. Don't be daft. And no it's not waf 1984 bullshit

That's the worst example you could have used, m8. I'm a Jets fan, i've gone to our own stadium to get drunk and boo my own team.

You can deny it all you like, but T_D resembles a cult. It's bizarre, and everybody who doesn't buy into you politics sees that.

Sure whatever you say

:'( but I finally have purpose!

"guys its totally not a safespace its different because reasons!"

Oh it's definitely a safespace. Show me where I said it wasn't. Every other corner of Reddit is filled with vile hatred from racist millennial liberals, it's nice to have at least one place that's not affected by that

vile hatred from racist

yeah great to be free from any of that right my dude.

Great comeback

Every president since JFK has been a sock puppet for the UNCONSTITUIONAL federal reserve "system" that is NOT A PART OF THE US GOVERNMENT

it was between him or Hillary. We picked the lesser of 2 evils.

Trump said we should torture even if it doesn't work, he is not the lesser evil.

hate to break it to you but we didn't stop "torturing" under Obama and Hillary. We simply quit publicizing it and admitting to it.

Obama even went as far as to lock down the detention center at Baharain AirBase and blocked the Red Cross and Media from accessing the facility AND enlarged it.

Sorry but you got played.

Dunno why you bring down voted torture occurred regardless of the party in the White House.

I'm not bringing it down.

Yeah, but Obama is a hero for pretending that we stopped.

I think they'll say we don't torture all day and it doesn't change a thing. Just IMO

Down voted for logic

people still mad they lost. Don't care that she was the epitome of everything they claim they hated. oh well, they have their marching orders and blind sheep gonna bleet where ever they are pointed at

"wtf I love Goldman Sachs now"

Anti Trump thread on the conspiracy sub?

Am I seeing this right?

This happens literally every day.

I think the tides have turned against Trump

Shareblue liberal internet shilling got funded again their patterns are obvious at this point.

Dude if that were true, I would be getting paid

Why would you be paid if you don't work for ShareBlue? Idiot

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

just search trump in the search bar, there are 1000s of them

Looks like the shift is happening.

I was expecting Alex Jones & Co. to start the shift around November or December. This is waayyy too early.

They've been pushed up for months now. Where have you been?

No matter how often shills try to attach t_d to subs that disagree with the establishment. Doesn;t magically make it so.

He's just more open about it

Owned by the deepstate. A true sellout. What else can you expect from someone greedy enough to become a billionaire?

Personally I think Trump is different. But the US is the titanic and a hard ship of that size to get to change direction. That said if you can't win a war after 16 fucking years or whatever it is. Declare victory and just leave.

Yep. After getting rid of bannon I see this is what he's all about.

Lmao concern trolling this hard.

Salem witch hunt

I would be more inclined to believe that if he wasn't attacked not stop by the media. He's clearly not part of the agenda. How much power and sway he actually has is up for debate however.

Exactly. If D.C. hates him, then he's doing the job I sent him there to do.

Racism seems like it should be in that list.

TPTB want us to place blame on the puppet we call the president, whoever that may be, so we never get to the root of the problem.

I mean yeah... and while the alternative would have probably been less embarrassing - it would have been the same.

Gee, who could have imagined that a second-generation billionaire who lived his whole life on shady accounting practices and lives atop an actual gold tower with his name on it wasn't actually interested in making things better for the common man?

It's almost like it's a smart idea to look at people's past behavior and like, idk, use it to estimate how they'll behave in the future???? But like... That's just crazytalk. Just because we have literally decades of video evidence of Trump's horrendous, sexist, racist, vile, greedy behavior means NOTHING, right??? (I'm just trying to calibrate my brain to the level of stupid in this new dark timeline, so help me out here.)

history is for cucks he says words i like so he gets my vote

"I have a wall at home! I can relate to that."

The new DeVos education system!

I'll help you out. People are stupid.

I wouldn't say that the average person is by any means stupid. In general America and most of the world is made up of mostly decent people just trying to make ends meet day after day. Generations of indoctrination and blind faith in the bullshit system we have today is the reason we have Trump.

And superhero worship, the idea that one man will save us from all our problems (though this goes for both sides)

You do realize that Trump got momentum from the average Republican revolting against the GOP right? And that the DNC worked to elevate his platform...

Kinda sounds like profiling to me.

Sounds kinda like you're trying to do that thing where we're talking about common sense things and then you exaggerate it to make it something that liberals have disliked in the past so you can get your 'gotcha!' moment. Like when we were campaigning for Gay Marriage and all the Republicans started saying shit like 'What's next, marrying ducks!? Walls? CHILDREN???' because there's nothing like talking about X and having someone respond like you said 78 (I didn't use a letter because it's supposed to indicate that it's not even in the same realm of consideration, get it?) and then being mad at you that you are clearly defending and support 78 and you should be disgusted and ashamed with yourself, how dare you.

Sorry bud, been down that road, doesn't work on me.

Holy shut that was brutal

Thank you. I do aim for brutality in life.


you head.

just one clarification-

when you say "dark" i think you meant "dank"

If it was dank I'd be down, but I'm not down to clown with this fucking soggy cheeto fuckface.

It's almost like it's a smart idea to look at people's past behavior and like, idk, use it to estimate how they'll behave in the future

Many did, Hillary having a career of being a warhawk was the deciding factor for many. Trump campaigned on stopping wars. They may not have believed him on much, but some chance of it happening was better than none.

Kind of funny that now he's doing the exact opposite of stopping wars. And IDK why I run into like five out of five hundred people that say Hilary was a 'warmonger' or 'warhawk'- admittedly, I am not well versed on her history so I suppose it's possible I just never heard about what she did, but if she really was this horrible warhawk wouldn't we have like many years of concrete examples, or have more of the public knowledge about it? Like- outside of Benghazi I couldn't tell you one other talking point brought up to prove she was hungry for war. So why does she have that reputation? It's not like the men in that same job that she was doing didn't also make calls similar to the ones she's made, we've lost troops in war before it's not like having a woman in the seat suddenly made them start dying, so why is it everyone acts like because she was the one there it labels her a warmonger? That's like working at dairy queen and being labeled an ice cream fucker just because the guy before you used to fuck the icecream.

"We came, we saw, he died."

Watch her laugh about nuking Iran.

You are so fucking ignorant it's pathetic, and if you had any self-awareness, you'd actually research what you're saying instead of formulating conclusions based on (you said it yourself) no knowledge about her.

Show me this evidence accumulated over the decades?

You don't.

Go to youtube and type 'trump speaking', there's your evidence. Are you really trying to act like there isn't mountains of evidence on Trump? Seriously? LOLOLOLOLOL, christ- I mean I'm used to people acting like Feminism and the Wage Gap don't exist, but even most Trumpists are smart enough to know that their cheeto in power has plenty of negative press behind him- they defend him regardless, of course, because talking about what size breasts your daughter will have isn't enough to drive them away- but like, they KNOW it exists. You really don't know, darlin'?

All those words, and you could've just put a quote from him.

But of course, you didn't.

I do find it amazing that Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have dedicated their wealth to improving the lives of millions of impoverished people and the world overall rather simply paying to slap their names on libraries and monuments.

I hope you realize that rich people contribute to philanthropic causes, and because of this they get names on buildings, etc. They don't go around asking how much to "slap (their) names on libraries and monuments".

Several wealthy figures have donated money simply to change to public image and create a positive legacy for their family.

Not everyone... But it certainly happens.

If your two motivators for doing good things are public perception and legacy, I'd say you should be considered a good person. Right?

Those libraries and monuments are tax breaks and help their kids get into the schools.

Ok for the first, but I don't believe they need that kind of help for their kids...

Even if they do it out of selfishness, they still end up giving benefits to many other people.

I do find it amazing that Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have dedicated their wealth to improving the lives of millions of impoverished people

lol are you being serious? Bill Gates trying to help the common person?

To be fair, all Trump has in his life is what he perceives people perceive about him, so in that regard, I think he genuinely thought this was a slam dunk to be beloved on a massive scale.

It highlights both his unquenchable thirst to be loved by people he'll never meet and his gross overestimation of his abilities.

Exactly! The conspiracy here is that people actually thought that at one point? I was told a long time ago that when you want answers you do one thing "follow the money". Look trump didn't get his money off of something like oil. He made his money off of investment properties and inheritance. Meaning he's got people all across the world who are oligarchs and tycoons, the upper class who have helped him and he's helped. You think anything is going to change? Hell no. Billionaires will always be billionaires and just like anyone else they are going to keep things the way they are instead of changing things. Any changes what so ever are going to duck up some billionaires, and no other billionaire is going to try to make that happen

Don't worry, I'm sure somehow this sub will manage to figure out how it's really the deep state's fault he can't figure out how to do anything and not his own fault for running on idiotic and contradictory promises based on blatant lies.

Of course. So predictable. Buffoonery at its finest. Gotta love the hive mind

But, but, but, my millionaire evangelical pastor who says to treat the the poor like scum told me that Jesus told him directly that Trump is the most holy man who ever lived.

it isn't shady if its legal. If the government wanted certain accounting practices to be illegal they could enact laws which do so.

it isn't shady if its legal.

Oh, I'm sure you apply that equally all the time.

You and everyone else keeps talking like we voters actually chose him. To president is the person the rich chose to run the country, we don't have an actual democracy. If we start looking at the real problem, rich people buying politics and stop focusing on the president puppet, then things will start to change

Who are the powerful people who got Trump in office, that is the real question, we need names and faces of the people who ACTUALLY control things.

The people who need the attention are completely hidden from public sight.

Oh there are a couple of good candidates for who managed to get the buffoon elected, but this sub is loathe to mention them and thinks anyone must be a shill if they believe that Mercer, Putin, etc are anything less than perfectly pure.

Msny people knew Trump for what he was. He was still the lesser evil in msny's minds. Trump was a wild card, a hailmary at best. We're getting more desperate, and Hillary offered more of the same. The American people had more confidence in a con man, than they did with neoliberal policies.

We're getting more desperate, and Hillary offered more of the same

I don't know what hellscape you're commenting from, but from where I was sitting things were actually pretty good. Sure, there were some things that I think should change, but setting my house on fire because the paint is worn out and I don't like the countertops is a shitty way to remodel.

I don't know what hellscape you're commenting from, but from where I was sitting things were actually pretty good.

Look at any graph demonstrating wealth inequality after millions lost thier homes to fraud. What world are you living in? It sounds nice.

Gee, good thing we didn't elect someone who was even remotely interested in or capable of solving any of those issues then. Thank god we went for an idiot who so far has done nothing but tell blatant lies that his cult will eat up unquestioningly and illegally line his pockets with our money while his party looks the other way.

Those lies are being spoken on both sides. The moment the left can criticize the right for propaganda, is the day they acknowledge their own. Otherwise you're just a hypocrite. I have no dog in the fight. I despise both of them.

both sides

I've got bingo!

You are delusional if you think things were OK in America. The inequality of income and stagnant income growth as compared to productivity made for many bad living situations.

And your solution to that is someone who thinks wages are too high? Someone who has a long history of failed ventures with zero experience in government and zero interest in anyone but himself, someone who has time and time again passed the buck, refused to pay his contractors, blamed everyone in the world but himself, and that's the person you think is capable of or even inclined to fix anything but his own wallet?

Where did I list my solution? I didn't.

I said you are wrong to think things were fine before Trump. Stop avoiding the point and trying to bring Trump into this. Typical shill.

I said you are wrong to think things were fine before Trump.

I never claimed things were perfect; I claimed that the idea that you solve issues by just burning everything down because there are things you don't like is stupid.

Stop avoiding the point and trying to bring Trump into this. Typical shill.

The post is about Trump. I didn't bring him into this, he's inherently in it.

You said "things were pretty good".

Speak for yourself.

Things were not good for most people. You're living in a world of the make-believe. That is my point I am calling you out on. You won't admit that you realized you are wrong about that - so you attack Trump (who was never mentioned in this comment chain).

This is typical shill behavior. We know it is. You're quite pathetic.

I acknowledged there were issues, issues that need fixing, but overall most people weren't living in poverty. Sure, we all could be doing better if those few at the top weren't absorbing all the new money, but the way to solve that isn't to put one of them in charge, knowing he doesn't have the desire or ability to do anything about it, knowing that he's going to use the opportunity to do nothing but line his own pockets.

And again, the entire post is about Trump. Look up. The post: Trump. The parent comment: Trump. Bringing up the subject of the post isn't "shill behavior".

I don't think you understand what "things were pretty good" means. As I said. Speak for yourself. Typical redditor living in fantasy land thinking the world was just rainbows and butterflies before Trump.

Again, you're blatantly mischaracterizing what I said. Lying, basically. Things were pretty good. Yes, things could have been better. Yes, there were still big issues. But the solution is not th just burn it down and pick someone who demonstrated at every turn that they had no plan, no real agenda other than spite, no capability to solve any issues, and no interest in anything but his own money and ego.

Things were not pretty good. Learn to accept you are wrong with that statement. You are a shill and no one cares about what you think the future solution should be.

Aww, I'm a shill just because my opinions of the past aren't exactly the same as yours? i641, I'm hurt.

Sidenote: Who would even be paying people to say that the past few years were mostly okay? Is it really that controversial to say that crime, unemployment, and poverty rates were at low points? Is everybody a shill just for saying that electing an egomaniac who cares only about his own image and money is a stupid solution to the problems we did face?

You're a loser. No one cares. Just stop embarrassing yourself, you're wrong move on.

You're the only one that seems to care here. Nobody else has immediately devolved to insults the instant someone has even the slightest disagreement. You're the only one here acting like only shills or idiots could look at 2015 and not see some apocalyptic hellscape.

You need to learn that when you're wrong sometimes you need to accept it and admit it. You're stubborn. That is the lesson I'm teaching you here.

You're a young foolish, stubborn individual who refuses to admit when they might be wrong (typical redditor).

Your immediate and repeated reaction to me saying 2015 was okay is to call me a shill and an idiot. And you accuse me of being stubborn. Guess what, poverty, crime, unemployment, those were all low. Things were okay for most people; I never said they were perfect, and in fact I repeatedly said they weren't. What I said was that you don't fix issues by electing people who don't care about anything but their own money and ego, people who actively want to worsen the issues.

You're a loser.

What a sound argument. Weren't you just calling me immature and stubborn? And yet all you've done is insult me rather than actually argue your point in any way

And yet this sub ate it up like pancakes. Was so annoying to watch during election season. Hopefully any few people who still support Trump have or will come around.

Currently blaming the deep state, because nothing is ever anyone's own goddamn fault.

I know!!!! I couldn't believe when people who supported him said he was for the people and not the 1%... I was like 'he has the 1% at his bbqs!'

anyone who compared him to the opponent was forced by logic, reason and common sense to vote for him. he's only president because the alternative was much, much worse

Anyone who genuinely believes that someone with zero experience, zero understanding of any of the issues, and zero ability to form a coherent sentence never mind a coherent strategy was somehow the logical choice is either an idiot or deluding themselves.

i bet he doesn't smell like sulfur

Body odor is so low on my list of considerations for President that it doesn't even rank.

Cultural division?

Nah, that's the left morons driving that bullshit narrative. Everyone else wants to get along, but the idiot children of the left seem hell bent on driving a wedge in between us all.

We're already deporting illegal aliens (especially gang members).

Istn the wall a DHS effort? DHS is not a DoD component.

I could almost forgive people for being fooled because there has been a concentrated propaganda effort to feed them every lie under the sun tailored to their political biases. However, it is outside of reason to believe that Trump would subvert the Economic and Political Elite when he himself is one of those elite.

there has been a concentrated propaganda effort to feed them every lie under the sun tailored to their political biases.

The only concentrated effort was to smear Trump. Americans hate the media so much that when presented with one of the many fabricated narratives, they first) automatically doubted it and second) were primed to believe the opposite. All you had to do was watch any of the daily rallies Trump was doing during his campaigning and you would immediately see everything that was being told to you was a lie.

Insiders don't get attacked for 20 months straight. How do people not understand this?

Trump just said we are not Nation building we are just killing terrorist. OP says the Trump never said that and is doing the opposite.

Sound like Maxine Waters almost. Lol He literally just told them to build back up their own nation themselves and just said we are there to kill terrorists than leave, but ok.

Gotta admit he's better than the alternative.

Trump did speak out against the fed saying we need a gold backed currency (even tho I don't agree and think we should give the federal reserve responsibilities to congress where we can actually vote ppl out for making bad monetary decisions) but he did speak out on this. Also Mnuchin is actually traveling to fort knox to see if there actually is any gold there which in my mind is legendary conspiracy status.

i think what's new is he himself is possibly being used as the distraction and possibly being used by an enemy to fuck our country up in general.



I actually think you're all missing the point and that he's just a global distraction from how completely fucked we are due to climate change, which is accelerating and which will be the fucken end of most of us within about 20 years.

Biggest fucking diversion of all time. There's just no realistic scenario wherein Trump doesn't believe in global warming. He knows it's real. He knows how dire our situation is, along with countless other important political figures. They can't and won't explain it to us because everybody will panic.

He is nothing more than a gigantic distraction from true reality: We're fucking all dead within a couple/a few decades. WHO CARES ABOUT THIS SHIT? Get over it, for fucks sake, quit falling for the stage show.

Is it really that bad?

I really don't think we're going far beyond a couple decades of "normalcy", but that's just me. Others think it will be longer, certainly within this century we are fucked.

To me, the fact that Trump is in office is a result of his being a gigantic global distraction. How often do you hear about environmental issues anymore? It's just trump this, trump that, bla bla bla. Who fucking cares. The planet itself is about to fuck us up. Most people have conveniently forgotten or were never aware.

Yeah you're right. We hear more about Trump or race/identity issues than actual life threatening news. His entire presidency could be a distraction, we don't know what happens behind close doors with the top people in power. This just proves the president has no power

I basically never come here anymore for the same reasons. This sub is not focusing on actual problems most of the time, it's just political bulshit. /r/collapse, while far more depressing in the end, focuses on real issues. Almost never political news there. It's disheartening to see how bad things are getting..

Nazis! Gays! Transgenders! Racial issues! Quite fucking literally every emotionally charged issue slammed in our faces all at once on a regular basis, to keep people distracted. The fucken world is imploding around us, fast now. 16 of the past 17 years were the warmest on record. 8 of the 12 months of 2016, 2016 being the hottest ever recorded and 2017 is extremely hot too, with no el nino like last year. Seems to me the feedback systems i keep reading about are amped up and that it's going to keep getting hotter, fast (in relative terms).

But yeah. Nazis. Racial issues. Turrurism. Literally ISSUES THAT WILL NEVER AFFECT 99% OF THE POPULATION, VS ISSUES THAT WILL KILL 99% OF THE POPULATION. Fuck man. We're so fucked :/

Yeah dude we're finished. Do you read brietbart comments? These people put 100% in politicians, even people in my Facebook feed. I just subscribed to r/collapse I'm done reading about all of the trump/identity bullshit. When people start waking up it's going to be too late

It might have already been too late when we were born man. It just makes total sense to me, personally. Trump being a massive distraction because things are getting so weird with the weather, die-offs, and climate everywhere that it's getting hard to ignore. All these other "risks" they've been presenting as mortal dangers.

They couldn't tell us about how screwed we are if they knew, they wouldn't. Everything would fall apart before it happens naturally. The only option is deny, not really talk about it much. Climate change got 2% of the 2016 debates. 2 fucking percent. ZERO percent in 2012. They didn't talk about it AT ALL. I think first world powers have decided to keep it all hushed.

Why does it have to take the PRESIDENT to tell people the world is going shit because of us/humans? They can literally find all of this information online, people just don't care until it's too late. Is there anything I can do to stop from progressing? I'm pescatarian, I carpool with people, recycle. I'm new to sure what else to do. A lot of third world countries are already experiencing most of the climate change impact.

Climate change got 2% of the 2016 debates. 2 fucking percent. ZERO percent in 2012. They didn't talk about it AT ALL. I think first world powers have decided to keep it all hushed.

That's so fucked up, but it's the same for NASA, they can't even make it to mars with their budget.

Well, I do know that the Rothschild family seems to be against him, but that too could just be a front. I never trust anything anymore when it comes to the elite. They are playing so many games that the only way you could know what they are up to is by reading their minds.

This is what people have said from the beginning.

There is nothing special about Trump except people and leaders worldwide is laughing at him and the USA atm.

Atleast Obama, Bush and Clinton (Bill) had a somewhat likeable persona, and world leaders seem to like them somewhat.

Now you have a president no one likes, except a small click still blinded idiots.


I fail to see the conspiracy here, everything is out in the open and 100% legal.

After campaigning on ending nation building he has just committed to doing just that in Afghanistan.

He literally said in his speech that this was about killing terrorists, not nation-building.

And you believe him. It's about $$$

Okay, has anyone else had the thought that ObamaCare helped Big Pharma a lot? Not that that was the intent, I don't believe that- but is it plausible to think Big Pharma had a hand in making sure it didn't go away? Or am I staring into the abyss a little too much with this one?

I disagree. He's anti establishment which is why the established government hates him.

The establishment hate him because he is a reckless dunce. Name one move that he has made to break up the establishment?

5 year ban on lobbying on day 1

You might want to look into that a little deeper.

Goal post moving?

Not at all. I dont think he has held up that ban. Look in to it yourself, dont take my word for it.

Winning the election. Investigation into voter fraud. Creating distrust in media. Tweets. Awan Imram coverage

Him winning the election will be used to strengthen the establishment. They will blame this mess on his inexperience, and the masses will eat it up.

People already distrusted the media.

His tweets? You cant be serious.

That's because it doesn't matter who sits in the Iron Throne, the Iron Bank knows best.

ITT: divide and conquer

It's a good lesson for anyone who didn't expect anything else.


Can we please get rid of the Drug War, already? It's almost impossible to see how much damage is has caused our society. People experiment with drugs in the first place to rebel against cultural norms, and the Drug War experiences exponential growth as a result of busting drug dealers.

Eh more like Dems, disloyal Reps, and divisive media.

There is no denying, for what ever reason, the country as a whole is worse for having trump as its president.

It's refreshing to come here after so long and actually see honest mature convo. I've learned a lot from this thread.

Trump didn't commit to nation building in Afghanistan. He committed to invading Afghanistan. This matches with his campaign rhetoric, which was all about using the United States military for imperialism.

Yeah this sub used to be super leftist (like nearing seize the means of production levels) and then a couple of videos of fat girls screaming turned everyone into Trumpet libertarians.

So sad so true

"a couple"

the difference is the man is a complete moron who constantly says questionable shit. The others were at least more graceful actors.

if most of that were actually true, the establishment and media would not be going after him so fucking hard. the fact that they're ALL going full-bore on Trump is evidence enough that this is actually bullshit.

actually the corporate media will give him good press now that he's accepted neo con foreign policy.

oh okay, so increasing troop levels by just 4,000 equals adopting the neo-con foreign policy, gotcha.

The problem with this is that Trump is not the source of the divisive politics.

Blaming solely the left is as stupid as the right. Right wing talk radio has been very inflammatory for a long time, I grew up on it. Fox News invented partisan 24/7 cable alarmism. Breitbart is fear mongering and chief. Voat and 4chan are about as extreme and hateful as it gets. No side gets to claim moral superiority here. Both sides have been taught to hate each other.

You're as neutral as it comes. Look at Reddit and what gets pushed to the front. It has never been this bad. It's calmed down in the last two weeks because the Donald is hitting all again, but in that same time a bunch of Nazi shit happened.

We're already at war in Afghan. Pulling out now would cause the same effects of Iraq minus Clinton and Obama funding the opposition.

Look at what's being down voted in this thread. All things remotely pro trump even if they're right.

The right wing news outlets you just named make up maybe 10% of what is out there. Left wing propagandists make up the VAST majority of fake news outlets.

No. No divisive. Youre divisive!

What the fuck is this comment? You're blaming the left for causing divisive politics while making extremely inflammatory and divisive comments yourself so unless you're part of the left then you're proving yourself wrong.

No one benefitted more from identity politics in the 2016 election than Trump. He played to the identities and fears of white voters almost constantly. He called Mexicans rapists. He shared totally fake crime statistics about black people on Twitter (retweeted from a white-supremacist account). He called for a ban on all Muslims. He said an American-born judge with Mexican heritage couldn't be impartial, which the Speaker of the House noted was "textbook racism."

At the same time, it became clear that a vocal subsection of his supporters were, at the very least, sympathetic to the ideas of white supremacy. The subreddit devoted to Trump, the largest online forum for Trump supporters, was (and continues to be) rife with racism. I've seen countless posts on T_D that promote white supremacy and racism. Look no further than their stickied post for "Unite the Right" (which states clearly that white-supremacists were involved, but encourages Trump supporters to take part anyway) as evidence of this.

Trump, a businessman and branding expert, saw this undercurrent of racism and white supremacy bubbling under the surface and capitalized on it. It was basic supply and demand. He signaled to them both overtly and covertly that he was with them, and they heard him loud and clear.

Trump's recent comment about Charlottesville, where he noted that there were "very fine people" at a rally organized and attended by white supremacists, is a great example of what I'm talking about.

I'm not saying all Trump supporters are white supremacists (they aren't). I'm saying that if you're decrying identity politics, no one is guiltier of using them than President Donald J. Trump.

There we are. You're being down voted because you're right. Look at Reddit as a whole. It's known to be bought out already and is another tool.

Share blue pushing this shit to the top. Fuck outta here.

| People who disagree with me politically hate America

What a joke.

Right, identity politics are a problem for the left, even though the white supremecists are literally yelling "Heil Trump" in our streets.

Please exit the bubble.

Yet here we are, white supremacists and Nazis shouting "Heil Trump!" in the streets...


If any of you jackoffs voted for Trump because you thought he was some kind of revolutionary outsider, you deserve everything you get. He's a spoiled billionaire born with his silver spoon up his ass and got richer off media and real estate. He's the kind of person who buys politicians and erodes democracy. He invited the Clintons to his fucking wedding!


I voted for him and would again 1000x over

Then you're a dumb evil fuck.

Then you're a dumb evil fuck.

And you're reported

Oh boy you sure showed him!

Grow up

Says the guy who went tattling to mommy?

This isn't primary school, kiddo

But you acted like it lol

Yeah because he was the one calling someone a dumb evil fuck...

... and responded by whining about it to the mods. Civility is important to me, but if you can't deal with others not treating you with civility, you're going to have a lot of issues in both real life and online.

It isn't even so much that he reported it - r/conspiracy should be a forum that's not quite descended into madness - so much that he commented he reported it. It has a very "nyah nyah I told on you" feel to it.

I love how these douchebags are attacking you when he's the one acting like a spoiled little bitch calling you evil for voting. These people are fucking retarded or just shills. Or both.

They're basically calling the working half of America who voted for Trump racist and evil. All these idiot, jobless millennials who think that communism is the solution to their failings and uni debt and that they'll never have to work again, are dangerous idiots.

Hilarious because they don't realize they're just a highly vocal minority with no power at the polls. All this communist bullshit and hatred is just going to help us win even more next year and 2020. Their salt will be legendary as they once again scream like confused babies how they got blown out yet again. Going to be glorious my friend.

lol "no power at the polls" = "the literal majority of voters but trump won anyway because states count as people"

Morons still crying muh popular vote= don't understand the basics of our government and why it was a blowout.

Better than the president's claims that there was a conspiracy to bus in millions of illegal immigrants to places that were solid D wins by twenty points. People understand the system of government just fine, they've just been complaining about it since 2000 or so.

I don't agree that Trump voters should be all classified as evil - my parents and many of my friends voted for Trump, and I don't hold any antipathy towards them - but I don't know if I'd say that everyone who resents Trump voters is a jobless millennial who's just joined their university's communism club.

It's true! I'm shown! I might get banned from r/conspiracy!

And you're an absolute fucking moron if you think Hillary would've been better. Not evil. Just a moron. I'm not such a massive piece of shit that I'll call someone evil for voting.

Thing is, democracy isn't a binary choice. You don't have to vote for either of the major parties. You can vote for anyone you want.

I didn't call him evil just for voting, I called him a dumb evil fuck because of who he voted FOR.

That still doesn't justify calling him evil dude. Sure you could call him dumb for not voting the way you wanted him to, whatever. Honestly that's pretty dumb but you can. But evil? That doesn't make any sense. Trump isn't an evil man and has done nothing to warrant that accusation. I'll be impressed if you can actually tell me how he is evil because all I'm seeing is bullshit and slander from the establishment media because they didn't get their chosen puppet.

He has sexually assaulted women and is proud to boast about it. He's engaged in illegal racist discrimination against black renters and had to settle for it. He promotes racism and xenophobia. I consider him venial and evil, and if you voted for him and STILL would, then you must be aware of and on board with his evil.

Wrong on all accounts my friend. That was just locker room talk. You have to be fucking retarded to take that literally. Stop being a pussy and acting like men don't talk like that amongst themselves. It was locker room guy talk. Nothing more.

The discrimination against renters is also complete bullshit. He was running a business and simply trying to his property value high. Look at the organization that levied that bs against him. They're race pimps and constantly looking for shit like this. Nothing more.

He promotes racism and xenophobia? Complete and utter bullshit. Have you seen his rallies? Have you actually listened to the mans speeches? This is just bigotry bingo the left plays and no ones falling for it anymore.

You're being lied to. You're being used.

That was just locker room talk.

Low value white males have the dumbest fucking justifications.

Have you seen his rallies?

Yea, they're tiny and filled with rural hicks.

Have you actually listened to the mans speeches?

Yes, he's a fucking embarrassment. The people who think he's a compelling speaker are uneducated garbage from the south.

Millions of men talk about girls every day in a sexual manner. You can pretend people haven't been doing it for centuries to fit your narrative but I'm not going to participate in your PC fantasy. You're an absolute moron if you don't think men and women talk like that everyday.

The rallies are fucking pathetic. Have you seen the people who show up to them? They are fat white pieces of shit that look like they haven't left their suburb in decades. You are the inbred garbage of society.

We need immigration to replace the white underclass.

lol upset that even his last rally in Phoenix was bigger than any of Hillarys rally by a factor of 100? Again, this just proves you haven't seen any of his rallies because it's not just white people there you racist piece of shit :) And because you have obvious difficulties with basic math let me explain to you why there are so many white people there. We make up the majority of the country, you fucking moron. This isn't rocket science but I'll be happy to get you a lab coat if it helps. God you're dumb lol. You're salt is some of the finest I've harvest in days so thank you.

Bro he couldn't even fill a highschool gym... Think about that. People were flooding the doors because he spoke like a white retard.

Do... Do you really think that immigrants are physically jumping the border? Are you literally that fucking stupid? You realize the vast majority of illegal immigrants are those that come legally and overstay visas. Look it up, boy. Your wall isn't doing anything.

Holy fuck white trash are stupid. No wonder you live in small towns.

Removed. Rule 4.

Too bad, really.

Removed. Rule 4.

Awesome, thanks man. I honestly didn't think that would happen.

You can say what you have to say without being abusive to those that abuse you.

Just sayin'.

I couldn't agree more. Thanks for modding even buried threads like this. Did it get reported or something?

Plenty of keywords here tripped the filters.

lol I bet they did.

Removed. Rule 4.

Another thing. You remember all those women that came out of the wood work during the election saying he molested them? You remember them? You remember how every single one of them ended up being scams? Doesn't that tell you something? Didn't you see that and think, ' hm... Something is not right here. That's never happened to a president before...' The establishment didn't get their way so they tried to assassinate his character and hoped it would be enough to cost him the election before investigations discovered they were all lies. That's what really happened, my friend. He's not your enemy. He's a good man and he's fighting to save our nation for the very establishment that tried to destroy him.

Are people forgetting about his opponent?

The argument that Trump spoke with raw emotional truth to a disaffected demographic is some of the most tired bullshit I've heard about him. He targeted people who suffer from the income divide and used the age old tactic of whispering in their ear that dark skinned people are the root of their problems. Classic bait and switch by a criminal with mob ties played on people he believes to be very very stupid. In a huge way.

He targeted people who suffer from the income divide and used the age old tactic of whispering in their ear that dark skinned people are the root of their problems.

Not only did he literally never say that, he never even implied it. You could search through every single word he's said on record for the last 24 months and you wouldn't come up with something even close to this slanderous bullshit.

  1. Illegal immigrants are an economic and criminal issue
  2. Legal immigrants are great
  3. Islamists are a threat that should be treated as such

Good work, there are the 3 points continuously levied by Trump since he announced his campaign and you will never find him explicitly or even implicitly saying anything worse than that. See, the difference between his voters and you is his voters actually watched his speeches, and all you did was watch and read people who get paid to lie about what he said at rallies and then you believed it because you'd rather that your feel-good hallucinations continued than have to confront the depth of your own ignorance.

Here's his list of accomplishments. He's fulfilled every single promise he's been able to.

He encouraged violence toward dissenting voices and promised to implement xenophobic anti immigration tactics that he just couldn't carry out along with his failed promise to repeal obamacare. The guys a fucking loser who needs to be told how great he is.

He's fragile and toxic and represents the worst America has to offer. You can cast aspersions on to me as a person but you carry the message that a corrupt media that is out to get the great orange clown and this desperate paranoia really only goes to highlight the fan boy fanaticism in your character, something that is required to be a Trump supporter.

The media has never been kind to presidents. They weren't kind to Obama, in fact Trump was immeasurably more vicious toward Obama than anyone has been to Trump and his fragile ego.

You can just watch the man talk with your own eyes and see that he's only saying what he thinks he needs to say to push an agenda. He's only ever known dishonest business. He has shown his true colors many times and no flurry of emotional misinformation can close my eyes to the atrocity that our country, all of us, have shamefully allowed to happen.

They weren't kind to Obama

lol get the fuck out you troll

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro.

Lol bro.

Never thought about it that way. That was constructive as hell bro lolz.

Never thought about it that way. That was constructive as hell bro lolz.

Enjoy your fancy burger, Mr prezident.

Enjoy your fancy burger, Mr prezident.

Enjoy your fancy burger, Mr prezident.

then why do thry hate him so much

Trump is an opportunist that will pander to the people but serve the elite like everyone before him.

How subs like this have ignored this fact for the last 2 years is baffling to me.

Honestly, Clinton's corruption was a much much bigger story that was not getting honest press. I know that is uncomfortable or even offensive to people but you can't rationalize literal treason in any comparable way to "grab 'em by the pussy" and its the media' s fault on both acciunts. Had they done their job honestly it wouldn't have been either Trump or Clinton.

Probably because there's no real proof of Clinton's corruption. Literally none. All the unfavorable ties to the Clinton foundation were proven to be hearsay or circumstantial with no evidence to back it up. The best people have is "money flowed to the Clinton foundation around the same time as...[insert any action she made as secretary of state]...but it was illogical since they're one of the biggest charities on the planet who ALWAYS have money flowing to them. They have open books and Hillary has public tax returns. 30 years of probes and investigations of the Clinton's and all they could get to stick was lying about a blowjob. They spent 200 million just on benghazi and emails and found NOTHING illegal or corrupt. Meanwhile Trump literally made a career of corruption and working w the mpb

I beg to differ She admitted the US was arming Al Qaeda through Saudi and Qatar. That is literally the definition of Misprision of Treason. Unless She did tell Obama then that's where the buck stops.

It isn't literally the definition of treason, as we're not at war with Saudi Arabia or Qatar, and Al Qaeda is not a nation-state. Here is the definition: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2381

Misprision of Treason

https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2382 - not telling anyone if you know about it is Misprision of Treason

https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode50a/usc_sec_50a_00000003----000-.html - aiding directly or indirectly the enemies of the State

List of officially recognized terrorist organizations: https://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/123085.htm

Essentially, the executive branch Knew that the hundred billion dollars of weapons the sold to Saudi and Qatar were being used to fund / train / arm ISIS and Al Qaeda. Which is knowingly giving direct/indirect aid and comfort to federally recognized enemies of the state.


(Sorry for the Caller but it's not like this would be WaPo material.)

Gabbard was on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Armed Services Committee and Intelligence Committee and former assistant chair of the DNC. She's qualified to make this statement.

This last link isnt in support of Trump, more of a recognition of facts supporting what Gabbard was saying.


That people think Trump is an insider when every media organization left of and including Breitbart has no problem going heavily critical of him is the sort of mental failure worthy of psychological literature exploring how a huge percentage of the population is completely incapable of metacognition.

These are mutually exclusive beliefs and your brain isn't telling you that? What else does it lie to you about?

You should look inward. Can't you see how much bank the media has made off this presidency? You think they would've made the same money off Clinton's boring politics? No. The media MADE Trump into a candidate and propelled him into the presidency. If you think for one second Trump isn't playing their game then I have a bridge to sell you.

That people think Trump is an insider when every media organization left of and including Breitbart has no problem going heavily critical of him is the sort of mental failure worthy of psychological literature

Tell that to his Goldman Sachs, big oil and coal cabinet. He's not a political insider persay, but to act like he's not acting in the best interest of billionaires like himself and against the best interest of average Americans is to be blind.

Are you fucking surprised?

We shall rise up!

No we shant

And he is a great distraction from the fact that nothing has changed. The key players in Washington are selling out America just as they have for the past 40 years. But people are too focused on our president to notice or care that the system is still rigged against them and is becoming even more rigged every day.

Fucking duh

What does this have to do with conspiracy, or anything? It's unequivocal and easy to see, was easy to predict before it happened. The only people that this is a revelation to would be the tards who bought in to all the memery in the first place.

Many of whom post here

Wow you guys finally grew a brain, I'm almost impressed

You guys, this happens every 8 years. Not all were fooled.

Posts like this that are shilled to the top then filled with crap in the comments s section happen every 2-3 weeks here on r conspiracy.

All depends on how the shareblue/CTR media matters resources are spread with consideration to current political affairs.

Pete Townshend said it best.

Pretty sure Trump was an establishment/Clinton plant.

1) Clinton didn't want to take over this America. An America that will probably go back into recession soon and be engaged in a lot more foreign conflict. She didn't want to be blamed.

2) Clinton ties run deep, and the next DNC candidate will be in hock to the Clintons anyway. It might almost be better for Clinton to stay as shadow government head behind the scenes.

3) Trump getting elected was further testing of America's propensity for moronicity. First, it was Reagan. He did so well, they tried Bush. Now they've downgraded to Trump. Next, they'll sell us Kim Kardashian for president.

Didn't he specifically say we are done nation building, and that were going to kill terrorists?

With Bannon out, yup

Trump sold out to Zionist Wilbur Ross in the 90s and has been pandering to Israel ever since. Marrying into their blood line to be precise.


Took you a while

Man these threads in r/conspiracy are hilarious. They either go 100% pro-Trump or 100% anti-Trump. Keep rooting for your teams.

Shareblue a liberal shilling company got more funding thats why these suddenly Anti-Trump post show up with supiscious influx of support in r/conspiracy or random subs that are neutral.

They are out in numbers here!

Can confirm!

This is such a circle jerk. No one voted for Trump because we were dismayed over Afghanistan, most voters cheered on enlarging the military and deferring to generals.

On the issues we votes TRUMP for he sure as hell is trying or succeeding. And we'll back him in the midterms and 2020 too.

The future is a socialist paradise whether we reach it or not

Water is wet

You are So right. Distract by perpetuating division. Then we can't see who's running away with the money.

The only thing revolutionary about Trumps election is that it made all the ignorant people who still had their head stuck in the ground about the illusion of choice between dem vs rep to wake up and realize that politics are phony and the president is a puppet. Trump himself may not be revolutionary, but at least his election helped wake up the rest of the people who still thought that our system was perfect.

Has anyone ever stopped to put numbers on this whole "1%" notion?

OP is a shill if he says trump = establishment

trump 2020 bitch

Removed. Rule 4.

LOL whats wrong with a female dog?

We knew all of this when he declared his candidacy.

Think you're looking for /r/tinfoilhat

Notice how they're mocking conspiracies in a conspiracy sub

Obvious signs of it

Nah, he draining the swamp. Look at his own cabinet. Keeps firing people.

Notice how the top comments are organically discussing the topic instead of bashing OP, bashing this sub, trying to derail the conversation or make it about someone else like they do with Hillary/Obama/Sanders/Antifa/the left posts on this sub.

And how are you any different by making a pointless "look how good we are compared to the other guys" comment?

The way this sub trumpeted and championed for Trump, and now is following the lead set by Breitbart...

How many here are Nazis?

That's the real conspiracy.


The Deep State don't like him and want him out. They own the big six media companies so we hear common bullshit across all these outlets. The don't like him, so I do. Anything these appartchiks say to me, I take the reverse opinion.

what a brilliant strategy all they have to do is tell you to do what they dont want you to do.

For me what separates Trump for the last POTUS is his honest intent.

No one can fix what as set up to fail except an asteroid where, we start all over again.

is his honest intent

By lying to the entire country about what he would do...... In the quiet words of the virgin mary... come again?

I like your last line :)

But c'mon. No POTUS has THAT much power. He's a puppet answering to others.

If he alone was in charge...things would change rapidly. I have no doubt about that.

The man is doing all of this without earning a single penny. He's heading this corrupt country for free!!!!

You think he can just wave his magic wand and do everything he wants to? He's being challenged and stopped at every corner.

This man has done more than Obama and Bush did in the 16 years combined.

I am NOT a Trump worshiper but my gawd....he was the BEST suited (beside Ron Paul) for this horrible, thankless and unprivileged job!!

Both parties have GOT to go. We need ONE party called the American Party!!!!

The man is doing all of this without earning a single penny

You do understand the secret service and cabinet that follows him around are using government funds to stay at his resorts/hotels, he is literally taking american tax dollars and putting them in his private companies/personal accounts.

Hate huge multinationals? Think middle eastern interaction is to serve ulterior motives? Know that most politicians are bought and paid for by global megacorportations? Then come on down to /r/socialism/ !

What about if we prefer subs that go light with the ban hammer?

What about communism as an idea?

r/WayoftheBern Or another t_d 2.0 sub according to the shills, since the sub allows all opinions.

Unless of course you differ from the groupthink in any way, in which case your time there won't be long.

The fact that hes pulling us out of wars and the neocons are going apeshit to try and get trump into more wars is enough evidence to know hes not establishment in the slightest.

ITT: People crying for everything Bernie campaigned on. x fucking d

It's not trump doing it. It's the higher ups using him to do their dirty work. They use him as a scapegoat.

They give him his Twitter phone and let him loose to crest instability as part of their plan to implement martial law eventually.


Brigade tag or contest mode incoming. This post is too critical of trumy for it not to happen

I just don't understand how anyone thinks the republicans are going to do whatever they can to cut taxes for the rich and deregulate for big business. I just don't get it. All the rest is just pandering.

Glad to see /r/conspiracy is beginning to get it's head out of it's collective ass on this. You'd think the president engaged in a literal conspiracy would be worth mentioning in a subreddit about conspiracies.

Ok, you're right Trump is not the people's revolutionary afterall. Silly proletariat.

Could have told you that before he even thought of running. How people in this sub and Alex Jones supported him is beyond me. Classic "tell the people what they want to hear" ploy. I mean how much more obvious can it get than "Make America Great Again." Fuck anyone who voted for him.

I think people are overestimating trump's intelligence here. The staggering amount of scandal, division, etc. wasn't part of some master plan he thought out. He continuously shoots himself in the foot with his tweets, his hires and his policies.

Media won't report negatively on wall st, big oil, etc. no matter who's in office. There's so much corporate overlap that expecting anything more from them is all but a pipe dream. that's like believing self policing works.

Uhm where is the conspiracy here? I only see pretty much acceptep facts. I mean it is not big oil but fossil fuels in general.

It took you 8 months to figure that out?

Trump is more of libertarian thats why he isn't really that right wing but since leftist are now communist supporters he was still the better choice. Already Trump has helped the economy for example by saying no to the Paris Agreement and at least brought patriotism back.

Obama was a diaster of epic proportions the worst president to date. Obama created the ISIS while selling American citizens out for Mexican criminals and Islamic terrorist.

Hillary Clinton was fall down pantsuit retarded which only attracted people who had brain damage. Hillary's main operation was starting world war 3 by bringing in millions of 3world unchecked muslims so George Soros can consolidate power since chaos is a ladder.

You crossed the line from "conspiracy minded" to "retard babbling nonsense"

Remember the fly that landed on her face? That was definitely a sign from Kek! America, you chose wisely.

OP has a really selective memory

Yeah he's just like the last stuffed shirts who've been in office.

I didn't support either candidate but I said if trump gets through lobbyist rules and term limits his presidency would be a net win for the people. So far none of that is even close to coming true.

Still it's better than hillary.

I could have told you all this last year

You're looking for mass deportation? That's revolutionary to you?

"Trump is an opportunist that will pander to the people but serve the elite like everyone before him."

Like He or any President before him actually had a choice. The country is run by elites.

Did anyone actually believe he was going to get in there and shake shit up? Don't answer that. :)

The true rulers of this country and most likely the world have an agenda, and we are not privy to that agenda, and neither was Trump.

Can you name one President that hasn't? Maybe the man is not the enemy but the office.

Does that mean this sub will go back to actually conspiracy stuff? The political stuff needs to go.

I'd say most conspiracies have a political element.

Very true, but I like them to be more "the government is hiding aliens or weird ass tests they do to people" type and less the "GOP Vs Dem" type we get now.

Im gonna upvote this strictly for the title alone

and add to it

not only is he "more of the same"

but hes also annoying, loud, obnoxious, and a poor speaker with a very small vocabulary

its one thing to be fucked by the elite....at least let me believe they are outsmarting me....trump doesnt even give the belief of intelligence

he sounds like that guy that saw some shit and has to exaggerate it but then when you see it....its not as spectacular

"Biggest Ever...Believe me!"


Why do you want to be lied to and given an act? One of the biggest reasons I voted trump was because he spoke like a real person and didn't act and talk like the cookie cutter politician and when he debated it was all real time and not speeches and counter arguments that had been rehearsed hundreds of times like the people he ran against.


trump is a fucking idiot.....if hes a real person then humanity is doomed

he can barely hold a sentence together....and the people who relate to him are just as fucking stupid

no offense

That's not even what we were talking about. People like you are the reason the media has so much power over what simple minded people think you'd rather hear sweet lies that make you feel good or virtuous rather than the truth or a genuine person.

I would argue that both "sides" are providing cover for the same old swamp. All of those in the streets fighting "white supremacists" or for gender equality might as well have cast their ballots for Trump for all that they are helping him and those who guide him to keep things running just as before.

The issue is instead of fighting for individual policies the people follow party lines and demigods. Trump has some good policies, Bernie did, Hillary did. All the candidates did. Instead of picking policies we pick people.

DAMN SON you can hear that mic drop from the moon.

He is still streets ahead of Hillary.

BULLSHIT, What you know nothing do when the WALL is built.

It's not Trump. It's the deep state.

a convenient scapegoat

Correct, sir/ma'am.

Unfortunately, so many of the plebs (OP not being the least of them) are just eating it all up.

I meant that the deep state is a convenient scapegoat for Trump.

Trump is a convenient scapegoat for those who are blind to the fact that it's the deep state that's really the one in power. Trump is nothing and a nobody. He's a hood ornament on a car. The deep state's the actual car.

Trump didn't start the fire, but all the Muppets want to blame him for everything!

He's not fueling division. Nice try though

And that wall is definitely being built!

You would have to completely blind, deaf and dumb to think that. His words. His actions.

You would have to not be able to read a newspaper or watch his speeches or rallies to even get near that statement. Lol

A news paper? Tell me, which left wing media outlet is your favorite?

So you are willfully obtuse? Sweet.

The evidence is his own words and actions. Read. Watch. Understand. Lol

You need to do a little less reading and a little more watching the President speak his words in their entirety.

I feel sorry for you. Legit sorry.

His words here?

Or his here not disavowing David Duke even though he had already done so in the year 2000? That pandering to the white conservative redneck vote.

Or last week when he equivocated sides of a protest instead of denouncing Nazis and racists.

Calling for a transgender ban, even though 6,000 transgender men and women currently serve already.

Rolling back LGBT workplace protections in the Justice Department.

Rolling back affirmative action.

You'd have to be blind, deaf or dumb not to realize what's up—but then again I'm guessing you're under 30. Lol

There never was. He is, and always was, a conman. It's just that some recognized it far before others and some are still being conned.

Yes to most of it other than the surveillance state. If you read between the lines, most of them hate his guts which is why they tried to undermine him with the Russia stuff.

He brings the added bonus that all politicians before and after him will now be seen as relatively sensible and trustworthy. Even Bill Maher uttered something about how he would be happy to have a Bush right now. Meanwhile, the suddenly political masses will be so worn out by 'participation' under Trump that future leaders will be able to sneak even more past us. It happened a year earlier here in Australia with Tony Abbott.

Yeah, that's exactly the reason almost the entire MSM have been trying to destroy him for more than a year, and why they are pushing the idea of him being assassinated.

Same thing happened under Bush from 2004-2008. And he was a piece of shit and hurt this country for decades to come.

So many immature people in this thread posting ridiculous childish responses. I suppose they need a thread like this once a week to keep themselves sane

Feels like the media holds more power than the president these days the way they're able to brainwash those too lazy to think or do a little research is really causing this divide.

Maybe he got "the talk"

I love how you still blame trump. When clearly its the establishment that has him by the balls. Reality is the president is but a publicity face to apease the public. Whilst the real ruling elite make all the decisions. Hence why nothing changes. Even russia straight up states this. They dont care who is president, as they roughly know what US is doing, going, planning. That level of confidence doesnt come from a single person.

Trumps level of hate is rational, the government has to do some crazy shit, and they put up two pieces of shit for the public to choose from. Eitherway the people woukd have hated hillary the same way. It allows the public to focus on the personality of trump and direct their hate towards him, as the congress and elite direct the nation in the direction they want. Which in this case is still the same war effort, influence of their political and economic will through milotary force. Etc.

Hence why people need to wake up, stop fighting stupid battles with each other, the conflict created and fueld by the media(which we know is controlled and filled with propoganda). And focus on the real evil. The shadow gov, the establishment, the corrupt and descietful elite.

Oh Lord, Soros has invaded Reddit now, and yes I agree with this comment. The subject of the post here is clearly one sided and aimed at influencing naive non self educated uneducated minds.


The left keeps making the mistake of protesting people protruding instead of government. They are useful idiots to advocate for more government power.

Why the fuck is this in conspiracy?

Who paid for this ad?

Aaaaaaand what's the conspiracy? What evidence are you bringing to the table? Oh, nothing

Let's admit it, You could say that about every president and candidate since JFK.

Let's admit it, You could say that about every presidential candidate since JFK.

Let's admit it, You could say that about every presidential candidate since JFK.

The entire establishment going against him from day one should be evident that he is not them, and I don't expect anything amazing to be done in 8 months of obstruction.

I'll wait 3 years then look back

or is it controlled opposition, to give the illusion hes an unwanted outsider

Seriously. 8 months!? He's done tons.and none of the wrong people are that happy about it.

Your idea of someone doing a good job is almost everyone hating them? I mean...grow the fuck up man. If everyone you meet is an asshole, you're probably the asshole.

It depends who you talk to, almost no one in my county hates Trump, you go to the cities and it's the opposite. Same as Election Day.

Removed. Rule 4.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

On this sub, you have to sort to 'new comments' for any decent, unbiased discussion or analysis.

People thought they were breaking the wheel by electing Trump. It turns out all they did was paint it gold.

EVERY politician is an opportunist that will pander to the people because the job pays too well.

Like every other politician ever? I mean it would be pretty naive to not expect it

what else would you expect from the republican party? they won, deal with it. also this doesn't belong here.

Nice to see them using bots again

very astute. I've heard it said by very smart people that they felt Trump was pretty much EXACTLY the same as Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama with regards to "what matters". i.e. perpetuate war machine and further corporate/police state. All the apparent differences between them are in order to allow the people to feel they have a say, but it is like sending a kid to bed but giving him the choice of jammies or toothbrushing first, so he feels he has some control.

congrats on getting your sub back

In 2020 somebody can run against Trump using Trump's exact 2016 campaign, because zero of those things will have gotten accomplished.

Conservative and revolutionary are an oxymoron no?

"Conspiracy". It is plain as day.

This got botted to the top to prevent the Comet thread from going on /r/all


Its all a money making scam. Why do we never see Antifa or "40k protesters" at a Trump rally? We see a lot of Trump supporters, a lot of capitalism going on on the sidewalk and loads of security. Why can we not see this at a "free speech" rally or a "nazi" rally, which is a constitutional right by all American CITIZENS? Because violence sells. Just look who profits most.

True but most people on this website treat Obama as GOAT when he was actually quite mediocre and pretty much just more of the same.

Everything about Trump is revolutionary. His own party hates his guts. That is as uncommon as anything you can think of.

What??? A multimillionaire that deceived us and only cares about his own pockets and benefits? Who the fuck saw this coming??? I'm shocked!!!!

Yep. But he's so stupid and inept that the establishment is revealing how shit they are to even more people. Without Trump healthcare as a basic human right would not have gained majority support. It was his foolish attempts to repeal ACA that lead to more people than ever noticing that even with the ACA peopke were still dying from lack of healthcare.

Trump doesn't see conspiracy theories as something to get rid of. He uses them as currency to build up a following and grab some elite power for himself. For god's sake he had an overtly fascist platform on police, surveillance, free press, mass incarceration, etc.

The thing that's novel about Trump is he doesn't know it's wrong, so he does all that with no pretence of hiding it.

no shit.

Congratulations on getting your opinion to the front page. But let's talk about that opinion.

Trump is a Real Estate Mogul/Reality TV star that got elected to the most powerful position of the planet with ZERO political experience. That's pretty revolutionary.

He just committed to NOT nation building. Did we watch the same statement? Apparently not.

The money for the wall is already approved.

There are indeed mass deportations already. See people getting arrested literally everywhere they go whether it's at work or the local courthouse.

We drove Mexico and Canada to the negotiating table over NAFTA so apparently he does have some leverage.

This is a perfect example of driving bullshit content to the front page to serve an agenda. That's the real conspiracy here. You've never posted in this sub before but you throw blatant lies and your admittedly liberal bias out there and what do ya know!? You're on the front page.

Welcome back /r/conspiracy. We've missed you the past couple months but it's nice to see you're still here with us.

October 2016 has arrived, ladies and gentlemen.

Ffs, this politics and not a conspiracy.

I am open to criticism of trump. I disagree with many of his stances. I didn't like his stance on private prisons for example.

But I LISTEN to criticism; I don't bullshit around it pointing to the left and doing a false equivalence.

WAIT FOR EVIDENCE AND USE EVIDENCE FOR CLAIMS: the anti trump baseless vitriol deflects from ACTUAL (and valid) criticism of Trump

Many of you claimed he'd sign the TPP as a billionaire, but he didn't. How do you know he's not actually trying in Afghanistan?

FFS he used the MOAB and bombed a former CIA created terrorist tunnel structure. And he supports never ending war occupation? Or is he trying to actually end it

Is it a conspiracy that far left and far right are hating on each other more and more with each passing year? Maybe a distraction from attacking the 1%?

You won. Get over it.

It's not even conspiracy, it's just common media non-coverage/manipulation and politics. Happens all the time with every president (not only US), but big orange is the one that makes it the most obvious and most outrageous.

Ha ha! This sub! Can no longer hide your hypocrisy and incompetence? Sorry, but after a year of opposition from you Trumpist conspiracy people, I'm not about to just forgive and forget. You people have real blood on your hands. You are not fit to be in the conspiracy movement.

If you had told this sub a year ago that "how about we elect a billionaire businessman as POTUS" people would be saying how ridiculous an idea it is.

Now if you say that about Trump, you're a crazy left-winger.

I think everyone agrees except the bots.

After campaigning on ending nation building he has just committed to doing just that in Afghanistan.

We're killing terrorists with the support of Afghanistan inside of Afghanistan. Stop spreading lies

Anyone think it's suspect that the Dark Horse president is facing so much resistance? For a community build on conspiracy theories, you're missing the one right in fucking front of you. Trump is the biggest thread to mainstream politics in history.

(Hello ShariaBlue)

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Look guys another idiot who thinks Trump is an outsider. LOL!!!!!!!

Totally Rage, totally

whats up frequenter of /r/politics?

How do you do fellow conspiracy theorists? Trump is horrible!!!

Exactly what Clinton would have done. Only Trump is 100% worse. Bernie would have been much better compared to either case.

My problem with Bernie is that he wanted more government. And the government always end up being corrupt. I liked some of his ideas though.

Also I am not sure about his position on 2nd amendment but if he is far left then that means he wants it to be diminished as much as possible. Every conspiracy user should support the second amendment because our founding fathers put that there as protection against the government.

Trump isn't fueling cultural division, the mainstream media is. That's obvious to anyone with a brain

LOL! you can not be this fucking stupid.

It is amazing how many people in R/Conspiracy and total brainwashed cunts. Trump is not an outsider and he is indeed fanning the flames and fueling the fires. But you keep waiting for him to do amazing things. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

/r/conspiracy. For future reference, subreddit links only work with a lower case 'R' on desktop.

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Obviously you still have a fair bit of maturing to do

No, just no more patience for the epic levels of stupid and gullible. Big difference.

Man, these next 7 years are going to be hard on you

God you still dont get it do you.

I am not invested in any of them because i understand there is an oligarchy. I dont give a shit about trump, hillary, bush, bill clinton, obama or any of the fucking NWO puppets you choose to worship. Anyone caught up in the left right nonsense is the fucking problem, not the solution.

You are a brainwashed idiot, it is really that simple.

You are a brainwashed idiot, it is really that simple.

Well, at least I'm not you

What a sick burn. I hope someday you break your brainwashing and stop the pointless infighting. No elected official is ever going to fix a goddamn thing. Remember me when you finally figure that out.

You're insignificant. I'll forget you within the hour

We both know that isnt true. And someday you will wake up and realize how wrong you were. But as long as you eventually get there snowflake, that is all that really matters.

Sorry, who are you?

What would Rage like fixed?

Wow you people really still believe he will be 're elected when he had 3 million less votes, has a high level investigation with multiple grand juries impaneled, his presidential regime falling apart since almost day 1(how many people has he fired now? And at least 2 were fired for investigating him), his approval at historically low levels for ANY president ever, and you all still push this nonsense as if anyone believes you. I doubt you even believe it anymore

when he had 3 million less votes

If you haven't realized by now, that's now how you win elections.

And at least 2 were fired for investigating him

Prove it (you can't)

his approval at historically low levels for ANY president ever

Lol, wrong. http://dailycaller.com/2017/02/14/new-poll-shows-president-trumps-approval-rating-is-over-50-percent/

I can't blame anyone for being so deranged and so far from the truth when all they watch is the leftist mainstream media that placed all their bets on Hillary winning. Fool

Lol, wrong. http://dailycaller.com/2017/02/14/new-poll-shows-president-trumps-approval-rating-is-over-50-percent/

Did you even look at the date before you posted that? It says right there in the link, February 14th.

You said lowest of any president, ever. That's wrong

I didn't say that. I was just pointing out that you posted an article about Trump's approval from February 14th for some odd reason. At least use current (or his lowest, which is current) polling.

his approval at historically low levels for ANY president ever

Okay then, if I show you data that proves you wrong, will you accept it and admit that you were either lying or ignorant?

I'm not the person you originally responded to if that's what you mean. /u/Pharos814 was.

Even Bush hit like 25% approval, so you don't have to go that far back.

My mistake

No worries.

In case anyone else happens to see this thread, obviously it differs by pollster, but looking at Gallup, multiple Presidents hit around or below Trump's current approval at some point in

his approval at historically low levels for ANY president ever

Truman and Nixon's lowest were 22%. Bush was 25%. Obama's lowest was 38%. Trump's quoted latest approval rating by "accurate" polls is 35%. So no, not historically low levels for ANY president ever, you liar.




No doubt, most of us werent looking for a revolution. Just voting against war.

The only possible revolutionary thing, if he has the wealth to sincerely be independent as pres, would be the apparent establishment candidate losing.

Then again maybe it was still as planned to get in as ab uspet to further the divide. We need to unite, but it is really hard when half believes the other side are nazis because the propaganda and the other side is disgusted by seeming the lack of awareness and stupidity of the other side.

DAE HATE TRUMP?!?!!?!?!!??!?!

Hmmmm. Don't know if that's gonna play in a 2017 r/conspiracy. Try using the word "globalist" a couple times. Maybe something about pedophiles or Satanists or, better still, both. Today's audiences aren't into the whole "follow the money" Occem's razor thing. They want their bullshit, and they want it steaming.

If this is news to you, you're a moron.

Uhh no shit Sherlock....it was clear that he was a bullshit artist during the primaries

There were other Presidents that made millions off the American People by staying at their own hotels and resorts?

Elected without holding prior public office.

After campaigning on ending nation building he has just committed to doing just that in Afghanistan.

Didn't Trump just announce that the days of nation building are over?

I would agree with you but I have started to see Trump as a total idiot. I mean some of the stuff he has stated and done has actually made things worse for himself so I just don't' see him (anymore) as this calculating person but more like a bumbling idiot who falls half-ass backward into the presidency.

I came to that conclusion in 2016, when his official positions were presented at his website -- 100% mainstream Republican but with 0% of the competence.

Thank you for admitting that. If you're a Trump supporter, it's hard to talk negatively about someone who promised so much. He's not your hero, but someone better can take his place!

All presidents are puppets to the oligarchy. Expecting it to change from within is an exercise in epic futility.

Who runs the oligarchy?

This sub is nuts. Pre election this sub was pro-Trump. Now you're all anti-Trump 8 months in. At least you're all consistently stupid.

The only stupidity would be to continue to support a man who is not going to do anything he promised and lies every time his mouth fucking opens.

Also this sub was never pro trump, this sub used to understand both parties are in on it, but for some reason people have been tricked into thinking trump is an outsider. The people still insisting on that, are the dumbest fucking people on this planet.

Totally Rage, totally

I think it's good that people are able to break free of the manipulation the were put through.

Maybe he's just doing a shitty job and people changed their opinions

It has been understood by military and foreign policy experts that 'pulling out' of Afganistan was a mistake that created a vacuum. It is obvious that despite the appearance of perpetuation, Trump's plan differs dramatically. Pseudo-intellectuals and propagandists are using this opportunity to take a jab at Trump, to convince people that he is just the same old trickster.

It's not true, though. The firing of James Comey, investigation of the Awan brothers, Donald Trump Jr. heeding the advice of Julian Assange, Assange potentially working with Trump to disprove the Russian interference narrative, the investigations into the Lynch and Clinton meeting, etc... the fabrication of the Russian interference by Brennan and acceptance by Rogers and Clapper. The leaked phone calls of Trump, indicating his sincerity. Steve Bannon, Matt Drudge, Andrew Breitbart's targeting of corrupt individuals, exposing various scandals. James O'Keefe's expose of CNN and other outlets working against Trump.

If people believe Trump is another deep stay trickster, they are stupid. Trump is not "anti-establishment". That is a strawman narrative created by idiots. Trump is anti-globalism, not "anti-establishment", he's representing a nationalistic front harping back to the Reagan days, which almost got Reagan killed. His whole F'ing based gets this, the anti-globalism, the nationalism, Reaganism, etc. and it's simply others who are claiming he's an anti-establishment figure as a pretext to dismiss him on the grounds of violating anti-establishment principles. Even so, he's still more anti-establishment than any other president we've had but that's not what's really going on here.

Too bad for nationalists... they backed the wrong incompetent sleaze bag with the morals of a white chalk. Better luck next time!

After campaigning on ending nation building he has just committed to doing just that in Afghanistan

You fundamentally do not understand why we are in Afghanistan and why we continue to be in Afghanistan.

We are in Afghanistan for a number of reasons, but primarily to build the trans Afghan pipeline that has been under construction from almost the moment we invaded. As each completion deadline has come and gone, so has our scheduled withdrawal.

Big oil and the US has wanted to build a pipeline in Afghanistan for, I believe, over 60 years, but has been unable to do so due to the geopolitics in the area. It is in our strategic interests if you are to believe the heritage foundation. That makes sense. If you've been paying attention, the geopolitics in the area since 2001 have been overtly to undermine Russian interests in the area.

And because you don't understand that, it's likely that your conclusion about Trump is wrong too.

Don't forget the poppies.

Who thought it would be any different for a minute for fuck sake? I seen the retort in here, before and after that trump will drain the swamp or what ever the buzz term was at the time.

Nothing has changed other than more distractions to divert us from what is really going on. Like a fucking Hollywood production from start to finish.

what I'm wondering is why Trump is better at it than any other president in recorded history.

Same old bullshit. And while the left and right keep fighting the government remains as corrupt as ever.

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum

Took this subreddit this long, huh?

literally like every otjer president

Trump became president because the capitalist system is failing the working people.

Marxists of Reddit, unite!

This guy...yay let's all be poor together! In fact let's all get a universal basic income and just like grow crops man.....


holy shit this sub is dead. thanks Soros.

Slightly off topic, but I also learned today that opium production on Afghanistan has gone gang busters since the U.S. intervened in 2001. Supposedly 90%+ of the opium used to supply the global heroin trade. To fixate on regime change within Afghanistan and 'fighting terror', yet enable the floodgates on supply of a drug that is recognised as scourge the world over would seem counter-productive 'at best'.


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium_production_in_Afghanistan

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 104432

Food for thought, and maybe I've missed it, but what happened to backing out of the Iran deal? Seems that after he visited Saudi Arabia, all talk about the Iran deal stopped. Am I missing something?

if trump or any president was a revolutionary they would be assassinated. you're a naive little child if you think otherwise.

Funny you say that seeing how Trump gets thousands of death threats daily and people calling for his assassination.

i'm obviously talking about the CIA killing him. I'm 100% sure every president has gotten death threats, that means nothing.

I've been around for a moment. I've never seen a president get this much hate and this many death threats.

I'm sure Nixon got more.

Nixon had a celebrity hold up his severed bloody head? Nixon had us government officials calling for his assassination? Nix

you really gonna act like some washed up celebrity attention whoring (who probably doesn't even pay attention to politics) is actually calling for his assassination?

c'mon man. these liberals are just being trendy because being a social justice warrior is the hip thing to do in their liberal progressive circles. none of them are actually going to try to kill Trump.

maybe a crazy person who takes what the media says all to seriously will come along like Micah Johnson.

speaking of media, the reason they run all this anti Trump stuff 24/7 is because it brings in huge ratings, but it's also contributing to even more Trump hate, it's a vicious never ending circle.

that being said. the dude is not a revolutionary at all and he's already backed off from the stuff he promised that could be considered revolutionary. when's that swamp gonna get drained? never. when's that wall gonna get built? never. he's just another politician, he's not what you thought he was, or he was but changed his tune when he realized they'd kill him, which makes him a pussy.

Holding up a POTUS severed bloody head isn't a call for his assassinati

no. it's just some stupid idiot trying to be edgy to get attention.

I hope you read the rest of my post.

Sorry man I didn't. First sentence told me all I needed to know.

fucking idiot.

They cater to both sides u turd. If ur pro trumo u see oro trump media and if ur not u see anti trump media. Ur smart devices are getting a little too smart for our own good

Hes a POS

Let's admit it, if clinton had won, there would be the same shit being blasted by the "other side".

The two party system is corrupt. It's a construct. We're just bugs they use to feather their nest.

Fuck off.

I'm pretty sure Clinton wouldn't spend every weekend at an extremely expensive golf-resort and then charge her secret service for staying there, in the end charging them so much that they don't even have much funding left after less than a year (All the while pocketing that money).

I'm pretty sure Clinton wouldn't go on endless tirades about being witch hunted by the 'fake media' , so much so that that would be 98% of what she spoke about (Hint: She was and has been witch hunted for far longer than Donny).

I'm pretty sure Clinton wouldn't literally try and assfuck our environment and planet by trying to get 'clean coal' back on the market.

I'm pretty sure Clinton would have a functioning government and cabinet instead of having one where it seems that every other day someone leaves or is forced out, and where everyone is trying to backstab each other.

I can keep going for a while with this.

No, Clinton would not have been the same 'side of the coin.'

Others would have had complaints about Clinton. They're all in bed together. Same scum.

No I don't support trump.

wake up, they're making us divided.

You think the wall is financially and physically infeasible?! Come on. Make America great again. Fuck em all in the ass. Dey tuk r jerbs

They strain the social safety net, fuck over our students with diverted resources, good example is California, its easy to imagine some bible thumper red neck drunk racist, but in reality its affects hit our generation hard.

Lol people love em. They volunteer for slave labor. U dont wanna support illegals stop eating out and stop buying food from farms

It's sad. 4-8 years from now people who voted for him and supported him are going to look back with A LOT of regret, like the next morning after being blackout drunk. Like Republicans—and everyone else—were in 2009 when Bush left the presidency. I can see it and there isn't shit I can do but watch and make it through alive. God help us all.

Knowing what I know today, I'd still vote for him. Also buy some bitcoin.

Ya...I still regret voting for Obama in 2008

I don't. John McCain and then Sarah Palin as VP? Hell no. Lol

Obama's CHANGE message was all BS but yeah.

I mean he did save us from another great depression and downsized a full scale war..

I mean he did save us from another great depression bail out the big banks and Wall Street and not prosecute anyone involved and downsized a full scale war.. resorted to drone strikes which upped civilian deaths. .......

No I won't, considering the choices at the time.

Trump is a buffoon and non compos mentis!

He had good intentions, but then they showed him the movie.

"The 1%" is essentially a myth. J/s.

The .00001 % is probably worth talking about at times.

Downvoted because I want this post to be next to the Obama post with the same content.

ITT: Investing != Gambling. We swear!

He's Obama for the right.

An apt description. Next up is Tulsi Gabbard for "The Left" to blindly adulate. And so the circus continues..

Such a high score. So interesting.

I disagree with OP. Trump is progressively decentralizing a growing globalist uniparty. He isn't perfect, but his influence will pave the way for a future man who can inact better change in society .

Trump is the side-effect of a miscalculation by those in power, the uniparty was completely confident they would elected Hillary and somehow fell for their own lies and misjudged the amount of fraud necessary.

This becomes pretty clear when you look at GOP side (Ryan, Romney, McCain, Mitch) and their never Trump stance.

Their new found strategy was to promote chaos in the US, with massive propaganda campaign dividing the people, else they risk Trump messing up their plans.

Now you clearly have the media, Hollywood, both parties, the EU/UN, all major tech companies (Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc), the alphabet agencies, all aligned with a single goal. So, if you believe they made this alliance for good, you shouldn't be worried at all. As for me, I think it looks like an unholy alliance that can't be up to no good.

We are at the point that people are destroying statues, calling for assassinations, openly being racist and discriminating people based on their ethnicity, assassinating cops, believing half the population is white supremacist, burning flags and rationalizing violence as a valid mean to stop dangerous free speech.

I've never seen so much hatred for someone in my life, from people that I know never listened to him first hand and get all their information second hand filtered by the media. Almost all Trump policies if proposed by another politician wouldn't cause much if any alarm (probably the most extreme position he took so far was the transgender ban from the military, but even that is just going back to how the policy was a year or so ago).

You dont think if Hillary sent more troops reddit would be freaking out? What about if she ended net neutrality? Essentially shut down the EPA? Proposed huge tax cuts for the wealthy? Quadrupled drone strikes and civilian casualties? Expanded the war on drugs and private prison industry. There is a lot of selective out rage at Trump but he also does some shitty things that most people assume a Democrat wouldnt have.

Obama got away with a lot so I honestly don't know. Dude even got a Peace Prize for droning people.

Regardless, criticizing Trump for his actions or his policies you disagree is fair, no problem with that. Persecuting the guy for things he clearly don't believe in like racism, white supremacy, defaming him, saying he is a fascist, etc is unacceptable. If most of the criticism against him was grounded in reality we would be in a much better place, unfortunately that is too much to ask apparently.

Trump is the revolution America deserves!

I think Trump is a schemer with his own agenda like 90% of politicians but I dont think hes an insider on the deep state, ptsb(powers that shouldnt be).

I feel like his whole adminstration is political theatre to distract from the ever growing facist one world government thats emerging tbh. We look at his antics and the rest of the world looks at his antics while hiding the fact that governments everywhere are slowly taking away more and more human rights.

Trump chumps can now legally park in handicap spots...if they leave their MAGA caps on the dashboard.

I think the president has some pull on things that are highly publicized and talked about, but most big decision making comes from lobbyists and suits behind closed doors. He was definitely the better pick between him and Hillary. It is literally not even close.

If you are in Trump's position what would you have done differently, u/jo9008?

In the US presidents change, but they continue the same policies.

i dont think any r/conspiracy regular ever thought that trump was different than any other president.

Hahaha tell that to all of his minions that have been flooding this sub.

Those would be the exact opposite people I'm referring to lol

Here is a list of just some of what he's accomplished. Dissect the list. Fact check. Do what you want. These aren't debatable.

  1. Supreme Court Judge Gorsuch

  2. 59 missiles dropped in Syria

  3. He took us out of TPP

  4. Illegal immigration is now down 70%( the lowest in 17 years)

  5. Consumer confidence highest since 2000 at index 125.6

  6. Mortgage applications for new homes rise to a seven year high

  7. Arranged from 7% to 24% Tariff on lumber from Canada

  8. Bids for border wall are well underway

  9. Pulled out of the lopsided Paris accord

  10. Keystone pipeline approved

  11. NATO allies boost spending by 4.3%

  12. Allowing VA to terminate bad employees

  13. Allowing private healthcare choices for veterans

  14. More than 600,000. Jobs created

  15. Median household income at a 7 year high

  16. The Stock Market is at the highest ever in its history

  17. China agreed to American import of beef

  18. $89 Billion saved in regulation rollbacks

  19. Rollback of A Regulation to boost coal mining

  20. MOAB for ISIS

  21. Travel ban reinstated

  22. Executive order for religious freedom

  23. Jump started NASA

  24. $600 million cut from UN peacekeeping budget

  25. Targeting of MS13 gangs

  26. Deporting violent illegal immigrants

  27. Signed 41 bills to date

  28. Created a commission on child trafficking

  29. Created a commission on voter fraud

  30. Created a commission for opioids addiction

  31. Giving power to states to drug test unemployment recipients

  32. Unemployment lowest since May 2007

  33. Historic Black College University initiative

  34. Women In Entrepreneurship Act

  35. Created an office for illegal immigrant crime victims

  36. Reversed Dodd-Frank

  37. Repealed DOT ruling which would have taken power away from local governments for infrastructure planning

  38. Order to stop crime against law enforcement

  39. End of DAPA program

  40. Stopped companies from moving out of America

  41. Promoted businesses to create American Jobs

  42. Encouraged country to once again – ‘Buy American and hire American’

  43. Cutting regulations – 2 for every one created

  44. Review of all trade agreements to make sure they areAmerica first

  45. Apprentice program

  46. Highest manufacturing surge in 3 years

  47. $78 Billion promised reinvestment from major businesses like Exxon, Bayer, Apple, SoftBank, Toyota

  48. Denied FBI a new building

  49. $700 million saved with F-35 renegotiation

  50. Saves $22 million by reducing white house payroll

  51. Dept of Treasury reports a $182 billion surplus for April 2017 (2nd largest in history)

  52. Negotiated the release of 6 US humanitarian workers held captive in Egypt

  53. Gas prices lowest in more than 12 years

  54. Signed An Executive Order To Promote Energy Independence and Economic Growth

  55. Has already accomplished more to stop government interference into people’s lives than any President in the history of America

  56. President Trump has worked with Congress to pass more legislation in his first 100 days than any President since Truman

  57. Has given head executive of each branches 6 month time frame, dated March 15, 2017, to trim the fat, restructure and improve efficiency of their branch.(Observe the push-back the leaks the lies as entrenched POWER refuses to go silently into that good night!)

  58. Last, refused his Presidential pay check. Donated it to Veterans issues

Edit, add on from comments: "He brought Otto Warmbier home so his parents could say goodbye."

OMG this sub is actually admitting trumps not for the american people? The trump ass kissing in here has finally stopped? I was just under the impression that the sub was for critical thinkers and I could not take anybody serious who claims to be that and was a supporter of trump. People kept coming up with excuses for his actions over and over again while claiming to be critical thinkers and I am just like you are not a fucking critical thinker I am sorry. Glad to see people are finally waking up and smelling the coffee.


He has the same exact speach as obama did fo r afganastan

So you want to destroy our government and destabilize our nation?

What would save our country, in your opinion?

Who says he wants anything? The desire to pillage that xcountry was made long before he ever came to office. He is just another pawn in a long line of pawns.

OK buddy.

Absolutely, unfortunately.

You mean Joe Biden?

unlimited authority under articles of war

Except that's literally a war crime. I'm not saying it couldn't be obfuscated with red tape, but it's not as simple as you're making it out. Plenty of nations would have motivation to call out a war crime of that magnitude when it starts infringing on their own mineral profits.

I'm also not convinced there's enough there to be profitable. You're dealing against established competition who are not having to operate under duress, and there's no known minerals there in sufficient quantities that have particular strategic or economic value.

Live our lives without the rich people controlling us. Ending war and living in peace finally.

Maybe try and quote the full statement?

He doesn't want to be as neutral as possible.

You hate small businesses?

really means that Obama was a secret Muslim Brotherhood agent looking to eradicate white people and turn America into a Muslim Caliphate.



Pretty much every politician in this country and every other country is owned by the mobs. The mob is literally running your governments - they are the political class.

This. More people need to see this. What I'd like to add is that Cosa Nostra, Sinaloa, and others are working for the international financial elite class. They're the enforcers for the political class. This is why you rarely see candidates promoting real democratic policy such as ranked voting, term limits for national senators and representatives of the house, etc. (although I did see one state promote ranked voting, very exciting). I'd back that speculation up with the numerous times banks have been caught laundering money for organized crime. IMO it's pretty transparent at this point that the same people manipulating the market are controlling our politics and fighting both sides of a war on drugs via organized crime. That makes government the most organized crime of all.

Obama and house Democrats allowed executive orders to authorize funds without congress approval.

The lefts only job is to hate rich though?

Every fucking recent President in the US was worse than him when it comes to their body counts, kicking the agenda can further down the road, and their wars for profit, at least so far. Go ahead, contest that.

Because this brings them views, thus, money.

Not necessarily, he can't fire a Paul Ryan or a Mueller for example.


I'm like 99% sure he figured out a way to write so that when you read it in your head you like phonetically simulate those white noise machines people use to go to sleep... And pass out. That's the only book I've ever been reading while on the train where i pass the fuck out after legit like 2 pages. Brutal

Especially when the Middle class owns almost no Stock, they ain't seeing "gainz" unless they bought a house years ago. Other than that were all fighting for the rotten apples at the bottom of this shit barrell.

My robot never complains about OT, doesn't argue, and can do 3 jobs at the same time. Why do I need you pleb?

Bannon is going to build a conservative TV channel I think. The US desperately need one.

oh god the wall is going to be built to keep US in.

Because different people have different definitions of what that means.

Well it is not only the media, i think people in alt-right and far left nuts are helping out

Because this train has no brakes son, I cant get off! Hyyyyyype to MAGA!

Or people are more interested in clicking on an article about someone on the "other side" that they hate. Whether or not the media is willingly dividing the country, there's obviously an aspect to it where people want to read/watch what they're putting out.

How dare you mention positive things he's done!

You can want to adjust for population? Go adjust black crime for population and get back to me. I haven't heard Trump really say shit about gay Mariah or abortion. I do remember both Hillary and Obama saying that marriage should be between a man and a women. The issues of gay marriage and abortion have actually hardly been touched on since Trump took office.

THREE "modest" brand new modern cars

No one said they were new. And yes, three Japanese cars, with fabric seats, no extras, and each costing ~$18-24 grand is comparatively modest. Claiming otherwise supports my point; I don't know if you realize just how rich people get. A girlfriend I had I high school bitched me out for driving a "shitty Honda" instead of "at least an Audi".

owning a fucking house in on fucking Long Island

It was a 1,400 sq ft ranch with four people living in it. When we first moved in, my two grandmothers lived there too. That house cost an arm and a leg. Part of my point was that making comparatively high income would have been much harder if we weren't living on Long Island. But living on Long Island meant our money didn't go as far it would in other places.

Rich trust fund babies like yourself because of your mommy and daddy's money and connections, but like we're on the same level right?

I don't really appreciate you jumping to these conclusions. My family immigrated from Russia in the 90's. My dad moved here with $300 cash. He worked as a bus driver by day and a taxi driver by night, living with four roommates in an attic apartment in Brooklyn, back when it wasn't advisable for white people to walk around outside after sunset. After a year he saved enough money to bring the rest of my family over. We lived in a barrio on Long Island, in a three family home. My upstairs neighbors were junkies and waking up to gunshots wasn't exactly a rarity. At the time, my dad started his business and we were splitting $30 grand between six people. Eventually, my dad made enough money to move into a the aforementioned ranch. My parents have no money that they didn't earn themselves by staying up until two in the morning, night after night for two decades. All the connections they might have had live across an ocean, in a country where my dad had a price on his head, thanks to altercations with the local mob.

I hope you choke on that cash. You're a fucking moron if you think your life is at all modest or has anything on common with the normal people of this country.

Notice how I said '08-'13. In 2013, the political situation in Ukraine went to shit. My dad's business, which relied on a 60-40 split of Russian and Ukrainian clients went under in just a year. My family went from being in the 1% to having a negative net worth. My parents now live in a $40ish grand home in upstate NY and are below the poverty line. At this point in my life, the only money I have access to comes from my paycheck. I'm not starving, but you'd have to be a moron to call me rich. I drive the sake Honda I drove ten years ago. I've had several moments where I've had to choose between paying for gas and food. Believe me, I'm not as clueless as you're trying to make me out to be.

I understand why you'd write up a comment like the one I'm responding to. But hating me for having the privilege of living a great life for 5-7 years and ignoring my underlying argument won't make your life any better.


All I know is what a piece of shit looks like, Hillary was garbage too, there's a reason democrats didn't turn out this elections. I don't consider myself a Democrat. Seriously though, even while campaigning Trump contradicted almost everything he said on a near daily basis.

If you're going by strict interpretations of the original Constitution, it's pretty simple. I don't fuck with you don't fuck with me, government should have as small a role possible to defend the country and enforce contracts and the like, no law should be passed infringing upon people's Free Will and inherent personal freedoms so long as they don't harm anybody. There's plenty of room for wiggling and to go over the minutiae, so long as the original principal and intent of the Constitution is followed.

everytime i see a millennial vs. boomer article, i think, "this is Wallstreet still deflecting their role in wrecking our economy"

Of course there needs to be some regulations to protect the general welfare of the people, but that's less important than the actual framework and inner workings of the government itself, which is highly flawed and full of corruption that needs to be excised.

That's fair.

It's about the degree of the fighting. Far less than 1% of the population is engaged in any kind of open protest and/or fighting, and none of it really does anything to disrupt economic stability. Most people are working hard and paying taxes. However, this protest gets magnified by the media and causes a much larger percentage of people to be mistrustful of their fellow countrymen, and less apt to work together (through electoral politics or community organizing etc.)

So I would say it's less about open fighting in the streets, but more about making the working class (which includes the middle class) think they have more differences amongst themselves than they do with the truly rich.

Well Bannon's out of the white-house and he was the only one fighting this fight.

This! But the real enemy is Israeli Zionists. Our congress is about to pass a bill that makes it illegal to disparage Israel. Israel owns us and control's our politics.

And natural metals. Apparently there is trillions worth of natural metals there that Trump wants

That's the comment I replied to. I didn't see any arguements. And the rare earth's have been a target for a long time. Afghanistan has the largest reserves of rare earths on the planet besides China's reserves. The US government has been drooling over it for decades.

Holy shit is Reddit and /r/conspiracy in particular coming back to sanity or is this just because it reached /r/all?

Lol. Resist no matter what. Trump is President.

Nah, future elections should be decided on the fact that more elderly people decided to retire to Florida in the last 4 years. /s

It's like if a corrupt detective were to "investigate" a mob boss. It's just feigning effort.

No, we should be hating ignorant, not the rich. Poor ignorant people are just as bad as rich ignorant people.

Trump's doing great we ain't budging.

I can't even blame the media. It's the populace. The media presents information in a way everyone can digest it which is a very low bar.

Almost like Bernie was right and Trump is a conman.

Although newspapers take sides, they are as much part of the establishment as anyone else. They are there to make money. Ignoring Trump or any news that is just theory as non-news, means no sales. No sales means New York Times falls into a small town paper, or in terms of online status, less advertising, and less traffic. Its a double edged sword for knowing what to do to make the change, versus blaming the other side to keep sales going and people arguing.

This is how white supremacy started.

By barely I mean he basically ran his businesses to the ground. He ran them so poorly that American banks wouldn't even finance him anymore. He had to get Russian banks to front him money.

And? The US still consumes the majority of the world's opiates....

Ive listened to rush Limbaugh, Sean hannity, and all the other right wing radio my whole life.

How do you listen to those idiots without being an idiot yourself?

Not sure if that's due to shilling, or if their strategy is really working well on this sub, of all places.

I'm not saying venture isn't viable. I'm just saying he's a wind bag. I love him, but he has no filter. With two candidates like that, it would be too hard to take ourselves seriously as a nation. And no.. revolutionary is defiantly not the first word that comes to mind there.

No one is making these assholes become nazis.

The truth of the southern take on the Civil War is that the ending of slavery was palpable but the south deserved adequate compensation for it. Let the nation buy all the slaves out of slavery and integrate them into society in a controlled fashion over time.

[citation needed]

Random lawyer on the front page... Tom Perez is still Chair.

Shhhhh... The first rule of class warfare is to not talk about class warfare.

Shhhhh... The first rule of class warfare is you don't talk about class warfare.

otherwise someone truly important should take their place

Like Spicer being replaced by Scaramuchi?

If you really want to get into the "fringe" grievances of the "left" is most of the rich are white people oppression people of all races.

If this country thought for a moment a black man ruled everything and the illumanti, blacks would be warred upon. But it's other whites protecting the slave owning whites.

This pretty much nails what I was trying to get across. My parents bought the home we lived in for 20+ years in the early nineties for ~140k, they sold it last year for over $350k. I'm pretty sure it was under 3,000 sq. ft too. A 1995 chevy tahoe was $29k MSRP for 4 door and 4 wheel drive, a 2018 base model tahoe with 4wd starts at $51k MSRP, granted there are electronics and far better safety features, a car almost doubling in price while incomes have remained stagnant is just one of the many reasons people are saying 'millenials are ruining X and Y, millenials aren't saving, millenials aren't spending enough, etc.'

It's not xenophobic to not want this country overrun by Islamic migrants. Their views are simply not compatible with the west.

You crossed the line from "conspiracy minded" to "retard babbling nonsense"

No, the media should be showing us the truth, hating ANYONE is for the mentally weak.

The thing for me is that at least they are trying. Ya maybe it is a feigned effort and they really dont care, but they are at least working towards being an actual leftist party. Republicans do nothing but actually help the rich.

Iv met a few 1%s and all of them have been amazeing people, they have donated more money in a year then ill probably make in a decade. 'The Rich' is a horrible term to use when applying hate. Your calling for hard working people who have made their mony over many years. 1% is still way to large of a percentage maybe .1% the billionaires. Yes you earn a lot to be in the 1% some cities $650k annually up to $1.5m to make the minimum amount for 1% status. These are hard working Americans that deserve the wealth earned. $1.5m annually is pocket change compared to the billionaires. I am not a rich man, I dont own a home. I have no problems with 'the rich' I have a problem with billionaires controleing our country holding its people as slaves. Don't blindly hate people, look at there actions in life and not just what others say.


I voted for him and would again 1000x over

That was my point. The part specific to republicans was followed up by an addendum that I may be seeing them as worse because of a majority bias. I'm not sure what other way I can express my belief while still giving benefit of the doubt to the opposing view and the possibility, and even plausibility that I could be wrong or not fully objective.

And that wall is definitely being built!

Remember the fly that landed on her face? That was definitely a sign from Kek! America, you chose wisely.

Hey if you want to read deeper into this notion - read The Philosophy of Fascism by Mario Palmieri from 1936. It's hard to read with a partisan attitude because its so easy to see how it embodies "the Other Side" no matter which side you're on.

Oh no it won't. That will be when everyone realizes they've been fighting for the Iron Throne but the fuckin White Walkers are here to kill everyone and it will be too goddam late because we don't have dragons.

The Democrats are just far more subtle and sophisticated in their subversion. It's not less, it's just that they are more careful and work in a far grander scale than the right typically operates.

You would have to completely blind, deaf and dumb to think that. His words. His actions.

You would have to not be able to read a newspaper or watch his speeches or rallies to even get near that statement. Lol

Very true.

So, let me get this straight. The problem is that we're just not killing enough children?

And it's real easy to talk so callously about slaughtering kids when you're safe and sound behind your computer screen on the opposite side of the planet. You're a fucking pussy.

We should be hating, huh

We have to hate SOMEONE

I don't think they are the voices of mainstream conservativeism.

To buy your shit

I think this is true mainly in very expensive areas. The cost of living isn't generally THAT much higher. The killer is student loan costs

Nope, that's part of building a more coherent identity as a movement. It's a complex thing!

Or if we let the terrorists kill everyonr rlse theyll also stop commiting terror


He was the pied piper(from Podesta's own words). They uplifted him. The D's gave us Trump. Or is it common to broadcast an empty podium, while Bernie Sanders was giving a victory speech?

Misunderstood, my mistake.

I don't know what hellscape you're commenting from, but from where I was sitting things were actually pretty good.

Look at any graph demonstrating wealth inequality after millions lost thier homes to fraud. What world are you living in? It sounds nice.

Dumbest comment I have read in awhile.

maybe you are, but the country as a whole is doing better.

Careful there... There's nothing wrong with being rich. Its getting rich via profiting off of others loss that's the distasteful bit. There are plenty of "rich" people out there who give tons back to their employees and/or communities. Class warfare is the last thing we need right now. I mean true class warfare. That's how you end up like Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure if they had just went to the negotiating table and asked for fair compensation for slaves around 1858, they would have had it. But they went with open rebellion instead. You can't do that and then turn around with your tail between your legs and ask in 1865.

We need to focus on straight fact based reporting news outlets, though I don't know what you guys suggest. AP, Reuters? Take the talking heads and biased analysis out of the news and just focus purely on what is actually happening. The confusion and conflict come from the "entertainment" aspect of media analysis.

Trump voters from my area actively voting against their own interests openly. People living in bad situations talking about they like Trump because he's a businessman and they don't want hand outs. It's really ridiculous.

It means the president was absolutely responsible as the signing authority if anything went wrong. Now the blame is passed on to another. It's a way to explain away wrongs. "Oh I never looked at that, he did that. Time to resign guy."

Hate the rich ? Maybe the cons but not a guy that made it legit.

The wealthy right wing politicians have done a magnificent job of convincing their fan base that they're there to help them become rich and the only thing stopping them is the left.

Couldn't agree more, then.

You shouldn't hate rich successful people you should hate the rich people who inherit positions of societal power and keep it in their family for generations aka he bankers

Robots can suck dick now so no plebs necessary

Anyone who genuinely believes that someone with zero experience, zero understanding of any of the issues, and zero ability to form a coherent sentence never mind a coherent strategy was somehow the logical choice is either an idiot or deluding themselves.

The media are busy making everyone in the US hate each other to distract them from the fact that they really should be hating the ruling class

FTFY. There are plenty of rich people who aren't fueling this fire and aren't harming anyone. There are plenty in the ruling class that are not rich.

I don't even live in the US I am a neutral 3rd part with zero stake in the whole thing. Yes the left exists with people and though processes, but it sure as fuck doesn't exist as something with any political power or voting presence. Anyone who legitimately believes that there is an actual left political party in the US with any semblance of power is the one with the scrambled brain. American politics are shifted so far right its not even a debate topic at this point in time.

I never said anything was the entire fault of the right, or that the left is useless and should be thrown in the trash. You really should read what I posted and take it as a neutral post instead of projecting your feelings onto it and trying to demonize me for them.

I think we are all to blame for trends in media coverage, because we are the ones reading, clicking, and watching the divisive stories. A solution to this dilemma begins with each of us looking inward and detaching from our own biases and tribal instincts.

Thank you. Every time Trump refers to any TV news outlet as "fake news" the media conglomerate in possession of that brand jizz in their pants. When it comes to print media it can be even more personal (profitable). Lets just all keep dividing until were conquered but in the meantime make sure to open fire on politicians no one cares about because they are NOT YOUR PEOPLE. Dont forget to drive a car into a crowd of NOT YOUR PEOPLE while the allies march in support of stone effigies.

Im really close to giving up on the US. This cancer has metastasized, and i dont want to be around for the chemotherapy

Thank you for the links. I'll check them out!

Are people forgetting about his opponent?

This is due to how much tracking and stats the media has access to. Just like google can guess who you are an Amazon can guess what you buy before you buy it...the media has near instant results to find out what stories are generating clicks and views. What stories get reactions. They spin stories into being a Trump issue or race issue at times just because they want to bring up those emotions and get those views. It's a sick social experiment that is gonna have terrible consequences in the end.

Yea because all rich people should be hated...makes a lot of sense.

Trump is a convenient scapegoat for those who are blind to the fact that it's the deep state that's really the one in power. Trump is nothing and a nobody. He's a hood ornament on a car. The deep state's the actual car.

and if people are really dumb enough to believe this, just remember nothing changed under Obama. nothing. he was pro bankers, pro bailouts, pro war, one of your all time heroes was a complete fraud. but sure, the next democrat puppet will be different and save ze world

I'm sure Nixon got more.

Luckily GenX knows how to google (because they grew up using card catalogs in libraries) how to hack these robots. Millennials are fucked because they can't use google without shitting themselves in fear (based on users on Reddit).

Hes a POS

Better than the president's claims that there was a conspiracy to bus in millions of illegal immigrants to places that were solid D wins by twenty points. People understand the system of government just fine, they've just been complaining about it since 2000 or so.

Again, and with the added Star Wars quote even more so, that's swell.

Wrong. It was about how the South wanted to continue to exploit free labor and treat people as subhumans in the name of profit. If they wanted a buy out, then why is the ability to own slaves portrayed as divine right, and their mistreatment of the slaves dismissed as attempts to civilized them?

Sorry pal that revisionist bullshit won't fly today. The south were a bunch of filthy racists and bigots that were angry that they were being forced to recognize blacks as people and not properly.

Wait. What? It absolutely makes Trump worse. He removed oversight and accountability which could by why trumps using approximately 4.3x more strikes than Obama / day.

As a whole? No we aren't.

fair enough

Bannon is a gross person, but he was non-interventionist, even though it may be for the wrong reasons.

The GOP being fascists has nothing to do with the DNC also being fascists. Obamas war on Whistle Blowers and spying on journalists as well as extrajudiciously executing American citizens abroad for their political ideology and religious views is fascist. It's that simple. Is the GOP more brazen in their steps toward Fascism? Undeniably. But that has more to do with the accountability from the party supporters. The left has historically called out Fascism but with the obfuscation of the core tenets of the ideology, the party leadership has been emboldened. The had the audacity to label their movement "The Third Way" (let's not pretend like we don't know what a dog whistle is) - go ahead and do a search for "The Third Way + Mussolini" then again switching Mussolini for Bill Clinton.

Also seriously take the time to read The Philosophy of Fascism by Mario Palmieri from 1936. It's actually pretty chilling.

Your refusal/inability to see things from the other side isn't doing you (or Trumps' critics) any favors. You really have no idea why he won, do you?

I'd gladly do that tomorrow if it was discovered that cars were sapient beings. But since that's not going to happen, the analogy makes no sense. They didn't want to take the property away, they just realized that people aren't property. There's no moral high ground to be had; stop grasping for it.

Obviously not all those who voted for him did so because they hate mexicans or muslims or whatever, that's an unfair characterization. I can absolutely understand why people are frustrated with the status quo, why they feel establishment politicians don't represent them, etc. That doesn't give them a free pass for allowing themselves to be fooled by such a transparent con-man. And I really don't see any excuse for not realizing what a piece of shit he is by now.

I can absolutely understand why people are frustrated with the status quo, why they feel establishment politicians don't represent them, etc.

That's actually a very accurate observation, good on you.

That doesn't give them a free pass for allowing themselves to be fooled

What other choice did they have, exactly? Clinton was probably the most status-quo establishment candidate of all time, and everyone knows 3rd parties don't have any chance. They weren't fooled - at worst, they chose the lesser of two evils. At best they chose someone who they believed would shake things up for the establishment. I think you'd be hard-pressed to argue that Trump hasn't delivered on his promise to shake up the establishment/status-quo. I feel like I'm getting exactly what I voted for, and I could give a fuck how polite Trump is to the shithead elite that have fucked us with a polite smile for decades at least.

Lots of people felt betrayed by Obama. The establishment's obvious hatred for Trump is all the evidence I need that he's not one of them. The focus on the "alt-right" is just the media having hissy-fits; these people were the same before Trump became elected and they are not numerous or powerful at all. If anything, it was the democrats' identity politics that "emboldened" this small swathe; identity politics that became their clearest when nobody could criticize Obama for anything without being called a "racist bigot."

I agree, but what many people don't see or remember is how the political cycle works. It's all but certain at this point that the next president will be a Dem. The problem is they will be an establishment Dem and will uphold the same shitty economic and political policies that are disenfranchising Americans both on the right and left. After their term we will assuredly get another shithead "anti-establishment" populist Republican like Trump... or worse. People seem to have forgotten that the ground for Trump was laid by Bush and Obama continued many of the Bush admins destructive economic policies which lead to voter backlash.

I had more pressing videos but they all had cringy titles. Thought they would put you off. Anyhow, yea from what I've seen a LOT of antifa seem to believe in socialist/anticapitalist/communist ideologies. Not really pushing any propaganda, and what is this "havoc on us soil" you speak of? I haven't heard of any, sounds like p r o p a g a n d a to me. Also I really don't think there is a need for violence, I understand when black people were discriminated against, but I don't see why there needs to be violence here.

Also i meant that the attack being politically motivated means nothing, it was still a terrible act of violence. Not that political violence doesnt change anything.

his approval at historically low levels for ANY president ever

Okay then, if I show you data that proves you wrong, will you accept it and admit that you were either lying or ignorant?

You're kidding, right? Name another politician that has a chance of changing anything significant in this country over the next three years. Name another politician who could be elected president in 2020 that I should be remotely excited about.

I can understand if you just don't like Trump or his ideas, but it should be obvious why people feel like he is the only chance we have at the moment.

Posts like this that are shilled to the top then filled with crap in the comments s section happen every 2-3 weeks here on r conspiracy.

All depends on how the shareblue/CTR media matters resources are spread with consideration to current political affairs.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro u got me. U must be legit into politikz.

Lol bro.

Lol bro.

Never thought about it that way. That was constructive as hell bro lolz.

Never thought about it that way. That was constructive as hell bro lolz.

Enjoy your fancy burger, Mr prezident.

Enjoy your fancy burger, Mr prezident.

Enjoy your fancy burger, Mr prezident.

You are delusional if you think things were OK in America. The inequality of income and stagnant income growth as compared to productivity made for many bad living situations.

lol upset that even his last rally in Phoenix was bigger than any of Hillarys rally by a factor of 100? Again, this just proves you haven't seen any of his rallies because it's not just white people there you racist piece of shit :) And because you have obvious difficulties with basic math let me explain to you why there are so many white people there. We make up the majority of the country, you fucking moron. This isn't rocket science but I'll be happy to get you a lab coat if it helps. God you're dumb lol. You're salt is some of the finest I've harvest in days so thank you.

Removed. Rule 4.

It's a childish pipe dream take detracts from making actual progress. It's not possible until automation give us star trek level of production, assuming we don't nuke yourself extinct