Regarding the Upheaval on the Mod Team Last Evening

122  2017-08-26 by AssuredlyAThrowAway

Hello all,

Some of you may have noticed the slight upheaval on the mod team in the late hours of last night. Sadly two of our moderators (flytape and sarah_connor) decided to take it upon themselves to remove all of their co-mods without even so much as opening a discussion.

This occurred in the context of the mod team actively voting to remove Sarah_connor as acting head mod, due to previous incidents of a similar nature. After Sarah_connor removed all of the moderators sans discussion, two moderators (flytape and dronepuppet) were then added back to the team while a strange announcement was posted. These actions were done without consulting any of the removed moderators, and were entirely unexpected and unwelcome.

As the moderators had already come to consensus with regards a vote to switch our acting head moderator from /u/sarah_connor to /u/axolotl_peyotl (who is, indeed, our lead active moderator), the decision to remove all moderators last evening was seen as retaliation for that vote in the eyes of the site administrators. For clarity, the admins of reddit explicitly prohibit retaliation against moderators who vote to change their acting head moderator.

As such, the site administrators came in and reverted the mod list to exactly as it was before the incident yesterday (minus a few permissions for the mods who had acted without consulting the full team).

Over the weekend the mods will discuss internally as to how to best address the two moderators who remain on the team (sarah_connor and dronepuppet). Flytape has resigned after his attempt to take over the sub from what he felt were hostile forces failed.

The mods, again, want to reiterate our commitment to impartial moderation and the defense of the free exchange of information; however, in situations such as this, it becomes clear that the tactics being deployed on the modern web in the pursuit of information control are growing ever more nuanced and complex.

In that way, we encourage all users to keep an eye on our public mod log as well as meta subreddit threads as they are posted; without your help, there is simply no way we could ever deal with the large influx of outside agitators currently using this subreddit as a battleground.

This entire ordeal exhausted the mod team, and we're sorry that it happened; hopefully the subreddit will be better off going forward, and we hope discussion here will be civil.

With our regards,

The mod team


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Hey random comment aside, you, and Axol are my favorite mods. Thanks for what you guys do

cheers to /u/axolotl_peyotl! they do great work! i swear i remember that user name from old intel exchange boards too.

Axolotl was a word used in the Dune series books.

peyotl (peyote) is kinda like spice :)

Ah, so it is a Dune thing! Btw, congrats. Betting nearly the whole crew is behind you.

it's not really but could be =D

Oh, sorry, figured with the spice mention - and Dune was all about the spice.

no, you're spot on...there are so many fantastic real world parallels in science fiction, I'm so glad I devoured all those books as a kid.

Yeah, same here. Many many parallels in books, tv, and movies - the paranoid is me is unsure where fiction ends and clues into reality begin.

He just committed a coup and got rid of the mods who were absolutely not shills. That should be scaring the shit out of every genuine user of this sub.

Only one mod is out, and he has his own sub that is popular. I come here often and am not scared - and I am a huge fan of Flytape.

When you accept that this place is corrupt, that not everything is helpful but some is, it helps make the visits easier and the search for truth cleaner.

SC is effectively out. He was awol most of the time anyways, but it was reassuring having a senior account who could set things right if the shills got too much of a foothold. They voted SC out and Fly tried to save the situation, but it's too late.

A lot of mods play small roles here. I'd like some sort of process to prune abandoned mods, but not my place to say.

Fly will be dishing truth wherever he is, here there wherever.

Having SC as a top mod was the perfect failsafe. SC is not a shill, and is also the perfect mod because he doesn't interfere.

You are a great mod, the only one I 100% trust

I may not always agree with what Axoltl says but I do think they're a great user and mod, and I definitely think it's a good idea for Ax to be top mod. In the past I've questioned the mods (what kind of conspiracy sub would it be if we didn't question authority) but I still think they're all pretty good. I'm glad FlyTape is gone though because he always seemed overly partisan.

Looks like whenever a mod explains things their post gets brigaded. Looks like the T_D shills are pissed.

It is always going to be like this.

there are always going to be infiltrators.

Vigilance & a sense of humour is the best medicine here.

A very smart woman once said "Vigilance is the price of (representative) democracy".

I am inclined to agree with her in more ways than one.

igilance is the price of (representative) democracy

Didn't Jefferson say that? or did you misquote?

I was actually quoting Senator Patricia Jehlen from Massachusetts-

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Yes, yes; sorry bot.

it becomes clear that the tactics being deployed on the modern web in the pursuit of information control are growing ever more nuanced and complex.

Thanks, some of us noticed this a few years back in particular after the failure to steal 2012 election.

The destructive tribes have roamed the internet since the days when AOL chat rooms were big, Digg was the famous one but now it is the sites themselves being pushed into monitoring, oppressing, pushing and manipulating.

impartial moderation and the defense of the free exchange of information

if there was an attempt to take over the sub, id like to know why we don't see this in a topic and not this afterthought?

I'm not sure I follow?

Are you asking why we didn't post this last night? If so, it was because our mod team spans a few timezones so we had to have some time for all mods to look over the text of the above sticky. We only make posts signed "the mod team" if consensus is achieved on the exact text of the sticky beforehand.

Thanks but no, Reading attacks on someone suggests a reason to complain that he made some unapproved change or changes that were unpopular as well as unapproved, So which is it and why?

I don't follow your question, can you rephrase?

two of our moderators decided to take it upon themselves to remove all of their co-mods without even so much as opening a discussion.

attempt to take over the sub from what he felt were hostile forces

  • permissions revoked for the mods who had acted without consulting the full team

  • resigned because reasons

Was the removal of mods therefore unapproved or just a break in protocol?

someone throw down a quick gestalt, please?

Was the removal of mods therefore unapproved or just a break in protocol?

It broke a site wide rule regarding retaliation after a vote to change an acting head mod-

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Why did he cause a fuss about /u/axolotl_peyotl and /u/sarah_connor? feels like trying to get blood out a stone, for the purposes of someone joining late this morning.

So, here's the time line.

3 weeks ago Sarah_connor removed all permissions from the moderators. This was overturned by the admins instantly Sarah acted without consulting the team.

2 wees ago the mod team opened a vote into removing Sarah_connor and handing top acting mod spot to /u/axolotl_peyotl.

That vote concluded this week at 8-0 in favor of switching the head mod from Sarah_connor to /u/axolotl_peyotl .

Yesterday, to stop the vote from being finalized, flytape and sarah connor removed all of their fellow mods.

The reddit admins found that action (removing all of the mods) to be retaliation for taking the vote to swap Sarah_connor with AP, and as such the changes were reverted.

Flytape resigned on his own after the admins reverted the changes.

Flytape also strangely admitted openly that he and Sarah_connor retaliated against their fellow mods as a result of the vote to hand the top spot to AP;

Flytape said publicly in drama yesterday that;

Yeah there was a group of mods trying to vote off our top mod so we removed them all to sort out who we could work with or not.

3 weeks ago Sarah_connor removed all permissions from the moderators.


as Sarah_connor acted without consulting the team?.


Your doing the exact same thing without explaining whether or not that would be a bad thing. Why wouldn't a mod, a top mod make the right decision?

"3 weeks ago Sarah_connor removed all permissions from the moderators."

"as Sarah_connor acted without consulting the team?."

He demanded all moderators sign up for slack before permissions were returned. Although some mods had concerns, most signed up. Sarah_connor then never appeared in the slack.

He didn't explain himself or follow up after that, so that's why we made the vote to switch the top spot.


without trying to sound dumb. You don't state a case and come to a decision based on a reason other than this rule because he didn't explain himself. i'd be interested to know what was being supposed there.
"Sarah_connor then never appeared in the slack." - This is interesting

So given that the runner of the team on Slack can see the IPs and devices that are logged on to the app, and Sarah_Connor didn't join themselves, is it possible that forcing the mods to join Slack was an attempt to gather IPs for a doxxing attempt on that would of been planned later?

I wouldn't doubt it. That's also why many mods refused to join.

Will you follow up with the other mods and see if anyone has attempted to doxx them, and tried to use their real information as a blackmail material?

Um, that's not a given. I run a Slack team and I can't see the IPs or devices that are logged on. I can see usernames, public-facing 'real' names people choose for themselves, email addresses, and time zones.

Are you asking why people make mistakes?

I think he is asking why the top mod should be required to follow the rules.

Thanks, for the details of what happened.

sarah connor

So why did flytape take the fall but SC remains top mod, and also illuminated wax remains the real top mod (yet is inactive).

Just let them get tp the modlogs from last night.

All will be illuminated from then on.

Flytape posted a resignation post and they removed it

Because he wanted to start a witch hunt against specific mods

With good reason.

Thanks for the explanation. You know the userbase, especially here in this sub, will be suspicious of any changes in the moderation, so whatever transparency can be offered in such cases is critical.

Haha so true. I love how people notice it immediatly. This is one of my favorite subs. Except for the pathetic slaves and shills.

This is the takeover of the mod team. They've now removed the two mods who were absolutely above suspicion of shillery (SC and Flytape). The two mods who are almost certainly shills are still near the top of the mod list.

No one who is against obvious shills who bait insults and forum slide are safe here. I bet I get banned for this comment and they'll tell me it's because of rules 10.

Yeah, I'm also aware that I'm probably suiciding this account. The ratio of pro shill mods just went up significantly.

we are at 100% now AFAIK

No, there are still 4 mods I trust, and 4 I'm neutral towards. They're definitely weeding out anybody who supports Trump. I say this as somebody who doesn't support Trump.

It's a conspiracy in r/conspiracy.....

And the reason they invented rule 10 was to prevent discussion of it.

That's kind of like the anarchist sub having rules. Just doesn't make sense.

Yep. Not a fan of rule 10, it only benefits the shills.

me too, only rule i ever accidently break. My favorite is when just slightly insunate it. They always ask... "what are you trying to say?" or "so your calling me shill is that it" Just baiting you into trying to say it or agree with them. user trumprusconpiracy comes to mind and chiguy

Yea it's ironic. I got banned there..... For breaking rules. Insanity.

anarchists can have rules. anarchy simply means no leaders. a community or syndicate can have internal laws if they so choose. that community could be the size of a country if everyone in it consented.

Administrative staff = leaders Anarchy is a state of LAWLESSNESS and ABSENCE OF GOVERNEMNT. Thus the problem. It can not be anarchy if there are leaders and rules.

anarchy (as political ideal): "absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual"

administrative staff are not leaders, they are administrators.

administrators =/= governance.

for example: system admins just keep the computers running, they don't define corporate policy about playing overwatch on the network.

anarchists don't recognize external rule. internal agreements between groups of people (syndicates) are fine, because they have the absolute freedom to agree to those rules.

Thus the problem.

what problem?

be truthful, regarding rule 10.

an obvious shill that makes a semi admission openly or by deduction is open to accusation.

as somebody who doesn't support Trump.

I'm calling bullshit on this. You say you're a socialist, but that "Texas is the last bastion of sanity in America". You think being trans is a mental illness, T_D isn't as bad as r/politics, and that Trump isn't any worse than any other president over the past few decades.

I am a socialist. I believe in welfare, socialized medicine, massive regulation of markets and corporations, seperation of business and government, heavy taxation of the rich, ubi.

That doesn't mean I support the same causes as the 'liberal' media. I think transgenders are literally insane, i think illegal immigrants should be deported, i think that the government is corrupt as shit, and I think that most of the so called 'liberal' views espoused in America are actually corporatist.

Yet you rush to defend Trump and his most egregiously offensive supporters, and call Texas, literally the least socialist state in the country, the "last sane state". You have all the markings of a concern troll.

I think Trump is an awful president. He's a self serving sociopath who only became president to better his brand and to get rid of some of those pesky regulations that limit his profit. Yet, I wake up every day thankful that he beat Hillary.

Just because Trump is awful doesn't mean I like the alternative any better.

I believe in welfare, socialized medicine, massive regulation of markets and corporations, seperation of business and government, heavy taxation of the rich, ubi.

That does not make you a socialist.

When you want to centralize the means of production, that would make you a socialist.

Some of them, certainly.

how is texas representative of what you are espousing

This subreddit has close to half a million subscribed. I'm inclined to agree with you since neutering this sub was the logical next step needed in controlling the narrative. Particularly concerning since an admin stepped in to wrest control of the sub from a couple mods who clearly weren't on board with the direction this website as a whole has been taken, and the admins' actions are dictated via making reddit into a viable money-making business for their investors; not having a free and open platform for truth and their userbase. (Incidentally, reddit raised another 200 million in funds last month, are valued at 1.8 billion, and their CEO threw out the idea that they are on the road to an eventual IPO.)

That being said, transparency is appreciated and everything AATA stated rings true even if, hypothetically, it was a bunch of shill mods, democratically and by reddit's owm rules, voting down SC from head mod in the first place.

SC was the perfect mod. He was here before the shills got rolling, so is above suspicion (and Flytape too), and he didn't spend time censoring the sub.

I trust AAtA somewhat because TMoR hate him. Still, this shifts the balance strongly towards the pro-censorship, pro-shill, pro-pc mods, and is a very bad move.

Note the linked justification for the admins actions clearly and obviously only applies to inactive moderators.

above suspicion



Yeah, strange words to use to describe a mod. Very heavy handed.

I don't know what you're talking about, Flytape was one of the silliest posters in this sub, forget about moderators.

I could think of plenty of sillier posters than u/FlyTape

Really happy to see this point getting upvotes. I made it on the post about this yesterday and got absolutely crushed.

The fact of banning one side of the story is, imo, the telltale sign.

Edit: They also banned Flytape so that he couldn't tell his side of the story. Any long time users should know that something is not right here.

Red alert.

Was /u/flytape not one of the original moderators on this sub?

They say he tried to take over - we need to hear his story, this is not looking good.

If not an original, then one of the early mods.

Flutape believes this sub has been taken over by shills.

Flytape isn’t banned. He’s posted in the sub within the last 48 hours. Wtf are you talking about?

Thanks AATA. I've thought the mod behavior by all has been reasonable given the brigading and such. We are human and know sometimes moderating a free flowing free thinking group like ourselves must be a challenge. I didn't know the specifics on the coup attempt, but trust moments like that are just moments to put behind us. Thanks for the info.

This sub is dead. It is never coming back. There are much better places for real conspiratorial discussions now on Reddit. The right took control of this place during the election and promoted their disinfo fantasies. Now the smug leftists come on here to jerk each other off. The culture war being fought on here is embarrassing.

Flytape being a douchebag? Whaaaaaat? /s

I wonder which ones were the shills

It's the team who sides with the admins.

It always is.

Thanks for the update. Thus is all so unfortunate. This is when we need to be the strongest, not breaking at the bend...

Hopefully when the smoke clears the sub will be stronger for it.

Thanks for your efforts. It means a lot to so many people.

/u/illuminatedwax ofc is still mia

Yep. I operate under the assumption that that account will not intervene ever. We've had to ask the admins doe help twice in two weeks now with still not a peep from IW.

do u design those

4 months... Geez...

I'm curious where that article of time came from.

His last posting on Reddit. It was 4 months ago.

Oh. Thats pretty good actually.

Its been two years of modmail silence at least for me.

Lol that's ridiculous. Is he being petitioned for removal or can creators not be removed?

I'd rather prune the low hanging fruit first before we have to climb atop the tree, personally.

I think you, SC, AC, and mastigia are the only mods that might not be compromised. I hope I'm wrong but I have zero faith in Reddit after this past year. I wish you the best of luck if you are truly trying to prevent this place from becoming /r/politics 2.0 it seems inevitable at this point.

I think you, SC, AC, and mastigia are the only mods that might not be compromised.

Agreed. Losing FT is disappointing.

How is losing FT disappointing. He blatantly and regularly acted as a pro-Trump cheerleader, was far stricter to those not in favor of Trump, and tried to stage an upheaval to fill to subreddit with pro-Trump mods, and then when it failed he made a literal right wing conspiracy sibreddit.

Good fucking riddance.

Good fucking riddance

Is that the new catchphrase you all are using now? Second time I've heard it today.

I don't care who he supported, he was an original user here that still had all the same qualities as most of us conspiracy theorists do. Now many of the mods all of a sudden support mainstream narratives.

I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that I couldn't use a similar phrase to anyone else. And besides that, I wasn't aware that desiring to destroy any semblance of impartialness in a subreddit in order to cheerlead for the literal head of government was a quality most conspiracy theorists had.

I thought inactive mod accounts were subject to purging / removal?

Whos gonna so it?


IW is the creator, and therefore most powerful mod. The other mods are lower than him in the mod power structure of Reddit so they cannot remove him.

The other mods are lower than him in the mod power structure of Reddit so they cannot remove him.

Not true anymore actually-

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I hate you bot, you beat my ninja edit.

I operate under the assumption that that account will not intervene ever.

Hmm. Not long ago when 9000sins did this sme thing your sarah conor did, who was it that sorted that out? Illuminatedwax?

That was before my time I think.

Hijacking to ask what the disagreements have been about. It'd make a lot of us less uneasy about all this mod rearranging if we knew what the internal conflicts were about

The short version is consequences for actions detrimental to the team and board.

For the board go work as it shpuld and progress to where it should go, it needs both stability and trust. Trust among the mod team and trust in the community of the modteam.

Unfortunately, the way Reddit's hierarchy is structured, anyone who outranks you can undo anything that one below them does.

Are you familiar with the term

As above so below. As below, so above.

Well, I've come to believe in that in most things ironically, and reddit isn't any of them.

More answers most likely tomorrow - but know that large majority of us wanted two specific moderators to answer for the actions and it will happen.

Maybe he/she received threats or even something worse has happened

Oh ffs, that guy has bern swuatting forever, i remember tears ago when he popped back into reddit to post links to some guitar music he made and to an animation he was working in.? Some people have lives outside of reddit. When he was around more big subs had 26k people. Mods done get paid, and reddit needs its free skave/mod labor to survive.

I was the other mod after illuminatedwax and honestly I dumped all the mods and tried to save this place because the shit I saw on several threads was highly questionable... I can see now as its grown whats happening godspeed to the mods who were ousted

I really really miss reddit from the earlier days. It was so fun to mod with other users, and to hang out in IRC and make new subs together and contribute links. I laughed so much. Its just getting way too big.

Its their platform, and they certainly have the right to curate it. But, idk, it was much more pleasant when each community was smaller.

I sort of wish I didnt delete my default mod account, but I just had way too much stuff going on IRL and I feel like that was the only way I could force my way to leave. It didnt even work lol.

But most of all, I just miss being able to see the upvote AND downvote totals. That was one of the first nails in this place's coffin.

I can see now as its grown whats happening godspeed to the mods who were ousted

A different take than previously.

Interesting. Can I still get 15$ off with the coupon code REDD15?

Hey hows it going! The code is REDDIT15 and it is still good!

Who moderates the moderators? Who administers the admins? Who uses the users? Who creates the creator?

Possible alternative explanation: /u/Sarah_Connor and /u/Flytape were legitimately taking drastic action to protect the subreddit from ShareBlue takeover, and the admins stepped in because they are deliberately converting Reddit into a propaganda machine.

I'm going to go with Flytape was annoyed he couldn't ban more people who disagree with him, so he went for the coup

When it involves Reddit admin... It involves subversive actions towards making this place a propaganda machine.

Yep. Flytape's bias isn't a secret, and has since started /r/ConspiracyRight, a safe space for "Right ONLY Conspiracy chatter." lol.

My sense is that most of the ShareBlue crowd had basically written off this sub some time ago--it's not a circlejerk like r/politics is. But there was an effort to turn more of the sub's members to further right causes through tactics of normalization--apologetics for white nationalists, the push to label antifa as a terrorist group, that kind of stuff.

The only attempted 'takeover' here was the failed one by Flytape's crowd, which really only succeeded in turning the sub into a political battleground. We'll see what happens next.

Conspiracyright = right wing propaganda. I wouldn't be surprised if he's paid

Your username is la eft-wing conspiracy. How does that work?

No, /u/flytape was just a shit mod. He even tried creating a new subreddit and then advertised it, labeling it a political term when he of all people should know that dividing ourselves by political terms and definitions is a huge disservice to the origins of conspiracy. He's not fit for mod, and this episode only further proved his inability to respectfully moderate. Good riddance /u/flytape, glad to see you go

Flytape is a passionate person. Sadly the identity politics of the far left, and now the far fright with white identity have caused many folks to HIGHLY distrust the neocon/neolib agenda. Right now we have a president who has been nearly neutered politically, and is surrounded by the old guard Republicans and Democrats who wish him out. Many in entertainment, media, education, and other parts of government feel exactly the same way, and do not want their plans of "progress" to be in any way derailed. It has turned into an all out information war. The traditionalists and conservatives have a few powerful friends, but they are divided from one another and surrounded themselves by a sea of terrifyingly powerful people from every area of influence. This progressivist cult has seeped into all sorts of societal structures and it has made their agenda nearly impossible to fracture.

If you cannot see that we live in really, really, really strange and scary political times, then you are naive, or are intentionally blinding yourself to reality. If you cannot see who the dominant powers are, and what their agenda is, then I do not know what to tell you. This place (whether you like it or not) is surprisingly influential among opposition groups, and is targeted by those who favor the so-called "centrists" and neolibs/neocons (the establishment). Right now we ARE witnessing conspiracies within many governments throughout the world. Planned coups and government take-overs, assassinations, and blackmails. Where else are we going to talk about these thigns if not here??? I would really like to know.

Also most conspiracy theories are either loosely or intimately tied to politics. You know this is the case.

I'm thinking that's a possibility

Judging by your downvotes and the upvotes to contrarian replies... and the fact that the admins are intervening... this is exactly what happened

If we see a steady stream of pro Democrat/Liberal submissions in the following weeks we will know for sure

Absolutely no doubt, been nice knowing the sub.

Remember when that other conspiracy sub a guy was going make public was suddenly taken by the admins and the creator was un-modded?

I understand why they did that now.

And remember when r/conspiracyii was infiltrated from it's conception by TMoR?

Lol it's so obvious what's going on at this point I don't even know what to say. The sub is lost, there might be a few months of life left in it

This place has sucked since Seth Rich triggered Reddit so hard. Everyone knows what the marching orders were from he top and this sub bent the knee like every other sub. Except for one of course ☝🏻

Or more real people disagree with you than agree. That's possible too. And that more real people have felt like this sub, over the last 1.5 years, became more overtly right wing than in the past, and specifically pro Trump. And now the facade is being removed. Just because a majority opinion is different from yours doesn't mean that the majority opinion isn't astroturfed. It's possible, but you speak as if it's an evident truth. It's not. People may just disagree with you.

I'm pretty sure this is exactly what happened.

RIP /r/conspiracy

Just stop with the Share blue bullshit. Cambridge analytica and Russian bots are far more prevalent here, as evidenced by all the pro-Russia, Pro-trump, anti-everything left that has dominated this sub for the last year. Go away.

Right back at ya, new guy.

Not new, just realized I should probs make a second account from my account I peruse porn with. 😬

There's no reason for me to believe that. Doesn't mean it's not true, but I don't know why you would expect anybody to believe that you have been around here for more than a few months.

Eh, ultimately doesn’t matter what you believe. :shrug:

A shareblue takeover? This sub was never filled to the brim with shareblue propaganda. It has filled to the brim with t_D propaganda on multiple occasions with no action taken by the mod team.

So which ones of you kept pressing the vote to overturn mods? Seems like a strange way to handle a weeks old event. Saw an opportunity you wouldn't pass by?

Can we have a community discussion about what the proper relationship between the mods and the users is?

For instance, a lot of the controversial decisions (contest mode, unique flair) we're supposedly put in place to protect the users from brigading. I however, do not need protection from brigading and would prefer the threads just be left alone.

Also this notion that r/conspiracy has to be the counter-balance of opinion on Reddit (similar to how Fox News sees themselves as a counter-balance to the "mainstream" media) seems misguided. Just because an idea is being entertained in r/politics shouldn't mean that we automatically take the opposite opinion, or that we have to act as refuge for groups of partisans that find themselves marginalized rightly or wrongly by the rest of Reddit.

Anyway, thanks for listening and we appreciate your work.

The discussions you propose to hold would be subject to the very brigading some of those actions would seek to prevent; as such, its not quite a viable method for approaching that specific issue.

You may not care about being subject to brigading, but the behavior is against the Reddit TOS and the effect on discussion is also palpable. Its not something we'll allow to occur on the subreddit, and we will continue to take steps to thwart outside groups from brigading the subreddit.

So discussion of this topic will be thwarted based on the mere possibility of it being brigaded? I'd prefer we take that risk bc it is an important topic rather than being cowed into no discussion by the threat of imaginary brigades.

We have two tools for alerting us to brigades, one of which is a message sent to the modmail. The other is a comparative script that analyzes voting patterns.

When either is tripped, we have a mod investigate and only then do we tae steps to stop a brigade.

I'd love to see what that 'comparative script that analyzes voting patterns' looks like.

Not my script but I think the mod who runs it could explain the technical aspect to you if you'd like.

not to throw gas on the fire, but new mod "elections" were open to voting within the sub. How is that less important than discussions of potential changes we would like to see?

There wasn't a popular vote to select new mods. There was an open discussion and the mods made the decision.

It wasn't an open discussion, it was a thread in contest mode and mods selected their friends from flytape private subreddit /r/TheInside.

Or just share the script's code

sure. lets hear it

For real. I'd love to know why it seems to target ONLY anti-Trump articles and posts and ignores blatant T_D crossposts. I've seen a mod mention posts getting thousands of upvotes+comments is reason enough to be suspicious of brigading... exactly what happened with this post a few days ago with a random Antifa video that didn't even seem to fit here. Never got flagged/contested/deleted.

Why did the alarms never go off when bots were posting identical threads and comments from The_Donald?

id like details on methods of identifying a brigade, because so far the decisions being made based on those methods seem to be politically motivated. and i dont even understand how a brigade can be detected, especially once a topic hits r/all or something

This is almost a forum equivalent to not being able to hold a protest because we know an outside group will infiltrate and cause violence and havoc. It's an indirect way of letting your speech be suppressed if you allow the intimidation of outside influences to make you stay indoors.

The guy your commenting to isn't even a community member. It's someone's alt account trying to manipulate this discussion.

I agree with you that the brigades are not imaginary if that is a point you are supporting, but I also with them in that we should not let the potential derailment keep us from having a conversation. To put it in 2000s terms, that would be "letting the terrorists win."

Discuss it in r/politics then

It's got crazier conspiracies than here

You may not care about being subject to brigading, but the behavior is against the Reddit TOS and the effect on discussion is also palpable.

Why are some mods allowed to get away with behavior that they punish others for? At least one mode routinely punishes people for violating Rule 6 despite the fact that he/they post in all caps when they get upset a lot.

And no I will not post who it/they are because doing so would put me in violation of the very broadly worded and inconsistently applied Rule 10.

broadly worded and inconsistently applied Rule 10.

thats the best part about it though. Its like the word "hate speech"

If you can’t handle dissenting opinions “muh brigades”, then you shouldn’t be trying to hold discourse on the internet. The cold hard truth you people can’t accept is that there are not 1000’s of fake accounts “shilling”. The vast majority of people simply hold more educated views than you and see the world the way it truly is, not some vapid imaginings of an overactive, uneducated mind.


The problem is not brigading, it's that whenever a topic is critical of Donald Trump or conservative mainstream media, mods decide --- without any evidence provided --- that it must be a brigade. It's very frustrating to see these actions being taken to protect the President of the United States from any criticism, ESPECIALLY on a conspiracy theory board.

Just because an idea is being entertained in r/politics shouldn't mean that we automatically take the opposite opinion,

That is unlikely to change unless and until /r/politics stops being a platform for useful idiots parroting Deep State MSM propaganda.

Wow, you are downvoted on a conspiracy sub.

We should name this the contrarian sub

Welcome to the new sub.

Because automatically assuming everything on /r/politics is "MSM deep state propaganda" is intellectually lazy and counter productive to rational discourse.

I can't be the only one scratching my head as to what you're doing in this sub.

No you're not

If you can't answer the point, question why the poster is even here.

That makes sense

Coming from a mod, no less... =\

should be a rules violation. 'get out' or 'why are you even here, you dont fit in/arent welcome' is just as shitty and counterproductive as calling someone a shill

I feel like comments like this are pretty inappropriate coming from a moderator.

But if that is an honest question and not a veiled insult, here's your answer; because I like conspiracies, especially esoteric ones. But I'm also a rational skeptic and have a high bar of evidence before I believe something.

I see where you're coming from.

But I'm also a rational skeptic and have a high bar of evidence before I believe something.

Funny, I would have said you were an inside-the-box thinker whose political/social biases make them extremely selective in what they choose to believe...and not believe.

Funny, I would have said you were an inside-the-box thinker whose political/social biases make them extremely selective in what they choose to believe...and not believe.

That's because you make biased judgements of people based on emotion instead of reason. No offence intended, just something I've observed about you over the time I've been on this sub.

I also find it pretty ridiculous that you couldn't respond to the point I was making before, so instead chose to make a personal attack against me and question my motives.

Just more intellectual laziness, I suppose.

So, did this comment cross the line? I know you are allowed to attack users, but are they allowed to defend themselves?

That's because you make biased judgements of people based on emotion instead of reason.

And you don't? Self-styled "skeptics" often over-estimate their ability to view people impartially.

Can I ask you why you think that? Would you not think the same of all subs then?

Would you not think the same of all subs then?

No. Most other subs don't appear to be magnets for people who actively dislike the subject being discussed in that sub. If you thought golf was a shit sport and a waste of time (a perfectly valid opinion), but chose to hang out in /r/golf sharing that opinion on a daily basis, the other users might show you the door, no? I don't think /r/golf has that problem, but we as hell do.

Unfortunately /r/conspiracy (in particular) attracts time-wasters and sophomoric self-styled skeptics who want to hone their debating skills and/or pontificate their political opinions and who have no real interest in learning anything or getting to the truth.

Well not sure if you're following the conversation. Conspiracy is... a wide area...there's contradictory conspiracies, the most batshit insane conspiracies,... and then there's conspiracies with a lot of evidence. Naturally you will have people disagreeing and being skeptic. I'm sure you disagree with some conspiracies and argued against it?

To the point; you asked a user as to why he's here when he said not all of /r/politics is deep state etc.

But certainly you must agree true news gets to the top there? As in not everything is deep stare? Certainly you must agree there's plenty of subreddits such as td that spreads propaganda and fake news? Certainly you must agree that all political subreddits seem to deel with several conspiracies? Why would he not be welcome here? Seeing it's only normal to disagree with several conspiracies? Or is it just because you do not like the conspiracies he disagrees with? Or do you not like the conspiracies he agrees with?

The only thing I've seen on r/politics is saying that trump is getting impeached today, everyday. I don't understand how you think that a lot of what is there, esp on the front page isn't just lefts circle jerking on trump hate.

There do seem to be a lot of "skeptics" who only seem to be skeptical of so called conspiracy theories, but who invoke Occam's razor when anyone questions an official narrative around here lately. Then there are the "hey, fellow conspiracy theorists, can we go back to talking about Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster like in the good old days" types.

This ^

Wow 38 points for one of the most hated comments on reddit. This... which adds literally nothing to the dialogue...but hey look at those upvotes

U mad bruh?

Says the 3 month old alt account.

That's true, not everything, just the vast majority.

well how bout if its source is from, huffpo, the hill, nyt, cnn, msnbc, wapo, fox news, or anyone of the organizations outed in the podesta emails to meet behind closed doors, we can say it Deep state propaganda? That fair mr. 4month old account that i'm sure you have a legitimate at not shady reason for that only post here?

to meet behind closed doors

oh my gosh, reporters have special access to politicians? I had absolutely not idea! /s

How did you think journalism works?

I'm sure you have no problem with the revolving door relationship between the Trump admin and Breitbart though, right? An example of blatant and literal collusion between a known propaganda outlet and a sitting POTUS.

But no, a political campaign setting up closed door interviews must be evidence of some terrible collusion....

yes i do know how "journalism" works now, got to see right into the underbelly with those emails. Breitbart propaganda, sure, CNN and MSNBC are not though? You are in the wrong sub bucko.

CNN and MSNBC are not though?

... did I say that? No I did not. Pretty solid deflection there, bucko

Oh okay then what news source, since you know how journalism works, Do you trust as not propaganda now?


There are not many large and diverse places left like this to hold dissenting opinions. There is something almost sacred about areas that allow for open discourse. This place is certainly not perfect, but seriously it is one of the only places left. It seems misguided to me to allow the few places left to be subverted by people parroting and supporting the predominant wings of power in the western world. The neolib/neocon way of thinking has subsumed nearly every board concerning current events on reddit, and on other platforms. It should terrify people that opposing opinions are being attacked through well paid groups with well laid out strategic plans. We are no longer seeing them take things inch by inch, but now they are coming in the open. If we hold an apathetic attitude these days, then we are surely doomed. The marginalization you mentioned feels more intense than ever before. I fear it will soon border on, and then cross to persecution.

TL-DR: Are you absolutely mad?!?!?!

It’s because neo libs have correct opinions. When you’re in the minority you’re probably wrong and dying out. Good riddance.

cant tell if true or sarcasm...

I like to be on the side of truth and justice, though.

The proper balance of power would be something like this:

Independent Board Elected Annually By Users: Set the rules Mods: Enforce the rules Users: Break the rules

How do you define users in the vote scenario, though? We watch heavily brigaded voting all the time.

Make up an arbitrary metric like account age or number of posts on this subreddit

I don't know if number of post would be a great metric because I rarely post anywhere on Reddit, but this is one of the only subs I frequent or comment in on a regular basis, so it would feel a little exclusive for users like myself that still treat this sub as home to not be allowed into a decision making process (and has a vibe of "only land owners can vote" mentality)

The idea isn't to make a perfect system but to improve on the current anonymous centralized and corruptible system.

It's simple.

  • users who agree with me: legitimate members of the community

  • users who disagree with me: brigading shills and sock puppets who should be banned

How about just making me king? I'll be super nice. Cross my heart.

Just because an idea is being entertained in r/politics shouldn't mean that we automatically take the opposite opinion, or that we have to act as refuge for groups of partisans that find themselves marginalized rightly or wrongly by the rest of Reddit.

/r/politics is about as 'mainstream' as a sub can get. So what you're saying is to trust and believe in MSM? lol

MSM said the sky was blue, better believe the sky is red

  • u


Says the moderator of topminds.^

cute how you checked my profile. Ive been a member here longer than a mod there

No member here would associate there except for a troll.


He's not wrong you know. If you mod a hate sub directed at this subreddit you're not a good fit.

You know as well as me mod spots are useless to determine such things as they are so easily given away. Activity is a better indicator and mine speaks for itself.

Well it shows your ideological predisposition sadly, as the people who mod that sub all share an intense hate for user curated content, etc.

Also, we both know that account is 1/10 of your reddit activity lol.

They also took over /r/Rothschild and made it private.

It's the first one I found out about, but I wonder how many other subreddits that has happened to.

Hahaha wow okay. I love the victimization complex users here put themselves into regarding that sub. It literally exists to point out dumb shit people said. I would think people should be more concerned about not saying dumb shit than being made fun of elsewhere on Reddit.

Would you care to comment on why TMOR took over and made private /r/Rothschild?

Nope, sorry i wasn't apart of that

Im glad you weren't. I'd appreciate if you could ask your fellow modteam about it. /u/NewJerseyFreakShow told me to PM him to discuss it but has not replied in 5 days.

It wouldnt be fair to him if I released private information to you that he did not wish to share himself. Hope you understand. Have a good one.

Okay cool. I'll just continue making this public.

Discounting everything in the mainstream news is an incredibly ignorant way of viewing the world.

hurricane is hitting Texas must be climate change!

ill listen to that part and not the other how bout that?

how do you decide whats fake? what you want to believe vs what you dont? what conflicts with your opinion vs what does not?

omg your right, WTF i love cnn now!

well said

You getting Reddit gold on your comment is not suspicious at all.

Go away.

You bring up a good point, that contest mode would be great as a default.

And you getting gold, weird. The current relationship mods to users is perfect. The sub votes for new mods pulling from the best of our active stock. Makes sense.

Oh look a non- community outsider telling us to stop worrying about briggading and be more like r/politics

. LOL So transparent.

This is one of the worst types of logical fallacies.. Your spinning words so much its making everyone dizzy. He didn't say we should be more like r/politics.. he said we shouldn't attempt to be their opposite. Listen and read words more carefully maybe.

non- community outsider

so an insider?

Are there actually real people active in /politics?

yes, useful idiots

I wholeheartedly disagree with everything you said

Has not been my sub in many, many accounts. lol

And again it is a Wizard's war, with strange colorful lightings in the clouds and the occasional falling dragon.

Axolotl is a good choice for heading this!

No, no he isn’t. Any mod that is overtly biased towards or against any one party does not belong here.

I don't mind bias in any particular mod, but the team needs to be balanced. They've now purged the last of the pro Trump mods, and there are 8 Hillary supporters.

Specifically, who are the Hillary supporting mods?

according to the_dump-users logic everyone who is not pro-tump. such simple minds

Yea I'm guessing the mod team revolted because that guy is seriously pushing Trump stuff. He made a fool of himself with a stick that got to the front page by top minds of Reddit.

i just read through his own sub, read through his comments, can't find any overt bias...
ergo: you are talking shit.

The Friday Night Massacre.

Thanks for the detailed post and the transparency! Awhile back I wrote to the moderators about a series of Holocaust denial posts that were brigaded to the top of this sub and cited rule violation #11. They were sensationalist propaganda full of "facts" that were unverifiable, untrue and misleading. If you want to post facts that show that the official narrative of WWII is not entirely correct and provide facts that show this, go right ahead. But these posts didn't do that and were easy to debunk by a 5 minute google search. Sarah_connor wrote back a super snide/shitty/snarky comment stating that if I didn't like reading posts like this (intentionally misleading propaganda) that I should just go somewhere else. I almost threw in the towel right then and there on this sub. But instead I chose to draw attention to it and submitted a post about how the language used by Alt-Right, White Supremacist websites (Daily Stormer, etc) mirrors a lot of the language used in posts and comments here and concluded that Alt-Right Nazis are brigading this sub. My post was predictably downvoted to hell and I received a lot of personal death threats in my private inbox, all things I expected. But what I didn't expect was the mod axolotl_peyotl to respond to my post and say that not everyone here is an alt-right hack. He even removed some of the Holocaust Denial trash posts from the front of the page, which was the right move because they were garbage, violated rule 3 and 11, and fed into the image of this sub as an alt-right breeding ground. He restored my faith in this sub, sarah_connor just served to divide and push moderate conspiracy theorists like me away. Believing conspiracies is not exclusive to the alt-right and more people here need to understand that. Real conspiracy theorists know that being politically affiliated is pointless and only serves to divide people.

Tldr the mod sarah_connor is likely a t_d or daily stormer shill or at the very least sympathizes with anti-Semitic Holocaust denial bullshit. Axolotl_peyotl rocks and is by far the best, least biased mod we have here! Keep up the good work! And fuck sarah Connor.

Yep. The top mod is now a "Nazi" shill. What a bunch of deluded psychopaths.

I don't care what flytapes personal views were, but I'm glad he was one of the only ones visibly trying to do anything about this relentless brigading.

My point was literally the opposite of what you are saying, axolotyl is not a nazi shill, but sarah Connor certainly seemed to be or was misguided in their attempt to ensure free speech. I never interacted with flytape so I have no idea what he actually did about the relentless brigading here on this sub, which we all know is happening from all sides.

Liar. It's only "literally the opposite" of your point, because you edited out the sentence where you directly called Sarah a t_d and daily stormer shill.

Fuck liars. If that shoe fits you, so be it.

I edited my post because I didn't want it to be deleted for violation of rule 10. If you want to post anti-semetic propaganda with zero evidence or facts you and sarah_connor can go back to t_d. Those posts were clearly a rule violation and sarah_connors inaction spoke volumes to the type of moderator and the type of content that he allowed to be brigaded on this sub. Let alone staging a coup and kicking out all of the other moderators. Good riddance.

They tried to take over the sub to push their personal views, but you don't care what their personal views are.

How interesting is that?


From what I've seen so far, it would seem that a handful of people researching, then pursuing top mod removal over a petty offense seems like a takeover, or inching closer to it. One fairly inactive mod, and another partisan minded mod is hardly a takeover, since they were already at the top.

But who knows. We have the leftover faction's pov here, which is loudly celebrated by the most notorious shills on the board. And one of the few mods fighting off the brigade is gone, with a couple others apparently on their way out.

So, who's takeover is it, really?

Hopefully it returns to being neutral rather than another attack wing of T_D, which is what it was turned into.

with anti-Semitic Holocaust denial bullshit.

You should make it clear that we Jews don't discourage "holocaust revisionists" from presenting their information. You should explain that there is a difference between "holocaust denial", and "holocaust revisionism".

Please read my entire comment because I do. The original holocaust posts I reported: "were sensationalist propaganda full of "facts" that were unverifiable, untrue and misleading. If you want to post evidence that shows that the official narrative of WWII is not entirely correct and provide facts that show this, go right ahead. But these posts didn't do that and were easy to debunk by a 5 minute google search."

Good. Yes, you made it clear. I just wanted to make sure readers understand that r/conspiracy welcomes all types of conspiracy discussion, and that we should be civil to one another when engaging in touchy subjects. When someone who "questions" the holocaust narrative on other subreddits, they will be told "Oh, so you are a conspiratard! You need to go to r/conspiracy!" So, those poor souls have nowhere to go to tell their story, so they eventually do end up coming here as they were instructed to do. But, upon arrival they will realize that they are welcomed, and that their opinions will be treated with the same respect as the posts about the pink-polka-dotted shape-shifting alien lizard that fathered Chelsea Clinton.

You and I have a slightly different experience with this sub it seems. Sure those people you are talking about exist, but there are also people who come here to peddle propaganda. There's a fine line between holocaust revisionism and holocaust denial / nazi propaganda, and that line comes down to evidence and facts that can be verified. Some of the mods here didn't seem to understand that. Maybe a few years ago this was a place where people could come and share their conspiracies about anything and they weren't insulted. But that's not what this sub is like anymore. This is not a safe space. I've been called a psychopath, an idiot, crazy, insane, moronic, etc multiple times on this subreddit. And if I even attempt to point out that white supremacists are brigading this sub, I can add death threats to the list also.

No, I hear you, and I think I know where you are coming from. I'm a Jew, and I get drunk now and then and talk shit about my people. So what happens? I get banned from r/Israel and my son was so pissed he wouldn't talk to me for about a whole day. My son wants to move us there. But the truth is, I love Jews. I look up to them, and I know what my people are capable of accomplishing. We can be a big help improving the current mess the world faces. But for some reason, Jews don't want to to do that, and it breaks my heart. I guess I am an old school liberal that is part of a dying breed. These young, new liberals are doing everything all wrong. I can only speak for me. I can't speak for anyone else; even the Jews who were murdered in the holocaust. I feel sorry for them, and it angers me that they were treated so horribly before being murdered. But I didn't experience what they went through. I didn't experience what black people, who have suffered racism for being black, have had to endure. But I feel sorry for them. And, I feel sorry for paranoid white people who are scared shit-less about their future because assholes like Alex Jones (who is a Mossad agent,btw) loves scaring these people to death, and then these paranoid white Gentiles are called "Nazis" when actuality they hate Nazis.

Just stick to your guns and express your views. You play a big part in helping to unify people instead of dividing them.

Are you just hiding the fact that you're a moronic, insane, crazy, idiot-psychopath to lead me away from The Glory of Panau?

Seriously though, with how many NeoCon and Zionism shills are on this /r/ it would surprise me if there weren't Nazi shills basically doing the same thing. Ruining the cohesion of the more tolerant people and and rewriting history into their own perfect nuke-town delusion. It's funny because its like mortal enemies are by proxy working together to silence real liberals and/or conservatives just so they can stab the other in the back and then hide behind normal people who aren't motivated extremists like themselves.

I think what he's pointing out it that the conspiracy community, and thus this sub have been infiltrated by a lot of groups and ideologies that try and use conspiracy theories as a weapon.

Right wing politics have been using conspiracy theories to attack their enemies, and many far right wing groups use the same strategy against Jewish people. I'm not saying that anyone in particular here was doing this, but I have seen threads that looked like they were probably started for that purpose. It's not exclusive to right wing politics, but it is predominantly right wingers doing it.

You are right. I see what he is saying. I am of the view that any subject on this subreddit is open for a good, civil discussion as long as it centers around a conspiracy. I guess because I am an liberal who believes adamantly in freedom of speech, I hope this sub doesn't ban honest hearted individuals who want to discuss discrepancies and inaccuracies in the official holocaust account. Because if the official account is to be considered "fact", then Dr. Norman Finkelstein's "The Holocaust Industry", which is the best research book ever published, becomes a lie. We can't have that. Let freedom ring!!!

I believe in freedom of speech too, it's just that some people will try and abuse it when they're given the opportunity.

I don't like to see subjects be off limits either. It all depends on the intent.

And quiet predictably my comment is being down-voted to oblivion. White supremacists do brigade this sub. It's so fucking obvious with the tone change of the comments and posts here over the past year or so. Let the private message death threats commence.

Least biased mod? Have you Seen his post history? Blaming Hillary for the slave trade in Africa, supporting the ban on Net Neutrality - what kinda bar are you setting?

And three are the days of our lives....

I would really like to hear /u/Flytape side of the story on this but it may take suspending rule 10.

I know he has been accused of being a shill/compromised before, but to me it always seemed like the anti-Flytape crowd was suspiciously organized and I personally never saw any action by Flytape that indicated he was a shill.

One thing we do know from looking at the comment section of any highly upvoted post, this community is absolutely infested with shills and they are working OT to take over the sub.

So what this looks like is that they tried to pull off a coup and stack the mod team with partisan Trump supporters?

How does it look like that? Where was anyone trying to change mods except SC being voted off?

That's a great question, why was anyone trying to change the mods....... And why did two of the mods possibly violate the rules of Reddit to the point that the Admins needed to step in?

There's an awful lot of "why" here. But seeing as Flytape was pretty open about his political positions, and he's even started his own right wing political sub I have my suspicions as to the "why".

Would be a whole lot different if a mod squad formed to remove Flytape for political reasons. Instead it seems like he was involved in self-initiated moves that left others in the dark and required intervention. Not sure what the relevance and authority of a "top mod" really is for a sub, why all this drama was necessary. Still I see Flytape has a history of de-modding and then returning to the sub so there has always been something salty there. He's of the opinion that the sub is now another anti-Trump circle jerk, but I'm not sure how he thinks this will be enforced-- nor why he felt the need to create a r/conspiracyright and claim Trump supporters are being actively marginalized here. Reality does not comply with this view to anyone with eyes.

I've stuck with this place because all parties and factions can be seen as suspect and all conspiracies (legit or psyops) can be brought up and discussed. I'm not sure how that's changed.

The idea that Trump supporters are being marginalized here is ridiculous. I hunk it's just that it's been an absolute free for all over the past year, and they've become so accustomed to having the run of the place that they can't handle it now that Trump is in office and taking some heat.

The Trump/Russia conspiracy is at least as relevant as most of the politically motivated crap coming out of right wing media, I think far more credible........ And the fact that they use double standards when they look at the evidence shows that they're only concerned about the politics.

I think if your have to post in a sub for conspiracy theorists you've already been pretty marginalized.

They don't.

You say this as if the mod team isn't already compromised. The older mods of /r/conspiracy need a bit more securitization and it's good to see that the mods that actually care about the sub are rooting out those with their own agendas.

I go in with the assumption that all mods here are compromised in one way or another unless they show otherwise, as who else has the time available to mod unless it is part of their job

It is clear share blue were making an effort to influence this place, but so are the Zionists too.

No, this is what it looks like whe n SB or the government takes over this sub.

How does preventing a retaliatory purge of the entire moderation team by restoring it to exactly as it was before the purge read as admins taking over the sub? Because your side didn't win?

I don't agree with Flytape's politics at all. I'm a socialist. But I'd rather have a mod I trust and disagree with than literal shills.

You didn't respond to what I said at all, you just spit out a talking point that you have entirely failed to substantiate.

The previous mod team was restored after flytape and sarah_conor attempted to purge it. No new mods have been added.

Sarah Connor should absolutely have the power to unilaterally nuke the whole team. That's the beat possible safeguard against a shill takeover. Sc and Flytape are imo the only mods who are above suspicion of shillery.

Retaliation against mod voting is and has been expicitly against the rules, for good and obvious reasons.

Yeah, so that narrative friendly mods can displace the real mods when reddit thinks it's in the corporate interests.

No it's actually to stop the top mod from turning a sub into their own private fiefdom, to the ruination of the community. As was attempted last night.

Not sure if you know this or not, but Sarah Connor vanished from reddit after a very strange post about turning themselves into the FBI... Erased all their comments and just, poof. Then just like that, they were back and ready to mod again after like a year.

Flytape has seemingly gone out of his way many times trying to make this sub look bad.

Neither of them are above suspicion.

/u/flytape is just a bad mod. There's no conspiracy here.. Just shitty moderating. His attempt at a power grab speaks even more of his character. That's easy to see, and again, that's no conspiracy, just bad characters and morals. Seriously, I'm glad he's gone

Yeah, he was always very openly biased about it and even admitted he was biased. He even said to me that he purposely ignores Trunp's corruption.and defends him because Trump pushes for his agenda

Why am I not surprised YOU of all people are happy about this?

Because I'm a liberal and Flytape wanted this be a right wing only sub and allowed for users to break the rules if they attacked liberal users

Liberal is a funny word for being paid.

So all liberals in here are "daip ot tsop"?

Your are not a liberal.

And what makes you think that?

I've called you out more times than I care to remember. We both know what your really doing on /r/conspiracy

I calling someone something doesn't make it so

Neither does denying the truth

The truth is that you want this to be a right wing propaganda sub

Lmfao no I want this sub to have ZERO political affiliation

Then why do you think every liberal person on here or anyone that discusses conspiracies relating to Russia or Trump is a shill?

When did I say that? I just think that you are P2P

I never said anything about every liberal person on here.

Just you.

Name another liberal poster here who you think is not P2P

Most people who post in /r/conspiracy don't advertise their political affiliations because they have none because they are critical thinkers and not partisan hacks or P2P.

I only know you are a liberal because you tell me you are liberal.

You assume because I disagree with you I am conservative but I have never been conservative in fact I use to call myself a Liberal I even voted for Obama in 2008 but by 2012 it became obvious that the DNC was infiltrated by neocons.

If you support the DNC you are not liberal you a neocon or a neoliberal.

Name another liberal poster here who you think is not P2P

I am a classical liberal, does that count?

Name someone besides your self

Lol, that dude is not liberal. He's a Trump supporter who sometimes pretends to be a liberal and he doesn't even post here

Thank you for confirming something for me

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"First of all I have an extensive gilded post history for supporting Bernie"

Way to prove yourself wrong all you have to do is look at his post history.

Care to post any actual proof of that claim or are you hoping people will just blindly believe it?

Anyone with a brain knows. I can't save anyone who can't save themselves.

I'm a liberal

lol, just because you are a DNC hack and media fanboy, that does not make you a liberal.

A true liberal would hate what the DNC has become

I do hate what the DNC has become and I've said it in multiple threads before. It's shit how th DNC and the MSM treated Sanders as a big example and how they are servents to big money lobbyists and mega corporations

I do hate what the DNC has become and I've said it in multiple threads before.

Yet you tow the line in every one of your discussions here.

No I fucking don't and I'm getting fucking pissed off by this organized attack against me and making these baseless fucking accusations.

You just don't fucking like me because I have different political beliefs than you

Piss Off

You can be liberal and still be against the DNC you know...

Yeah, he was always very openly biased about it.

This is a bad thing? We're all biased, somebody having enough honesty with themselves declaring it seems like a positive thing.

Not when it affects how they moderate what is supposed to be a neutral non-partisan sub.

I do not see how you think anyone can be unbiased and actually be honest in the assessment.

You can be biased and also not allow your bias affect the way you moderate a sub.

Yes, but that requires being honest about your bias. I am not defending anyone, I do not know enough information. I am just stating that knowing ones bias about a moderator is a good thing. If they say they're unbiased, I would call BS.

Fair enough.

Cheers 🍻

I despise both parties, and think they're both corrupt. I am an "I". I am also biased.

My point being, is if I openly declare my bias, I can be called out on it. If I was a proper fair mod, I would take a different look at my approach.

He was banned.

And nothing of value was lost.

No, that's what we would say if you left.

Who are you?

Your worst nightmare


Did you mean to say that your from r/tsopotdiapmai

Oh I wish friend, not the case.

Removed. Rule 10. First warning.

Doesn't make sense to me that post was removed.

It was obviously being brigaded. I appreciate JCP locking it, but the removal is suspect.

It could always be changed to contest mode and left up.


Do you have a link to the post?


Well he has been making a bunch of salty posts that you can see from his profile page.

The reason it may have seemed like the anti-Flytape crowd was organized is probably because of the amount of controversy that tended to occur around him. I'd imagine the biggest controversy was him inviting a bunch of people from TD to come over while their sub was down.

You know, I don't get that. I've never even been to t_d, but if r/esist had a temporary shut, would you be pissed if those users were invited here? I wouldn't. This should be a place to express ideas, whether you like those ideas or not.

I personally am not opposed to users of any subreddit coming here, I'm just saying there was some controversy regarding that. But realistically inviting either would just make things sorta shitty for a while until their subs were back up. It's not that I against the expression of ideas, it's that both of those subreddits are, in my personal opinion, dedicated to misinformation and drowning out disapproving opinions by keeping all their users in a frenzied state of mind.

Bullshit. Shills were pissed that people that support Trump were invited.

I'm sorry, which part of my post do you consider to be bullshit? I presented you with my opinion of both subs and why I wouldn't want either flooding here. It's not a matter of who they support, but of how they both operate

I'm sorry, too. I'm really suspicious and bugged about all of this and I was terse to you.

Right, because Trump supporters are noted for never brigading or otherwise trying to take over message boards or comments sections.

Did I say that?

Then surely we should invite all of r/politics here

Like they needed an invite, lol. And was their sub shut? i needed a reason to throw up in my mouth today you are

Not everyone who isn't a trump supporter is a shill lol. People weren't in love with inviting people from a very vocal and rather obnoxious political sub because it's bringing in a specific flux of people with very specific opinions. It's clear how that could push a sub one way or another.

I was pissed because this sub is explicitly about questioning official narratives and the motives of those in power, while that sort of dissent is specifically forbidden in the_donald. The culture mismatch is so extreme that it boggles the mind why it was considered appropriate.

Exactly. People on T_D are actually trained to never question their cult leader by be banned for any deviation from outright worship of Trump.

Why would any community invite that in?

Donno, but this is the last community that should have. If there is a unifying principle here, it is the distrust and questioning of power, in all its forms.

Yes. I would.

it wasnt a shutdown. they went private while they applied significant updates to the sub and claimed it had to do with reddit admins. scumbags begging for sympathy over something that didnt happen.

I only saw it from the periphery. Like I said, I don't think I've ever been there.

it was just very strange when it happened. everyone was freaking out about it as if Reddit had taken it offline or something. As soon as it came back, it was completely refreshed with all new graphics and features, etc. and no one here talked about that.

Nah, we talked about it. I'm sure you can find it in search. I was under the impression they were shut down by admin for a bit, had a team meeting and opened up later. There was definitely a period of time that it seemed it was r/pizzagate shut- like a few hours. Then we learned it was just private.

yeah it was talked about when they faked it being taken down. what wasnt discussed was the fact that they faked taking it down for sympathy while they applied their new update.

My take was that they went to private to update and rumours flew around that it was a pizzagate type shutdown. I'm not sure about anyone trying to conjure sympathy, just a lot of "Lol, t_d prolly doxxed someone, hur dur" and "is anyone else blocked from t_d?"

Then, flytape announced that folks that temporarily didn't have a home sub could chat in conspiracy while it's getting worked out. Is that bad?

thats not quite how I remember it going down but I am also too lazy right now to dig out posts

Was a planned coup of this place imo. Invited themselves in, swayed mod thread...

Er........Their top mod, /u/OhSnapYouGotServed got axed by the Reddit admin. So TD gone full shutdown mode after that. It probably marked the point where TD became a "decoy" sub so that the hate sub has a point to exist. And also Mark the point that they became a rabid echo chamber that doesn't know how to criticize Trump anymore.

inviting a bunch of people from TD to come over while their sub was down

which itself was a conspiracy everyone conveniently ignored. All of them claiming that they had to go private because of something the reddit admins did while it was really for them to apply a significant update to the themes and features of their sub. that was such a bullshit attempt to grab sympathy users. fuck T_D

You keep spreading these lies. Do you not know that their top mod was banned by the admins, leading to that shutdown? It was not just a theme update.

Banned for breaking the rules if I recall correctly.

Yeah, I remember seeing it. She went berserk against the special reddit rules for that sub (like not even mentioning other subreddits). So they banned her.

Also enjoying how statement of facts = downvotes on a conspiracy sub. sigh - Reddit's admins just took over /Conspiracy

They restored the mod list to exactly how it was before a coup attempt, so how exactly do you figure?

It's wasn't a coup. /u/Sarah_Connor had higher permission level than any of the new moderators who have not earned our trust. He should be allowed to exercise his discretion if it appears that the moderator team has been compromised. It is very likely that the admins stepped in because ShareBlue was about to lose their influence here.

By Flytape's and mission mods were purged because they voted to remove the top mod. This is blatantly retaliation and explicitly against the site-wide rules. It has been for a long time.

Your paper thin counter-narrative will not fly. Flytspe already blew it up.

Pretty much.

Admins removed my perms.

They removed your perms because you tried to blatantly powergrab. Stop trying to make it seem like you're some hero of justice here.

Nope. And who's alt account are you?

It's cute to accuse me of being a shill account just because I called you out on your bullshit. Unfortunately for you I'm just an alt for an average user, and not a shill. But you can believe otherwise if it helps you sleep at night.

Thanks, I'll sleep like a baby.

But in total honesty, you have no fucking idea the mod drama that happens in this sub: I'm on mobile so this may not be as well written as I would prefer, but let me provide a bit of insight into some history;

I've been on reddit as an active daily user for over ten years. On conspiracy for a very large portion of that time.

Wax has been a defunct mod for my entire tenure, his removal request, to the admins, was ignored many times.

I trusted the judgement of the other mods and made no edicts or reversals of their actions and attempted dialogue through mod mail on various matters. I explicitly created a sticky that said that this was not a political battleground. Other mods bitched and removed it and we moved discussion to modmail, yet the cats could not be herded and no consensus was made.

I've drafted policy to which no clear agreement could be arrived at.

Another is that I stated that we need mod votes on certain topics, but I stated publicly I was not in the position to ban users as I wanted the community to be inclusive - so I chose not to participate in bans, but I stated multiple times that users who politely request unbanning be the policy, with a vote from mods, and that it was the job of the banning mod to unban. That process has worked well.

There are some real jerks who mail the mods when they get banned.

Now, to this discourse; I have personal IRL matters that consume the majority of my attention, and I agreed to step down and be lowered on the mod list, I may have fucked up and changed APs perms, but I didn't mean to, and honestly I don't recall doing that. I asked him to contact me prior to any action taken - I wasn't contacted (I asked him to email me at my IRL personal email)

I told him to restructure...

Then SHTF, and a mod that I completely disagree with politically called me and we had a discussion - and I reinstated him, he was the only person who has actively tried to have conversations with me outside of modmail.

I had created a slack group to move discussion out of the preview of admins and other mods failed to use it effectively - but at the same time my IRL shit took my attention elsewhere (my kids birthday was this last weekend and I have had several deaths in the family plus other shit I need to deal with)

We have 481k users - can't please them with a mod team that is 0.00004158% of the SUBSCRIBED user base in a topic surface area as wide as this sub is. We aren't managing memes (no offense to meme /r/ related mods)

So... the admins swooped the fuck in within minutes of my "recess" post - and threatened us.

Now the admins fucking swooped in again and killed my perms.

Yet they defended fuck pedo subs, picsofdeadkids and other abhorrent content - but when the political shit hit the fan, the admins are all over it.

If anyone is to blame to the state of the sub, it's the fucking admins.

I know that many people wear their political bias on their sleeves here, as I did - and I had literally multiple discussions with flytape on his politics on the phone and made my point clear that we don't need politics as a seemingly purpose of this /r/

Everyone can bitch all they want - I've been here for ten years and have beeen accommodating to other mods more than anyone who is not a mod even knows.

But reddit is changing and fuck both sides of the political spectrum of idiots: I specifically made a post that we are apolitical.

The admins are manipulating the entire situation with them intervening when it suits their narrative and I guarantee not a single admin has the depth of experience with the content, user base, problems and complexity of this sub as myself and some of the other mods.

It's a shitshow, the admins are fucking with your attention and there are mods that really know what they are doing from a community standpoint and we very much don't agree on our politics.

Finally, this sub has 481,000 subscribed users, and millions more lurkers, trolls, brigaders, etc...

So now I just have mod fatigue and "life-mod-balance" issues....

Not a single mod can say that I stepped in and fucked with them. Because a lot of the mod tenure is short, and the volume of content is high, we can all make opinions on too few data points.

Or, as a conspiracy theorist, the mod team has an admin shill on the roster :-)

Archived, death of this sub and reddit defined in one post.

I only come here from time to time to watch the place burn down, but respect that you've been trying to save the collapsing building.

other mods are removing my posts:

Of course they are, they'll silence all discord by sweeping it under the misconception that you or anyone else is merely trying to (create drama|damage the sub|attack the moderators|create a splinter community)

Will there be users smart enough to realize this is going on? Yes. But they'll all be drowned out by the narrative citing the reasons above.

Even worse, anything conspiratorial discussion that happens in the short term will be drowned out by the drama and this itself will be an excuse to start culling any support of what you've been trying to accomplish or say. I could see this clearly years ago, it's obvious that there's already been an agenda pushing a certain narrative likely coming down from what you said yourself in another post, that it's the administrators poking too far into the mod team and trying to use the subreddit as a tool for something, but I'm not informed enough to make a guess as to what the ultimate motive is.

The only thing that made me come out of an 8 month hiatus to post here was that the administrators stepped in and made a decision without consulting all of the moderators or the subreddit itself. That's reddits game now, and it's finally made its presence known here.

Archive what you say, start discussions on other places about it. Allow people to look at the events/discussion and make their own opinions. The streissand effect can go a long way for you there I guess. As far as continuing to fight here, [post deleted]

The North Remembers

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How is it a power grab if he already had all the power?

This is the most retarded thing I have read today, congratulations

It's a powergrab because the other mods were going to move who was top mod through a vote, which they're allowed to do.

which they're allowed to do.

A shitty rule made up by the admins which allow soft coups, which we have just seen happen

Or it's a rule that prevents one rogue mod from destroying a subreddit, which we just saw almost happen.

What am i figuring? i'm posting something by Flytape that got removed.

You said the admins just took over the sub. They restored them the mod list to what it was before it was purged. Sarah_conor and flytape attempted to take over the sub, not the admins. They restore the status quo.

Again, i posted what Flytape said.

You posted a link to Flytape, and your own personal comment. I am responding to the comment, obviously.

no that is the post title, not my own personal commentary.

Ohhhh shit, my bad!! I should have looked harder to find a way in which I wasn't right. Thanks man.

No problem

Yes, I've seen the very same over and over again. I do not agree with how he attempted to handle this situation but his wrongdoings should not detract from the issue that was being addressed.

I would really like to hear /u/Flytape side of the story

it's posted at /r/conspiracyright

The question is why it was removed from here.

That's /u/flytape's sub so it his post was removed, I'm sure it was with his permission.

He named various mods as an opposing faction trying to harm the sub which would start a witch hunt.

Also, he broke the anti retaliation rule and then freaked out and resigned.

Same thing happened in r/drama about a month ago. Had he waited and had a civil discussion, this would have been but an after thought, much like happened there.

And... what if he was right?

Read my recent post history, sure me and Fly might not agree on a lot, but I'm remaining as impartial as I can while presenting info.

Because he named specifically which mods he thinks are "compromised"

He wanted to start a witch hunt

That's what I referred to as (fair warning).

Not sure what you mean?

We know which mods are compromised and we know which users are compromised too /r/TrumpRusConspiracy

If ever a witch hunt was warranted this would be it.

Can I ask you a question. Do you think liberal users should be allowed here or only right wing folks?

I think /r/conspiracy should not be about partisan politics but clearly you and several other people are very determined to turn this into some fucked up /r/politcs 2.0

You people disgust me.

You didn't really answer my question. And the person I'm really biased against is Trump and his administration because I believe he or they are party of a massive conspiracy and corruption.

I haven't really attacked the Republican Party much have I?

You are fooling no one.

Are you incapable of having a conversation?


I don't waste my time with people who can't be reasoned with. I've been down that path with TRC far too many times.

Shoot straight for once. Try actually answering questions directly instead of doing this run-around dodging crap. If you start a dialog with someone, you have to actually answer their questions once in a while.

There's no shooting straight with people who wont shoot straight with you anyways I have had dialogue with many of them on previous accounts. It goes nowhere so I don't bother anymore. They are what they are.

You must be joking. Anyone with left leaning views has been viscously attacked and accused of being a shill for the last year. So over it.

Neoliberals are not left.


viscously attacked? What, like a gloopy attack?

Left leaning views haven't been attacked. The behaviour that goes a with them was rightly attacked. Also note you are highly upvoted despite whining about the way you are treated.

Shills pushing a single conspiracy should be banned

So if someone only pushes the pizzagate conspiracy or the dnc conspiracy they should be banned?

Or what if they only attack the Republican Party?

Yes. If a user repeatedly only has one partisan issue to push, they should be banned

Ok. I'll hold you to that

And I you

Coming from a guy who still believes in the Russian collusion that's not be been proven.

Rule 10

and by compromised he means everyone who is not in favor of the führer trump

Pretty much. There's a movement to attack, discredit, and divide people who lean liberal or who are against Trump.

He's openly partisan, and he's not the only one....... He's been nothing less than fair with me, but I do find it a bit troubling when a moderator is openly admitting bias. Can someone be a neutral, impartial moderator when they're openly admitting that they're on one of the sides battling?

What is wrong with being openly partisan? Is it necessary that everyone dilute their expression such an extent that everyone else agrees?

I've argued with fly plenty of times. Ironically, its either me calling out his politics or him calling me out about Pizzagate. You discuss the points you disagree with and move on, not try to control the ideology of the person!

When you're moderating a sub that has become a political battleground?

Are you serious?

Yes, I'm serious. When you become a mod of this place are you supposed to forget all the things you are committed to or believe in? I mean, I'm not partisan but I'm a Pizzagater. Does that mean I can't be a mod? How do you even find folks that care about conspiracy theory and the search for truth that don't have a bias?

The correct answer is that you either don't become a mod at all, or of you do you leave your politics at the door.

Being a Pizzagate doesn't mean you're automatically a partisan. However, if you're a former moderator over at T_D, you openly admit that you're pro Trump and don't like Trump/Russia stories, and the first thing you do when you get banned from here is run to T_D to whine about it then chances are you're not fit to be a moderator.

Real conspiracy theories are not partisan. If you're hanging off the nuts of a politician, a political party or a political ideology then you're probably going to look at conspiracy theories along partisan lines.

It's been obvious to me for a long time that right wing politics, particularly Trump supporters have been using conspiracy theories to attack their political enemies for a long time. The only reason they come here is to spread bullshit conspiracy theories that were designed as Weapons.

Eh, that's crap. Since when did being a supporter of the President disqualify anyone from a mod position about conspiracy theory? Shall we poll every mod and demand the truth of who they voted for, how they've registered, who they currently support? Maybe lie detector tests so we can make certain they have no political leaning?

They can lean however they want, I'm of the belief that you can't moderate and also take part in the conversation.

It's tough in any sub, and I'd say darn near impossible when it comes to political topics.

You sure as heck can't moderate or run other politically leaning subs, and be an open partisan and remain impartial.

being a supporter

Not sure why you're having a hard time understanding what he's saying. He's not saying FT's status as a supporter was a problem. He's saying FT taking specific action as a mod in favor of his beliefs was a problem. It's not about his thoughts, it's about his deeds.

What actions did that person state that he had a problem with? All I'm reading is that user didn't like flytape's ideology.

It has nothing to do with his personal beliefs.

It has everything to do with his statements and his actions. I already clearly outlined some of the actions he's taken that I feel impaired his ability to govern the sub from a neutral position. The fact that he immediately went over to T_D to whine about what happened here speaks volumes as to what his thought process is.

If someone supports Trump, that's fine...... Many reasonable people do. The issue comes about when moderators take steps to suppress what they feel are threads damaging to Trump, or start promoting and encouraging brigading and right wing partisan threads that they know serve no purpose other than to spread political propaganda. He's over at his new sub right now calling out for a person that was coming to this sub on almost a daily basis ( peyote coyote ) starting a dozen or more politically motivated threads.......... How is that reasoning impartial?

Considering conspiracy is not really a political sub by nature, being openly and aggressively partisan is going to earn you no favors.

Weird, because I was just in the thread about Obama's pardons and it is being swarmed with folks insisting that conspiracy is indeed political.

And? Conspiracy by nature is not political and it is (should be) certainly not partisan. There are political conspiracies, but this is not a politics sub.

. Can someone be a neutral

If they're honest? No way. We're biased, anyone claiming not to be has to be detached from the topic entirely. You can argue the degree of bias, but we're all bias, because we give a shit.

Some people are truly non partisan.

I am one of them. I am still biased to my views though.

I have been here a few years and watched /u/Flytape go from being amusingly and/or obnoxiously eccentric to being openly supportive of one idea and openly hostile to all other views.

That is unseemly and disruptive behavior for a mod in a sub that purports to accept all questions and allows a nearly unlimited range of comments.

So, I'm taking this that you promise you will never become a mod? Because you are one of the most decidedly political users here.

I agree with you and I would never consider being a mod to any sub.

I am not interested in telling someone else their thoughts can't be aired and judged.

Sounds vaguely human, how dare he not be robotic.

I don't see how anybody could have been more biased than this dude. Maybe since he got banned from this sub he can go become a mod for T_D.

Well, that sucks.

Great, another sub infiltrated by censoring politically correct leftists.

This one ^


Sad to hear this happened.

But does it mean we lost our oldest mod? That is also a bit scary in itself...

/u/mr_dong is probably our longest tenured active mod, but he has left and returned to the mod team a few times.

We all look to him as the sage.

Thanks for the reply! I get that fresh wind is very important, but I like having old voices as well. I felt Sarah kept this balance. But then again, apparently it didn't work. And I trust you all as a team to make the right choices. Wouldn't want to stand in your shoes. Also, my gratitude for the transparency in this thread. We'll see how the ship sails from now on.

Complete horse shit. Sarahconnor and flytape were the only two people here for the long term that were doing what they deemed necessary to protect this sub from being overrun and driven into the ground like so many other subs that you lot (site admins) have played nearly this same "unfortunate event" shenanigan's out in.

RIP /r/conspiracy . You were the last bastion of hope, truth and freedom shining bright in this platform. And as expected, "they" could no longer let that be.

I'd also encourage the newer user base to research the multiple other times when similar attempts were made to oust members mod team and lead mods in the past. In those events, there was always a user revolt that followed and the new "leader" reverted.

Ive been a member of this site since 2005. I've looked the other way while censorship was allowed to creep in all over other subs. We've managed to stave it off here until now it seems. Guess it's time to hang up the Reddit '05 Jersey and move on.

Thanks for all the fish.

well said, time to move on to 4chan.

10 year user here and I know exactly what you're talking about. I'm still just trying to sort all this out, but it's sketchy as fuck. Especially considering the admins decided to step in after years of not wanting anything to do with us.

It's got me really worried.

I agree with you.

The cure was far worse than the poison. They turned this place into divide and conquer ground zero, and this is the one damned sub that should know better.

A coup

Which are the mods that seem to be trump supporters and ban people?

Thank God. u/flytape was complete garbage.

I hundred percent agree with this decision. Good job mods!

it becomes clear that the tactics being deployed on the modern web in the pursuit of information control are growing ever more nuanced and complex.

Thank you for acknowledging this. I don't envy the task before you, but I commend your efforts.

so why is /u/Sarah_Connor still here? ban him

Give them the rope to hang themselves with maybe.

Utter bullshit.

I removed all mods except for axolotl as I had said that I would step down as my position of "top mod" (number two mod.

Admins are complete assholes and suddenly stepped in, either due to someone on the mod team having a friend as an admin or due to admins finally after ten years realizing that free speech on reddit is something to limit control and profit from as a propaganda device.

I freaking gave all mods free reign to do what they saw fit. I made several attempts to ensure this sub was not political.

As an example, I have disagreed with flytape on many political issues. He and all mods are free to have their own opinions on anything, but this /r/ is not political. I fucking put a sticky up saying so and the other mods removed it. They couldn't come to any agreements about anything.

Now all of a sudden, after years of neglect, admins are stepping in for some reason?

Jeasus kryst, I'll be back and post when not on mobile.

Don't want shit, don't start shit.

This is a bucket of shit. If someone throws shit at us, we throw shit back at them. We start a shit fight. We throw so much shit back at them that they can't pick up shit, they can't throw shit, they can't do shit.

-- Glenn Cullen

I'm interested in why Flytape said this in another thread, if that's your defense;

Yeah there was a group of mods trying to vote off our top mod so we removed them all to sort out who we could work with or not.

There's a reason why admins decided to act, and it was because you violated the rule about relation for holding a vote to transfer the mod spot. You cannot simply wholesale remove moderators without consulting the full team and achieving consensus, that's what admins have now laid out quite clearly.

I don't trust you for a second.

You are right in that.

w/ you.

Well, he has evidence....?

Evidence? In conspiracy?!? Perish the thought!

You don't have to. There's SC's word vs. evidence that SC's word isn't worth much.

Says the guy added as a mod 18 hours ago. Go fuck yourself ShareBlue

the question remains. why is sarah still mod?

He has yet to step down. Today is the "deadline" but without full perms, SC is still fairly powerless (can't remove us anymore).

So, what can be done about the moderators still on the board that does not want to fight the brigaders with the tools available (such as contest mode and totesmessenger)? There are a few of them actively against taking measures against brigaders you know.

You are still top moderator, are you not free to do as you please here in regards to the moderator list? What basis at all does the admins have in stepping in to take control of this subreddit since it is an internal matter?

To me this looks like a hostile action from the admins with help from corrupt shills on the moderator board.

That doesn't explain sarahs actions and lies.

Utter bullshit.

I removed all mods except for axolotl as I had said that I would step down as my position of "top mod" (number two mod.


Link to the archive:

Enough said.

Yep, I agree 100% AQ.

"Enough said" is fucking right on the money bro.

Pretty clear to me Sarrah Conner wanted to take over as dictator.

Leaving axolotl as next in line seems to comply with you guys' non binding vote. It's not like it would take long to restore permissions, after the whole ordeal. Hell, if you'd waited another half hour, the rest of the mod list may have even been back up and running.

31 minutes isn't exactly alot, in reddittime.

Leaving axolotl as next in line seems to comply with you guys' non binding vote.

Effective mod authority is based entirely on seniority. When one person is made a mod even one minute earlier than another, the former has the ability to de-mod the latter.

Moreover, Sarah had agreed to be bound by the vote, and in order to comply with the decision, the only action that needed to be taken was for Sarah to de-mod himself, period. (yes, him).

Had Sarah done this, the other mods would have moved up one rank organically. We had agreed to re-mod Sarah, who would have migrated from the top to of the list to the bottom. That was the agreed deal - accepted by all parties, including Sarah.

But that is not what happened. Instead, Sarah de-modded everyone on the list except for Axolotl_peyotl, whose moderation permissions were removed entirely.

Next, Sarah re-invited Flytape, a move which would have put him in the second active position (AP having been made powerless), and allowed Fly to gain seniority over THREE other mods that had been above him. Then DronePuppet was invited to mod - and accepted, in a move that would have propelled him above FIVE other mods that were previously his seniors.

See comparative before and after mod lists here.

It's not like it would take long to restore permissions, after the whole ordeal. Hell, if you'd waited another half hour, the rest of the mod list may have even been back up and running.

The evidence provided shows that the intent of those involved was NOT benevolent for the interests of /r/Conspiracy or the mod team. Quite the opposite, in fact.

I hope the above explanation and images clear up any misunderstandings that you and others may have had WRT the actions taken by SC, Fly and Drone, and their intentions.

The squabbling and infighting/power grabbing amongst you guys is as disruptive as most of the brigades that pass through here. None of us has enough info to truly judge what happened. But strong arming someone you don't like out of his mod position seems like overreach. Why shouldn't s_c nuke every one of you off the mod list? Isn't that his decision, whether any of us like it or not?

I'm not judging you. We can't even really know what's going on. But having a mod squeal to the admins at the drop of a hat, and having them respond unusually quickly, smells rotten.

What are you talking about? He provided you evidence, so it's pretty clear what happened.

Why shouldn't s_c nuke every one of you off the mod list?

Because the last time he took away all are perms the admins swooped in within minutes.

They made it very clear that they don't want a sub as large (and controversial) as /r/conspiracy to go without moderation for any period of time.

Isn't that his decision, whether any of us like it or not?

Yes, and he attempted to make it twice and both times was countermanded by the admins each time.

Reddit has very specific rules about retaliating against other mods if you're a senior mod that has been voted off the basically assures admin intervention.

Sounds reasonable enough, but I have a couple hangup/concerns, if you have the moment. The first time it happened (1/2 a day?) we had what, an extra Bigfoot picture, and maybe 3 more shill accusations than normal? The place wasn't "unmoderated" for any length, either time. There were still mods in place, even if very understaffed, for a tiny bit of time. And if we're supposed to start trusting admins' judgement on that, here, then you(s) have really jumped the shark.

Second, I'd like to see this "specific rule" you mentioned. The only rule I've seen that's loosely related refers to voting off inactive mods. Any other votes are non binding, and still subject to tenured mod's whim. AATA had a peculiar, preexisting interest in this topic, and seems to have orchestrated the whole thing perfectly, to pull this coup. He ratted to the admins immediately, and had a premeditated outcome in mind.

I wouldn't be surprised if AATA was one of the primary instigators of this original mod voting. Is he the one who was pressing for the vote(s)?

Weird that /u/sarah_connor never came back after this post. I guess they realized everyone saw through their failed attempt at a coup.

She did, check her post history. The other mods on this sub are removing her posts, they are with Reddit admins and are doing a hostile takeover of this sub to be a new r/politics sub.

i did a quick look through her posts, she doesn't add up. then this blatant lie.

how THE FUCK did she get to be a mod in the first place

her shallow-ass 'im afraid of machines and want open discussion' is the thype of shit that agents of one or another flavor make, they claim to be in some movement but have no real depth to anything behind that.

i have become much more aware of infiltration lately, this link:

has a great speech about infiltration, it should be stickied, it's new and authoritative, i trust kevin zeese and he speaks from years of experience and i have seen the same shit as recently as this summer. im going to post it as a standalone.

There was a really weird situation about a year ago where S_C claimed to have turned himself in to the FBI. It didn't really make sense at the time and the account has been strange/erratic a few times since then. One way or another the account was compromised in my opinion, only question I have is whether it always was from the beginning.

dude im trying to get some attention on this arizona child protective services situation, why is it getting downvoted? it's a huge conspiracy, all the dots are there to be connected.

I have no idea, lots of important subjects get downvoted here and elsewhere. Either people aren't interested or there's a concerted effort to keep that topic out of view - those are basically the two options.

Its quite possible admins stepped in because users of this sub, like myself, complained about all the shenanigans

Do you lean right wing?

/u/flytape being a massive pile of shit? I'm SHOCKED.

Clearly the kerfuffle regarding the pedo-excusing Milo Y. was a preview of things to come...

I don't trust any of you.

What are you trying to pull now?

Wow. You got rid of Sarah_Connor and Flytape, but creq is still therenothing good if they've ousted Flytape and SC.

It was your standard mutiny, from what I'm reading above.

Yep. They got rid of the last hardcore anti shill mod. Bet they move to add mods soon (and I can guess who).

How was he the last anti shill mod? What did he do?

He was openly and vehemently in favor of banning shills. Many of the mods that are left believe that shills have a right to be here too.

Are you serious? He was the biggest Trump shill on this subreddit.

He was a Trump supporter and he was pretty honest and open about it. That's not what makes a shill. Moderators will have their own leanings and there's nothing wrong with that. Balance is good.

On the other hand, we have a well funded group of ShareBlue operatives (and perhaps others) manipulating this forum using tried and true shill tactics every single day. People try to play dumb here and pretend they don't see them, but this is yet another manipulation tactic. /u/Flytape was one of the few people that cut through the bullshit and banned them. I don't agree with the way he worded some comments, but I think he was working in good faith to protect the community from the poison that has ruined most of Reddit already.

On the other hand, we have a well funded group of ShareBlue operatives (and perhaps others) manipulating this forum using tried and true shill tactics every single day.

Ahahahahahahahahahahahhhaha hahahahahahahaha

do u honestly believe the trump team doesnt have boots on the in the reddit battle ground?

tons of russian bots. Right are they russian bots still or where are they from now that no one says russian anymore?

Israel, Russia USA.

ONLY Two types of people when it comes to the denial of the Trump Crew having bots and or online shill armies.

  2. SHILL

nice, i never hear the israeli shill. I like it. We should call people JIDF more here.

Naw, this week we are racist nazi bots. Fuck man get with the program. Starting tomorrow we are Uganda slave trading bots. Pump them numbers up kid! Beep boo beep 1001001101001.

I have so far not seen evidence of a conservative organization using RES and Chrome extensions to mark users of certain leftist subreddits so that they can be easily identified and downvoted everywhere on Reddit.

I have seen Shareblue do it. And I'm actually on that list.

I'm of the opinion that Reddit, being the left leaning and biased company that having gone so far as to spend money to re-write how Reddit works in order to prevent conservative subreddits from reaching the front page while empowering leftist subs to constantly overwhelm the front page that it would likely not allow it's leftist users to be lambasted in the way that it allows it's conservative users to be lambasted. And frankly, I doubt Reddit admins would allow an organization that was the antithesis of Shareblue to operate on its service the way it allows Shareblue unfettered access everywhere.

Yes, because Trump is incompetent and his team is now run by Pence, and there's nothing to gain anymore since his base is geriatrics in Mississippi who don't go on reddit.

Other than T_D fanatics, the only non-lefties left on reddit are people who would and will and have turned against Trump, and this is one of the last subs where a broad audience comes together to discuss these issues.

So, now I'm hardly worried about trump fanatics who post lame trump spam. It's the threads that appear where 50 people comment in a row echoing the same - usually mocking of this sub and its community - sentiment.

I disagree with your accusations and poor logic, so I downvoted you. Am I a shill?

yes - anyone who does not agree with the Trump or T_D blabber is automatically a ShareBlue Shill - I get called one daily - it's ridiculous

we're not allowed to call out shills here. that tells me all I need to know.

Could be. But there is no way to know about any individual account.

Let's not miss the forest for the trees just because a few of those trees might actually be shrubs.

Lol, no.

A Trump supporter, absolutely, but a shill? Never.

What is the proof that he isn't, versus the proof that all the banned "shills" are? Oh, just feelings, that's the real truth I guess

Where is that evidence? There's plenty evidence to suggest he invited shills over from td. He was an active member of that sub. He seemed to adore shills from a certain side.

There's plenty evidence to suggest he invited shills over from td.

Yet another lie. Why didn't you post the thread? Could it be because it doesn't support your narrative?

He posted on td to invite them before that too.

So the moderator of a sub that's designed to question things just decided on his own accord to go and invite people from a sub designed to never question the president. How is that any better?

Why are you lying? Read the link. Nobody invited anybody anywhere.

If you really want to play semantics over a single word, would you prefer he 'welcomed' a community designed to never question the president instead?

This is not semantics. They were already here. How would they see the thread if they were not already here? /u/Flytape was just saying that they need to follow our rules or they will be banned. There is nothing wrong with that, and you are being deliberately obtuse.

This is not semantics. They were already here. How would they see the thread if they were not already here?

You never heard of discord? Private messages? /pol/? It's pretty easy to copy and paste a link and share it with people.

Not to mention with 1000+ upvotes and over 700 comments it definitely got high /r/all for people to see it.

/u/Flytape was just saying that they need to follow our rules or they will be banned. There is nothing wrong with that, and you are being deliberately obtuse.

Yeah OK, go ahead and post his stickied threads welcoming people from /r/Hilaryclinton and other leftwing liberal subs to come post here. I'll be waiting for it.

Funny you say others are being obtuse when you're pretending like flytape had no other motives behind the sticky.

Even though he just got demodded and permbanned over trying to take over this sub.

But yeah sure, let's pretend like he didn't have an agenda he was trying to push.

Skeptical people maintain the possibility that President Trump is different and perhaps even on our side. ShareBlue shills know that he is a racist conman idiot.

You know people don't need to get invited in a public channel to come over especially because of shared interest regarding The Clinton crime cartel and the so called free press running amok.

Usually thats because they thrmselves gave sockpuppets yo shill with

problem is anything anti-trump is deemed to be shill behavior on here. which is fucking bullshit. i havent been paid a cent and i openly hate trump. i'm sure i'm probably tagged at shareblue by some on here.

This is how it always works. Ive been around for several of these cycles. Trust no one.

You guys all let me know where we should end up now..

The donald is open and accepting to those who share similar values but are again very open. Ask the donald is completly open to all.

But you don't get anywhere in those communities.

What do you mean?

It's a hivemind of absolute required conformity. Rarely if ever do any ideas originate there

Says the one already outted as a cuck but if you do realize the donald states itself as a place where people in support of the donald or generaly the things he preaches are welcome there. If you go there spewing vitriol like you do here its no wonder you get banned. There mods actually do what they should.

For those who do not support donald or his views should look to ask the donald. ITS RIGHT THERE FOR YOU! IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN! WE ARE HERE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS!

already downvoted lol. not even trying to be subtle.

outted as a cuck

yeah, they're the one with a problem with subtlety

And you're the one who has a problem with spelling.


He's just a wee bit emotional today. Especially since no one was even attacking him.

So.. I never said it was anything but what you said. You're awfully triggeredhappy today.

True to an extent. T_D is not really a place for discourse. It's more of a ra ra ra cheerleading squad.

I've been banned from /r/the_donald on old accounts for going against the hivemind and am called a cuck or a concern troll, meanwhile on here I get accused of being a a conservative, right wing, etc despite the fact that I have always been a classical liberal or a liberal libertarian. Reddit is dead. Welcome to the wake.

Well unless you can provide reasons as to why you were banned i can only assume you deserved it. Ive never heard of the mods unfairly banning somone.

Then you are oblivious and hopeless. I am truly sorry for you.

good by.

No it isn't. That shit hole isn't even open to Trump supporters.

ugh.. this place cant be saved.. im sorry fellow conpirests

You're a joke dude


The donald is open and accepting

This is the biggest bullshit I'll see on Reddit all day.

And you have no evidence for that claim.

Well it's a subjective comment so I don't need evidence....

Goodbye then. We gave you a chance.

Also known as /r/photoshop_battles

No, no they aren't

They want us to move to Facebook, probably.

There are plenty of conservative leaning subs. Just be prepared to be banned for thought crime or dissent at the slightest hint that you aren't loyal.

The conspiracyright sub


The sad thing is, its not just /r/conspiracy. The manic, shill-heavy circle-jerk of leftist hate that was at one time mostly contained to /r/politics is spreading all across reddit. Money talks.

Have you ever considered that these "shills" are just a reorientation of our current society? People, in some cases, are actually that stupid.

The sad thing is, its not just /r/conspiracy. The manic, shill-heavy circle-jerk of alt-right hate that was at one time mostly contained to /r/The_Donald is spreading all across reddit. Money talks

I believe both of these comments of are exactly what the influences on this site are looking to conjure.

Exactly why I posted it. It's true either way.

Just like what you think everything is that you believe.

20-30+ subs dedicated to left-hate

maybe you just aren't looking hard enough, I could easily come up with 20subs in an hour dedicated to 'left-hate'

You could come up with 100 easily

I know you're full of shit because the term alt-right barely existed before Hillary Clinton turned it into a buzzword in August 2016.

Richard Spencer coined the term dickweed.

And nobody outside of the alt right new his name either. Now he's everywhere because the left is actually giving him a platform.

And the corrupt media gave him a platform.

totally not a guy born to old money with an agenda to be controlled

The comment you replied to is deleted. Who are you talking about?

Richard Spencer the so called "face of the alt right" who is obviously controlled opposition from a letter agency.


Removed. Rule 10.

How dare I call someone obnoxious. Guess we have a different understanding of the word, dickweed.

White nationalists have been calling themselves alt-right since at least 2010.

Yes, that's true. Notice the first spike in August 2016 immediately following Hillary Clinton's infamous speech. The alt-right is a fringe group with no actual influence. The buzzword propaganda involved conflating Donald Trump and his supporters with racist alt-right groups. In reality, very few Trump supporters are part of the alt-right simply because the alt-right barely exists.

The only people Trump won't attack is Putin and the alt-right. I think any connection Hillary made between the two seems to be valid.

Why the fuck would Trump be expected to attack groups and individuals that have nothing to do with him? Why the fuck would it be good for America if Trump attacked Putin? Do you want WWIII? I don't.

Why haven't you publicly attacked Canada? They could invade us at any moment. You must be part of the Canadian plot to overthrow the US. It's the only logical explanation.

  1. Inflate boogeyman from practically insignificant threat.
  2. Launch media campaign to associate political opponent with boogeyman.
  3. Gaslight political opponent for failing to denounce imaginary enemy.

The Deep State is a far bigger threat to America than the alt-right or the alt-left or Putin or Canada. The mainstream media is a Deep State propaganda operation. They are responsible for inflating the alt-right boogeyman. There are only a few thousand white supremacists in a country of 350 million and yet somehow the Nazis are coming. Could be, but the attack comes from within the intelligence community, not from some skinheads holding rallies.

N O O N E. C A R E S. A B O U T. P A R T I S A N. P O L I T I C S. A N Y M O R E.

He spends all day on Twitter "attacking groups and individuals that have nothing to do with him" Are you new here?

Let me tell you the reasons for both of those since you seem to not get it. 1. Don't fuck with Russia. 2. The Alt-Right is fucking irrelevant, stop pretending they're anything more than a fringe group with no voice at all.

Stop lying. The term isn't new as you've now admitted. The association of the alt right and Trump's campaign was self selected by the alt right who turned out to support in droves and by Trump's campaign which has strong associations with the Mercers who are major sponsors of alt right content, such as Breitbart which Steve Bannon previously described as the platform of the alt right (even though he is now very dishonestly trying to distance Breitbart's image from that of the alt right).

Which is what is going on here. Breitbart and Bannon were all on board with the alt right theme when it suited them but now it's less convenient the gaslighting commences. Oh we were never the alt right, the alt right doesn't even really exist but is just a buzzword, Hillary!, Trump and the alt right have nothing to do with each other! All that pro Trump/pro alt right content is totally genuine and organic but there are hardly any of these people creating this mass of content - they barely even exist! By the way, what about the alt left which is totally not a buzzword we just made up as propaganda all while projecting our own dirty tactics onto everyone else...

Who is it you expect to fall for this nonsense at this point?

No they didn't
Richard Spencer called himself alt right and nobody even knew who he was before the election

Nobody gives a fuck about Richard Spencer. Except his CIA handlers, probably.

i know you having been paying attention (or maybe only paying attention to MSM) because it was around long before then

Actually, do a similar search for alt right, the term that extremists on the right used to lighten the view on them.. but literally, here's the results for interest in alt left in the same timeframe:

So who made up what? Who got elected by creating a term that didn't exist?

Literally, look up alt right, you find the Nazis and the KKK trying to soften their look.. but Trump was the one who popularized the idea that the left is as extremist as the right.

And last truth bomb.. the alt right are the equivalent of the terrorists, the (((Muslims))) you hate so much.

It's kind of funny, I don't run into hate speech from Muslims as much as I do from the right.. but then again, this is a war between religions, neither of which I agree with.. but there's only one side I see daily hate posts made by.

Okay, thank you, I needed a good laugh.

Come on. Obviously Trump popularized "alt-left" in mockery of the fad created by Hillary Clinton to conflate the alt-right with Donald Trump and supporters.

You laid it all out right there in your post, but then missed the point. Yes, the actual alt-right is a bunch of neo-Nazis and white supremacists. This is exactly why we see the effort to conflate Donald Trump and supporters with the alt-right, even though there are hardly any actual alt-right people in the entire country.

And last truth bomb.. the alt right are the equivalent of the terrorists, the (((Muslims))) you hate so much.

What the fuck are you talking about? I don't get your drift and I don't hate Muslims.

Perhaps you two are on the same page, as there are likely actual posts by the alt-right, then there are the shills (working for Soros, of course) pretending to be alt-right, who are shit-posting everywhere with the goal of "Obfuscation for Progress". Remember, hate is hate. They don't care if it comes from the Left or the Right, as long as it serves their purpose.

hurr durr whaty about td durrr durrr bloo bloo

It ok, I understand you gave to protect your safe space.

my safe space, not yours. get out

safe space.

theres it is! Now call them snowflakes.

If the shoe fits...

now use cuck, then go to the alt-right website to learn more of their words you can use so "ironically" back at them. So deep and biting to these people. Doing gods work

You mean your words?

well i mean of course, if you used your words you'd be calling me a xenophobe, racist, or misogynist.

missed your chance to use cuck in that response too. Maybe next time though you can "trigger me" Cheers!

I've never called anyone a xenophobe, racist, or misogynist. Way to assume you know me. I have no political allegiances, right or left. I just happen to hate the current dick face inhabiting the white house (and those before him), his policys and rhetoric. I refuse to lick the boots of establishment pieces of shit.

Glad you know us all so well but we cant judge you. The mindset i have come to expect from people who use the word safe space and snowflake ironically.

If Trump supporters need a safe space why are they all over the website?

It's not like they stick to the same 3 subs.

GTFO. Name one, ONE, generically named sub that has a "right" bias. While I point out r/politics, r/humor, r/pics, and just about any other sub on this site that is "stealth" leftist; they seem unbiased by their name, but are not. I wish I could have a sense of humor over your viewpoint bias, but people like you are KILLING the free-flow of discussion and ideas here and elsewhere, and you sicken me.

GTFO back to your safe space. You make ME sick. I remember when conspiracy was an actual place for conspiracies. Now it's just a bunch of partisan assholes feigning outrage over the "leftists". I pointed out the hypocrisy of u/hot_sauce_abuela 's post and, surprise, all the t_d posters get butthurt. What free flow of discussion did I stifle? It's also cute that you point out my viewpoint bias (sure, we all have them) but fail to recognize your own.

Cringe_Anarchy and KotakuInAction have both taken a massive right wing swing since Trump came into policits.

Thank you. I am so sick of these fucking right wingers being in this sub. It is fucking CONSPIRACY!! Every big conspiracy that turned out to be true came from conservatives. They are corrupt, and puppets of the powers that want to control us. And yes, a few have a D after their name, does not mean they are not conservatives too.

posting in conspiracy

only talking shit about one side of the political spectrum

Yeah you aren't very good at this. You probably don't care though do you? Lol

Um why would any conspiracy theorist be a democrat? Dems want more government with more control and Republicans want smaller government with less control.

You got that backwards. Republicans want to tell you you have to pray in school, and who you can marry, and what plants you can put in your body, and what women can do with their uterus, and take away the freedom of the internet, and your rights to vote, and information on sex education and birth control, and disease prevention.

They want to take away the freedom that comes with a living wage. They want control of every facet of your life.


Apparently you've been smoking a lot of good shit if you believe all that. True conservative republicans believe that people should be able to have the freedoms to make their own choices unless it infringes upon the rights of others. We also believe abortion is murder and that we are the only people standing up for a million babies being murdered a year. Trying to take away the right to vote? How? By asking for voters to have an ID? How is that trying to take away their right to vote? We also believe that sex education needs to be about contraception as well as abstinence. There are so many things wrong with your statement, maybe if you actually spoke to republicans instead of listening to MSM media you would see that maybe our views make a little more sense than you realize.

That is the exact opposite of observable trend across the sub. T_D is contained little by little in an ever narrowing corner.

It's both sides for fucks sake. Really think they'd only shill for one side of the coin? STOP FALLING FOR LEFT AND RIGHT BS IT'S ALL WHITE NOISE. They all suck. If Trump were real, he'd be lookin like JFK. And they will prolly fake his death as well.

Y'all play into their hands with division.

That's why the sub failed when we got brigaded.

But it ain't over till we stop fighting.

Of course it's both sides. Which is why I posted the opposing viewpoint.

Awesome. I'm glad you did. I just wanted to comment so people don't get caught up in whataboutism.

You think they're gonna fake president Trumps death? Lmao

What did this accomplish? Anyone?

Obviously nothing. I mean, there's not much to accomplish here anymore. I just want to talk about aliens and D.U.M.Bs but, alas, r/conspiracy has changed. To your question, if I could point to something, is that we see both lines of rhetoric being pushed across the sub everyday.

Forget "alt-"...they still have a valid point. The hate spills from both sides, but then again there is only one side that seams to be against progress...which in turns causes a reaction...for better or worse.

Yeah, just copy-paste a comment and change a few words around and you're automatically making a statement.

Your statement is fucking bullshit, the Left has demonstrably proliferated way more than the Right, ESPECIALLY on Reddit and especially in the MSM. Nice hogwash mah dude.

Really digging back in time. Your statement is hogwash.

so only the left has money?

Whitelist next

More like conspiracy is a little less t_D 2.0, without flytape posting open invitations to brigade.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

I agree I don't trust the mod changes or what's happened.

It's not that I distrust these mods, it's that I don't know who if anybody can be trusted.

Kind of sad.

Sad to see the sub losing what made it special. I don't want another/r/politics or (even though I like Trump as much as the next guy) another TD. Just good old fashioned, backed-by-evidence conspiracy.

So you don't like him?


I think he's doing a great job, considering his total lack of experience in government, his outlandish personality, his having been raised in a very racist was, and all the shit that people have heaped on his administration since before day 1. I disagree with him on some issues, to be sure. But overall, I love the guy.

You're in the shrinking minority

That's actually incorrect. Not to push politics here as you guys do a well enough job but that's just an outlandish and incorrect statement.


Are these the same polling company's that assured us Hillary was the next president?

An aggregate of dozens? Yes.

Polling companies did no such thing, the biased people who interpreted them maybe did. Polls are data. Only an ignoramus would ignore data

Except the polls methodology during the campain era showcased vividly case after case of oversampling and threats to validity both internal and external..

Credibility: educational researchers and statistical analysis experience during grad school

Straight up false. The polls were heavily tilted towards democrats, and still are in most cases. Read the methodologies.


op got lit up

yeah can't trust polls. most people secretly support trump but stay silent due to thought police

most people secretly support trump

ah yes, I will trust that you speak for most. (even if I know you don't)

Minority: probably, to the extent that I "love" him... though, as with most others on this particular sub, it wouldn't especially bother me to think my views differ from those of the masses! ;)

Shrinking: it ebbs and flows. Your polls, unreliable though they might be, probably show that. I'm curious to see how the whole Nazi line of attack works against his popularity, principally with respect to the three groups who comprise his lines of defense: Congressional representatives, the US military, and (at a very remote and God-I-hope-this-is-irrelevant level) the 2A folks.

As long as these three groups are solidly behind Trump, it really doesn't matter how unpopular he becomes with the rest. 2018 midterms are going to be extremely interesting, in terms of the first group.

I find it very, very ironic that someone would come on /r/conspiracy and shame someone's viewpoints for being in the "minority."

If you or anyone else here believes this, you should know that this is why the dems lost in 2016 and will lose again in 2020.

"Backed by evidence" lol

Looks like "Sarah" was trying to get rid of the mods who not only allow but perpetuate the BS, and they revolted against "her" in a mutiny. Now they're buttering us up and/ or checking our reaction.

Not at all. Did you comprehend the message?

Mods were trying to stage a coup of the subreddit to gain control and did so hastily without discussion. In the midst of their attempted coup, they were stopped.

A fucking coup to take over /r/conspiracy just occurred in order to control discussion in this subreddit. Thats what the fuck just happened

Definitely. Reddit admins restored the mods back to what they were? That tells me everything I need to know. Plus, the comment about being emotionally drained by the ordeal was pretty revealing too. Good job to the brave mods who tried their best to save this sub. Sorry reddit sucks so much.

It just confirms everything we already suspected. This post should remain at the top of the front page indefinitely as a testament to the times.

Clicking buttons is hard


hard to click the right ones.

I did the same thing years ago dumped all the mods and look where we are now lol this is def a takeover

Flytape wanted you out last time. This time Flytape is out. What do you think of that, good or bad? Business as usual?

Well I wasnt very active came back during boston bombing and saw a thread where a bunch of admins were shadow banning comments that disagreed with there idea of putting a ban on new accounts to post because of wait for it.... SHILLS!!! I told them to stop and they didnt so I demodded all their kiddy asses and then they got Illuminated to come back and reverse it... illuminated never asked me why I did what I did or any reasoning.

This time its different bro.... this is truly a fucking coup... I cant believe what I am seeing. I sort of figured /r/conspiracy wouldnt fall the way the rest of the subs did but low and behold LOL they did it! This is truly a fucked situation that guy Creq's explanation and choice of words is very troublesome... Sucks we lose one more site... THIS IS VERY BAD!

the mods who not only allow but perpetuate the BS

Were that the case she woulda got rid of /u/flytape.

Yep, a conspiracy on r/conspiracy, the user base will surely accept this at face value.

OP moderates over 90 subs...definitely should not be trusted...

What the actual fuck?

This subreddit represents a massive online discourse of wannabe "truthers" - of course they've already been in control this entire time. 99% of posts here that people think are important are just distractions.

To think that some "new" change is suspect is hilarious, it has been meticulously controlled the whole time.

The truth behind all of this is so unimaginable that just hearing it will set off triggers in your mind that cause us to completely reject the notion without even considering the argument logically. This sub is like a preschool playground for conspiracies - mainstream shit that is just distracting you from the truths that are too hard to bare.

I agree.

I just think it has been stepped up a level sometime in the last coupla years, far more distractions than ever.

Where do we go to dig deep then

This is absolutely wild. Throughout this whole thread there's a ton of sketchy stuff.

A conspiracy on the conspiracy subreddit. Good stuff.

The truth is out there.

I agree, fuck the mods on Reddit. Here is an old post talking about the same thing. The infographics are obviously outdated due to several upheavals in the past few years. I swear late last year there was an updated version in cloud format, but I can't find it.


Is /u/DronePuppet going to be removed as well? He was a part of the takeover and is a mod of /r/ConspiracyRight with /u/Flytape. Could /u/DronePuppet be his alt?

I have known dronepuppet and flytape for many years, and I don't think they are the same people (flytape was active during multiple instances where dronepuppet was vacationing without wifi for 1-2 weeks at a time, and drone would send pictures of his trips and such afterwards. I suppose he could have staged that whole thing, but that's a stretch. They also have widely different syntax which has remained consistently different over 3-4 years.)

I don't know what happened with dronepuppet yesterday, nor do any of the other mods as of this point, but we hope to speak with him today and come to a decision by Monday.

Unrelated but curious - does flytape still run his secret modmail sub?

As someone that has lurked this sub for a while now - I have noticed that the posts have turned from actual conspiracies and discussion about conspiracy to some bizarre mix of politics and t_d.

I have no moral interest in what is happening with your mod drama, just an outsider that has noticed this change.

Personally - fuck politics and fuck the mods whom allow this sub to be overrun with politics - whoever that is. I see enough political spam on my all feed. I want to read about conspiracies, not Shareblue/Breitbart articles about whatever the hell Trump did today.

Politics often encompass conspiracies far more so than other subject areas, it would be biting off our nose to spit our face if we wholesale banned political submissions.

What we plan to do is roll out contest mode for all political threads to decrease the impact of outside briagdes. This should be implemented within a week or so.

Yes, conspiracies are political in nature. The line between conspiracy and politics gets drawn when the post becomes biased towards a political affiliation(from the start) or the parties arguing refuse to exhibit actual critical thinking and dismiss half the argument before hearing it.

When someone posts in here that the earth is flat, do I believe them? No. Will I read their reasoning behind why they feel that it is? Yes.

I mean, I know we are talking about Reddit here, but nobody here can deny the insane amounts of bias and propaganda being presented here as "conspiracies."

The line between conspiracy and politics gets drawn when the post becomes biased towards a political affiliation(from the start) or the parties arguing refuse to exhibit actual critical thinking and dismiss half the argument before hearing it.

Is there a reason you think this should be a rule violation and not a reason to downvote comments of that nature?

Because in a sub that is being brigaded (to the point to which you are taking measures against), downvoting is an act of futility.

And who will act as the thought police? You?

Thankfully, that isn't my responsibility.

After my pedestal rant yesterday, I went ahead and reported about a dozen articles from the top down that weren't expressing conspiracy, but simply an anti-trump/pro-trump article you'd find in political stronghold subreddits.

Wouldn't be surprised if they were simply crossposts.

Not that it matters to the drama here, but I also reported to the mods the thread in politics on trumps impeachment that got over 40k upvote score in 6 hour which severely outpaced their Sherrif Joe pardon megathread that had 37k in nearly a day and was stickied.

When I told the mods directly that the thread was botted, their response was "there is no evidence to support that it was botted and we don't have any methods to detect that it was." I found that interesting.

If you implement that rule you might actually be able to save this shithole but you wont.

The manipulation of social media is not a conspiracy. CTR, Shareblue, and Media Matters openly brag about their success in manipulating these platforms. These forces are definitely at work here. The question is: What are they trying to steer us away from?

Both sides have these outlets trying to steer us away from each other.

Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.

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Keep pushing Your debunked narrative why don’t you. Prove that anyone on this subreddit isn’t a genuine account or shut your pie hole.

"hey guys i'm in a conspiracy sub and i think that the organizations that state, in their mission statement, what they want to do, dont come here and do that."


What about JDIF, Cambridge Analytics, Russian Shiil armies? Are they all jedi mind gaming us ?

This is a great idea. Take away their incentive to bump their propaganda to the top of contentious threads and hopefully they'll decide to take their efforts elsewhere.

Contest mode is garbage and the fact that you guys are just now trying to roll it out after letting so much political stuff take over the sub is all the more suspect.

Not a single thread was ever put into contest mode during the campaign when this place was overrun by T_D and alt-right propaganda every day. Yet now that the election is over and suddenly its Trump under the gun there's gotta be limitations on discussions? Fuck that

I agree that it's obvious that it's being pushed now because of the right-wing bias among the mods and many users here who miss their safe=space, but I don't think that contest mode is actually a bad thing. It should have been implemented a long time ago, but I think it will help this sub

A large portion of this subreddits user base is fed up with the far right crap that’s being pushed here. And if we agree with left leaning politics we’re labeled “shills” and part of “correct the record”. GO AWAY!!! There’s plenty of room for you over at r/The_Donald. Too long have the mods sided with one party. They all need to go as far as I’m concerned. Sick of the front page being spammed with anti-Hillary/dem, Pizzagate, Seth Rich, and Muh Russia garbage.

Far right and far left conspiracy theories - do we have flairs we could tag them with? Do we have CSS that can filter out one, the other, or both?

You'd need an even more even headed mod to know the distinction properly

Make them self-flairs any OP can flair their own post with, labeled "right-wing conspiracy," "left-wing conspiracy," and toss in "9/11 conspiracy" and "ethnic group conspiracy" for the heck of it.

Might actually work, as long as they don't complain shills are still in the threads, since all but a tiny number of people on here aren't shills.

perhaps we could create a separate sub to allow for that type of posts? Whats the worst that could happen, it becomes useless?

It was 9/11 all day in here before the election, which got old pretty damn quick too. We can't lash out against political conspiracy just because the mods allow zerohedge and Thelastamericanvagabond posts to ne spammed in here just like we can't tune CNN out of we want to know what they're feeding our brothers. One way to get people to stop caring and effectively to ignore is to bombard them with useless information about a subject until they can't hear that subject anymore, giving them a sort of extra invisibility.

Pity they banned CNN here then.

Visibility is the only reason I wanted HRC to win.

They banned linking directly to CNN why post lies when you look like fool for doing so?

Links to CNN are banned, I didn't lie prof.

Woah woah woah. Don't go rounding up people and putting them into concentration camps just because they are different than you.

the far right and left groups are leading this site,this country , the world into a mess. These fan boys need to be segregated

Muh Russia garbage.

So you don't think there's any kind of conspiracy involving Russia and the Trump administration?

Unsure at this juncture. I’ll await Mueller’s findings.

There's plenty of people that don't really care either way, because they don't buy the narrative of Russia being our biggest enemy and how bad and evil Putin is.

Personally, if you listen to what Putin has to say about global politics (The Putin Interviews), it sounds like he is the only world leader standing up against the international bankers, the globalists, or whatever you want to call TPTB. I feel it's safe to assume that a lot (but definitely not all) of what we hear or read about Russia is at the very least propaganda-ish.

That user is a one month old account with 20 or so comments. First comment they ever made was:

This place needs a mass overhaul on the Mod front. Mods, the people of r/conspiracy have spoken, we don’t want you, Your corrupt anti-left vitriol is tiresome, and ya’ll need to recuse yourselves because frankly, you suck.

I asked that question because I don't believe that person believes the "muh russia" stuff is garbage. Take his deflective reply how you will.

Here fucking here!!!

Seth Rich stuff is fine imo when it's about evidence of a conspiracy. The straight up politics stuff Does Not Belong Here. That's what TD is for.

I agree. If you're participating in all the political theater nonsense, you're doing the opposite of what a conspiracy sub is about, which is critical thinking and being skeptical of the narratives you're given.

This sub used to be great, before all the drama. Get out of here with your politics nobody cares and they are both sides of the same corrupt coin so quit yer bitchin.

most conspiracies deal in government/politics are you suggesting we ban certain political/government conspiracies?

I'm suggesting we remove all the partisan pushing dipshits that started flooding this sub within the last 3 months.

If you're replying to me, I think we're actually saying the same thing.

It's all strategic and will only get worse as election cycles are ongoing these days.

Completely agree. This place since about August has turned into a political major with a minor in conspiracy. I'm an out sided that came here to read about Bigfoot and flat earth and then slowly I'm seeing an increase in political hit pieces that are mostly anti trump. It's no doubt they have infiltrated. The real shame is they are allowed to continue to infiltrate.

Bigfoot and flat earth are goofy Pandora's box fantasy conspiracies.

How does that relate to the elite and TPTB creating a one world government? There's very little evidence to support either of those theories. But TONS to support a collusion of wealthy elites trying to dominate every aspect of our lives.

you can look at my post history to see what it is like for someone trying to bring things to light. im astounded my postings about the arizona situation was downvoted.

anything focused on hillary, this obsession, is russia/t_d which are the same, which is really a mafia, which is really the point of this sub to investigate

more importantly i think the issue is that any individual espousing a certain set of ideas is unablet o get upvotes and ends up with everything at zero: anti-israel, pizzagate, anti-t_d

but what i think is really happening, the big picture, is that those of us who have been here for many years and have accounts that are evidence of ACTUAL INDIVIDUAL HUMANS, are being actively countered no matter what they say

sites like reddit, and their viewers, belong to multinational conglomerates(conde nast) and intelligence services(and i will provide my personal testimony that i have encountered undercover agents who are clearly acting on things they learned from my reddit posts

it could also be the case that individuals deemed unwanted, as in, not contributing the USAToday/enquirerer/readers digest/people magazine level of dialogue, are being pushed off the site so it can become a banal method for shoving cruft into the gullet of the proletariat and cogs in the machine who need some cheer while they enforce brutal social norms.

and then, once you are on this or that list, you get a special filter on your user, more ads, brigades are informed of your posts so they can immediately downvote them ie hasbara, monsanto, etc etc

and then your posts are at that point just you talking directly to the secret agents who are monitoring you patting themselves on the back about how they are protecting your freedom, when in fact they are about as patriotic as a mafia hitman or corporate spy.

so i am looking for any humans who want to discuss these things, and i keep only finding people who dont act like real humans, over and over and over

just telling you what ive been seeing over the course of a while, and i dont know how any civil freedoms can be maintained if anyone who wants to encrypt an email is assumed to be making a bomb or looking at illegal porn

what do you think about all this? am i human? are you?

Nice try robot!

But seriously, I am not even sure how to respond to this. If the state of online information is controlled to this extent, then there are much bigger things to discuss than mod drama on this sub.

I want to believe there is already an underground where non-shills as you describe are free from shit like this. I personally haven't found it, but to be fair, I haven't been truly looking. Maybe one day soon I'll begin a voyage to find it.

What I do know is, reddit is not it. 4chan used to be it, but it's not it anymore and hasn't been since it went mainstream (2010ish IIRC).

what do you think of steemit? i think the blockchain idea where you get paid is pretty cool, i am planning to try it.

i dare a robot to impersonate me. it might be able to guess my password tho yikes!

if you see a ton of t_d posts from me, that will be that. or worse, just deletion of years work building a rep as a human

I recently thought about that. I think you would have to create a place/sub like that invitation only and before you invite someone you would have to read their posts to come to the conclusion if that persons arguments/communication style is helpful for discussions, which is very hard because everyone is biased, but I think it would be possible.

It's a great idea, but still hard to keep it clean. Eventually, it will go exactly as it went in /r/politics, or /r/europe, where individuals representing a certain group get into power, invite their friends in, and censor opinions that don't fit their narrative.

Getting closer and closer towards that Turing test getting an A+ these days.

there is only so deep those air force reserve cadets will go posting to reddit from military bases, they are punching a clock so they will always seem pretty shallow and won't be able to keep up the act beyond the terms of their deployment etc

Ive become a lurker over the past year or so because the sub is just slammed with noise constantly. And yes Im frequently zeroed out lately.

If morons from TD want to start coming here and spreading their bullshit propaganda then they can't complain when other people decide to retaliate. They brought the politics here in the first place. It's not like everyone who disagrees is just going to roll over.

It's all Team A vs. Team B now EVERYWHERE. Nothing of value can be discussed at all. This whole place is dead.

conspiracies are political

Both flytape's and your posts read exactly like how a post-coup speech will sound like :-)

That sarah women is a paid shill. Get out, get the fuck out

Removed. Rule 10.

Remove yourself

You bring nothing but negative emotion. Your post history proves it.

You would defend this mod. Is it you?

Beware of false prophets. They come in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.


/u/axolotl_peyotl should be the top mod IMO or it should be /u/mr_dong if he decides to come back now that the overt pro-Trump political agenda has been purged from the mod team. This sub should always be questioning the fascist political power structure, not openly cheerleading and advocating for it.

I hope that this place can become much much less political than it has been recently. I miss the old discussions where people here could comment objectively about politics and actually employ critical thinking and civil debate into the political issues that fit what the sub is supposed to be. This sub should not act as a political newswire and dumping ground for for people's political shitposting.

I am glad to see something actually got done. Now is the time for people to watch closely the actions of this mod team in the coming month. Let's see if the tone and tenor of this sub can change back to a little more of what it used to be. The next few weeks will tell us a lot. I for one hope the overall health of this place improves in the coming weeks and am looking forward to seeing if these guys can be successful in making this a conspiracy sub again.

I love how your first paragraph is blatantly partisan shitposting that you then condemn in your next paragraph. You should look up the definition of cognitive dissonance.

Hating something doesn't mean you adhere to its apparent opposite. I hate T_D, that doesn't mean I'm heavily partisan towards some left elitist agenda. Drop this fucking left versus right bullshit. You only make yourself look naive in regards to how the world actually is.

Actually you would be better served to look up that definition, because it clearly does not mean what you think it does.

Have you been hungry for attention these last 19 days? Is that why you took the plunge a couple weeks ago and made an account to post here?

No I just wanted to look at pictures of kitties.

I'll drink to that

Dude what? /u/axolotl_peyotl is the mod that made the front page through Top Minds of Reddit, for posting a big ass sticky demanding respect for Trump tweets.


That he's part of the overt pro-trump political agenda. I don't really follow it that much, but it appears that way.

for posting a big ass sticky

You mean stickied comment?

demanding respect for Trump tweets.

citation needed...oh that's right you just made that up completely.

Go back to TMOR.

Edited to add the sauce my dude

Read my original comment, and then read that TMOR post...they completely fabricated a quote from me and misrepresented what I said.

In fact, it was so slanderous and ridiculous that the admins looked into it.

They have acknowledged there is a big problem with subs like that and very recently claimed to be doing something about it very soon.

The sticky is still embarrassing. Prohibiting even questioning the validity of a source, when that source is in a position of authority on r/conspiracy. Giving special treatment to Trump's tweets.

And a top mod's response to criticism being outright denial

oh that's right you just made that up completely

is scary to me.

What's scary to me is TMOR taking over subreddits and making them private.

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oh god, cringe. at least we get to see the real agenda once in a while

jesus christ.. how is there a fascist political structure being supported? Seriously. You clearly wouldn't know fascism if it slapped you in the nuts. Which side of the political spectrum is increasingly supportive of criminalizing speech? Get a grip.

Mod drama

Notice all the pro trump mods are gone. This sub is fully owned by Shar blue

Maybe the mods here shouldn't be pro either American political party?

You are right, but the Admins supported these guys. We obviously know that the Admins aren't straight, and also we know that the Dems spend the most time on the internet watching and manipulating.

they should be far left and I don't mean conservadem


Looks like Share lue has invaded...Buh bye Guys it was fun. Obummer is not a US born citizen....

I fucking love this, it's beautiful to see all the Trump shills acting like babies over this. "Oh no this is not going to be t_d 2.0 anymore boo fucking hoo"

Babies?No.Shills? You have that job ma'am.

I'm sorry did you say "Waaan waaaan I'm triggered"?

Naw Trump voters dont get triggered...All them Leftist Salty tears keeps us happy :D

How does it feel getting fooled by yet another pawn?

I fooled by a prawn once under the sea....

awesome, it'll be more like r/politics which is an obvious free exchange of information among intellectuals obligatory /s

Dude take a look at what is posted lol Nothing changed

I really hope they go. Having a place without this cancer would be great.

talk about the worst conspiracy on reddit that r/conspiracy is equal to t_d . it's users like you whom have divied /r/conspiracy

Boy it took share blue a while to crack this sub but it looks like it finally happened. Gonna have to unsubscribe now.

If this means there's one less person calling me and others who question the right-wing narrative Share Blue shills, then good riddance.

Goodbye sub :( Total takeover.

More like goodbye t_D frontpage flooding, hello return to actual conspiracies.

I don't trust or believe this explanation, or any of you new mods.

None of the mods are new
The mods that were removed by sarash_connor were re-added

... OP is one of the new mods. This sub is now pure ShareBlue territory

Old mod would be anyone pre campaign last year, I've argued with this dude a few times. He is pure shareblue, and that's why he was removed

but they were also a mod before the campaign

Assuredly a throwaway we added directly middle of last year's campaign, by admission of your own link you posted twice

check the dates on the archives, the second one is from 2015 and they were a mod for at least a year at that point

2014 != last year

The first one you posted showed from 10 Aug 2017 and said he was here for a year and Sarah for 4. The new one from 2015 says he was here 1 year as well but is 2 years after. Your links don't add up

From the OP

Sadly two of our moderators (flytape and sarah_connor) decided to take it upon themselves to remove all of their co-mods without even so much as opening a discussion. This occurred in the context of the mod team actively voting to remove Sarah_connor as acting head mod, due to previous incidents of a similar nature

So your second link is bogus, and the new shill mods staged a coup to remove the two old organic mods

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I don't trust shit on reddit, but I do know you posted two contradicting links

I call out bullshit when I see it

You literally posted two links that completely contradict yourself about how long he has been here and had a few others ready to go within a minute, I'm calling bullshit on you

I literally found them as I was talking to you, I guess actually doing research to back up my points is a foreign concept to you.

The timeline as stated by OP:
they were a mod
demodded (not for the first time) by sarah_connor
re-added today

the links I posted showed they were a mod before yesterday
they were a mod a year ago
they were a mod in 2015

I'm calling bullshit on you

what exactly are you accusing me of?

It's gross how willing you are to shift the goalposts and forego falsifiability.

My bad, definitely shouldn't be skeptical on the new shareblue r/conspiracy. No room for wrong think here

Skepticism is wonderful. Refusing to change your view in light of contradictory information because your previously held view pleasantly confirms your narrative is toxic mind poison.

His own information was contradictory, which I pointed out. He posted a link originally showing the mod had only been here one year as of Aug 10 2017, and another link showing he was here for a year as of 2015.

What do you think the most parsimonious explanation for this contradictory information in the web archive is? An elite group of hackers injected this information in there to further this narrative, but forgot to cover their tracks and left it contradictory? Or maybe this shit has been going on for awhile, and when a mod gets removed and readded to the team it will show the latest time they were added. Depending on when the snapshot was cached, you're going to have different dates for how long they've been a mod. In which case, the oldest available date is the most relevant if you are genuinely concerned with finding out how long they have been modding here.

This is all real obvious stuff to someone actually interested in uncovering reality, and not just looking for a loophole that might allow they to be perceived as correct and advance their narrative.

An elite group of hackers injected this information in there to further this narrative,

More likely that almost every major tech company resides in California and it wouldn't even require hacking.

So you are actually saying that you think it is more likely that the web archive was poorly hacked to generate this discrepancy than it being a product of snapshots taken between removal and reinstatments of the mod in question?

I'm saying it is more likely than it being hacked, and also not improbable considering the mass censorship from reddit and google happening

I That was not the question I asked please answer the question I asked

The question you asked had nothing to do with what I said from what I quoted, you're bringing up a separate argument which I'm not participating in since it shifts from my statement which you tried to circumvent

I am supplying a far more likely scenario that describes the circumstances you point out. Further I am asking you to comment on whether you find my explanation more likely than yours. You refuse to do so.

Ok, you can go for the rational solution route but that isn't the point of this subreddit

The purpose of this sub is to uncover truth. Parsimony is an invaluable tool in the uncovering of truth. Looking for what you wish to find only gets you lost in the woods.

And only accepting things at face value is what makes you a useful idiot

Accepting things at face value and the appropriate application of parsimony are nothing alike whatsoever.

Ok, r/iamverysmart

Not particularly, I think I'm doing the minimum required due diligence.

ffs, it's a fact that he was a mod long before the last election. do you argue for the sake of arguing. you were wrong. period.

And you're a mouthpiece, not really concerned with the opinions you peddle for other people

it's not an opinion, that is the point, it's a fact, if you like it or not. in other words your whole toplevel-comment is a lie and moot and this will not change no matter how long you discuss this topic and accuse others.

in the eyes of the site administrators.

That's all I needed to see to know.

The idea that the admins were involved is the most telling part of all of this. The admins have proved, without any doubt, that they are politically biased, even to the point of editing users comments that they disagree with without informing the users or the community that this type of editing was even possible.

The addition of several mods during this upheaval screams of a takeover (backed by the biased admins).

which mods were added?

(These ones) [] if I am reading this right.

Those are the mods that were removed by sarah_connor

The only mod changes are flytape (and JUSTIN_HERGINA but I don't know if that's related) are gone

So that image is just when they were added back? No other changes to mod team?

If you follow the link it's an archive from a few days ago (res treats it like an image but you can't see the date)

I'm not sure if I am understanding you. Follow which link? The link I posted?

That's true. I don't know if Sarah Connor and flytape we're Trump fools who would be anti anything against Trump but I sure as hell know anyone the Admins support ain't good.

Good work, bye bye Flytape.

We're going to need /r/conspiracydrama at this rate

It looks like "/r/conspiracydrama" is not a subreddit.

Maybe you're looking for /r/ConspiracyAMA with an 86.01% match.

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Probably a good idea to get that reserved lol.

And that's how the coup is done everyone.

Should flytape have stayed? I can't tell who was good and bad. At this point maybe I need to go to voat.

Hopefully this means sanity has returned to this invaluable forum of investigation. No more pizzagate, flat earth, and Obama false birth certificates!

No topics will ever be off limits, as we encourage users to curate as they see fit; however, hopefully things will indeed be more stable going forward :).

LMAO grouping pizzagate and birth certificate in with Flat Earth.

Can you link the posts that "disprove" "pizzagate" and can you explain how the birth certificate is genuine?

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geez, try harder.

onward to russia, nazis, and hate speech! YAY Progress!


Somewhere in that mod list that the administration is so intent on keep likely works for them. Why can't you guys just leave us alone? Can't you see we're all nicely contained in our own little community? Sealed off from the rest of the world?

Glad flytape is gone. Moderator of a fucking conspiracy sub who's a Trump supporter? How he wasn't voted out long before this is what baffles me.

So in your mind only Killary supporters kan moderate this sub?

Sounds legit, lmao.

Show me one moderator on this subreddit who's so openly and vehemently supportive of Clinton as Flytape is of Trump. Go on, I'll wait.

Keep on waiting, I don't know who the moderators here support or not. I simply answered someone who does not want Trump supporters as mods, no words about Killary supporters, obviously OK with them... Kinda seems like this particular poster wants conspiracy to be politics 2.0 were it is strictly VERBOTEN to criticize the eternal loser in a pant suit, DNC or the corrupt to the core Dem party, doesn't it?

Let me know if this is all too complex for you to understand, I'll use bigger letters if needed, hahaha. And before you get your pants in a twist, I am a leftie. Not the Hillbot kind, though, I am a Bernie supporter.

who does not want Trump supporters as mods, no words about Killary supporters, obviously OK with them

and how did you arrive at this conclusion?

Oops, the "unbiased" train has already left your platform.

Better to just stay put and own up to your Killary support. Don't try to run after the unbiased train, it left at such a great speed with your initial post that you'll give yourself a heart attack trying to catch up. Safety first, hahaha.

Good luck dictators.

simple really. start banning those who condone destruction of classified/subpoenaed evidence by the obama/clinton regimes.

no politics, pure fact based weeding out of liars/criminal apologists invading this sub.

it becomes clear that the tactics being deployed on the modern web in the pursuit of information control are growing ever more nuanced and complex.

Fucking thank you for addressing this and doing your job as a mod. Thank you

I am old man, and I read every comment. What the fuck has happened to mankind? Do we choose living in a day care center over freedom?

He was thrown 18 feet off of a hell in a cell in 1998? /s

As to your question; reddit doesn't allow for entirely user curated content (and it would be dangerous for the sub as well), because people can post illegal content which can cause issues for reddit as a site.

For example; on /r/pizzagate 9/10 mods didn't know much about reddit, or how the admins apply standing "precedent", etc. So, when users (inadvertently) pushed for more ability to post anything they wanted, the mods got overwhelmed and the community was banned within 72 hours for "allowing doxxing".

I'm not saying the mods here have a perfect solution to this paradox; but the question you're asking (how can one moderate in the furtherance of freedom rather than the furtherance of restricting content) is probably the single most important facet of our shared digital age.

There are ways to be a moderator and encourage the free flow of information, just as there are ways to use one's moderation to advance an ideological or monied end. To that end, I think we come once again to the answer I was talking about elsewhere in this thread; vigilance.

If you see a user posting doxx to conspiracy that is freedom of sorts, but the reason we encourage you to report those instances is that the admins could ban the subreddit entirely if moderators don't remove them.

Perhaps I'm not doing the best job of explaining this nuanced issue, as its early and my coffee is only 1/4 done lol; but yea, happy to chat more as I think you're onto something with regards your insight.

yes that's why pizzagate got shut down. The official story at least, just like JFK and the 911 have official stories.

A conspiracy within r/conspiracy, so meta.

The only value this place has, and this goes for the rest of reddit as well, is the belief that it is a free venue of actual human thought; that it is a place where regular, honest and sincere people come together and share their thoughts amongst other like-minded humans. Once that belief has faded and it becomes obvious that the words we're reading are just newly disguised versions of talking money, then this place will have absolutely no value to the users or those trying to influence them.

So long as there are people who believe reddit still is what it was created to be, there will be value in it. But once the users realize they're just reading clever advertising and agenda driven campaigns, this place will immediately die.

I've been coming here for years. And I've seen it go through massive changes, none for the better. I personally believe this place first got the attention of the movers and shakers back when Occupy Wallstreet was first being organized. Back then, there were these posts counting down the days until this mysterious event, users were chiming in talking about how excited they were to finally be standing up. It was so small that it didn't even exist outside of these words on a screen. But once those words blew up into reality and a movement started growing and being seen by the big media, it wasn't long before the source was traced and this place and others like it started to change.

Suddenly this place had value for people who weren't interested in discovering and exploring new ideas.

The change happened so suddenly it almost happened without notice. Posts began coming in that shot down what others were propping up. A new element of naysayers filled with ridicule began to eat away at the discussions. Things became less about hope for change and wonder for the unknown and more about acceptance of facts and the shutting of doors.

It's foolish of me, even after witnessing this decline in discussion and content and lamenting the loss of truly inspiring users who used to fill this venue with their words of encouragement and orginal thoughts, I still keep coming here because I remember what this place was, and I've always been grateful for its existence. To surrender it to (what appears to be) its ultimate fate of consuming itself from the inside is not something that i'm interested in doing.

Perhaps it is the fate of anything of value to be destroyed by those who hope to pocess it. I hope not. But I've grown used to seeing changes on here perpetually speeding it towards a seemingly inevitable demise. I commend all those who continue to try and prevent this place from falling. The fact that you're still here sharing new original ideas despite the state things actually fills me with more hope than when this place was flourishing. It's certainly not easy.

TIL that upheaval is a synonym for mutiny.

Fuck the mods. Y'all don't do shit.

Sub is still a trump infested idiot-hole

Rule 10

As long as there is free speech + spam protection, we good.

Also do with this information as you will: axolotl_peyotl is now head of both voat/v/conspiracy and reddit/r/conspiracy

Good. That person has some great posts.

u/flytape is a partisan hack who has no business leading a politically neutral subreddit. He couldn't keep his trump boner away. Being a mod requires at least some modicum of decency.

What else makes people indecent? What other standards besides Trump supporter? White males? Obama supporters decent? If you had an Obama boner, then a Trump boner, is that indecent? Sounds indecent.

Coming to a /conspiracy near you

  • approved conspiracies

  • banned conspiracies

Whats the difference?Politics, we ain't allowed to embarrass the political class. Fuck the war, fuck the DNC.

That's why we will never limit the type of topics allowed here, and anyone pushing for that will be viewed with extreme suspicion.

I know im a real person, you can digg in, theres OC posted in my youtube.

Seems like to me that flytape had the right of it, thats theres an effort to flip this sub by wholelly replacing the organic base with a massive brigade unit masquerading as the "original" conspiracy users.

I know I PERMANENTLY vacated R/politics and many others did after the DNC nomination. Thats why this is happening now I think. People lost faith in r/politics. You think letting the replace brigade will help this subreddit? I think not

I've vacated politics, but that was the goal of shareblue. This is the new form of censorship.

Holy fucking ding ding ding.

the changes that place saw, jesus was it eye opening to the future they wanted. Scary.

Good job shills.

Fuck HILLARY & Fuck you.

I never get why anyone wants to be a mod

If someone doesn't stand up for the free exchange of information the mod spots get filled with those who despise organic curation. So, we mod to ward off those insidious interests.

For example, I joined the mod team 3 years ago after I saw a mod try to ban all discussion about meta reddit conspiracies (such as censorship on other subs).

Turns out he was friendly with a bunch of default mods and was trying to ban discussion of reddit censorship here to protect his friends.

Its a dirty game in the back rooms sometimes, but keeping an eye on people is the only way to ensure the integrity of this platform without Aaron still being here :(.

Also, fuck Alexis-

hasnt sarah connor been a mod here for a long time? Why all the sudden is that user removed?

egos apparently.

90% of articles here are T_D alt right bullshit non conspiracy related material.

Can we please have a poll for votes on who we want as mods here with a 3year+ requirement to participate????

Not feasible sadly, as outside groups have plenty of 3-10 year accounts who would like nothing more than to get on the mod team to ban discussion of reddit censorship, etc.

I'm talking of /r/conspiracy 3yr+ subscribtion. It will weed out a lot of bots and brigades.

The alt right take over has failed!

NOPE. thats not what was happening. i fucking hate trump. Flytape is a good person - but I hate his view on politics - and I said so to him personally, on the phone. He knows where I stand - but he was faithfu to the spirit of this /r/

Other mods are subs to the admins - and that IS the problem. Admins are driving attention and thought through reddit "fake government" and "fake 'make the world a better place technology'"

Do any of you have an suggestions now of a place that isnt caught up in the left/right hate fest? Because the left has pretty much taken over this place. I just want some semblance of neutrality if youre talking about about politics and I want way less politics. I have a modest proposal for fan boys of hardcore left and right ideologies : Concentration camps

Why did you decide to remove /u/sarah_connor?

Whatever the truth of the matter, the admins/shareblue got exactly what they wanted: FUD in a major anti-establishment sub.

LOL wow I can't believe this shit is still going on after all these years.

this place is absolutely ridiculous. and ridiculously compromised

This sub is absolute shit right now.

History and morality are written by the victors

lots of questions, why was sarah_connor being voted out? what kind of behaviors? what was she up to? why was she voted in? did she at some point change?

why did flytape think the other mods, except sarah, were in on some fix?

how are these erratic people becoming mods?

why can't i get anyone on this sub to look into the arizona cps situation where the 5 year old girl was boiled alive by her newly adoptive mother after being stolen from her mother for questionable reasons and given to a creepy af 50 year old man who is in jail for multiple abuses, and where an active duty military intelligence officer is still in jail for taking part in the abuse?

(that last part isn't related, but we are seeing actual evidence of the internal workings of the abuse network and my posts about it are being negated in favor of really absurd bullshit)

all told, there are now so many conspiracies evidence on fucking cnn that the people who have the actual capacity to investigate are overwhelmed, and potentially under attack themselves.

it's been a wierd summer for me posting, odd phone calls and voicemails, internet interference, vpn interference, strange computer behavior requiring reinstalls, etc etc

this is a human tell you and everyone here that some real shit is up and the same forces want this sub gone.

so it will someday be the line you hear 'oh we dont discuss conspiracies at reddit, just funny pictures haha! take that obvious evidence of systemic corruption in child protective services in multiple states somewhere else.

The evidence of what is really going on is so beyond the pale historically, it does appear that america is entering it's final stages which will devolve into a series of brutal military dictatorships and assasination plots, tracking ancient rome, babylon and just about every empire.

im considering steemit, the chan comments saying this site is entirely a hangout may be right. im very curious how the mods may respond to this, and i will use such responses to determine how likely you may be real enough to have any positive effect.

thanks for trying, i do believe some of you are

p.s. will someone tell the people who own reddit that i will FOR SURE stop posting and voting if they dont stop sending me ads. my free posting and writing has to be enough for their greedy paws, which are now enough to fill several books, for which I would prefer payment to idiotic ads trying to read my fucking mind. thanks for passing that on.

There shouldn't be mods. Let the good and bad happen on this sub. The truth will prevail as it always does.

I thought one of the main lessons in this sub was that the truth seldom prevails.

Where do we go from here?

OP of this post was also a key player in the takeover at /r/wikileaks.

Just had a look, OP seems to be moderating over 90 - NINETY - different subs on reddit. WTF is up with that?

Trust level at zero now.

/u/AssuredlyAThrowAway is kissing admins ass because he hopes to be an Admin someday. Of course he would want to "take over" this sub and kill it and should have never been invited to be a Mod.

He is the virus without a cure!

What's fascinating is that same line of attack (that I was added to /r/wikileaks), was used to justify getting /r/pizzagate shut down.

Not happening here though, I can see right through your intentions.

how are you able to moderate so many subreddits? this is ridiculous. this entire website is a friggin joke.

Only 5-7 of them are active in terms of day to day modding, most of them are just modmail communities that are unused.

It is bizarre and creepy that you moderate over 90 subs, I don't give a shite how many of them are active. I will never trust someone as power hungry as you obviously are.



Now there's a complete fabrication if I ever heard one.

[huh, you emailed m directly and corrected me on my gender pronouns for an admin... here lemme give that to the users: (and you say youre not the admin mole?)


Why are you sharing private emails and, if you're going to share the emails, why didn't you share the entire chain?

I think my biggest take away from this post is that many of you over emphasize /r/conspiracy's place in the world, or even Reddit. By a lot. This place really isn't that influential, even on Reddit, let alone outside it. Yet apparently propaganda firms are spending millions to influence the political narrative on a non political based sub that doesn't even rank in the top 60 for activity or top 100 for user count on the 8th most popular website.

Shills exist sure, but I think it's far more likely you all just hate each other and screaming shill/ctr/medimatters/orange peel is far easier than actually talking.

On ze dot my man.

Anytime a story gains traction and people actually pay an interest the top post is always 'suspicious' activity ban the shills!!

Then you isolate the people you speak to much of about truthing them. Everytime I come into a hot topic the response from regular users is always something along the lines of you don't come here often, you only come to ask questions and you must be a shill.

Fuck right.

When there is a large new story I come here for 'the other side's as a question for clarity and get told to fuck off.

Delusions of grandeur.

I don't want to be disrespectful, please don't interpret this that way. Sorry you're having difficulty, hope you fix it soon. I'm interested in this sub because it represents injustice and gaslighting, two things I abhor and very much want to fight. If we get caught up in infighting, there's no point in being here.

Wish we (the subers) could just hold a vote of no confidence and get rid of every mod and start from scratch.

So.. most business for ppl trying to do what those two you claim did... Yet they remain as you decide what to do...

Were mods told to let shills operately freely?

Nice, I can finally tell /u/fly_tape to fuck himself without worrying about getting banned!

Awww. Did he hurt your fragile ego!!

Found Flytape's alt!

Found another TMOR that got banned.

This entire ordeal exhausted the mod team

Pfft, We took 3 of the nephews camping this past weekend. That was an exhausting ordeal.

lol. OP moderates over 90 subs. Yeah, we can trust


What a surprise. Could not see that one coming.... /s

bring back sarah

Let's read between the lines here a little.

[Sarah_connor does crazy things.]

Ok, we've all known Sarah_conor shouldn't be a mod here for a long time. Bans were going out like this was T_D. I'm happy this insane behavior has been acknowledged by the moderator team.

Flytape has resigned after his attempt to take over the sub from what he felt were hostile forces failed.

These detractors are paranoid and don't agree with the other mods (who haven't been Sarah_connor crazy, at the very least).

The mods, again, want to reiterate our commitment to impartial moderation and the defense of the free exchange of information; however, in situations such as this, it becomes clear that the tactics being deployed on the modern web in the pursuit of information control are growing ever more nuanced and complex.

This sentence speaks novels. These detractors are exercising "information control" for someone. But based on Sarah_connor's crazy behavior (and flytape's paranoia) we know that this means they were diehard pedes. This insane paranoia is a huge part of the Trump fanbase. Go listen to some Mark Levine and hear the insanity that these guys have deluded themselves into believing. They believe that everything taught in schools is bent to a liberal agenda. They believe that the south were the victims of the civil war. It's amazing to listen to Levine because it shows you how completely controlled these people are, and they don't know it.

These detractors have been agents for Trump through idiocy, ignorance and passion. They spread disinfo not because they want to hurt us but because they want to save us... and they're too ignorant to know it.

In that way, we encourage all users to keep an eye on our public mod log as well as meta subreddit threads as they are posted; without your help, there is simply no way we could ever deal with the large influx of outside agitators currently using this subreddit as a battleground.

The use of "outside agitators" I like here because it's not just T_D that brigades here. We've also been brigaded by liberal causes. Because they believe some of the parts of the conspiracy canon, we got along with the T_D folks. We both had a devoted interest in all the Wikileaks stories that the news refused to touch... and we all saw conspiracy grow with agitators from either side because this was the only sub where open conversation was happening about wikileaks.

This entire ordeal exhausted the mod team, and we're sorry that it happened; hopefully the subreddit will be better off going forward, and we hope discussion here will be civil.

The front page already looks better. Thanks. You're doing the right thing.

i removed your comment because its utter bullshit, and you have only a two month old account - where i have been here since 09/16/2006. 11 years

So, unless you unmask - I have higher say in your bullshit accusations.

You removed his comment that didn't violate any rules?

Boooooo. You have no right to mod or judge others. That was a great post, and you are in the wrong. Resign you CON.

Fuck tyranny.

"Waaaahhhhhh waaaahhhhhhh waaaaahhhhhhhh waaaaahhhhhhh" - mods

$5 says OP is somehow affiliated with some intelligence community memetics squad, or an AI

am i being sarcastic? i don't know. it's 2017. everything's all weird nowadays

This sub is dead! The following CST Mods killed it!




The community needs to step up to remove these Mods!

Took ya long enough.

Whatever man. Unless you're duking it out Roman-styled-coliseum-to-the-death, I don't care. Just don't fuck anything else up for the rest of us.

So the mod team for this subreddit got infiltrated by the Illuminati?

This sub is compromised. It's now full of AntiTrump big government shills.

Team CST has taken over fucking the integrity of the sub.




I've been visiting this sub less and less lately.

I think I'm completely done with this sub now.

Let's rename conspiracy to shareblue and be done.

Whatever it takes to make ShareBlue happy guys.

Oh man that thread is gold. Pretty telling how the_dump users post uninfomed opinion as a fact telling everyone who took over.

Admins helped feminazis take over a subreddit. What a great fucking site this is. Fuck you all.

What's this? A"Conspiracy" on the /r/Conspiracy sub.....(grabs popcorn)

/u/flytape was the best moderator on this subreddit.

To me it looks like a power-grab by the new moderators - just super.

I don't trust /u/axolotl_peyotl. As you can see in Sarah's screenshot he removed his/her comment explaining the action, not violating any rule.

Another nail in the coffin of this once worthwhile subreddit.

From the bottom of my heart, a sincere fuck you to the sniveling little cunts over at r/topmindsofreddit who've made it their genuinely pathetic life's work to disrupt and destroy anything resembling the truth.

You realize the mod we voted off the team went into topminds and apologized for failing in his coup?-

Spare me your dramatics. You and every other mod that have been added here over the last few years have been fucking cancer to this sub.

None of you do a thing to combat the obvious subversion that has been growing here.

We literally just stopped an attempted subversion, we also have spent months trying to come up with a solution to the outside brigading problem.

Do you have any suggestions?

Make a political tab so we can avoid all of the apparently allowed politics. It's clear that anything in politics now is considered a conspiracy here.

What if we had a "political" flair, and an option on the sidebar to hide all posts with that flair from view should a user choose to do so?

That sounds like something worth bringing up to the community.

Wow--a constructive idea that might solve some of the issues here. Yes, you should do it. But the fact that it is a viable solution means it won't be done.

Its complex css, but it can be done and I'm willing to put in the effort to learn.

I'm pretty sure we discussed this around the time I was brought on board. I'm totally not looking up that modmail thread.

Oh hey, I'm the 403 explanation guy :)

How you guys doing?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

This sub has been compromised by Reddit talking heads. What the fuck. You mod 90+ subs dude, really?

This sub has been overidden by your classic Reddit Marxist, unsub if you can.

I remember the quaint old days when this subs biggest problem was conspiritard raids. And even back then, this was part of a regular cycle.

For every season, turn turn turn. This sub is a listening post, not a information source.


Yep. I operate under the assumption that that account will not intervene ever. We've had to ask the admins doe help twice in two weeks now with still not a peep from IW.

Hey random comment aside, you, and Axol are my favorite mods. Thanks for what you guys do


without trying to sound dumb. You don't state a case and come to a decision based on a reason other than this rule because he didn't explain himself. i'd be interested to know what was being supposed there.
"Sarah_connor then never appeared in the slack." - This is interesting

I edited my post because I didn't want it to be deleted for violation of rule 10. If you want to post anti-semetic propaganda with zero evidence or facts you and sarah_connor can go back to t_d. Those posts were clearly a rule violation and sarah_connors inaction spoke volumes to the type of moderator and the type of content that he allowed to be brigaded on this sub. Let alone staging a coup and kicking out all of the other moderators. Good riddance.

Absolutely no doubt, been nice knowing the sub.

So given that the runner of the team on Slack can see the IPs and devices that are logged on to the app, and Sarah_Connor didn't join themselves, is it possible that forcing the mods to join Slack was an attempt to gather IPs for a doxxing attempt on that would of been planned later?

How does it look like that? Where was anyone trying to change mods except SC being voted off?

yeah it was talked about when they faked it being taken down. what wasnt discussed was the fact that they faked taking it down for sympathy while they applied their new update.

You say this as if the mod team isn't already compromised. The older mods of /r/conspiracy need a bit more securitization and it's good to see that the mods that actually care about the sub are rooting out those with their own agendas.

Not sure what you mean?

This is a bucket of shit. If someone throws shit at us, we throw shit back at them. We start a shit fight. We throw so much shit back at them that they can't pick up shit, they can't throw shit, they can't do shit.

-- Glenn Cullen

Weird, because I was just in the thread about Obama's pardons and it is being swarmed with folks insisting that conspiracy is indeed political.

Maybe he/she received threats or even something worse has happened

The line between conspiracy and politics gets drawn when the post becomes biased towards a political affiliation(from the start) or the parties arguing refuse to exhibit actual critical thinking and dismiss half the argument before hearing it.

Is there a reason you think this should be a rule violation and not a reason to downvote comments of that nature?

No, this is what it looks like whe n SB or the government takes over this sub.

The manipulation of social media is not a conspiracy. CTR, Shareblue, and Media Matters openly brag about their success in manipulating these platforms. These forces are definitely at work here. The question is: What are they trying to steer us away from?

I don't trust you for a second.

You didn't really answer my question. And the person I'm really biased against is Trump and his administration because I believe he or they are party of a massive conspiracy and corruption.

I haven't really attacked the Republican Party much have I?

Says the guy added as a mod 18 hours ago. Go fuck yourself ShareBlue

You must be joking. Anyone with left leaning views has been viscously attacked and accused of being a shill for the last year. So over it.

Fair enough.

Cheers 🍻

Who are you?

Funny, I would have said you were an inside-the-box thinker whose political/social biases make them extremely selective in what they choose to believe...and not believe.

That's because you make biased judgements of people based on emotion instead of reason. No offence intended, just something I've observed about you over the time I've been on this sub.

I also find it pretty ridiculous that you couldn't respond to the point I was making before, so instead chose to make a personal attack against me and question my motives.

Just more intellectual laziness, I suppose.

So, did this comment cross the line? I know you are allowed to attack users, but are they allowed to defend themselves?

Retaliation against mod voting is and has been expicitly against the rules, for good and obvious reasons.

Not sure if you know this or not, but Sarah Connor vanished from reddit after a very strange post about turning themselves into the FBI... Erased all their comments and just, poof. Then just like that, they were back and ready to mod again after like a year.

Flytape has seemingly gone out of his way many times trying to make this sub look bad.

Neither of them are above suspicion.

There's no reason for me to believe that. Doesn't mean it's not true, but I don't know why you would expect anybody to believe that you have been around here for more than a few months.


I fooled by a prawn once under the sea....

I don't waste my time with people who can't be reasoned with. I've been down that path with TRC far too many times.

And you have no evidence for that claim.

I know im a real person, you can digg in, theres OC posted in my youtube.

Seems like to me that flytape had the right of it, thats theres an effort to flip this sub by wholelly replacing the organic base with a massive brigade unit masquerading as the "original" conspiracy users.

I know I PERMANENTLY vacated R/politics and many others did after the DNC nomination. Thats why this is happening now I think. People lost faith in r/politics. You think letting the replace brigade will help this subreddit? I think not

I've vacated politics, but that was the goal of shareblue. This is the new form of censorship.

Who moderates the moderators? Who administers the admins? Who uses the users? Who creates the creator?


What's scary to me is TMOR taking over subreddits and making them private.

the question remains. why is sarah still mod?

Okay cool. I'll just continue making this public.

Or more real people disagree with you than agree. That's possible too. And that more real people have felt like this sub, over the last 1.5 years, became more overtly right wing than in the past, and specifically pro Trump. And now the facade is being removed. Just because a majority opinion is different from yours doesn't mean that the majority opinion isn't astroturfed. It's possible, but you speak as if it's an evident truth. It's not. People may just disagree with you.

Hahaha wow okay. I love the victimization complex users here put themselves into regarding that sub. It literally exists to point out dumb shit people said. I would think people should be more concerned about not saying dumb shit than being made fun of elsewhere on Reddit.

hard to click the right ones.

Links to CNN are banned, I didn't lie prof.

posting in conspiracy

only talking shit about one side of the political spectrum

Yeah you aren't very good at this. You probably don't care though do you? Lol

Um why would any conspiracy theorist be a democrat? Dems want more government with more control and Republicans want smaller government with less control.