So I've run a test lately: bash Google as much as I can. Yup, sure enough my entire history got downvoted to oblivion. Comments which once had 25+ upvotes are now negative, everything in my history downvoted.... Sigh...

35  2012-04-26 by [deleted]


I just read your comments. Hardly downvoted into oblivion. and only the comments were you saying fuck this, and fuck that did you get heavily downvoted. Sounds to me like they just thought you were trolling.

Edit: This comment has gotten 93 upvotes and 69 downvotes. For incorrect/inaccurate information on google's stance on CISPA I might add.

After Google played a central role rallying the public against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), the House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Mike Rogers (R – MI) claims that Google is secretly supporting the bill many are calling “SOPA 2.”

Summary: GOP chair says Google helped with unprecedented snooping bill CISPA, widely opposed by organizations and individuals alike.

Google has admitted that it is lobbying on the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), The Hill has learned, but the company is not saying what position it is taking. Therefore, it is difficult to parse what effect its lobbying may have.

True, but redditors are usually sticklers for details like whether or not they actually publicly support it or not. Their position is not clear although actions speak louder than words. So all in all you are correct, but the devil is in the details.


My bad if I misinterpreted.


I mean what do you expect? The only people who ever visit r/google are probably google fanboys, so I can understand downvotes for talking bad about the whole point of their sub, which is to circle jerk each other about google services. I mean if you came here and started telling everyone that conspiracy theories are stupid you would get downvoted here too. Sorry if I came off as rude just keepin it real.

Lol someone is a little paranoid!


paranoia in /conspiracy?

not plausible

One of my posts criticized the big G and didn't do any worse than most my other comments

Aswas comments on Is it possible for all of Reddit to simply boycott Google and make a dent?

If I came into /r/conspiracy and started calling people who believe in chemtrails a bunch of simplistic delusional whackjobs I would fully expect to be downvoted.

Likewise, if you visit a forum in which the prime focus is a narrow area of knowledge and you go in there being overwhelmingly negative towards that subject, then it's generally human nature that the "locals" will regard you as probably being a troll, and downvote you accordingly.

There's legions of them. Good experiment, though I would've used a vanity account.


You've got my upvote. More power to you.

It's hard out therefor a Prima Donna

Thats not surprise, everytime i say something they dont like they go through all my comments and downvote every last one. As if i care.

CRY A LITTLE MORE, PLEASE. Jesus. Who cares?

Nice test soldier. Fuck 'em.

So what are you implying here? That Google has a team of people and or dev's creating bots crawling reddit (and presumably other social media sites) searching out negative comments and down voting them accordingly? And you have come to this conclusion based on your shitty ill-informed comments getting down voted? Yeah, ok.

Google does suck. They should have stuck with their search engine. Their other products blow.

While Google does totally blow (cause all monopolies do) their products are usually second to none. They can afford to have the best in the business, and they do. FF is not better than Chrome (accept for the plugins), and nothing compares to Google Earth.

Chrome gmail and blogger blow. Accept it.

Here's my opinion. It should also be your opinion and everyone else's opinion.


Actually I think you are on to something here.

People will not compete with you if you don't make much of your own cleverness.

Google = shit eating, Zionist, manipulative monopoly.

Screw them (though I will continue use their products).

Yes, google is out to get you...